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The ID2020 Jewish World Government Is Here

HP Mageson666 said:
Goods news Switzerland has stopped 5G installation due to health concerns. This is a new precedent we are winning thanks to the Final RTR and our rituals. The enemy is doing this in desperation as their control is falling apart all they have done is sped up their defeat. They have ensured the EU will not last in my opinion.
EU is changing, after the President of EU jew Juncker left there is a slight positive change, thats why the jews want to destroy EU, if they can't control it ..."Divide et Impera", thats why they wanna break EU and so far they have succeeded with the UK

Europe had several actions against jewish agenda even if the EU parliament is still full of jews





A united and strong Europe scares the jews to death
They now that the Aryans are the only real threat to them
Hello guys, I just made a compilation about what is happening. Many things you may already know, but its a good start for people still asleep

Corona crisis enlightment guide: See by yourself this compelling evidence, do your own research. The cure for this crisis is freedom !

“The coup was designed to take immediate measures to ensure that fundamental rights and freedoms, only ‘won’ (in name at least) after many centuries of struggle, were stripped away from us and to do it in such a way that people would fearfully accept it.”

>>> Full Link <<<

After the Lockdown: A Global Coronavirus Vaccination Program…

>>> Full Link <<<

“Covid-19 is a Hoax | Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil Consultant Surgeon NHS, UK”

>>> Full Link <<<
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV2VKtQULEs&feature=youtu.be >>> CENSORED

“Technical presentation on the nature of the so called Covid-19”

>>> Full Link <<<

“Summit dealing with 5G agenda and health consequences”

>>> Full Link <<<

“Vaccination Plan US (4 doses for every man, woman and child)”

>>> Full Link <<<

“Arthur Firstenberg's lecture at the Symposium regarding 5G, Birds, Bees, and Humanity, on August 12, 2018 in Taos, New Mexico”

>>> Full Link <<<

“Barrie Trower on 5G | The Genocidal Nature of Non-Ionising Radiation”

>>> Full Link <<<

“Dr Klinghardt - Chemtrails, Glifosate, Vaccines, Aluminium, Health” >>>Highly recommended

>>> Full Link <<<

“Dr. Stephanie Seneff on vaccines, aluminium and glifosate realated to autism”

>>> Full Link <<<

“The Dimming, Film Preview (Geoengineering Watch Dane Wigington) – Exposes chemtrailing program”

>>> Full Link <<<

“The 5G Appeal was prepared in 2017 by scientists and doctors who are urgently calling for the EU to halt the roll out of 5G due to serious potential health effects from this new technology”

>>> Full Link <<<

“International Scientist Appeal on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Martin Blank PhD Spokesperson” - Scientists call for Protection from Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Field Exposure (from EMFscientist.org)

>>> Full Link <<<

“To Serve Man - The Lie Of Philanthropy” – Excelent exposition of the latest facts regarding the lockdown crisis.


They laid it down for us as a warning ? Listening movie blows the whistle.

I Found Out Why Healthcare Workers Are DANCING So Much!

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, PhD do MIT desmascara Dr. Fauci e expõe Clintons, Bill Gates e OMS
You would think that the amount of exposure over the past years and the GICANTIC things(Covid 19 and JWO implementing) the Enemy is doing now, that they are thinking that the end for them is VEEERY near(as in 5-10 year near :shock: :shock: )... Is it? :? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Since there were no mentions, As we rapidly approach the end game, they have started showing their true colors. For those that are struggling to find the strength within themselves or just passing by will truly regret potential that never manifests. I pity the people with the knowledge to save themselves and the ones around them simply that they just have hangups with themselves that don't allow themselves to truly believe the blight that is upon us. More important the people that are still programmed or refugees of christianity, pig religions, to not give this their all.

It's near impossible to find this via google search as it links you to "conspiracy disproven" websites and whatnot.

I present https://unnwo.org/
unnwo.org is already registered on who.is
Domain Name: UNNWO.ORG
Registrant Organization: Illien Global Public Benefit Corporation
named "Adam" by Mother Teresa


What they're doing on this website is promoting "Happytalism". What they're essentially doing is creating a connection between the name of NWO with something that promotes positivity. Can you assume what they mean by this definition? Do you perhaps see where they are going with this?
"'HAPPYTALISM' as a new economic genus and human development paradigm, to replace obsolete, old world and and inadequate systems such as capitalism, socialism, communism, mercantilism, feudalism, among others. "


Here's a quick news article from 2019, this is real. This is a real goal they're promoting.


To my brothers & sisters that may read this, even if you're but a newbie that the time is now to take action. Not today and tomorrow may never come, you should be afraid to miss out on this golden opportunity afforded to us. People that only try this for a week then quit, because none of it met their expectations of Millions of dollars raining from the sky, Lord Satan genie spawning on command with the clap of a hand, or even worse the pagans that try to dive into the black magics right away because their wiccan bloodlines and shit allow them to do whatever they please and don't treat this knowledge with the respect it deserves.
The greatest part about this is the journey, when people only see the reward, they'll be constantly tripping and falling because they're not paying attention where they walk. Muster the courage within yourselves and take back your birthright that YOU deserve that no one should be able to take from you, because only YOU can and when you do, you will feel like a sense of accomplishment that no video game, drug, or any other crutch can provide you. The gods loved us so that even now they still afford their time in this vast existence of a breath that we live in to protect us.

Feel free to try to discredit my information, I did my best to research and I still could be wrong!
Very serious indeed. Interestingly enough months back when it was said pissrael had a vaccine already the first thought that went through my mind a little bit after was that everyone eventually would be forced somehow. I have noticed technology in general as well becoming more and more invasive over the years, simply yet in a complicated annoying way. you have to go through more "hoops" if you will just to get something done. Shows how they are trying to sink their claws deeper and deeper. And with this well..lets keep spamming the RTR's to run them down to ash! :twisted:
Larissa666 said:
V12-POWER said:
The saying "what a moment to be alive" couldn't be more of a perfect fit. A shame that I can't seem to do more than 2 RTRs without draining myself though... :evil:

2 is norm now.

Maintain the consistency.

from the very get go i was told to do 3..3 to five is my consistancy nowadays, i notice if i go below 3 for too long i start to feel uneasy or at the very least encounter astral attacks
Shadowcat said:
from the very get go i was told to do 3..3 to five is my consistancy nowadays, i notice if i go below 3 for too long i start to feel uneasy or at the very least encounter astral attacks
3 is a great number, especially if you do it in 1 (27x each letter). I found it works really well like that and I dont want to use any other numbers anymore lol. If I wanna do more than 3 I just do multiple RTRs seperately that each have 27x on the letters.
one of the mp's in Italy is calling for the arrest of Bill Gates, she absolutely nails it in her speech!!!

V12-POWER said:
The saying "what a moment to be alive" couldn't be more of a perfect fit. A shame that I can't seem to do more than 2 RTRs without draining myself though... :evil:

:O Doing RTRs drains you? I never felt anything like that.. the only thing is that it takes time, so doing more than 2 or 3 requires more organization during the day in my opinion but least. The only 'side effect' I ever noticed was some kind of dizziness when I did it more intensively, chanting the words in my chakras but only once so far.
Shael said:
Shadowcat said:
from the very get go i was told to do 3..3 to five is my consistancy nowadays, i notice if i go below 3 for too long i start to feel uneasy or at the very least encounter astral attacks
3 is a great number, especially if you do it in 1 (27x each letter). I found it works really well like that and I dont want to use any other numbers anymore lol. If I wanna do more than 3 I just do multiple RTRs seperately that each have 27x on the letters.
indeed this is what i do each day on a minimum 3 in one go. I often plan for the hour of saturn when i can even if im up at midnight
HP Mageson666 said:
The ID2020 Jewish World Government Is Here

The Event 201 the simulation that was run for a global Covid pandemic last autumn which was only a few months before any of the current Covid pandemic existed. Dr. Francis Anthony Boyle who drafted the biological weapons anti-terrorism act of 1989 for the American government. Has come out and stated this Covid-19 is a bioengineered weapon and has stated that Canadian and French researchers have stated such and including two Chinese doctors also leaked this out to the public as well. This along with the reports from India that the virus is bioengineered.

This Event 201 which was run by Bill Gates who is the main funder of the World Health Organization which was part of Event 201. Bill Gates has come out and stated the whole world will have to be vaccinated for Covid-19. And this will then require one to be given some type of ID stating they have been vaccinated. He stated a Communist China style Social Credit system will be implemented to enforce this.

What kind of an ID will this be some have stated a Quantum Tattoo. ID2020:
What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. The program harnesses existing birth registration and vaccination operations to provide newborns with a portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital identity. GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, identifies itself on its website as a global health partnership of public and private sector organizations dedicated to “immunization for all”. GAVI is supported by WHO, and needless to say, its main partners and sponsors are the pharma-industry.

All this while 5G which is the network required for ID2020.

One of the partners behind the creation of ID2020 is the Jewish, Rockefeller Foundation of whom Bill Gates is a member of the Jewish, Rockefeller family. The same Rockefeller Foundation created the World Health Organization which was at Event 201. David Rockefeller stated in 1991:
We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. . . . The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries

This is the same David Rockefeller who created the Trilateral Commission.

All this while the UN which their head quarters was built by the Rockefeller Foundation is rolling out the demand for Global Currency as the economic and financial systems of the nations are falling over the shut downs brought in by the WHO.

The United Nations (UN) revealed their interest to create and maintain a “Global Reserve Bank”, one that will be also the publishing house for a Global Currency

And now the Jewish Fed is bringing about a digital currency for America which is a Fed Bitcoin that will have serial numbers and be issued and all transactions will be tracked digitally. This can also involve a expiry time in which it will delete. This will be set up so only the Jewish global banking cartels will now control the flow of money. All transactions will become digital and this will require the 5G network for proper function. This will also be placed with the Social Credit model in which if you sin against Jewish Big Brother they will just delete your Digital money. This is the model of the coming global currency.

ID2020 from reports was created several years before the year of 2020 its named after. This is due to Jewish Kabbalah the 2020 in Kabbalah numerology is collapsed to 22 the number of the name of the Jewish God in Kabbalah. The Jewish elites are using their Jewish witchcraft right in the open to manifest this Jew World Order. 22 is the number of their Jewish World Kingdom in Judaism.

This is connecting into the enemies thought form that is generated by their book of Jewish witchcraft the Bible. This is also why the numbers constantly showing up in the Jewish controlled media panicdemic around the Covid-19 is Kabbalistic numerology this pandemic is tied into the energy of the Jews ritual curses on the Gentile world.

As HPS Maxine has wrote the year of the Rat and how this plague was planned to connect into the same dates in history that started with the year of the Rat. They do this to connect into Karmic patterns and attempt to tap that energy into their workings to manifest more power this also relates to the mass mind. The enemy uses these events along with their curses to connect the energies together and manifest their curses to create a situation to bring this about along with physical planning. The two work together. The enemy is attempting to create a major pandemic. The black death brought by rats came from China.

The enemy uses letters as numbers which connect into the energies of their thought form and the frequency of each. What this means is the numbers also show the curses of the enemy manifesting as well where the energies are manifesting it leaves behind the occult crawl print. Which is why the enemy attempts to keep this knowledge from the population.

42 is the number of the Jewish thought form the Jews use this to manifest their curses the number 42 is encoded into the Tefillin the fourth shin letter is 42 and this letter is also the wrath of the Jewish god which the Bible is about. This includes plagues. The Tefillin cube is about manifesting the power of the Jewish thought form of YHVH and in Kabbalah it relates to Malkuth the material world which is where the Jewish rabbi's call down the energies from the astral or Kether into Malkuth the material to direct their curses. This is what the 42 is for the cross of Malkuth the symbol of bringing the energy of the Jewish thought form into manifestation is the symbol of the number 6 which 42 adds to 6 in Kabbalah.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year the year of the Rat, the Chinese leader announced that 42 people had died in China. Rat in gematria is 42 the word 42 written out is 142 the term Coronavirus is 142 the term "Year of the Rat" is also 142 and the first stated case in America was put in the Jewish media in the 42th second state of Washington. The first case of this virus confirmed was 1-21-20 a date which adds to 42.

Remember these curses the Jews are throwing to attempt to manifest this ritual into a global pandemic is also connecting through the mass mind of tens of millions of Christian golems this includes in China in which there are tens of millions of Christians. This is the enemies to attempt to open the doors to bring this about through the unconsciousness mass mind.

so the vaccine will be required? to give us a digital identity to control our finances?
HP Mageson666 said:
One of the partners behind the creation of ID2020 is the Jewish, Rockefeller Foundation of whom Bill Gates is a member of the Jewish, Rockefeller family. The same Rockefeller Foundation created the World Health Organization which was at Event 201.
ID2020 was founded by Rockefeller Foundation. The Jew Aaron Russo revealed that Rockefellers want to microchip population. The rabbi and genealogist Malcolm H. Stern showed that Rockefellers has Jewish ancestry!
The Alchemist7 said:
Young Faith said:
I really struggle to understand these numbers and letters references, I don't get the whole meaning of this and how it works
That is jewish kabbalistic numerology that connects the energy of the masses to the jewish thoughtform. 42 is a number of the jewish thoughtform, 4+2=6, this is why we see so many references in the media to number 6 or numbers that make 6 if counted together. It is a sort of unconscious manipulation of the masses to channel their mind energies to the jewish egregore/thoughtform because thought = energy, combine the energies of billions of people and you have a very powerful thoughtform constantly fueled that the jews are using to materialize their agenda of world domination. Their trouble is that we are destroying their thoughtform with the Final RTR. For more details on how jewish spirituality works, read:

Is there anything significant about the number 54 for the jews ?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
