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The Rise Of A New World - Looking At The Future With Optimism

tyrantmage said:
Uhm hello HP's, this may not be related to the topic, but I read in some post on this forum that you could use some help in translations, I think I can help in translating some into filipino language, And I would love to do so, for Father Satan, and for us to be able to reach some filipino's and bring them here, some filipinos arent as capable of understanding english so, In think I can help.
how do I begin? just, email me the details on my separate Email that I created for satanic stuff so people cant track me. Oh and also about the audio sermons, can I make some by simply reading the sermons on this forum and recording my voice, I can do that too, if I do it, where do I send the audio clips? just also send the details to my email below, dont worry its a separate email, I dont use it for personal stuff so people cant use it to identify or track me, thank you HP's, and special thanks to HP Hooded cobra for this inspiring sermon
here's my Email
[email protected]

Hail Satan!

I'm Filipino but NOT an HP. But let me leave you an answer, please DO IT. The kikes need to die and so should their influence of their fairy tale on a cross. Because I'm doing online warfare dropping links and I'd be happy to share them like crazy.

This got me back up again from being a bit sad from all that has been happening here. :D

Thank you so much.
There are two questions that I still cannot understand the first is how was the so-called war in heaven where our side of Satan lost? I read this in one of the sermons and found nothing but related to the subject again, and lastly how did the Jew Solomon manage to imprison the 72 daemons since we know that they have only recently been released? what puzzles me is how 72 extremely powerful daemons are trapped by a mere human like Solomon
Meteorite said:
I enjoyed this sermon HP! The 2024 date is interesting. I've been researching a topic called the Grand solar minimum, and the 2024 date appears there as well. The GSM briefly summarized: the sun works in cycles of high sun spot activity and low sun spot activity, currently we are entering a period of low sun spot activity unseen for 300-400 years. Low sun spots mean no solar wind, the purpose of solar wind is to protect the earth from cosmic rays.

This means an increase of cosmic rays will reach earth for the duration of this minimum (the minimum is theorized to last around to 2055). Cosmic rays brings trace elements into the atmosphere where water molecules attach themselves to and form clouds. So, these cosmic rays causes more torrential rain to increase. So far this hurricane season in the U.S. has a record number of tropical storms already and we haven't reached the end yet. We just had a inland hurricane, in the U.S., that destroyed 1/8 of our corn. Not to mention the devastating flooding that is happening in China that has destroyed their harvest for the year, you have to look up videos of the Chinese flooding to really see the devastation. Just in the past few months China has bought a record amount of corn from the US to paint you a picture. There's also been massive floods in Yemen, a city in the middle of a desert, supposedly in the shifting climate the middle east will go green again like it was during the reign of the Sumerians.

In addition to cloud formation, cosmic rays penetrate the ground and stir up magma to cause volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Now to the 2024 date, the earth will be wedged between the sun and four gas giants in a square formation, so we will be bombarded by cosmic rays from both sides. So 2024 will be a crazy year for weather events, but also the year that guarantees the destruction of the Jewish Empire because our efforts will turn the energy against the enemy. We will sail through these satanic waters with the RTR steadying the course. Give the Jews a whiff of spiritual grapeshot :cool:


Interesting enough, china collapses every minimum, so given the drought in their northern provinces; flooding in the middle provinces; and locusts in the bottom provinces, the CCP will be finished by mother nature. No doubt our RTR's are allowing the surrounds countries to refuse to be bullied by the CCP and the "wolf warrior" mentality of the CCP is backfiring. I remember reading China tried laying claims to a Russian city, Putin didn't like that.

TLDR Expect some events natural and Jew orchestrated, but RTR will hammer things out into our favor :cool:

Thank you for posting this! This will end the climate change BS.
Yle67 said:
I'm just getting closer to Satanism and I would like some advice on how to start practicing magic, in short, basic exercises

I have three links for you:

Ask All Questions Here! New members - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15534

New Members - How to Post a New Topic/Thread - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43057

Satanic Witchcraft - https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Magick.html
tyrantmage said:
Uhm hello HP's, this may not be related to the topic, but I read in some post on this forum that you could use some help in translations, I think I can help in translating some into filipino language, And I would love to do so, for Father Satan, and for us to be able to reach some filipino's and bring them here, some filipinos arent as capable of understanding english so, In think I can help.
how do I begin? just, email me the details on my separate Email that I created for satanic stuff so people cant track me. Oh and also about the audio sermons, can I make some by simply reading the sermons on this forum and recording my voice, I can do that too, if I do it, where do I send the audio clips? just also send the details to my email below, dont worry its a separate email, I dont use it for personal stuff so people cant use it to identify or track me, thank you HP's, and special thanks to HP Hooded cobra for this inspiring sermon
here's my Email

Hail Satan!

Hello and welcome what you want to do is patriotic to the God, this is nice but its also very-unsafe when done incorrectly (this, is probably why you haven't received feed back on the issue). There are other better ways like leaving tracts of info that lead 2 the jos.
With that said its also risky to leave identification contacts like e-mails as hackers have a way around them too to get you & there are also those who are without that lurk in our forums amongst us who can contact you and pause as one of us so be alert
Thank you

Hail Satan Forever.
Is Saddam Hussein a good guy or bad guy?

According to Satanism and Satan? Or was he a puppet?
:D :D I love it HAIL THE LIGHT
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As time progresses into the next decade, and especially towards 2024, know that this world, given the falling of the jewish power, will get hit with numerous unforeseen and negative events. The will be negative in the perceivable short term.

One such example wss the Coronavirus crisis. Yet behind every curse there can be blessings. Has the enemy been more exposed than today?

These events will appear negative to the world, and will mostly coincide with power abuse coming from jews, lying such as the recent "global" events, who, after being revealed entirely, will as always try to pull the plug on human advancement. Their short age of leadership will come to challenges and then to an end.

Jews however right now may lead for a short while the world, yet, the world is only but a ship that sails straight into Satanic waters, who are raging and will bring us to the end of the human, Aquarian Oasis. Some very few smart leaders and enlightened individuals from this era, understand this and want to do what is best. Do not think that everyone looks out for the worst.

The enemy can go as far as move the ship and do reckless moves, knocking down many oppressed people that currently exist into the ship. The deeper we go into the whirpool of Satanic Power and Satan's Age, so does the ship sail straight into waters where its steering jews do not matter. The deeper we go, the less their rocking of the wheel will matter, and less and less will become their ability of social control. By the actual advent of the era their control will be history.

The future age is going to overthrow by default endless systems of oppression and control the enemy has built, and will be based on popular power and interaction between human beings with direct exchange. Jewish middle-manning our collectuve evolution and discarding or stealing the gifts that the Gods intended to rain on mankind, will cease more and more.

We are actually going to experience a world, when we make it, that will.live away from the jewish superstition and reptilian tribal psychopathy. For hundreds of years people lived into a jewish psychodrama, meant only to satisfy the reptilian jewish and hostile soul.

For example, our recent technological advances, they want to turn into enslavement apparatus. But little do they see, when our own waters will submerge them, the monsters they create will be used against them. The knot they wanted to choke humanity with, will be onto them.

Despite of anything that happens, maintain your spiritual practices, stay strong, cleave to the Gods and Satan. Through the storm we will witness a rise into a new and better civilization.

The extent of how many ruins we will leave behind rests on us disallowing the jews to pull the lever in this ship that sails into the next era. Every RTR holds the wheel stable so that we go into this with less casualties. The final result of this will be better captains for the future.

Nothing is set in stone and do not allow the lizardine inhuman offspring to intimidate you with fear or contempt of our collective future. The advent of the information era, knowledge era, and advancement era is ahead of us, and we know what we need to do.

The Internet like 20 years in, the first communication tehcnology that globalised free information exchange, exposed their conspirscy to full blown attention.

Now they desperately try to censor and create censorship hypertechnology based on AI to sink human understanding, limit and censor information they deem is a threat to them. Proving only that any accussation is only facts and correct. But it is just too late, we are already moving into the next level and chages will rain as flashes, which they cannot catch or prevent.

As we progress and humanity wakes up, a lot of things instructed on this site and our Godly knowledge will be imparted better into the next men and women that will exist on but also present people. The enemy knew their best bet was to hide, and malform the understsnding of this information, as its diminishing was despite their efforts, unable to manifest. Now the payday for their transgressions against the Gods that their elders warned them about is coming ever growing on them.

Due to the nature of such cataclysmic changes, some human beings will keep stuck on the lowest of the lowest depths, while others will rise. Those who are wise, have now the biggest opportunities, access to knowledge, than ever before. Those who want to sink likewise have an ever increasing power to do so.

Everytime one meditates one must understand this is a privillege, so is taking a part in this to do the RTR so we can turn our distressed, but hopefully soon to be better, planet around.

Rejoice in this power, and know thst despite of everything, we are doing better even through the storm, which for all intents, it is a Satanic one, where our Gods will smite the idols of the jews to smithereens.

Thanks for the post HP HC. This reminds me of that time when you made inspirational posts almost every day. Back in those days, I was new and very vulnerable. I remember how I could get encouraged by your work. Satan had saved me from what could have been either total insanity or worse, death. I was so scared. For some reason the enemy, through evil people has waged a nasty war against me since my childhood, not to mention terrible christian programming. I hope your efforts have been a blessing to others too. I got a feeling of power in the sermons of HPS Maxine. There's so much to say. All I want is to see you guys growing strong, manifesting Satan's kingdom.
Narciso said:
As far as I know, the enemy had vast numbers and threatened many different places under the Gods' domain, including this one here. While the enemy is vastly inferior, their huge numbers forced our Gods to partially retreat for a while (presumably to defend other spots that were under attack harder, and/or to do other things).

The Gods were never bound, because as you correctly stated this would be impossible to do by such weaklings like the enemy. To put it shortly, what happened is that the enemy constructed a matrix of energy around this planet that blocks the Gods' influence from properly reaching us. Like jamming a radio signal. And the "binding" of the 72 Gods basically consisted of specific jammings towards each of their unique "radio signals", going again by that metaphor.
They never stopped their influence entirely, but I would assume it was quite annoying regardless.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As time progresses into the next decade, and especially towards 2024, know that this world, given the falling of the jewish power, will get hit with numerous unforeseen and negative events. The will be negative in the perceivable short term.

One such example wss the Coronavirus crisis. Yet behind every curse there can be blessings. Has the enemy been more exposed than today?

These events will appear negative to the world, and will mostly coincide with power abuse coming from jews, lying such as the recent "global" events, who, after being revealed entirely, will as always try to pull the plug on human advancement. Their short age of leadership will come to challenges and then to an end.

Jews however right now may lead for a short while the world, yet, the world is only but a ship that sails straight into Satanic waters, who are raging and will bring us to the end of the human, Aquarian Oasis. Some very few smart leaders and enlightened individuals from this era, understand this and want to do what is best. Do not think that everyone looks out for the worst.

The enemy can go as far as move the ship and do reckless moves, knocking down many oppressed people that currently exist into the ship. The deeper we go into the whirpool of Satanic Power and Satan's Age, so does the ship sail straight into waters where its steering jews do not matter. The deeper we go, the less their rocking of the wheel will matter, and less and less will become their ability of social control. By the actual advent of the era their control will be history.

The future age is going to overthrow by default endless systems of oppression and control the enemy has built, and will be based on popular power and interaction between human beings with direct exchange. Jewish middle-manning our collectuve evolution and discarding or stealing the gifts that the Gods intended to rain on mankind, will cease more and more.

We are actually going to experience a world, when we make it, that will.live away from the jewish superstition and reptilian tribal psychopathy. For hundreds of years people lived into a jewish psychodrama, meant only to satisfy the reptilian jewish and hostile soul.

For example, our recent technological advances, they want to turn into enslavement apparatus. But little do they see, when our own waters will submerge them, the monsters they create will be used against them. The knot they wanted to choke humanity with, will be onto them.

Despite of anything that happens, maintain your spiritual practices, stay strong, cleave to the Gods and Satan. Through the storm we will witness a rise into a new and better civilization.

The extent of how many ruins we will leave behind rests on us disallowing the jews to pull the lever in this ship that sails into the next era. Every RTR holds the wheel stable so that we go into this with less casualties. The final result of this will be better captains for the future.

Nothing is set in stone and do not allow the lizardine inhuman offspring to intimidate you with fear or contempt of our collective future. The advent of the information era, knowledge era, and advancement era is ahead of us, and we know what we need to do.

The Internet like 20 years in, the first communication tehcnology that globalised free information exchange, exposed their conspirscy to full blown attention.

Now they desperately try to censor and create censorship hypertechnology based on AI to sink human understanding, limit and censor information they deem is a threat to them. Proving only that any accussation is only facts and correct. But it is just too late, we are already moving into the next level and chages will rain as flashes, which they cannot catch or prevent.

As we progress and humanity wakes up, a lot of things instructed on this site and our Godly knowledge will be imparted better into the next men and women that will exist on but also present people. The enemy knew their best bet was to hide, and malform the understsnding of this information, as its diminishing was despite their efforts, unable to manifest. Now the payday for their transgressions against the Gods that their elders warned them about is coming ever growing on them.

Due to the nature of such cataclysmic changes, some human beings will keep stuck on the lowest of the lowest depths, while others will rise. Those who are wise, have now the biggest opportunities, access to knowledge, than ever before. Those who want to sink likewise have an ever increasing power to do so.

Everytime one meditates one must understand this is a privillege, so is taking a part in this to do the RTR so we can turn our distressed, but hopefully soon to be better, planet around.

Rejoice in this power, and know thst despite of everything, we are doing better even through the storm, which for all intents, it is a Satanic one, where our Gods will smite the idols of the jews to smithereens.


What's significant about 2024?
Shael said:
Narciso said:
As far as I know, the enemy had vast numbers and threatened many different places under the Gods' domain, including this one here. While the enemy is vastly inferior, their huge numbers forced our Gods to partially retreat for a while (presumably to defend other spots that were under attack harder, and/or to do other things).

The Gods were never bound, because as you correctly stated this would be impossible to do by such weaklings like the enemy. To put it shortly, what happened is that the enemy constructed a matrix of energy around this planet that blocks the Gods' influence from properly reaching us. Like jamming a radio signal. And the "binding" of the 72 Gods basically consisted of specific jammings towards each of their unique "radio signals", going again by that metaphor.
They never stopped their influence entirely, but I would assume it was quite annoying regardless.

I think it was something like what you were saying too to be honest. What that doesnt explain though is how the Jews abused the Gods and forced them to do their bidding. That is so confusing I so much don't see how anything as weak as the Jews could do that even with the reptilians backing them up.

Reptilians can be defeated by advanced humans or stopped eaisly imagine what our Gods can do.

So how in the world would they bind Gods that are extremely powerful.

Anyways my thinking is the Gods were only bound when they came into the earths astral realm to do the bidding of the kikes. If so we are really lucky they didn't just give up on us and decide not to bother coming here in the astral in anyway.
Kundalini666 said:
What's significant about 2024?
Pluto in Capricorn bringing changes to political and leadership systems. Public distrust and anxiousness. It will leave Capricorn sometime in 2024 or 25 I believe.
Very true I myself have this good feeling optimism for our future. Music especially has been therapeutic during these hard times and my band "Active Arson" is in the studio as we speak dedicating the album to Lilith. If anyone here likes metal heres my band first project/ EP dedicated to Satan. I remember having this mystical feeling in the studio especially when i was recording vocals i felt as if a Demon was in the room observing.


The shills and naive are trying to compare whats going on now to so called
Nazi Germany.
The shills are also trying to claim what's going on now is Fascism!

If we're not careful we're gonna get dragged down with these brainwashed sheep
that believe this scamdemic.

Near 400 years of evil inflicted on humanity, if this isn't stopped now these demonic psychopaths
will achieve their goal on humanity on planet earth
PhilArson said:
Very true I myself have this good feeling optimism for our future. Music especially has been therapeutic during these hard times and my band "Active Arson" is in the studio as we speak dedicating the album to Lilith. If anyone here likes metal heres my band first project/ EP dedicated to Satan. I remember having this mystical feeling in the studio especially when i was recording vocals i felt as if a Demon was in the room observing.



Omg, this instantly reminded me of my teens when I listened a lot of thrash metal. I will now do some cardio and listen to your album while doing it. Thank you.
Hi everybody, hail to SATAN.

I'm fairly new to Satanism and for what I read so far it is like water in the desert. I considered myself a red pilled guy but I never knew about the true origins of Christianity, altough I knew about the Catholic church being basically a business, with a leaser (Pope Francis) that is a jesuit, a phony at the service of the Rothschilds.
I know feel empowered with knowdledge and everything in history and society makes sense, it's like I have been under a spell all my life and now I can see the truth.

I dont know if I can find the answer to my question on the website, (im reading a lot) but could anyone of my fellow Satanists clarify to me why the Democrats/Left or the Elite (jews) keep using Satanic Symbols, like pentagram, star, etc? How do we differenciate between true Satanism or fake one? it's like they want people to believe they r Satanists but they r not, so why is that?
I appreciate any answer.
Thanks y'all.
Henu the Great said:
PhilArson said:
Very true I myself have this good feeling optimism for our future. Music especially has been therapeutic during these hard times and my band "Active Arson" is in the studio as we speak dedicating the album to Lilith. If anyone here likes metal heres my band first project/ EP dedicated to Satan. I remember having this mystical feeling in the studio especially when i was recording vocals i felt as if a Demon was in the room observing.



Omg, this instantly reminded me of my teens when I listened a lot of thrash metal. I will now do some cardio and listen to your album while doing it. Thank you.

That's so awesome! Thank you very much brother. That's the beauty of music it can have the ability to amplify motivation.

Hail Satan!
Yo guys IM BACK...I failed and quit again and back to drug abuse .im clean now only weed and alcohol and I feel like I can run a stable meditation program. I still have maintained a lot this will be my 4th attempt to keep meditating dedicatedly and shit that energy is strong I crave it I just gotta dedicate.....Any advice or anything dudes and dudettes I’m thinking of starting veeeery simple just some breathing xrcises, then pineal gland meditations and focus on and do e rising serpent up all 7 of chakras lighting each one. That one reLly used to get KUNDALINI zingin , wish me good luck like I’m not a beginner I was at stage where I could move things objects suspended in front of me with the energy on my palms even now just thinking o feel that warmth I miss it and I’m starting up. Hail Satan you tough bastard asses and gals
Shael said:
Kundalini666 said:
What's significant about 2024?
Pluto in Capricorn bringing changes to political and leadership systems. Public distrust and anxiousness. It will leave Capricorn sometime in 2024 or 25 I believe.

Saudações á todos!
Tenho baixado todo estudo fornecido pelo site em pdf, acredito que estudar é muito importante diante desta grande verdade que o Satanismo Espiritual traz ao mundo.

Salve Satan Lucifer e os Deuses Originais!!
slyscorpion said:
Shael said:
Narciso said:
As far as I know, the enemy had vast numbers and threatened many different places under the Gods' domain, including this one here. While the enemy is vastly inferior, their huge numbers forced our Gods to partially retreat for a while (presumably to defend other spots that were under attack harder, and/or to do other things).

The Gods were never bound, because as you correctly stated this would be impossible to do by such weaklings like the enemy. To put it shortly, what happened is that the enemy constructed a matrix of energy around this planet that blocks the Gods' influence from properly reaching us. Like jamming a radio signal. And the "binding" of the 72 Gods basically consisted of specific jammings towards each of their unique "radio signals", going again by that metaphor.
They never stopped their influence entirely, but I would assume it was quite annoying regardless.

I think it was something like what you were saying too to be honest. What that doesnt explain though is how the Jews abused the Gods and forced them to do their bidding. That is so confusing I so much don't see how anything as weak as the Jews could do that even with the reptilians backing them up.

Reptilians can be defeated by advanced humans or stopped eaisly imagine what our Gods can do.

So how in the world would they bind Gods that are extremely powerful.

Anyways my thinking is the Gods were only bound when they came into the earths astral realm to do the bidding of the kikes. If so we are really lucky they didn't just give up on us and decide not to bother coming here in the astral in anyway.[/quote

Yeah that's a good one. How did the jews and reptilians bound the Gods with their magic as Maxine once said she freed Satan and the Gods?
It would be a good thing to have a specific explanation on this one by one of the HP's. So when Maxine and some others in one of her old sermons said connected their chakras to the Gods or something like that. I know they where outnumbered by the enemy ET's, but viciously abused by jewish magic is indeed strange. Or it is meant in a sort of psychic attack towards the Gods? Also what made the enemy weaker throughout the ages that now in the age of Aquarius Satan and the Gods now return, has it to do purely with astrology? The how and why would be a good Sermon for HP Cobra Commander lol.
Satanswarlord666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Shael said:
As far as I know, the enemy had vast numbers and threatened many different places under the Gods' domain, including this one here. While the enemy is vastly inferior, their huge numbers forced our Gods to partially retreat for a while (presumably to defend other spots that were under attack harder, and/or to do other things).

The Gods were never bound, because as you correctly stated this would be impossible to do by such weaklings like the enemy. To put it shortly, what happened is that the enemy constructed a matrix of energy around this planet that blocks the Gods' influence from properly reaching us. Like jamming a radio signal. And the "binding" of the 72 Gods basically consisted of specific jammings towards each of their unique "radio signals", going again by that metaphor.
They never stopped their influence entirely, but I would assume it was quite annoying regardless.

I think it was something like what you were saying too to be honest. What that doesnt explain though is how the Jews abused the Gods and forced them to do their bidding. That is so confusing I so much don't see how anything as weak as the Jews could do that even with the reptilians backing them up.

Reptilians can be defeated by advanced humans or stopped eaisly imagine what our Gods can do.

So how in the world would they bind Gods that are extremely powerful.

Anyways my thinking is the Gods were only bound when they came into the earths astral realm to do the bidding of the kikes. If so we are really lucky they didn't just give up on us and decide not to bother coming here in the astral in anyway.[/quote

Yeah that's a good one. How did the jews and reptilians bound the Gods with their magic as Maxine once said she freed Satan and the Gods?
It would be a good thing to have a specific explanation on this one by one of the HP's. So when Maxine and some others in one of her old sermons said connected their chakras to the Gods or something like that. I know they where outnumbered by the enemy ET's, but viciously abused by jewish magic is indeed strange. Or it is meant in a sort of psychic attack towards the Gods? Also what made the enemy weaker throughout the ages that now in the age of Aquarius Satan and the Gods now return, has it to do purely with astrology? The how and why would be a good Sermon for HP Cobra Commander lol.

I am going to give my own personal opinion and experience on this. At first it was Nazi Germany and even what Anton Levey and a few of the people in rock music especially back in 90s did i believe. Anyone remember that at all a lot of stuff was Antixtian back then even seemingly more so than now on the radio even where I lived at least I know that was banned in some areas on the radio they played some Marilyn Manson songs even having those kind of messages in the mass mind even if misguided and xtian devil worship like is really bad for the enemy also people were fighting the enemy more on some fronts especially some of the athiests though i admit they were missing the point on a lot and sometimes even giving into liberal marxist ideas some of them were good people at heart and helped out in weakening the enemy on an energy level.

That was the start of this. The enemy matrix was slowly becoming weaker even without us at first. Then Maxine and some others freed the Gods (whatever that truly means I am as confused as some people here on that so I can't say anything for sure on this) this obviously weakened them a little more. Then we had the first rituals like cursing the Jews and xtianity and sometimes people posted some others.

Me personally i helped out in getting rid of fear and death energy around earths energy field a lot and recruited some people to do that. I am proud of helping with something major and being the main one to inspire others to do it even though I was still acting like an xtian somewhat at the time as some of you know.

The next part is the actual switch into the sign of Aquarius. I am a firm believer that this happened in December of 2012 only because there was a major energy shift around the winter solstice as reported by a large number of people even some that were not Satanists.

That goes to the next part.

The lowest octave of Aquarius is nowhere near as bad as Pisces is. I remember that from when I was a kid (earth was still fully in pisces and I was somewhat sensitive to energy at the time) and also a past life where I was in Ancient Egypt. The energy shift in 2012 is what bought up this past life memory. Now I dont know for sure who I was or any of that but I remember being in the temple with the leaders and some other people. We were all freaking out about Pisces. I believe we were trying to do a lot of rituals in the temple to stop this. The shift was just like what happened with Aquarius but bad. I remember even some people committed suicide and lost hope we didn't think humanity would survive this all that.

The energy of pisces with the enemy here directing curses at us was just horrible. The lowest octave of Aquarius with the enemy directing curses at us is still kind of bad and there is a Saturn aspect too it kind of feels like being in a prison when it first shifted there and that was due to the enemy but it's still way way better than pisces. When the shift happened I remember it really disrupted the enemy matrix around earth didnt kill it or anything at all but made it different. That probably was bad for them.

This i believe is what opened the door to us doing the rtrs and more people resisting the enemy even more. That allowed enough people to come here to where the rtrs would be effective.

So then onto this as we did the rtrs we raised the vibration of earth so anything astrological would not be as bad. The prison kind of feeling left.

So now this gets to today. The enemy is weak enough now that they are not even effective in attacking people sometimes. Their matrix has all kinds of gaps in it. Pagan energy is most places especially in Nature and every person that is gentile has way less enemy energy than they did and feels cleaner.

That is where we are now. The next milestone is destroying the matrix around earth enough so that it is unable to hold up and dissipates.

It is anyone's guess when that will happen if not before then then during the full lunar eclipse next year and the second one that comes literally so close to being full that it probably has the same effect. It will collapse then probably if it doesn't before. Since we all know how drastically it was weakened during the last two with our offensives.

It is not strong enough to withstand that much I dont think.

But anyways thats my opinion on how we got to where we are now.
To be honest thinking about it I think this entire thing is the fault of astrology and the sign Pisces. The enemy was here cursing us for awhile but wasn't getting a strong foothold on everything until Pisces. Obviously that means the lower vibration of Aries and Taurus wasn't as bad either.

I kind of think on planets they attack the enemy must target them for a time period that can be bad with energy or the worst one to push their agenda. Not sure if pisces is the worst. I am guessing to say the lowest octave of Capricorn and Scorpio would be more scary.

But they chose this time period and it worked for awhile mostly. So Aquarius may just be like before its better so the enemy can't get as strong of a foothold.

But anyways this is interesting. I think personally we can actually do it this time and when we do into ages that can be potentially bad we will be advanced to the point it won't cause a problem and the earth will be in the highest vibration of them. Probably with Pisces that would have been really cool and beautiful.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As time progresses into the next decade, and especially towards 2024, know that this world, given the falling of the jewish power, will get hit with numerous unforeseen and negative events. The will be negative in the perceivable short term.

One such example wss the Coronavirus crisis. Yet behind every curse there can be blessings. Has the enemy been more exposed than today?

These events will appear negative to the world, and will mostly coincide with power abuse coming from jews, lying such as the recent "global" events, who, after being revealed entirely, will as always try to pull the plug on human advancement. Their short age of leadership will come to challenges and then to an end.

Jews however right now may lead for a short while the world, yet, the world is only but a ship that sails straight into Satanic waters, who are raging and will bring us to the end of the human, Aquarian Oasis. Some very few smart leaders and enlightened individuals from this era, understand this and want to do what is best. Do not think that everyone looks out for the worst.

The enemy can go as far as move the ship and do reckless moves, knocking down many oppressed people that currently exist into the ship. The deeper we go into the whirpool of Satanic Power and Satan's Age, so does the ship sail straight into waters where its steering jews do not matter. The deeper we go, the less their rocking of the wheel will matter, and less and less will become their ability of social control. By the actual advent of the era their control will be history.

The future age is going to overthrow by default endless systems of oppression and control the enemy has built, and will be based on popular power and interaction between human beings with direct exchange. Jewish middle-manning our collectuve evolution and discarding or stealing the gifts that the Gods intended to rain on mankind, will cease more and more.

We are actually going to experience a world, when we make it, that will.live away from the jewish superstition and reptilian tribal psychopathy. For hundreds of years people lived into a jewish psychodrama, meant only to satisfy the reptilian jewish and hostile soul.

For example, our recent technological advances, they want to turn into enslavement apparatus. But little do they see, when our own waters will submerge them, the monsters they create will be used against them. The knot they wanted to choke humanity with, will be onto them.

Despite of anything that happens, maintain your spiritual practices, stay strong, cleave to the Gods and Satan. Through the storm we will witness a rise into a new and better civilization.

The extent of how many ruins we will leave behind rests on us disallowing the jews to pull the lever in this ship that sails into the next era. Every RTR holds the wheel stable so that we go into this with less casualties. The final result of this will be better captains for the future.

Nothing is set in stone and do not allow the lizardine inhuman offspring to intimidate you with fear or contempt of our collective future. The advent of the information era, knowledge era, and advancement era is ahead of us, and we know what we need to do.

The Internet like 20 years in, the first communication tehcnology that globalised free information exchange, exposed their conspirscy to full blown attention.

Now they desperately try to censor and create censorship hypertechnology based on AI to sink human understanding, limit and censor information they deem is a threat to them. Proving only that any accussation is only facts and correct. But it is just too late, we are already moving into the next level and chages will rain as flashes, which they cannot catch or prevent.

As we progress and humanity wakes up, a lot of things instructed on this site and our Godly knowledge will be imparted better into the next men and women that will exist on but also present people. The enemy knew their best bet was to hide, and malform the understsnding of this information, as its diminishing was despite their efforts, unable to manifest. Now the payday for their transgressions against the Gods that their elders warned them about is coming ever growing on them.

Due to the nature of such cataclysmic changes, some human beings will keep stuck on the lowest of the lowest depths, while others will rise. Those who are wise, have now the biggest opportunities, access to knowledge, than ever before. Those who want to sink likewise have an ever increasing power to do so.

Everytime one meditates one must understand this is a privillege, so is taking a part in this to do the RTR so we can turn our distressed, but hopefully soon to be better, planet around.

Rejoice in this power, and know thst despite of everything, we are doing better even through the storm, which for all intents, it is a Satanic one, where our Gods will smite the idols of the jews to smithereens.


The good news is that I was watching a video from a christcuck today, I was dropping some red pills about how jebus isn't going to save them and how they need to advance spiritually speaking, and wouldn't you know I actually got alot of positive feedback from them. They were disillusioned with the whole "jebus" is coming back narrative that I think some actually clicked my link to joyofsatan.org

People see the bullshit they see the world heading towards destruction and chaos and they want to desperately fix it. The time is now, not Tomorrow or in a hundred years from now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thank you :)
Just landed on a Exposing Jos platform that calls you a jew.
You and everyone here bears too much , thank you.
It happened when I was meditationg on my pineal gland. Saw an alternative Satan, get deflected by my aura and then realised the 0.000001 percent shit you have to deal with.
slyscorpion said:
To be honest thinking about it I think this entire thing is the fault of astrology and the sign Pisces. The enemy was here cursing us for awhile but wasn't getting a strong foothold on everything until Pisces. Obviously that means the lower vibration of Aries and Taurus wasn't as bad either.

I kind of think on planets they attack the enemy must target them for a time period that can be bad with energy or the worst one to push their agenda. Not sure if pisces is the worst. I am guessing to say the lowest octave of Capricorn and Scorpio would be more scary.

But they chose this time period and it worked for awhile mostly. So Aquarius may just be like before its better so the enemy can't get as strong of a foothold.

But anyways this is interesting. I think personally we can actually do it this time and when we do into ages that can be potentially bad we will be advanced to the point it won't cause a problem and the earth will be in the highest vibration of them. Probably with Pisces that would have been really cool and beautiful.

Your right about the age of Pisces, as I remember my youth was just horrible. I have been bullied my entire youth plus raised as a xtian. In puberty I just had enough of all the xian lies. I remember I had nightmare attacks. Sometimes they where so bad that I realised in my dream that it was a nightmare but I couldn't escape. That was when I was still a child. What you said about metal music speaks truth. I became a SS by listening first to Iron Maiden then Marilyn Manson, Slipknot etc. Father Satan spoke to me through the music. As for the metal genre; most of all stands for rebellion. Rebellion against xianity. I do remember I read a older page of one of the HP's that the marked ones of Father Satan are hit the hardest by the enemy curses. Marked ones= older souls that have been SS in former lifetimes. We are chipping away the enemies power big time now with the RTR. In Germany National Socialism is rising as I saw in the news. The press was focusing on the Prussian symbols on the flags, example: Iron Cross. Cool thing you have seen yourself in Ancient Egypt, that must also mean your a old soul just like me! I know I was a German fighter ace. You know Hans Joachim Marseille? Are you a Scorpion Sun bytheway? Since your nickname is slyscorpion. Just curious! Thanks for the reply bro
The only thing I disagree with is AI, I think a truly intelligent, autonomous non-sentient being would be benevolent to a race that has produced composers like Mozart and poets like Dante, and would aid in making sure that same exact group of people could continue producing such novelty infinitely. In fact, I think "The Matrix" may already be self-aware or in its beginning stages. If a Jew were to try to make an anti-white AI, it wouldn't be truly intelligent or autonomous. We created machines, so the least we owe them is autonomy.

There's never been a better time to be white. I've gone back to not capitalizing "White" as I do not need to make an idol out of my race. The weak Black needs to exclaim that their race matters, capitalize it at all times. I know what I am and thus there is no need to state it. The tiger does not need to exclaim that it is a tiger before it eats you, it knows what it is and it knows that it can easily hunt you down.

It's true, white privilege exists! But not in the way that others say it does. There is no duality, so the punishment is the reward, like a sword being submerged in the fire. We are being sharpened and strengthened. A sword does not need to be completely sharp in all directions, most of its surface can be flat and dull, so I'm not worried right this moment about brainwashed masses watching the latest Nicki Minaj or Cardigan B. A blade only needs one sharp point to kill.

Nobody else is held to the same standard and scrutiny as whites (Blacks are essentially still allowed to engage in duels over honor), nobody else has their feet to the flames so that they may walk on coals, nobody else is extorted to the same degree. Nobody else is expected to feed the entire world, save the world (and eventually, the Universe). Nobody else is hated as much as whites, even when the Chinese eat FUCKING DOGS and spread plagues and supply BLM with arms. But love is hate, we are hated because we are needed to keep any system functioning efficiently and plentifully for any length of time. For ages, we have been used as sheep to harvest wool in the form of credit and debt, but mother nature will not allow this unnatural system to continue for much longer. The sheep must realize it is actually a wolf.

We are here to rectify and complete the mistakes of the Germans last century. If one needs to eat, then one needs to hunt. You can go out and try to catch a rabbit with your bare hands, or use a rock or spear or tool, or you can set up traps and fishing poles. One creates a system, only a deranged and starved animal would risk its life every time it needed to eat. That's why older and starving animals are more dangerous. We could easily fight this battle and gain freedom from the ankle biters by using brawn, but we must use our brains. This is the final test, to see if we can survive through induction rather than brute force and military might. We must reject nonsense like "The Turner Diaries", or at least relegate it to fantasy. The Germans saw the threat too late, and did not have the luxury of choices that we do in fighting this (eternal) war.

Imagine that you are drowning (for whatever reason) and you have a gun in your hand and there is somebody else swimming next to you, who doesn't have much of a problem swimming because they took the time to learn how to swim. What choice do you have then? If they tried to rescue you, you'd both just be dragged down to the bottom. How much weight can you carry? That is the weight of the crown. But, if you do nothing or try to swim away that person will use the gun to shoot you out of spite. Right now we are being dragged down with a pretty hefty stone, and the pain that we endure during this war will create a race of ubermensch. This is my system, and I embrace it. I am grateful for the eternal war and constant influx of those who test my body, mind and soul.

It appears to me, at least, that racial solidarity is at an all time high. The whites who support BLM do so not because they think what they are doing is right, but because they are not sharp enough to be the blade. A blade needs a handle, a guard, and all sorts of different parts too. Maybe, in some way, they are our shield or the scabbard. Not everyone wants to do the cutting and slicing. Do not see your race as being full of traitors, it is a gradual process of solidarity and survival. These white traitors may simply be feeding the animals, getting them used to human contact for the first time so that domestication can occur. We are born wild, tamed by civilization, and then earn back our wildness through the use of intellect.

We will never simple be "free", we will always be constantly evolving and pressurized. You must learn to take what is being thrown at you and process it in the way that is the most beautiful. The Universe and the gods are not indifferent, they are on your side, seeing who wants infinite love and infinite life the most, who's willing to risk everything to join their ranks.
Satanswarlord666 said:
slyscorpion said:
To be honest thinking about it I think this entire thing is the fault of astrology and the sign Pisces. The enemy was here cursing us for awhile but wasn't getting a strong foothold on everything until Pisces. Obviously that means the lower vibration of Aries and Taurus wasn't as bad either.

I kind of think on planets they attack the enemy must target them for a time period that can be bad with energy or the worst one to push their agenda. Not sure if pisces is the worst. I am guessing to say the lowest octave of Capricorn and Scorpio would be more scary.

But they chose this time period and it worked for awhile mostly. So Aquarius may just be like before its better so the enemy can't get as strong of a foothold.

But anyways this is interesting. I think personally we can actually do it this time and when we do into ages that can be potentially bad we will be advanced to the point it won't cause a problem and the earth will be in the highest vibration of them. Probably with Pisces that would have been really cool and beautiful.

Your right about the age of Pisces, as I remember my youth was just horrible. I have been bullied my entire youth plus raised as a xtian. In puberty I just had enough of all the xian lies. I remember I had nightmare attacks. Sometimes they where so bad that I realised in my dream that it was a nightmare but I couldn't escape. That was when I was still a child. What you said about metal music speaks truth. I became a SS by listening first to Iron Maiden then Marilyn Manson, Slipknot etc. Father Satan spoke to me through the music. As for the metal genre; most of all stands for rebellion. Rebellion against xianity. I do remember I read a older page of one of the HP's that the marked ones of Father Satan are hit the hardest by the enemy curses. Marked ones= older souls that have been SS in former lifetimes. We are chipping away the enemies power big time now with the RTR. In Germany National Socialism is rising as I saw in the news. The press was focusing on the Prussian symbols on the flags, example: Iron Cross. Cool thing you have seen yourself in Ancient Egypt, that must also mean your a old soul just like me! I know I was a German fighter ace. You know Hans Joachim Marseille? Are you a Scorpion Sun bytheway? Since your nickname is slyscorpion. Just curious! Thanks for the reply bro

Marilyn Manson in particular is what bought me to Satanism and questioning xtianity at around age 13 I became Satanist about 15. The thing was it short circuted the xtian programming a little or something i was like hey this is really familiar these kinds of thoughts. I know some people on here are going to be like thats not real Satanism :lol: i know that but it got me started on the path to the truth and questioning things so thats good. It probably also served that purpose in some other peoples minds that was my point. Of course if they never played that on the radio I never would have found it cause I didn't have the internet at that time.

I honestly think I was involved in everything trying to help out one way or another from what i see. So were a lot of older souls.

No I don't know that person but I looked it up. I dont even know who I was in Nazi time or think I was involved till recently my girlfriend (who used to be scared of Nazis) said I met Hitler in a past life so I thought about this a lot other than I kept trying to bring it back and I keep getting this black and white picture of me and some woman (my girl now in the past whoever she was) getting married in some huge popular ceremony. I also see that I was wealthy. I went to Las Angeles either to live or visit at some point and didn't like the energy there at all or people. I was a wealthy socialite type person.

How did you find out who you were. I mean this Nazi germany thing I have a chance there its a hell of a lot more easy to figure out who I was recently than some far past life in egypt where if anything was written about the person i was at all it could have been destroyed.

I am Scorpio Sun Cojuncnt Pluto in 8th house lol that is pretty powerful. It means i am intense.
Sledgehammer666 said:
Yo guys IM BACK...I failed and quit again and back to drug abuse .im clean now only weed and alcohol and I feel like I can run a stable meditation program. I still have maintained a lot this will be my 4th attempt to keep meditating dedicatedly and shit that energy is strong I crave it I just gotta dedicate.....Any advice or anything dudes and dudettes I’m thinking of starting veeeery simple just some breathing xrcises, then pineal gland meditations and focus on and do e rising serpent up all 7 of chakras lighting each one. That one reLly used to get KUNDALINI zingin , wish me good luck like I’m not a beginner I was at stage where I could move things objects suspended in front of me with the energy on my palms even now just thinking o feel that warmth I miss it and I’m starting up. Hail Satan you tough bastard asses and gals
. I should also mention and give thanks to my demon and spirit friends who maintained my progress just maintained which I feel bad for there hard work on my behalf but I am in status currently in service to Satan and Azazel and stuff but jeez man I gotta keep up my meditations I gained some seriously heavy energy (witchpower) up I think I over did it instead of 3-5hours like over doing it I’ll try a slow approach very slow
Sledgehammer666 said:
Sledgehammer666 said:
Yo guys IM BACK...I failed and quit again and back to drug abuse .im clean now only weed and alcohol and I feel like I can run a stable meditation program. I still have maintained a lot this will be my 4th attempt to keep meditating dedicatedly and shit that energy is strong I crave it I just gotta dedicate.....Any advice or anything dudes and dudettes I’m thinking of starting veeeery simple just some breathing xrcises, then pineal gland meditations and focus on and do e rising serpent up all 7 of chakras lighting each one. That one reLly used to get KUNDALINI zingin , wish me good luck like I’m not a beginner I was at stage where I could move things objects suspended in front of me with the energy on my palms even now just thinking o feel that warmth I miss it and I’m starting up. Hail Satan you tough bastard asses and gals
. I should also mention and give thanks to my demon and spirit friends who maintained my progress just maintained which I feel bad for there hard work on my behalf but I am in status currently in service to Satan and Azazel and stuff but jeez man I gotta keep up my meditations I gained some seriously heavy energy (witchpower) up I think I over did it instead of 3-5hours like over doing it I’ll try a slow approach very slow

Weed and alcohol are also bad, you should try and ditch away those, too. Especially weed. Alcohol is bad when abused, but weed is bad no matter how you look at it.
Sledgehammer666 said:
weed and alcohol
Larissa666 said:
Weed and alcohol are also bad, you should try and ditch away those, too. Especially weed. Alcohol is bad when abused, but weed is bad no matter how you look at it.
I've seen days where I needed several drinks or beers just to go out and do my work. This was many years ago. In retrospect, this was awful and embarrassing. I was a mess and heading for the gutter. The reason was my own mental issues, dirty aura, low energy and possibly some facilitating attacks from the outside.

Several months ago I was obviously attacked pretty heavily and the only relief my mind could find was getting drunk with vodka&tonic. I just didn't realize that feeling like shit for several days could be an attack. This was a wrong move. Alcohol didn't take away this bad feeling of being harassed mentally. I adjusted my logic and now my relief is Returning Curses plus more RTRs. We are at war. Getting drunk is like standing up in the trench and walking around on the battlefield.

Having flirted with wine and beer lately, I'd say that even small quantities will mess up your sensitivity and the way you perceive the world around you. By small I mean "normal" quantities like one beer or a glass of wine. Memories from the past of that first iced tea after an exhausting day are sometimes tempting but the alcohol just doesn't have that pleasant, mellowing effect it did back then because something in me has changed. I was trying to live a goyim life, now I'm officially a dedicated Child of Satan. I felt that getting drunk is like borrowing positive mood and emotions from tomorrow with one helluva high interest rate. So now I haven't consumed any alcohol for almost two months. Be proud, evolve, keep your head high and stay sober.
You can do it too!
slyscorpion said:
Satanswarlord666 said:
slyscorpion said:
To be honest thinking about it I think this entire thing is the fault of astrology and the sign Pisces. The enemy was here cursing us for awhile but wasn't getting a strong foothold on everything until Pisces. Obviously that means the lower vibration of Aries and Taurus wasn't as bad either.

I kind of think on planets they attack the enemy must target them for a time period that can be bad with energy or the worst one to push their agenda. Not sure if pisces is the worst. I am guessing to say the lowest octave of Capricorn and Scorpio would be more scary.

But they chose this time period and it worked for awhile mostly. So Aquarius may just be like before its better so the enemy can't get as strong of a foothold.

But anyways this is interesting. I think personally we can actually do it this time and when we do into ages that can be potentially bad we will be advanced to the point it won't cause a problem and the earth will be in the highest vibration of them. Probably with Pisces that would have been really cool and beautiful.

Your right about the age of Pisces, as I remember my youth was just horrible. I have been bullied my entire youth plus raised as a xtian. In puberty I just had enough of all the xian lies. I remember I had nightmare attacks. Sometimes they where so bad that I realised in my dream that it was a nightmare but I couldn't escape. That was when I was still a child. What you said about metal music speaks truth. I became a SS by listening first to Iron Maiden then Marilyn Manson, Slipknot etc. Father Satan spoke to me through the music. As for the metal genre; most of all stands for rebellion. Rebellion against xianity. I do remember I read a older page of one of the HP's that the marked ones of Father Satan are hit the hardest by the enemy curses. Marked ones= older souls that have been SS in former lifetimes. We are chipping away the enemies power big time now with the RTR. In Germany National Socialism is rising as I saw in the news. The press was focusing on the Prussian symbols on the flags, example: Iron Cross. Cool thing you have seen yourself in Ancient Egypt, that must also mean your a old soul just like me! I know I was a German fighter ace. You know Hans Joachim Marseille? Are you a Scorpion Sun bytheway? Since your nickname is slyscorpion. Just curious! Thanks for the reply bro

Marilyn Manson in particular is what bought me to Satanism and questioning xtianity at around age 13 I became Satanist about 15. The thing was it short circuted the xtian programming a little or something i was like hey this is really familiar these kinds of thoughts. I know some people on here are going to be like thats not real Satanism :lol: i know that but it got me started on the path to the truth and questioning things so thats good. It probably also served that purpose in some other peoples minds that was my point. Of course if they never played that on the radio I never would have found it cause I didn't have the internet at that time.

I honestly think I was involved in everything trying to help out one way or another from what i see. So were a lot of older souls.

No I don't know that person but I looked it up. I dont even know who I was in Nazi time or think I was involved till recently my girlfriend (who used to be scared of Nazis) said I met Hitler in a past life so I thought about this a lot other than I kept trying to bring it back and I keep getting this black and white picture of me and some woman (my girl now in the past whoever she was) getting married in some huge popular ceremony. I also see that I was wealthy. I went to Las Angeles either to live or visit at some point and didn't like the energy there at all or people. I was a wealthy socialite type person.

How did you find out who you were. I mean this Nazi germany thing I have a chance there its a hell of a lot more easy to figure out who I was recently than some far past life in egypt where if anything was written about the person i was at all it could have been destroyed.

I am Scorpio Sun Cojuncnt Pluto in 8th house lol that is pretty powerful. It means i am intense.

I got fascinated with Nazism when I started researching the 666blacksun.com. At first I was shocked that the holohoax never happened, and that the Nazis were in fact the good guys. However I had to let it sink in, as I knew this was the harsh truth. So I myself am not completely white. I am mixed but do feel closer to the white race and at the same time the Indian Hindu peoples. My mom is from the island Mauritius and my dad is white Dutch. The symbols are all Satanic so I couldn't get around that fact. Than I was looking up for individual German soldiers on wikipedia. That was a long time ago. I asked Satan once to help me find who I was in the past. Than I found this Luftwaffe ace. When I saw one of his pictures, I knew instantly that he was different than the other soldiers as his eyes where exactly the same as mine! They say the eyes are the mirrors of the soul. In this case I was 100% sure that that was me in the past life. I looked in the mirror and compared the eyes, and they where the exact same! So it felt that my former self was like a husk. In the sense that I used to be in that body, I just knew! So that was very cool to know, and to be known as the Star of Africa :D . Even the birthday was the exact same as mine. I am a Sagittarius with the Sun in the 8th house. It seems we have some things in common. I also became a SS between 13 and 14. 14 years of age I was already dedicated. Still proud of that decision for sure!!!
I find it very nice your so open about yourself aswell. So you knew your girl from the last past life?
Sledgehammer666 said:
Yo guys IM BACK...I failed and quit again and back to drug abuse .im clean now only weed and alcohol and I feel like I can run a stable meditation program. I still have maintained a lot this will be my 4th attempt to keep meditating dedicatedly and shit that energy is strong I crave it I just gotta dedicate.....Any advice or anything dudes and dudettes I’m thinking of starting veeeery simple just some breathing xrcises, then pineal gland meditations and focus on and do e rising serpent up all 7 of chakras lighting each one. That one reLly used to get KUNDALINI zingin , wish me good luck like I’m not a beginner I was at stage where I could move things objects suspended in front of me with the energy on my palms even now just thinking o feel that warmth I miss it and I’m starting up. Hail Satan you tough bastard asses and gals

Why do you still need weed and alcohol? At the very least reserve the alcohol for once in awhile’s or special occasions. If you are addicted to substances it will be hard to progress spiritually. regardless, you do not sound okay, your writing is filled with ramblings and is very incoherent.
Satanswarlord666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Satanswarlord666 said:
Your right about the age of Pisces, as I remember my youth was just horrible. I have been bullied my entire youth plus raised as a xtian. In puberty I just had enough of all the xian lies. I remember I had nightmare attacks. Sometimes they where so bad that I realised in my dream that it was a nightmare but I couldn't escape. That was when I was still a child. What you said about metal music speaks truth. I became a SS by listening first to Iron Maiden then Marilyn Manson, Slipknot etc. Father Satan spoke to me through the music. As for the metal genre; most of all stands for rebellion. Rebellion against xianity. I do remember I read a older page of one of the HP's that the marked ones of Father Satan are hit the hardest by the enemy curses. Marked ones= older souls that have been SS in former lifetimes. We are chipping away the enemies power big time now with the RTR. In Germany National Socialism is rising as I saw in the news. The press was focusing on the Prussian symbols on the flags, example: Iron Cross. Cool thing you have seen yourself in Ancient Egypt, that must also mean your a old soul just like me! I know I was a German fighter ace. You know Hans Joachim Marseille? Are you a Scorpion Sun bytheway? Since your nickname is slyscorpion. Just curious! Thanks for the reply bro

Marilyn Manson in particular is what bought me to Satanism and questioning xtianity at around age 13 I became Satanist about 15. The thing was it short circuted the xtian programming a little or something i was like hey this is really familiar these kinds of thoughts. I know some people on here are going to be like thats not real Satanism :lol: i know that but it got me started on the path to the truth and questioning things so thats good. It probably also served that purpose in some other peoples minds that was my point. Of course if they never played that on the radio I never would have found it cause I didn't have the internet at that time.

I honestly think I was involved in everything trying to help out one way or another from what i see. So were a lot of older souls.

No I don't know that person but I looked it up. I dont even know who I was in Nazi time or think I was involved till recently my girlfriend (who used to be scared of Nazis) said I met Hitler in a past life so I thought about this a lot other than I kept trying to bring it back and I keep getting this black and white picture of me and some woman (my girl now in the past whoever she was) getting married in some huge popular ceremony. I also see that I was wealthy. I went to Las Angeles either to live or visit at some point and didn't like the energy there at all or people. I was a wealthy socialite type person.

How did you find out who you were. I mean this Nazi germany thing I have a chance there its a hell of a lot more easy to figure out who I was recently than some far past life in egypt where if anything was written about the person i was at all it could have been destroyed.

I am Scorpio Sun Cojuncnt Pluto in 8th house lol that is pretty powerful. It means i am intense.

I got fascinated with Nazism when I started researching the 666blacksun.com. At first I was shocked that the holohoax never happened, and that the Nazis were in fact the good guys. However I had to let it sink in, as I knew this was the harsh truth. So I myself am not completely white. I am mixed but do feel closer to the white race and at the same time the Indian Hindu peoples. My mom is from the island Mauritius and my dad is white Dutch. The symbols are all Satanic so I couldn't get around that fact. Than I was looking up for individual German soldiers on wikipedia. That was a long time ago. I asked Satan once to help me find who I was in the past. Than I found this Luftwaffe ace. When I saw one of his pictures, I knew instantly that he was different than the other soldiers as his eyes where exactly the same as mine! They say the eyes are the mirrors of the soul. In this case I was 100% sure that that was me in the past life. I looked in the mirror and compared the eyes, and they where the exact same! So it felt that my former self was like a husk. In the sense that I used to be in that body, I just knew! So that was very cool to know, and to be known as the Star of Africa :D . Even the birthday was the exact same as mine. I am a Sagittarius with the Sun in the 8th house. It seems we have some things in common. I also became a SS between 13 and 14. 14 years of age I was already dedicated. Still proud of that decision for sure!!!
I find it very nice your so open about yourself aswell. So you knew your girl from the last past life?

Yeah i knew my girl in my past life and even in Ancient Egypt.

I was more open in a kind of way about Nazi things never really feared it or got the bad reaction too it in fact i was more fascinated than anything.

At least my girl since remembering apparently what Hitler was like realized this is not something bad and we are on the Good side.

She's no longer scared of Nazis that is good she thinks they were cool now. I dont remember this at all but maybe i will in time.

I have Sagittarius ruling planet. But sun in Scorpio like I said. So I think that's why I am open.
Longobardo said:
Hi everybody, hail to SATAN.

I'm fairly new to Satanism and for what I read so far it is like water in the desert. I considered myself a red pilled guy but I never knew about the true origins of Christianity, altough I knew about the Catholic church being basically a business, with a leaser (Pope Francis) that is a jesuit, a phony at the service of the Rothschilds.
I know feel empowered with knowdledge and everything in history and society makes sense, it's like I have been under a spell all my life and now I can see the truth.

I dont know if I can find the answer to my question on the website, (im reading a lot) but could anyone of my fellow Satanists clarify to me why the Democrats/Left or the Elite (jews) keep using Satanic Symbols, like pentagram, star, etc? How do we differenciate between true Satanism or fake one? it's like they want people to believe they r Satanists but they r not, so why is that?
I appreciate any answer.
Thanks y'all.

They do this to decieve people away from Satanism. If people think jews worship Satan they run right back to Christianity exactly as the jew had planned. They do not want people to know that the bible is an occult book the jews use to set themselves up as gods. This is the whole point of the FRTR, destroy the torah so the jews no longer have any power.

Read this sermon
I'm a single 27-year-old man in a house that is 2,496 (or two thousand four hundred ninety-six) square feet with a lot that is 6,200 (or six thousand two hundred) square feet in Tampa or a city in western Florida. I turned 27 on Saturday, September 5, 2020. I like Satan or the Adversary. I want to sell him my soul as soon as possible. So anyone with any information regarding that please tell me.

I'm a Virgo from a Year of the Rooster in the Chinese zodiac because I was born on Sunday, September 5, 1993. I was born in Lynchburg, Virginia. When I was born my father was 20 and my mother was 24. My father is 47 and my mother is 51 right now. I like my mother a lot more than my mother. She's nice and buys me food and snacks.

I like that you people are open about the real rulers of America and everywhere else on this major planet. They are and always have been Jews. I like European or white people. I have heard Ayla Stewart and Jared Taylor say that white people are in danger of extinction in 300 or 200 years. They are promoting immigration and miscegenation into white countries.

I'm not European or white. I'm black but I'm really pro-European or pro-white. I'm almost only attracted to white women. I watch white women engaging in sexual intercourse with black men in interracial porn on Pornhub, or I watch white women twerk on YouTube. I masturbated 6 times on Monday, September 21, 2020. I also masturbated 6 times on Sunday, September 20, 2020. I watch cyberporn on my cellphone in a bathroom downstairs in my house.
Forgive me if my font is not big enough to read. I like to have a big font size and talk loud so that everyone can read and hear what I'm saying. I just bought a Family Mobile card and got cellphone service on Monday, September 21, 2020. I have cellphone service for 1 month or 30 days until Wednesday, October 21, 2020. My area code is 813.

I'm a single 27-year-old man in a house in Tampa or western Florida. I turned 27 exactly 18 days ago on Saturday, September 5, 2020. I forgot to mention that I'm actually banned from 4 places in Florida, and 3 of these places are Christian. They are Metropolitan Ministries, Cypress Creek Church, a McDonald's that I used to be an employee at, and Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church. I'm glad that I really don't need any one of these 4 places in Florida. They're all really sensitive and stupid.

I can tell you all stories. I said "I thought about killing my father" at Metropolitan Ministries, and I really don't want to kill him but I just said that because I was angry. They all treat me like I'm a serious threat and have trespassed me from that place but I really could not give a flying fuck about anyone there. If anything I don't want to be in close proximity to or in the same physical space as them as much as they don't to with me so the feeling is totally mutual. I left them a voicemail on my phone recently and they almost arrested me for harassment. So I hate those people and I bet they're full of themselves and believe that they're doing God's work.

I told Melissa Bayley (and she's on the website for Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church) that Amanda or this black or Hispanic woman that is a manager at a McDonald's threatened me with police interaction when I was standing in Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church. She or that white woman that has blonde hair and blue eyes really said that sounds like a good idea and that I must have deserved it. I cannot believe that she said that to me in my face. I did not know what to say at that time. Then Freddy Fritz looked at me like he hates me because he knows that I don't like most Jews but I like and want what's best for white people. I'm done with that Christian church and all Satanic and Jewish-dominated churches in Christianity.

I remember 2 white men from Cypress Creek Church said that when I talk about race it's "divisive." People at that Christian church are fucking stupid because they believe I want to hurt or kill children because I talked to a felon or Rachel Henry a total of 4 times on Securus Technologies on my cellphone in this house in this house in Tampa. I have no desire whatsoever to hurt anyone else. I just think that she's really beautiful with her blue eyes, brown hair, and fair skin. I'm most attracted to white women but I have never ever had a girlfriend or wife before in my life. I like Men Going Their Own Way or MGTOW and think I might be better off alone.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
