The plarform is for existing donors. To get there, you need to start contributing to the community so that you can get to the platform. Start here: so in order to start donating- i'm still job hunting but i want to know for once i get said job. do i need to register on the platform or was there a different spot to start that at?
Thank you.
Hail Father Satan
Also, these rituals are in themselves a reward to us! A free gift, in fact. Because these rituals... they are amazing. No words. These are actual Gods, extremely highly advanced beings, who are listening to us, and helping us, as we do their rituals.The nerve of some people. that doing rituals is something to be rewarded, not as a Duty to humanity and your own existence!
HPS Maxine was Germanic American, what's your point? We don't discriminate against Germans, why would you think we do?Probably because I'm German and you can treat them like that. I experience it enough in my country.
It is easier to reply in the forums than in email. We have had way too many bizarre, deranged, insane emails over the years, so sorting through emails can be quite daunting at times.High Priest might have like 1000+ emails that he has to read and reply to, you are not the center of the universe.
WowTranslators are on Tier 1
Thank you for the projects! I live in Russia and earn a little money, I can donate, but probably with your money it will be very little. I am very capable of doing work for the community, but I don’t know what kind? Please tell me more about how I can donate from Russia, because I don’t know. I really love Satanism and all Gods. I once wanted to donate and got a job, but I still didn’t know how to donate. Sometimes I can barely survive, but this is so I can say thank you to my parents.REQUIREMENTS FOR SIGNING UP:
1. Donations of any amount [with proof] - If there is no registered e-mail in the Donor's list [if one has not donated] they cannot be admitted.
2. Service done on the behalf of the JoS in any of the following: Major community help, translations, outreach or other projects. There must be an amount done for this. Verification by JG's who are heading these projects or Head Translators, will make you admitted.
IF ANYONE HAS BEEN REJECTED BUT THEY HAVE DONE WORK, PLEASE MAIL ME AT [email protected]. This must be verified by JG's if they are related to some project, or be self evident in the Joy of Satan.
One cannot be admitted if they haven't done any of the following. When one does either of the above, or both, they will be admitted and ranked appropriately.
Currently there is the acceptance of valid application, or deletion of random applications happening. Stay tuned as they are a few.
There is also a portion of Donors who have not registered in the platform. Please do this. That's where the major benefits begin.
I know many of you do this for the Gods and for our people, but these upcoming things are well deserved.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Greetings to all of our Satanic family in the Gods,
With a lot of happiness I do announce that the Joy of Satan Donors platform has finally launched. This is the first launch and it's beta stage for now. It will solve 95% of any issues that existed before in the Donor System like PDF distribution, management, delays in donation verification for acceptance and everything else.
The point of this platform is to provide users with the highest level of quality for materials, rewards, seminars, private spiritual learning and other impressive things which will not be disclosed to the public, in accordance to what everyone is doing. When one does, they will receive gifts for their work to improve the House of the Gods.
It will function as a university type of Temple University among other purposes, where many perks will exist, more than the previous statements of the Donor Tiers that have been revealed. The platform allows for extreme developments. Those who help will receive ample and excellent reward for their holy work that helps the Gods and their people.
Any statements here will remain minimal. That is a huge step for those who help and assist the JoS and the Joy of Satan itself.
Fuller functioning of the platform is going to occur after 15th of August, but it's important that all donors start coming in.
There is also a decision underway in the limiting of how many members we will accept as a final number for the Donor System. That is because in 2035 "after we have won", admission and acceptance when power is higher, is going to be the easy bet. Those who believed in the JoS early will have more perks and have a solid existence inside this system for keeping the JoS alive and our community alive and able, while others were sitting on the sidelines.
This decision and the details are underway and will be shared privately inside the platform itself. After a point, the platform membership will be capped, and only certain cases of people upon strict decisions are going to be able to be members.
For those of you who are Donors, Translators, or Community Helpers, Project Creators etc, or otherwise do major work for the JoS and for humanity, please do register in the platform by visiting the following link:
Press where it says "register now" and register.
Please use the above link to register; then admission will happen and then one will be officially instated into the platform according to their Tier. Please use the e-mails you have provided as part of the Donor's Materials. You can use any username you want and a strong password that you must memorize.
A new era begins with this project. Thank you all and thank the Gods and our people for making these grand tasks possible.
I want to thank JG BlackOnyx for following loyally on the design and the visuals of the platform and being so intuitive when it came to understand the functions of the platform that I arrayed. He worked extremely hard to bring this into existence based on the directions and vision given; and he has succeeded.
A wonderful project was created for the JoS and a most honorable one. May his name be remembered for this wonderful creation and may the Gods guide us as a whole to make the most out of these gifts.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
One person making multiple submissions will make everything much slower and more difficult.May I ask how long it takes for a verification email to arrive? Should one try to re-register?
i knew that being born in here and knowing this language gonna be useful someday.
thank you so much lovely High Priestess
what a wonderful thing to start my day on
Thank you for the projects! I live in Russia and earn a little money, I can donate, but probably with your money it will be very little. I am very capable of doing work for the community, but I don’t know what kind? Please tell me more about how I can donate from Russia, because I don’t know. I really love Satanism and all Gods. I once wanted to donate and got a job, but I still didn’t know how to donate. Sometimes I can barely survive, but this is so I can say thank you to my parents.
My conscience tell me I don't need to donate nothing.
Maybe u guys can explain me why?
How much should I donate, and when?
I would like to point out that there is a typo in the "Joy of Satan Donor's Platform Beta Version is Now LIVE!" paragraph.
It's in the first sentence of the first paragraph:
"In this brand new Joy of Satan platforms [...]"
May I ask how long it takes for a verification email to arrive? Should one try to re-register?
Just pointing out a typo.Almost as big as the Gaza Genocide. I am glad Jacob SS liked this.
Just pointing out a typo.
I haven't made multiple submissions, just one.Greetings Sister. There are quite a few inquiries and each are checked individually. I believe I approved you yesterday [unless you made multiple accounts and submissions]. Please re-check.
If your account was approved you should've received your password on your email. Please check the spam. If nothing is there, message me on [email protected] and I will send you a password. Thank you.I haven't made multiple submissions, just one.
I just haven't received a confirmation email.
Please tell me I'm not mistaken, but I don't remember having inserted a password when I registered. Only username and email. So I can't log in at all (I tried to and it said I have X amount of attempts left).
I cannot understand the joke, I would like but maybe I have to wait for tomorrow to be wiser enough to understandNo worries, I am just making a joke here when it comes to the other comment, not this. Will be fixed of course [there will be an announcement update coming soon in JoS Donors platform].
On the Joy of Satan website, the free materials available are of such magnitude that, if you apply them, you will evolve to a point where, with help from the Gods, you can literally achieve Godhood. It's all free on the website. What's your point?I'm glad I'm not in the system also, honestly I don't believe on this, u HP Have the same mindset than the evangelic priests, and other "priest" of other religions, a person is only good or can have the gods in his life, if he pays? That the message I get from you, so my mentality is wrong, but this mindset that you own the gods and we have to please you to please the gods? It sounds like a scam to me .
U guys don't really need, fck the system!
Calm down...I'm glad I'm not in the system also, honestly I don't believe on this, u HP Have the same mindset than the evangelic priests, and other "priest" of other religions, a person is only good or can have the gods in his life, if he pays? That the message I get from you, so my mentality is wrong, but this mindset that you own the gods and we have to please you to please the gods? It sounds like a scam to me .
U guys don't really need, fck the system!
I'm glad I'm not in the system also, honestly I don't believe on this, u HP Have the same mindset than the evangelic priests, and other "priest" of other religions, a person is only good or can have the gods in his life, if he pays? That the message I get from you, so my mentality is wrong, but this mindset that you own the gods and we have to please you to please the gods? It sounds like a scam to me .
I cannot understand the joke, I would like but maybe I have to wait for tomorrow to be wiser enough to understand
Another person here started a fight for the same reasonI'm glad I'm not in the system also, honestly I don't believe on this, u HP Have the same mindset than the evangelic priests, and other "priest" of other religions, a person is only good or can have the gods in his life, if he pays? That the message I get from you, so my mentality is wrong, but this mindset that you own the gods and we have to please you to please the gods? It sounds like a scam to me .
This is a very kike-like mindset.I'm glad I'm not in the system also, honestly I don't believe on this, u HP Have the same mindset than the evangelic priests, and other "priest" of other religions, a person is only good or can have the gods in his life, if he pays? That the message I get from you, so my mentality is wrong, but this mindset that you own the gods and we have to please you to please the gods? It sounds like a scam to me .
Brother, it was indeed in my spam folder. I'm very ashamed. Thank you very much, and sorry for the trouble.If your account was approved you should've received your password on your email. Please check the spam. If nothing is there, message me on [email protected] and I will send you a password. Thank you.
Please remove the God picture from your profile. Your behaviour in this topic and your mindset is not befitting the Gods.I'm glad I'm not in the system also, honestly I don't believe on this, u HP Have the same mindset than the evangelic priests, and other "priest" of other religions, a person is only good or can have the gods in his life, if he pays? That the message I get from you, so my mentality is wrong, but this mindset that you own the gods and we have to please you to please the gods? It sounds like a scam to me .
This is a very kike-like mindset.
The kike who cried "OY VEY SOUNDS LIKE A SCAM TO ME" when the goys didn't immediately surrender everything of value to him.
This poverty, scarcity and entitlement behavior of yours is visible to this very day in the common xian.
Calm down, asses your current situation. Assess your behavior.
Realize that whatever you're going through right now in regards to this topic has a negative origin and it must be eradicated.
If you are legitimate in your presence here, you should heed the words of HPHC and you should study more and meditate more.
Brother, it was indeed in my spam folder. I'm very ashamed. Thank you very much, and sorry for the trouble.![]()
Thank you for telling us this story.I was also in the case where once I donated 80$ many many years ago, and it was much pain to do. I really needed a pair of shoes back then but I figured out if the JoS was not alive to teach me, there is no way I would in the long term be able to function to my full potential, which would of course, solve the shoe problem and my own problems that stemmed from not applying the teaching to the fullest.
Now one will say "But I needed shoes". The idea here is NOT that I must choose between a pair of shoes and wisdom, but that I only had to make a choice AT THIS particular time. In the future, the idea is that I would grow PAST THAT CHOICE, which is only done by making a choice to become a better individual on the present moment, where I would not have to choose between a pair of shoes or helping the place that saved me from both spiritual ignorance and retardation of the spirit.
Why ignore all of the other things he listed of how people can help? If people are useful, helpful, beneficial to everybody else, this is known.I'm glad I'm not in the system also, honestly I don't believe on this, u HP Have the same mindset than the evangelic priests, and other "priest" of other religions, a person is only good or can have the gods in his life, if he pays? That the message I get from you, so my mentality is wrong, but this mindset that you own the gods and we have to please you to please the gods? It sounds like a scam to me .
I am slowly working to attain a solid financial situation and will donate in the near future.
Also, I am brainstorming daily to come up with ways to contribute with concrete work, in spite of being new here.
Why ignore all of the other things he listed of how people can help? If people are useful, helpful, beneficial to everybody else, this is known.
Do u represent the picture you choose?Please remove the God picture from your profile. Your behaviour in this topic and your mindset is not befitting the Gods.
If you want to use a God to represent yourself, you must have respect for them and for the community who gave you the opportunity to connect with the Gods. Without the free material we have here, including the Gods' rituals, you'd be unable to do so.
The website, which other people have built for you, is free. It shows you how to open and grow your mind. It shows you how to open and elevate your soul. It teaches you how to develop countless essential and non-essential spiritual abilities for free.
The free ethics section, teaches you how to be human and took endless effort for Priesthood and Guardians to reconstruct and build.
Meanwhile, you're here crying and seething that you're not given things for free. And casting down judgements that the JoS is not even worth $5.
This is the behaviour of parasites, not the behaviour of the people of the Gods. You don't have a leg to stand on.
Read carefully what HP HoodedCobra has written to you, if you actually care about the Gods and your own evolution. About yourself in general.
I'm not a liear, that I'm sure. Otherwise I would fall in line and be a beautiful boy and accept everything people tell me without question it. I would be on the church now singing aleluia.Many people already benefiting beyond imagination [and more to come] would disagree with this. You have an opinion over something you have no clue over. As about the JoS itself, what people is beyond imagination.
Some don't have an understanding of this. That's because of lacking understanding, which is normal for some individuals when you are just recently dedicated.
You have let us repeatedly know your opinion is that the JoS overall is not worth even 10$ for you because of endless reasons you conjured. That is not the evaluation of the Gods or existence, or the evaluation others have in mind, or mine. So since you are of that opinion it's best to sit on the bench and don't complain much while the actual team competes.
Toxic comments also don't help a lot, nor you are going to get some freebie from this.
This is not for people who are naturally on this mentality or life path, it's for others who want to do great things and build things together for us (under the fundamental belief that the JoS is an extremely important existence in this world).
As mine and your beliefs are anti-thetical and you are just here to eat apples from a tree you condemn has no value [and even seek to argue you should get them for free], this makes further conversation just a hypocrisy on your behalf.
All you do here is lie. You said for you to "pay to have the Gods in your life"? Nobody. You are just making nonsense up because you are currently growing out of a stingy and misplaced mindset. This mindset is reflecting in all your comments.
Yes, your mentality is entirely wrong and so is your interpretation of anything you see. That arises from commenting on things you have no understanding over.
You compare this to false religion and false systems, spewing toxicity. The Gods don't come to you because you engage in the system, but when you do nothing for them and the people, as it was the rule of the Ancient Faiths and the tenets of the Gods, your amount of existence is also very small. You like to think otherwise but opening up the Illiad or the Odyssey would show you a lot.
If you loved the Gods and the things they create, you would seek to maintain them and build them up. Similar to how one who loves their children wants to see them grow. Your excuses are not because of love of the Gods, but rather a void of trust and love for them, or what they seek to materialize on this earth. Which in the end of the day is even for people who have similar beliefs like you do.
Yes, so make sure to meditate and open up the entropy and then you will understand the joke and also my general comment.
Why I'm going to donate to be treated like a kike?
I donate in the past, more than 10, is not so much but still is someone that as lift a brick, even if it was a miserable brick.
The problem is lack of trust indeed. I'm notta gonna feed this anymore.
I feel like if I'm gonna donate now, is to buy your trust, or to be approved, I do not dare to go against the gods.
And u guys don't have the right to question my integrity because I have the right to doubt and misunderstanding?
Maybe there is no right to nothing at all isn't ?
I'm not a liear, that I'm sure. Otherwise I would fall in line and be a beautiful boy and accept everything people tell me without question it. I would be on the church now singing aleluia.
I didn't say I have to pay, I said thats the message I get. Is different
I am very excited about this, I really hope I have all the characteristics to be able to sign up. I feel more and more every day the need to devote myself entirely to my SS family and Jos. I am working on advancing myself so that I can be of help to my brothers/sisters, and to be the best version of me by becoming stronger and more awareREQUIREMENTS FOR SIGNING UP:
1. Donations of any amount [with proof] - If there is no registered e-mail in the Donor's list [if one has not donated] they cannot be admitted.
2. Service done on the behalf of the JoS in any of the following: Major community help, translations, outreach or other projects. There must be an amount done for this. Verification by JG's who are heading these projects or Head Translators, will make you admitted.
IF ANYONE HAS BEEN REJECTED BUT THEY HAVE DONE WORK, PLEASE MAIL ME AT [email protected]. This must be verified by JG's if they are related to some project, or be self evident in the Joy of Satan.
One cannot be admitted if they haven't done any of the following. When one does either of the above, or both, they will be admitted and ranked appropriately.
Currently there is the acceptance of valid application, or deletion of random applications happening. Stay tuned as they are a few.
There is also a portion of Donors who have not registered in the platform. Please do this. That's where the major benefits begin.
I know many of you do this for the Gods and for our people, but these upcoming things are well deserved.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Greetings to all of our Satanic family in the Gods,
With a lot of happiness I do announce that the Joy of Satan Donors platform has finally launched. This is the first launch and it's beta stage for now. It will solve 95% of any issues that existed before in the Donor System like PDF distribution, management, delays in donation verification for acceptance and everything else.
The point of this platform is to provide users with the highest level of quality for materials, rewards, seminars, private spiritual learning and other impressive things which will not be disclosed to the public, in accordance to what everyone is doing. When one does, they will receive gifts for their work to improve the House of the Gods.
It will function as a university type of Temple University among other purposes, where many perks will exist, more than the previous statements of the Donor Tiers that have been revealed. The platform allows for extreme developments. Those who help will receive ample and excellent reward for their holy work that helps the Gods and their people.
Any statements here will remain minimal. That is a huge step for those who help and assist the JoS and the Joy of Satan itself.
Fuller functioning of the platform is going to occur after 15th of August, but it's important that all donors start coming in.
There is also a decision underway in the limiting of how many members we will accept as a final number for the Donor System. That is because in 2035 "after we have won", admission and acceptance when power is higher, is going to be the easy bet. Those who believed in the JoS early will have more perks and have a solid existence inside this system for keeping the JoS alive and our community alive and able, while others were sitting on the sidelines.
This decision and the details are underway and will be shared privately inside the platform itself. After a point, the platform membership will be capped, and only certain cases of people upon strict decisions are going to be able to be members.
For those of you who are Donors, Translators, or Community Helpers, Project Creators etc, or otherwise do major work for the JoS and for humanity, please do register in the platform by visiting the following link:
Press where it says "register now" and register.
Please use the above link to register; then admission will happen and then one will be officially instated into the platform according to their Tier. Please use the e-mails you have provided as part of the Donor's Materials. You can use any username you want and a strong password that you must memorize.
A new era begins with this project. Thank you all and thank the Gods and our people for making these grand tasks possible.
I want to thank JG BlackOnyx for following loyally on the design and the visuals of the platform and being so intuitive when it came to understand the functions of the platform that I arrayed. He worked extremely hard to bring this into existence based on the directions and vision given; and he has succeeded.
A wonderful project was created for the JoS and a most honorable one. May his name be remembered for this wonderful creation and may the Gods guide us as a whole to make the most out of these gifts.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I'm very sorry, I didn't want to attack you verbally, but I felt attacked also and this was my way of defense.The reason others take it that way is because of what you write around this. If one does give 10 apples the situation is not to be like a jew about it.
Donors are respected and by the community as a whole as well. But when one does act like a kike all of a sudden and calls us evangelical preachers, that is kikery. So if it's kikery it's normal for people to respond to this that way.
You cannot buy trust with anything you need first to build a proper mentality around this. If you feel uncomfortable, you do not do this.
All your concerns are also being addressed, which is not bad. You can have doubts but doing verbal attack and demeaning others or the whole of the project just because you felt like it is not doubt and concern, it's seen more as a verbal attack rather than anything else.
And people will call this kikery with good reason as what you said, denies 9 out of the 10 points of the project and the post so you can make matters look bad, when there is nothing to warrant this.
I'm very sorry, I didn't want to attack you verbally, but I felt attacked also and this was my way of defense.
It was not the point of all this, my intention was not to make an excuse, but to make it more simple, crypto is a different world I never been into. Maybe would make it more attractive to new members to donate.
Thank you very much for you Patience.No problem Jacob it's fine. I am glad I answered your concerns.
Just be aware there is honest development work going here for the community and all individuals, that will also be proven from people who support. If people did not see this, they are very smart people and nobody would do this.
But knowing the Gods and the JoS and what we want to do and what we are doing, is what leads people to assist here. They know the community and the Gods are kept strong in the world through this, we are afloat, growing and getting better.
Nobody was in anyway forced, they do this because they know it's a beneficial blessing for themselves and others.
We will try in the future to see if we can implement also a traditional payment method, maybe relating to paying directly for certain types of costs such as infrastructure costs. But not for the time being.
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan