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The hidden meaning of "bitch"

Ramier108666 said:
tabby said:
Ramier108666 said:
Indeed. I haven’t even seen Blackdragon or any other black SS post in awhile. That is a bit concerning. Shannon has been quiet as well. I do hope they are ok.
Is it possible that they are working on something in the background, maybe?
That could be the case. I don’t want to jump to conclusions. I’m just concerned for their well being and all.
Blackdragon is busy with work and advancement and Shannon simply with advancement (could be work related as well, you know how hectic this world can be at this point) as far as I know.
jrvan said:
CinnamonCake said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
Do you think babies magically grow in women? A man has to plant that seed in her. Just wait until artificial wombs are an advanced technology and you F-cultists won’t be so smug about saying things like this because then we WILL be here without women.

Is that not a valid reason?

I don’t recall any turtle food but thankfully my mother didn’t impose toxic femininity onto me like so many do today.

“ Just wait until artificial wombs are an advanced technology and you F-cultists won’t be so smug about saying things like this because then we WILL be here without women.”

I'm tired of your stupid troll. F-cultist? I am just a Spiritual Satanist. When I performed the dedication ritual to Satan with my blood, I did not know that there is a hierarchy between the sexes in this religion and that the woman is below the man. Am I in some kind of Islamic cult now, where am I? If you want me to take your word for it, now I have to leave this religion. In this case, JoS would have lost an SS because of you.

But let me guess, all of this is just fun for you, a fantasy that can satisfy your sluggish character. By the way, I've been dealing with your ignorance too much, but once in evolution, female creatures reproduced alone in the earth. Satan has evolved us this way because He wanted us to exist as men and women. Ah, if you want to see women in an unneeded position in the future, you can share that directly with Satan.

His sex robot thing is verbatim MGTOW bullshit. Have you heard of those retards, Sandman and TFM? They bash women all day on their channels for a living. It's a literal cult based solely on male chauvinism, and their version of "heaven" is sex robots. "Don't worry guys, sex robots are coming. When they get here, we will all be free from women in a 100% male utopia where female babies will be euthanized." Their retarded cult followers who bought into MGTOW because of their trauma and pain don't even realize that they're getting played, and it never crosses their tiny little minds how much money their cult leaders are making off of their tears and male chauvinist unity which is the only thing tying them together - pathological hatred of the entire female sex.

The entire MGTOW "philosophy" is a classic jewish cult script. One of the minor differences from xianity is that they simply cast females directly in the "devil" role. In xianity, the devil tempted females who then "twisted the arms" of males or whatever to get them to go along with the devil's plot to make humans into literal Gods, and it's all Eve's fault for forcing Adam to become an all-knowing God and stop being a cucked slave to a rabbi pretending to be God. How dare females turn males into real men, and show them the power of their Kundalini serpent to literally create whatever they want. Adam wanted to be a slave cuck to jews, so Eve is an evil bitch who has to be eternally subservient to Adam according to rabbi yhwh. This was Eve's "punishment" from the jews. Meanwhile, as long as Adam works hard as a good slave then he can be a big proud man bossing his wife around while he sucks jew cock, and it will be like he's still in the slave garden paradise that Eve dared to try to take him out of. Oh wait, he literally is still there. Be happy Adam, you're back in the Garden of Eden! You're a good goy, and you get to rule over your wife and be a dick to her without consequence because you serve jews.

Jews have turned men against their own women, and the retarded males go along with it. Men routinely choose xianity and jews over their own women, and demand that their women bow down to them as "men" while they themselves bow down to jews.
Women -> Men -> jews
This curse is straight out of the bible.

I didn't know what you said, it's so scary. You are quite right. They are completely in service with the jewish order. What sane man would be hostile to his own woman? Women who are oppressed and restricted do not benefit society or race. The Golden Age cannot be reached without women. This person does not even know that he is feeding the jewish mentality.
Henu the Great said:
Ramier108666 said:
tabby said:
Is it possible that they are working on something in the background, maybe?
That could be the case. I don’t want to jump to conclusions. I’m just concerned for their well being and all.
Blackdragon is busy with work and advancement and Shannon simply with advancement (could be work related as well, you know how hectic this world can be at this point) as far as I know.

Last time Blackdragon said he was going through a tough transit, but that’s about it. Shannon has been completely silent. I would assume it’s her working on Kundalini most likely.
Ramier108666 said:
Henu the Great said:
Ramier108666 said:
That could be the case. I don’t want to jump to conclusions. I’m just concerned for their well being and all.
Blackdragon is busy with work and advancement and Shannon simply with advancement (could be work related as well, you know how hectic this world can be at this point) as far as I know.
Last time Blackdragon said he was going through a tough transit, but that’s about it. Shannon has been completely silent. I would assume it’s her working on Kundalini most likely.
I didn't read that, but about a mention about work related time constraints. In any case, I am certain that these people will push through no matter what.
Henu the Great said:
Ramier108666 said:
Henu the Great said:
Blackdragon is busy with work and advancement and Shannon simply with advancement (could be work related as well, you know how hectic this world can be at this point) as far as I know.
Last time Blackdragon said he was going through a tough transit, but that’s about it. Shannon has been completely silent. I would assume it’s her working on Kundalini most likely.
I didn't read that, but about a mention about work related time constraints. In any case, I am certain that these people will push through no matter what.

That was when I had contact with them.
Ramier108666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Ramier108666 said:
You have a point Fancy. Don’t forget HPS Shannon who is also a female and a valuable role model for us as well. It is of no consequence that Outlaw Torn is going to troll and won’t stop for that manner. So it’s best if we don’t engage his trolling, because sooner or later he’s going to get kicked off the forums for it if he continues. Can’t keep dross mindset of a crow among swans lol. So if this a insult to you Outlaw, then understand this that you keep causing problems for people, so you are therefore encouraging full disunity amongst these forums. You are not helping.

So either do something that is meaningful and helpful for others with the right delivery and respect, or do yourself a favor and get the hell off the forums and go to Reddit and troll there. Because it’s not welcome here.
Yeah, but HPS Shannon seems to not be here. Only HPHC seems to be around... Also I'm White, so I tend to think of HPS Maxine immediately. As a White Man and at my current level and position, HPS Shannon is above me. Being both Female and Black she is a very important person for the Black Race in this Ministry. I am not ashamed to know, realise and admit that she is such.

Indeed. I haven’t even seen Blackdragon or any other black SS post in awhile. That is a bit concerning. Shannon has been quiet as well. I do hope they are ok.
I don't go into the Black or Asian, and also non-English/American/open-for-all areas. I don't know who is Black, except for HPS Shannon, of course, and a guess of 1 or 2 other members. If they didn't post in the open forum for all, then I wouldn't have known they were not active.

Bright Truth said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=352196 time=1651988785 user_id=21286]
Women represent the higher chakras and their associated planets. This is why they are less aggressive than men and are more delicate. Yet, feminine energies have their own strengths as well.

Even men have feminine energies within them. If they were entirely masculine on an energetic level, they would be like brainless ogres, without any direction, thinking, or sensing abilities.

Women are good at these abilities and that is their specialty in society. The functions of the Moon go beyond a simple womb. Yet, we have not seen the full expression of this on this planet due to Jewish influence, nor have we seen the full expression of anything.

With all this in mind, it would be very silly to attack women in their entirety. Even if you made a perfectly functional artificial womb, you would still need someone to care for and nurture the youth. Then, you are back to square one, with a need for women.

Beyond children, you seem to forget that men want more than just a hole to fuck. We want love just like anyone else, and most of us want this from a feminine source. Even if you went through the trouble of building an artificial source for this for each man, wouldn't it be easier to just leave women?

I could go on and on. I think you need to come to your senses a bit more about these fundamental topics. Pointing out the weaknesses of women is one thing, but advocating their entire removal from existence is just crazy.

I would like to add, both these claims from women and men, that high technology will bring extinction of one gender is nonsense. Human soul needs both feminine and masculine energy to be balanced. Without a real father or mother, this is a "How To Make Greys 101" guideline. Born child would be Homo Goyimus, nothing different from Greys.

HPHC stated this, playing with high technology out of boundaries of what is natural, will be resulted as catastrophe, this is what happened to Greys.
Homosexuality is guuuu.
Fanboy said:
jrvan said:
NakedPluto said:
Why you preoccupy your mind with such things. There are people who are bitches, female and male. And for damn sure I don't care about these bitches. Try not to generalize and make philosophy out of reactive things, by reacting.

This thing while took an influence in the world from the jewish programming, there's no holy jewish spirit you tap in when you say bitch to a woman or man. The more damaging nature of the jewish influence stands more in depth and rooted than a simple bitch or cultural impression.

People should absolutely educate and elevate themselves out of these primal and instinctual urges, however the majority of the people in the world are like this, instinctual, vulgar most of the times. So no, let their simplicity call out in and for themselves.

I also don't see the necessity of these observations on us, SS.

Any discussion upon this very large spectrum of generalisation is direct and absolute absurd. Simply this cannot be analyzed for a fruitful discussion, conclusion, and neither it is something of value.

More so you are leading this with an axiom of sorts, a generalisation with a command. This cannot work, and it is purely a reflective rant, that can only get replies of reaction and not discussion.

A higher focus and preoccupation of the mind must be instated, by meditation, and I state this as, even if natural, I wish there will not be so much comfortable ground on such simple preoccupations.

As a SS, you can aim with much more refinement your energies and surroundings of the mind, for a better perspective and creative steps for the future.

What the fuck dude. If you don't like it then fine, but don't tell me not to say it. There are so many random posts that might not fit perfectly into the category of this subforum, but they are still allowed to be made, and you're not going on those threads and saying this to them.

You're not the arbiter of truth either. If I believe something based on my own experiences and observations then it's my right to view things this way. We don't all have to agree on everything, and it was even said in the past that the clergy don't always agree on everything either.

Just leave me alone, and don't tell me what to do. I'm allowed to focus on whatever I want even if it's lowbrow for you or whatever. Seriously, WTF. You are going to be the final punch that sends me into a psych ward where I end my life. I'm so tired of this crap. Just back off.

The psych ward is unironically one of the nicest places to be. You have a nice bed that sounds like it's made of diapers, you have a nice hot shower, your own toilet, they give you a menu that you order your days 3 small meals in advance. they give you fruit and ice cream. Its very quiet and peaceful.. You have a rec room to play cards and do puzzles And a big TV to watch movies on the carpet. Group meetings where you talk about things you want and how you feel.

The staff comes by in the middle of the night to check on you and get you water or make you a sandwich. They make sure you don't have anything you can hurt yourself or other people with, they respect your space and privacy and the nurses are generally very nice. It's honestly the most cozy and comfy happy place I've ever been in my life. Never felt more safe than on the 8th floor of a hospital with no windows. 24/7 Constant stress and fear and rage and loneliness isn't actually normal, we are a product of our environment.

Life is hard enough, if the guys on here are making you feel like crap then you should just take all the time that you spend on the jos, And do something fun instead. literally dont log on. You have no obligation to let anyone make you feel like shit.

Your findings and feelings are totally valid, and they make sense. We respect what you have to say and appreciate you bringing this topic up. Misogyny is really gross and you're right it does need some attention. I think we all should be more careful about the kinds of insults we use. Very often we find ourselves doing the enemies work with our own mouth.

This post is not about me, nor was it about bringing up any issues of hatred or gender wars on the forums. It was advice for females in their outer lives in case they might find it helpful because sometimes understanding the games that people play and the psychology behind the games can help to figure out the best approach. If people understand what is meant subconsciously when certain people in specific hostile situations use the word "bitch" aggressively, or even sometimes as an indignant put-down, then they can know that it has nothing to do with them and their behavior but rather the male feeling threatened by the power of the female and fear of losing his control over her, and respond accordingly. When one is ignorant then they might be misled to believe that being called a bitch has anything to do with their behavior. There is never a justifiable reason to call a woman a bitch, in my opinion. There are many other vocabulary words to choose from that could aptly describe the behavior of an awful human being, male or female, and would convey one's disgust at said behavior if one insists on conveying it to the person at all. Using the word "bitch" on autopilot against a woman is simply showing a lack of imagination and good vocabulary.

As an exercise and proof of concept, males should try to imagine themselves ever using the word "bitch" to describe a woman who is completely docile and submissive to them. If a male isn't a total piece of shit who bullies women just because then of course they will be turned off by that. But then they should try to imagine all of the instances where they would use the word "bitch" to describe a woman. Chances are, it's only women who go against them and their male authority, or refuse to do what the male wants them to do (in other words using their free will as a human being). Or who held them accountable for their actions, or in any way did something against them. If a male did something against them then they most likely wouldn't use the word "bitch" as their first reaction, but if a woman does something against them then they immediately use the word "bitch" to describe her, on impulse. Most don't even realize how impulsive it is for them to do this, or how ingrained this is into the male psychology that is programmed by society and culture. And what exactly is programming the culture and the society? Well, to answer that question, one just needs to go on a map and check how many areas and street names are biblical references, and see how many churches are in one area let alone an entire national territory. The answer is too many. Bible references plague the mass consciousness.

If I was a woman then I would be doing everything in my power to organize people against xianity and to burn all churches to the ground. Most women don't even realize how much power they have, especially when they unite together. The enemy fears women for a reason. If women collectively put all of the energy of the feminist movement against xianity then they would be unstoppable, and we would take our society back very quickly because there would be nothing funneling energy to the spells of the jews. Women would also get their men back, and the jews would no longer be able to turn their own men against them. The jews stole Adam away from Eve, and turned Adam against Eve. That's what happened, and most men don't even realize it.

Anyway, to reiterate the OP once again:

Bottom line is that defiant women piss men off, and that's not even "patriarchy" - that's judaism. Women should know the score, and what it's all really about. Insisting on your human dignity being respected is not feminism or an attempt to cuck men.
Veritá_666 said:
The Outlaw Torn said:

You are taking the wrong approach, you don't have to look at your rotten ego, you have to look towards advancement.
Instead of answering in kind, you would have looked better by just saying thank you.

Then the profile picture is not hilarious, it will probably make newcomers think JoS is a bunch of idiots.

Also I gave you the example of the Goddess for the fact that I can see a mile away that you hate the fact that there are many respected females at important points within Satan's family.
But you instead of asking why, you preferred to pander to the rotten ego saturated with inllusions, you will gain nothing by believing a lie.

I also find that his pfp is just tactless.
The Outlaw Torn said:
NakedPluto said:
Here is an example of bad influence. Absurd discussion, absurd comparisons and absurd jewy rebellion. Everything on a generalisation.

What does this kind of discussion produces?
Have you met all women the world to know? Have you met all males in the world? By what males are above or females are above? Why this initiates primal reactions?

Stop dictating your minds unto very simple and animal perspectives of life. These things are extremely simple and they do not need to be disseminated in such ways and neither have your identity absorbed in this.

People are people, some will be vulgar and stupid. Some are better than others, etc. individually. To asses on a categorisation of nature a superiority of sorts, which is the female and male, is beyond absurd and problematic.

Everyone needs each other and there's a cycle of power and dominance created in time and steps necessary to life. This incentive and discussion is started on an internal conflict, which most of the times stands on disharmony and trauma and jewish programming.

You will find extraordinary women in life, as well as males. You will also find abhorrent females and males. What does this mean? People are existing on a low consciousness and manifestation.

From desire and incentive, to action and conclusion, they will gathered together as they resonate with each other. This is no drama in life and it is a natural thing.

But when you resonate yourself with peasantry chit chat and beef, you'll gather the same and conclude the same.

The mind is extremely stupid in these matters, and it is not a matter of judgement and conclusions, but a matter of fitting and existing, purely full filing your life.

The question stands, do you want to fulfil your life surrounded by the same projection you gather within or do you want to resonate with people above the lower discriminant. If so, do not confuse the levels of existence.
What is this pseudo intellectual junk there’s no reason to write a lovecraftian novel when replying to someone.

Generalizations are fair and there’s nothing wrong with them. Would you agree that most men are physically stronger than women? That’s a generalization and it’s true.

The world runs on generalizations.We do not have time to talk about every single man and woman that may or may not be above one another, and to what end? Just to say “I guess there was a woman that’s above a man out there” WHO CARES!!!

Try to procreate without a woman. If you can, then you are above every women. Men and wimmen are equal important.

A drug addict men is for example stronger then a women, but a women for example does care about the people around her, so for the community and her race she is above the drug addict men.
Ramier108666 said:
tabby said:
Ramier108666 said:
Indeed. I haven’t even seen Blackdragon or any other black SS post in awhile. That is a bit concerning. Shannon has been quiet as well. I do hope they are ok.

Is it possible that they are working on something in the background, maybe?

That could be the case. I don’t want to jump to conclusions. I’m just concerned for their well being and all.

Hey, I'm fine. Just working on things-- kundalini and career.
I was away for a little time. I'm fine and well. I'm a bit sensitive lately and find that I need little breaks from online activity, i.e. the news, etc.

I hope you all are doing well. I do miss you guys.
HPS Shannon said:
Ramier108666 said:
tabby said:
Is it possible that they are working on something in the background, maybe?

That could be the case. I don’t want to jump to conclusions. I’m just concerned for their well being and all.

Hey, I'm fine. Just working on things-- kundalini and career.
I was away for a little time. I'm fine and well. I'm a bit sensitive lately and find that I need little breaks from online activity, i.e. the news, etc.

I hope you all are doing well. I do miss you guys.

Good to see you back Shannon. Missed you too! :D :D :D
HPS Shannon said:
Ramier108666 said:
tabby said:
Is it possible that they are working on something in the background, maybe?

That could be the case. I don’t want to jump to conclusions. I’m just concerned for their well being and all.

Hey, I'm fine. Just working on things-- kundalini and career.
I was away for a little time. I'm fine and well. I'm a bit sensitive lately and find that I need little breaks from online activity, i.e. the news, etc.

I hope you all are doing well. I do miss you guys.
I'm happy to see you again. :)
HPS Shannon said:
Ramier108666 said:
tabby said:
Is it possible that they are working on something in the background, maybe?

That could be the case. I don’t want to jump to conclusions. I’m just concerned for their well being and all.

Hey, I'm fine. Just working on things-- kundalini and career.
I was away for a little time. I'm fine and well. I'm a bit sensitive lately and find that I need little breaks from online activity, i.e. the news, etc.

I hope you all are doing well. I do miss you guys.

Good luck on your endeavours!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
