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The Reptilians, The Dragons & Father Satan

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
belzebub1988 said:
What has the Church done against Satan?
is Satan a Reptilian, an Anunnaki, a Nordic alien?

The Catholic Church has lied incessantly against Father Satan. Father Satan has been the victim of endless slander, that the enemy did so willingly and in full awareness of what they were doing.

Even in their lies and slanderous verses, they call Father Satan "The Great Dragon". That is a very honorable title.

They slandered him because it was convenient to do so, to justify over this slander a never ending agenda of mass enslavement of human beings, by turning them against their creator.

Father Satan being called a "Dragon" is a very important word. The Dragon, is an Ancient Greek Word that means "Protector" and "Ever attentive watcher". Many of the Gods have been called "The Drakons" because they are protectors of mankind, who have an ever watchful gaze.

It was a very positive word, until Christianity started smearing it by calling Satan "The Great Dragon". In fact, the title "Great Dragon" is one of the most respectable titles one could give to Satan. "Demon", a word meaning divinity, was also a very honorable title in Ancient Greek language.

Popular culture has been obsessed with Dragons, which are mythical symbols of the protectors of spiritual and material wealth and knowledge, typically residing in Castles. The Castle is symbolic of the human soul, which holds inside it infinite riches. The Dragon is the guardian of Castles and Kingdoms, prohibiting human beings from engaging in endless blasphemous violation of supernal and spiritual laws.

In most myths however, it is the Dragon indeed that must be confronted in order to gain the Kingdom, and this Dragon has to do with actually taming and rising the Kundalini Serpent.

Father Satan and many of the Demons are what we humans refer to as "Nordic" in their form. Father Satan has been known as Ananta Sesha, Shiva, and every different Gentile culture ascribed to Him different titles and names all describing the same source being.

In modern alien theories, there have been false connections drawn between the "Reptilians" and "Dragons". These two things are entirely different.

The Reptilians are actually a race of beings that have nothing to do with "Dragons", as "Dragon" is only a title that could be put on any being. They are a race that does not serve any purpose to help humanity whatsoever, but rather to keep humanity from spiritually advancing.

Falsely, they have been called "Draconian" which is a wrong word to use about them, but commonly makes them conflated with "Dragons", which was a real Ancient Greek title for our real divinities. Some stupid UFOlogists decided to call them this way, but this is false. They are not "Draconian" or "Dragons" in anyway.

"Dragon" and "Reptilian" have nothing in common whatsoever, but I have clarified the meaning of Dragon which is commonly confused in modern UFOlogy with the term "Draconian", leading people to associate Dragons and "Reptilians". That is a falsehood.

Before all of the UFOlogy spree where people started stupidly ascribing wrong names to everything, the word Dragon and it's meaning was existing for thousands of years.

Another naming spree that has been mindlessly used is the word Annunaki, which is basically a Babylonian word to describe the Anu-Naki or "Those who from heaven to earth came". The Annunaki was a word that has been used for basically anyone, including the Gods, or any heavenly sent being. It is a positive word that means "Descended Deity" or "Heavenly Deity".

The word also directly describes the Ancient Gods of Mesopotamia, who were indeed whom we now call Father Satan and the Gods. Enki was an "Anu-Naki" or "Descended from the heavens" who came to help and civilize humanity.

The Jewish rooted Christian Church, because the jews had a cultural warfare with tribes like the Egyptians, the Ancient Greeks, the Mesopotamian people, and basically all Gentiles, made up lies about all Gentile cultures in the form of endless slander. The Grand Head deities of all these cultures were slandered to no end, so as to make their own people hateful of them.

They managed to succeed after a long slandering campaign that is short lived for a few centuries, by brutal murder and intimidation towards anyone who did not believe in the jewish telltale stories.

Now humanity is finally coming to discover it's past again and their lies are fading, ultimately with humans moving again towards their Gods and spiritual development once again, like they always were doing in the past.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I thought the reason as to why they were called Draconians was because apparently their home is in the Draco ( dragon ) constellation or something.... can you elaborate on this please.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
I thought the reason as to why they were called Draconians was because apparently their home is in the Draco ( dragon ) constellation or something.... can you elaborate on this please.

In general, the Constellation is named like this and has to do with the Serpent who guards the Tree of Life in the Herculean lore. So this is why this constellation is called "Dracon". There is nothing bad about any constellation in the heavens.

I am even uncertain if truly reptilians are from there as it's stated, or Christians just put them there in UFOlogy since the constellation was named "Dragon" and they took this later to mean "The Great Dragon = Great Evil = Satan = Reptilians = Oy vey kike nonsense".

Chances are this is how it happened above.

Whether or not the enemy lives there, people regardless called them "Draconian" which is false and just a random word used that is off the mark.

In the UFO community they just randomly brand all species based on their "Constellation", but if you pay attention, they have not done the same for Satan whatsoever. They do not call them "Orionites" or something.

This is only done to connect the Reptilians with the "Draco" and the "Dragon Myth", which as I have explained is wrong, as these reptilians not only do not guard and protect humanity, but they do not help it in anyway, shape or form and act to our detriment.

Therefore, it's clear to me they named the reptiloids "Draconian" only to create confusion. Another stupid name we have given is "The greys" which is just because they have grey skin, and is not descriptive.

When it is also to hide specific segments of hostile entities, they just say "Pleiadians" and therefore people take this for good no matter what species it is. But in one constellation there can be too many species.

RockSeed13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

HP Cobra, what about the word nephilim? Is it jewbrew in origin? Or was it a mesopotamian word in origin that was later appropriated by jews?

The word Nephilim seems to be derived from the Ancient Greek word Nefeles which means the Clouds, similar in meaning to the Anu-Naki or the sons of the heavens/stars. Jews have stolen from many languages and reversed the meanings later. If anything the original root word means only positive things.

In the Jewish lore, this word is used to describe the "Fallen Angels" which is false, and also the reverse meaning, as with Nefeles we would describe ascended beings, not fallen ones.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Therefore, it's clear to me they named the reptiloids "Draconian" only to create confusion. Another stupid name we have given is "The greys" which is just because they have grey skin, and is not descriptive.

Does this mean that the Greys and the Reptiloids are the same race, or should we just start calling them all "Reptiloids"?
Ursa Minor said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Therefore, it's clear to me they named the reptiloids "Draconian" only to create confusion. Another stupid name we have given is "The greys" which is just because they have grey skin, and is not descriptive.

Does this mean that the Greys and the Reptiloids are the same race, or should we just start calling them all "Reptiloids"?

Wait, I knew they were 2 separate races, with the Reptilians enslaving the Greys after occupying their home planet. I think HP wanted to say that the name "Grey" causes as much confusion as "Draconian" because these 2 are not pretty accurate/descriptive.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Ursa Minor said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Therefore, it's clear to me they named the reptiloids "Draconian" only to create confusion. Another stupid name we have given is "The greys" which is just because they have grey skin, and is not descriptive.

Does this mean that the Greys and the Reptiloids are the same race, or should we just start calling them all "Reptiloids"?

Wait, I knew they were 2 separate races, with the Reptilians enslaving the Greys after occupying their home planet. I think HP wanted to say that the name "Grey" causes as much confusion as "Draconian" because these 2 are not pretty accurate/descriptive.
Ah, okay, that makes sense. Now you just reminded me of a dream I had where I saw a reptilian and it's skin was indeed gray in color. Scared the shit out of me so I mentally attacked it and it disintegrated.
Wow! Literally two days ago I was asking myself if Satan's symbol is the Serpent how does it connects with the Reptilians. I was thinking if the Reptilians are serpents you'd think they'd be loyal to their creator. Got my answer now.
Thank you for the valuable input HP.
We dont appreciate you enough🖤🔥
Back in the day, whenever I'd see Dragons on flags of various Europeans nations or chivalry groups, I always thought they were Chinese, or some Asian flag, but seeing the significance of the Dragon, there's definitely more to it even the Whites embraced the Dragon, and formed many Satanic cults based on the Dragon, before the Jews and Xians took over.

Though I think no less of the Chinese and the Asians, and actually envy them since they openly embrace the Dragon (something Japan truly showed in WWII when they stood up to the Jesuit yoke), though Tian (Beelzebub) is their main God, and do hope more Chinese and Asians wake up, and throw the yoke of communism out. I just love how they always sell Dragon nic-nacs in Chinese restaurants and buffets, and got a collection of them. They're the only race truly in my opinion that has rivalled the Whites in terms of advancement (both spiritual and technological), culture, and etc., and even without communist massive-industrialization and globalization, China would still be a superpower, not that I support any sort of unjustified war between any Gentile race.

I've seen the Vlad the Impaler was associated with a Dragon cult to free the Romanians from Mudslime yoke, I often wonder more about it. He played the "Christian card" when he was out and about (as many of our spiritual brethren did during the Xian-ruled Dark Ages).

I feel like the entire "vampire" persona was just another Jewish slanderous campaign, just like they slander Mother Goddess Lillith into some freaskish vampire-thing.
RockSeed13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

HP Cobra, what about the word nephilim? Is it jewbrew in origin? Or was it a mesopotamian word in origin that was later appropriated by jews?

Many are Canaanite and Aramaic terms, see, the Hebrew language was nothing more but a malformed and cursed dialect of Canaanite and Aramaic, as well as hijacked forms of the other Semitic languages, such as Edomite, Phoenician, Moabite and etc., that the Reptilians and their "chosen race" human hosts decided to use, this is what we today today refer to as "Hebrew". Even the language itself is simply a cursed creation formed from hijacking and distorting something pre-existing. I truly hate seeing it.

Aramaic succeeded Canaanite as the dominant Semitic language, which became official language throughout the various Pagan Mesopotamian empires, it was also the dominant language spoken in most of the Roman Empire's Semitic-speaking territories (mind-you, while Arabic was spoken by certain Arab tribes in Roman Syria and Palestine, it was still a minor language in the Levant at the time), until once-more, the kikes and Xians hijacked Aramaic, and now every time you mention Aramaic, everyone starts to assume and label it the "langue of Rabbi Jebo".

I often refer to Canaanite as the "Semitic Sanskrit", one of the mothers of all the Semitic languages, NOT Hebrew as kike-loving psuedo-scientists want you to believe.

Remember, Semitic peoples are legitimate Gentiles, and are NOT JEWS which is why I absolutely hate the word "anti-Semitic", like what, jooz are the only Semitic race now? (from their PoV, YES) oy vey........
patrioticgentile_666 said:
RockSeed13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

HP Cobra, what about the word nephilim? Is it jewbrew in origin? Or was it a mesopotamian word in origin that was later appropriated by jews?

Many are Canaanite and Aramaic terms, see, the Hebrew language was nothing more but a malformed and cursed dialect of Canaanite and Aramaic, as well as hijacked forms of the other Semitic languages, such as Edomite, Phoenician, Moabite and etc., that the Reptilians and their "chosen race" human hosts decided to use, this is what we today today refer to as "Hebrew". Even the language itself is simply a cursed creation formed from hijacking and distorting something pre-existing. I truly hate seeing it.

Aramaic succeeded Canaanite as the dominant Semitic language, which became official language throughout the various Pagan Mesopotamian empires, it was also the dominant language spoken in most of the Roman Empire's Semitic-speaking territories (mind-you, while Arabic was spoken by certain Arab tribes in Roman Syria and Palestine, it was still a minor language in the Levant at the time), until once-more, the kikes and Xians hijacked Aramaic, and now every time you mention Aramaic, everyone starts to assume and label it the "langue of Rabbi Jebo".

I often refer to Canaanite as the "Semitic Sanskrit", one of the mothers of all the Semitic languages, NOT Hebrew as kike-loving psuedo-scientists want you to believe.

Remember, Semitic peoples are legitimate Gentiles, and are NOT JEWS which is why I absolutely hate the word "anti-Semitic", like what, jooz are the only Semitic race now? (from their PoV, YES) oy vey........

Very correct. This is what they do. They get in, steal, infiltrate, remove the knowledge of their crime, and then claim "Hebrew Was Original" and other nonsense, or even "The Exclusive Language of God".

Also, another giant hoax is that "all languages started from Phoenician". For one, in the region of "Phoenicia", Ancient Greeks and I think Herodotus said were perfectly Gentile people of Mediterranean Greek descent. Other than this, they were a colony of not much influence, culture or significance. There are hardly any surviving written things from them.

The "theory" that language began in "Phoenicia" is a bullshit speculation. In my view, it should be clear that Ancient Greece are both more viable sources, in particular because of the size of the civilization. One Civilization cannot be the hub of all knowledge on earth and we cannot find a pair of scrolls to justify these "beginnings" of something as big as the alphabet system.

We are now going almost to prehistory with this. Everything is postulated "theory" by mostly jewish interests and jewish scientists nowadays, who even have went as far as to claim that "Hebrew is the original language of mankind" and other nonsense. As we kept digging with archeology, we found out that all of it is a copy and theft from Aramaic and Caanite, and Sumerian/Babylonian. But they have also ripped off Ancient Greeks and Egyptians.

Imagine jews being late to the party of writing anything by thousands of years and then suddenly a jew comes and says "Hebrew is the original language of earth, goy". Even the jews admit Hebrew is a mix of theft between Egyptian, Aramaic, Babylonian and Sumerian.

Semites are all the people of the region and the striking majority is basically totally non-jewish people, who are entirely Gentiles, and whom also the Jews hate at the most sheer and deep passion. They celebrate their downfall and death.

However, as Jews wanted to hide their origins in plain site of being SOMETHING DIFFERENT FROM EVERYONE ELSE, they invented the term "Anti-Semitism" to pretend they are natural indigenous "Semites like everyone else, oy vey", when this is not the case and the bible is founded upon the idea that they are "THE CHOSEN ONES" and "NOT THE SAME AS ANYONE ELSE".

This not being the case and them being on total war with all other people in the region, is why the Bible was written. It's just a propaganda book of attacking the native people and celebrating the death of other tribes and in particular Semites [modern day Arabs] and the Egyptian people.

The Old Testament attacks all the Semitic and Mediterranean bastion people, and the New Testament attacks the Greeks primarily as their biggest blasphemy against the Greco-Roman world.
Good sermon HP Hooded Cobra666 it cleared a lot for me, Reptilian Draco are our enemies .we are all special beings if you know what I mean that's why I chose the name because I feel this way since I did the dedication in 2014.

Thank you for your beautiful Sermon.
You're a gift my brother and priest Cobra, may father Satan/Enki be always with you.

Take care
patrioticgentile_666 said:
RockSeed13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

HP Cobra, what about the word nephilim? Is it jewbrew in origin? Or was it a mesopotamian word in origin that was later appropriated by jews?

Many are Canaanite and Aramaic terms, see, the Hebrew language was nothing more but a malformed and cursed dialect of Canaanite and Aramaic, as well as hijacked forms of the other Semitic languages, such as Edomite, Phoenician, Moabite and etc., that the Reptilians and their "chosen race" human hosts decided to use, this is what we today today refer to as "Hebrew". Even the language itself is simply a cursed creation formed from hijacking and distorting something pre-existing. I truly hate seeing it.

Aramaic succeeded Canaanite as the dominant Semitic language, which became official language throughout the various Pagan Mesopotamian empires, it was also the dominant language spoken in most of the Roman Empire's Semitic-speaking territories (mind-you, while Arabic was spoken by certain Arab tribes in Roman Syria and Palestine, it was still a minor language in the Levant at the time), until once-more, the kikes and Xians hijacked Aramaic, and now every time you mention Aramaic, everyone starts to assume and label it the "langue of Rabbi Jebo".

I often refer to Canaanite as the "Semitic Sanskrit", one of the mothers of all the Semitic languages, NOT Hebrew as kike-loving psuedo-scientists want you to believe.

Remember, Semitic peoples are legitimate Gentiles, and are NOT JEWS which is why I absolutely hate the word "anti-Semitic", like what, jooz are the only Semitic race now? (from their PoV, YES) oy vey........

Yes, the jews have stolen things from many ancient languages and cultures including the ones named. The Canaanites however were not Semitic...Their descendants the Phoenecians were shown to have European DNA. The Canaanites and phoenecians are white and share about 95 percent of their DNA with many modern day lebanese.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
RockSeed13 said:
HP Cobra, what about the word nephilim? Is it jewbrew in origin? Or was it a mesopotamian word in origin that was later appropriated by jews?


Very correct. This is what they do. They get in, steal, infiltrate, remove the knowledge of their crime, and then claim "Hebrew Was Original" and other nonsense, or even "The Exclusive Language of God".

Also, another giant hoax is that "all languages started from Phoenician". For one, in the region of "Phoenicia", Ancient Greeks and I think Herodotus said were perfectly Gentile people of Mediterranean Greek descent. Other than this, they were a colony of not much influence, culture or significance. There are hardly any surviving written things from them.

For one, in the region of "Phoenicia", Ancient Greeks and I think Herodotus said were perfectly Gentile people of Mediterranean Greek descent.

Wait, the Phoenecians were ancient greek? I was told they mixed with the ancient greeks however, and Romans and some with Berbers.

I have also read a source that suggested Phonecians were of Celtic origin but I am not too sure on that one.

There is much confusion in JOS with reptilian and the kundalini being a serpent. I'm guilty of this too in my teens confused both of them but it's still a concern for new members. Now that I'm older I can see the clear difference but still see how it can separate newer members who haven't fully deprogramed from religion.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:

Very correct. This is what they do. They get in, steal, infiltrate, remove the knowledge of their crime, and then claim "Hebrew Was Original" and other nonsense, or even "The Exclusive Language of God".

Also, another giant hoax is that "all languages started from Phoenician". For one, in the region of "Phoenicia", Ancient Greeks and I think Herodotus said were perfectly Gentile people of Mediterranean Greek descent. Other than this, they were a colony of not much influence, culture or significance. There are hardly any surviving written things from them.

For one, in the region of "Phoenicia", Ancient Greeks and I think Herodotus said were perfectly Gentile people of Mediterranean Greek descent.

Wait, the Phoenecians were ancient greek? I was told they mixed with the ancient greeks however, and Romans and some with Berbers.

I have also read a source that suggested Phonecians were of Celtic origin but I am not too sure on that one.

I would not doubt that they are 95% of European descent. I think they were a Celtic/Greek/Something else hybrid, as I think they were referred as something like "cousins" with red hair and a bronzer skin. They seem to have presently assimilated into other places in the region.

Actually yes, same as many people in the region, which might have mixed or more later, but they still remain mostly of White roots. This changed in time for some of them, but it was the case before. Ancient Greeks mention this as a colony there, but as time went, their connections became more loose with it. The same goes for many other regions.

If it is urgent, I can find the citation for you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Very correct. This is what they do. They get in, steal, infiltrate, remove the knowledge of their crime, and then claim "Hebrew Was Original" and other nonsense, or even "The Exclusive Language of God".

Also, another giant hoax is that "all languages started from Phoenician". For one, in the region of "Phoenicia", Ancient Greeks and I think Herodotus said were perfectly Gentile people of Mediterranean Greek descent. Other than this, they were a colony of not much influence, culture or significance. There are hardly any surviving written things from them.

For one, in the region of "Phoenicia", Ancient Greeks and I think Herodotus said were perfectly Gentile people of Mediterranean Greek descent.

Wait, the Phoenecians were ancient greek? I was told they mixed with the ancient greeks however, and Romans and some with Berbers.

I have also read a source that suggested Phonecians were of Celtic origin but I am not too sure on that one.

I would not doubt that they are 95% of European descent. I think they were a Celtic/Greek/Something else hybrid, as I think they were referred as something like "cousins" with red hair and a bronzer skin. They seem to have presently assimilated into other places in the region.

Actually yes, same as many people in the region, which might have mixed or more later, but they still remain mostly of White roots. This changed in time for some of them, but it was the case before. Ancient Greeks mention this as a colony there, but as time went, their connections became more loose with it. The same goes for many other regions.

If it is urgent, I can find the citation for you.

I am so curious! Yes please find it when you have time! My grandmother had red hair and both of my grandpas had blue eyes. My cousin on my dads side also has blue eyes and my brother has my dad's dad's eyes. All of my dad's fam look like southern Europeans.

You know what's funny? My dad was making spinach pies at the time after I replied to you and he had a vid for a recipe pop up that said "spinach pies, classical greek dish" :lol:

We've eaten it since we were kids. days ago when my brother came to visit we went through old things we made in school...we found an old booklet my brother made in school for greek mythology with stories about all the Greek Gods. You bet I saved it!

I remember shortly after dedication I had a dream about a tall large man with red hair and beard he was laughing and put his arm around me and he was talking to me about boats and we were at a harbor....There are sources if i recall that some Phoenicians described seeing Beelzebub (they called him Baal) with red hair. I do not know for sure if this was him in the dream, but i do know also the Phoenicians ruled the Mediterranean for thousands of years and were master wood and metalworkers (runs in the blood i guess haha xD) and master shipbuilders. Their ships looked very similar to that of vikings.

There is a book on the Celtic origins part that also as an image of a Phoenecian sun priestess with a swastika on her dress. I will link it here for you when I can find it again.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Very correct. This is what they do. They get in, steal, infiltrate, remove the knowledge of their crime, and then claim "Hebrew Was Original" and other nonsense, or even "The Exclusive Language of God".

Also, another giant hoax is that "all languages started from Phoenician". For one, in the region of "Phoenicia", Ancient Greeks and I think Herodotus said were perfectly Gentile people of Mediterranean Greek descent. Other than this, they were a colony of not much influence, culture or significance. There are hardly any surviving written things from them.

For one, in the region of "Phoenicia", Ancient Greeks and I think Herodotus said were perfectly Gentile people of Mediterranean Greek descent.

Wait, the Phoenecians were ancient greek? I was told they mixed with the ancient greeks however, and Romans and some with Berbers.

I have also read a source that suggested Phonecians were of Celtic origin but I am not too sure on that one.

I would not doubt that they are 95% of European descent. I think they were a Celtic/Greek/Something else hybrid, as I think they were referred as something like "cousins" with red hair and a bronzer skin. They seem to have presently assimilated into other places in the region.

Actually yes, same as many people in the region, which might have mixed or more later, but they still remain mostly of White roots. This changed in time for some of them, but it was the case before. Ancient Greeks mention this as a colony there, but as time went, their connections became more loose with it. The same goes for many other regions.

If it is urgent, I can find the citation for you.

Here I managed to find it! This seems to be however suggesting the Britons and celts etc came from the Phoenecians. Seems I remembered the source backward, still though curious.

This article shows the picture of the Phoenecian sun priestess and also a stone with sun swastikas


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Very correct. This is what they do. They get in, steal, infiltrate, remove the knowledge of their crime, and then claim "Hebrew Was Original" and other nonsense, or even "The Exclusive Language of God".

Also, another giant hoax is that "all languages started from Phoenician". For one, in the region of "Phoenicia", Ancient Greeks and I think Herodotus said were perfectly Gentile people of Mediterranean Greek descent. Other than this, they were a colony of not much influence, culture or significance. There are hardly any surviving written things from them.

For one, in the region of "Phoenicia", Ancient Greeks and I think Herodotus said were perfectly Gentile people of Mediterranean Greek descent.

Wait, the Phoenecians were ancient greek? I was told they mixed with the ancient greeks however, and Romans and some with Berbers.

I have also read a source that suggested Phonecians were of Celtic origin but I am not too sure on that one.

I would not doubt that they are 95% of European descent. I think they were a Celtic/Greek/Something else hybrid, as I think they were referred as something like "cousins" with red hair and a bronzer skin. They seem to have presently assimilated into other places in the region.

Actually yes, same as many people in the region, which might have mixed or more later, but they still remain mostly of White roots. This changed in time for some of them, but it was the case before. Ancient Greeks mention this as a colony there, but as time went, their connections became more loose with it. The same goes for many other regions.

If it is urgent, I can find the citation for you.

The Phoenicians were also settled in the south of the Iberian Peninsula for centuries, many archaeological pieces found in the Spanish Levant are very similar to those of the Phoenicians as the famous Lady of Elche.
Even today is said that many southern Spaniards we have Phoenician and Roman ancestry.
There is a rumour that the reptiloid planet is Nibiru (also called planet X), I wonder if this is really their planet or not? And also that some of the reptiloids are already here on Earth and are hiding in mountains, high places, caves... Somehow it seems to me that this is not a rumour and there is truth in it.
HP HoodedCobra666 THANK YOU!!! For explaining this!!!!🔥 This is very interesting. I always wanted to know about the Dragon and castles, and such and what they really mean and represent. And the difference between the reptilian and the surpunt, who is who and why? Growing up with a lot of confusion myself about The Serpent and the reptilian! All because of the churches and because of schools and textbooks! Hollywood movies and entertainment! Which is found to be very creative and fun in a lot of ways but in the same sense? Confusing people all the more by making dragons look evil and reptilian people seem like a good people when they're obviously not! Growing up confused about one or the other as a little kid! And how people would allow it into their homes with cartoons and letting children get away with pretending and play acting the different parts and the different roles! Not even knowing or recognizing the fact that they're playing an enemy and going against their own kind! And not even knowing the difference between the dragon? Being the good person a representing the good! And The Reptilian ! Not to mention the fact to make it more confusing! Even when it comes to children's books and nursery rhymes some of the names that they have used! Like the names of demons? And witches and names of witches! Making fun of the Gentiles and making a mockery of Satan and his gods and Demons by making the illustrations and the character look like an ugly old man or an ugly withered old woman! And making the person look weak and ignorant and behave poorly!.. and how little kids were taught to laugh at it and make fun of it and thinking that it's funny lightly poking and prodding and making fun of their own ancestors and the ancient gods and goddesses! And making gross and rude comments and jokes upon each other along the way as they would play act and pretend the different characters and the different parts in school plays! Especially if the children happen to be Christian or Muslim taking the time to discriminate the character along with it 😢 and not even allow themselves to stop and think about it! And then they get out and play video games! That are related just the same with dragons and castles thinking that a lot of it has to do with the royal families of Europe money and power and wells! And associated with the reptilian! And the Jews that have taken over Europe! Something that a lot of these children don't even seem to understand because they don't put it in textbooks! And understand what the real truth is and the real meaning of it is dragon and castle and the fact that the word Dragon representing father satan! And Castle representing the human being and spirituality! Kundalini breathing exercise and what the serpent means! Especially when it comes down to yoga and meditation and the practice of sports and singing and dancing and how that builds up the inner serpent in people and the bio-electricity! That if children were taught in schools with the real meaning is of chakra energy and bioelectricity? Maybe they would have a whole new appreciation about themselves! Knowing who the real God is? And what the meaning behind serpent is and the knowledge that is sacred that should have been taught and shared throughout the centuries! The Christian churches and the Jews try to keep away from people and still doing everything they can to keep it away from people! And yet they put these symbols and these characters and video games? And not to mention the fact that Hollywood movies they come up with twisting things around more and more making things more and more confusing for children and teenagers! And yet they let children and teenagers get away with dressing up for Halloween and they allow Halloween parties!? And they allow singing and dancing? That don't even give children the credit for their talents and their abilities? Let alone taking the time to properly explain things to children who their God is and what the dragon means! And who father Satan is? Without using lies and slander and twisting things around! You would think that children would recognize things watching a Hollywood movie especially with all of the type of Hollywood movies and entertainment that has come out throughout the centuries entertaining people little kids and their parents paying big money just to go in and see a movie because it has a dragon in it! And because it has to do with Thor and the vikings! And always making Vikings look like an evil people! Just like they have done with Hitler and his nazis! Making us white people look like a joke people around the world look like a fucking joke! Because of church and religion and because of fear! And because people such as women and children have been lied to throughout the centuries! Not even know what their fucking watching and notice the difference! Recognizing this symbols that belong to where pagan people and recognizing the different names of Satan and his gods and demons and how they're often put down and beaten down and made to look like a pathetic joke in movies and in cartoons all over! It saddens me and it angers me both of this continues on! And his interesting to know the difference into recognize? What you feel is right and to get the truth behind the dragon and the true meaning of it! And to understand what the word Castle means! Spirituality and the spirit of the person as well as the chakra energy and what they mean and what they represent especially in yoga classes gymnastics and dance! Were you develop your mind and body through muscle control and concentration building up your bioelectricity! That if children had any idea? About our sacred knowledge of the ancient gods and goddesses along with it! Thinking about how the world would have been a lot different? If it wasn't for the invasion of reptilians and jews! Who have taken the time to twist things around and ruin things! Bringing forth confusion more and more! Instead of allowing people to know the truth behind who and what they are and the sacred knowledge of thereof and having the respect for the sacred Dragon Lucifer father Satan! And knowing and recognizing the names of Father Satan and his demons and the many different characters that they use to portray in movies and in cartoons and video games! They may look fun but when it comes down to it? Who you're battling with playing the video games how shocking it is to know who your opponent is and who your enemy is by looking at the names! Always making Satan and one of his demons are using a character with one of their names and there you are fighting it in a video game! It makes me wonder what father Satan is thinking? And not to mention the fact knowing the difference! Between that of the Grays and the palladians! And with the Jews have tried to create with their lies! Recognizing what is being put in textbooks all over nothing but lies and More Lies and as we get older recognizing the truth! It seems like we are being taught the truth as we get older piecing things together more and more as we age! Were a lot of this very young are now getting the truth behind a lot of this and I think it's amazing!! That we have a website! Where people can get on and get information that you normally don't read or see in textbooks! Even when it comes to the fantasy world? We often wonder were these names in these characters came from! And who is really evil and who isn't! Until people get on here and figure out the truth! That is what I enjoy about this website! And reading your sermons! Thank you for sharing this! This is been very enlightening and very uplifting!❤
This is awesome!!❤ Thank you for sharing.
So are the Grays a Jewish descent? And are they a Jewish type alien? Or were the grays those that took over the Jews and a control the jews! And are the Grays one of the aliens that work with all of the enemy people? That includes all of the aromatic religions and those that follow them? And are all aliens considered bad?
CandiceLee1313 said:
So are the Grays a Jewish descent? And are they a Jewish type alien? Or were the grays those that took over the Jews and a control the jews! And are the Grays one of the aliens that work with all of the enemy people? That includes all of the aromatic religions and those that follow them? And are all aliens considered bad?

Aliens are creatures like anyone else. The situation is that what we refer to as "Greys" is a complex situation. They are opposing and hateful of humans, as many humans see them harassing in meditation or even physically. They have hostility against mankind.

They display robotic and erratic behavior, and they have no "free will" so they are entirely different from humans and detest them for many reasons. Frequently they have been seen not only invading our planet, but harassing human authorities and governments to do their bidding, or harassing people in the spiritual realm that we call the "astral" realm.

Their "bidding" has to do with turning humanity to a form of collective borg, where everything is forcibly made into a "melting pot" of a "singularity", and then forcibly jacked into a central digital main-net, from where they likely plan to annex our species after this. This is becoming apparent now. So this alien species does author a great deal of the enemy's version of the "New World Order".

Greys can definitely control people especially if said people are psychically open to them. Jews as a whole are open to them and they have some strange alliance going on, that is a bond through Christianity, Islam and Judaism, all of which were programs created with the influence of the greys to blind humanity spiritually.

It's very important for the greys that humanity remains spiritually oblivious and drugged, as they consider this necessary for them to exert easier control over human beings.

They do not want humanity to ascend or have spiritual knowledge as this would expose them, since they exist astrally on the dimension above this one, and humans can see them even by accident if they are spiritually aware.

One of the reasons the greys want mass obliviousness to spiritual knowledge is because they can also "farm" human energy from higher dimensions, and that is another of the reasons they want to enslave humanity, to farm it's psychic and living energy. They are known to be able to "invade" or have been measuring to make an invasion for humanity, but they do not appear to have the power or resources to make it all through.

What we refer to as the "Greys" appears to also be a controlled species by another species, making the greys a servant bio-cyborg [like we use a robot with a controller]. The race behind them seems to be a segment of that race that we call "The Reptilians".

However, the greys also appear to be enslaved by other technological means and what is also "implant technology", which has made them all into a hive mind, a hive mind that has decided that it need to annex and "include" in itself other races of living beings over a reasoning only known to this thing.

All Satanists are protected from these however our world is being harassed by them and it's not uncommon for them to also harass individuals, which we know how to drive away. These also generally stay away from people who are very spiritually evolved, but they tend to harass low people like drug users and others who become open to their parasitic influences, or people who do mistakes and "open up" somehow to them.


Shadowcat said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
RockSeed13 said:
HP Cobra, what about the word nephilim? Is it jewbrew in origin? Or was it a mesopotamian word in origin that was later appropriated by jews?

Many are Canaanite and Aramaic terms, see, the Hebrew language was nothing more but a malformed and cursed dialect of Canaanite and Aramaic, as well as hijacked forms of the other Semitic languages, such as Edomite, Phoenician, Moabite and etc., that the Reptilians and their "chosen race" human hosts decided to use, this is what we today today refer to as "Hebrew". Even the language itself is simply a cursed creation formed from hijacking and distorting something pre-existing. I truly hate seeing it.

Aramaic succeeded Canaanite as the dominant Semitic language, which became official language throughout the various Pagan Mesopotamian empires, it was also the dominant language spoken in most of the Roman Empire's Semitic-speaking territories (mind-you, while Arabic was spoken by certain Arab tribes in Roman Syria and Palestine, it was still a minor language in the Levant at the time), until once-more, the kikes and Xians hijacked Aramaic, and now every time you mention Aramaic, everyone starts to assume and label it the "langue of Rabbi Jebo".

I often refer to Canaanite as the "Semitic Sanskrit", one of the mothers of all the Semitic languages, NOT Hebrew as kike-loving psuedo-scientists want you to believe.

Remember, Semitic peoples are legitimate Gentiles, and are NOT JEWS which is why I absolutely hate the word "anti-Semitic", like what, jooz are the only Semitic race now? (from their PoV, YES) oy vey........

Yes, the jews have stolen things from many ancient languages and cultures including the ones named. The Canaanites however were not Semitic...Their descendants the Phoenecians were shown to have European DNA. The Canaanites and phoenecians are white and share about 95 percent of their DNA with many modern day lebanese.

Oh yeah, I remember HP Maxine's posts about the White Canaanites and White Egyptians, as language doesn't always dictate bloodline. I guess one can refer to them as "White Semitic-speaking" peoples, just like you have Arabic-speaking Blacks in Sudan.

Lebanese always had a very distinct-look. I guess it's way so many of the early Lebanese migrants to the United States had more White features than Arab.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Shadowcat said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Many are Canaanite and Aramaic terms, see, the Hebrew language was nothing more but a malformed and cursed dialect of Canaanite and Aramaic, as well as hijacked forms of the other Semitic languages, such as Edomite, Phoenician, Moabite and etc., that the Reptilians and their "chosen race" human hosts decided to use, this is what we today today refer to as "Hebrew". Even the language itself is simply a cursed creation formed from hijacking and distorting something pre-existing. I truly hate seeing it.

Aramaic succeeded Canaanite as the dominant Semitic language, which became official language throughout the various Pagan Mesopotamian empires, it was also the dominant language spoken in most of the Roman Empire's Semitic-speaking territories (mind-you, while Arabic was spoken by certain Arab tribes in Roman Syria and Palestine, it was still a minor language in the Levant at the time), until once-more, the kikes and Xians hijacked Aramaic, and now every time you mention Aramaic, everyone starts to assume and label it the "langue of Rabbi Jebo".

I often refer to Canaanite as the "Semitic Sanskrit", one of the mothers of all the Semitic languages, NOT Hebrew as kike-loving psuedo-scientists want you to believe.

Remember, Semitic peoples are legitimate Gentiles, and are NOT JEWS which is why I absolutely hate the word "anti-Semitic", like what, jooz are the only Semitic race now? (from their PoV, YES) oy vey........

Yes, the jews have stolen things from many ancient languages and cultures including the ones named. The Canaanites however were not Semitic...Their descendants the Phoenecians were shown to have European DNA. The Canaanites and phoenecians are white and share about 95 percent of their DNA with many modern day lebanese.

Oh yeah, I remember HP Maxine's posts about the White Canaanites and White Egyptians, as language doesn't always dictate bloodline. I guess one can refer to them as "White Semitic-speaking" peoples, just like you have Arabic-speaking Blacks in Sudan.

Lebanese always had a very distinct-look. I guess it's way so many of the early Lebanese migrants to the United States had more White features than Arab.

Even today, there are people in Germany who are looking a lot like the Lebanese or Syrians [they did not arrive in the recent migrant waves, they were here from Hitler's time, they have whiter features than those living in these regions]. These have been put along the many sub-races of NS Germany in booklets. They can sometimes have lighter features.

Through these populations it's not unlikely for many White genes to also resurface with time. Knowing this, the enemy tries to do their earnest to "Blacken" the White people, as the Black genes remove the White genes after some time du to simply how it is with nature of the offspring. It takes a few generations only, and the wipeout is seemingly full complete.

This process takes way more generations if someone mixes with someone who has a lot of White in them, so this worries jews and they consider it a secondary but not full on "solution".

Yet, mixing with let's say Lebanese or something else, always is perceived by the jews as having the risk of "Resurgence", as they know many people from the Middle East like Iranians or people from Lebanon, still have a high percent of White and it will not be as easy to wipe out the "root" gene of the Nordic that they want to eliminate. Many Iranians and others look and could pass off as White, or are "Too White" to be considered anything but a distant White sub-race. The main antagonists and powerful states in the Middle East, are comprised of these people, who are also the descendants of people who have built great empires.

They also want to eliminate other sub-parts of "Dangerous races" such as the "Descendants of Nimrod or Nebuchadnezzar" and other sub-races from the Arabic peninsula who proven to be very advanced or a nuisance to them.
The history of ourReligion is immense.

Thank you my brother HPHC
Karolina said:
There is a rumour that the reptiloid planet is Nibiru (also called planet X), I wonder if this is really their planet or not? And also that some of the reptiloids are already here on Earth and are hiding in mountains, high places, caves... Somehow it seems to me that this is not a rumour and there is truth in it.

It was explained in a sermon I read some time ago that Nibiru is a lie made my the jew stitchin, actually nibiru is not a planet itself, no relevance. He added a lot of things in those stories, don't trust them
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Shadowcat said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Many are Canaanite and Aramaic terms, see, the Hebrew language was nothing more but a malformed and cursed dialect of Canaanite and Aramaic, as well as hijacked forms of the other Semitic languages, such as Edomite, Phoenician, Moabite and etc., that the Reptilians and their "chosen race" human hosts decided to use, this is what we today today refer to as "Hebrew". Even the language itself is simply a cursed creation formed from hijacking and distorting something pre-existing. I truly hate seeing it.

Aramaic succeeded Canaanite as the dominant Semitic language, which became official language throughout the various Pagan Mesopotamian empires, it was also the dominant language spoken in most of the Roman Empire's Semitic-speaking territories (mind-you, while Arabic was spoken by certain Arab tribes in Roman Syria and Palestine, it was still a minor language in the Levant at the time), until once-more, the kikes and Xians hijacked Aramaic, and now every time you mention Aramaic, everyone starts to assume and label it the "langue of Rabbi Jebo".

I often refer to Canaanite as the "Semitic Sanskrit", one of the mothers of all the Semitic languages, NOT Hebrew as kike-loving psuedo-scientists want you to believe.

Remember, Semitic peoples are legitimate Gentiles, and are NOT JEWS which is why I absolutely hate the word "anti-Semitic", like what, jooz are the only Semitic race now? (from their PoV, YES) oy vey........

Yes, the jews have stolen things from many ancient languages and cultures including the ones named. The Canaanites however were not Semitic...Their descendants the Phoenecians were shown to have European DNA. The Canaanites and phoenecians are white and share about 95 percent of their DNA with many modern day lebanese.

Oh yeah, I remember HP Maxine's posts about the White Canaanites and White Egyptians, as language doesn't always dictate bloodline. I guess one can refer to them as "White Semitic-speaking" peoples, just like you have Arabic-speaking Blacks in Sudan.

Lebanese always had a very distinct-look. I guess it's way so many of the early Lebanese migrants to the United States had more White features than Arab.

Many are white or mostly, but Lebanon Like Syria and others still was influenced by the Ottoman Empire so most people have arabic names and the language without being actually ethnically arab, although there are the ones that do have arab blood. Lebanon also has influence from Armenia.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Yes, the jews have stolen things from many ancient languages and cultures including the ones named. The Canaanites however were not Semitic...Their descendants the Phoenecians were shown to have European DNA. The Canaanites and phoenecians are white and share about 95 percent of their DNA with many modern day lebanese.

Oh yeah, I remember HP Maxine's posts about the White Canaanites and White Egyptians, as language doesn't always dictate bloodline. I guess one can refer to them as "White Semitic-speaking" peoples, just like you have Arabic-speaking Blacks in Sudan.

Lebanese always had a very distinct-look. I guess it's way so many of the early Lebanese migrants to the United States had more White features than Arab.

Even today, there are people in Germany who are looking a lot like the Lebanese or Syrians [they did not arrive in the recent migrant waves, they were here from Hitler's time, they have whiter features than those living in these regions]. These have been put along the many sub-races of NS Germany in booklets. They can sometimes have lighter features.

Through these populations it's not unlikely for many White genes to also resurface with time. Knowing this, the enemy tries to do their earnest to "Blacken" the White people, as the Black genes remove the White genes after some time du to simply how it is with nature of the offspring. It takes a few generations only, and the wipeout is seemingly full complete.

This process takes way more generations if someone mixes with someone who has a lot of White in them, so this worries jews and they consider it a secondary but not full on "solution".

Yet, mixing with let's say Lebanese or something else, always is perceived by the jews as having the risk of "Resurgence", as they know many people from the Middle East like Iranians or people from Lebanon, still have a high percent of White and it will not be as easy to wipe out the "root" gene of the Nordic that they want to eliminate. Many Iranians and others look and could pass off as White, or are "Too White" to be considered anything but a distant White sub-race. The main antagonists and powerful states in the Middle East, are comprised of these people, who are also the descendants of people who have built great empires.

They also want to eliminate other sub-parts of "Dangerous races" such as the "Descendants of Nimrod or Nebuchadnezzar" and other sub-races from the Arabic peninsula who proven to be very advanced or a nuisance to them.

Most Lebanese with this heritage will tell people "we aren't Arab we are Phoenicians." I remember also that my aunt was very tall. My uncle was said to be over 7 feet tall. I know most genetic testing is loosely based these days and can be tampered with, but I found something a while back that claimed to compare one raw DNA data with ancient DNA samples found at live dig sites. I sent my data in that I had submitted some years ago to 23andme (not the 23andme report but the raw data that was used to make the analysis) and the data was compared to their collection of ancient samples.

I got all white populations of Mediterranean blood...apparently, even from my mom's side, my data overwhelmingly came back over half Roman. (I know the Romans had heavy influence in Germania) The rest had Hittite, Philistine, Ancient Greek, Minoan, a hint of the Ottoman Empire (not surprising), and some others. The only germanic ones that resulted were Goth, Thuringia, and there was also Gauls.

Then they had this feature that they called deep dive ancestry to see "far back" based on one's results and mine came up as Minoan and Phoenician. Although DNA testing is to be taken with a grain of salt because of loose testing, based on history, and what my dad told me specifically along with what you also cited with the ancient Greeks, this also seems to be quite a consistent speculative test result...If I recall correctly the Minoans were essentially Greek!
Wotanwarrior said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Wait, the Phoenecians were ancient greek? I was told they mixed with the ancient greeks however, and Romans and some with Berbers.

I have also read a source that suggested Phonecians were of Celtic origin but I am not too sure on that one.

I would not doubt that they are 95% of European descent. I think they were a Celtic/Greek/Something else hybrid, as I think they were referred as something like "cousins" with red hair and a bronzer skin. They seem to have presently assimilated into other places in the region.

Actually yes, same as many people in the region, which might have mixed or more later, but they still remain mostly of White roots. This changed in time for some of them, but it was the case before. Ancient Greeks mention this as a colony there, but as time went, their connections became more loose with it. The same goes for many other regions.

If it is urgent, I can find the citation for you.

The Phoenicians were also settled in the south of the Iberian Peninsula for centuries, many archaeological pieces found in the Spanish Levant are very similar to those of the Phoenicians as the famous Lady of Elche.
Even today is said that many southern Spaniards we have Phoenician and Roman ancestry.

Yes they did! Many also mixed with Romans later on. They fought for Hannibal in Carthage so some in North Africa also mixed with indigenous Amazeigh (berbers). Some Present day lebanese have Moroccan last names and berber or paleo berber haplogroups which is indicative of this. The nazis also deemed the indigenous Amazeigh to be aryan https://moroccan-family.com/2018/05/28/the-amazigh-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%BA/


German scientists at the time of Hitler declared that the Amazigh people were “Aryan” people to whom the Germans belonged and who considered them to be pure and high-class descendants of the human race. This is probably due to the similar anthropological characteristics of the Amazigh and Germans in terms of the prevalence of blond hair and colored eyes , And a study on the skull of the chromosomes and conducted by the world Henry Valois in 1944 confirmed the relationship between the genes of Amazigh and modern European man.

I wouldn't be surprised if some modern Spanish people also had some Berber blood as some also came to Spain.
CandiceLee1313 said:
HP HoodedCobra666 THANK YOU!!! For explaining this!!!!🔥 This is very interesting. I always wanted to know about the Dragon and castles, and such and what they really mean and represent. And the difference between the reptilian and the surpunt, who is who and why? Growing up with a lot of confusion myself about The Serpent and the reptilian! All because of the churches and because of schools and textbooks! Hollywood movies and entertainment! Which is found to be very creative and fun in a lot of ways but in the same sense? Confusing people all the more by making dragons look evil and reptilian people seem like a good people when they're obviously not! Growing up confused about one or the other as a little kid! And how people would allow it into their homes with cartoons and letting children get away with pretending and play acting the different parts and the different roles! Not even knowing or recognizing the fact that they're playing an enemy and going against their own kind! And not even knowing the difference between the dragon? Being the good person a representing the good! And The Reptilian ! Not to mention the fact to make it more confusing! Even when it comes to children's books and nursery rhymes some of the names that they have used! Like the names of demons? And witches and names of witches! Making fun of the Gentiles and making a mockery of Satan and his gods and Demons by making the illustrations and the character look like an ugly old man or an ugly withered old woman! And making the person look weak and ignorant and behave poorly!.. and how little kids were taught to laugh at it and make fun of it and thinking that it's funny lightly poking and prodding and making fun of their own ancestors and the ancient gods and goddesses! And making gross and rude comments and jokes upon each other along the way as they would play act and pretend the different characters and the different parts in school plays! Especially if the children happen to be Christian or Muslim taking the time to discriminate the character along with it 😢 and not even allow themselves to stop and think about it! And then they get out and play video games! That are related just the same with dragons and castles thinking that a lot of it has to do with the royal families of Europe money and power and wells! And associated with the reptilian! And the Jews that have taken over Europe! Something that a lot of these children don't even seem to understand because they don't put it in textbooks! And understand what the real truth is and the real meaning of it is dragon and castle and the fact that the word Dragon representing father satan! And Castle representing the human being and spirituality! Kundalini breathing exercise and what the serpent means! Especially when it comes down to yoga and meditation and the practice of sports and singing and dancing and how that builds up the inner serpent in people and the bio-electricity! That if children were taught in schools with the real meaning is of chakra energy and bioelectricity? Maybe they would have a whole new appreciation about themselves! Knowing who the real God is? And what the meaning behind serpent is and the knowledge that is sacred that should have been taught and shared throughout the centuries! The Christian churches and the Jews try to keep away from people and still doing everything they can to keep it away from people! And yet they put these symbols and these characters and video games? And not to mention the fact that Hollywood movies they come up with twisting things around more and more making things more and more confusing for children and teenagers! And yet they let children and teenagers get away with dressing up for Halloween and they allow Halloween parties!? And they allow singing and dancing? That don't even give children the credit for their talents and their abilities? Let alone taking the time to properly explain things to children who their God is and what the dragon means! And who father Satan is? Without using lies and slander and twisting things around! You would think that children would recognize things watching a Hollywood movie especially with all of the type of Hollywood movies and entertainment that has come out throughout the centuries entertaining people little kids and their parents paying big money just to go in and see a movie because it has a dragon in it! And because it has to do with Thor and the vikings! And always making Vikings look like an evil people! Just like they have done with Hitler and his nazis! Making us white people look like a joke people around the world look like a fucking joke! Because of church and religion and because of fear! And because people such as women and children have been lied to throughout the centuries! Not even know what their fucking watching and notice the difference! Recognizing this symbols that belong to where pagan people and recognizing the different names of Satan and his gods and demons and how they're often put down and beaten down and made to look like a pathetic joke in movies and in cartoons all over! It saddens me and it angers me both of this continues on! And his interesting to know the difference into recognize? What you feel is right and to get the truth behind the dragon and the true meaning of it! And to understand what the word Castle means! Spirituality and the spirit of the person as well as the chakra energy and what they mean and what they represent especially in yoga classes gymnastics and dance! Were you develop your mind and body through muscle control and concentration building up your bioelectricity! That if children had any idea? About our sacred knowledge of the ancient gods and goddesses along with it! Thinking about how the world would have been a lot different? If it wasn't for the invasion of reptilians and jews! Who have taken the time to twist things around and ruin things! Bringing forth confusion more and more! Instead of allowing people to know the truth behind who and what they are and the sacred knowledge of thereof and having the respect for the sacred Dragon Lucifer father Satan! And knowing and recognizing the names of Father Satan and his demons and the many different characters that they use to portray in movies and in cartoons and video games! They may look fun but when it comes down to it? Who you're battling with playing the video games how shocking it is to know who your opponent is and who your enemy is by looking at the names! Always making Satan and one of his demons are using a character with one of their names and there you are fighting it in a video game! It makes me wonder what father Satan is thinking? And not to mention the fact knowing the difference! Between that of the Grays and the palladians! And with the Jews have tried to create with their lies! Recognizing what is being put in textbooks all over nothing but lies and More Lies and as we get older recognizing the truth! It seems like we are being taught the truth as we get older piecing things together more and more as we age! Were a lot of this very young are now getting the truth behind a lot of this and I think it's amazing!! That we have a website! Where people can get on and get information that you normally don't read or see in textbooks! Even when it comes to the fantasy world? We often wonder were these names in these characters came from! And who is really evil and who isn't! Until people get on here and figure out the truth! That is what I enjoy about this website! And reading your sermons! Thank you for sharing this! This is been very enlightening and very uplifting!❤
My maternal grandmother used to tell me, if I remember correctly, that there was a kind of play for the children that they had to do at school (it was compulsory for them).And there was a scene where Beelzebub was in the well and he wants to pull them into the well.And in this play, children were taught to be careful not to be dragged into the well by Beelzebub.
And what's interesting in all this is that they was literally called Beelzebub, not some old pagan pantheon name.

Later, my maternal grandmother heard a xian priest on the radio talking about Beelzebub being the leader of the wicked.
I tried to ask maternal grandmother,that what else this xian priest had said about Beelzebub, but he couldn't remember any more.

I recently tried to watch "Asterix and Obelisk", but there was so much shame in the first part that I couldn't watch halfway through.Cleopatra has been portrayed as some kind of deranged, power-hungry woman on a rampage.And there's a whole list of other bullshits...
But it was said several times in the cartoon that "these Egyptians are fools!".

The other thing I would add is that there is an FPS game(I don't write it because I don't want to advertise it!) where can only go against the Nazis.There is no option to be a player with the Nazis.And he has several online servers where you have to kill Nazi zombies.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Shadowcat said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Many are Canaanite and Aramaic terms, see, the Hebrew language was nothing more but a malformed and cursed dialect of Canaanite and Aramaic, as well as hijacked forms of the other Semitic languages, such as Edomite, Phoenician, Moabite and etc., that the Reptilians and their "chosen race" human hosts decided to use, this is what we today today refer to as "Hebrew". Even the language itself is simply a cursed creation formed from hijacking and distorting something pre-existing. I truly hate seeing it.

Aramaic succeeded Canaanite as the dominant Semitic language, which became official language throughout the various Pagan Mesopotamian empires, it was also the dominant language spoken in most of the Roman Empire's Semitic-speaking territories (mind-you, while Arabic was spoken by certain Arab tribes in Roman Syria and Palestine, it was still a minor language in the Levant at the time), until once-more, the kikes and Xians hijacked Aramaic, and now every time you mention Aramaic, everyone starts to assume and label it the "langue of Rabbi Jebo".

I often refer to Canaanite as the "Semitic Sanskrit", one of the mothers of all the Semitic languages, NOT Hebrew as kike-loving psuedo-scientists want you to believe.

Remember, Semitic peoples are legitimate Gentiles, and are NOT JEWS which is why I absolutely hate the word "anti-Semitic", like what, jooz are the only Semitic race now? (from their PoV, YES) oy vey........

Yes, the jews have stolen things from many ancient languages and cultures including the ones named. The Canaanites however were not Semitic...Their descendants the Phoenecians were shown to have European DNA. The Canaanites and phoenecians are white and share about 95 percent of their DNA with many modern day lebanese.

Oh yeah, I remember HP Maxine's posts about the White Canaanites and White Egyptians, as language doesn't always dictate bloodline. I guess one can refer to them as "White Semitic-speaking" peoples, just like you have Arabic-speaking Blacks in Sudan.

Lebanese always had a very distinct-look. I guess it's way so many of the early Lebanese migrants to the United States had more White features than Arab.

There have also been (((studies from Harvard))) on genetics and these attempt to cover up the fact that whiteness was not always exclusive to Europe at one point (and obviously still is not). One idiot has a blog, calls himself "thuletide", and literally all he does is intellectually lazily regurgitates all this. He even admitted that he didn't think anything up that he puts on his blog but "just found it." but when I presented him with a whole bunch of info about the history of the region he just regurgitated the same (((harvard studies to me))) oy vey goy. whites were never there. (as the jew stresses to hide the fact that its arch enemies still thrive in the region today) One of our Gods had a mother from Sidon who was human. Sidon was a Canaanite city in present day Lebanon, and is still called such. The Gods would not race mix. Enough said? :lol:

MFW I realised one of our Gods was basically part Canaanite :eek:! But I am sure there are many others!
Shadowcat said:
Wotanwarrior said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I would not doubt that they are 95% of European descent. I think they were a Celtic/Greek/Something else hybrid, as I think they were referred as something like "cousins" with red hair and a bronzer skin. They seem to have presently assimilated into other places in the region.

Actually yes, same as many people in the region, which might have mixed or more later, but they still remain mostly of White roots. This changed in time for some of them, but it was the case before. Ancient Greeks mention this as a colony there, but as time went, their connections became more loose with it. The same goes for many other regions.

If it is urgent, I can find the citation for you.

The Phoenicians were also settled in the south of the Iberian Peninsula for centuries, many archaeological pieces found in the Spanish Levant are very similar to those of the Phoenicians as the famous Lady of Elche.
Even today is said that many southern Spaniards we have Phoenician and Roman ancestry.

Yes they did! Many also mixed with Romans later on. They fought for Hannibal in Carthage so some in North Africa also mixed with indigenous Amazeigh (berbers). Some Present day lebanese have Moroccan last names and berber or paleo berber haplogroups which is indicative of this. The nazis also deemed the indigenous Amazeigh to be aryan https://moroccan-family.com/2018/05/28/the-amazigh-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%BA/


German scientists at the time of Hitler declared that the Amazigh people were “Aryan” people to whom the Germans belonged and who considered them to be pure and high-class descendants of the human race. This is probably due to the similar anthropological characteristics of the Amazigh and Germans in terms of the prevalence of blond hair and colored eyes , And a study on the skull of the chromosomes and conducted by the world Henry Valois in 1944 confirmed the relationship between the genes of Amazigh and modern European man.

I wouldn't be surprised if some modern Spanish people also had some Berber blood as some also came to Spain.

The Barcidas family, to which Hannibal Barca belonged, also founded a city that still exists today called Cartagena, which means something like "New Carthage".
I forgot to mention it in the previous message about Berbers, besides during the Islamic invasions more people of Berber origin came to the Iberian Peninsula and in some paintings that survived from medieval times the Berbers were portrayed as light-skinned and blond and red-haired.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
