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presunted "massacres" made by germans during wwII


Oct 12, 2024

Many books and websites, along with "official wwII history " told by historians tells us that nazis commited several kills and massacres during the War. For what is left for us to know, could you explain to me if some of them are true, if it is all Jewish lie, I know there are lies but My Curiosity Pulls me to know more :). For example , We know nazi killed thousands of jews in Serbia, also with serbian people , we know they also did this in north africa, killing berbers and jews, in Poland where historians sayed nazis wanted polish people to be' transferred to Siberia and be' substituted by german lebensraum, but they also tell us thousands of jews and polish people were killed . (I'm going to talk about almost every step of wwII , I made a lot of research). In Lithuania, I read around 300.000 jews were killed , as they did in Romania, with the iron guard. We Also know , in one of the most infamous parts of WwII , that ukraine became a field of death , Because in ukraine we know nazi called for jews people that were shot , also with women and children, Rom people ecc (eventhough today soviets say they try to make people forget this event, why doing so, Are they hiding something?). They say today that in general in soviet union, nazis caused millions of casualities , most of them to be' jews . We move now to greece where germans killed at lingiades Many people . I even read in kalavytra that they killed handicapped people (this was a Real wtf for me). In iugoslavia too, presunted thousands of jews killed. There is an infinite list , what do you think? (Even in italy they say ss soldiers killed Many jews). Now we can't know the truth about everything , but at least about some of this . To make a replay, We know about Poland lithuania netherlands italy romania hungary Slovakia iugoslavia balkans Serbia greece north Afrika soviet union, ukraine . I believe also sometimes kills were true, but they were made to punish those jews criminals, because we Also know that some of these countries saw germans as liberators


Many books and websites, along with "official wwII history " told by historians tells us that nazis commited several kills and massacres during the War. For what is left for us to know, could you explain to me if some of them are true, if it is all Jewish lie, I know there are lies but My Curiosity Pulls me to know more :). For example , We know nazi killed thousands of jews in Serbia, also with serbian people , we know they also did this in north africa, killing berbers and jews, in Poland where historians sayed nazis wanted polish people to be' transferred to Siberia and be' substituted by german lebensraum, but they also tell us thousands of jews and polish people were killed . (I'm going to talk about almost every step of wwII , I made a lot of research). In Lithuania, I read around 300.000 jews were killed , as they did in Romania, with the iron guard. We Also know , in one of the most infamous parts of WwII , that ukraine became a field of death , Because in ukraine we know nazi called for jews people that were shot , also with women and children, Rom people ecc (eventhough today soviets say they try to make people forget this event, why doing so, Are they hiding something?). They say today that in general in soviet union, nazis caused millions of casualities , most of them to be' jews . We move now to greece where germans killed at lingiades Many people . I even read in kalavytra that they killed handicapped people (this was a Real wtf for me). In iugoslavia too, presunted thousands of jews killed. There is an infinite list , what do you think? (Even in italy they say ss soldiers killed Many jews). Now we can't know the truth about everything , but at least about some of this . To make a replay, We know about Poland lithuania netherlands italy romania hungary Slovakia iugoslavia balkans Serbia greece north Afrika soviet union, ukraine . I believe also sometimes kills were true, but they were made to punish those jews criminals, because we Also know that some of these countries saw germans as liberators


Well, a lot of what is called "true" is really just what we have accepted as our belief. There are absolute "truths" (facts), but we have to be careful because even "facts" (or "scientific facts") are often times just information being regurgitated by people who accept it as truth.

So, I realized another reason for why so many people find it hard to believe that the holocaust may have been a myth. Some people who wont let go of this belief or even challenge it in their minds, are people who are relying on information from people who were "there," or in the war. But we have to keep in mind that even back then, for the people who were in the war, they were hearing propaganda too and worshipping it like truth. I'm sure from some early point, the first information people around the globe were getting about the Nazi regime was propaganda. "They're brutal. They're torturing people, they're committing genocide!" "Hitler is crazy and the nazi's are barbaric!"

For some people, just hearing those words passed down out of the mouths of soldiers or "holocaust survivors" is going to be credible enough for them to believe it is true. We all look to "authorities" on subjects in order to get good information, at times. A lot of what we hold to be true, we "know" is true, simply because we cannot fathom that it could be false, when it is information being given to us by what we deem to be "credible" or "authoritative" sources, who had ought to know much better than we should know, or so we assume.

An interesting point I think of, is why Nazi's to this day are held to be one of the ultimate evil factions that ever existed, and many people cannot forgive them let alone find any redeeming qualities in what they did during their time. War is war, and it is an ugly thing that usually involves killing people en masse. That's not OK, it's one of the most volatile things that humanity engages in. But, for us to decide who was worse during the war, is often times very biased of us and those who are telling us the "facts". I think, for individuals, and for groups, that what your intent was can be as, or more important than what the effects of your actions were. This is not always the case and to debate it would be like splitting hairs.. so, in my mind, it makes more sense for me to take a neutral standpoint and to not try to weigh one side as being greater than the other. Whatever your opinion happens to be on the matter, whether it is of the positive or of the negative, I acknowledge and accept it.

Why can we never hold jews accountable for their actions, as individuals, as a collective (different specific groups from certain time periods and locations, not specifically everyone who calls themselves, or who is called, a "jew," because obviously that starts to become questionable when you blame on a large scale, a whole group which you know for a fact has at least some members which are innocent.

People often misunderstand anti-semitism.. the masses, or so I think, are programmed this "christian-like" or "communist" perspective of where everyone is equal and has a right to live and can all live together in peace. Unfortunately it doesn't work this way yet with humans, and where power is relinquished, it is picked up and equipped and used by others. World peace may be possible some day but right now I don't believe it is. Those that believe in it are naive and ignoring the fact that every other geographical group, and ethnic group, sees the difference in identity that we are taught we should not see.. when immigration takes place, the immigrating population usually bands together, because.. those are THEIR PEOPLE. Humans naturally have a tribalism in them. "My village, my land, my tribe, my team, my family, my kin, etc.." and those that refuse to see it will be "turning the other cheek" to people who are stepping all over them and the place they call home.

I don't really know what happened during WW2 but it is certainly suspicious how few will even entertain long enough in order to investigate the claims that Germany wasn't as evil as it has been made out to be. We certainly don't hear as much about how evil communism is.. or how crappy their governments run and govern people, to this day even..

You get to believe what you want at the end of the day, and if you think you have it figured out, then there is still more information you aren't aware that you are missing. If you can't think for yourself and realize this then you will always be waiting for someone to figure things out for you and to tell you how it is.

The amount of evil the "jews" have had their hands in creating on Earth, is probably more than any other group has committed.. and it's probably been going on for about 3,000 years, or since when "they" or history tells us, the archons invaded our world. What is the root of all evil, in your mind? Have you thought about it? What root does every other root branch off of, what is the original root?

I believe there is "absolute truth," but most truth is just opinion. What is evil, to you? It may not be the same as it is to me. Is pornography evil to you? It may be to some. What about drugs deliberately being dumped into nations? Slavery?

It just depends on your opinion, your understanding and subsequent feeling generated, about whatever it is in question. That's why arguing is not worth it sometimes.. it's trying to overpower someone else's feeling with your own, and to make them convert to yours. Not to mention we all hold slightly different understandings of concepts and words, and have our own overhead tones/connotations associated with them. The path to godhood is largely an independent path.. you will get nowhere if you try to correct everyone you think is wrong or to teach everyone you come across. Most people don't even want to learn or change.

Really, who gives a fck what "history tells us," or how much we can stack on one side in favor of one opinion over another. You think it's logical? It isn't. You've just run out of pieces of information to weigh against and counterbalance each other. At the end of the day hardly anybody cares about your opinion.. it's for you. I wrote this for me, not for you or anyone else.

And to me, arguing is crazy when both sides are just using information they got from somebody else. It's like playing a trading card game. The information you're using will only be "available" information, with much both unintentionally, and intentionally being omitted. Do whatever you think is right. Trusting your instincts is good advice.
I get it , Well I agree when you say that something is evil subjectively. In War ancient people were cruel too , think about alexander the great killing people in tyrus and thebes . He also spared Many like Hitler in dunkirk. I think in War, when an enemy is very strong , you need to show power, it's inevitable. At the countrary surrender should make you more soft (if not in rare particular cases). We know most of the jews and communists were treating people like garbage , 80 % of nazi victims were jews in War or people working for them, was it really wrong? Nazis probably tried to free a lot of places
Well, a lot of what is called "true" is really just what we have accepted as our belief. There are absolute "truths" (facts), but we have to be careful because even "facts" (or "scientific facts") are often times just information being regurgitated by people who accept it as truth.

So, I realized another reason for why so many people find it hard to believe that the holocaust may have been a myth. Some people who wont let go of this belief or even challenge it in their minds, are people who are relying on information from people who were "there," or in the war. But we have to keep in mind that even back then, for the people who were in the war, they were hearing propaganda too and worshipping it like truth. I'm sure from some early point, the first information people around the globe were getting about the Nazi regime was propaganda. "They're brutal. They're torturing people, they're committing genocide!" "Hitler is crazy and the nazi's are barbaric!"

For some people, just hearing those words passed down out of the mouths of soldiers or "holocaust survivors" is going to be credible enough for them to believe it is true. We all look to "authorities" on subjects in order to get good information, at times. A lot of what we hold to be true, we "know" is true, simply because we cannot fathom that it could be false, when it is information being given to us by what we deem to be "credible" or "authoritative" sources, who had ought to know much better than we should know, or so we assume.

An interesting point I think of, is why Nazi's to this day are held to be one of the ultimate evil factions that ever existed, and many people cannot forgive them let alone find any redeeming qualities in what they did during their time. War is war, and it is an ugly thing that usually involves killing people en masse. That's not OK, it's one of the most volatile things that humanity engages in. But, for us to decide who was worse during the war, is often times very biased of us and those who are telling us the "facts". I think, for individuals, and for groups, that what your intent was can be as, or more important than what the effects of your actions were. This is not always the case and to debate it would be like splitting hairs.. so, in my mind, it makes more sense for me to take a neutral standpoint and to not try to weigh one side as being greater than the other. Whatever your opinion happens to be on the matter, whether it is of the positive or of the negative, I acknowledge and accept it.

Why can we never hold jews accountable for their actions, as individuals, as a collective (different specific groups from certain time periods and locations, not specifically everyone who calls themselves, or who is called, a "jew," because obviously that starts to become questionable when you blame on a large scale, a whole group which you know for a fact has at least some members which are innocent.

People often misunderstand anti-semitism.. the masses, or so I think, are programmed this "christian-like" or "communist" perspective of where everyone is equal and has a right to live and can all live together in peace. Unfortunately it doesn't work this way yet with humans, and where power is relinquished, it is picked up and equipped and used by others. World peace may be possible some day but right now I don't believe it is. Those that believe in it are naive and ignoring the fact that every other geographical group, and ethnic group, sees the difference in identity that we are taught we should not see.. when immigration takes place, the immigrating population usually bands together, because.. those are THEIR PEOPLE. Humans naturally have a tribalism in them. "My village, my land, my tribe, my team, my family, my kin, etc.." and those that refuse to see it will be "turning the other cheek" to people who are stepping all over them and the place they call home.

I don't really know what happened during WW2 but it is certainly suspicious how few will even entertain long enough in order to investigate the claims that Germany wasn't as evil as it has been made out to be. We certainly don't hear as much about how evil communism is.. or how crappy their governments run and govern people, to this day even..

You get to believe what you want at the end of the day, and if you think you have it figured out, then there is still more information you aren't aware that you are missing. If you can't think for yourself and realize this then you will always be waiting for someone to figure things out for you and to tell you how it is.

The amount of evil the "jews" have had their hands in creating on Earth, is probably more than any other group has committed.. and it's probably been going on for about 3,000 years, or since when "they" or history tells us, the archons invaded our world. What is the root of all evil, in your mind? Have you thought about it? What root does every other root branch off of, what is the original root?

I believe there is "absolute truth," but most truth is just opinion. What is evil, to you? It may not be the same as it is to me. Is pornography evil to you? It may be to some. What about drugs deliberately being dumped into nations? Slavery?

It just depends on your opinion, your understanding and subsequent feeling generated, about whatever it is in question. That's why arguing is not worth it sometimes.. it's trying to overpower someone else's feeling with your own, and to make them convert to yours. Not to mention we all hold slightly different understandings of concepts and words, and have our own overhead tones/connotations associated with them. The path to godhood is largely an independent path.. you will get nowhere if you try to correct everyone you think is wrong or to teach everyone you come across. Most people don't even want to learn or change.

Really, who gives a fck what "history tells us," or how much we can stack on one side in favor of one opinion over another. You think it's logical? It isn't. You've just run out of pieces of information to weigh against and counterbalance each other. At the end of the day hardly anybody cares about your opinion.. it's for you. I wrote this for me, not for you or anyone else.

And to me, arguing is crazy when both sides are just using information they got from somebody else. It's like playing a trading card game. The information you're using will only be "available" information, with much both unintentionally, and intentionally being omitted. Do whatever you think is right. Trusting your instincts is good advice.
Btw I believe also that Many lies were told and exagerations, for example presunted massacres in serbia blakans, ukraine , I strongly believe most of them were made by communists and people have been told the nazis did so (maybe Also italian fascists , which were allies of the nazis but didn't take orders from germans). I believe germans could be' responsable for less things, we know soviets put on german uniforms and shot people to blame nazis. As you say, people have been told nazi were cruel . We know Many politicians collaborated with nazis to free their countries of jews and communists , and then we understand they killed Many and Many innocents, how hilarious . We also understand that those foreign governs try to make people forget these things. So was it really the nazi's massacre?

I truely believe most of it is BULLSHIT

Never trust a jew
I Am watching the videos , my god how germans were blamed for Crimes they never commited! Thank you so Much, I hope the gods gave those german soldiers justice

As nazi used to say, wir kampfen fur deutschland, Wir kampfen fur hitler!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
