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To Teen Girls (And Parents Of)

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
Sexual repression leads to all sorts of neuroticism and unhealthy decisions. It is seen as normal for teen boys to masturbate, but it is still taboo for teen girls. As well, masturbation is not as easy or efficient for women.   To get vibrators or dildos, you need proof of age, over 18. Fortunately, there is a way around this. Go to any online store (Amazon, etc) and type in “personal massager”. These are basically vibrators etc but are marketed this way for a larger audience. I even bought one at Wal-Mart once for around $10.   You can also do workings to ensure that you are the one who checks the mail, or have it successfully sent to a friend’s house, so that your parents don’t find out. Which leads to another thing…. Parents, you need to understand that by prohibiting your teen daughters from something as natural as sexual release, you are creating hangups, neuroticism, and other issues that can last for a lifetime. Sexual repression can literally ruin lives.   As well, when teen girls are able to take care of their needs themselves, they will be less likely to engage in sex. Which means less chances of STD’s, pregnancies, broken hearts, and even more dangerous scenarios (men taking nude pictures, blackmail, and so on).   And girls, just keep in mind, that the average “man” (boy) your age does not know how to please a woman. They will ejaculate in under 2 minutes and have no idea how to give you an orgasm. A waste of your time, with potentially harmful consequences.   So ladies, do yourselves a favor and look for a “personal massager”. Program your aura to find a good quality inexpensive one. Nothing worse than the damn thing breaking at a crucial moment.   Hail Lilith!
I'm glad you wrote this Lydia. It is a hard enough time for young adults. Its sad this is such an issue. I have experience with my family in regards to this kind of thing but I'm a dude. I'm still contemplating whether or not to kill some family members (with magick) because of this. It's abuse on my opinion. I don't care how nice you think they are sexual repression alone can really mess someone up.
@ HailOdin - Both my brother and I were very repressed. If my brother was in the bathroom for more than 2 minutes my parents would be banging at the door telling him to get out. And then walk in, because our bathroom door did not have a lock :/

% Magnum Arcanum - This was actually a very common practice back in the day, younger men being "initiated" into sex by older women. Thanks for the added input here.
I almost killed myself because of sexual repression, alll because some jew psychiatrist bitch feeding me jew pills that further fuck up my brain
% Teen Women and Parents 2

One thing I failed to mention.

Most women do not understand the male orgasm.

Obviously women are capable of multiple orgasms spread out during various times which are completely unpredictable at times.

I've never met a man in my entire life that understands the variable nature of a woman's orgasm that is to say they don't understand that it is based on a very different system than the man's orgasm. The man can have an orgasm very predictably where a woman cannot always achieve that because the woman has more going on in their mind and more has to be processed before they can achieve an orgasm.

Although men and boys do not have automatic repeating orgasms like a woman they have certain things that need to be addressed immediately following the orgasm which are rarely ever addressed.

After a man has an orgasm he needs to be caressed, held and coddled for a considerable amount of time. Most men do not even understand this themselves because of the ridiculous Macho image and stereotype concerning how they should act with regard to having sex.

So you stand to gain a lot by understanding this simple thing. After a man has an orgasm it is just the beginning of the Bliss that he potentially could feel.

I personally have never met a woman that I did not have to explain this to. Leaving a man or boy after he achieves an orgasm is similar to a man that has an orgasm and then completely forgets about your orgasm.

Use this to your advantage and begin to totally satisfy a man that you're interested in.

This is especially important for women that wish to have sex with a very attractive man that may or may not be out of their looks category. That man once ensnared will respond to you more than he would respond to someone that is more attractive than you are by that simple action.
"It's not necessary to have oral sex with a man of that age. It is completely unnecessary."
I disagree. Imo it's very necessary, young or not, for the man's confidence and self-steem, just like giving it to his woman's yoni and appreciating her breats is.
I didn't even know that, myself, lol! Thanks for posting this, magnum. If we are already at the topic of male orgasms, I (male) tend to go for multiple orgasms in my solo-sessions, and it works out fairly well (I'm talking about having the second orgasm about 10-20 minutes after the first one, and so on). Is it not normal to be able to have multiple orgasms as a male? I always had the assumption that it would be possible (for any male) with enough "stimulation". 

On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 14:08, magnum.arcanum@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   % Teen Women and Parents 2

One thing I failed to mention.

Most women do not understand the male orgasm.

Obviously women are capable of multiple orgasms spread out during various times which are completely unpredictable at times.

I've never met a man in my entire life that understands the variable nature of a woman's orgasm that is to say they don't understand that it is based on a very different system than the man's orgasm. The man can have an orgasm very predictably where a woman cannot always achieve that because the woman has more going on in their mind and more has to be processed before they can achieve an orgasm.

Although men and boys do not have automatic repeating orgasms like a woman they have certain things that need to be addressed immediately following the orgasm which are rarely ever addressed.

After a man has an orgasm he needs to be caressed, held and coddled for a considerable amount of time. Most men do not even understand this themselves because of the ridiculous Macho image and stereotype concerning how they should act with regard to having sex.

So you stand to gain a lot by understanding this simple thing. After a man has an orgasm it is just the beginning of the Bliss that he potentially could feel.

I personally have never met a woman that I did not have to explain this to. Leaving a man or boy after he achieves an orgasm is similar to a man that has an orgasm and then completely forgets about your orgasm.

Use this to your advantage and begin to totally satisfy a man that you're interested in.

This is especially important for women that wish to have sex with a very attractive man that may or may not be out of their looks category. That man once ensnared will respond to you more than he would respond to someone that is more attractive than you are by that simple action.
Magnum you wrote some amazing info. If you took each point and went in more details you could make a killer multi part series on this.

I'd like to hear more about your thought on the variable nature if the women's orgasm as you call it. Also perhaps you have tips for men giving oral or manual stimulation to women.

Honesty I never tried your method...have her finish me right away then go back at it again in a little while. I will try it. I usually have just gone at it and lasted 10-30 minutes but sometimes less. My deal is I want to improve making the women orgasm, I am not that great.

This ties into the other posts on repression. I've got some fucking issues lol. I've conquered a lot of shit so I'm sure I can fix this as well, but my upbringing fucked me up badly. Idk how to even deal with a lot of it.

Xtian parents that were insanely in my business about this shit. Honestly I didn't get a sexual start until late due to this and I have issues because the people my age are further developed and I am less, and the girls less developed that I'd be more compatible with don't fit me because they are young so it's socially taboo and also their mental development lacks at times, act dumb etc. Also please don't take this in a pedo way, I am not saying 14 year olds are my level or that they interest me.
Ogh god you are so right magnum. After masturbation I just envision myself being cuddled and sometimes i just get into my bed and snuggle the blankets. It feels soo lonely and sad when i dont have the sensation of being held/snuggled.

On Tuesday, December 20, 2016 8:03 AM, "magnum.arcanum@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  % Teen Women and Parents 2

One thing I failed to mention.

Most women do not understand the male orgasm.

Obviously women are capable of multiple orgasms spread out during various times which are completely unpredictable at times.

I've never met a man in my entire life that understands the variable nature of a woman's orgasm that is to say they don't understand that it is based on a very different system than the man's orgasm. The man can have an orgasm very predictably where a woman cannot always achieve that because the woman has more going on in their mind and more has to be processed before they can achieve an orgasm.

Although men and boys do not have automatic repeating orgasms like a woman they have certain things that need to be addressed immediately following the orgasm which are rarely ever addressed.

After a man has an orgasm he needs to be caressed, held and coddled for a considerable amount of time. Most men do not even understand this themselves because of the ridiculous Macho image and stereotype concerning how they should act with regard to having sex.

So you stand to gain a lot by understanding this simple thing. After a man has an orgasm it is just the beginning of the Bliss that he potentially could feel.

I personally have never met a woman that I did not have to explain this to. Leaving a man or boy after he achieves an orgasm is similar to a man that has an orgasm and then completely forgets about your orgasm.

Use this to your advantage and begin to totally satisfy a man that you're interested in.

This is especially important for women that wish to have sex with a very attractive man that may or may not be out of their looks category. That man once ensnared will respond to you more than he would respond to someone that is more attractive than you are by that simple action.

Magnum that is actually very true what you said, but perhaps this topic of male orgasm and stimulation should be discussed in a new topic? 

Lydia's post origionally was regarding teen girls and most replies are regarding teen guys or male orgasm. 

In general most people don't understand the nature of orgasm and sex. They all think it's just physical or that it doesn't matter.. Such a shame the world has forgotten much and has become "afraid" of these things or topics. 

Thank you Lydia for writing this, maybe I can be of some help to my younger sisters by speaking to my mother and such of it's necessary. They are at the age of 14 and 15 respectively and the last thing I would want for them is to be sexually repressed. Although my mother is more understanding regarding these things already than most are, so I'm not too worried about it, but this helped me understand this topic better for sure. 
Thanks Voice, I was wondering how my post on encouraging teen women to have orgasms turned into posts about women giving men orgasms. Men have an easier time with self-stimulation (masturbation), women do not, so is the woman supposed to wait until she's in her 20's before finally having an orgasm? By then, there will be all sorts of deep-rooted issues that developed.

---In [email protected], <voiceofenki@... wrote :

Magnum that is actually very true what you said, but perhaps this topic of male orgasm and stimulation should be discussed in a new topic? 

Lydia's post origionally was regarding teen girls and most replies are regarding teen guys or male orgasm. 

In general most people don't understand the nature of orgasm and sex. They all think it's just physical or that it doesn't matter.. Such a shame the world has forgotten much and has become "afraid" of these things or topics. 

Thank you Lydia for writing this, maybe I can be of some help to my younger sisters by speaking to my mother and such of it's necessary. They are at the age of 14 and 15 respectively and the last thing I would want for them is to be sexually repressed. Although my mother is more understanding regarding these things already than most are, so I'm not too worried about it, but this helped me understand this topic better for sure. 
Also, I would like to point out something obvious that many people don't realize. Perhaps it would be best for the man to find out how to best please a woman from, oh I don't know, a woman??? Lol. Just like how many women have to learn their new man's preferences, the same goes for the opposite.

Yeas ago I was told of a video online, it was a woman giving instructions and techniques to men on how to please women, as it is woman who knows her body the best. Many men tend to assume they know what to do, and the woman often pretends to be really into it so she doesn't hurt the mans feelings.

As well, many men "learn" techniques from watching porn. This is all acting, people... it's not real. The women are paid to pretend. You need to learn how to read the woman's body and energy, and be open to communicating about what works. This goes both ways for couples, man learning about his woman and woman learning about her man.

I didn't mean this to turn into a thread on "instructions", but Magnum's slightly-off-topic reply required another reply.
Thanks for the post really liked reading this. Very interesting.
The approach to sex and behaviour in a relationship is individual and depends most on personal Planets, and somehow on education and hang-ups, last on the mass mind. By saying there is a common approach to all women you are tapping the mass mind vortex that is full of jewish programming like all people are similar = all women are to be treated this way = step forward to communism.
A woman with a rich 8th house for example is supposed to be very sexual and if she has Venus in Aries and Moon in Aries or Capricorn or Scorpio most likely she will act hard towards you and ask for wild satisfying sex and few romance. The opposite for Venus in Taurus and Moon in Cancer? Need for security and slow "elegant" (?) sex.
This is just an example as most common people have a blocked sexual 2nd chakra so their Natal Chart does not manifest and they live according to mass mind programming and hang ups.
Infact the less the 2nd chakra is open, the more a person acts like the mass, and this is what the enemy wants through sexual repression to create robot slaves.

By simply fully opening your 2nd chakra most of the "common" women will be overstimulated by simply your presence during a sexual act and will experience horgasm and sexual satisfaction simply because you desire this. By opening the 2nd chakra the Serpent will flow much more free and this might cause a person to be less interested in sexual intercourse with those who are without... ok this is another story!

I wish a Happy Yule Season to every True Satanist here, rich of sex and Mars pleasure/lust energies!
On 12/21/2016, 06:13 "magnum.arcanum@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  LOL.  Thanks To Those That Enjoyed What I Wrote

I want to talk more about the male orgasm, but it would probably get a little more gritty than what the ethics standards allow on here.

Here&apos;s something to think about:  I can&apos;t ask my Guardian Demons if a woman wants to have sex and so on because they require a very high, respectful type protocol i.e. you can&apos;t bullshit with them.  Well, you can a little - but only if it demonstrates some intelligence and its important.  BUT, I can ask my Human Guardians anything and everything.  That is an excellent way to learn things of a sexual nature.  Now, I use that exclusively, to find out if a woman is interested and what she&apos;s interested in.  Saves you money, time and bullshit.

To do that you have to convince Satan that your serious about working for him, and then you have to convince your Guardian Demons that you can handle being somewhat responsible and ethical and then your human guardians that work for them are free to talk to you about such things when their not too busy.
"Also perhaps you have tips for men giving oral or manual stimulation to women."

This is a good article about oral sex to women (this site in general has good info):

https://mytinysecrets.com/confessions-o ... unnilingus  Confessions Of A Sensitive Pussy: How To Give Her Earth-Shattering Cunnilingus

How easily do you cum from having someone eat your pussy? Does it matter which way they swish their tongue, their pace, their pressure, their sucking motions; can you cum under any mouth that kisses your crotch?<h2>What It Feels Like To Live With A Sensitive PussyIn my experience I seem to have a ‘difficult’ pussy that is ‘temperamental’ in the eyes of many men. That’s what I’ve been told anyway.  I’ve been told by men that my pussy is the problem getting in the way of making me cum. Even though I know this to be utter rubbish some part of me still takes on the blame for cutting short the pussy sucking venture.I can cum up to 9 times when I masturbate alone.  I can cum from being fingered and fucked and having my clitoris rubbed.  My body loves to orgasm and my pussy is ripe for sucking, but… I am sensitive. My pussy is delicate and the hood over my clitoris is short making sensations very intense very quickly.<h2>Why Every Man Should Improve Their Cunnilingus Skills
<h6><em>I once had a boyfriend who put in the effort to learn my body and learn how to read my pussies needs – it was like he could speak to her without needing to speak to me.</em>[/B]</h6>
At first he had some troubles adjusting to my sensitivity, but after practice and patience[/B] (which is hard for many men when they are ‘in the moment’) he learnt how to work with my sensitivity to the point where he could smoothly run my body. It was most impressive. And fun.[/B]The thing that really up-skilled his pussy sucking practice was reading a book on cunnilingus (using the mouth to stimulate a woman’s cunt). I remember the first time we had sex after he had read the book. I will never forget that afternoon; I get a bit emotional even now when I think of it.We met up in Thailand, it had been a few months since we had seen each other and we were both dripping in desire for each other. But, I was exhausted from an overnight flight and the thought of having to concentrate on not feeling too much sensation from his mouth on my pussy was just out of the question.
<h6><em> I just wanted to feel his penis thrusting inside of me. But he insisted, absolutely insisted after my protest that he should kiss my pussy. I gave in to his request.</em>[/B]</h6>
<h2>How Women Really Like To Get Licked & SuckedWow! He started on the outside of my knickers gently nuzzling with his nose and lips[/B]. He kissed up and down the rim of my knickers pushing hard with each kiss. Knowing where to be rough and where to be gentle are crucial for good head. He knew what he was doing.After some teasing, some soft tapping with his mouth on my outer lips and harder nuzzling into my thighs he let his tongue sit over my clitoris[/B]; he lay it flat like a plank over the top of my knickers, the wetness from his mouth soaked through as he started gently pushing his tongue around the whole area. Having knickers on shielded my sensitive clitoris so the hood didn’t need to do all the ‘work’, the sensation was just right.
Finally he peeled my knickers back and wrapped his lips over my pussy. But this time he did something different.
<h6><em>He went from the side rather than in-line with me. His mouth was cupping my cunt but from a horizontal angle, not vertical. This gave him full access to my pussy without putting too much emphasis on my sensitive clitoris, and, AND, the best thing about it was that the rubbing and swishing motions of his tongue and mouth were NOT pulling UP the hood on my clitoris![/B]</em></h6>
For many women the sensation of pushing UP the clitoris is TOO MUCH to start with. It can feel great after you have been aroused and are close to cuming, but going straight in for the most sensitive part of the vagina is a turn off.[/B] For me, it feels as though I am being pinched or zapped with electricity – I just want it to end. But if I am caressed into a state of arousal and every part of my pussy is being given attention then my clitoris aches for that touch. Taking time to tease and waking up my pussy in its entirety feels so good.[/B]
<h6><em>This is a key point to foreplay, the tease. </em>[/B]</h6>
I’ve asked a lot of women about their preference when it comes to cunnilingus. Many say that starting out with less pressure and less or no emphasis on the clitoris works best for them. If you have a sensitive clitoris and need less direct stimulation there’s nothing wrong with you.
The porn stuff is so true. I cant watch normal porn because I can see the pretending so well that it's a gigantic off-turner.

On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 17:14, lydia_666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Also, I would like to point out something obvious that many people don't realize. Perhaps it would be best for the man to find out how to best please a woman from, oh I don't know, a woman??? Lol. Just like how many women have to learn their new man's preferences, the same goes for the opposite.

Yeas ago I was told of a video online, it was a woman giving instructions and techniques to men on how to please women, as it is woman who knows her body the best. Many men tend to assume they know what to do, and the woman often pretends to be really into it so she doesn't hurt the mans feelings.

As well, many men "learn" techniques from watching porn. This is all acting, people... it's not real. The women are paid to pretend. You need to learn how to read the woman's body and energy, and be open to communicating about what works. This goes both ways for couples, man learning about his woman and woman learning about her man.

I didn't mean this to turn into a thread on "instructions", but Magnum's slightly-off-topic reply required another reply.
I've replied about this but it seems my post didn't went through (too graphic language?), but it's about men learning how to correctly please women. This is an interesting article (and interesting site if ignore some bs, mostly the 2015 posts):
https://mytinysecrets.com/confessions-o ... unnilingus

Men who actualy likes women should learn it, read about Tantric techniques and generaly try to practice it the best. Both women and men should avoid people who disregard this and are too egoistic or lazy to be a decent partner who at least try their best so each other can enjoy.

---In [email protected], <lydia_666@... wrote :

Also, I would like to point out something obvious that many people don't realize. Perhaps it would be best for the man to find out how to best please a woman from, oh I don't know, a woman??? Lol. Just like how many women have to learn their new man's preferences, the same goes for the opposite.

Yeas ago I was told of a video online, it was a woman giving instructions and techniques to men on how to please women, as it is woman who knows her body the best. Many men tend to assume they know what to do, and the woman often pretends to be really into it so she doesn't hurt the mans feelings.

As well, many men "learn" techniques from watching porn. This is all acting, people... it's not real. The women are paid to pretend. You need to learn how to read the woman's body and energy, and be open to communicating about what works. This goes both ways for couples, man learning about his woman and woman learning about her man.

I didn't mean this to turn into a thread on "instructions", but Magnum's slightly-off-topic reply required another reply.
I have seen the results of sexual repression myself, as my ex partner was sexually repressed and unable to orgasm. She is currently 24 years old and still hasn't been able to orgasm. Her mental issues and problems aren't visable to the outside world, because of her personality and because she's a very logical and highly intelligent person she represses her feelings and emotions and brushes it off as she cannot understand them herself at all. 

In the 2 years I have been with her I have tried everything I could to give her sexual satishfaction and to give her the orgasm that her soul is screaming for. She cannot see this herself because she is so closed up mentally and spiritually that it's impossible for her to understand any of this, but me being the extremely watery and very psychic person that I am I could see all of it easily. 

People around me don't need to open up to me or say any words, I simply pick up on their deepest feelings and worries whether they want me or not, whether they are even aware of it themselves or not, and she has so many problems as a result of never being able to have her Orgasm. 

During sex I didn't just follow techniques or whatever that people tell about on the internet and all, I felt her out spiritually and found where she is most sensitive, where she enjoys being stimulated the most etc using my energy. She was unable to tell me herself what she liked because she never tried anything herself and she was so detached from her own body that she could not even stimulate herself. 

So I had to figure out what her buttons where myself, which was easy to do for me, but would definitly be nearly impossible for any other men. Not to sound concieted, but really there aren't many people as watery as me and if not for that nature of mine giving her pleasure would be nearly impossible. 

But no matter what I tried, it was impossible for me to give her the orgasm. She has had a lot of sexual partners, especially in her younger years, but she was never able to orgasm or have her own sexual release and satisfaction. 

During sex I could feel if she was pretending to enjoy it or not, I could feel if she actually liked what I was doing, I could feel how close she was to orgasm, I could feel if she was in the mood. She didn't need to communicate anything to me, because I simply felt her out and understood her far better than she understood herself. 

I had long foreplay with her to try and calm her mind, get her to relax and get into a higher state of brain function, which certainly helped loosen her up mentally. Then during sex I would press all her buttons, put all my intent to giving her the greatest pleasure and ultimately give her an orgasm. I stimulated her physically on all places where she enjoyed feeling stimulated. I had no trouble finding her G-spot. I stimulated her nerves and her chakra's during sex and during masturbation with my palm chakra's and finger chakra's. Sending my energy into her nerves and into her clitoris, into her g-spot and she certainly felt it. 

Sometimes she would pretent to enjoy it, but I always knew when she was doing that, so I was very open to her and told her she should try to be open to me as well and not repress herself, told her not to worry about hurting my feelings (which is what she was worried about) and just be honest with me when she didn't enjoy something. 

She was comfortable with me, because I made her feel comfortable. She ddidn't need to hold anything back, nor could she because I felt everything so she was mentally much more free. 

Even so no matter what we tried we could not get her to orgasm because everytime she came close to it, her mind froze up and shut it all down. She was subconsciously preventing herself from going past that breaking point. 

She was screaming for it, almost having her orgasm, her heartbeat raising, her body convulsing, her energy raising up. Telling me not to stop, this is it. And yes it was it, she was getting close, but then right as she was reaching the peak it all died down because mentally she blocked herself out. 

We used vibrators, we used them during sex, we used different positions. I connected to her spiritually, sending my sexual enerrgy through my penis into her sexual organs and into her soul. I stimulated her pineal gland and her sacral chakra during sex. I stimulated her nerves and her clitoris with my energy. 

I made it a metaphysical experience for both of us. It was bliss, for her as well, she was spiritually closed up, but she felt all those sensations and I could feel her pleasure just as well as she could. I timed my orgasm with hers as I could feel her sexual energy rising, but it just died down right as she reached the peak. 

Mentally she could not orgasm. 

I'm sure my technique could have been much better. She was my first sexual partner as well, so in the beginning I had to learn a lot about controlling myself, learning how to properly stimulate her and all, but despite all that I did everything I could both physically and spiritually to give her her orgasm but even then I could not give her one. 

It had nothing to do with me or my lack of technique. Certainly if I were better maybe I could have made a difference, but mostly it was her being so sexually repressed it was impossible to give her what she needed. 

On the spiritual level she is closed up to a point where there's no return. She's not a xian, but just a sexually repressed woman unable to have a succesful relationship because of this, unable to understand even her own emotions. She is so detached from herself she doesn't even know what she needs the slightest. 

Right now it's only getting worse. The only reason she's not depressed yet is because of her repressing her emotions as well, because she cannot understand them, but really it is going to reach a breaking point sometime and I was able to let some of it out by slowly breaking those mental barriers in her mind, which everytime that happened resulted in a violent psychotic episode where she sometimes literally tried to kill me.

She nearly has a split personality as a result of all this repression. One being her usual repressed self and one where the mental barriers she created subconsciously don't hold up and all the insanity she holding in comes out. When this happens she becomes out right dangerous to herself, she cannot control herself and she cannot reason anymore. She completely impulsive and she doesn't think anymore. She nearly killed herself, she nearly attacked me with a knife multiple times because she became so panicked as a result of this... 

I could deal with this because of my water personality, but of course it wasn't good for me. That's why we broke up because I cannot be with someone that broken down. However she will never be able to free herself from all this and it's done so much damage to her on a spiritual level this will stay for many lifetimes.

All because she was sexually and emotionally repressed.
That's some really interesting stuff, gerecht ror! Thanks for this. 
On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 7:31, 'Gerecht Ror' gerechtror@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   The approach to sex and behaviour in a relationship is individual and depends most on personal Planets, and somehow on education and hang-ups, last on the mass mind. By saying there is a common approach to all women you are tapping the mass mind vortex that is full of jewish programming like all people are similar = all women are to be treated this way = step forward to communism.
A woman with a rich 8th house for example is supposed to be very sexual and if she has Venus in Aries and Moon in Aries or Capricorn or Scorpio most likely she will act hard towards you and ask for wild satisfying sex and few romance. The opposite for Venus in Taurus and Moon in Cancer? Need for security and slow "elegant" (?) sex.
This is just an example as most common people have a blocked sexual 2nd chakra so their Natal Chart does not manifest and they live according to mass mind programming and hang ups.
Infact the less the 2nd chakra is open, the more a person acts like the mass, and this is what the enemy wants through sexual repression to create robot slaves.

By simply fully opening your 2nd chakra most of the "common" women will be overstimulated by simply your presence during a sexual act and will experience horgasm and sexual satisfaction simply because you desire this. By opening the 2nd chakra the Serpent will flow much more free and this might cause a person to be less interested in sexual intercourse with those who are without... ok this is another story!

I wish a Happy Yule Season to every True Satanist here, rich of sex and Mars pleasure/lust energies!
On 12/21/2016, 06:13 "magnum.arcanum@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  LOL.  Thanks To Those That Enjoyed What I Wrote

I want to talk more about the male orgasm, but it would probably get a little more gritty than what the ethics standards allow on here.

Here's something to think about:  I can't ask my Guardian Demons if a woman wants to have sex and so on because they require a very high, respectful type protocol i.e. you can't bullshit with them.  Well, you can a little - but only if it demonstrates some intelligence and its important.  BUT, I can ask my Human Guardians anything and everything.  That is an excellent way to learn things of a sexual nature.  Now, I use that exclusively, to find out if a woman is interested and what she's interested in.  Saves you money, time and bullshit.

To do that you have to convince Satan that your serious about working for him, and then you have to convince your Guardian Demons that you can handle being somewhat responsible and ethical and then your human guardians that work for them are free to talk to you about such things when their not too busy.
Voiceofenki, as someone with nothing more than a drop of the water element inside of me, it was really interesting to read how you can understand others so easily. Your ambition to help your (former) partner is really honorable. Split personalities are one fucked up thing, indeed. Due to traumatic past etc. I used to have a somewhat split personality, aswell. Then take my tendency to (seemingly) randomly get really angry at people, add it to that, and I would've been a prime example of a fucked up person. It's really hard to get out of something like this, and without help from father satan I would've probably become some kind of twisted mass murderer. But no need to dwell on the past. The point is, I always used to see the water element as completely useless, as it was "just" emotion. But your post made clear for me that it can have it's positive sides, aswell. I enjoyed reading it. 
On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 17:10, voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   I have seen the results of sexual repression myself, as my ex partner was sexually repressed and unable to orgasm. She is currently 24 years old and still hasn't been able to orgasm. Her mental issues and problems aren't visable to the outside world, because of her personality and because she's a very logical and highly intelligent person she represses her feelings and emotions and brushes it off as she cannot understand them herself at all. 

In the 2 years I have been with her I have tried everything I could to give her sexual satishfaction and to give her the orgasm that her soul is screaming for. She cannot see this herself because she is so closed up mentally and spiritually that it's impossible for her to understand any of this, but me being the extremely watery and very psychic person that I am I could see all of it easily. 

People around me don't need to open up to me or say any words, I simply pick up on their deepest feelings and worries whether they want me or not, whether they are even aware of it themselves or not, and she has so many problems as a result of never being able to have her Orgasm. 

During sex I didn't just follow techniques or whatever that people tell about on the internet and all, I felt her out spiritually and found where she is most sensitive, where she enjoys being stimulated the most etc using my energy. She was unable to tell me herself what she liked because she never tried anything herself and she was so detached from her own body that she could not even stimulate herself. 

So I had to figure out what her buttons where myself, which was easy to do for me, but would definitly be nearly impossible for any other men. Not to sound concieted, but really there aren't many people as watery as me and if not for that nature of mine giving her pleasure would be nearly impossible. 

But no matter what I tried, it was impossible for me to give her the orgasm. She has had a lot of sexual partners, especially in her younger years, but she was never able to orgasm or have her own sexual release and satisfaction. 

During sex I could feel if she was pretending to enjoy it or not, I could feel if she actually liked what I was doing, I could feel how close she was to orgasm, I could feel if she was in the mood. She didn't need to communicate anything to me, because I simply felt her out and understood her far better than she understood herself. 

I had long foreplay with her to try and calm her mind, get her to relax and get into a higher state of brain function, which certainly helped loosen her up mentally. Then during sex I would press all her buttons, put all my intent to giving her the greatest pleasure and ultimately give her an orgasm. I stimulated her physically on all places where she enjoyed feeling stimulated. I had no trouble finding her G-spot. I stimulated her nerves and her chakra's during sex and during masturbation with my palm chakra's and finger chakra's. Sending my energy into her nerves and into her clitoris, into her g-spot and she certainly felt it. 

Sometimes she would pretent to enjoy it, but I always knew when she was doing that, so I was very open to her and told her she should try to be open to me as well and not repress herself, told her not to worry about hurting my feelings (which is what she was worried about) and just be honest with me when she didn't enjoy something. 

She was comfortable with me, because I made her feel comfortable. She ddidn't need to hold anything back, nor could she because I felt everything so she was mentally much more free. 

Even so no matter what we tried we could not get her to orgasm because everytime she came close to it, her mind froze up and shut it all down. She was subconsciously preventing herself from going past that breaking point. 

She was screaming for it, almost having her orgasm, her heartbeat raising, her body convulsing, her energy raising up. Telling me not to stop, this is it. And yes it was it, she was getting close, but then right as she was reaching the peak it all died down because mentally she blocked herself out. 

We used vibrators, we used them during sex, we used different positions. I connected to her spiritually, sending my sexual enerrgy through my penis into her sexual organs and into her soul. I stimulated her pineal gland and her sacral chakra during sex. I stimulated her nerves and her clitoris with my energy. 

I made it a metaphysical experience for both of us. It was bliss, for her as well, she was spiritually closed up, but she felt all those sensations and I could feel her pleasure just as well as she could. I timed my orgasm with hers as I could feel her sexual energy rising, but it just died down right as she reached the peak. 

Mentally she could not orgasm. 

I'm sure my technique could have been much better. She was my first sexual partner as well, so in the beginning I had to learn a lot about controlling myself, learning how to properly stimulate her and all, but despite all that I did everything I could both physically and spiritually to give her her orgasm but even then I could not give her one. 

It had nothing to do with me or my lack of technique. Certainly if I were better maybe I could have made a difference, but mostly it was her being so sexually repressed it was impossible to give her what she needed. 

On the spiritual level she is closed up to a point where there's no return. She's not a xian, but just a sexually repressed woman unable to have a succesful relationship because of this, unable to understand even her own emotions. She is so detached from herself she doesn't even know what she needs the slightest. 

Right now it's only getting worse. The only reason she's not depressed yet is because of her repressing her emotions as well, because she cannot understand them, but really it is going to reach a breaking point sometime and I was able to let some of it out by slowly breaking those mental barriers in her mind, which everytime that happened resulted in a violent psychotic episode where she sometimes literally tried to kill me.

She nearly has a split personality as a result of all this repression. One being her usual repressed self and one where the mental barriers she created subconsciously don't hold up and all the insanity she holding in comes out. When this happens she becomes out right dangerous to herself, she cannot control herself and she cannot reason anymore. She completely impulsive and she doesn't think anymore. She nearly killed herself, she nearly attacked me with a knife multiple times because she became so panicked as a result of this... 

I could deal with this because of my water personality, but of course it wasn't good for me. That's why we broke up because I cannot be with someone that broken down. However she will never be able to free herself from all this and it's done so much damage to her on a spiritual level this will stay for many lifetimes.

All because she was sexually and emotionally repressed.
This sounds like she could have been abused in a previous lifetime. I read and experienced about splitted personalities and they can have their origins in a trauma that literally breaks the life path and split in 2 separate courses. The splitted peraonality lives in the background (astral/unxonscious) and controls the main personality, that is unaware of the splitted one's control.
This is how jews and Gentile jew slaves/cooperators control people. The trauma might be wathever, from sexual abuse to feeling unwanted, unworthy, etc.
They create a splitted personality that is slave to the master jew/dork/idiot that is "managing" the unaware and very unfortunate victim.

It is time to reveal the following as it may be useful to some trapped Souls, I feel the urge to explain from within.

The only way I have been instructed from the Gods to heal this is letting the splitted perasnality emerge on the conscious level. The person will literally speak like she/he is another person, talk in 3rd person, etc. It is like impersonating someone as a game, but you are pulling out an unconscious content of yours.

There are many ways to do this. One ia hypnosis (I did not try). Other means are external examples to drive the unconscious towards the splitted personality. If the trauma was sexual abuse in the backyard of a church by a priest, watching a movie, a video, or news, about a similar event will begin to bring to the surface the problem, aka splitted personality. Might be news on pedo priests, our Sermons about this, a movie on pedo scandals etc.
This must be repeated.

The mind needs time and the person needs to be in a safe environment (stable house, trust in the partner, employement, etc) so that she/he will feel able to reveal the splitted peesonality. That is not "evil" but most likely hurt, and will need to explain his worries, fears, and damages. The personality might also reveal the secret of being abused, if he/she ia aware.

After this long healing process the splitted personality (after healing and understanding his issues) can be merged to the main personality by merely "digesting" it (imagine that the personality now lives in you belly or so) and stopping talking on his behalf, bringing it back to the unconscious but now under control of the main personality. If the splitted personality denies horgasm, by listening why it happens and then explaining now the dangers are gone forever, by merging the horgasm will be allowed again. Or if this is not possoble it can be expelled, by drawing it or assigning it to a photo, etc and then slowly dismissing ot throwing away or burying it and imagining and visualizing the splitted personality dissolves or rot.

This is how I have been told a damaged and enalaved Soul can be healed, and it works on my experience on easier issues than abuse.
All of this will need Meditations to support it like Munka and detaching from chakras enslaving individuals even if unknown (Ansuz).

I hope this will help to bring back a damaged Soul. There are many who have been into gulags or worst so we need to learn how to help them!

On 12/23/2016, 00:33 "voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  I have seen the results of sexual repression myself, as my ex partner was sexually repressed and unable to orgasm. She is currently 24 years old and still hasn&apos;t been able to orgasm. Her mental issues and problems aren&apos;t visable to the outside world, because of her personality and because she&apos;s a very logical and highly intelligent person she represses her feelings and emotions and brushes it off as she cannot understand them herself at all. 

In the 2 years I have been with her I have tried everything I could to give her sexual satishfaction and to give her the orgasm that her soul is screaming for. She cannot see this herself because she is so closed up mentally and spiritually that it&apos;s impossible for her to understand any of this, but me being the extremely watery and very psychic person that I am I could see all of it easily. 

People around me don&apos;t need to open up to me or say any words, I simply pick up on their deepest feelings and worries whether they want me or not, whether they are even aware of it themselves or not, and she has so many problems as a result of never being able to have her Orgasm. 

During sex I didn&apos;t just follow techniques or whatever that people tell about on the internet and all, I felt her out spiritually and found where she is most sensitive, where she enjoys being stimulated the most etc using my energy. She was unable to tell me herself what she liked because she never tried anything herself and she was so detached from her own body that she could not even stimulate herself. 

So I had to figure out what her buttons where myself, which was easy to do for me, but would definitly be nearly impossible for any other men. Not to sound concieted, but really there aren&apos;t many people as watery as me and if not for that nature of mine giving her pleasure would be nearly impossible. 

But no matter what I tried, it was impossible for me to give her the orgasm. She has had a lot of sexual partners, especially in her younger years, but she was never able to orgasm or have her own sexual release and satisfaction. 

During sex I could feel if she was pretending to enjoy it or not, I could feel if she actually liked what I was doing, I could feel how close she was to orgasm, I could feel if she was in the mood. She didn&apos;t need to communicate anything to me, because I simply felt her out and understood her far better than she understood herself. 

I had long foreplay with her to try and calm her mind, get her to relax and get into a higher state of brain function, which certainly helped loosen her up mentally. Then during sex I would press all her buttons, put all my intent to giving her the greatest pleasure and ultimately give her an orgasm. I stimulated her physically on all places where she enjoyed feeling stimulated. I had no trouble finding her G-spot. I stimulated her nerves and her chakra&apos;s during sex and during masturbation with my palm chakra&apos;s and finger chakra&apos;s. Sending my energy into her nerves and into her clitoris, into her g-spot and she certainly felt it. 

Sometimes she would pretent to enjoy it, but I always knew when she was doing that, so I was very open to her and told her she should try to be open to me as well and not repress herself, told her not to worry about hurting my feelings (which is what she was worried about) and just be honest with me when she didn&apos;t enjoy something. 

She was comfortable with me, because I made her feel comfortable. She ddidn&apos;t need to hold anything back, nor could she because I felt everything so she was mentally much more free. 

Even so no matter what we tried we could not get her to orgasm because everytime she came close to it, her mind froze up and shut it all down. She was subconsciously preventing herself from going past that breaking point. 

She was screaming for it, almost having her orgasm, her heartbeat raising, her body convulsing, her energy raising up. Telling me not to stop, this is it. And yes it was it, she was getting close, but then right as she was reaching the peak it all died down because mentally she blocked herself out. 

We used vibrators, we used them during sex, we used different positions. I connected to her spiritually, sending my sexual enerrgy through my penis into her sexual organs and into her soul. I stimulated her pineal gland and her sacral chakra during sex. I stimulated her nerves and her clitoris with my energy. 

I made it a metaphysical experience for both of us. It was bliss, for her as well, she was spiritually closed up, but she felt all those sensations and I could feel her pleasure just as well as she could. I timed my orgasm with hers as I could feel her sexual energy rising, but it just died down right as she reached the peak. 

Mentally she could not orgasm. 

I&apos;m sure my technique could have been much better. She was my first sexual partner as well, so in the beginning I had to learn a lot about controlling myself, learning how to properly stimulate her and all, but despite all that I did everything I could both physically and spiritually to give her her orgasm but even then I could not give her one. 

It had nothing to do with me or my lack of technique. Certainly if I were better maybe I could have made a difference, but mostly it was her being so sexually repressed it was impossible to give her what she needed. 

On the spiritual level she is closed up to a point where there&apos;s no return. She&apos;s not a xian, but just a sexually repressed woman unable to have a succesful relationship because of this, unable to understand even her own emotions. She is so detached from herself she doesn&apos;t even know what she needs the slightest. 

Right now it&apos;s only getting worse. The only reason she&apos;s not depressed yet is because of her repressing her emotions as well, because she cannot understand them, but really it is going to reach a breaking point sometime and I was able to let some of it out by slowly breaking those mental barriers in her mind, which everytime that happened resulted in a violent psychotic episode where she sometimes literally tried to kill me.

She nearly has a split personality as a result of all this repression. One being her usual repressed self and one where the mental barriers she created subconsciously don&apos;t hold up and all the insanity she holding in comes out. When this happens she becomes out right dangerous to herself, she cannot control herself and she cannot reason anymore. She completely impulsive and she doesn&apos;t think anymore. She nearly killed herself, she nearly attacked me with a knife multiple times because she became so panicked as a result of this... 

I could deal with this because of my water personality, but of course it wasn&apos;t good for me. That&apos;s why we broke up because I cannot be with someone that broken down. However she will never be able to free herself from all this and it&apos;s done so much damage to her on a spiritual level this will stay for many lifetimes.

All because she was sexually and emotionally repressed.

To me it sounds like she went through something so harsh that it damaged her deeply. She blocks her emotions out because she can not deal with it. She probably doesn't even remember the event - YES the mind is that powerful!
That could explain the psychotic episodes.

I have heard someone saying that it helps to do physical exercise, as emotions also get stuck in the body, so something like.. hitting a boxing ball.

Also maybe she should have tried hypnosis and maybe you could have asked a demon for help.

Anyway since you are not with her anymore this is not necessary to do, but perhaps this might have been a little bit of help.
@shael ... I think it is mostly misunderstood by those whom don't know how to walk in our shoes. They think it is totally utter useless, discard it all and put it down, while it can be so beautiful in the same time.

And that can be harsh. Because that mentality does not just hurt them, it hurts those whom hear of this and feel they are 'abnormal' and such because well maybe their dominant element is water and they are very empathic, thus this nature is very deep rooted in their being. Saying such things can be taken personally.

Emotions are not wrong and they should not be suppressed, and to this I say to those whom smite the word control around carelessly under 'insane' thought of mind.. and to those whom have heard the same things.. 
control = NOT suppression. 
(and personally I think the word control is the wrong word, sadly enough I don't know of a better English word to replace it with).
That was some great info about sending energy to your partner. I realize that I have a LONG ways to go, like I've never been with a partner and sent energy to chakra or physical spot on the body etc. I hope to learn this from people like you and the Gods.

Also you encourage me to share and do oral when I am with a partner. I never really been into that. Part of it is std paranoia, which I hope to hear tips on, but also generally ive been selfish.

You all really do change my mind. I have started to realize I need to be more of a giver and not some neanderthal looking for a hole LOL. I've been fucked over so much and had many other bad things happen and I've lived too long on the defensive. I've seen better results lately because I am starting to give more compliments, be sweeter, think about giving a good time to others etc. Its got to be giving and harmonious and a two way street not a one way.

Also Id like to understand more the mind of women to better give to them. I know much about sex is mental and I need to tend to that area. Why is it so much harder for them to be satisfied and need vibrator like the OP says? That does not seem to do anything for her mentally which is important.

Really you all are the best family and you help me improve. I hope I help you improve too! OP sorry if you felt I derailed the thread a bit, it seems you wanted to focus more on teens and young women. Maybe admin can move my comments to a new thread?
@taolvanswdI just want to make clear beforehand that I most certainly don't think badly about people with a dominant water element. Each type of person is unique, and thats how it should be. What brought me personally to "suppress" some of the water elements traits was my traumatic past. I talked about this a little in another post, so I don't want to make this too long. I basically lived in intense fear for several years. Therefore, almost knowing nothing but fear, I thought "emotions = bad", to put it simple. But this has gotten better already, thankfully.
And as for the word "control", I have actually philosiphed about this for a damn long while.I have a pretty fucked up part in my natal chart, which is that I am afraid of spirituality, but pull myself into it like a magnet, because I want power, on the other hand. For this, lets jump back to my past for a sec. I remember it very well. Back in elementary school, I used to be an extreme genious, and be lightyears ahead of all the others. Due to this, I didn't get to have friends and was lonely. In this lonelyness, I grew afraid of my abilities. I decided to suppress them. This is the one and only thing in my life, that I would label a "mistake". And a very grave one, aswell. Sometimes I think about how much more advanced I would be now if I hadn't suppressed this. In fear of my power, I tried "controlling" it by suppressing it. Once I got to this realization I decided to go full power with everything I do, and to never hold back (/suppress) my power ever again. Instead, I would seek to truly control my power.
This subject interests me a lot, so I'm always eager for discussion. 

On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 1:09, taolvanswd@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[email protected] wrote:   @shael ... I think it is mostly misunderstood by those whom don't know how to walk in our shoes. They think it is totally utter useless, discard it all and put it down, while it can be so beautiful in the same time.

And that can be harsh. Because that mentality does not just hurt them, it hurts those whom hear of this and feel they are 'abnormal' and such because well maybe their dominant element is water and they are very empathic, thus this nature is very deep rooted in their being. Saying such things can be taken personally.

Emotions are not wrong and they should not be suppressed, and to this I say to those whom smite the word control around carelessly under 'insane' thought of mind.. and to those whom have heard the same things.. 
control = NOT suppression. 
(and personally I think the word control is the wrong word, sadly enough I don't know of a better English word to replace it with).
It's a shame that it's hard for younger girls to get acces to things like vibrators and such.. 

For boys and men it's a lot easier to satisfy your sexual needs. It's much easier to orgasm too, especially during sex. Teen boys often have extremely warped beliefs on what sex is and how to please a girl or woman.. 

On top of that many teen girls are often taken advantage of because of those unrealistic beliefs about sex. 

Pleasing a man is not very hard for a woman. Turning him on isn't either. Sure there are varied "levels" a man can feel the pleasure, but in general sexually satisfying a man isn't hard and if the man in question just wants sex it's safe to say most woman and girls would be able to please him and make him feel great. 

Pleasing a woman isn't as easy. For a lot of woman sex is very emotional. They need some kind of emotional connection to really feel pleasure. At least that's what I have noticed. 

Foreplay is astronomically important to allow a girl or woman to relax and really get in the mood. Of course it depends on the personal preference of the woman. 

Kiss her, touch her, take the initiative, but don't go too fast. Physical contact really makes sex a lot better, instead of just going for some penetration.. For most woman that is the least exciting part of sex, also because of the enemy programming most woman have bad experiences with sex, specifically the fact that most men don't know how to please her at all and just want to get in there and go for penetration straight away, cum and be done with it.. 

Not all woman like oral sex either, but if she does really try to please her in all ways. Giving oral sex to a woman can be very difficult to do right, but it's very rewarding for both people. 

Being in good shape physically also helps to give more rewarding sex. Not all woman require this, but if you are strong and fit you'll be able to last a lot longer, you'll be able to try more positions and in general woman enjoy having a strong man that is confident and gives them a sense of security. I'm not saying you should be a macho with muscles so big they have to turn 90 degrees to walk through the door obviously, but just being in good shape and being healthy as a man is always a good thing and generally is more of a turn on for woman. 

Nobody likes a fat couch potatoe thats exausted after 5 minutes of sex. If you suddenly have to stop because you start loosing your breath or whatever during sex that will be the biggest turnoff I can imagine from a womans perspective.. So do yourself a favor and get into good shape if you aren't already. 

Some woman want to have rough sex, but even then physical touch and being close to her often turns them on much more. 

When you get together with a partner for the first time, try to take into consideration their past as well if you know it. Some may have had abusive partners, or partners that only gave them the terribly boring standard penetration sex. They may have very low expectations, or have corrupted ideas about what sex really is. Just keep that in mind when doing it with her, so you can adjust how you go about pleasing her and make her more comfortable.

Keep in mind too that most woman will not openly tell you what they like, mainly because many don't actually know what they like or enjoy most, unless they are very sexually active. Some want you to figure it out yourself and are adventurous in that way. 
Even if you can't read people, try to feel her out spiritually anyways to see if she's enjoying it or not. Woman can be surprisingly good at faking an orgasm and hiding their real feelings about the sex you are having.

If you know her date and place of birth (I assume you would know if you are having sex with her) try to look up her natal chart, it doesn't have to be perfect, as long as you can find where her Venus is located you can read about this and get a general idea of the Do's and Dont's in bed for the said girl or woman. This can really help.

Womans needs are very neglegted for the most part in regards to sexuality and a lot of men are extremely disrespectful towards woman as a result of enemy programming. They simply want to "fuck" them and have their way with them and that's it. 

Just on a side note for boys and men with the "alpha" syndrome and who think all woman want to get slammed by a large dick and dominated. That's definitly not true. 

@Shael definitely seems interesting to be conversing about. Right now I am not sure what to reply to this due to tiredness.. however I do understand the part of not being understood and such.. but that is an issue for me to work on (although I think I am doing fine which is good)

If you want to speak about more personal things perhaps we should move the conversation elsewhere..

And.. I am not quite sure what else to speak about. So I'd say pick a topic?

As for suppression in general.. I think it should not be done 9/10 times because it creates so many problems, but rather 'channel' or move it in such a direction that it can not do harm to any plant or animal or person (that includes yourself).
Wow. VoiceofEnki really knows women! I wonder how many emails you'll be getting from single ladies now lol. Thanks for the replies though, I haven't had much time at all for the groups.

But yes, with just her date of birth you can find out where her Venus is, and look at her Mars as well. The Mars really says a lot too. And if her Sun aspects her Saturn, she likely has issues with men, due to a bad relationship with her father, past lives and so on.
I made a seperate topic in the advanced meditation group with a reply to your message, if you want to check it out.
On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 0:11, taolvanswd@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   @Shael definitely seems interesting to be conversing about. Right now I am not sure what to reply to this due to tiredness.. however I do understand the part of not being understood and such.. but that is an issue for me to work on (although I think I am doing fine which is good)

If you want to speak about more personal things perhaps we should move the conversation elsewhere..

And.. I am not quite sure what else to speak about. So I'd say pick a topic?

As for suppression in general.. I think it should not be done 9/10 times because it creates so many problems, but rather 'channel' or move it in such a direction that it can not do harm to any plant or animal or person (that includes yourself).
"Woman can be surprisingly good at faking an orgasm and hiding their real feelings about the sex you are having."

@voiceofenki ... yeah all you pretty much have to do as a women to fake it is tighten the pelvic muscles and make some sounds.

... anyway I was wondering something.

Some people might have heard that boys can have so called 'wet dreams' in which it is said that theyd something like orgasm during their sleep??? I was wondering if there was any truth to this AND if there was a possibility for a woman to have something similar (I mean orgasm/arousal during sleep).

Oh and I understand that it is not easy for teenagers (female) to talk about this stuff. It also depends on the maturity of the person. Because one 14 year old might be completely ready to learn their own body, while the other 14 year old might not even be ready or feel ready to discuss this topic.

Nevertheless it must not be greeted like it is taboo, neither must the topic be forced onto people.

But I don't think any of us (aside new members & kikes/jooz) would be judging anyone for speaking about this subject.
Hello Lydia thanks for posting this. I have a question which I need to ask about sexuality and repression it's a difficult topic by I am reading what you and everyone is writing here and it seems like you all know your stuff so I really would be grateful for your advice. Please can people not get upset with me for posting this, I am only looking for some help. If the moderators feel this topic is inappropriate by all means don't allow it through but I am only looking for advice, I am not advocating anything illegal or harmful to people.

I have a serious problem that I am worried about when it comes to sexuality and I have seen other group members talk about this before but I haven't found a solution. I am very masochistic sexually and I get aroused by things that are extremely punishing and humiliating like being raped, being degraded, being made to feel like worthless used trash being strangled, being called ugly and disgusting by guys or made into a slave. I don't know where this comes from or why I can't stop fantasizing about it. It's not something I want to actually happen but at the same time it's a turn on. I know this is something other girls experience I am not sure how many but I know it isn't just me because I have seen others talk about it.

What I am afraid of is, if I keep fantasizing about this stuff and it's leading to orgasm isn't there a danger I could accidently manifest it for real? Because HP Maxine said before that when orgasm is involved and emotion is involved things have the power to manifest. I don't actually want to be raped but at the same time I can't stop fantasizing about this stuff.

So if I don't fantasize I repress myself if I do I may create bad things in my life? Also the problem is after I have these fantasies I feel like I hate myself for being attracted to things that are so degrading to myself. I can't explain it, I don't actually want to feel like trash just it's the things I am afraid of happening to me are also the things which turn me on. I can't explain it but it's just horrible and I hate it. I wish it would just go away.
Hey Ashley. I've talked about this in private emails with a few others who have asked me about it. I do astrology so people know that I know their sexual tendencies, so they feel more comfortable asking me. I gave them advice and it helped them, it's mostly theory on my part though as I'm not prone to this.

A feeing the soul meditation has helped others. Make the affirmation to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling sex life. Fetishes are fine, but guilt or anything about them are not. Guilt can be very damaging. Others have found that meditation alone brings a healthier and happier sex life, but if anything is deep-rooted then a freeing soul working will solve things quicker.

This will either get rid of the masochistic tendencies, or make you have a healthier veiw towards them, depending on what is right for you.

Also, you can go into a trance and ask yourself why this arouses you. Just knowing why will help you understand and come to terms with anything.

I hope this helps :)
@Taol. Yes "wet dreams" are common among teen men. And yes women can have them too, orgasms while asleep. I experienced this in my early 20's. I was in a very sexually active relationship at that time so my sacral chakra was probably generating a lot of energy. Although for teen men I think it's generally from not having a frequent release?
Yes, it is possible for both males and females to orgasm and or ejaculate during sleep. I have friends that have reported such incidents. Speaking personally, arousal seems a natural state for me during sleep, and almost every morning I get up before I get up ;)

On Friday, December 30, 2016, 7:01 am, taolvanswd@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  "Woman can be surprisingly good at faking an orgasm and hiding their real feelings about the sex you are having."

@voiceofenki ... yeah all you pretty much have to do as a women to fake it is tighten the pelvic muscles and make some sounds.

... anyway I was wondering something.

Some people might have heard that boys can have so called 'wet dreams' in which it is said that theyd something like orgasm during their sleep??? I was wondering if there was any truth to this AND if there was a possibility for a woman to have something similar (I mean orgasm/arousal during sleep).

Oh and I understand that it is not easy for teenagers (female) to talk about this stuff. It also depends on the maturity of the person. Because one 14 year old might be completely ready to learn their own body, while the other 14 year old might not even be ready or feel ready to discuss this topic.

Nevertheless it must not be greeted like it is taboo, neither must the topic be forced onto people.

But I don't think any of us (aside new members & kikes/jooz) would be judging anyone for speaking about this subject.
What I've noticed regarding wet dreams is that it seems to be a natural way for the body of a man to let out excess sperm.

Not all wet dreams are accompanied with a sexual dream. Sometimes the teen boy can just wake up with some ejaculation in his underwear after sleep without remembering anything.

I've never had it anymore after I understood I can masturbate.

@Taol, yeah that's true. For most men that will be completely convincing. However it's actually bad if you do this on purpose because it gives the man a lot lot more pleasure (from squeezing your pelvic muscles the increased tightness feels amazing..) and also reinforces his belief that he can sexually satisfy you while he's probably not doing this at all..

What I noticed is when a woman is close to orgasm her whole body starts convulsing. Not just tightening up down there, but the muscles start flexing and relaxing uncontrolably. The hips, thighs, butt and abdominal muscles start pulsating. Of course the heartbeat starts raising much higher as well. Her mind enters a trance like state that cannot be faked.

During and after orgasm the pulsating of the said muscles continues and the sensitivity after orgasm can be increased so much that even touching the butt causes a shiver through her body.

The mind gradually comes back from this trance like state after that and sensitivity returns to normal levels.

Correct me if I'm wrong though haha
+Lydia thank you I appreciate the help. Basically I am just worried that I will manifest things I don't actually want by sexually fantazing about them because of my sexual masochism. Like fantasizing about being raped too much can this cause it to manifest in my life or future lives because I put to much sexual energy into it?
Totally agree, teenage boys are usually less capable of pleasing a same aged girl, mostly due to sexual inexperiance (in my opinion). If you are a teen girl and want to have sex with a same aged boy for a longer time then make sure to give him an orgasm, then wait 20-30 minutes until he feels recovered, then have sex. Guys can have sex for longer if they have already had an orgasm.

Good luck everyone!

Hail Satan!
Totally agree, teenage boys are usually less capable of pleasing a same aged girl, mostly due to sexual inexperiance (in my opinion). If you are a teen girl and want to have sex with a same aged boy for a longer time then make sure to give him an orgasm, then wait 20-30 minutes until he feels recovered, then have sex. Guys can have sex for longer if they have already had an orgasm.

Good luck everyone!

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
