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The Joy of Satan Donor Platform Is NOW LIVE! [Update 10: Sacred Rituals Section & Tier Progression]

All the websites cost money (including all the translated websites), these forums, and so on. The JoS struggled for a while to keep afloat, but thanks to the donors, we can expand more :)

And the more we expand, the more Satan will be understood in the world, and the more people have a chance to start spiritually advancing. Even just the average Joe starting to clean his aura and do money workings, for example, for his family, is a win. These all add up.

The more wins humanity has, the better. The more the enemy loses, the better. So the money donated, helps all of humanity.

You can join the donors platform, and there will be a way to donate through it. In the meantime, you can donate here: https://joyofsatan.org/Donate.html If none of those methods work for you, you can email HP HoodedCobra directly and he can advise further. Thank you! :)
I have question if you don't mind me asking
I don't always have money at the moment but wat is the bare minimum to to donate and wat is the expected amount so that I can maby save up and send when am able to
Thank you to everyone who writes positive feedback and I will tend to my e-mails later today. Yes, there is an admission that must take place as nobody gets in until we carefully check they have done their duties or donations before they get In.

A few people are sending me some e-mails along the lines of ”I am breathing and I also did a Ritual a year ago, I deserve to be a part of this”. 8 billion irrelevant beings do breathe on this planet that is not the important thing here, however.

One thing proves in this world what one deserves and that is not our opinions at all, it is what we actually do.

I am done with mentally diseased super-entitled humans who are walking the planet constantly and I think anyone of intelligence is also bored to death with this. If I want to see self entitled fools I would go and make an Instagram account there are plenty over there.

Same is the case about those who do not see reality and want to truly advance spiritually. This large miraculous work was created for actual guidance and rising in true progression both for the individuals in the Donor platform and also the JoS. Through the success these people will have other success will arrive on the community as a whole.

We want true progression here for everyone.

It’s still very early and most of the things we have in mind are not even open yet. We will explain more as we go.

Those who actually do for others, are those who can get in to this and grow in this. That’s the point here. Imaginary or “promised” nonsense about “how it will happen at some time” will not work nor with the Gods nor with me.

Talk like “I will lift bricks in 2047 but I cannot do it now” or “I will fight a war in the future but I won’t really lol but I want a position as a war general just because” or “I have the mindset of an instagram butt shower that believes she does a major contribution to the planet” are all non acceptable mindsets here.

That is the Grand Lodge of the JoS that has been made and a Temple University. Also the more one ranks higher the more the above mindsets of worthlessness are to be replaced by mindsets of actual worth; ie, to make you an actually better human being that is truly confident not just an imaginative fool.

People are supposed to give value and create value for others, that‘s beyond mentalities present in the regular world where people can imagine they are princesses in their own castle and make instagram-like demands. Respect the Gods and the people who do actual lifting and don’t do this to yourself to delude yourself so strongly, become like them instead, not like the false wave that you see people becoming left and right worldwide now.
The nerve of some people. that doing rituals is something to be rewarded, not as a Duty to humanity and your own existence!

I’ve probably done a thousand rituals over the years yet I know other members have put in hundreds of times the work in service and that’s not to say anything of the HP themselves.

Bunch of Clowns…
Sorry for this because I am clearly missing something I am not too good with stuff like crypto but how when I donate via a crypto wallet would the donation be linked to my email/account/me? e.g how you know it came from me? I read the donation page and the how to donate page but either I missed it or I simply didnt understand how to donate and have it tracked by the new platform.

I know how to donate but how would I do so in a way that is linked to my account?

Sorry for the nuisance im sure its something really simple but I have read it like 4 times and I am not getting it or I have somehow missed that information.
To be honest, it makes me a little sad that I've only recently joined JoS.
Don't be so hard on yourself, brother. What matters is that you are here now and you can advance and be a part of the community now. As it was said earlier somewhere, nothing is really "lost".

Also, Father Satan is not angry with you. He understands us better than we do and knows everything you were facing and you don't need to ask him for forgiveness. Just do what you have to do and advance. You can help the community or donate and that will most certainly be rewarded both here with our Donor system, but also with the Gods, who see all our hard work and reward us in many unseen ways.

Be well, brother!
Oh HELL YES, literally. THE most important education and self-improvement structure in the past few thousand years is released. This will be utterly and completely unprecedented and I am just about enraptured thinking of all the possibilities, and I haven't even visited the site yet!

At some point, everyone want to join, but it will be too late. May our family here and all our loved ones make it in time to receive the most abundant of blessings, wisdom and teachings.

Hail Father Satan, Hail the Gods of Hell, Hail Victory which shall eternally go to us Satanists, the children of the Gods!
Very good, I want to donate right away.
I don't fully understand because there's no guide.

For the email confirmation to come, do we have to make the donation in Joy of Satan first?
Or only those who translate, those who are active on the forum, do they get email confirmation?

I really want to help!
I emailed the High Priest Hooded Cobra just in case.
If this is like a school, there are some classes I would like to teach. Unrelated to Satanism, but related to some topics that I am very much interested in but I don't talk about because it would be personally identifiable to people who know me.
First, congratulations on the further step to community and project growth.

I would like to ask a question. If I understand correctly, with this new site the old method of notification of monetary donations on the jos.donations email is being retired.
I would like to know if there is a system of (automatic?) notification to the donor that would give feedback on the actual receipt of the amount of money that was sent.
I ask this question because a few months ago I made my first donation, sent Transaction IDs and screenshots of the transaction, but I don't know if the money has actually reached you. This is not a blame, I know very well that the time to spend on even these administrative things is not much, however a mistake in sending money with crypto can always happen.
First, congratulations on the further step to community and project growth.

I would like to ask a question. If I understand correctly, with this new site the old method of notification of monetary donations on the jos.donations email is being retired.
I would like to know if there is a system of (automatic?) notification to the donor that would give feedback on the actual receipt of the amount of money that was sent.
I ask this question because a few months ago I made my first donation, sent Transaction IDs and screenshots of the transaction, but I don't know if the money has actually reached you. This is not a blame, I know very well that the time to spend on even these administrative things is not much, however a mistake in sending money with crypto can always happen.
When you see an x amount of something leave your address, then the other address has received exactly that. There is no doubt about this.
Greetings to all of our Satanic family in the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I do announce that the Joy of Satan Donors platform has finally launched. This is the first launch and it's beta stage for now. It will solve 95% of any issues that existed before in the Donor System like PDF distribution, management, delays in donation verification for acceptance and everything else.

The point of this platform is to provide users with the highest level of quality for materials, rewards, seminars, private spiritual learning and other impressive things which will not be disclosed to the public, in accordance to what everyone is doing. When one does, they will receive gifts for their work to improve the House of the Gods.

It will function as a university type of Temple University among other purposes, where many perks will exist, more than the previous statements of the Donor Tiers that have been revealed. The platform allows for extreme developments. Those who help will receive ample and excellent reward for their holy work that helps the Gods and their people.

Any statements here will remain minimal. That is a huge step for those who help and assist the JoS and the Joy of Satan itself.

Fuller functioning of the platform is going to occur after 15th of August, but it's important that all donors start coming in.

There is also a decision underway in the limiting of how many members we will accept as a final number for the Donor System. That is because in 2035 "after we have won", admission and acceptance when power is higher, is going to be the easy bet. Those who believed in the JoS early will have more perks and have a solid existence inside this system for keeping the JoS alive and our community alive and able, while others were sitting on the sidelines.

This decision and the details are underway and will be shared privately inside the platform itself. After a point, the platform membership will be capped, and only certain cases of people upon strict decisions are going to be able to be members.

For those of you who are Donors, Translators, or Community Helpers, Project Creators etc, or otherwise do major work for the JoS and for humanity, please do register in the platform by visiting the following link: https://josdonors.org.

Press where it says "register now" and register.

Please use the above link to register; then admission will happen and then one will be officially instated into the platform according to their Tier. Please use the e-mails you have provided as part of the Donor's Materials. You can use any username you want and a strong password that you must memorize.

A new era begins with this project. Thank you all and thank the Gods and our people for making these grand tasks possible.

I want to thank JG BlackOnyx for following loyally on the design and the visuals of the platform and being so intuitive when it came to understand the functions of the platform that I arrayed. He worked extremely hard to bring this into existence based on the directions and vision given; and he has succeeded.

A wonderful project was created for the JoS and a most honorable one. May his name be remembered for this wonderful creation and may the Gods guide us as a whole to make the most out of these gifts.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I used a different email and name.. I’m not sure if that is gonna affect anything.
HPS Lydia. I have just made a donation to JoyofSatan's wallet. The money should arrive in the next few minutes. How do I know that it has arrived? I paid with coinbase. Coinbase says that the sending process has been completed. The money should therefore be in JoS's account. Thank you for your help.
You can email HP HoodedCobra, and include a screenshot of the transaction if possible. He will reply to you confirming it, but he has been very busy lately as he mentioned in a profile wall post, so it could take a while. But if you received the confirmation on your end (from Coinbase as you wrote) then it has arrived :)
I have question if you don't mind me asking
I don't always have money at the moment but wat is the bare minimum to to donate and wat is the expected amount so that I can maby save up and send when am able to
You can email HP HoodedCobra and he will let you know :)

Sorry for this because I am clearly missing something I am not too good with stuff like crypto but how when I donate via a crypto wallet would the donation be linked to my email/account/me? e.g how you know it came from me? I read the donation page and the how to donate page but either I missed it or I simply didnt understand how to donate and have it tracked by the new platform.

I know how to donate but how would I do so in a way that is linked to my account?

Sorry for the nuisance im sure its something really simple but I have read it like 4 times and I am not getting it or I have somehow missed that information.
Send HP HoodedCobra an email, with a screenshot of the transaction, and let him know your username here. The method will be easier when we do it straight from the new platform.
The site looks amazing, congratulations JG BlackOnyx. The golden design goes very well with the theme.

The site is how I envisioned it. Upon sharing plans and designs that were to be followed, I had the worry that it might not come out as I explained. JG BlackOnyx executed this perfectly, so it looks exactly as intended.
If this is like a school, there are some classes I would like to teach. Unrelated to Satanism, but related to some topics that I am very much interested in but I don't talk about because it would be personally identifiable to people who know me.

This is to disseminate very serious higher level knowledge for the further construction of Satan‘s Empire and mastery for related causes to that end.

One has to know to teach. This won’t be a type of “your favorite 18 year old advisor and Personal Coach and Trainer and Thought Leader and Reddit Relationship expert” whose success is sourced in “It was real in my mind and I read 20 pages total in life so I am a business expert now” types of things.

Level is maximum serious. There will be abilities like this in the future if people want to truly contribute, but strong vetting to that end.

Oh HELL YES, literally. THE most important education and self-improvement structure in the past few thousand years is released. This will be utterly and completely unprecedented and I am just about enraptured thinking of all the possibilities, and I haven't even visited the site yet!

At some point, everyone want to join, but it will be too late. May our family here and all our loved ones make it in time to receive the most abundant of blessings, wisdom and teachings.

Hail Father Satan, Hail the Gods of Hell, Hail Victory which shall eternally go to us Satanists, the children of the Gods!

The magnitude is exactly of what you say. It could not be more exact.

As others will enter a lightning speed growth, they will also see the importance and we will welcome them.
I'm pretty poor, but I can afford to maybe donate a lightcoin every other month or so. I don't plan on being poor forever, but that's the best I can do at this moment in time. I hope it helps, even if just a little.

People who want to be a part of this must leave the worthlessness mindsets behind. This “I am a poor now…” mindset is constantly used as an excuse. I have been one of the poorest people also in some intervals in life. So what? Did this mean one could not create value in other ways for others?

Many are also poor in not one area but another area. Others have wealth, others do not; the situation is that growth must be oriented forward.

Imagine going to your wife and you keep telling her that you are weak just because you chose to be weak and that you cannot protect her, does that make any sense whatsoever? Will she stay?

The point is growth. Growth has to happen within the level one can grow in, not everyone can grow in every area. But the mindset of growth is important and for this one must start changing from a parasitical victim to someone who wants to do something; be this for a pet dog, or their family, or the JoS, their significant other, or whomever. Then one will be given also in return.
This is to disseminate very serious higher level knowledge for the further construction of Satan‘s Empire and mastery for related causes to that end.

One has to know to teach. This won’t be a type of “your favorite 18 year old advisor and Personal Coach and Trainer and Thought Leader and Reddit Relationship expert” whose success is sourced in “It was real in my mind and I read 20 pages total in life so I am a business expert now” types of things.

Level is maximum serious. There will be abilities like this in the future if people want to truly contribute, but strong vetting to that end.

I meant about electrical engineering, and design and function of vacuum tube guitar amplifiers. Ok, that is not the place for that.
I tried to donate through crypto before but could not get pass using my SSN.
I signed up for a donor platform account in hopes that the donation process will be easier through it.
Try "Bisq" it is software you download onto computer that connects directly to the blockchain for bitcoin. Decentralized not a company. Only hitch is you have to have a little bit of bitcoin to buy or send through it. But it has a wallet you can send to from other places and then transfer anywhere you want. https://bisq.network/
People who want to be a part of this must leave the worthlessness mindsets behind. This “I am a poor now…” mindset is constantly used as an excuse. I have been one of the poorest people also in some intervals in life. So what? Did this mean one could not create value in other ways for others?

Many are also poor in not one area but another area. Others have wealth, others do not; the situation is that growth must be oriented forward.

Imagine going to your wife and you keep telling her that you are weak just because you chose to be weak and that you cannot protect her, does that make any sense whatsoever? Will she stay?

The point is growth. Growth has to happen within the level one can grow in, not everyone can grow in every area. But the mindset of growth is important and for this one must start changing from a parasitical victim to someone who wants to do something; be this for a pet dog, or their family, or the JoS, their significant other, or whomever. Then one will be given also in return.
I was simply stating that I can only monetarily contribute so much at this moment, and that I will indeed contribute more as my wealth grows. First with gradually increasing contributions of digital silver, and then with digital gold as my wealth increases as it most surely is and shall continue to. My state of poverty is only temporary, and I know that, this is just a transitional phase, a step on my ladder. Perhaps I could've worded it better. Your statement is all the same heard, respected, and appreciated all the same though. More fuel for the unstoppable engine that is me.

Whether or not I am made a part of this specific circle of the temple, though it would be lovely indeed and I would be honored to be included, holds no real weight in me following through with this for the sake of the survival of an organization that showed me the way, so that it may continue to do so for others, the continued distribution of knowledge and the spiritual advancement of humanity far superceeds any reward I could receive on a personal level, though, who doesn't love the idea of this, of course.

But please also understand, I don't see myself as worthless. My pain is in the state of the people, not it the state of myself, as I have endured far worse and possess infinite power to change this, and my momentum to do so is just as infinite. I'm not a victim, I'm a fucking machine with a mission that needs a little more tweaking to run at the best of it's efficiency. Sometimes the tweak might be in how one verbalizes something, so perhaps "I'm still growing" would have been a better statement of my situation than "I'm poor". Right now, I'm rich only in spirit, but also in due time I will be in every other way I want to be.
I have been trying to help the most I can I’ve been waking up Christian’s to the truth
Please join the activism team brother, let's make this efficient.

All the websites cost money (including all the translated websites), these forums, and so on. The JoS struggled for a while to keep afloat, but thanks to the donors, we can expand more :)

And the more we expand, the more Satan will be understood in the world, and the more people have a chance to start spiritually advancing. Even just the average Joe starting to clean his aura and do money workings, for example, for his family, is a win. These all add up.

The more wins humanity has, the better. The more the enemy loses, the better. So the money donated, helps all of humanity.

You can join the donors platform, and there will be a way to donate through it. In the meantime, you can donate here: https://joyofsatan.org/Donate.html If none of those methods work for you, you can email HP HoodedCobra directly and he can advise further. Thank you! :)
HPS Lydia! Yesterday I made a large donation on JoS. According to coinbase, the money should have been in the account by now. I have written to HPHC666 to see if the money has arrived, but I have not yet received a reply. Once, on July 11, 2024, I wrote to him about a personal matter. I have not yet received a reply to this question either. I really just wanted a very brief answer. Yes or no would have been enough. But nothing has happened. I now feel a little insecure and have the feeling that, as a new member, I am being treated more than subordinately. I'm beginning to doubt that HPHC666 is being honest with its members. Can you help me further?

Hail Satan!

Hail Lucifer!

Hail Wotan!
I will not sign up for now coz Im not worthy of it yet. after I translated more pages to filipino then I will have the courage to sign up to the platform. for now ill use this as motivation to translate more of the Jos to filipino.
Thank you for your great service to the Gods and to our JOS family HP Cobra. you are one of the pillars that keep the family of the gods here on earth standing. the strongest pillar at that. second only to HPs Maxine our great hero. even if we try for a thousand years we could never possibly repay you for your sacrifices you've done for us.
HPS Lydia!
As you might have realized, HPHC666 is a very busy person. You cannot really expect of him to check his e-mails every 5 minutes. If you made your donation yesterday, wait for a while and if not, send the e-mail again. Same about your question earlier, he might have not noticed it or it might not have reached him. Re-send your e-mail again.
HPS Lydia! Yesterday I made a large donation on JoS. According to coinbase, the money should have been in the account by now. I have written to HPHC666 to see if the money has arrived, but I have not yet received a reply. Once, on July 11, 2024, I wrote to him about a personal matter. I have not yet received a reply to this question either. I really just wanted a very brief answer. Yes or no would have been enough. But nothing has happened. I now feel a little insecure and have the feeling that, as a new member, I am being treated more than subordinately. I'm beginning to doubt that HPHC666 is being honest with its members. Can you help me further?

Hail Satan!

Hail Lucifer!

Hail Wotan!
Be patient, HP is extremely busy, especially recently.

He does reply, it takes time. After a long time of no reply you can email again just to make sure he received your question/donation.

Also, stop your insecurities, doubts about HP and control your mind and feelings don’t let them control you.

You’re an SS and it’s important to have patience and confidence.

Waiting for a reply from July 11th is nothing, and if it’s a simple personal matter then you should be able to take care of it yourself or create a thread here or using the Ask-Satan service.
Be patient, HP is extremely busy, especially recently.

He does reply, it takes time. After a long time of no reply you can email again just to make sure he received your question/donation.

Also, stop your insecurities, doubts about HP and control your mind and feelings don’t let them control you.

You’re an SS and it’s important to have patience and confidence.

Waiting for a reply from July 11th is nothing, and if it’s a simple personal matter then you should be able to take care of it yourself or create a thread here or using the Ask-Satan service.
That's not true what you say. If he is so busy, why can he immediately reply in the forum to a member who has only written one message, when her question was simply impertinent? I immediately wrote to him in the forum and got no reply. I honestly have my doubts about that.
An important email from July 11, 2024 has still not been answered. Probably because I'm German and you can treat them like that. I experience it enough in my country.
Be patient, HP is extremely busy, especially recently.

He does reply, it takes time. After a long time of no reply you can email again just to make sure he received your question/donation.

Also, stop your insecurities, doubts about HP and control your mind and feelings don’t let them control you.

You’re an SS and it’s important to have patience and confidence.

Waiting for a reply from July 11th is nothing, and if it’s a simple personal matter then you should be able to take care of it yourself or create a thread here or using the Ask-Satan service.
I can believe that or not. It doesn't give me any security. I've already had the experience of sending bitcoins with coinbase and being told that "the transfer was successful". After asking the recipient, however, it turned out that this was not true. The money ended up in nirvana. I always copy and paste the wallet address so that no letter or number is forgotten. I also always compare the wallet address entered with the one given. Everything is correct so far. Nevertheless, I expect everything to be clarified correctly for business transactions. I don't rely on faith here. You have to understand that.
I also handle my finances responsibly. That's just the way I am as a German. Correct, reliable and hard-working in all areas. Unfortunately, we Germans have one characteristic that has often been our downfall. Napoleon already knew this: "The German people are the most good-natured and gullible people in the world. You can pull the wool over their eyes". Yes, and as history has shown, this has brought us much suffering right up to the present day.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
The nerve of some people. that doing rituals is something to be rewarded, not as a Duty to humanity and your own existence!

I’ve probably done a thousand rituals over the years yet I know other members have put in hundreds of times the work in service and that’s not to say anything of the HP themselves.

Bunch of Clowns…
But you put it really nicely. But you're absolutely right. Performing the rituals is our duty to humanity. I am also deeply convinced that the rituals and meditation not only serve our own self-empowerment, but also advance humanity as a whole and greatly reduce, if not eradicate, the influence of the Jewish scumbags.

Hail Satan!

Hail Lucifer!

Hail Wotan!
That's not true what you say. If he is so busy, why can he immediately reply in the forum to a member who has only written one message, when her question was simply impertinent? I immediately wrote to him in the forum and got no reply. I honestly have my doubts about that.
An important email from July 11, 2024 has still not been answered. Probably because I'm German and you can treat them like that. I experience it enough in my country.
You need to calm down a bit, for your own sake.

Do void meditations more and read those.

Replying to forums is a completely different skill and task than emails. High Priest might have like 1000+ emails that he has to read and reply to, you are not the center of the universe.

You also need to stop being so insecure, a couple minutes ago you felt insecure because you are a new SS, now you’re feeling insecure because you’re German.

Both things are not bad and you’re overthinking all this.

Also, HP has zero obligation to reply and answer your private questions not related to the forums or JoS as an organization but he does answer people often, because he’s kind and cares but he will take his time because he doesn’t work for you.

Also, I believe you have a misunderstanding here you mentioned in another message that you don’t do faith in business, this is not business, you’re not buying services nor buying access to HP. This is a donation for the wellness of JoS, it’s a donation not business.

And be sure that High Priest will contact you very soon regarding the donation, JoS is short-staffed, so things here take time.

If you think a message from July 11th is late, sometimes I waited 3-9 months for a reply regarding matters, and one time I waited 1+ year for an astrology chart reading that had an estimated time of 3 months. It can be annoying, sure, but I try to understand, because JoS is still short-staffed.

But this is changing, more people helping, donating will make sure that everything is better for all of us, clergy and members.
I've already had the experience of sending bitcoins with coinbase and being told that "the transfer was successful". After asking the recipient, however, it turned out that this was not true. The money ended up in nirvana.
Did you check the blockchain to be sure? Maybe the recipient was not truthful or there was some other error because coins do not go to "nirvana".

And also, there is no need here for entitlement. You will get an answer in due time.
There is currently the evaluation and vetting process ongoing.

Thanks to all those who are doing this and want to participate.

In the meantime, be aware that if you have not contributed in any verifiable way, the application will be rejected for obvious reasons. Thank you.
The nerve of some people. that doing rituals is something to be rewarded, not as a Duty to humanity and your own existence!

I’ve probably done a thousand rituals over the years yet I know other members have put in hundreds of times the work in service and that’s not to say anything of the HP themselves.

Bunch of Clowns…
But you put it really nicely. But you're absolutely right. Performing the rituals is our duty to humanity. I am also deeply convinced that the rituals and meditation not only serve our own self-empowerment, but also advance humanity as a whole and greatly reduce, if not eradicate, the influence of the Jewish scumbags.

Hail Satan!

Hail Lucifer!

Hail Wotan!

Be aware the Rituals are to help everyone on earth, but also you individually. They unlock you. There are endless seen and unseen benefits. There is no pressure or forced duty in this. This is like literally eating ambrosia. One should be thankful that we have these opportunities. The Gods are a blessing in a life that is tailor made to have many obstacles; the Rituals help everyone tremendously.

As you might have realized, HPHC666 is a very busy person. You cannot really expect of him to check his e-mails every 5 minutes. If you made your donation yesterday, wait for a while and if not, send the e-mail again. Same about your question earlier, he might have not noticed it or it might not have reached him. Re-send your e-mail again.

I have answered this e-mail and there are a few hundreds more. I am very carefully answering everything I can. Thank you.
Thank you for your great service to the Gods and to our JOS family HP Cobra. you are one of the pillars that keep the family of the gods here on earth standing. the strongest pillar at that. second only to HPs Maxine our great hero. even if we try for a thousand years we could never possibly repay you for your sacrifices you've done for us.

I appreciate your kind words. Keep on the translation process and we will be more than happy to admit you as a reward for your service to all of the Philippine people.

As you might have realized, HPHC666 is a very busy person. You cannot really expect of him to check his e-mails every 5 minutes. If you made your donation yesterday, wait for a while and if not, send the e-mail again. Same about your question earlier, he might have not noticed it or it might not have reached him. Re-send your e-mail again.

It is a frequent phenomenon that e-mails can make it in my spam folder. This is what occurred here. All resolved.
There are some people who are mailing me implying you are so important and so on so forth, and how you deserve this because you have done exactly zero for the JoS.

If you are important then prove it or do something. Do not mail me emptily about it. Everyone is a princess in their own subjective world in 2024.

The internal aspects of one's experiences is not what we are after. In my mind as I write the post I can claim I am an intergalactic octapus.

The JoS needs to be a place where objectivity and spiritual realism is present. Deprogram from the above and engage yourself in actual existence, so you can earn more out of this.

These calls will of course be denied.
I appreciate your kind words. Keep on the translation process and we will be more than happy to admit you as a reward for your service to all of the Philippine people.

It is a frequent phenomenon that e-mails can make it in my spam folder. This is what occurred here. All resolved.
Thank you for your answer. That really takes a load off my mind. So far I have found all your sermons to be wonderful, fundamental and highly sincere. After years of self-study, I can only fully emphasize that what you write is well researched and compiled. Much of it simply agrees with what I have researched myself. And this also led to many consequences in my life before joining JoS. But with the many, fruitful rituals of JoS, I have experienced a powerful boost and as strange as it may sound, much is now put in its proper place and my abhorrence of certain religious groups has been fully vindicated by JoS.

If I have remained so persistent in writing to you, it is because I have allowed my inner self to guide me. I have also had constant conversations with Father Satan and he has encouraged me not to let up. There was no ill will in any of this. But after the rituals it was made clear to me again and again: „Stay on the ball. Clear things up“.

Believe me, years ago I wouldn't have had the courage to be so decisive. But the rituals literally turn me into a different person, which is what amazes me the most.

I will be happy to tell you more in an email and, if you like, send you a translated version of my thousand-page work and a second one, which is exclusively about the pagan Easter festival that the Jews and Christians have completely distorted and which also comprises more than 900 pages. In total, I have been working on these two works and a third work on death and its meaning constantly since about 2016 with thousands of sources and unknown images from really old writings that are not easily accessible.

So again, many, many thanks for your emails. I am so happy now. You are truly a blessed one from Father Satan. Of course, I promise you that I will continue to transfer larger amounts as donations to JoS. I am reasonably financially secure. And now at least I know what my mission in this life is, which I was told as a child by human-like figures who blazed in a golden aura. They said nothing about it at the time, but assured me that one day it would be revealed. The time has now come: To support JoS to the best of my ability and thereby give Satan all the glory. I give my whole life, every drop of blood to Father Satan.

May all members who are sincere in heart be blessed by Father Satan and his hellish demons for all time.

Hail Satan!

Hail Lucifer!

Hail Wotan!
The admission process is still ongoing;

1. If anyone gets a lower rank (such as when one has translated dozens but gets Tier 1) - EMAIL ME.
2. If anyone has donated/done work and is not admitted - EMAIL ME.
3. If anyone must be admitted due to any of the above and they haven't registered, do register, provide necessary proof and you're in.

Thank you everyone!
Some older Donors who have put faith in the JoS and have put their labor where their words were, have been rewarded with Tier upgrades by the way. If you were Tier 1 and you are now Tier 2, or 2 and you are now 3, this was on purpose.

We seek to boost everyone to reach higher highs in creating for the Gods and being powerful to propel the community forward. That's the whole aim of this.

Learning and empowerment of the community, so we can all give back more and whilst elevating productive people with more strength upward.
New Donors will start at Tier 0 after registration. When there is verified proof that one has donated [if they have not before] they will be accepted into the platform and ranked in accordance to all the rules that have been set.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
