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The hidden meaning of "bitch"

Bright Truth said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
But men ARE above women in the hierarchy and there’s nothing wrong with that.

In a spiritual perspective, this is true. Men are generally everything but water. Society wants men to be steel-like, an earth element. Also there are stupid men for sure, but the ones who possess both air and earth, can be really good leaders. It is also through ambition of fire characteristic.

One is free to agree on it or not, but the truth is, this way of upbringing worked throughout history. I only laugh while I see politicians while they are saying "Pleez gentlemen, we have to be good goooyss, ooyy veeyy."

No, this definitely is not working. This is why our Eternal King, Lord Beelzebul is the god of paternal order.

Note: My words are not for to offend anyone. I just saw this post of The Outlaw Torn and replied.

I know you have this islamic sexist mentality because I know you personally, but “in nature” it is very unsupportive to say that the male is at the top of the hierarchy and the female is below him. There is always duality; there is always yin and yang balance. If these things were gender related, there would be no female authority figure rulers, leaders and Goddesses. Superiority rests with individuals, based on intelligence, spirituality and genetics; not just one gender. Don't use your limited knowledge to normalize your fantasy world. We shouldn't have had to explain this to an SS. You should have been aware of that. It is just one of the many things that show that you are an immature boy when you say that you see women as lower than men in the hierarchy on the platform that a woman has established thanks to her efforts, intelligence, leadership and spirituality.
jrvan said:
Yeah, exactly - like NinRick said - relax; don't do it, and all the rest of the song. To be honest, if you take what Internet fools say personally, then that means you need to get off (not with Franky, but...!) the Internet and get some other things in life happening. The Internet is a place, and not a physical one, so don't take it seriously when people are being dicks. You have a big red button, which turns your entire World-Wide Web (connection) off, I am sure, so... do that! (Just make sure donald trump or jew biden don't see you pressing the big red button, though...) When you get attacked by going down a rough neighbourhood, do you continue to go there and whinge and cry and bitch like a little whingey, crying little bitch? I think you don't go there again. I'm not telling you to stop coming here; I'm saying to stop putting too much importance and seriousness into online dickheads' bullshit.
The Outlaw Torn said:
jrvan said:
You are going to be the final punch that sends me into a psych ward where I end my life. I'm so tired of this crap. Just back off.
Did you really just threaten suicide

I have a certain perception of mental clinics. It's the idea that once you go in, you don't come out. I don't know what policies are like nowadays. You would think that once checked in, you would be able to check yourself out, but I know there was a maliciousness to these places and the staff in the past.

But hey, at least I wouldn't have to pay rent, right? ;) :roll:
As for the whole “men are stronger than women - physically”, this isn’t a justification to have a lower level of respect towards females because of human males being biologically created with the potential to be physically stronger than females.

A woman’s body is designed for bearing a child, and since she can’t easily protect herself physically whilst pregnant or nursing, of course the males are built to be predisposed to have a physically stronger body. Naturally, in human society, men are usually part of the physical warrior class. Does this mean men are above women, or women are weaker then men? No.

Look to the Gods and their archetypes. The strengths of men and women are different, and one is not beneath the other. Where a woman may be physically weaker than a man, she makes up for in many other ways.

In the ancient times, I’d bet that women could kick the asses of the men existing today for how weak they’ve become on the whole.

Here’s the thing some boys need to start learning: A man doesn’t protect his women because they are weaker than him. He protects them because they are important.
FancyMancy said:
Oh, yeah, Men are superior to Women; Women are inferior to Men. Do you know why? Let me tell you why.

Because the masculine side of the Brain and Soul is about lower thing, base, Earthly things. The feminine side of the Brain and Soul are about higher things, Spirituality, creativity.

That's why Men are better than Women and Women are worse than Men. Yep.

For those who don't realise - I am being sarcastic. HPS Maxine is the founder of Joy of Satan Ministries. She - yes, a Female, not a Male - is higher than all of you cocks, so shut your traps and get your own respective lives.

You have a point Fancy. Don’t forget HPS Shannon who is also a female and a valuable role model for us as well. It is of no consequence that Outlaw Torn is going to troll and won’t stop for that manner. So it’s best if we don’t engage his trolling, because sooner or later he’s going to get kicked off the forums for it if he continues. Can’t keep dross mindset of a crow among swans lol. So if this a insult to you Outlaw, then understand this that you keep causing problems for people, so you are therefore encouraging full disunity amongst these forums. You are not helping.

So either do something that is meaningful and helpful for others with the right delivery and respect, or do yourself a favor and get the hell off the forums and go to Reddit and troll there. Because it’s not welcome here.
Jack said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Your post made me think quite a bit.
I think that I've identified a source of conflict on this forum which I'm eager to share.
Assuming that it's human nature to want to establish a hierarchy, how does one do it on a forum which is mostly based on knowledge?
How does one establish a hierarchy based on knowledge, when most people are very close in knowledge? It's easy to say that a SS is superior (in knowledge) than an andrapoda. But how to tell between SS? Two SS would need to talk and share their knowledge to see which party has more than the other. However, once they do this, they will both have the exact same amount of knowledge and they'll stand at the same level.
There's also the problem that the party that has more knowledge can intuitively tell which party has less knowledge, but the inverse is not always true. If one doesn't know something, how can he tell that the other party knows?
I believe that this difficulty of establishing a hierarchy could be the source of lots of conflicts on this forum.
Good question. I do think things would be a lot different if this forum was physical instead of digital. Respect and understandings among each other would be easier.
I don't know who said it but there was someone who said that people here live double lives and it seems to be true for a lot of people.

I don't know why but even after having a lot of information a lot of of these individuals are just absolute losers ,even worse than the average normie.

They try to feel special and important in their heads and feel as if they have important ideas but no one respects them in the real world, no one cares about them ,they can't dominate a room full of people or talk to people normally even ,haven't conquered life ,don't have the will to take action.

I have respect only for the people who try to become better in their lives ,even if they're SS.

All the knowledge is null and void if you don't make things happen physically.

True lol
CinnamonCake said:
I know you have this islamic sexist mentality because I know you personally, but “in nature” it is very unsupportive to say that the male is at the top of the hierarchy and the female is below him.
In a natural survival situation women cannot survive without men, but men can survive without women.

There is always duality; there is always yin and yang balance. If these things were gender related, there would be no female authority figure rulers, leaders and Goddesses. Superiority rests with individuals, based on intelligence, spirituality and genetics; not just one gender. Don't use your limited knowledge to normalize your fantasy world. We shouldn't have had to explain this to an SS. You should have been aware of that. It is just one of the many things that show that you are an immature boy when you say that you see women as lower than men in the hierarchy on the platform that a woman has established thanks to her efforts, intelligence, leadership and spirituality.
No one said the rest of those things at the end you just made it up.
Hierarchy can not be based on knowledge alone. Nor on something like the size of your bank account or social skills.

I think it is more accurate to say that it is based on the sum of you, more specifically your soul, which includes every expierence you ever had. Souls, like candle flames can grow or shrink in size, at least up until a point, after which soul is simply growing, only the rate of growth being something that differs between two different immortal souls. So just as souls can evolve and devolve, so is rank something dynamic.

What do you think?
jrvan said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
jrvan said:
You are going to be the final punch that sends me into a psych ward where I end my life. I'm so tired of this crap. Just back off.
Did you really just threaten suicide

I have a certain perception of mental clinics. It's the idea that once you go in, you don't come out. I don't know what policies are like nowadays. You would think that once checked in, you would be able to check yourself out, but I know there was a maliciousness to these places and the staff in the past.

But hey, at least I wouldn't have to pay rent, right? ;) :roll:

It's alright bro it's not like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. 5150 order means they keep you for 72 hours, but usually ends up actually being a week. And 5250 means they keep you for 2 weeks. But I don't think there is any way to keep you longer than that.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
Did you really just threaten suicide

I have a certain perception of mental clinics. It's the idea that once you go in, you don't come out. I don't know what policies are like nowadays. You would think that once checked in, you would be able to check yourself out, but I know there was a maliciousness to these places and the staff in the past.

But hey, at least I wouldn't have to pay rent, right? ;) :roll:

It's alright bro it's not like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. 5150 order means they keep you for 72 hours, but usually ends up actually being a week. And 5250 means they keep you for 2 weeks. But I don't think there is any way to keep you longer than that.

Oh well that's a damn relief lol. I had an experience as a child which made me completely believe the stories about people being sedated on drugs and being treated like they're crazy by the institution staff and having their protesting ignored even if they're not crazy. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest honestly seemed legit to me because of my childhood. I thought this sort of thing happened decades ago though?
The Outlaw Torn said:
I wonder why nobody told you about the profile picture, it's quite ridiculous.
A gif of the servant of israel, what an image you give to the forums.
The Outlaw Torn said:
But men ARE above women in the hierarchy and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Men are better in some areas, while women are better in others.

There is no hierarchy, a man and a woman complement each other, it's all about balance, this way you get efficiency in society.

Do you think you are so superior to a woman?
Go and see the description of any Goddess, and then tell me how worthless you feel in comparison.

If you want to advance, you will have to understand the spiritual side of femininity, and you will have to balance it with the masculine side.
What I can suggest is that you do some work to deprogram yourself from jewish influences, like xianism for example.
This is already a starting point.

Or you can drown in your own inllusions, getting angry that a female is stronger than you.
If you choose that, keep your nonsense off the forum.
Ramier108666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Oh, yeah, Men are superior to Women; Women are inferior to Men. Do you know why? Let me tell you why.

Because the masculine side of the Brain and Soul is about lower thing, base, Earthly things. The feminine side of the Brain and Soul are about higher things, Spirituality, creativity.

That's why Men are better than Women and Women are worse than Men. Yep.

For those who don't realise - I am being sarcastic. HPS Maxine is the founder of Joy of Satan Ministries. She - yes, a Female, not a Male - is higher than all of you cocks, so shut your traps and get your own respective lives.

You have a point Fancy. Don’t forget HPS Shannon who is also a female and a valuable role model for us as well. It is of no consequence that Outlaw Torn is going to troll and won’t stop for that manner. So it’s best if we don’t engage his trolling, because sooner or later he’s going to get kicked off the forums for it if he continues. Can’t keep dross mindset of a crow among swans lol. So if this a insult to you Outlaw, then understand this that you keep causing problems for people, so you are therefore encouraging full disunity amongst these forums. You are not helping.

So either do something that is meaningful and helpful for others with the right delivery and respect, or do yourself a favor and get the hell off the forums and go to Reddit and troll there. Because it’s not welcome here.
Yeah, but HPS Shannon seems to not be here. Only HPHC seems to be around... Also I'm White, so I tend to think of HPS Maxine immediately. As a White Man and at my current level and position, HPS Shannon is above me. Being both Female and Black she is a very important person for the Black Race in this Ministry. I am not ashamed to know, realise and admit that she is such.
jrvan said:
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest honestly seemed legit to me because of my childhood. I thought this sort of thing happened decades ago though?

Yes, this is how it worked in the 1950s and 1960s. I'm not sure exactly when it ended, I guess some time in the early 1970s. The government decided it costs way too much money to run these places but there used to be hundreds of them everywhere. And most of the patients lived there permanently. Some were "crazy" people, some were innocent people who didn't belong there, but the largest number were mentally retarded in some way. Most of them were comfortable in those places, did not want to leave, and were afraid to go anywhere else. Nearly 100% of them lived the rest of their lives just being homeless and not getting any help once those places closed.

You should watch Sling Blade. Great movie and is about a guy who lived for decades in one of those places and then is forced to leave and try to find a way to live outside of there.
The Outlaw Torn said:
CinnamonCake said:
I know you have this islamic sexist mentality because I know you personally, but “in nature” it is very unsupportive to say that the male is at the top of the hierarchy and the female is below him.
In a natural survival situation women cannot survive without men, but men can survive without women.

There is always duality; there is always yin and yang balance. If these things were gender related, there would be no female authority figure rulers, leaders and Goddesses. Superiority rests with individuals, based on intelligence, spirituality and genetics; not just one gender. Don't use your limited knowledge to normalize your fantasy world. We shouldn't have had to explain this to an SS. You should have been aware of that. It is just one of the many things that show that you are an immature boy when you say that you see women as lower than men in the hierarchy on the platform that a woman has established thanks to her efforts, intelligence, leadership and spirituality.
No one said the rest of those things at the end you just made it up.

Do you see this as "superiority"? Hahaha. Because someone has to tell you that a woman is needed for a man to be born. Through a woman you are in this world, you are alive. But nobody says "women are superior" because we are not as stupid as you. Did you sit down and think and come to this conclusion? “Men protect women in nature, women are more delicate, so I guess men are superior to women.” Did your mother feed you with turtle food when you were a kid? Stupid.
Veritá_666 said:
I wonder why nobody told you about the profile picture, it's quite ridiculous.
A gif of the servant of israel, what an image you give to the forums.
Gonna cry about a harmless gif I think is hilarious? Maybe you should get that stick out of your ass before talking with me. You must be part of the NO FUN ALLOWED coven.

Veritá_666 said:
There is no hierarchy, a man and a woman complement each other, it's all about balance, this way you get efficiency in society.
There is ALWAYS a hierarchy among everything. Choose to ignore it if you like but it will still be there.

Do you think you are so superior to a woman?
Go and see the description of any Goddess, and then tell me how worthless you feel in comparison.
A goddess is superior to me. What a genius point. I never knew that :eek:!

If you want to advance, you will have to understand the spiritual side of femininity, and you will have to balance it with the masculine side.
What I can suggest is that you do some work to deprogram yourself from jewish influences, like xianism for example.
This is already a starting point.
Or you can drown in your own inllusions, getting angry that a female is stronger than you.
If you choose that, keep your nonsense off the forum.
You and the F-Cult are the ones with delusions because I never said any of that but you chose dishonesty place it on me anyway.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest honestly seemed legit to me because of my childhood. I thought this sort of thing happened decades ago though?

Yes, this is how it worked in the 1950s and 1960s. I'm not sure exactly when it ended, I guess some time in the early 1970s. The government decided it costs way too much money to run these places but there used to be hundreds of them everywhere. And most of the patients lived there permanently. Some were "crazy" people, some were innocent people who didn't belong there, but the largest number were mentally retarded in some way. Most of them were comfortable in those places, did not want to leave, and were afraid to go anywhere else. Nearly 100% of them lived the rest of their lives just being homeless and not getting any help once those places closed.

You should watch Sling Blade. Great movie and is about a guy who lived for decades in one of those places and then is forced to leave and try to find a way to live outside of there.

Oh wow. This is really informative and a big change to my perception of things.

That brings up some huge ethical questions in my mind about what to do with unproductive mentally handicapped people in society. I know of some good programs in the United States that have social workers who work with kids and adults to help them live on their own with or without assistance, and I believe the long term goal is to help them live independently if they can get that far. There's also the Special Olympics which is a really nice thing for them, and introduces them to a form of healthy competition, and shows them that they can still compete in life even if they are handicapped.

I guess things have evolved since the institution days, at least from what I can see. It's kind of a relief to me to know that these weren't essentially jewish run prisons to get Gentiles locked up where they can torture them and ruin them spiritually. Or maybe it was like that to a small extent, and that was why you put "crazy" in quotation marks to hint or suggest that they just had unstable spiritual gifts along with jewish curses messing them up?
NakedPluto said:
tabby said:
The past few weeks have been hard on him. Jrvan hasn’t had a chance to settle down from the last conflicts and meme wars before your comment here.

Forgive him for being on edge.

I understand have no worries. When I have a lot of conflict and need resolve, I do RTRs, a lot of them and feel very good afterwards.

The enemy also takes profit of these internal conflicts, so as soon as this is resolved as better for everyone and fruitful.

Acknowledged. I have been helping Jrvan when he is upset, to offer the energies of his anger to Father Satan to be used against the enemy. Though in the moment at the height of his anger it’s hard for him to think through it clearly. We’re learning as we go, just sometimes it can take a while to figure out things that work as a solution for us.

It seems the tension may be lessening now though, and that fruitful discussion can start taking off.
CinnamonCake said:
Do you see this as "superiority"? Hahaha. Because someone has to tell you that a woman is needed for a man to be born. Through a woman you are in this world, you are alive. But nobody says "women are superior" because we are not as stupid as you.
Do you think babies magically grow in women? A man has to plant that seed in her. Just wait until artificial wombs are an advanced technology and you F-cultists won’t be so smug about saying things like this because then we WILL be here without women.

Did you sit down and think and come to this conclusion? “Men protect women in nature, women are more delicate, so I guess men are superior to women.”
Is that not a valid reason?

Did your mother feed you with turtle food when you were a kid? Stupid.
I don’t recall any turtle food but thankfully my mother didn’t impose toxic femininity onto me like so many do today.
tabby said:
NakedPluto said:
tabby said:
The past few weeks have been hard on him. Jrvan hasn’t had a chance to settle down from the last conflicts and meme wars before your comment here.

Forgive him for being on edge.

I understand have no worries. When I have a lot of conflict and need resolve, I do RTRs, a lot of them and feel very good afterwards.

The enemy also takes profit of these internal conflicts, so as soon as this is resolved as better for everyone and fruitful.

Acknowledged. I have been helping Jrvan when he is upset, to offer the energies of his anger to Father Satan to be used against the enemy. Though in the moment at the height of his anger it’s hard for him to think through it clearly. We’re learning as we go, just sometimes it can take a while to figure out things that work as a solution for us.

It seems the tension may be lessening now though, and that fruitful discussion can start taking off.

You guys need to socialise with people in real life. You are both too sensitive when it comes to social interaction.

He can go to a gym, material arts, making his fishing license, joining groups online for whatever interaction, going out with a basketball and shooting etc.

You can go visit cooking courses, book groups, and you both together can go to dancing courses, there u can meet other couples.

Jrvan said he doesn’t want to hang out with other people, but this is just toxic. People are social and need social interaction. The internet is not enough.

Meditate, strive, have a good income, socialise and have fun. Everyone needs it.
The Outlaw Torn said:
CinnamonCake said:
Do you see this as "superiority"? Hahaha. Because someone has to tell you that a woman is needed for a man to be born. Through a woman you are in this world, you are alive. But nobody says "women are superior" because we are not as stupid as you.
Do you think babies magically grow in women? A man has to plant that seed in her. Just wait until artificial wombs are an advanced technology and you F-cultists won’t be so smug about saying things like this because then we WILL be here without women.

Did you sit down and think and come to this conclusion? “Men protect women in nature, women are more delicate, so I guess men are superior to women.”
Is that not a valid reason?

Did your mother feed you with turtle food when you were a kid? Stupid.
I don’t recall any turtle food but thankfully my mother didn’t impose toxic femininity onto me like so many do today.

“ Just wait until artificial wombs are an advanced technology and you F-cultists won’t be so smug about saying things like this because then we WILL be here without women.”

I'm tired of your stupid troll. F-cultist? I am just a Spiritual Satanist. When I performed the dedication ritual to Satan with my blood, I did not know that there is a hierarchy between the sexes in this religion and that the woman is below the man. Am I in some kind of Islamic cult now, where am I? If you want me to take your word for it, now I have to leave this religion. In this case, JoS would have lost an SS because of you.

But let me guess, all of this is just fun for you, a fantasy that can satisfy your sluggish character. By the way, I've been dealing with your ignorance too much, but once in evolution, female creatures reproduced alone in the earth. Satan has evolved us this way because He wanted us to exist as men and women. Ah, if you want to see women in an unneeded position in the future, you can share that directly with Satan.
The Outlaw Torn said:
CinnamonCake said:
Do you see this as "superiority"? Hahaha. Because someone has to tell you that a woman is needed for a man to be born. Through a woman you are in this world, you are alive. But nobody says "women are superior" because we are not as stupid as you.
Do you think babies magically grow in women? A man has to plant that seed in her. Just wait until artificial wombs are an advanced technology and you F-cultists won’t be so smug about saying things like this because then we WILL be here without women.

Did you sit down and think and come to this conclusion? “Men protect women in nature, women are more delicate, so I guess men are superior to women.”
Is that not a valid reason?

Did your mother feed you with turtle food when you were a kid? Stupid.
I don’t recall any turtle food but thankfully my mother didn’t impose toxic femininity onto me like so many do today.

The amount of bs the females here put up with is retarded. But we say one "mean" thing to the boys, or we tell you to hold some basic respect for women, and you idiots have a shit fest. The double standards are appalling.

An artificial womb still needs a living ovum from a woman. It's disgusting enough you think a human soul can grow in such an unnatural environment in the first place. Or are you one of those freaks wanting to live an existence like in the matrix movies?

If you want to live in a world without the feminine and women, mate, go hang out with the enemy and see how fun it is. I'm sure they'll love you for it. Leave our women and future children the fuck alone.
To the SS men here, who hold themselves to quality standards, and treat their SS sisters and women with respect and support, I honor you and am grateful that you are here advancing.
CinnamonCake said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
CinnamonCake said:
Do you see this as "superiority"? Hahaha. Because someone has to tell you that a woman is needed for a man to be born. Through a woman you are in this world, you are alive. But nobody says "women are superior" because we are not as stupid as you.
Do you think babies magically grow in women? A man has to plant that seed in her. Just wait until artificial wombs are an advanced technology and you F-cultists won’t be so smug about saying things like this because then we WILL be here without women.

Did you sit down and think and come to this conclusion? “Men protect women in nature, women are more delicate, so I guess men are superior to women.”
Is that not a valid reason?

Did your mother feed you with turtle food when you were a kid? Stupid.
I don’t recall any turtle food but thankfully my mother didn’t impose toxic femininity onto me like so many do today.

“ Just wait until artificial wombs are an advanced technology and you F-cultists won’t be so smug about saying things like this because then we WILL be here without women.”

I'm tired of your stupid troll. F-cultist? I am just a Spiritual Satanist. When I performed the dedication ritual to Satan with my blood, I did not know that there is a hierarchy between the sexes in this religion and that the woman is below the man. Am I in some kind of Islamic cult now, where am I? If you want me to take your word for it, now I have to leave this religion. In this case, JoS would have lost an SS because of you.

But let me guess, all of this is just fun for you, a fantasy that can satisfy your sluggish character. By the way, I've been dealing with your ignorance too much, but once in evolution, female creatures reproduced alone in the earth. Satan has evolved us this way because He wanted us to exist as men and women. Ah, if you want to see women in an unneeded position in the future, you can share that directly with Satan.

His sex robot thing is verbatim MGTOW bullshit. Have you heard of those retards, Sandman and TFM? They bash women all day on their channels for a living. It's a literal cult based solely on male chauvinism, and their version of "heaven" is sex robots. "Don't worry guys, sex robots are coming. When they get here, we will all be free from women in a 100% male utopia where female babies will be euthanized." Their retarded cult followers who bought into MGTOW because of their trauma and pain don't even realize that they're getting played, and it never crosses their tiny little minds how much money their cult leaders are making off of their tears and male chauvinist unity which is the only thing tying them together - pathological hatred of the entire female sex.

The entire MGTOW "philosophy" is a classic jewish cult script. One of the minor differences from xianity is that they simply cast females directly in the "devil" role. In xianity, the devil tempted females who then "twisted the arms" of males or whatever to get them to go along with the devil's plot to make humans into literal Gods, and it's all Eve's fault for forcing Adam to become an all-knowing God and stop being a cucked slave to a rabbi pretending to be God. How dare females turn males into real men, and show them the power of their Kundalini serpent to literally create whatever they want. Adam wanted to be a slave cuck to jews, so Eve is an evil bitch who has to be eternally subservient to Adam according to rabbi yhwh. This was Eve's "punishment" from the jews. Meanwhile, as long as Adam works hard as a good slave then he can be a big proud man bossing his wife around while he sucks jew cock, and it will be like he's still in the slave garden paradise that Eve dared to try to take him out of. Oh wait, he literally is still there. Be happy Adam, you're back in the Garden of Eden! You're a good goy, and you get to rule over your wife and be a dick to her without consequence because you serve jews.

Jews have turned men against their own women, and the retarded males go along with it. Men routinely choose xianity and jews over their own women, and demand that their women bow down to them as "men" while they themselves bow down to jews.
Women -> Men -> jews
This curse is straight out of the bible.
CinnamonCake said:
I'm tired of your stupid troll. F-cultist? I am just a Spiritual Satanist. When I performed the dedication ritual to Satan with my blood, I did not know that there is a hierarchy between the sexes in this religion and that the woman is below the man. Am I in some kind of Islamic cult now, where am I? If you want me to take your word for it, now I have to leave this religion. In this case, JoS would have lost an SS because of you.

But let me guess, all of this is just fun for you, a fantasy that can satisfy your sluggish character. By the way, I've been dealing with your ignorance too much, but once in evolution, female creatures reproduced alone in the earth. Satan has evolved us this way because He wanted us to exist as men and women. Ah, if you want to see women in an unneeded position in the future, you can share that directly with Satan.
If you are willing to leave an entire religion over the thoughts of one person that says a lot more about you than it does me.
FancyMancy said:
Ramier108666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Oh, yeah, Men are superior to Women; Women are inferior to Men. Do you know why? Let me tell you why.

Because the masculine side of the Brain and Soul is about lower thing, base, Earthly things. The feminine side of the Brain and Soul are about higher things, Spirituality, creativity.

That's why Men are better than Women and Women are worse than Men. Yep.

For those who don't realise - I am being sarcastic. HPS Maxine is the founder of Joy of Satan Ministries. She - yes, a Female, not a Male - is higher than all of you cocks, so shut your traps and get your own respective lives.

You have a point Fancy. Don’t forget HPS Shannon who is also a female and a valuable role model for us as well. It is of no consequence that Outlaw Torn is going to troll and won’t stop for that manner. So it’s best if we don’t engage his trolling, because sooner or later he’s going to get kicked off the forums for it if he continues. Can’t keep dross mindset of a crow among swans lol. So if this a insult to you Outlaw, then understand this that you keep causing problems for people, so you are therefore encouraging full disunity amongst these forums. You are not helping.

So either do something that is meaningful and helpful for others with the right delivery and respect, or do yourself a favor and get the hell off the forums and go to Reddit and troll there. Because it’s not welcome here.
Yeah, but HPS Shannon seems to not be here. Only HPHC seems to be around... Also I'm White, so I tend to think of HPS Maxine immediately. As a White Man and at my current level and position, HPS Shannon is above me. Being both Female and Black she is a very important person for the Black Race in this Ministry. I am not ashamed to know, realise and admit that she is such.

Indeed. I haven’t even seen Blackdragon or any other black SS post in awhile. That is a bit concerning. Shannon has been quiet as well. I do hope they are ok.
The Outlaw Torn said:
CinnamonCake said:
Do you see this as "superiority"? Hahaha. Because someone has to tell you that a woman is needed for a man to be born. Through a woman you are in this world, you are alive. But nobody says "women are superior" because we are not as stupid as you.
Do you think babies magically grow in women? A man has to plant that seed in her. Just wait until artificial wombs are an advanced technology and you F-cultists won’t be so smug about saying things like this because then we WILL be here without women.

Did you sit down and think and come to this conclusion? “Men protect women in nature, women are more delicate, so I guess men are superior to women.”
Is that not a valid reason?

Did your mother feed you with turtle food when you were a kid? Stupid.
I don’t recall any turtle food but thankfully my mother didn’t impose toxic femininity onto me like so many do today.

I would warn you that you keep this idiotic mindset that not even the Gods acknowledge, you would be thrown off this forums. If you feel the need to belittle others just because your life sucks in current society, then I would suggest go see a therapist. Or.. you can grow and learn to understand your mindset does not take precedence nor will it as you are on a very subgrade of low tier knowledge aka Ignorance.

If you are here to cause problems and not evolve then I would suggest you leave the forums. Because you are behaving like a complete fool causing others who want to be on this path to want to leave, you are behaving like an enemy.
Ramier108666 said:
I would warn you that you keep this idiotic mindset that not even the Gods acknowledge, you would be thrown off this forums. If you feel the need to belittle others just because your life sucks in current society, then I would suggest go see a therapist. Or.. you can grow and learn to understand your mindset does not take precedence nor will it as you are on a very subgrade of low tier knowledge aka Ignorance.
I’m the one being belittled here.

If you are here to cause problems and not evolve then I would suggest you leave the forums. Because you are behaving like a complete fool causing others who want to be on this path to want to leave, you are behaving like an enemy.
If one would leave the forums over the opinions of another members they are very weak willed and weak minded proving that they are inadequate to be a Satanist to begin with. This is not a cult. Disagreements of ideas are allowed.
The Outlaw Torn said:

You are taking the wrong approach, you don't have to look at your rotten ego, you have to look towards advancement.
Instead of answering in kind, you would have looked better by just saying thank you.

Then the profile picture is not hilarious, it will probably make newcomers think JoS is a bunch of idiots.

Also I gave you the example of the Goddess for the fact that I can see a mile away that you hate the fact that there are many respected females at important points within Satan's family.
But you instead of asking why, you preferred to pander to the rotten ego saturated with inllusions, you will gain nothing by believing a lie.
Veritá_666 said:
Instead of answering in kind, you would have looked better by just saying thank you.
I’m not a Christian. I don’t turn the other cheek and say thank you when attacked.

Also I gave you the example of the Goddess for the fact that I can see a mile away that you hate the fact that there are many respected females at important points within Satan's family.
But you instead of asking why, you preferred to pander to the rotten ego saturated with inllusions, you will gain nothing by believing a lie.
Red pill and anyone that isn’t an F-Cultist lives rent free for jrvan. He always complains that men today have “turned their back” on women but never mentions that the only reason this happens is in response to feminism (F-Cult) where women did the same exact thing to men over 60 years ago. But it’s only bad when men do it I guess.

Men don’t WANT to hate women. Saying so is absurd. But he doesn’t care about root issues or anything like that. His main goal is to always shift blame off of females while simultaneously tearing down men every chance he gets. It’s self hatred and toxic femininity of the highest order.
The Outlaw Torn said:
CinnamonCake said:
I'm tired of your stupid troll. F-cultist? I am just a Spiritual Satanist. When I performed the dedication ritual to Satan with my blood, I did not know that there is a hierarchy between the sexes in this religion and that the woman is below the man. Am I in some kind of Islamic cult now, where am I? If you want me to take your word for it, now I have to leave this religion. In this case, JoS would have lost an SS because of you.

But let me guess, all of this is just fun for you, a fantasy that can satisfy your sluggish character. By the way, I've been dealing with your ignorance too much, but once in evolution, female creatures reproduced alone in the earth. Satan has evolved us this way because He wanted us to exist as men and women. Ah, if you want to see women in an unneeded position in the future, you can share that directly with Satan.
If you are willing to leave an entire religion over the thoughts of one person that says a lot more about you than it does me.

What CinnamonCake said was rhetorical, and meant to show you the consequence of your reckless unchecked behavior. If you drive away new members with this nonsense and harassment then you will have the Gods to answer to.

Remember how many warnings and chances you have been given. Your toxicity won't be tolerated forever, and if you aren't here to advance then you're wasting your own time which is a very mean thing to do to yourself. Your attitude belongs in a shitposting area of the internet, and not these sacred forums. You are in the wrong place if this is all you care about.

Let all of your toxicity and negativity be returned to you. I hope you learn.
The Outlaw Torn said:
Do you think babies magically grow in women? A man has to plant that seed in her. Just wait until artificial wombs are an advanced technology and you F-cultists won’t be so smug about saying things like this because then we WILL be here without women.

Did you sit down and think and come to this conclusion? “Men protect women in nature, women are more delicate, so I guess men are superior to women.”
Is that not a valid reason?

Women represent the higher chakras and their associated planets. This is why they are less aggressive than men and are more delicate. Yet, feminine energies have their own strengths as well.

Even men have feminine energies within them. If they were entirely masculine on an energetic level, they would be like brainless ogres, without any direction, thinking, or sensing abilities.

Women are good at these abilities and that is their specialty in society. The functions of the Moon go beyond a simple womb. Yet, we have not seen the full expression of this on this planet due to Jewish influence, nor have we seen the full expression of anything.

With all this in mind, it would be very silly to attack women in their entirety. Even if you made a perfectly functional artificial womb, you would still need someone to care for and nurture the youth. Then, you are back to square one, with a need for women.

Beyond children, you seem to forget that men want more than just a hole to fuck. We want love just like anyone else, and most of us want this from a feminine source. Even if you went through the trouble of building an artificial source for this for each man, wouldn't it be easier to just leave women?

I could go on and on. I think you need to come to your senses a bit more about these fundamental topics. Pointing out the weaknesses of women is one thing, but advocating their entire removal from existence is just crazy.
Ramier108666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Ramier108666 said:
You have a point Fancy. Don’t forget HPS Shannon who is also a female and a valuable role model for us as well. It is of no consequence that Outlaw Torn is going to troll and won’t stop for that manner. So it’s best if we don’t engage his trolling, because sooner or later he’s going to get kicked off the forums for it if he continues. Can’t keep dross mindset of a crow among swans lol. So if this a insult to you Outlaw, then understand this that you keep causing problems for people, so you are therefore encouraging full disunity amongst these forums. You are not helping.

So either do something that is meaningful and helpful for others with the right delivery and respect, or do yourself a favor and get the hell off the forums and go to Reddit and troll there. Because it’s not welcome here.
Yeah, but HPS Shannon seems to not be here. Only HPHC seems to be around... Also I'm White, so I tend to think of HPS Maxine immediately. As a White Man and at my current level and position, HPS Shannon is above me. Being both Female and Black she is a very important person for the Black Race in this Ministry. I am not ashamed to know, realise and admit that she is such.

Indeed. I haven’t even seen Blackdragon or any other black SS post in awhile. That is a bit concerning. Shannon has been quiet as well. I do hope they are ok.

Is it possible that they are working on something in the background, maybe?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=352196 time=1651988785 user_id=21286]
The Outlaw Torn said:
Do you think babies magically grow in women? A man has to plant that seed in her. Just wait until artificial wombs are an advanced technology and you F-cultists won’t be so smug about saying things like this because then we WILL be here without women.

Did you sit down and think and come to this conclusion? “Men protect women in nature, women are more delicate, so I guess men are superior to women.”
Is that not a valid reason?

Women represent the higher chakras and their associated planets. This is why they are less aggressive than men and are more delicate. Yet, feminine energies have their own strengths as well.

Even men have feminine energies within them. If they were entirely masculine on an energetic level, they would be like brainless ogres, without any direction, thinking, or sensing abilities.

Women are good at these abilities and that is their specialty in society. The functions of the Moon go beyond a simple womb. Yet, we have not seen the full expression of this on this planet due to Jewish influence, nor have we seen the full expression of anything.

With all this in mind, it would be very silly to attack women in their entirety. Even if you made a perfectly functional artificial womb, you would still need someone to care for and nurture the youth. Then, you are back to square one, with a need for women.

Beyond children, you seem to forget that men want more than just a hole to fuck. We want love just like anyone else, and most of us want this from a feminine source. Even if you went through the trouble of building an artificial source for this for each man, wouldn't it be easier to just leave women?

I could go on and on. I think you need to come to your senses a bit more about these fundamental topics. Pointing out the weaknesses of women is one thing, but advocating their entire removal from existence is just crazy.

MGTOW has that part figured out too. Robot maids that cook and clean and raise the children, and are completely programmed and subservient. The perfect bitch that never talks back.

They speak of an age where this dream technology of theirs is perfected, and they break apart in a large group of MGTOW disciples to form a splinter society without women, and then the women will apparently see how great they are and that they can't possibly live without them and their male labor, and beg to be allowed into the splinter society with the nu males. And then the MGTOW lords will finally have their dream moment where they tell the women to go fuck themselves. This is their entire fantasy.

MGTOWs are fucking retarded.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=352196 time=1651988785 user_id=21286]
Women represent the higher chakras and their associated planets. This is why they are less aggressive than men and are more delicate. Yet, feminine energies have their own strengths as well.

Even men have feminine energies within them. If they were entirely masculine on an energetic level, they would be like brainless ogres, without any direction, thinking, or sensing abilities.

Women are good at these abilities and that is their specialty in society. The functions of the Moon go beyond a simple womb. Yet, we have not seen the full expression of this on this planet due to Jewish influence, nor have we seen the full expression of anything.

With all this in mind, it would be very silly to attack women in their entirety. Even if you made a perfectly functional artificial womb, you would still need someone to care for and nurture the youth. Then, you are back to square one, with a need for women.

Beyond children, you seem to forget that men want more than just a hole to fuck. We want love just like anyone else, and most of us want this from a feminine source. Even if you went through the trouble of building an artificial source for this for each man, wouldn't it be easier to just leave women?

I could go on and on. I think you need to come to your senses a bit more about these fundamental topics. Pointing out the weaknesses of women is one thing, but advocating their entire removal from existence is just crazy.

I would like to add, both these claims from women and men, that high technology will bring extinction of one gender is nonsense. Human soul needs both feminine and masculine energy to be balanced. Without a real father or mother, this is a "How To Make Greys 101" guideline. Born child would be Homo Goyimus, nothing different from Greys.

HPHC stated this, playing with high technology out of boundaries of what is natural, will be resulted as catastrophe, this is what happened to Greys.
jrvan said:
MGTOW has that part figured out too. Robot maids that cook and clean and raise the children, and are completely programmed and subservient. The perfect bitch that never talks back.

They speak of an age where this dream technology of theirs is perfected, and they break apart in a large group of MGTOW disciples to form a splinter society without women, and then the women will apparently see how great they are and that they can't possibly live without them and their male labor, and beg to be allowed into the splinter society with the nu males. And then the MGTOW lords will finally have their dream moment where they tell the women to go fuck themselves. This is their entire fantasy.

MGTOWs are fucking retarded.

MGTOW and feminism are both improper reactions to Jewish-created problems. I don't expect MGTOW men to understand this, but I do expect Outlaw Torn to. He needs to get more serious about both learning Satanic fundamentals, as well as improving his forum conduct. Having an edgy troll persona gets tiring, especially when he doesn't use it for helping Satanism.

Bright Truth said:
I would like to add, both these claims from women and men, that high technology will bring extinction of one gender is nonsense. Human soul needs both feminine and masculine energy to be balanced. Without a real father or mother, this is a "How To Make Greys 101" guideline. Born child would be Homo Goyimus, nothing different from Greys.

HPHC stated this, playing with high technology out of boundaries of what is natural, will be resulted as catastrophe, this is what happened to Greys.

Yes, this is a good point and why I was trying to explain the value of women and feminity at its most basic levels. An attack on an entire gender is an attack on a fundamental principle of the universe, as far as I understand.
tabby said:
Ramier108666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Yeah, but HPS Shannon seems to not be here. Only HPHC seems to be around... Also I'm White, so I tend to think of HPS Maxine immediately. As a White Man and at my current level and position, HPS Shannon is above me. Being both Female and Black she is a very important person for the Black Race in this Ministry. I am not ashamed to know, realise and admit that she is such.

Indeed. I haven’t even seen Blackdragon or any other black SS post in awhile. That is a bit concerning. Shannon has been quiet as well. I do hope they are ok.

Is it possible that they are working on something in the background, maybe?

That could be the case. I don’t want to jump to conclusions. I’m just concerned for their well being and all.
The Outlaw Torn said:
Ramier108666 said:
I would warn you that you keep this idiotic mindset that not even the Gods acknowledge, you would be thrown off this forums. If you feel the need to belittle others just because your life sucks in current society, then I would suggest go see a therapist. Or.. you can grow and learn to understand your mindset does not take precedence nor will it as you are on a very subgrade of low tier knowledge aka Ignorance.
I’m the one being belittled here.

If you are here to cause problems and not evolve then I would suggest you leave the forums. Because you are behaving like a complete fool causing others who want to be on this path to want to leave, you are behaving like an enemy.
If one would leave the forums over the opinions of another members they are very weak willed and weak minded proving that they are inadequate to be a Satanist to begin with. This is not a cult. Disagreements of ideas are allowed.

We gain strength due to our endeavors. You are mistaking evolution with being too rigid and emotionaless. You cannot enforce or even remotely think that being strong means knocking others down and taking blows( figurative). Because their measures aren’t yours, their morals aren’t yours. Their understanding is of the Gods.

You are foolish to believe you set the precedence for a Spiritual Satanist. You do not. That is Satan and the Gods who are very much above your current grade of understanding. If you can’t believe that, then you are in a mode of egotistical hierarchy and therefore are more foolish than I thought. So in essence no one has to listen to you about your knowledge as you exist in a minute idiocy that more likely will take some time to correct with meditation.

Do you meditate Outlaw? Because if you don’t then it shows where you sit on the advancement stage.

This is my last response to you.

“If one would leave the forums over the opinions of another members they are very weak willed and weak minded proving that they are inadequate to be a Satanist to begin with. This is not a cult. Disagreements of ideas are allowed.”

Who do you think you are? Your words are not important for me; I was just trying to show you how toxic you are; and on this platform of our religion, I wanted to show how harmful what you are saying as part of this community is. You are misrepresenting this place. There is no simple “disagreement” here; I just don't tolerate your attacks on women AS A WOMAN. You are not above me. You can’t be.

Thanks to science and technology, women can also reproduce easily without the need for a man. But none of us here say “men will not be needed in the future, men are like this, men are like that!!!”. We are Satanists. We do not advocate things contrary to nature, like you do.

Do not even try to manipulate me or anyone else here. You are the one who belittle women and femininity. What you said is still up there.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
