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The "Left Hand Path" And Ourselves

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The "LHP", inside which Spiritual Satanism is broadly defined into [not by us, but by the public] has many denominations and many approaches towards spirituality.

Most of them, are widely influenced by Crowley or LaVey on the onset, yet other similar beliefs that maintain essentially a way of looking at the world that is the reverse of the conception of Christianity or the "Right Hand Path".

As one gets deeper into this, however, there is a lot of Judaism also present in the "Left Hand Path".

Because of this, these inversions have been not only largely been created by the Jews or by reactions to already wrong Jewish dogma, but they tend to lead to deception. One has to walk or read about the so called "LHP" to understand this for themselves.

A classic example here is that from the "absolute morals" of Christianity, which are based on really nothing but not reacting against jews, the LHP has moved into an equally hebraic rooted "Amoralism" which is also seen in the Old Testament of the Bible.

That "Amoralism" is generally connected with ideas of "Power", and how "Power" justifies just about anything and so on. The reaction of this, is the contrast of the "Moralism" of the Bible, which is equally related to lack of logical principles, ie, it's borne out of Christian irrationality, which caused this reaction in the first place.

The LHP, getting roots also from logical and rational thinking [which is an appealing aspect to itself], tends to also mix this in with other principles and adages that are widely accepted.

A common adage is also the adage "Might Is Right" encapsulates much of the mindset of many "LHP" organizations and other denominations. Connection of imagery with what concepts like cruelty and such has been a reaction towards the false noblety of "Christianity". Yet, all this path leads back to a loop.

Many people even in the LHP, do not understand how deep the so called "LHP" is inside Hebrew misinformation. HPS Maxine has frequently went in depth with me on this, in regards to how the "origins" of "Satanism" have been strongly enforced to adopt a jewish standard.

Anything that arises in this world of a spiritual nature, the jews try to claim, pervert, and turn again inside the jewish "origin". Typical here is how the New Age movement, which was at first an amalgam of knowledge about meditation and other surface teachings of "love", has merely been transformed in yet another form of Christianity.

Many LHP groups, in their pursuit of what they call "power", also tend to consume any jewish material there is. In regards to what is the case with this, you need not go further than Amazon. Much of the LHP, is about the "Kabbalah" [of the jews], meditations on jewish names, the jewish klippoth, and generally all admitted statements and husks arising out of the jewish lore.

In almost the entirety of instances, these are promoted by jews in the LHP, who also promote the generalized consciousness of projected evil towards the Demons. "Demons" are now "evil" but in some sort of "alliance" with the "dark sorcerers", hebrew Rituals are attempted for communication, everything is basically Judaism but into an inversed pattern all over again. This knowledge, adds up to itself, and one ends up again with a form of a rebranded Judaism that formulates the same final thought about the "LHP":

1. The "Demon", the "God of the Goyim" is now again the "Evil" force, the "Unclean", leads "nowhere" but in empty power. Grant "favors", do this "for us" and so on, the main theme of jewish pseudo-sorcery continues itself in the so called "LHP".

2. The "God" that only some of the LHP accept, "Satan", is again an evil force, only this time, in some sort of alliance with the petty sorcerers involved [the oy veying intensifies]. Of course, in most cases, Satan is not even "accepted" to exist.

3. The "limit" of "Satan" and the "Demons", ends again in Hebrew claims and Hebrew nonsense, historically or mythologically. No links further back in history are recognized, nor any further purpose. Nothing further than this is accepted.

4. The typical American and Jewish garbage illiteracy party about Demons is present everywhere, in contrast to all prior evidence, which undoes all of the so called "LHP" and exposes it as severely lacking information.

Needless to say, all of the above, only goes back to the enemy and is not a valid understanding of the so called "Satanism" or what is essentially "Satanic".

Those in the LHP who are browsing this forum or our sites, must consider that we do not accept the general falsifications that the jews presented about Satan, the Demons, or anything related to this. We stand on completely different research and information.

We are not against any of you, but at the same time, it must be understood that we extend way beyond this close yoke of mind control the jews have enforced on the LHP. We are against this, so we might as well be considered a pure version of what the "LHP" was intended to be, but didn't come out to be.

Promotion of false ideas only helps the jews in the end of the day, and we do not feel like we should move inside their limited confinement zone of ideas that they have created and promoted in the LHP, nor to admixtures of thoughts and ideas or practices that go back into what we clearly refer to as an "enemy".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Promotion of false ideas

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP, please, about falsification, how is it that a person like Franz Bardon having so well understood the fundamentals of magic power - the 5 elements, visualization and feeling with the 5 senses to materialize, etc - could promote jooz and Christian stuff?

Reading his "Path of True Magical Initiation", I am amazed at the gap between his excellent understanding of magic and the fact of glorifying these false religions. How can he not see the contradictions?
sshivafr said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Promotion of false ideas

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP, please, about falsification, how is it that a person like Franz Bardon having so well understood the fundamentals of magic power - the 5 elements, visualization and feeling with the 5 senses to materialize, etc - could promote jooz and Christian stuff?

Reading his "Path of True Magical Initiation", I am amazed at the gap between his excellent understanding of magic and the fact of glorifying these false religions. How can he not see the contradictions?

Franz Bardon has some mystery in regards to his writings. In many ways, his writings are influenced by our side, and the publication of this knowledge came from the will of the Demons.

But Bardon was strongly with the enemy, and the situation is also that many of his writings might have been liable to perversion or things added on them after they were published. This created a lot of confusion in him. Even the moral undertones of his own work are quite confused.

Many of the enemy also have a decent understanding of magick, as they are sitting on mountains of stolen information. The enemy prohibits them however past a point, as even Bradon himself was prohibited. He mentions this on the end of one of his books, if I recall correctly. He was "stopped" from knowing past a point by the enemy in a very violent way.

Certain statements from his work do point me to the fact that Bardon had a mixed influx of knowledge, some of it from the Gods [that could have came from manuals the Gods originally owned, which were later absorbed by the enemy]. This adoption of the enemy system, which led him to many mistakes.

He was highly intelligent and could certainly see the contradictions, but there was no alternative really in his time. The only viable alternative for him would be Gnosticism, or something of this nature. Therefore, there was no escape.

The fate of many others of his time was similar, and the enemy was the only source of any "information", such as stolen Freemasonic knowledge, or knowledge the Jews would provide.
Might is right and other traumas of the mind is simply advocating for a survival mode, and in survival nothing is much more than just that surviving. There's no creation, perspective or comprehension of overcoming, only a conflict of satisfaction and egos. In that realm, there is always one "more" than the other, resuming this whole concept into the jewish ideal of singularity.

At the end, in this ego clash and survival of low existence, the mind idolizes a single idol of reference, the singularity. The reflection of this is xianity and the other fake religions.
It is clear that I misused the term of LHP in a recent comment in this context.

What I was referring to with it was spiritual satanism, meaning it is THE LHP, without corruption, alteration or other, as this is the only LHP I know to be true and authentic. I am sure others know this as well but some may look at the general picture as described here.

Thanks for the clarification. I will refrain from the term as to not mislead anyone.

Edit: I wanted to expound upon this saying I at first always understood a LHP in general to be a path that has one focusing on the self, and also assumed like the term "Satanism" this term had also been falsely assigned to most of the corrupted notions listed here, when satanism for example has nothing to do with what the enemy promotes, so is it , or so I thought with an "actual" LHP, As spiritual Satanism is the only true and authentic path that focuses on the self
Shadowcat said:

Thanks for the clarification. I will remain from the term as to not mislead anyone.

In a sense, the Joy of Satan has everything the LHP wanted to originally have, but the mass injection of jewish disinformation has caused to fail.

So I don't think it's evil to call JoS LHP, but this topic would clarify certain matters for audience that is not really that much in awareness of what the JoS is, or might be very much influenced by other places in the LHP.

This was the point of it.
NakedPluto said:
Might is right and other traumas of the mind is simply advocating for a survival mode, and in survival nothing is much more than just that surviving. There's no creation, perspective or comprehension of overcoming, only a conflict of satisfaction and egos. In that realm, there is always one "more" than the other, resuming this whole concept into the jewish ideal of singularity.

At the end, in this ego clash and survival of low existence, the mind idolizes a single idol of reference, the singularity. The reflection of this is xianity and the other fake religions.

That is basically a most perceptive way to put this in words.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:

Thanks for the clarification. I will remain from the term as to not mislead anyone.

In a sense, the Joy of Satan has everything the LHP wanted to originally have, but the mass injection of jewish disinformation has caused to fail.

So I don't think it's evil to call JoS LHP, but this topic would clarify certain matters for audience that is not really that much in awareness of what the JoS is, or might be very much influenced by other places in the LHP.

This was the point of it.

Indeed, I just thought that these particular people might also get confused, so I wanted to make known also that this term used by any of us does not imply agreement or alignment with any corruption. We also don't want the wrong people getting the wrong idea
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Franz Bardon has some mystery in regards to his writings. In many ways, his writings are influenced by our side, and the publication of this knowledge came from the will of the Demons.

But Bardon was strongly with the enemy, and the situation is also that many of his writings might have been liable to perversion or things added on them after they were published. This created a lot of confusion in him. Even the moral undertones of his own work are quite confused.

Many of the enemy also have a decent understanding of magick, as they are sitting on mountains of stolen information. The enemy prohibits them however past a point, as even Bradon himself was prohibited. He mentions this on the end of one of his books, if I recall correctly. He was "stopped" from knowing past a point by the enemy in a very violent way.

Certain statements from his work do point me to the fact that Bardon had a mixed influx of knowledge, some of it from the Gods [that could have came from manuals the Gods originally owned, which were later absorbed by the enemy]. This adoption of the enemy system, which led him to many mistakes.

He was highly intelligent and could certainly see the contradictions, but there was no alternative really in his time. The only viable alternative for him would be Gnosticism, or something of this nature. Therefore, there was no escape.

The fate of many others of his time was similar, and the enemy was the only source of any "information", such as stolen Freemasonic knowledge, or knowledge the Jews would provide.

Thank you for your clarification.

We are really lucky today to have all the information that allows us to distinguish the true from the false. And that it was not the same at all times.
I understand better what was a mystery by reading Bardon's writings.

I wanted to start reading Bardon because I feel much more capable than at the beginning to read this kind of things, with satanist eyes only. That is, to be able to keep only what is true and to sweep away what is the enemy's.
Humans need to stop learning from Hebrew sources, and instead of that start learning directly from their Gods and from Nature again.

Many feel content to pray to a fictional Rabbi on a Roman crucifix that they mistakenly call "God," but they never think to try praying to their old Gods. It would actually help them for real and bless their life to talk to their Gods, but they don't do it.

If Ayy-zeus isn't working out for them then maybe they should try talking to Zeus, Poseidon, or Aphrodite. When their life actually gets better like it never did with the Rabbi, then they just won't look back.

The Gods are the only role models that humans need. Connecting with them would solve all of this confusion about religions, LHP and RHP.
I have meddled with different genres of music, there is so much music that attempts to be as you say LHP, and yet they still dwell too deeply in disgusting unnatural ideas.

Promoting physical violence, Against the family unit, depressive, promoting drugs, anti social, uncivilized, all while being anti Xian or claiming to be Satanic.

The catchy tunes and lyrics, the rhythm, the loud noises.. but then it's poisoned with the enemies deceptive curses.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:

Thanks for the clarification. I will remain from the term as to not mislead anyone.

In a sense, the Joy of Satan has everything the LHP wanted to originally have, but the mass injection of jewish disinformation has caused to fail.

So I don't think it's evil to call JoS LHP, but this topic would clarify certain matters for audience that is not really that much in awareness of what the JoS is, or might be very much influenced by other places in the LHP.

This was the point of it.

Classifying spirituality as left or right is something I see as an enemy attempt at polarising people into false notions, like with political wings. Both are, in my opinion, extremist versions that only seem to oppose each other but within the perfect scope of judaism. As SS, I don't believe we polarise ourselves and that, in fact, we seek balance of the soul, which is antithetical to classifying oneself as left or right. It's both and neither at the same time.

I don't know if I explained it properly.
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:

Thanks for the clarification. I will remain from the term as to not mislead anyone.

In a sense, the Joy of Satan has everything the LHP wanted to originally have, but the mass injection of jewish disinformation has caused to fail.

So I don't think it's evil to call JoS LHP, but this topic would clarify certain matters for audience that is not really that much in awareness of what the JoS is, or might be very much influenced by other places in the LHP.

This was the point of it.

Classifying spirituality as left or right is something I see as an enemy attempt at polarising people into false notions, like with political wings. Both are, in my opinion, extremist versions that only seem to oppose each other but within the perfect scope of judaism. As SS, I don't believe we polarise ourselves and that, in fact, we seek balance of the soul, which is antithetical to classifying oneself as left or right. It's both and neither at the same time.

I don't know if I explained it properly.

Makes sense to me. Just like how the NS party is both very leftists/social (in its truest form, not the modern jewish nonsense) while being conservative in Pagan culture. So too SS is both left and right path without being today's form of the left or right path.

Idk if that's what you meant exactly but that's how I perceived your message. Hope I didn't butcher it.
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:

Thanks for the clarification. I will remain from the term as to not mislead anyone.

In a sense, the Joy of Satan has everything the LHP wanted to originally have, but the mass injection of jewish disinformation has caused to fail.

So I don't think it's evil to call JoS LHP, but this topic would clarify certain matters for audience that is not really that much in awareness of what the JoS is, or might be very much influenced by other places in the LHP.

This was the point of it.

Classifying spirituality as left or right is something I see as an enemy attempt at polarising people into false notions, like with political wings. Both are, in my opinion, extremist versions that only seem to oppose each other but within the perfect scope of judaism. As SS, I don't believe we polarise ourselves and that, in fact, we seek balance of the soul, which is antithetical to classifying oneself as left or right. It's both and neither at the same time.

I don't know if I explained it properly.

This is actually what I am trying to explain through a long series of this and other topics on the subject. They can call us in anyway, but the objective situation is that we are not really that axis.
"might is right" is simply an objectively true statement on the universe. It's not a moral statement about how things "ought to be", it's just reality. No amount of morality ever surpassed power
Satanic_truth88 said:
"might is right" is simply an objectively true statement on the universe. It's not a moral statement about how things "ought to be", it's just reality. No amount of morality ever surpassed power

I think by being fair and just (having balance) to your allies or other beings, even your enemys which are hostile to you, is the easiest and fastest way to increase your power.

In this way everybody does evolve as best they can (enemys interfere less), so the full potential off all beings involved are realised. Which is superiour to mindlessly enslaving and forcing beings into submission in the longrun.

Sinse the gods are immortal, they plan longterm and in the most efficient way.

Might is wright, but if you want to keep this might, you better start evolve all your allies in the best way, you try to keep your forces happy and dedicated to your cause so they always give 100%. So other beings who are hostile to you won´t surpass your power.

The chance for one being to outpower everybody else in the universe combined is rather 0%.
Satanic_truth88 said:
"might is right" is simply an objectively true statement on the universe. It's not a moral statement about how things "ought to be", it's just reality. No amount of morality ever surpassed power
Objectively yes, but it's also subjective for the different species, for the reptilians it's certainly right and they believe in this, but us Gentiles have a morality that is superior and from Satan, a more conscious human being understands that he shouldn't kill innocent people.
hi. if satans wives are 5 person and they are symbols of 5 elements, lilith is which element? ether?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The "LHP", inside which Spiritual Satanism is broadly defined into [not by us, but by the public] has many denominations and many approaches towards spirituality.

Most of them, are widely influenced by Crowley or LaVey on the onset, yet other similar beliefs that maintain essentially a way of looking at the world that is the reverse of the conception of Christianity or the "Right Hand Path".

As one gets deeper into this, however, there is a lot of Judaism also present in the "Left Hand Path".

Because of this, these inversions have been not only largely been created by the Jews or by reactions to already wrong Jewish dogma, but they tend to lead to deception. One has to walk or read about the so called "LHP" to understand this for themselves.

A classic example here is that from the "absolute morals" of Christianity, which are based on really nothing but not reacting against jews, the LHP has moved into an equally hebraic rooted "Amoralism" which is also seen in the Old Testament of the Bible.

That "Amoralism" is generally connected with ideas of "Power", and how "Power" justifies just about anything and so on. The reaction of this, is the contrast of the "Moralism" of the Bible, which is equally related to lack of logical principles, ie, it's borne out of Christian irrationality, which caused this reaction in the first place.

The LHP, getting roots also from logical and rational thinking [which is an appealing aspect to itself], tends to also mix this in with other principles and adages that are widely accepted.

A common adage is also the adage "Might Is Right" encapsulates much of the mindset of many "LHP" organizations and other denominations. Connection of imagery with what concepts like cruelty and such has been a reaction towards the false noblety of "Christianity". Yet, all this path leads back to a loop.

Many people even in the LHP, do not understand how deep the so called "LHP" is inside Hebrew misinformation. HPS Maxine has frequently went in depth with me on this, in regards to how the "origins" of "Satanism" have been strongly enforced to adopt a jewish standard.

Anything that arises in this world of a spiritual nature, the jews try to claim, pervert, and turn again inside the jewish "origin". Typical here is how the New Age movement, which was at first an amalgam of knowledge about meditation and other surface teachings of "love", has merely been transformed in yet another form of Christianity.

Many LHP groups, in their pursuit of what they call "power", also tend to consume any jewish material there is. In regards to what is the case with this, you need not go further than Amazon. Much of the LHP, is about the "Kabbalah" [of the jews], meditations on jewish names, the jewish klippoth, and generally all admitted statements and husks arising out of the jewish lore.

In almost the entirety of instances, these are promoted by jews in the LHP, who also promote the generalized consciousness of projected evil towards the Demons. "Demons" are now "evil" but in some sort of "alliance" with the "dark sorcerers", hebrew Rituals are attempted for communication, everything is basically Judaism but into an inversed pattern all over again. This knowledge, adds up to itself, and one ends up again with a form of a rebranded Judaism that formulates the same final thought about the "LHP":

1. The "Demon", the "God of the Goyim" is now again the "Evil" force, the "Unclean", leads "nowhere" but in empty power. Grant "favors", do this "for us" and so on, the main theme of jewish pseudo-sorcery continues itself in the so called "LHP".

2. The "God" that only some of the LHP accept, "Satan", is again an evil force, only this time, in some sort of alliance with the petty sorcerers involved [the oy veying intensifies]. Of course, in most cases, Satan is not even "accepted" to exist.

3. The "limit" of "Satan" and the "Demons", ends again in Hebrew claims and Hebrew nonsense, historically or mythologically. No links further back in history are recognized, nor any further purpose. Nothing further than this is accepted.

4. The typical American and Jewish garbage illiteracy party about Demons is present everywhere, in contrast to all prior evidence, which undoes all of the so called "LHP" and exposes it as severely lacking information.

Needless to say, all of the above, only goes back to the enemy and is not a valid understanding of the so called "Satanism" or what is essentially "Satanic".

Those in the LHP who are browsing this forum or our sites, must consider that we do not accept the general falsifications that the jews presented about Satan, the Demons, or anything related to this. We stand on completely different research and information.

We are not against any of you, but at the same time, it must be understood that we extend way beyond this close yoke of mind control the jews have enforced on the LHP. We are against this, so we might as well be considered a pure version of what the "LHP" was intended to be, but didn't come out to be.

Promotion of false ideas only helps the jews in the end of the day, and we do not feel like we should move inside their limited confinement zone of ideas that they have created and promoted in the LHP, nor to admixtures of thoughts and ideas or practices that go back into what we clearly refer to as an "enemy".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


I'm quite new to Spiritual Satanism so please forgive my randomness...but I have a question and would appreciate some meditations and thoughts, if possible, to help me better understand and deal. So before I actually became a SS I always had super strong intuitions and considered myself clairvoyant based on experiences but suppressed my gift to a degree and thought I was "sinning" for even being curious of my own gift since "Catholics" frown upon 6th senses, clairvoyance, etc. I noticed the clairvoyance around 14 or 15 and always thought I was weird and different since nobody could relate to me nor did I feel that certain energy amongst anyone, as I have in recent years. Now fast forward to my mid 20's, still not a SS and knew absolutely nothing about it either, but I started noticing everywhere I went if I'd plug something into an electrical outlet it would spark, I could feel it, and a handful of times I saw a blue spark as well. About 10 years ago a friend was having issues with his car battery and one day I happened to be riding with him in the car when it lost the juice, so he was fiddling trying to get it on...i decided to get out and see if I could help. I grabbed it and moved it and immediately the car sparked and started. That day he said to me "wow you are grounded" and the next day called to tell me he couldn't believe the car started again. He's of Chinese descent and another interesting comment his mother (who didn't speak a lick of English) made to him about me, she told him I had something special with animals because I was the only person their chow chow dog didn't bark at and would hang around me. Now present day I'm 37 going on a year of being a Spiritual Satanist, and recently came across the bioelectricity section and then extraordinary abilities which definitely weighed on me. So my question is, how can I tone down the electricity or control it so I don't damage something or cause myself harm? Is there a meditation for redirection of my electric field? Any meditations in that general area would be of great help. Thank you any insights are appreciated and welcomed!

Aquarius said:
Satanic_truth88 said:
"might is right" is simply an objectively true statement on the universe. It's not a moral statement about how things "ought to be", it's just reality. No amount of morality ever surpassed power

Objectively yes, but it's also subjective for the different species, for the reptilians it's certainly right and they believe in this, but us Gentiles have a morality that is superior and from Satan, a more conscious human being understands that he shouldn't kill innocent people.

The so called "Morality" that the enemy perverted and made into an empty husk, is advanced knowledge of the laws of the universe, and how power or "power to act" has to do with these laws. In less perceptive beings, this doesn't matter. In more, it does.

Those who violate these laws don't live long even by regular standards, ie, even society and life works against an wrong conception of life. These "morals" of our side are only manifestations of higher laws, and not just an empty set of books that has nothing to do with reality.

By modern definition, this is just metaphysical understanding, it's not "Morals" that follow for whatever reason like the enemy.

The enemy doesn't have "morals", they just have a fake creation to bind us with. And they malformed these because these things are inherent in our consciousness and they perverted these.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Most of the LHP consider the Joy of Satan irrelevant or neutral standing. Some consider you to be controlled opposition.

The truth is, you're right on a lot here. Anti-xian and even direct xian elements are present in the LHP, definitely not in short supply. There's a lot of flaws in their "beliefs", ones that are easily known and disproven by experience. The enemy has installed fear of the Demons and twisted information to prevent or cause difficulty of self empowerment. The LHP is fringe and diverse, so of course what you said here isn't applicable to all groups that identity as the LHP.

As far as my corner is concerned, we will do as we please and face the consequences, if they exist at all.
Aquarius said:
Satanic_truth88 said:
"might is right" is simply an objectively true statement on the universe. It's not a moral statement about how things "ought to be", it's just reality. No amount of morality ever surpassed power
Objectively yes, but it's also subjective for the different species, for the reptilians it's certainly right and they believe in this, but us Gentiles have a morality that is superior and from Satan, a more conscious human being understands that he shouldn't kill innocent people.

Our morality is irrelevant unless we are stronger than our enemy.
RED DAWN said:
Most of the LHP consider the Joy of Satan irrelevant or neutral standing. Some consider you to be controlled opposition.

I consider their groups that do not surpass 20 members in most cases as irrelevant. Not without substance, but irrelevant. Relevance is judged a lot by results, coverage, years in survival, quality of work and so on, not "opinion", let alone "opinion" of certain jews that don't matter at all.

It's appreciated that everyone is however trying in the very least, but disinformation and jewish control is undeniable and proven in these groups, while the JoS displays nothing of this, except of maybe that being the opinion of certain jews in the LHP who need something to say, or a hater.

But that is not relevant to the conversation, as in the end of the day, we consider all of this side in it's entirety as part of JoS. Except jews.

We don't consider jews part or a viable option to be in the so called "LHP", and this is primarily the source of discord, as they belong in Judaism, and when they come on this side, they pervert teachings that are native to ourselves. Of course, they feel entitled to trample everything of the Gentiles, and malform it into anything they see fit.

Even most of the LHP, doesn't understand how this process occurs, but people end up praising the basic tenets of Judaism or Anti-Christianity every single time, without fail, which is the result of the infiltration of the Jews. Therefore, those who speak against us do so mostly in vile intent for unmasking this situation of jewish control over everything.

RED DAWN said:
The truth is, you're right on a lot here. Anti-xian and even direct xian elements are present in the LHP, definitely not in short supply.

Thanks for admitting this, it's a self evident fact. Denial of this fact only returns us all back to promotion of false dialectics of the enemy.

RED DAWN said:
There's a lot of flaws in their "beliefs", ones that are easily known and disproven by experience. The enemy has installed fear of the Demons and twisted information to prevent or cause difficulty of self empowerment. The LHP is fringe and diverse, so of course what you said here isn't applicable to all groups that identity as the LHP.

That is correct, and this is why this is explained in the article. The continuation of this disinformation is harming above all, those that practice this, not us.

RED DAWN said:
As far as my corner is concerned, we will do as we please and face the consequences, if they exist at all.

That is a very big conversation, and it relates to certain spiritual laws, which, given the level of the LHP in general and the lack of understanding, are only now being elaborated by JoS. However, all advanced spiritual denominations and civilizations of the past, were aware of all of this, and more. So it's all nothing new.

In fact, only bogus teachings like "Do what thou wilt" as the only thing that matters and so on, are bogus very recent creations, borne out of the teachings of Crowley etc, but are also clearly against natural laws, as actions cause reactions etc. These are real to a limited extent, not to a real extent.

You can, for example "Do what thou wilt" in doing a crime, but you cannot do "what thou wilt" in the fact of it's consequence. Crowley forgot to mention this and mentioned only the first part, pretending the outflow of an action doesn't even exist. This gave many edgy people a false perception of the application of the "will".
Satanic_truth88 said:
Aquarius said:
Satanic_truth88 said:
"might is right" is simply an objectively true statement on the universe. It's not a moral statement about how things "ought to be", it's just reality. No amount of morality ever surpassed power
Objectively yes, but it's also subjective for the different species, for the reptilians it's certainly right and they believe in this, but us Gentiles have a morality that is superior and from Satan, a more conscious human being understands that he shouldn't kill innocent people.

Our morality is irrelevant unless we are stronger than our enemy.

Morality is a very worthless word by now, since the enemy has corrupted it. It's difficult and dangerous to use.

Our so called morality, is very important from a realistic standpoint on how we associate with one another, we might as well call it social dynamics and laws of social organization. It is the way organic relations manifest and organize themselves. Humans are capable of more elaborate notions based on self control, control of urges, seeking of higher virtues etc.

This is part of nature and not outside of it. It is also a production of power that comes out of this, not of weakness. The enemy replaced all of this with false moral regulations, that lead nowhere but the collapse of society.

Example: the Ancient civilizations focused extensively on the notion of justice. This had many purposes, internal and external, to create fairness ["The Laws of Maat"], spiritual, social and inner harmony.

Another example, the fact that you don't murder people out in the blue, has to do with many functional underlying benefits for you and the other person, and is based on regular understanding of justice.

The enemy promoted injustice by applying unnatural "moral" laws, that have no consistency naturally or otherwise, such as "turn the other cheek indefinitely". Another example of a false moral law, is how humans should be randomly prohibited from having sex or whatever to totalitarian extents, "just because", while this is irrational.

Fake enemy morality and all that is connected to it, should be disconnected from our notions and laws, because it doesn't exist. What the enemy and much of contemporary philosophy defines as "morals", aren't even that, they are just arbitary rules that have no results or have bad results in society.
Satanic_truth88 said:
Aquarius said:
Satanic_truth88 said:
"might is right" is simply an objectively true statement on the universe. It's not a moral statement about how things "ought to be", it's just reality. No amount of morality ever surpassed power
Objectively yes, but it's also subjective for the different species, for the reptilians it's certainly right and they believe in this, but us Gentiles have a morality that is superior and from Satan, a more conscious human being understands that he shouldn't kill innocent people.

Our morality is irrelevant unless we are stronger than our enemy.
It is not and never will.
Satanic_truth88 said:
Aquarius said:
Satanic_truth88 said:
"might is right" is simply an objectively true statement on the universe. It's not a moral statement about how things "ought to be", it's just reality. No amount of morality ever surpassed power
Objectively yes, but it's also subjective for the different species, for the reptilians it's certainly right and they believe in this, but us Gentiles have a morality that is superior and from Satan, a more conscious human being understands that he shouldn't kill innocent people.

Our morality is irrelevant unless we are stronger than our enemy.

Morality is what will make our whole civilization stronger than our enemy.

Why do you think stealing is condemned as a bad act by almost everyone? Why aren’t we just barge into each others’ houses and take whatever we want? Wouldn’t this way be much easier to obtain things? Well, no. If brute force was an acceptable way to acquire things, all strong men would do that, as a result, nobody would actually work and produce their own things, then there wouldn’t be goods, foods, clothes, anything to take from each other by force anymore. Just imagine, we all live in gangs and can’t even get a restful sleep constantly worrying about when will be the next attack. The ultimate outcome: the downfall of human civilization. So at some point in history, our ancestors jointly decided that stealing is bad and if someone steals another’s hard earned stuff, they will be punished, isolated, cast out, whatever. This is how those rules emerged.

A few hundred years ago colonizing was what stronger nations did to weaker. Africa is still wounded from what happened. Why do you think that USA or China is not colonizing somewhere weaker than them right now? Couldn’t they do that? Do they lack armies? Maybe a change of heart? Did we suddenly realize that invading other lands and exploiting them are ‘‘bad’’ things? Not really. The thing is, in the past two centuries economists scientifically proved that if both parties advance and trade, it would be much more profitable for everyone.

Morality doesn’t come from a fake god’s definition of bad and good. It’s not fake, it’s natural and true. It’s internalized rules of a species based on what it takes to advance individually and en masse. The moral sentiment of the enemy is corrupted. Hoping it won’t cross the line, I can even say that morality is the very difference between our beautiful Gods and the parasites we call enemy. Which one is stronger? Which side will survive and keep advancing? I know what I believe.

If something is built without considering natural laws, it won’t work. Can you build a plane ignoring gravity and the frictional force of the wind? You can’t advance without some rules agreed upon in the core of society and individuals. Well, at least, we can’t. Some arachnids eat their newborns. This eliminates the weakest offspring and provides nutrition to the mother who wear out giving birth. Beneficial in harsher enviroments, isn’t it? This is something they started to do at some point of their evolution and is natural to them. Maybe someday they will evolve and get more intelligent and teach their kids to do that?.. as a way to advance and produce a stronger generation each time?.. We, however, are ought to follow a guaranteed path that has already proven to work and gifted to us. Which includes morality as well as spiritual practices. Why do you think that there are Gods who teach ethics? They are necessary things to move forward and yes, to get stronger. Anyway, sorry for the rant lol.
I have a question about Crowley in this regard. I was reading through the first chapter of "The Book of Thoth" and I had a very hard time understanding it. It was filled with kabbalastic nonsense and that awful tetragrammaton. Is there anything useful in this book?

There's one book that was truly inspiring to me: The Necromonicon by H.P Lovecraft. It seemed to relate more to ancient Sumerian/Egyptian mythos and not the jewish nonsense.

I feel I need to dive more into Crowley but he's a total Freemason/Illuminati nutcase. I don't know that I'd discover anything useful from his teachings. Any thoughts are much appreciated!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
RED DAWN said:
Most of the LHP consider the Joy of Satan irrelevant or neutral standing. Some consider you to be controlled opposition.

I consider their groups that do not surpass 20 members in most cases as irrelevant. Not without substance, but irrelevant. Relevance is judged a lot by results, coverage, years in survival, quality of work and so on, not "opinion", let alone "opinion" of certain jews that don't matter at all.

It's appreciated that everyone is however trying in the very least, but disinformation and jewish control is undeniable and proven in these groups, while the JoS displays nothing of this, except of maybe that being the opinion of certain jews in the LHP who need something to say, or a hater.

But that is not relevant to the conversation, as in the end of the day, we consider all of this side in it's entirety as part of JoS. Except jews.

We don't consider jews part or a viable option to be in the so called "LHP", and this is primarily the source of discord, as they belong in Judaism, and when they come on this side, they pervert teachings that are native to ourselves. Of course, they feel entitled to trample everything of the Gentiles, and malform it into anything they see fit.

Even most of the LHP, doesn't understand how this process occurs, but people end up praising the basic tenets of Judaism or Anti-Christianity every single time, without fail, which is the result of the infiltration of the Jews. Therefore, those who speak against us do so mostly in vile intent for unmasking this situation of jewish control over everything.

RED DAWN said:
The truth is, you're right on a lot here. Anti-xian and even direct xian elements are present in the LHP, definitely not in short supply.

Thanks for admitting this, it's a self evident fact. Denial of this fact only returns us all back to promotion of false dialectics of the enemy.

RED DAWN said:
There's a lot of flaws in their "beliefs", ones that are easily known and disproven by experience. The enemy has installed fear of the Demons and twisted information to prevent or cause difficulty of self empowerment. The LHP is fringe and diverse, so of course what you said here isn't applicable to all groups that identity as the LHP.

That is correct, and this is why this is explained in the article. The continuation of this disinformation is harming above all, those that practice this, not us.

RED DAWN said:
As far as my corner is concerned, we will do as we please and face the consequences, if they exist at all.

That is a very big conversation, and it relates to certain spiritual laws, which, given the level of the LHP in general and the lack of understanding, are only now being elaborated by JoS. However, all advanced spiritual denominations and civilizations of the past, were aware of all of this, and more. So it's all nothing new.

In fact, only bogus teachings like "Do what thou wilt" as the only thing that matters and so on, are bogus very recent creations, borne out of the teachings of Crowley etc, but are also clearly against natural laws, as actions cause reactions etc. These are real to a limited extent, not to a real extent.

You can, for example "Do what thou wilt" in doing a crime, but you cannot do "what thou wilt" in the fact of it's consequence. Crowley forgot to mention this and mentioned only the first part, pretending the outflow of an action doesn't even exist. This gave many edgy people a false perception of the application of the "will".


I consider their groups that do not surpass 20 members in most cases as irrelevant. Not without substance, but irrelevant. Relevance is judged a lot by results, coverage, years in survival, quality of work and so on, not "opinion", let alone "opinion" of certain jews that don't matter at all.

*crying hysterically emoji* :( doesn't quite cut it.

I personally don't find the number of "members" to be relevant to a group's general relevancy. Results, coverage etc, yes. I actually agreed that the Joy of Satan wasn't "relevant" previously, in context of lacking capacity of "power" and as you mentioned, general reliability and utility. In my current opinion, the Joy of Satan is moving in the right direction of creating a place of knowledge for "those without", aka normies and NPCs, to be introduced to the truth and general Occult, free of the many flaws that are present in the Sinistral Path. If the Joy of Satan can be satisfied with this, perhaps becoming a "mainstream religion" even, all the power to you. I certainly can't be bothered in this pursuit. I have my own agendas.

It's appreciated that everyone is however trying in the very least, but disinformation and jewish control is undeniable and proven in these groups, while the JoS displays nothing of this, except of maybe that being the opinion of certain jews in the LHP who need something to say, or a hater.

LHP needs unity and reform. In a way, I suppose that is what the Joy of Satan has at least attempted to do. Those that continue to cause problems either fall into categories of "irrelevant", obnoxious or outright enemy. I don't really care how they are dealt with.

But that is not relevant to the conversation, as in the end of the day, we consider all of this side in it's entirety as part of JoS. Except jews.

This just isn't literally true, I assume you meant all LHP are welcome within the Joy of Satan. It appears you're flip-flopping on this, saying the JoS isn't LHP but instead somewhere "in between". I'm not sure what that even suggests. It's fine to say the Joy of Satan isn't included in the philosophical polarization. Perhaps, be more direct in your intention towards the LHP? It's odd that you'd recognize how flawed it is, then suggest it has a place "here", while most of them have no interest in doing so. There are plenty of them that I certainly at least doubt being accepted here (regardless of being jews or not).

...Therefore, those who speak against us do so mostly in vile intent for unmasking this situation of jewish control over everything.

Exposing and contradicting their biases and dogmas, sure. If the JoS was to entirely silence critics and become an echo chamber, which the Joy of Satan was for quite awhile, that would only further harm itself. Seeing that there's really no practical alternative to the Joy of Satan, the general Occult would also suffer to some degree, likely significantly.

You can, for example "Do what thou wilt" in doing a crime, but you cannot do "what thou wilt" in the fact of it's consequence. Crowley forgot to mention this and mentioned only the first part, pretending the outflow of an action doesn't even exist. This gave many edgy people a false perception of the application of the "will".

Crowley and Levay were degenerate, Levay was definitely controlled opposition. I was never a fan of Thelema or Ceremonial magick, taking from it lightly. Total ignorance and denial of all consequence is extremely idiotic. I haven't read enough of his work to say whether he ever acknowledged consequences of physical or spiritual actions.
sublimestatanist said:
I have a question about Crowley in this regard. I was reading through the first chapter of "The Book of Thoth" and I had a very hard time understanding it. It was filled with kabbalastic nonsense and that awful tetragrammaton. Is there anything useful in this book?

There's one book that was truly inspiring to me: The Necromonicon by H.P Lovecraft. It seemed to relate more to ancient Sumerian/Egyptian mythos and not the jewish nonsense.

I feel I need to dive more into Crowley but he's a total Freemason/Illuminati nutcase. I don't know that I'd discover anything useful from his teachings. Any thoughts are much appreciated!

There is basically nothing worthwhile and only crap in Crowley's writings. That is correct. He's overrated as with many other "Freemasons" and Jews, and they promote all this bunk because it's mostly useless and leads nobody nowhere.
I remember when I read the satanic Bible, Crowley says that one should always be in a state of Trance. How good can that be. I guess that's why they do drugs too.
They do all kinds of unhealthy shit and have all kinds of insane lifestyles just for their ego.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
sublimestatanist said:
I have a question about Crowley in this regard. I was reading through the first chapter of "The Book of Thoth" and I had a very hard time understanding it. It was filled with kabbalastic nonsense and that awful tetragrammaton. Is there anything useful in this book?

There's one book that was truly inspiring to me: The Necromonicon by H.P Lovecraft. It seemed to relate more to ancient Sumerian/Egyptian mythos and not the jewish nonsense.

I feel I need to dive more into Crowley but he's a total Freemason/Illuminati nutcase. I don't know that I'd discover anything useful from his teachings. Any thoughts are much appreciated!

There is basically nothing worthwhile and only crap in Crowley's writings. That is correct. He's overrated as with many other "Freemasons" and Jews, and they promote all this bunk because it's mostly useless and leads nobody nowhere.

While I was translating the english JOS to German I did had to reread all the sermons and despite much was allready clear to me from pevious study and sometimes the info did repeat itself, there were 1-2 sentences from time to time, which were highly interesting giving deep insight into the subject which also did lead to a way better broad understanding.

We allready have a vast and great source off info, in which there are enough diamonds off knowledge waiting to be found by each and everyone thanks to HPS Maxine and all the other Persons who do help sustain the JOS everyday.

It is also good to read the sources HPS Maxine did read, one has to look over them with a satanic eye, since they are most off the time not pure with different degree off ranging corruption.

Sermons of Satan
Manofsatan said:
I remember when I read the satanic Bible, Crowley says that one should always be in a state of Trance. How good can that be. I guess that's why they do drugs too.
They do all kinds of unhealthy shit and have all kinds of insane lifestyles just for their ego.

Exactly, Crowley was a manifestation of a lost person. He was very lost, unbalanced, and generally, he just wanted to shock people. The result of this is what came out of his life. He was doing copious enemy spirituality, this unfortunately exploded on him and his life leading to progressive insanity.
I would like to express one of my guesses regarding the fundamental difference between LHP and RHP in the matter of initiation. In Spiritual Satanism, initiation concerns an oath to Father Satan and the forces of Hell, and also marks the process of cognition and development of the soul up to the Divine itself.

In the RHP and the stuff I've read about various orders and organizations like Freemasons, "initiation" is when the Jews basically tell you some new passwords and terms without any real spiritual understanding of these things.

I read the history of the "order of the golden dawn" of which the aforementioned Aleister Crowley was a member, and in their tradition (apart from a huge amount of Hebrew), there were also complex ceremonies of "initiation" into new degrees that had a connection with some kind of real Egyptian allegories, but with this did not reflect the processes of growth of the soul, and so on.
Manofsatan said:
I remember when I read the satanic Bible, Crowley says that one should always be in a state of Trance. How good can that be. I guess that's why they do drugs too.
They do all kinds of unhealthy shit and have all kinds of insane lifestyles just for their ego.

"The Satanic Bible is a collection of essays, observations, and rituals published by Anton LaVey in 1969." Did you mean LaVey?
Fuchs said:
Manofsatan said:
I remember when I read the satanic Bible, Crowley says that one should always be in a state of Trance. How good can that be. I guess that's why they do drugs too.
They do all kinds of unhealthy shit and have all kinds of insane lifestyles just for their ego.

"The Satanic Bible is a collection of essays, observations, and rituals published by Anton LaVey in 1969." Did you mean LaVey?

Yes LaVey
A lot in the Left Hand Path are influenced by the Jews and all their shit. Really much, so much that if you dont know anything about Jos and our point of view, recognizing what Is right and what Is not seems to be quite impossible. A lot of people falls into the trap. But, fact Is, many of those ignorants also likes that.
My idea Is that if you're attracted about something like murders, sacrifices, cannibalism and various criminal attitudes like the Jews, you're nothing more than just a fucking repressed Jew yourself.
"'Provides the power to work magick- true magick without props- empty handed. This is the art of the true adept. Ceremony is unnecessary"". This is from the JOS site

Does the community still advise to work with incense and herbs though? or do they not make much difference?

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
