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Things We Know And Things We Dont - Russia/Ukraine Situation [March 8th - UPDATED - BIOLABS?]

Elvira666 said:
So, I am writing to you as things stand. I am writing from Russia, based on our Satanic views and Hitler's True National Socialism.

What is happening in Ukraine? The Jewish cohort, I believe, conspiring amongst themselves in advance, are planning:
1. To bring for their thoughtforms many sacrifices from the Russian and Ukrainian Gentiles sent to fight.
2. To pit whites against each other.
3. In Russia recently, many people have begun to feel sympathy for Hitler and NS ideas because many migrants are being brought into Russia. The Jews decided to prevent this by exposing NS views in an unflattering light by using mercenary criminals whom the Jews proclaimed to be National Socialists.

Now. As for the misinformation about "real Ukrainian National Socialists" - this is complete nonsense! The Azov Regiment and others were created, controlled and run by JEWS! In order for them to disgrace Hitler's name and to create an opinion in people that we NS are just like them - they torture Russian people in Ukraine, just for being Russian! They persecute them, they kill them. The real NS do not and will not do that. All of these Ukrainian alleged Nazi groups are Jewish, created in order to disgust the NS. Moreover, there is information that not Ukrainians are fighting in these regiments, but mercenaries from other countries for money, and Ukrainians are only a small part of them.

Further. I am pretty sure that both Jew Putin, Zelensky and Biden are in cahoots. This whole war is solely to smear Hitler's name, to show Gentiles that Nazism looks bad, to spill white Gentile blood and to make money from the war.

I actually have felt the same way regarding this fabricated war.

Whatever reasons they come up with, I am certain it is all bullshit, the only reason this is happening is because the nwo jews wanted a distraction war because the world is getting a little to aware of them for their liking and NS sympathy as well as exposure of the nwo and jewish agenda are at an all time high.

Spilling white blood and trashing our Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler's name as well as causing global confusion and economic damage by using this war as an excuse/catalyst are all they are after with this.

There is no other reason for it. It really appears this is nothing more than a jewish "play", a theatre like the most poorly directed Netflix drama that they are attempting to have the works act out so they can kick back and enjoy the onslaught while the Gentiles suffer and they can try to further their great reset agenda as planned.

Senile and useless sack of shit Biden seems to know all about this and is having the easiest time of his life being US president, since he doesn't need to do anything except just do as the nwo jews tell him when they hand him the script, beyond that he can just kickback and enjoy "the show" from the sidelines like a lapdog.

This entire situation and war and everything else is the most artificial and ridiculous forced move ever made by the jew. They are attempting to flip the chess board because they were getting mated in a few turns so to speak.

This whole thing is definitely something the jew had planned for a long time, with putting zelensky in the office of Ukraine and putting Biden, the most compliant little bitch "president" the US has ever seen who is a literal simp to the nwo being in office at the same time, which allowed them to control the two most unpredictable factors and have a temporary free reign to put in motion any plans like this that they were waiting to kick off.

I do not think this would have been possible for the nwo to do if Trump had been in office, because I do not believe he would have been obedient to the nwo demands and agenda and he would have interfered since he has his own vision on things, unlike Biden who is literally a senile old fool who is completely and effortlessly under the enemy thumb.

This is probably why they made a gamble and did the most obvious rigging of the elections ever to put him into office now, in order to open a window for them to have free reign to cause global events without the US being a factor in it, since it is crippled by total incompetence from its "leadership".

Biden is like having an incapable king while the actual decision makers are the nwo jews acting like a shadow "regent" telling him exactly what to do and when to do it, while Biden just mindlessly agrees since he doesn't even have the strength or will or remaining clarity to try and resist or act against it.

Another thing to note on this war situation is, zelinsky is actively rallying civilians to put up resistance against the Russian armed invasion forces.

He asked them to make weapons, such as molotovs, and be ready to fight to protect their homeland, etc.

Civilians were successfully rallied by this insanity and many are actually going out there provoking the Russian army by giving them active resistance. A completely futile and extremely deadly effort, which would cause Russian armed forces to retaliate and consider all Ukrainian people as a potential threat, and actively target them if there is any reason to suspect they may entertain the idea of opposing the Russian armed forces.

Civilians should by all means never antagonize the invading army, as this is nothing more than a death wish, unless there is actual point to it or it is something which may change the outcome of the war positively, but in this case it is nothing good and only serves to offer up more white people to the jewish orchestrated meatgrinder that this war is attempted to be used as.

Zelinsky the odious jew is obviously doing this on purpose, and was most likely ordered to do everything he can to gaslight this conflict and the people involved in order to cause as much death and destruction that he is able to.

Antagonizing the Ukrainian civilians to oppose the Russian army being one of these things, since the Russian army does indeed not appear to want to actively target civilians, however this would give the Russian army a "justification" to escalate their war doctrine and begin haphazard and full on assault against the people as a whole under pretense that there is armed resistance from the populace which warrants military retaliation.

This would allow them to walk the proverbial moral high ground while committing unthinkable crimes and acts against the people and chalk it up to wartime hardship or even deflect blame for it on the Ukrainian people themselves for inciting escalation and military retaliation by offering active resistance against the Russian army.
Kurat said:
Aquarius said:
Arngeirr9 said:
Brothers! I am writing through an interpreter.

Russian troops are firing at civilians. Almost every city in Ukraine is under fire. Everyone has been to a shelter at least once.

On the side of Communist Putin are outspoken Chekists and Chechen Muslims.

The Ukrainian army, volunteers and ordinary people are fighting the aggressor together.

On our side are and actively defend the country real pagan NS! Putin has declared them as enemies (((of the people)))). Among them is the famous Azov.

The Russian Federation is suffering very serious losses, many equipment and manpower have already been lost. The Chekists are at a loss. They planned to take over Ukraine in 1-2 days.

There are already rumors of negotiations in ISRAEL!!!
Thank you for the misinformation.
Aquarius, how big is salary in Russian troll army? How long is the working day?
Kurat, please.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Over 90% of the dutch households use gas.. Also because it is nice to be able to cook when you do not have electricity due to an outage.. Which often happens at least once to everyone every 2 years.

At this rate, we should be glad winter is drawing over. But if this issue is not fixed until September, many people will start dying and experiencing all sorts of deprivations from this.

Up to now, there has been no real reduction to the quantity of gas passing through Ukraine or the exports. In other words, all the crisis is price induced and wholly artificial. The same goes for oil and other necessary commodities.

They are currently NOT on a supply crunch, their price is being manipulated and nothing else. This might change in the future, but any rising prices until now are artificial shortages.

Ukraine also has been one of the biggest producers of Wheat for Europe, so to expect prices to double on bread and other basic goods might not be a far reach. Governments cannot do much about this, except of maybe buy wheat from other Nations.

There have been gas winnings in Groningen.. which caused earthquakes and damage to peoples houses and property. So they had to scale that back down.

As for the weather.. we usually have western/south western wind.. which makes the air come from the sea and it is not as cold as lets say alaska or in the alps or so.

However when the wind turns (north, eastern) kinds of wind, the air comes from the land, and is cold and dry. This is when temperatures drop and things start to freeze.

There is a big chance of having a very cold winter again after these unusually warm winters the last 3-4 years. Most times the temperatures didnt get below 10 during the day.. They should have been at 5C or lower.

Also cloudless nights drop the temperature a lot...

Belarusians have voted to allow the country to host nuclear weapons and Russian forces permanently, part of a package of constitutional reforms that also extended the rule of leader Alexander Lukashenko.

These jews are absolutely insane... nobody can really predict what they will do next anymore. The level of insanity keep getting worse by the day.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As one can imagine, a lot of "news" and other things we think we know about this conflict are not true. Therefore, consider and share information in the comments here, in case you have observed something different or particular things are off.

The situation is not only a tragedy, but we are being told lies and more lies by the media. Look what the Jewish media have done with Co-Vid. One can imagine, what flasehoods and lies of the media [they promote their own agenda] can do at such a delicate time for world balance.

It makes one think, back in WW2, how are we so sure that Hitler was this or that, or anyone for that liking, when even compared to the "Era of Information", we have such limited knowledge of real facts behind an event?

Even nowadays with the internet, it has become really weird, even difficult, to find TRUE information.

What about back then? When information was so strictly controlled. How easy was it to write falsehood and write history as a winner back then? Chances are, extremely easy.

From numerous conflicting claims and reports, the situation on why this occurred remains unclear. We are talking about the basic reasons pertaining to the event, not for a larger plan. It appears the larger reasons, are known to world leaders, maybe Putin and Joe Biden, Zelensky and others.

The public is, as always, given other false alarms as reasons. The West for example, is not really saying the Truth, and it shows. It's not that Putin one day woke up and decided to invade Ukraine because he's an Evil "Nazi". Something else entirely is going on, and we are not being told anything.

Certain people do say that Russia did the invasion because they were afraid of Nuclear power being used against them over then next months, but also, to "de-militarize" Ukraine as they had, they claim, active progress to get into NATO and the prospect of building American Military Bases.

That claim, is however a long shot, as a Nation has to even declare about this even being in the conversation, let alone being so quick to be made into a plan. Even if we say the Russian secret service got information on under the table talks [of which Zelensky is famous for doing], it all has to be a multi faceted decision and couldn't be that simple.

The above could be real to an extend, but looks like not all the facts. The above rhetoric says that Russia had to invade to protect it's living space from an impeding NATO attack closing further and further on their borders.

Putin's claims about "Nazis" and other "Denazification" talk is because of attacks of ethnic Russians in Ukraine, or so was this claim, about certain attacks towards Russian people close to the borders with Ukraine. These, they claim, had to do with rebel "Nazi" [Right winger ethnic nationalist] factions.

Ukraine's president, looks a lot like he is acting around. He is an actor by profession, a comedian. He has for years been too overconfident, almost as an actor that literally has a script to play, wanting to provoke aggression.

I do not understand how such a big importance target is literally doing selfies in front of the Parliament, which is repeatedly reported [maybe falsely] to be surrounded by Russian Spetsnaz units and special forces, and hasn't been found yet.

Something doesn't add up here. He is probably not there at all. If he is is there, then it seems he is purposefully delaying negotiations after his monumental failure to just allow the siege to keep going. Kyiv will get attacked mercilessly as a result. The people do not want to surrender, but his denial to engage into talks and negotiation is making the situation harder.

Him and his Vice President are literal Jews that have an Israeli passport and were probably planted there by the Globalists and Jews to trigger specific events. Agitation of Russia seems to have been a literal plan here. The details of this remain unclear to the general public, however.

We also here know that this person is a literal Jewish person that could be a Rabbi. We are not even talking about a crypto jew here. Let us not forget, that this Jew, also was the main proponent in other fake scandals involving Trump and played a pivotal role in his replacement with Joe Biden.

On the other hand, Mr Poroshenko is indeed on the literal arms. How's that for a contrast of actual presidents like Zelensky? Knowing jews and their role in triggering WW1, one cannot reasonably call this a coincidence.

I want to also remind of people about Jared Kushner and how he was literally itching on the Trump administration for all dangerous things that may have led to wars, such as the Israeli Embassy in Jerusalem. They just love dragging Nations into wars and upsetting them.

About Zelensky, it is difficult to assume that he wasn't doing NATO negotiations under the table, or something similar. Still, the attack appears to have been mostly undeserved. The entry to the Russian Forces on Chernobyl, is really weird, and strategically speaking, they would never bother with the place unless there was something really serious going on there.

In regards to Joe Biden, he is the most incompetent leader in possibly the history of the United States. He lost a whole Nation to the Taliban [the media dropped silent now as if this didn't even happen] and now, he is destroying NATO and his weakness will start a war. It is doubtful that any Nation would engage in these moves if Biden was respected even on a baseline.

Germany, recently announced, with France, that they are sending armed vehicles and other things inside Ukraine. Long story short, if Russia wants to continue this in any direction, they can always make a claim that they are helping Ukraine, and that they have war with them too or strained relations.

In regards to Finland and Sweden, they were threatened to not join NATO, but the situation is, even a fake claim or rumor, might be enough to facilitate more events. With the jewish media and opinion makers in control of the transfer of the messages, and with the complete lack of independent journalism, we are at high risk of the situation continuing.

Through all of this, the only positive assessments of the situation, is that apparently, the Russian military is not doing a war of retaliation [ie, not a war only to kill people and only slaughter civilians]. They also do not attack civilians. And on the other hand, the Ukrainian people are brave and strong, showing determination.

It is clear however, that Russia has the most powerful military might between the two, which hopefully, nobody will allow at full expression, let alone on civilians and random people. So far, it appears from the onset, that there are warnings for air raids and other moves that generally fall under the idea of warfare, and not retaliatory senseless warfare.

It is bitterly painful and disappointing to see yet another Brother War in the European continent. There is so much work to do in this world...

Going to China is sitting on the side lines, doing soft condemnations for Russia, as they understand, that the US, even under Biden, has a very powerful military. The Chinese Government however is probably looking at this situation and salivating, as three of it's main antagonists are about to start ripping each other to shreds. Let us not forget, Billy Gates, Fauci, and the Chinese Government, authored the most recent meme of "Co-Vid".

Needless to say, looking behind Nations and claims, we can see that this is all a plan of the Globalists. While there appears on the surface to be right and wrong in either side, the only real thing is that there is a humanitarian crisis going on for the people of Ukraine right now.

Even worse, all these events, "Sanctions" and all these measures the West is taking against Russia, are going to be detrimental to possibly all of the Global economy, despite of what is expected.

Klaus Schwab and others, after the so called "Pandemic", are also lining up everything for claimed Cyberattacks [which COINCIDENTALLY ALSO STARTED OCCURRING EXACTLY AT THE VERY SAME TIME WITH THIS WAR], and a list of all their other declarations of what will "occur" in order to usher the "Great Reset". The series of these events is anything but coincidental, it is planned.

COINCIDENTALLY also, exactly after Jews were getting exposed for doing Co-Vid fraud and having exposed whole Nations to catastrophic financial and social realities, oh, look, suddenly a war that has the potential to flatten and "Reset" the whole world happens. Let's talk about perfect timing...

The strain from treating this stupid "Pandemic" situation as a real war, has many Nations financially and in all ways stressed. Currently, the prices for basic goods and necessities are skyrocketing, inflation is out of control, and in general, all the pre-planned situations for the "Great Reset" are being lined up.

Even the people who doubt there is a plan in all this, that is, only the ignorant who haven't read Klaus's works, will have to face now the reality that there is something sinister taking place.

We must not forget, the real agenda behind all of this, is that neither of these sides is really correct. They are trying to change the world and redistribute things. Winners and losers will come out of this, but every winner in the end will be a loser if the enemy has their way.

In the end of the day, the pretexts and the general plan remains the same, and people have to be vigilant against the enemy as a whole, not only specifically. We have to remember, that we are living and seeing a series of events in a larger plan.

Everyone must insist here and do DAILY the protection workings for Ukrainian or Russian brothers and sisters. Even if they are caught in the jaws of fate, they don't deserve any of this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I think that, politically, neither side is any better than the other.
Putin is a bloody shitty jew, as is Zelensky.

From this you can see clearly that they are putting on a charade and pretending to be "enemies", but in the background they have nothing against each other.

It's all part of a big plan.
And the big plan is to collapse the world in some way, and then introduce a communist new world order, which will then be extended to the whole planet.

The first step was to brainwash people with hostile agendas (christianity, islam, buddhism, communism, liberalism, etc...), then migration was the second step to start the process of pitting the Gentiles against each other, the third step was to create covidism, and the fourth step is to start a world war again.

The only question is, they are going to give up on the covid dictatorship because people in a lot of countries are waking up and seeing the fucking jews that this plan hasn't worked and more and more countries are permanently ending the covid dictatorship and that's why the war had to be started so soon,
or are they still holding the covid in their pocket? :?:
Elvira666 said:

Anything else you will be told is Jewish disinformation.

I agree with you!
Also those pseudo-nazis were totally brainwashed and their leaders were directly ordered to threaten and attack Hungarians too who have been living in Ukraine because of treaty of Trianon...
seems odd I cant tie any dots as to why the hell this is happening, haven't bothered to look at mainstream media, so does anyone has an insight on this? nothing seems to add up, could be that its Jews being Jews (Putin and zelensky or however he's called) but to me there's something deeper going on
Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
By the end of this, and with a bad president, they will completely de-militarize Ukraine and it will probably end up as a puppet state.
Also this:
This basically may mean that jootin will want to restore the former glory of soviet union, meaning Ukraine, the Baltic states, maybe Finland and only Satan knows what else.

Dugin seems to be a joo who indirectly spits out things the establishment of russia is planning. His statements can therefore be used to predict medium and long-term strategies of kremlin.

Very interesting. His language reminds me of Albert Pike though.
Apprentice said:
I wouldn't be so sure about this. Videos exist on FB that clearly show suburbs, hospitals and apartment buildings under heavy rocket fire or destroyed in explosions.

During war times these areas make ideal places as a base of operations, apartment buildings especially as it provides vantage points for scouting/sniping. I saw a video on telegram showing Ukrainian soliders setting up at a building with people nearby. Unfortunately, civilians will get caught up in this, since armies (especially ones leaded by a corrupt/incompetent president) have the tendency to use civilian populations as collateral to deter military attacks against them. Since Putin has seam to be in full tilt however, these factors don't matter to him. Both sides are clearly making irrational actions at the cost of civilian lives.
xlnt said:
It's true that we don't get the right information on exactly why Putin is acting in this way, other than that he is evil and wants to take over Ukraine out of greed.

From what I understand the reasons are (according to Putin):
* Ukraine has commited genocide on Russians
* NATO is expanding aggressively close to Russian territory
* Ukraine is a threat and thus needs to me demilitarized
* Ukraine is "nazi"

Putins words:
Once again, I would like to stress that any responsibility for any bloodshed will lie with the consciences of the Ukrainian regime.

The continued expansion of NATO infrastructure and the commencement of military development in ukraine's territories is unacceptable to us.

What is happening today does not come from a desire to interfere with the interests of Ukraine or the people of Ukraine. It has to do with the protection of Russia against those who took Ukraine hostage and who are trying to use it against our country and our people.

These are all bogus reasons according to the mainstream media. All they talk about is how many troops have moved in, yadayada and nothing about the real reasons for what is happening. Just classic fear mongering.
In one of HPS Maxine's sermons she mentioned that Putin is jewish, working with other jews to establish communism once again in Russia.

Interestingly both North Korea, China and Iran seem to be supportive and understanding of this Russian attack:

"The main reason for the Ukrainian crisis lies in the thickness and arbitrariness of the United States," North Korea said in a statement on its foreign ministry website.

North Korea says the U.S. has sought "military supremacy completely unabashedly about Russia's legitimate demands for security," while describing the U.S. tendency to interfere in other countries' internal affairs when at the same time ignoring other countries' demands for security as "arrogance and hypocrisy."

One thing is clear though; that is is way more complex then what the mainstream media is trying to tell us.

There's a recent video that emerged in telegram with Russian soldiers giving a message to Ukrainian soldiers as they arrive near Kiev.

Here's the translation, of the video
"We are not Americans and we will not bring you democracy. If you have it, then we will not touch it. Ukraine remains with the Ukrainians. Between shortly we will drive out the regime that sells you to forigners. Don't waste your life on this rot, save it for your country and your loved ones. Worse than the present one, you can't have any. Calling Russia an enemy and inviting NATO here, they left us no choice. We are not enemies. A little longer and you will be convinced. Don't touch us and we won't touch you."

The video's only available on telegram so I will try to get it uploaded if need be but that's basically the Russians take on this, or perhaps what they were told.
Latest updates: Ukraine requested immediate adherence to EU while negotiations between Russia and Ukraine took place in Belarus. There is a lot of preassure and Zelenski is thanking the EU countries for the support almost painting a target. Russia says it wants 3 points in order to conclude peace:
1. neutral status for Ukraine
2. total disarming
3. denazification - probably he wants to kill the nationalists which include the Azov army... typical jew obsession

I hope our ritual bombs expose something big out of this whole story to the eyes of the public, they usually manifest the best in times of crisis.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Elvira666 said:

Anything else you will be told is Jewish disinformation.

I agree with you!
Also those pseudo-nazis were totally brainwashed and their leaders were directly ordered to threaten and attack Hungarians too who have been living in Ukraine because of treaty of Trianon...

These "Nazi" organizations are only shill jewish organizations and that should be obvious. A jew sitting on a literal chair in Ukraine, wouldn't at any cost allow any real "Nazis" to roam a country, arm themselves, and become like a literal Taliban inside Ukraine. They clearly made these on their own.

These were probably on the bankroll, or the creation of another function, such as the Western Agencies, or even Russia. It cannot be that they would allow this. They also used them as pretext to go in and to cause ruins. The "De-Nazification" simply means stop these shills that we ourselves created, from doing what we instructed them to do. That was the primary pretext for the first invasion.

Watching also the "Zelensky" videos, honestly, this is some real tier of stupid shit for trolling. These videos appear to be literally fake [especially those in the front]. You cannot literally stream with a smartphone your own face as the president on the side of the Parliament, and the Spetsnaz units which seek you as the highest importance target [supposedly] for capture, cannot find you through the phone signal. These videos look shot from 6 months earlier.

Jews are creating a Netflix series in front of our very eyes. They have caused a war for literally no reason whatsoever, just to kill people and to agitate global order in accordance to the Great Reset monster plan.

The problem is, REAL people and REAL civilians do die, and real lives get destroyed - all for NOTHING.

All of this is literally a Jewish Circus that legitimately is getting people killed left and right, only to usher the "Great Reset" and accelerate the downfall of the West and other things they want to go down.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Elvira666 said:

Anything else you will be told is Jewish disinformation.

I agree with you!
Also those pseudo-nazis were totally brainwashed and their leaders were directly ordered to threaten and attack Hungarians too who have been living in Ukraine because of treaty of Trianon...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you very much for your words and for responding to the letter, dear HP Hooded Cobra!! !I am glad you understand that. Thank you for not blaming Russian Gentiles and Russia. This is all the Jews did. Thank you!
For our fellow NatSoc members: We are fighting Nazis is the same judeo-bolshevik or as Jack has been mentioning with next-generation judeo-bolsheviks Stakeholder Capitalism i.e. Communism with Capitalist properties. The evil Satan did it.

It's become annoying at this point. Just the circle jerk blame game.

Commulist(Communist-Capitalist dupes).

Same old bullshit and yet people fall for it. The same bullshit from WW2. For example the ebil, debil Huns. Funny if you listen to Hitler he states the Huns were stopped at least at one point from entering Europe with combined Roman-German forces.

How can Germans be Huns?

Anyways this same bullshit is getting old. 80 YEARS+, 80 years. It seems WW3 = WW2 but with nukes. Apparently someone forgot to tell people Nazis got destroyed 80+ years ago.

But I guess for these fucktards everything is Nazi.

For anyone who's read both the '36 Dugdale and '39 Dr.Dalton. Not sure about Ford I'll read it at some point especially considering a member using a quote from Mein Kampf I never seen before in either version.

But Hitler does go on to ask Why do the jews never reply back properly to anti-semites or people complaining about how this, this, and that can be better. It's like they ignore the message and continue saying the same shit.

I guess if you keep saying the same shit people will believe you. Sometimes I wonder if the whole Russia, Russia, Russia from the establishment dupes here in America against Trump was something of a pre-war subliminal. We need to fight Russia they are the enemy they dupe the election for Trump to win, Oy vey.

Isn't it strange since 2017 they've been just ramming Russia up people's asses non-stop especially Pelosi and company.

As much as I respect the heroes of might and magick the good old NS. That time of history has passed. But I guess with jews it's just perpetual the shoah, the shoah, the horrible shoah.

Anyways agreed with many members here who state the NS of Ukraine are paid shills. Same can be said about here in America most of them are just fedpots. Funny if these people knew what real NS was rather than believing the enemy and shilling for the enemy. Many of them would ask WTF I wasted my life doing stupid shit just to be told the truth that I could have improved myself and had a better nation and life.

I think some people are lost causes and cannot be saved.

I wonder what the Gods do to people who've gone off the deep end. I doubt they kill them that is too petty but I'm sure they'd be like your funeral better luck next life when you reach the end of your lifespan.
I've learned over the past few decades when something like this is being blasted 24/7 on the MSM the government is busy doing things behind the scenes that never get any attention. It's "look at this hand" while the other hand is doing something else. The American government has done this in the past by passing laws and bills when everyone else is distracted so the general public never know. So my question is does anyone know of any of the world governments getting together and passing new laws and regulations that isn't getting the light of day? I saw someone post about the WHO is supposed to meet and make some new rules for the pandemic but I can't help but think there is something more that is being put into motion behind the scenes. Not even sure where to look to see what congress or other nations parliaments are getting together and making new laws while this is all going on and everyone is distracted.
Another thing, the negotiation site was supposed to be the city of Gomel in Belarus. A place known for its Jewish community. And Gomel=Golem. Lol
HP HoodedBro, I think you meant March 1st in the title, not Feb 1st.
Another update is that a lot of the refugees from Ukraine are not Ukrainian. Many seem to be "students" from Syria, India etc. This I don't like. The Ukrainian refugees want to go back after this is over. The shitskins never did, for them this was never about safety, it was about comfort. It's always the europeans that worry about such event, never the arabs or blacks, they are here just for comfort and money. Always play victim... look at the white privilege in Ukraine. One fights and shuts up and one never shuts up and never does anything honorable
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Watching also the "Zelensky" videos, honestly, this is some real tier of stupid shit for trolling. These videos appear to be literally fake [especially those in the front]. You cannot literally stream with a smartphone your own face as the president on the side of the Parliament, and the Spetsnaz units which seek you as the highest importance target [supposedly] for capture, cannot find you through the phone signal. These videos look shot from 6 months earlier.

BlackJackal said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Watching also the "Zelensky" videos, honestly, this is some real tier of stupid shit for trolling. These videos appear to be literally fake [especially those in the front]. You cannot literally stream with a smartphone your own face as the president on the side of the Parliament, and the Spetsnaz units which seek you as the highest importance target [supposedly] for capture, cannot find you through the phone signal. These videos look shot from 6 months earlier.

Great find.
The way i see it the key to read this whole situation is not too complex. The only threat to the jewish great reset is the growing sentment on nazional socialism theoughout the world. Apart of those purposely created bu jews in ukraine ,wich i havent imvestigated on, i think this sentment is growing in many of the youth.
Striking is how many of controlled opposition now say that Putin has banned jacob Rothschild from Russia as he has paid their debt to them and hes studied history and bla bla bla.
Key here is jewish Putin saying one of the wanted purposes of this war is the denazification of ukraine.

Now why does a man of his calibre and reputation out as top priority the denazification of such a poor economy country as ukraine?
It may seem like their thousand bs said to blame nazis or some shit like that, but its not.
Like i said in the beginning the only threat to them is nazional socialism sentment growth.
Wich better way to stop this rebirth than the jewish zelensky forcing young and oldem men to fight their stupid war?
This apart being a tool to continue their Great reset, and massacre the economy of the west, is a Direct attack onto gentiles spiritually using as "fuel" the ritual sacrifice of our own people. Thats their modus operandi since forever.
Oh last but not least, medias now are putting out the news that Putin most dangerous and feared weapon is named blaphemengly Satan 2.
My anger thowards them has never been higher than this to be honest
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They also do not attack civilians.
I wouldn't be so sure about this. Videos exist on FB that clearly show suburbs, hospitals and apartment buildings under heavy rocket fire or destroyed in explosions.
There are also videos shot by ukrainian troops of captured russian boysoldiers saying on camera that they were ordered/railroaded into doing this what was supposed to be an excercise. Young boys with no previous combat experience. Is it some sort of gambit to weaken/drain the ukrainian forces?
At the same time, nato forces are fortified in all other member countries close by. It may well be that russian schlomos together with schwab have planned to start armed conflicts under the pretext of muh oppressed russian populace. From there on, they may use nato armed forces to enter phase 2 of immunization (ie. finalizing it).
Am I delusional?

You are not. I saw these videos after doing more research, including one video where one tank did run over a vehicle with an Ukrainian citizen inside it. These constitute crimes and more than likely disobedience of direct orders.

There do not appear to be direct orders to attack and/or do aggression towards any civilian. So we are talking about crimes of war there done by personnel. I hope they are relieved of duty immediately and put to prison.

I do not think you are delusional at all. They have the influence to rally these things into action. By the end of this, and with a bad president, they will completely de-militarize Ukraine and it will probably end up as a puppet state.

Jeiwsh purim is coming. That's why they exterminated civilians - it was jewish blood sacrifice. I spoke with those with relatives in Ukraine. No one knows whose's bombs fell on the hospitals and kindergartens - "Russian" or "NATO's", jewish did. They just used any plane they could to human sacrifice those children and civilians for their purim, then every side told their own people on TV propaganda, that "it was bad Russia" or "it was bad America" respectively.
Aquarius said:
BlackJackal said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Watching also the "Zelensky" videos, honestly, this is some real tier of stupid shit for trolling. These videos appear to be literally fake [especially those in the front]. You cannot literally stream with a smartphone your own face as the president on the side of the Parliament, and the Spetsnaz units which seek you as the highest importance target [supposedly] for capture, cannot find you through the phone signal. These videos look shot from 6 months earlier.

Great find.

It appears this video was also scripted. There is also quite a few videos analysing Putin doing the same thing.

They have no shame.

The videos about "Refugees" and others are literally aired from other countries, and we are being told excessively big lies. The level of lying is the utter disrespect of the public.
BlackJackal said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Watching also the "Zelensky" videos, honestly, this is some real tier of stupid shit for trolling. These videos appear to be literally fake [especially those in the front]. You cannot literally stream with a smartphone your own face as the president on the side of the Parliament, and the Spetsnaz units which seek you as the highest importance target [supposedly] for capture, cannot find you through the phone signal. These videos look shot from 6 months earlier.


Thank you for this, I haven't seen this before. Yes, that makes sense, and it shows that I wrote to be factual. Especially some pictures from "Bunkers" etc...

I am here like 12 hours a day reading news and updates, looking into information, with hardly any sleep, and I don't have a Nation on war...They do. And yet they do interviews, take walks around the Parliament, or whatever other thing. That's not the reality of a war.

I cannot fathom how "Zelensky" or any other "leader" is not literally sleeping 3-4 hours per day at a maximum, but is instead of the parliament taking selfies and giving "interviews" during these crucial times.

I cannot fathom how they go on "instagram" and all this, while people watch this Netflix series where people literally die en masse...Zelensky looks like he is trying less than any world leader in history to avert evil.

It is insane that also people believe this and even call this "heroic", just because of what lies we are given in the MSM...I guess, whatever the MSM covers and it's bots do comment is "real" today.

Zelensky is just chilling or probably not even in Ukraine.
Aquarius said:
HP HoodedBro, I think you meant March 1st in the title, not Feb 1st.

Title was cut, now fixed. Anyone please keep an eye on anything editorial - things go too fast now. Thank you for this Brother.
I come from a predominant pro Russian country, I got no evidence for this, but I heared that all the videos of the Ukrainian President were all pre-recorded like 6 months ago.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Biffrons!
Hail Guardian
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Zelensky is just chilling or probably not even in Ukraine.

This is a nice article about seemingly fake news


Also,what amazed me is to find out he was an actor and his story about how he became president

In 2015, Zelenskyy became the star of the television series Servant of the People, where he played the role of the president of Ukraine. In the series, Zelenskyy's character was a high-school history teacher in his 30s who won the presidential election after a viral video showed him ranting against government corruption in Ukraine.

Start of political career
The political party Servant of the People was created in March 2018 by people from the television production company Kvartal 95, which also created the television series of the same name.

Starting 31 December 2018,[42] Zelenskyy led a successful,[43] almost entirely virtual,[44][45] presidential campaign to unseat incumbent President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, in just three to four months. Zelenskyy clearly won both the first round of elections on 31 March,[46] and the run-off election on 21 April 2019.[47] One of Zelenskyy's presidential campaign promises was that he would serve only one term in office (i.e., five years).

Zelenskyy was elected President of Ukraine on 21 April 2019, beating the incumbent, Petro Poroshenko with nearly 73 per cent of the vote to Poroshenko's 25 per cent.

And all this is from jewpedia, but we can guess what went behind the scenes. An actor acting as a president, then becoming the president :lol:

This is just Netflix, as it is the whole war.

Check this video about the president as well

Zelinsky in High Heels & Latex Wants You To Believe He’s a Warrior What a Joke!


They pushed this just when the truckers movement in Canada was becoming huge. And now just check the MSM, the covid has vanished. Everything is about muh poor people fleeing the country, putin man bad.

I mean hey, (they) were just caught red handed about covid deaths, had a little revolution in the trudeau utmost democracy then bam get some mercenaries from abroad, disguise them as local forces, beat the shit out of protesters, declare martial law and whatnot, then continue with the mandatory vaccination, but now bigger boogie man appears warrrrrrr give sheeple a different kind of jumpscare, allgood again in clownworld.
One thing I've noticed since Putin's 'Empire of Lies' speech especially, is that it is very difficult to get hold of Russian content or even the full video of Putin putting Russia's Nuclear division on 'high alert' on Sunday.

I am aware that Russia/Putin has recently denounced communism, and accuses the west of being like the soviet union. We are seeing censorship on a grand scale in the west now.

I modified my tor settings to connect to a Russian exit node, and searched for some information from the Russian side of the fence. Within Russia, there is no mass hysteria when you search for details on the conflict. It's all retaliation from Ukraine and NATO aggression.

It's currently very difficult to get onto rt.com, but wayback machine displays some interesting content from the last couple of days.

It's all what we are suspecting here: bullshit. There is no war, only that in our minds from western media. Russia is not on the offensive.

I've got live streams of Ukraine CCTV running all day and cannot see anything happening, expect for maybe one or two military vehicles driving through - alongside pedestrians and other civilian cars. Absolute nonsense.



I am not 'taking the side of Russia', as I ultimately understand both NATO/West/WEF and Russia are Jewish led. This is a dispute between Jewish world leaders, and there will be lies on both sides. Both will be trying to win over the mind of the masses. But, truthfully - I think it is the NATO/West/WEF Jews that are stoking this fire.
Ah, finally - I've come across Russia's response to all the Western media's lies. I thought it was so odd that they were allowing this to happen without response.

This was put together by Russia's First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations.

It was posted on "China’s WeChat “for our Chinese friends who are also actively targeted by #Ukraine fake-makers.” The guide dissects dozens upon dozens of images posted by Western media and authorities in recent days about the Ukraine crisis turning out to have nothing to do with the crisis."


Requires translation...

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BlackJackal said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Watching also the "Zelensky" videos, honestly, this is some real tier of stupid shit for trolling. These videos appear to be literally fake [especially those in the front]. You cannot literally stream with a smartphone your own face as the president on the side of the Parliament, and the Spetsnaz units which seek you as the highest importance target [supposedly] for capture, cannot find you through the phone signal. These videos look shot from 6 months earlier.


Thank you for this, I haven't seen this before. Yes, that makes sense, and it shows that I wrote to be factual. Especially some pictures from "Bunkers" etc...

I am here like 12 hours a day reading news and updates, looking into information, with hardly any sleep, and I don't have a Nation on war...They do. And yet they do interviews, take walks around the Parliament, or whatever other thing. That's not the reality of a war.

I cannot fathom how "Zelensky" or any other "leader" is not literally sleeping 3-4 hours per day at a maximum, but is instead of the parliament taking selfies and giving "interviews" during these crucial times.

I cannot fathom how they go on "instagram" and all this, while people watch this Netflix series where people literally die en masse...Zelensky looks like he is trying less than any world leader in history to avert evil.

It is insane that also people believe this and even call this "heroic", just because of what lies we are given in the MSM...I guess, whatever the MSM covers and it's bots do comment is "real" today.

Zelensky is just chilling or probably not even in Ukraine.
I think AZOV has too much power in Ukraine for Zelensky to get rid of them. They seem to be pagan and even satanists. https://youtu.be/-nKXbrhUjOQ
Shadowcat said:

That is unbelievable you can not tie a race or its people to an extremist political agenda known as the J's and protect it under that title. Arresting anyone for any form of constructive criticism. Everyone should revolt against this type of talk as it is a direct attack and law against humanity. It would be more fitting at the most to use the term israelis/israelites or semites but semites would lump them in with the arabs and im sure they will feel the karma of holocosting many tribes through there 3 created abrahamic religions including most of the non J's semtic tribes like the arabs and there religion islam which has been forced on them will clash with judaism mirroring there own evils and sending it back to them ironically.

i have spoke with alot of middle eastern people and have never seen such racial pride and true happiness when showing an interest about there origins in the assyrian and sumerian empire. They want to shed islam and return to there original history and a great one it is.

Through christianity the J's gained control and power but on there second attempt through islam it spiraled out of control creating a religion almost as dogmatic as there own. Where as christianity is more often preached or taken as a guide book. Islam is a way of life indoctrinated into the unaware infants as they take a pair of scissors to there less honorable parts.

Hopfully this evil twin they have created will come back to bite them in the ass.
The original topic has been updated.
This is not Putin's fight. Why would he attack Ukrainian jews (whom he calls "Nazis")? After all, it was Putin who abandoned his buddy Yanukovych and handed Ukraine over to the jews.

Minister Soygu and his adviser General Ilnytsky were fed up with Putin's buddying up to the Chabad rabbi Lazar and following the jewish plan: to dismantle Russia with Khrushchev, Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Uncle Vladimir is now on the leash of the Russian army and is lucky to be left alive (for now). Ilnytsky's writings show that a reshuffle is coming in Russia. If not in the form of communism, then a return to a planned economy, a military state and one-man leadership. And the jewish question will be resolved.
soon it will be Easter ....... that they needed also sacrifices to channel that energy for this purpose?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:

This kike was legitimately doing skiing a few days and celebrating as if he knew this was going to happen, just a few days ago. The thing he did was issue provocations to Russia and then go skiing as if nothing was happening. From reports, there doesn't seem to have been any real defensive plan in place, despite of him doing provocations all the time.

That can either be two things: extreme incompetence, or it is all planned out.

Of course, Western Media and Jewish Media will tell everyone how good and brave he is. I believe upwards to 50% of the damage could have been avoided through earlier negotiation, and if this kike even cared 1% about anything.

Apparently they didn't.

i would go with it was all planed out,i don't know if it was the reptile president in ukraine but, they out right praised the jew world order an said it to our faces also, this seem somewhat similar to bush an what happened when the twin towers were struck,filthy reptiles an that anti semite bill (oy vey whats can mes do to makes things worse for the goyims oh yes anti semites bill now you cants expose us goyims)they do know the reptiles will use this on anyone who criticizes the reptilian jew right.but anyway i do feel sorry for the gentiles of ukraine an russia
NephilimPrince said:
Shadowcat said:

That is unbelievable you can not tie a race or its people to an extremist political agenda known as the J's and protect it under that title. Arresting anyone for any form of constructive criticism. Everyone should revolt against this type of talk as it is a direct attack and law against humanity. It would be more fitting at the most to use the term israelis/israelites or semites but semites would lump them in with the arabs and im sure they will feel the karma of holocosting many tribes through there 3 created abrahamic religions including most of the non J's semtic tribes like the arabs and there religion islam which has been forced on them will clash with judaism mirroring there own evils and sending it back to them ironically.

i have spoke with alot of middle eastern people and have never seen such racial pride and true happiness when showing an interest about there origins in the assyrian and sumerian empire. They want to shed islam and return to there original history and a great one it is.

Through christianity the J's gained control and power but on there second attempt through islam it spiraled out of control creating a religion almost as dogmatic as there own. Where as christianity is more often preached or taken as a guide book. Islam is a way of life indoctrinated into the unaware infants as they take a pair of scissors to there less honorable parts.

Hopfully this evil twin they have created will come back to bite them in the ass.

Typical jewish behavior. When one gets an international good reputation trough propaganda he reveals himself as a jew (Zelensky). When one gets a bad reputation they don't reveal themselves. Like Putin... Most people think he is russian...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
UPDATE: MARCH 8th 2022

Apparently, after reading more and listening to the news, all one is listening is the following:

1. Zelensky Hero Jew Super Jew Super Hero, blah blah. Nobody comments objectively in his complete carelessness to guard or build anything in Ukraine. His neglience made the Nation flattened in like 15 days. It is only the military and the Ukrainian people that hold anything together.

Of course, Jews will extol jews in the media, despite of their tragic failures that almost look like literal setups. After all, it's one Goyim Nation that has burned to ashes because of this.

Yet you will see literal nonsense about how "A holocaust memorial" was burned, when people literally get displaced in the millions...With these jews, you cannot even read the fucking news without their kvetching. Millions can perish or be displaced, hundreds of millions might suffer financially, and in the end of the day, it's the Jew and his shit holocaust "Memorial" that we have to care for.

The Jewish propaganda through all the Media, calling up for NUKES NUKES NUKES, "MUH REFUGEES" (and showing literally Black People from Ukraine) and "Our Hero Jew 24/7", is of course, more jewish nonsense for the masses at this point. It's all based on lies.

Even stranger bullshit is the statements from Zelensky, who comments all day long on if Russia has bombed a memorial of the Holocaust? Seriously, what kind of movie are the jews running on top of this world again? Why should anyone give one inch of a fuck about any "Holocaust" memorial? Is he scolding Putin for attacking something Jewish that is their mutual culture?

One feels as if one is watching a Netflix script with these statements. Of course, the REALITY of the war is paid by the innocent Ukrainian and Russian people.

I wouldn't be surprised if Zelensky literally pretends he died while holding a selfie stick at this point, does fly on a private jet on Israel, then gets a plastic surgery, and then goes down in history as a symbol of the most careless jew to ever pass as a head of a Nation, making it fall within 10 days and going skiing while he should be leading the Nation during a red alert time.

With everything you said in this part is the same statements David Cole the jewish anti-holohoaxer said "It's the cult of the holocaust".

Even a jew is jewing his own jewing apparatus which has jewed and gyped countless from the goyim nations.

I'm getting tired of the the holohoax and all this jewish racialism. Funny it's been over 80 years, 80 YEARS. When does it end apparently it was real because it was in their minds. And genetic painz as well my DNA hurts from the hoax give us shekels and power.

I wonder the day the Gentile masses the silent majority screams and roars like a beast against the jewish loud superminority.

Reminds me of the movie that never made much exit in the reconstruction of Planet of the Apes. The main simian is juiced up with the special chemical that makes him smart and he screams No but in a very fierce manner towards someone and scares the living shit out of them.

I have no idea why people want a kvetching superminority to be the deciders of policy. IF they are jewish and promote jewishness then does that equal Gentile? I think for most goyim out there Yes jewishness equal Gentile.

And then some people like us or Hitler back in his era wonder why the jews control the World and want to shit on it by making it into a communist shithole.

Goyim be trippin' as some of our darkie Gentiles state.

Funny coof-19 was and is and currently with this military engagement this isolated regional conflict. One of the best things to happen to Gentiles in a long time in regard to understanding truths and studying things. And yet most people are still under the assumption jewish people are out there for the betterment of society.

It reminds me of my family member who is pretty much a jewish cocksucker at this point. Wireless-Fidelity(Wi-Fi) signal was discovered by a jewish scientific woman back in the late-20s-early-30s.

Okay sure that is nice and all.

But is Wi-Fi good or safe or known to be harmless or so harmless at lower operation capacity that it is safe or safer at lesser levels?

In other words this person told me because jews discovered Wi-Fi and also invented the cheap Volkswagen back in Italy some jew invented a cheap car for everyone years before Hitler did it. That somehow that makes them good. It reminds me of this person stating "Oh Hitler only cared about money and finances and made deals with jews and whatnot". If Hitler only cared to help his nation why did he have to displace the jewish people who made his economy better.

After a while it gets tiring listening to this person study alternative historical events that aren't known in mainsteam. He is a mainstream MSM reader but studies certain sites that write up topics on unknown or lesser known history and he has this image built up that states the only reason Hitler came to power was to rebuild Germany but his efforts in taking out the jews made him the enemy of the jewish people and he paid the price fighting against god's chosen.

I know, I know it's best not to listen to the tales of this person. But unfortunately it's almost like they are a jew in some cases. They aren't but I've literally told him turn yourself one. And he's like I can study them and study some stuff but we must follow gentile things.

It gets old debating with this person.

I guess like the meme thread in every christian there is a jew and you see a goylem andrapod NPC with a jew doing the machinations inside this person.

Unfortunately in this World and the current JNWO rather than with a strong SNWO attacking this JNWO. There seems to be a notion of kosher supervision up everyones asses. I do hope Humanity wakes the fuck up for the 2024+ time period when Neptune and Uranus enter fixed signs.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
UPDATE: MARCH 8th 2022

6. Putin is not being upfront or honest about his invasion reasons either, but so aren't the United States. In fact, tracking the true actual "reasons" or even a "realistic pretext" into this whole event that is available as "Reasoning" by either the Russian or the Western media, one always ends up with unconvincing information.

That makes me think of parents who both give bullshit reasons for why they are the hero and the other parent is bad. Someone should just forcefully seize leadership of nations at this point... a proper household can't be run by lying lunatics like this. Sometimes, sadly, the "kids" have to take charge and steal away the leadership from the unworthy fools who are ruining things in their madness. Sometimes children are just much more responsible than brain dead "adults."
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
UPDATE: MARCH 8th 2022

6. Putin is not being upfront or honest about his invasion reasons either, but so aren't the United States. In fact, tracking the true actual "reasons" or even a "realistic pretext" into this whole event that is available as "Reasoning" by either the Russian or the Western media, one always ends up with unconvincing information.

I was talking to my dad the other day and we came to the conclusion that it may have something to do with petroleum prices. The US and Russia are the biggest producers of this commodity in the world. This war/invasion has increased its price somehow, thus benefiting both countries economically (especially factoring in the economic crisis brought by the pandemy). That's why the United States is not making a real effort to end this conflict very soon. I know it sounds like a crude idea, but it gives a hint.

As for Russia especifically, the primary goal was to defend Russians living in the Ukrainian soil (although it doesn't make much sense to invade the whole country like Putin ordered). Some people compare the situation to the Czech crisis that Hitler had to deal with. Here is a website that explains this perspective: https://www.realhistorychan.com/anyt-02252022.html.
Warning: the author of this website is Christian and he writes some BS. However, he brings some good insights about human history.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They also do not attack civilians.
I wouldn't be so sure about this. Videos exist on FB that clearly show suburbs, hospitals and apartment buildings under heavy rocket fire or destroyed in explosions.
There are also videos shot by ukrainian troops of captured russian boysoldiers saying on camera that they were ordered/railroaded into doing this what was supposed to be an excercise. Young boys with no previous combat experience. Is it some sort of gambit to weaken/drain the ukrainian forces?
At the same time, nato forces are fortified in all other member countries close by. It may well be that russian schlomos together with schwab have planned to start armed conflicts under the pretext of muh oppressed russian populace. From there on, they may use nato armed forces to enter phase 2 of immunization (ie. finalizing it).
Am I delusional?

You are not. I saw these videos after doing more research, including one video where one tank did run over a vehicle with an Ukrainian citizen inside it. These constitute crimes and more than likely disobedience of direct orders.

There do not appear to be direct orders to attack and/or do aggression towards any civilian. So we are talking about crimes of war there done by personnel. I hope they are relieved of duty immediately and put to prison.

I do not think you are delusional at all. They have the influence to rally these things into action. By the end of this, and with a bad president, they will completely de-militarize Ukraine and it will probably end up as a puppet state.
I just came across a video, not sure how trustworthy it is or where it comes from, but it gives you an idea that the killing of Ukrainian civilians could be false flag terror attacks

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
