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To Young Men In The Forum

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Many of you around the age of 15-20, are experiencing a lot of personality issues which you don't understand are normal but these are.

At this age you are not a complete man. In fact, you are likely a heap of ruins. The first violent reactions you will have against yourself is when you start understanding this very thing around this age.

You cannot reasonably expect to be anything but yet another simpleton in this age, and I don't say this to offend you, but I just mention this as a realistic fact. Even prodigy children are only prodigy personalities on specific tasks.

Chances are overwhelming your finances suck or that they aren't that good, and love life is likely in ruins. You might also experience an array of social and other problems that are big, and without the proper guidance to solve these, likely getting bigger with seemingly no escape.

Unless you belong in some sort of exceptional category of rich parents, or you have a name on you, or you have saved your school from a large fire, you likely go around unnoticed and experience cruelty from the world that you don't understand why.

Women in general will go with older dudes and you will scratch your head as to why they fuck disease ridden DJ's or who knows what.

I have good news for those below the age of 20, at this age, just with daring and having a motorcycle or something basic like that, looking reasonably fine, being a little smarter or pretending to be, and basic social skills, you will get a girl.

Therefore, do not despair. If not then, then later, you can have a leverage after you have built yourself further and looking downwards.

You likely have 500 areas you can improve on right now, and that's actually a good thing. After you comprehend around 500 areas are lacking, you will see that most of them aren't really truly needed to do well in life or to live a proper existence. Then, you will start finding as time goes you only really needed improvement in 5 categories in life to have an excellent life.

By improving on only 5, you will understand what a blessing it is to be a man. By not improving on even 5, the universe has curses and plight and infinite pain prepared for males who don't do this, and therefore I cannot tell you to engage in that stupidity.

Now, further, no matter one's age, self acceptance is very important here. One must be willing to accept one's self for better or for worse. Instead of beating yourself with a stick all day long, or whine like incels do in forums, you must finally face these difficulties and seek to improve in these 5 areas.

5 areas could be as simple as going to the gym, dieting properly, meditating daily, and doing something good for your career future. These by themselves will set straight many other issues by default. So suddenly the 500 problems will appear to be way less.

If you are a good and proper male in some area, there are likely many areas you are still lacking in, and these can have abysmal gaps into them.

If you can see the abysmal gaps this means you have self awareness, in contrast to those who have no clue that these even exist.

For example, if you are famous or talented, maybe you are broke, and if you are famous, talented and rich, maybe you will have other problems plaguing in your life.

The life of a male in contrast to that of a female has a lot of war inside it, men also enter into a form of an unforgiving game of life, in that if we fuck up, then we have fucked up and we must usher our powers to get out of the hole.

There is no Romeo that is coming to save you, and even if a woman does that, she will not tolerate you on the gutter of existence. To hold no exceptions here as rules, that is the case.

The major aspect of this is also internal, as men are tormented by drives and emotions that if left unchecked can actually start whipping you into oblivion. Void meditation and inner knowledge is paramount here. Men going to prison, getting fucked, becoming ruined, is everyday reality out there, because of no education and no knowledge.

But I have some very good news, and some news others won't want to hear. The reality is that for many of you, you will notice rectification of these issues by applying JoS knowledge and also living life and trying your best. It may take a while. Don't act like the world is ending right now.

But in your 30's, 35's and 40's, or even 50's, you will be a far more clarified and sane person, on far more ease with yourself. Many confidence issues will likely settle down as time goes same as your self awareness of your self image and where you are in the world.

When you are very young, you have no clue what the fuck is going on. Many immature people maintain the same problem as they grow too, due to not much friction with the realistic existence of life. Try to not be one of them.

You cannot expect to be any of the following at that age: A supreme mystic, a billionaire businessman, Mozart, the head of the military in your country, elected president, a complete philosophical man who is in full content with himself, wrong-less and blameless like a Yogi, supreme divine commander, what have you.

Yet, here are more good news: You can actually become an ever better version of yourself if you set this early in your mind and walk to this.

You can't even expect reasonably 10% of this at this age. If you are at 1% of this, then you are already doing GREAT. Does that sound insane? Yes, only 1% is required at a young age. 5% is even more miraculous.

That is fully delusional and heaping upon yourself more of these irrational demands, will drive you progressively insane and into a constant feeling that you are never enough. As most Satanists also are focused on development, it's advisable to not allow the traps and snares of time to dictate to you your existence.

Expecting 100% and not doing steps for 1% is what will jeopardize your whole journey.

Lastly, you have not everything figured out and it's part of growing into adulthood to understand and start becoming more comfortable in the situation of accepting life as is, and also accepting the fact that not everything will be figured out immediately. Things will make you question life and question what you know, if you are honest with yourself. And that's great.

As one grows you will see there is a lot of work to be done and that nothing was "supposed" to happen by default. We men have to be actors on our own self to sculpt ourselves step by step, and none of this happens automatically.

Look in the future with confidence and with a sigh of relief and never believe in penultimate perfection of other men, let alone those who pretend they have this by default, for only the wise have dug beneath the ground to find the truth and see the length of the path to personal growth and development.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great post for the young guys here. But, its also my wish for those with partners who are not SS, to share their advice and guidance and also potential challenges.
I know that sometimes it’s difficult to get a wife or husband who is a SS, so i’d like to know how to deal with those situations and how those in these relationships are dealing with these situations.

I love these type of sermons.

Yes, even getting into my mid 20s I look back at my 19 year old self and cringe, not saying I have it all figured out, but I am a lot more "in my own" than ever before. Satanism is the prime catalyst of this.
My only problem around that age was that I tried to act and be what I was not, instead of accepting myself. I could've saved myself from some depression. Fortunately with the Gods I got out of that limbo.

Also to those who go to school but don't put in the effort: the pain of the stress that you heap upon yourself by not studying is much bigger than the "pain" of actually being a good student.
HP, what's the 5th one? Is fucking? :D
You said : meditation, going to the gym(fitness), proper diet, and doing something for career and future.
That's 4.

Thank you!
Wonderful sermon, things really take time, you should take the baby steps before thinking of taking the bigger steps. Most young people want to take the bigger steps first because they 're few compared to the baby steps which are many and vital and take the most time and energy. Also trying to seek perfectionism in almost everything you'll end up having it in none
Excellent post, HP. Alot of boys/young men need to hear this.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Look in the future with confidence and with a sigh of relief and never believe in penultimate perfection of other men, let alone those who pretend they have this by default, for only the wise have dug beneath the ground to find the truth and see the length of the path to personal growth and development.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
True. As the saying goes, those who know don't talk and those who talk don't know. The more one boasts their capabilities, the less capable they are. In the digital age, there are fakes and phonies abound, social media pressures people to be extremely vain and exaggerate their appeal and sweep their shortcomings under the rug to feel and seem like they're in the same league as all the others. Or better than others.

One shouldn't pretend to be something they're not. They're liable to get tested by someone who is that. Authenticity and humility are some of the most respectable things. But it's better to be humble than to be humbled.
A truly great post! I think all this applies on certain extent even for those above twenties. Also there's this arrogant statement of " that boy is too mature for his age ", but they need to understand that one could have a super iq, but if he's still 15-17 or whatever, he still has a lot to learn. Experiences and objectives views will help you to not fall on the "know-it-all" side. DO NOT be ashamed of acknowledge you don't know how to act in certain situation, or if your knowledge lack on certain topics, cause you will learn with time if you're willing to, lying to yourself will never help you out. Knowledge rewards those who approach and take care of it.
I want to add something here as your sermon is a deeply profound understanding of this subject.

Many White men in particular do not understand a large portion of us came from lifetimes of being separated from women in dire circumstances, even if this wasn't life-long.

This was through the church's vile oblate system that consisted of kidnapping male children and making them into monks who never even saw a female, living the life of a soldier or mercenary, men being tethered to trades where encountering women wasn't common, being put down the mines or sequestered into a factory, boys dying at the boarding school before maturity, abomination circumstances such as the desexed opera singers, men blown up, burned, mustard gassed and so on.

Some were also recently incarnated around the Pluto in Taurus (height of the Victorian era) or Pluto in Cancer (the 1930s-1950s) transit, where a lot of this domesticity with women, other than some safety issues and the possibility of being destroyed in mass conflict, was more easy mode. A few may have even been incarnated from Pluto in Leo to Pluto in Libra, the paradigm of the late Silents to Gen X, the era of 'free love' and easy sexuality. (That era is now definitively over...)

These eras are not the average case for sex relations under the enemy, many acrimonious elements between the sexes have emerged, the free for all of invaders has been sprung onto us, social media panopticon is forcing us all to look at things constantly that we'd never be exposed to in 100 years before, manifesting pseudo-trans fetishes such as aroused by being the idea of a woman as 'identity' is considered a viable route to social success, pornography and the parasocial industry have become mass phenomena, and so forth.

Therefore obviously some men are completely confused in the 'new normal' and struggling to adapt, as this is nothing their soul has ever been in contact with. Not to mention, the reptiles and their wormtongued traitor assistants are always threatening White men with jail full of foreigners if they act like... White men and 'manspread', 'mansplain' or some bullshit.

Some men here are actually new souls and don't know much regarding either sex in general.

So do not get dejected if things don't work out immediately when you're only 18. This is a subject that is more difficult than those who push the idea of 'only one life to live under yhvh' and so on think. It frequently involves a lot of past life issues.
i am the target of the post, i have an extra “right” to comment :D

my thoughts and observations here i feel like an hour to relieve myself by asking deities, i will probably do

there is no proportionality between an 18y man and an 18y woman

current women, i don't know shit, or if it's always been like this, they look for, like, a partner who is at least 2x more than them, even if the only thing they have that's special and OFFER, is simply them as beings, without any bonus to have a cheerful behavior, good conversation, posture, nice skills
looking for a complete savior man without adding absolutely anything to the other's life, like a girl without much beauty or ugliness, being worthy of the looks of a very well educated porsche owner as the prince of their lives
(complete delirium, but more likely to happen than a man in the same conditions)

and the average man, neither ugly nor handsome, at the very least has to be spectacular in something cool to have natural decencies like a person who was simply born female, grow REALLY, some kind of POWER, MONEY, to $tand out much more

i wonder, if it's like in nature, like natural selection, and also a KILLER and cruel incentive for the male to have the incentive to grow a lot and balance things out

my personal experience, only after i started making money and being way above average did i feel like a PERSON in the eyes of others, because i thought i had some kind of guilt and i already felt bad about it, but the only thing that i had no use

(my growth and prominence outside the curve, is the responsibility of at least 95% of the satanic knowledge and application of it)

I'm not incel, I don't hate women or anything, this could be very controversial, if I had it on twitter or any other retarded network, but we are on the ancient forums, in my view, if how strong in power, financial or otherwise, is an essential parameter for most women, it doesn't come out in my head that many look like bitches
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
and into a constant feeling that you are never enough
Well, fuck me. I'm in my 40's and still haven't got it all figured out. :lol:

So, fellas, don't despair. You HAVE to do your very own homework daily, I mean meditations, cleanings, personal workings etc. Otherwise, goy life happens and before you know it, you are in your 60's and discover that your life still sucks :evil: .

Inspiring sermon, I appreciate it.
Hard pill to swallow. However, magick will skyrocket anyone in life compared to everyone else who isn't doing magick.
Well I'm 25 and going through some hard times right now. I remember your sermon on accepting ones self. That helps me a lot. Am I bodybuiler? No. Am I a decent looking guy who takes care of myself? Yes. Am I a perfect SS who does everything spiritually I should do? No. But I do a lot and know I will continue growing. I know I have to accept where I am and just do what I can to keep advancing. I also remember you said "Calm down desire and allow it too to marvel at the infinity of the higher powers and the Gods." Meditating on that statement alone brings much clarity. I don't know what my future looks like or exactly how everything will go. What I do know is how the Gods helped me in my hard times before. They really are always there for us. And what I'm going to do now is keep walking toward them. Thank you HP for everything. Hail Satan!
Not everyone around the age 15-20 are all of which ways you describe. A majority can be. Though Age has nothing to do with. To belittle someone amongst their age is improper. one of the age of 20 can have more knowledge & be more self developed than someone of the age of 50. I very strongly disagree with your opinion.
666ix said:
Not everyone around the age 15-20 are all of which ways you describe. A majority can be. Though Age has nothing to do with. To belittle someone amongst their age is improper. one of the age of 20 can have more knowledge & be more self developed than someone of the age of 50. I very strongly disagree with your opinion.

That is correct and I have been in this category, yet exceptions cannot be rules.

You don't disagree with my opinion you just think that exceptions aren't mentioned or that this does include all exceptions while it does not. In fact, I gave a brief sentence on them but why they should not be taken all that seriously or at heart.

That is another subject which deals with isolated cases which are exceptions and not rules.

By cases that have to do all the way from brain development to education, effort put in years, mistakes, experiences, and many other things, one cannot reach their full potential as a man earlier, even if one is ahead in some areas compared to even older people.
The problem is if you started meditating and developing yourself after 30 and before you became a SS you had already screwed up your personal life, now I have nothing left but to continue walking my spiritual path as a lone wolf.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

What about if you look younger than 20? ...;)

When I was this age range I was an absolute bundle of chaos. I was mosying around in a heavily atheistic worldview to suddenly awaken to the emotional/spiritual world and jump to 5% at 15 and down -?% at 16 to gradually build up and appreciate properly the Saturnian advice. Now I can steadily work and quantify this with age instead of feeling like the centre of the universe one minute, to a dreamy childlike apathy the next.

It feels good and absolving to read this, back then I was incredibly guilty for failure to maintain with meditations amongst a million other things related to people, family and school or to specifically some bs in my head, when most other people would go insane in my position. I still always felt as though I was wasting time after the initial phase of being here.

If the material here hadn't been written
there is a good chance I wouldn't be alive or - value as a living being which would be worse. I have to rise from this into writing astrology posts that are read by many phenomenal people + the fuckers who kill people like us and always did. I never gave myself credit for my progress to this, small things I wouldn't keep myself up with would seem larger than anything else and I would always feel like shit to these delusions; unconscious self hatred.

During this, I obsess quietly and have deep insights into what was wrote here the "highest occult discipline", as someone who as a child had a completely contrary stance to it and "knew" it as complete horseshit due to the corruption infesting it. So many clashing things for someone who was taught as "truth" Hitler was truly then in my mind a horrendous sickening man to 180 at 15-16 100% and see him now as a needed idol, father figure to me and tragic hero of his time that I would die for. A man I can relate to in some very important ways, a deception so wordlessly unjust to the common good and to the almost forgotten notions of honor and respect.

These familial traditions and things we are supposed to do here in respect and faith are something so alienated from me purely because of the enemy. Age is not a bad thing here, because now I can build a platform from which these things become possible to overcome.

Time, work and patience are important things you stressed to me in those years among a million other things. If this didn't exist I never would have known there were others of us, and not to feel alone, that I had a purpose. This wasn't a part of how I originally saw the world and felt. I had thought from about 5 or 6 that I would either be in one of the soulless corporate office cubicles or end life in an enclosed space of some cell, prodded, wasting away, unable to be. Like I was affected by the existence of that time and place a lot of people did experience back in late 90's-early 00's.

666ix said:
Not everyone around the age 15-20 are all of which ways you describe. A majority can be. Though Age has nothing to do with. To belittle someone amongst their age is improper. one of the age of 20 can have more knowledge & be more self developed than someone of the age of 50. I very strongly disagree with your opinion.

Belittle is a word. 15-20 is a physiological state.

If you are in that age range and related to what I wrote above, know this: We are brothers in arms. We are going to do this together, you are NOT some hopeless freak like ((they)) once made this to be. This world has very wide open arms to us, and their lies are vanquished against this reality now.

No more torture, rotting in asylums, hate from family and this other nonsense, we always knew this time was coming against that one regardless. You can put your abilities to use for Satan now, our God. Read Cobras posts, stick to this in any way big or small just do it seriously and have patience. You don't need to expect everything of yourself right now. If your foundations are broken or missing, the time will come to build them anew. That is the truth.
Wotanwarrior said:
The problem is if you started meditating and developing yourself after 30 and before you became a SS you had already screwed up your personal life, now I have nothing left but to continue walking my spiritual path as a lone wolf.
Not true at all, please don't think this way - there are many women of all ages and stages of life looking for love. However, If you are looking for younger women and shut off to anything else, then maybe.
Aquarius said:
Also to those who go to school but don't put in the effort: the pain of the stress that you heap upon yourself by not studying is much bigger than the "pain" of actually being a good student.

When I was in school, it was really hard for me to study. Not because I didn’t want to or laziness, but because I had a mindset: “Either do it well, or don’t do it at all.” In principle, no one brought me up like that, I don’t know where it came from. But since I had a rather large workload (school, sections, household duties), I basically didn’t have time to do something well, so I often didn’t do it at all. It is probably not necessary to say how much because of this there was stress and problems. Only at the university did my supervisor once say to me: "Do it badly, but most importantly, do it." It turned out that the main thing is to start doing, putting the process above the result, I was able to succeed in both. But, oh, I still struggle with perfectionism. Some people think I'm lazy, but I just don't want to do something bad.
Wotanwarrior said:
The problem is if you started meditating and developing yourself after 30 and before you became a SS you had already screwed up your personal life, now I have nothing left but to continue walking my spiritual path as a lone wolf.

I am not sure what you are referring to but I want to let you know that even if you're old, above 40 years, even 50 years, you can still fall in love and have kids.
It might not be that desireable at that age, but it doesnt mean that it isn't possible.

Same for work. You might not be able to do any boring regular thing.. doesn't mean that there aren't any other options.
Wotanwarrior said:
The problem is if you started meditating and developing yourself after 30 and before you became a SS you had already screwed up your personal life, now I have nothing left but to continue walking my spiritual path as a lone wolf.

Not necessarily. People can not take seriously something even if they encounter it early on, or completely misapply it, causing the same outcome way earlier.
Soul Wings

It is not because of age, but because I am not interested in having a non-spiritual partner, I do not want to share my life with someone who does not meditate and does not advance in her soul and she has totally different perspectives and objectives than mine and as the years go by, the difference and the gap between the two will become larger and larger, I also know that I may have a soul mate or pending relationship from past lives and I am trying to find her, after a recent mistake with another SS.

Lunar Dance 666

Apart from not wanting a non SS partner, I was also refered that I don't like the idea of having my first child at 45 or 50 when I consider that the ideal age is around 28, 29 or 30.
And also that I have never been able to find my professional vocation or an appropriate job for me and I have never done basic things that at my age I should have done like having a driver's license.
Rebellious Mercury said:
Wonderful sermon, things really take time, you should take the baby steps before thinking of taking the bigger steps. Most young people want to take the bigger steps first because they 're few compared to the baby steps which are many and vital and take the most time and energy. Also trying to seek perfectionism in almost everything you'll end up having it in none

My maternal grandmother told me one example,that the mason also does not start building the house by putting up the chimney.
She said that because I tend to jump into the middle of things,leaving out the more important basics(which of course can maybe be boring,but absolutely necessary).

existentialcrisis said:
Excellent post, HP. Alot of boys/young men need to hear this.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Look in the future with confidence and with a sigh of relief and never believe in penultimate perfection of other men, let alone those who pretend they have this by default, for only the wise have dug beneath the ground to find the truth and see the length of the path to personal growth and development.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
True. As the saying goes, those who know don't talk and those who talk don't know. The more one boasts their capabilities, the less capable they are. In the digital age, there are fakes and phonies abound, social media pressures people to be extremely vain and exaggerate their appeal and sweep their shortcomings under the rug to feel and seem like they're in the same league as all the others. Or better than others.

One shouldn't pretend to be something they're not. They're liable to get tested by someone who is that. Authenticity and humility are some of the most respectable things. But it's better to be humble than to be humbled.
agni said:
“Either do it well, or don’t do it at all.” In principle, no one brought me up like that, I don’t know where it came from.
That sounds like Pluto and Scorpio mentality.
Study your birth chart (horoscope),if you are interested.
All of the things that we obsess over and feel like it's the whole world in our teens and early twenties is nothing compared to what we have to do in the later part of our lives. There is much left to do. The things that we are actually trying to achieve will come later in life.
I miss the time when JoS had many priests and priestesses. None other than HC seems to have remained. Why did they disappear? The old sermons and articles were so useful and enlightening.
Wotanwarrior said:
The problem is if you started meditating and developing yourself after 30 and before you became a SS you had already screwed up your personal life, now I have nothing left but to continue walking my spiritual path as a lone wolf.

Of course you will feel lonely, and a lone wolf because once when I asked, because you really can't say outside that you are SS

what would be the alternatives?

Their mind was to respond to a member here with mental illness again.

Because the only way to get noticed here is to be aggressive.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Rebellious Mercury said:
Wonderful sermon, things really take time, you should take the baby steps before thinking of taking the bigger steps. Most young people want to take the bigger steps first because they 're few compared to the baby steps which are many and vital and take the most time and energy. Also trying to seek perfectionism in almost everything you'll end up having it in none

My maternal grandmother told me one example,that the mason also does not start building the house by putting up the chimney.
She said that because I tend to jump into the middle of things,leaving out the more important basics(which of course can maybe be boring,but absolutely necessary).

existentialcrisis said:
Excellent post, HP. Alot of boys/young men need to hear this.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Look in the future with confidence and with a sigh of relief and never believe in penultimate perfection of other men, let alone those who pretend they have this by default, for only the wise have dug beneath the ground to find the truth and see the length of the path to personal growth and development.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
True. As the saying goes, those who know don't talk and those who talk don't know. The more one boasts their capabilities, the less capable they are. In the digital age, there are fakes and phonies abound, social media pressures people to be extremely vain and exaggerate their appeal and sweep their shortcomings under the rug to feel and seem like they're in the same league as all the others. Or better than others.

One shouldn't pretend to be something they're not. They're liable to get tested by someone who is that. Authenticity and humility are some of the most respectable things. But it's better to be humble than to be humbled.
agni said:
“Either do it well, or don’t do it at all.” In principle, no one brought me up like that, I don’t know where it came from.
That sounds like Pluto and Scorpio mentality.
Study your birth chart (horoscope),if you are interested.

Hello. Thanks for the advice, I've looked into this before. I have Pluto in Sagittarius. And not a single planet in Scorpio.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

You can't even expect reasonably 10% of this at this age. If you are at 1% of this, then you are already doing GREAT. Does that sound insane? Yes, only 1% is required at a young age. 5% is even more miraculous.

That is fully delusional and heaping upon yourself more of these irrational demands, will drive you progressively insane and into a constant feeling that you are never enough. As most Satanists also are focused on development, it's advisable to not allow the traps and snares of time to dictate to you your existence.


How do you help someone deal with this? I try sometimes explaining to people I know in their 20s that, when they first try something, they cannot expect to be whatever grandmaster and expert they are in their mind. It's unrealistic. And it's counterproductive to just stop doing new things you're interested in just because you're not good at them immediately.

But also...

How to deal with frustration? I understand people make mistakes. I make them myself. However, if at times someone does something that irritates, I get annoyed in the moment. It's inevitable. Depending on the degree of irritation, I can rationalise it and get over it more or less quickly, but I hate getting that pungent feeling of frustration.

Any advice is welcome, even if it's not from you, brother.
tandt said:
Great post for the young guys here. But, its also my wish for those with partners who are not SS, to share their advice and guidance and also potential challenges.
I know that sometimes it’s difficult to get a wife or husband who is a SS, so i’d like to know how to deal with those situations and how those in these relationships are dealing with these situations.


Life is definitely harder with a Non-SS partner. The key problem is understanding. You as an SS has the capability to understand them ans their religion as to them it would be a very hard pill to swallow. They begin to worry about how others will treat you guys if they find out, ect ... secondly is conviction and devotion.

What finalized my view of falsehoods is seeing desperate and calls for help never getting answered. Whilst on my side i have not to worry about so many things and i can focus on what's needed.

Third if you choose to be silent is all the hiding you'll have to do. How can you explain the fact during certain workings you need to be gone or unreachable for days ar a time. Which can develop trust issues thar never will.

The Gods will keep those unneeded out if your life at times go thier way to stop you from certain interaction.
Thank you I needed this. You are right we expect too much from ourselves, yet should maintain awareness and always act.

Thank you for this sermon.

Really needed to hear this.

I am working towards a vision lately but kept doubting myself whether all this hardship that I've done to make progress is worth it. I've never worked as hard as this in my entire life to achieve a goal. I questioned myself whether I should quit again and look for another way or stick to it with blind faith that it will all work out in the end.

I've realized that it takes really good discipline and emotional control to keep pushing forward on your goal. I've seen and read so many people turn from rags to riches and thought not much of it. Now, I have even more respect to them as they endured the hardship that many people are not willing to take. I've never realized how hard it is until I've experience it myself.

Thanks to you, I think I'll stick to this idea that I've already paved for myself. I'm going to trust that it will work out at the end so long as I do my responsibilities and duties everyday without a fail and to the best of my ability.
Brandonn said:
tandt said:
Great post for the young guys here. But, its also my wish for those with partners who are not SS, to share their advice and guidance and also potential challenges.
I know that sometimes it’s difficult to get a wife or husband who is a SS, so i’d like to know how to deal with those situations and how those in these relationships are dealing with these situations.


Life is definitely harder with a Non-SS partner. The key problem is understanding. You as an SS has the capability to understand them ans their religion as to them it would be a very hard pill to swallow. They begin to worry about how others will treat you guys if they find out, ect ... secondly is conviction and devotion.

What finalized my view of falsehoods is seeing desperate and calls for help never getting answered. Whilst on my side i have not to worry about so many things and i can focus on what's needed.

Third if you choose to be silent is all the hiding you'll have to do. How can you explain the fact during certain workings you need to be gone or unreachable for days ar a time. Which can develop trust issues thar never will.

The Gods will keep those unneeded out if your life at times go thier way to stop you from certain interaction.
How lucky I am to have a National Socialist man in my life!
Sgt. Darkness said:
Brandonn said:
tandt said:
Great post for the young guys here. But, its also my wish for those with partners who are not SS, to share their advice and guidance and also potential challenges.
I know that sometimes it’s difficult to get a wife or husband who is a SS, so i’d like to know how to deal with those situations and how those in these relationships are dealing with these situations.


Life is definitely harder with a Non-SS partner. The key problem is understanding. You as an SS has the capability to understand them ans their religion as to them it would be a very hard pill to swallow. They begin to worry about how others will treat you guys if they find out, ect ... secondly is conviction and devotion.

What finalized my view of falsehoods is seeing desperate and calls for help never getting answered. Whilst on my side i have not to worry about so many things and i can focus on what's needed.

Third if you choose to be silent is all the hiding you'll have to do. How can you explain the fact during certain workings you need to be gone or unreachable for days ar a time. Which can develop trust issues thar never will.

The Gods will keep those unneeded out if your life at times go thier way to stop you from certain interaction.
How lucky I am to have a National Socialist man in my life!
Right on :)
Sgt. Darkness said:
How lucky I am to have a National Socialist man in my life!
I'm glad to hear it, this is very good optics, best of luck on your Satanic National Socialist journey!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
