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ToZ - Section Update: The Afterlife

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings everyone,

As promised I am working extensively in updating the Temple of Zeus and bringing all the knowledge to elevated status. Every update you see with extensive information, I write this and is the product of meticulous research and work with the Gods, to create unalienable and eternal truths a part of our knowledge.

There are certain of you who doubt or have concerns. This doubt can come merely from lack of knowledge, since when and if it existed, the consistency and reality of everything would be undeniable; this is the knowledge of the Ancients which was well known to Initiates. The knowledge and power will speak for themselves, it will be like nothing you seen before in your life.

I am about to dwarf everything you thought you knew and carry the work of our family and our Gods to a whole new level. The path has been opened and now we are moving forward. Our Ancients are going to be proud of us all.

When this is done, we will be having a perfected system with which not a single letter will require any change. It will be there, for humanity to proceed all the way from today to 10 thousand years from now.

You will gain clarity and power that does not compare to whatever we had before. Things will make total sense; no questions will be left. The left hand path and all these things will increasingly look like a joke of children to you, very soon and you will understand that they are very far from truth and spirituality at the core of it.

The true power of the Gods and their knowledge will come through and the enemy's influences will be eradicated, the Gods rising in full glory with their knowledge. Below, are the pages of the Updates.

Blessings to TG Apollo Above for helping with the technical aspect of the updates.

New Update: https://templeofzeus.org/Afterlife_Info

In this section you will find these articles:

The Four Domains Of The Afterlife - https://templeofzeus.org/4Domains
Tartarus: Domain of Retribution - https://templeofzeus.org/Tartarus
About our Afterlife: Zevists - https://templeofzeus.org/Afterlife

Death, Hell & the Afterlife – Direct Experience by HPS Maxine - https://templeofzeus.org/DeathHellAfterlife
Ghosts - Direct Experience by HPS Maxine - https://templeofzeus.org/Ghosts.php
Necromancy & Zevist Afterlife - Explained by High Priest Hooded Cobra -
Thank you really!
Great works are ahead, make sure to keep up with everything, everyone! 💙
Great news HP, we are happy for such things!✨⭐⚡
One of the strongest signs I ever received from the Gods was when I asked if they would protect the souls of those I loved when they pass, the energy response I recieved as answer to that question was immense and I actually entered the deepest level of trance instantly with my eyes open and sitting up, and I knew beyond all shadow of a doubt that my families souls would be safe.

The caretaking of the souls of the families of Zevists is something the Gods take very seriously, and nobody should be worried in this regard, as HPHC relates in these updates us and our loved ones are given special considerations by the Gods.

Thank you for these updates HPHC very enlightening.

Two small things however.
1. https://templeofzeus.org/4Domains "Elysium, often referred to as the Elysian Fields, was the final resting place of themost virtuous and heroic souls" has a small typo
2. https://templeofzeus.org/Tartarus "who deny human sacrifices to the letter and wouldn ever accept any such behaviors." another small typo.

Not trying to nitpick, I love the information and how it is presented, I am only trying to help.
One of the strongest signs I ever received from the Gods was when I asked if they would protect the souls of those I loved when they pass, the energy response I recieved as answer to that question was immense and I actually entered the deepest level of trance instantly with my eyes open and sitting up, and I knew beyond all shadow of a doubt that my families souls would be safe.

The caretaking of the souls of the families of Zevists is something the Gods take very seriously, and nobody should be worried in this regard, as HPHC relates in these updates us and our loved ones are given special considerations by the Gods.

Thank you for these updates HPHC very enlightening.

Two small things however.
1. https://templeofzeus.org/4Domains "Elysium, often referred to as the Elysian Fields, was the final resting place of themost virtuous and heroic souls" has a small typo
2. https://templeofzeus.org/Tartarus "who deny human sacrifices to the letter and wouldn ever accept any such behaviors." another small typo.

Not trying to nitpick, I love the information and how it is presented, I am only trying to help.

1. We will include about our family members and other people who are good in the Afterlife section, I will add one more article about this topic. Yes, our people ARE helped and assisted by the Gods. When a family member dedicated to the Gods, and becomes an Initiate, all their bloodline is blessed, not only themselves. The ignorant people around us, indirectly receive a blessing, since the bloodline has produced a pious individual.

2. THANK YOU!!! Yes, I write these by hand and therefore there can be editing mistakes. Thanks to TG Power of Justice, these will be edited. We NEED these to be reported. Perfection is what we are after.

Keep the positive vibes coming everyone, we are on a roll! Blessings to all, may the power of the Gods bless you.
Greetings everyone,

As promised I am working extensively in updating the Temple of Zeus and bringing all the knowledge to elevated status. Every update you see with extensive information, I write this and is the product of meticulous research and work with the Gods, to create unalienable and eternal truths a part of our knowledge.

There are certain of you who doubt or have concerns. This doubt can come merely from lack of knowledge, since when and if it existed, the consistency and reality of everything would be undeniable; this is the knowledge of the Ancients which was well known to Initiates. The knowledge and power will speak for themselves, it will be like nothing you seen before in your life.

I am about to dwarf everything you thought you knew and carry the work of our family and our Gods to a whole new level. The path has been opened and now we are moving forward. Our Ancients are going to be proud of us all.

When this is done, we will be having a perfected system with which not a single letter will require any change. It will be there, for humanity to proceed all the way from today to 10 thousand years from now.

You will gain clarity and power that does not compare to whatever we had before. Things will make total sense; no questions will be left. The left hand path and all these things will increasingly look like a joke of children to you, very soon and you will understand that they are very far from truth and spirituality at the core of it.

The true power of the Gods and their knowledge will come through and the enemy's influences will be eradicated, the Gods rising in full glory with their knowledge. Below, are the pages of the Updates.

Blessings to TG Apollo Above for helping with the technical aspect of the updates.
I'm excited HPHC. Thank you so much! For everything. I feel like the sun is rising, more and more every day.☀️
Thank you for explaining more on necromancy, Ive had many experiences with ghosts and as a result this has always fascinated me and is the reason I started researching the occult in the first place.

also there are some spelling mistakes in “about the afterlife: punishments & Tartarus“

Line 13: Here, on the false programs of fear, we have a stromg contrast

2nd last paragraph: who deny human sacrifices to the letter and wouldn ever accept any such behaviors
Greetings everyone,

As promised I am working extensively in updating the Temple of Zeus and bringing all the knowledge to elevated status. Every update you see with extensive information, I write this and is the product of meticulous research and work with the Gods, to create unalienable and eternal truths a part of our knowledge.

There are certain of you who doubt or have concerns. This doubt can come merely from lack of knowledge, since when and if it existed, the consistency and reality of everything would be undeniable; this is the knowledge of the Ancients which was well known to Initiates. The knowledge and power will speak for themselves, it will be like nothing you seen before in your life.

I am about to dwarf everything you thought you knew and carry the work of our family and our Gods to a whole new level. The path has been opened and now we are moving forward. Our Ancients are going to be proud of us all.

When this is done, we will be having a perfected system with which not a single letter will require any change. It will be there, for humanity to proceed all the way from today to 10 thousand years from now.

You will gain clarity and power that does not compare to whatever we had before. Things will make total sense; no questions will be left. The left hand path and all these things will increasingly look like a joke of children to you, very soon and you will understand that they are very far from truth and spirituality at the core of it.

The true power of the Gods and their knowledge will come through and the enemy's influences will be eradicated, the Gods rising in full glory with their knowledge. Below, are the pages of the Updates.

Blessings to TG Apollo Above for helping with the technical aspect of the updates.
This is a Great Update (y)

I've read the sections, i will reflect about the afterlife, there's really a lot of information that needs to be rethought.
When this is done, we will be having a perfected system with which not a single letter will require any change. It will be there, for humanity to proceed all the way from today to 10 thousand years from now.

You will gain clarity and power that does not compare to whatever we had before. Things will make total sense; no questions will be left.

Thank you for aspiring to this ideal. I hope with all my heart that it is achieved.

2. THANK YOU!!! Yes, I write these by hand and therefore there can be editing mistakes. Thanks to TG Power of Justice, these will be edited. We NEED these to be reported. Perfection is what we are after.

"On the contrary, pacifism can be offensive to the Gods where for example, massive breaches of justice and the cosmic order are required."

Sounds confsing.

"where for example, massive breaches of justice and the cosmic order have occured." ?

Is that what it was meant to say?

"they are treated as loved students for the Gods for embarking in this process"
"by the Gods for embarking in this process"

"On one hand, the Gods protect their people who Initaited"


I might be wrong on these last three but they feel more right to me as a native English speaker.

"The Zevist must live their life and not avoid life and existence, but rather, embark life with Bravery."
"The Zevist must live their life and not avoid life and existence, but rather, embark on life with Bravery."

"Lastly, there is a category of people who might engage in utmost evil or corruption."
"Lastly, there is a category of people who might engage in the utmost evil or corruption."

"unless there is very justice oriented incentive to do such."
"unless there is a very justice oriented incentive to do such."

Hopefully I've helped,
Oh, I bet some kosherfckers will be oyveying and kvetching and whatnot - but they are irrelevant.

Eager to read about it I am :D
One of the strongest signs I ever received from the Gods was when I asked if they would protect the souls of those I loved when they pass, the energy response I recieved as answer to that question was immense and I actually entered the deepest level of trance instantly with my eyes open and sitting up, and I knew beyond all shadow of a doubt that my families souls would be safe.

The caretaking of the souls of the families of Zevists is something the Gods take very seriously, and nobody should be worried in this regard, as HPHC relates in these updates us and our loved ones are given special considerations by the Gods.

Thank you for these updates HPHC very enlightening.

Two small things however.
1. https://templeofzeus.org/4Domains "Elysium, often referred to as the Elysian Fields, was the final resting place of themost virtuous and heroic souls" has a small typo
2. https://templeofzeus.org/Tartarus "who deny human sacrifices to the letter and wouldn ever accept any such behaviors." another small typo.

Not trying to nitpick, I love the information and how it is presented, I am only trying to help.

Here, on the false programs of fear, we have a stromg contrast against the claims of the enemy which, if taken literally and to the letter, will have the striking majority of humanity or 99.8% of them going all to “Hell” for being “Punished for all eternity.”

Greetings everyone,

As promised I am working extensively in updating the Temple of Zeus and bringing all the knowledge to elevated status. Every update you see with extensive information, I write this and is the product of meticulous research and work with the Gods, to create unalienable and eternal truths a part of our knowledge.

There are certain of you who doubt or have concerns. This doubt can come merely from lack of knowledge, since when and if it existed, the consistency and reality of everything would be undeniable; this is the knowledge of the Ancients which was well known to Initiates. The knowledge and power will speak for themselves, it will be like nothing you seen before in your life.

I am about to dwarf everything you thought you knew and carry the work of our family and our Gods to a whole new level. The path has been opened and now we are moving forward. Our Ancients are going to be proud of us all.

When this is done, we will be having a perfected system with which not a single letter will require any change. It will be there, for humanity to proceed all the way from today to 10 thousand years from now.

You will gain clarity and power that does not compare to whatever we had before. Things will make total sense; no questions will be left. The left hand path and all these things will increasingly look like a joke of children to you, very soon and you will understand that they are very far from truth and spirituality at the core of it.

The true power of the Gods and their knowledge will come through and the enemy's influences will be eradicated, the Gods rising in full glory with their knowledge. Below, are the pages of the Updates.

Blessings to TG Apollo Above for helping with the technical aspect of the updates.
I was wonder what is the allegory for the Hecatoncheri (if I wrote that right, the 3 beings with 50 heads and 100 arms)?
They are also in the Tartarus as guards.

On one hand, the Gods protect their people who Initaited and progressively, as one advances, they accept them love them. This love is the most valid love in existence, and is always in good will. They therefore, guide while one is alive, so they can evolve, empower and exist. Your Guardian Daemon is responsible to help show you how you will evolve in your life, in all areas of both material and spiritual life.

Thank you, High Priest!!

I wanted to ask - do "family members" who have wronged a Zevist in their childhood by abusing either physically or sexually or whatever, do they go to Tartarus for that after they pass on?
Greetings everyone,

As promised I am working extensively in updating the Temple of Zeus and bringing all the knowledge to elevated status. Every update you see with extensive information, I write this and is the product of meticulous research and work with the Gods, to create unalienable and eternal truths a part of our knowledge.

There are certain of you who doubt or have concerns. This doubt can come merely from lack of knowledge, since when and if it existed, the consistency and reality of everything would be undeniable; this is the knowledge of the Ancients which was well known to Initiates. The knowledge and power will speak for themselves, it will be like nothing you seen before in your life.

I am about to dwarf everything you thought you knew and carry the work of our family and our Gods to a whole new level. The path has been opened and now we are moving forward. Our Ancients are going to be proud of us all.

When this is done, we will be having a perfected system with which not a single letter will require any change. It will be there, for humanity to proceed all the way from today to 10 thousand years from now.

You will gain clarity and power that does not compare to whatever we had before. Things will make total sense; no questions will be left. The left hand path and all these things will increasingly look like a joke of children to you, very soon and you will understand that they are very far from truth and spirituality at the core of it.

The true power of the Gods and their knowledge will come through and the enemy's influences will be eradicated, the Gods rising in full glory with their knowledge. Below, are the pages of the Updates.

Blessings to TG Apollo Above for helping with the technical aspect of the updates.
Thanks it sounds like wonderful news
I love the changes AWESOME! !!
Hail Zues and the Gods! !!
I'm glad you cleared this up. I remember there being a discrepancy in the description of the afterlife after the big website change.

I stumbled upon this forum months ago, but only recently started to take it seriously with meditations, learning, and such. The other day, I was hit was a feeling of fear of hell, of being damned. I was not raised religious and I've never had that feeling before. It didn't make sense to me that a righteous all-forgiving God would threaten me for attempting to progress myself spiritually and morally. It's insane to believe a 'good' God would behave like a tyrant.
1. We will include about our family members and other people who are good in the Afterlife section, I will add one more article about this topic. Yes, our people ARE helped and assisted by the Gods. When a family member dedicated to the Gods, and becomes an Initiate, all their bloodline is blessed, not only themselves. The ignorant people around us, indirectly receive a blessing, since the bloodline has produced a pious individual.

2. THANK YOU!!! Yes, I write these by hand and therefore there can be editing mistakes. Thanks to TG Power of Justice, these will be edited. We NEED these to be reported. Perfection is what we are after.

Keep the positive vibes coming everyone, we are on a roll! Blessings to all, may the power of the Gods bless you.
Positive energy and always and
may you be blessed too!!
Hail Zues and the Gods !!!!!
Greetings everyone,

As promised I am working extensively in updating the Temple of Zeus and bringing all the knowledge to elevated status. Every update you see with extensive information, I write this and is the product of meticulous research and work with the Gods, to create unalienable and eternal truths a part of our knowledge.

There are certain of you who doubt or have concerns. This doubt can come merely from lack of knowledge, since when and if it existed, the consistency and reality of everything would be undeniable; this is the knowledge of the Ancients which was well known to Initiates. The knowledge and power will speak for themselves, it will be like nothing you seen before in your life.

I am about to dwarf everything you thought you knew and carry the work of our family and our Gods to a whole new level. The path has been opened and now we are moving forward. Our Ancients are going to be proud of us all.

When this is done, we will be having a perfected system with which not a single letter will require any change. It will be there, for humanity to proceed all the way from today to 10 thousand years from now.

You will gain clarity and power that does not compare to whatever we had before. Things will make total sense; no questions will be left. The left hand path and all these things will increasingly look like a joke of children to you, very soon and you will understand that they are very far from truth and spirituality at the core of it.

The true power of the Gods and their knowledge will come through and the enemy's influences will be eradicated, the Gods rising in full glory with their knowledge. Below, are the pages of the Updates.

Blessings to TG Apollo Above for helping with the technical aspect of the updates.
I think I want to go to Hades!!
Love the changes there really good.
Thank you most Glorious and Esteemed High Priest Hooded Cobra! I look forward eagerly to this magnificent and enormous benefic changes! It is my highest and most glorious honor to be part of all this with you, all Zevists, and our Gods here. Temple of Zeus and being a warrior of Zeus is my life’s purpose and I thank you so much for revealing this to me! I stand forever with Temple of Zeus and follow your leadership as we advance spiritually arm in arm with our Gods and Eachother!!
Ave Zeus Aeternum ad Infinitum!

PS: very excited for the new ritual(s) and schedule you mentioned
One of the strongest signs I ever received from the Gods was when I asked if they would protect the souls of those I loved when they pass, the energy response I recieved as answer to that question was immense and I actually entered the deepest level of trance instantly with my eyes open and sitting up, and I knew beyond all shadow of a doubt that my families souls would be safe.

The caretaking of the souls of the families of Zevists is something the Gods take very seriously, and nobody should be worried in this regard, as HPHC relates in these updates us and our loved ones are given special considerations by the Gods.

Thank you for these updates HPHC very enlightening.

Two small things however.
1. https://templeofzeus.org/4Domains "Elysium, often referred to as the Elysian Fields, was the final resting place of themost virtuous and heroic souls" has a small typo
2. https://templeofzeus.org/Tartarus "who deny human sacrifices to the letter and wouldn ever accept any such behaviors." another small typo.

Not trying to nitpick, I love the information and how it is presented, I am only trying to help.
I can relate to you brother as I had an almost identical experience myself! I won’t mention all the details here, but it was irrefutable proof.
I hope everyone loved the content, any edit related errors or unclear words will be rectified. Thank you for this. We have the best community.
I hope everyone loved the content, any edit related errors or unclear words will be rectified. Thank you for this. We have the best community.
The content was great, it helped me learn a lot about the afterlife! It also confirmed one of my experiences that I had in a vivid dream. I was on a very dark beach with a bunch of random people who I never met before and there was a demonic blue light illuminating the sky where the sun would usually be. After reading this information it appears HPS Maxine had a similar experience and this was a realm of Hades.
If there are only two certainties in life: "Death and Taxes". It's important to know beforehand where we're heading. And make arrangements in due time.
What is concerning is this "artificial light of the enemy", So to not go into the tunnel of light?
From my understanding there is a hierarchy in everything, so most likely there is a hierarchy in all these places.

But what about races? Is there a different level for all of them? I mean, they dwell in different racial energies.

About other planets, it was said that there are other planets of the Gods where humans live. About afterlife, are they put all in the same place, or they have different places for all the groups?
What is concerning is this "artificial light of the enemy", So to not go into the tunnel of light?
There is no concern because we are ultimately taken care of by Deities.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
