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The Great Tribulation ,Daniel's Final Cycle Begins from September - Prepare Mentally and Physically

tabby said:
Jack said:
No one claimed it had negative prophecy except you and the other person. No one.
The common denominator between all of this is you, not my message.

There is no negative prophecy in it. What I said is guaranteed to happen. It's a foregone conclusion. There is nothing demoralizing about any of it. Knowing the truth should be liberating and everyone should look forward to change.

I have absolute faith in the Gods and humanity and which is why I don't see any of the tulmunous things that are happening as bad but as opportunities for humanity to revolt.

If the WEF hadn't pushed ,the Dutch farmers wouldn't have protested.

If the prices wouldn't go up ,the people wouldn't have cared about the Biden administration.

The more they push ,the more opportunities for massive amounts of humans to rise up.

Which is why I wrote that there is a good chances humanity is going to rise up and overthrow the elites.

I don't see any of this as negative. I see them as opportunities.

People need to be MOTIVATED that these crises present opportunities for REVOLUTIONARY changes beyond the scope of decades of change, happening in just a couple of years.

That's where you tend to go south in your writings. The one thing set in stone is the end of the jews and their ilk. Whatever happens between that time and now is left to the unknown, and still to be decided as the world and all its people make their decisions. If we fool ourselves into thinking we completely know the future with certainty when we are no way near the level of sight and wisdom the Gods have, ironically, we fail to be prepared for what may come instead. That is the other danger of how you have presented this information.

Things can be taken into consideration, but one must not think they know accurately an outcome when it hasn't come yet, lest they wish to cause unnecessary troubles for themselves or others.

Some people are motivated when faced with obstacles, others who are sensitive will feel such obstacles too strongly, to the point of losing motivation. This requires a balancing act to create a good message which is not too far in either direction.

Beyond simply crafting the message, just be aware of yourself, mentally. People who lack earth may not properly sense obstacles in their path, or be unable to work with them. Those who have too much earth will sense obstacles too strongly, to the point of self-limiting their magic.

We know that we will face obstacles of the enemy, and must be strong and able to work under these pressures. At the same time, we should not imagine such obstacles as crushing us or whatever. The more energy we put towards fighting them, the better our outcomes will be. This can range on a scale of total victory to partial victory, based on our personal efforts.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Jack said:
tabby said:
I find that answer to be biased and unconvincing.
Please stop making a fool out of yourself.

Everyone already knows.

Everyone knows.


I thought you were gonna put this song.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
I don't care about people who are angry or hate me. I don't even acknowledge your existence.

"Oh no the anonymous poster on the internet doesn't like me."


None of what you say is going to affect my real life in anyway.

Then why are you repeatedly replying to me. Are you hoping for my approval?

You "don't care"...okay mate see you in the next attention whoring dramatic exit thread.
The only reason I'm replying to you is because you seem to have some semblance of understanding about how ridiculous all of this is ,and are trying to tell the other person this. And since you hate me too ,it's unbiased and they can't say that you're on my side. Other than that ,I have no reason to talk to or rely to anything you say.
Dahaarkan said:
tabby said:
To us both, this wasn't meant to be just another place on the internet, just another community of strangers... Truth, honor, justice, unity, etc., are the highest values held in the JoS. A community dedicated to Eternal Truth, and bonded by blood. So for him, he considers it a crime to go against these values and to be dishonest here for (what he sees as) selfish personal benefit / self-preservation, rather than for the good of the JoS.

Then why are you spending more time interacting with someone you loathe than focusing on contributing to the community and interacting with other members who may share your mindset and desires.

Being annoying is not a bannable offense and jack will not be banned for this. Jack is also not causing harm to anyone but himself. Literally all you have to do is block this person and they are removed from your experience interacting with the group.

I have said it already I don't think your hatred for this person is misplaced. But the time you spend interacting them is a total waste.
Exactly. Just think in your minds that I'm causing harm to myself and that I'm lonely, sad ,etc etc or whatever that makes you happy and block me.

You're just inadvertently causing issues that you're fighting against (disunity) by your own actions.
tabby said:
Jack said:
tabby said:
To clear some things because the pattern is the same. If we spend 1 minute with each other in a single day each day, and during that minute we only see someone acting in anger towards another, and others in turn only react to this persons anger with fire... Do we assume they are always angry and all they do every day, is obsess and be angry?

You experience 1 minute, a fraction of a person's entire day, and everyone believes they know everything about everyone, what they do, what they think, whether or not they do enough magick and whatever...

How many of you stopped and asked questions? How many of you put your bias aside, and looked at the bigger picture to analyse the situation from a calm head? On one hand, jack makes a post and as has already been pointed out by others, that seems to have a lot of negative prophesy with wording choices claiming these things "ARE going to happen". This is not healthy for anyone's morale, not for the person who has written this and not for anyone who reads it. Nor is it productive, effective, or realistic. One could look at this as coming from a place of fear, paranoia, and a lack of faith in the Gods and the RTR's. Or one could choose to take this as a possible threat with knowing ill intentions, and treat it as such.

But because Jrvan reacted in anger against this - choosing the latter of the equation based on his own experiences regarding jack - the focus is not on the potential issues of the above, but on simply fighting fire with fire to try get Jrvan to go away.

To make matters worse, people seem to think this solves things and don't think to change their own approaches when the exact same pattern plays out over and over. What happens is people just remain angry, the issues that probably should be looked at get glossed over as irrelevant or nonexistent, and the cycle continues. History repeats itself when something hasn't been solved, and only ever fighting Jrvan's anger with fire is not going to solve anything. The past should show you he can be reasonable if you take the effort to be reasonable with him. If you fly the red cloth in front of the bulls face, it's only going to charge at you.

Who and what does this help? Does it help jack to overcome his issues with viewing everything through a black lens? Does it help Jrvan to not feel like people don't take this place as seriously as they should because blatant issues are not getting solved?

None of you understand each other. Few of you care enough to try understand, and even fewer are willing to try a different path to handle these things more effectively.
No one claimed it had negative prophecy except you and the other person. No one.
The common denominator between all of this is you, not my message.

There is no negative prophecy in it. What I said is guaranteed to happen. It's a foregone conclusion. There is nothing demoralizing about any of it. Knowing the truth should be liberating and everyone should look forward to change.

I have absolute faith in the Gods and humanity and which is why I don't see any of the tulmunous things that are happening as bad but as opportunities for humanity to revolt.

If the WEF hadn't pushed ,the Dutch farmers wouldn't have protested.

If the prices wouldn't go up ,the people wouldn't have cared about the Biden administration.

The more they push ,the more opportunities for massive amounts of humans to rise up.

Which is why I wrote that there is a good chances humanity is going to rise up and overthrow the elites.

I don't see any of this as negative. I see them as opportunities.

People need to be MOTIVATED that these crises present opportunities for REVOLUTIONARY changes beyond the scope of decades of change, happening in just a couple of years.

That's where you tend to go south in your writings. The one thing set in stone is the end of the jews and their ilk. Whatever happens between that time and now is left to the unknown, and still to be decided as the world and all its people make their decisions. If we fool ourselves into thinking we completely know the future with certainty when we are no way near the level of sight and wisdom the Gods have, ironically, we fail to be prepared for what may come instead. That is the other danger of how you have presented this information.

Things can be taken into consideration, but one must not think they know accurately an outcome when it hasn't come yet, lest they wish to cause unnecessary troubles for themselves or others.
No ,I absolutely do know what's going to happen between that period and none of it is upto debate because of basic economics .

The fractional reserve banking system of the US was designed to collapse from its inception. There is a 100% probability that the US is going to lose its position as the World's Reserve Currency ,which will cause it to collapse internally.

At that point ,because they do not have a manufacturing base and creating a manufacturing base from the base up will require decades (which is why I also said the people will regroup even after the collapse of the country. ) The country will be turned into Venezuela which is a failed society.

There is nothing apocalyptic about any of this. Once the United States loses its power to bully other countries into submission, Israel will be completely defenseless.

The Communists in China are going to be replaced by some liberal government because of the Housing Crisis.

The Russians do not have the power to bully anyone around.

The United Nations cannot enforce the WEFs dictates without the support of the United States and Europe.

During the Economic crisis ,the people are going to suffer so much that they will HAVE to REVOLT to survive and that moment is going to be the replacement of the Jewish Elite by the Gentile Elite.

I do not see any of the events I described as apocalyptic. They are bound to happen with or without wars or conflicts because the one thing you cannot escape is Economic reality.

And nothing about any of this is demoralizing. I as well as many SS are extremely happy and hopeful about all of this because of the opportunities it creates.

None of this could happen this quickly without serious crises in such a small amount of time.

You don't need the foresight of a God to understand the United States is going to collapse which is Guaranteed and that there's a high likelihood that China's Communist Government will be replaced.

You don't need thr foresight to tell the WEF is going to ATTEMPT to force all the Enslavement rules on the populace and that Humanity is going to react negatively.

Outside of these Guaranteed events ,the only events left for debate or foresight that may or may not happen are virus releases ,death from vaccines etc. And I didn't mention that in this thread at all.

I state with absolute certainty that what I have described will happen as has happened in the past several times over.

There is nothing demoralizing about any of this.

We should all be happy that the veneer is being lifted ,that everyone can see the enemy and that humanity is waking up against the Elites.

Having such a fragile mental state that you have to ignore Economic reality to make yourself feel better is counterproductive to advancement of our species.

This just shows that your emotions are very easily affected and you're unable to adapt to drastic conditions.

You're projecting YOUR demoralizing attitude onto the message.

The people who have a positive and aspirational attitude see the complete opposite in my message.


You need to stop replying to me or people who are similar to me and telling us how to be and let our kind be.

We are not afraid and we are not panicked. All of us look forward to the collapse and the opportunities it creates and all of us are prepared, or are preparing one way or the other.

I'm not going to reply to that alternate account you have. And this is going to be my last message directly to you on this topic.

I hope you recover from all of the volatile mental states that you have and get better and become more grounded in reality.
Ramier108666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:
This is a reply to what you said to me on the other topic, but I think this is a better place for it.

You can like me or hate me. It is your choice and it makes no difference to me. Your emotions are your own business, your own fault, and are controlled by yourself. So it has nothing to do with me whatever emotion you choose to carry around. If you choose to hate me, then ignore me and don't talk to me. And if you are going to say that your emotions are anybody's fault other than yourself, then this is something that you need to do more work on until you do have the ability to control yourself. And I do not mean this in a personal way against you because almost everyone in the world needs to become better with this.

If the exact same event happens to 10 different people, all of them will have a completely different interpretation of what happened that is determined by their emotions. A happy person says something happened that was not perfect and maybe was uncomfortable at the time, but it had a good outcome so it was a good thing. An angry person says something bad happened and was done by a group of evil people just for the purpose of trying to make him mad. And a sad person says something bad happened to him just because everything bad always happens to him. When really it was the same thing that happened to all of them, and they could choose to have a better life by choosing to have a different emotion.

It seems like you are often more like the angry person in this example. Every time that multiple people disagree with something you did, you start ranting about how everybody has a purposeful plot against you and are all working together against you. This is not true. For example me and Aquarius, we do not have any communication between us besides what is publicly written here that you can see for yourself. We are not working together, and we do not have any plan together. We independently and individually come to conclusions that we don't like something that you did, based on whatever each of us can see about the situation. And it is your own bad emotions that makes you think that we are working together against you. When really we are just being honest that we individually used our judgements to decide not to like something.

If instead you choose to have a better emotion, you would interpret things differently and you would not come to such an angry or bad conclusion. If you choose to have a happy emotion, your interpretation would be that we are trying to help you by showing you something that you keep doing that doesn't look good, so that you could change the way you do it and make yourself start to look better. And I believe that towards many people you do have a good intention and you are trying to do this exact same thing. But when the same thing is turned toward you, you get all mad.

Ol Argedco Luciftius, why is everyone getting caught up in this? I’m really trying to scratch my head around this and it seems almost futile. Jrvan and Jack are both being foolish in their own right, so let them be. Whatever you or anyone else says will not end their senseless bickering. It will only prolong the sillinesses that has perpetuated for now. We have bigger fish to fry brother. This is one fish that doesn’t need our attention, as it will be the same result as before.
It can very very easily end if they don't gone on insane extremely negative demoralizing rants on my topics which cause others to defend me.

I don't go mention them ,quote them or address them in anyone outside of my threads. If they just had the common decency to do the same thing ,none of it would be happening again.
Dahaarkan said:
Yes there is. The mental and emotional state of people has an impact on the spiritual, which has an impact on everything else in their life. So ill news, things that may cause panic, fear or extensive dread should be communicated in a way that does not aggravate the recipient's mental or emotional stability. This doesn't mean sugar coating everything excessively, but being ethical in presenting information that could destabilize someone.
I was going to say - if the person receiving the bad news is mature enough to handle it, then that would be less not-OK. It depends on the individual.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=380108 time=1660040848 user_id=21286]
tabby said:
Jack said:
No one claimed it had negative prophecy except you and the other person. No one.
The common denominator between all of this is you, not my message.

There is no negative prophecy in it. What I said is guaranteed to happen. It's a foregone conclusion. There is nothing demoralizing about any of it. Knowing the truth should be liberating and everyone should look forward to change.

I have absolute faith in the Gods and humanity and which is why I don't see any of the tulmunous things that are happening as bad but as opportunities for humanity to revolt.

If the WEF hadn't pushed ,the Dutch farmers wouldn't have protested.

If the prices wouldn't go up ,the people wouldn't have cared about the Biden administration.

The more they push ,the more opportunities for massive amounts of humans to rise up.

Which is why I wrote that there is a good chances humanity is going to rise up and overthrow the elites.

I don't see any of this as negative. I see them as opportunities.

People need to be MOTIVATED that these crises present opportunities for REVOLUTIONARY changes beyond the scope of decades of change, happening in just a couple of years.

That's where you tend to go south in your writings. The one thing set in stone is the end of the jews and their ilk. Whatever happens between that time and now is left to the unknown, and still to be decided as the world and all its people make their decisions. If we fool ourselves into thinking we completely know the future with certainty when we are no way near the level of sight and wisdom the Gods have, ironically, we fail to be prepared for what may come instead. That is the other danger of how you have presented this information.

Things can be taken into consideration, but one must not think they know accurately an outcome when it hasn't come yet, lest they wish to cause unnecessary troubles for themselves or others.

Some people are motivated when faced with obstacles, others who are sensitive will feel such obstacles too strongly, to the point of losing motivation. This requires a balancing act to create a good message which is not too far in either direction.

Beyond simply crafting the message, just be aware of yourself, mentally. People who lack earth may not properly sense obstacles in their path, or be unable to work with them. Those who have too much earth will sense obstacles too strongly, to the point of self-limiting their magic.

We know that we will face obstacles of the enemy, and must be strong and able to work under these pressures. At the same time, we should not imagine such obstacles as crushing us or whatever. The more energy we put towards fighting them, the better our outcomes will be. This can range on a scale of total victory to partial victory, based on our personal efforts.

Fair point there, JG Blitz.

I have something I want to ask but I will ask it in a separate topic.
Who is that Daniel guy? Never heard about him.
Anyway, me personally, i don't give a shit anymore what jews planned or "prophesied",
because i have my own personal plans/prophecies for the future and so should everyone else, whether jews like it or not.

But regardless, being prepared is always good, for any negative ocurrence that "might" happen. Not just jewish.
I will tell you one of my prophecies:
judaism/jews are over, they have lost their psychological/spiritual power, they will loose the rest too, bye bye
jrvan said:
Leave Tabby out of it. She didn't even do anything.
So you and tabby can just show up in any thread you please and act like thugs trying take down the JTGGG (as your perceive it) but when it comes back onto you as a little joke all of sudden it’s unacceptable and we have to “leave her out of it”. Um no fuck off pal.

She’s an adult that voluntarily (and foolishly) chooses to charge behind you into these “circus fiestas” as herr landlord describes it. It’s actually very cruel and abusive how you hide behind tabby and use her as a meat shield in these discussions, and then you go on to say that others have no honor what a joke. Jack and Swg were the first to expose you and call you out on this coward behavior a long time ago no wonder they still live rent free in your head lol.

I’m actually concerned for your relationship with her. It seems very manipulative you probably guilt her into taking your side even when you are obviously wrong such as this post.
jrvan said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Ramier108666 said:

All I did was mention how a fifth of all of his posts is him crying about Jack. I did not attach any kind of emotion or insult to that. My intention was to make him think about this and decide if it really is a good idea to always be crying about Jack in a fifth of his posts, or if it would make more sense to stop being so obsessed with him. And it would help him to instead spend his effort on something useful.

Other people mentioned how if you consider that this topic is a negative prophecy and think that that is a bad thing, why was it not mentioned on all of those other topics written by various different people where those topics are also similarly or equally a negative prophecy. Including posts by Maxine and Cobra. So why is it only complained about toward Jack, and not toward those other people for the same reason. This shows the basic dishonesty and the double standard, and that this is only about Jack and not about any negative prophecy.

Several people think that both of these are good points. And that the answer is that there is some strange and irrational obsession about Jack. Myself and multiple other people have had the intention to show to the obsessed person how clear and evident his obsession is so that he may realize how strange this is, and decide to change his behaviour to remove his obsession. As this would be the way to heal from this and stop this cycle from happening anymore. But this is my intention, and this is what my intention has been every time I mention what a large percentage of his posts is crying about Jack. Including many situations where Jack never even wrote anything on those topics and he brought him up in a completely unrelated situation just to cry about him.

He doesn't want to admit to his strange behaviour even when it is clearly shown to him. He instead decides to have hateful rants against everybody, when most of us were honestly trying to help him. But accepting this help would require admitting that he has a problem, and he seems to be too insecure to be able to do that. Hopefully one day he will become confident enough in himself that he is able to look at his imperfections and realize what all of us have been trying to show him. And realize how ridiculous it is to spend every week thinking about Jack and complaining about him. I honestly want Jrvan to become healthier and happier so that he can be stronger and more effective at helping our people, and this has always been my intentions behind showing him his problems so that he can decide to fix them and stop repeating them.

Dahaarkan is a great example of a confident and responsible man. He has more reason to hate Jack than probably anybody else, but you don't see a fifth of all of his posts being just to cry about him.

Why are you wasting Ramier's time by trying to justify yourself to him (by accusing me of all your own bullshit, no less)? You always have to pretend to be perfect. And you'll deny that too as you have before because it also makes you look imperfect. Basically no one can charge you with anything or point out any flaw of yours, and everyone is just making it up. You'll always just deny everything that anyone says about you, and you'll always try to fucking justify yourself even when you can't. You're a phony loser. You belong in the same loser's boat as Jack. Go sink with him. Loser.

Enough Jrvan. I see this every time in the forums when a ritual schedule comes up. Something stirs the pot( enemy), creates problems and then we have a senseless outcome of intense bickering that evolves to just plain idiocy. We are supposed to come to understanding regardless of our background as that’s what meditations/ runic work/ magical squares etc try to fix any imbalances we have. While I know it’s a day by day process, we seem to still regress.

That can be expected, but to constantly do it like a continuous clock every time without purpose whether it be you angry or Jack or whomever, this is just a bunch of nonsense especially when it can be solved if people learned to speak coherently and diplomatically to ensure try at things go in a proper manner.

Please refrain trying to go off the rails. Save your energy. There are more things that will be necessary with that energy. Hail Satan.
Ramier108666 said:
Enough Jrvan. I see this every time in the forums when a ritual schedule comes up. Something stirs the pot( enemy), creates problems and then we have a senseless outcome of intense bickering that evolves to just plain idiocy. We are supposed to come to understanding regardless of our background as that’s what meditations/ runic work/ magical squares etc try to fix any imbalances we have. While I know it’s a day by day process, we seem to still regress.

That can be expected, but to constantly do it like a continuous clock every time without purpose whether it be you angry or Jack or whomever, this is just a bunch of nonsense especially when it can be solved if people learned to speak coherently and diplomatically to ensure try at things go in a proper manner.

Please refrain trying to go off the rails. Save your energy. There are more things that will be necessary with that energy. Hail Satan.

Couldn't have said it better myself brother. I'm not replying to pile on anyone but to fully support what you said which was very neutral to this topic and from a higher way of thinking. Although I can understand each person's point of view to an extent on this thread but I'll have to side with your reply here as it's the best way forward.

Hail Satan
hailourtruegod said:
Ramier108666 said:
Enough Jrvan. I see this every time in the forums when a ritual schedule comes up. Something stirs the pot( enemy), creates problems and then we have a senseless outcome of intense bickering that evolves to just plain idiocy. We are supposed to come to understanding regardless of our background as that’s what meditations/ runic work/ magical squares etc try to fix any imbalances we have. While I know it’s a day by day process, we seem to still regress.

That can be expected, but to constantly do it like a continuous clock every time without purpose whether it be you angry or Jack or whomever, this is just a bunch of nonsense especially when it can be solved if people learned to speak coherently and diplomatically to ensure try at things go in a proper manner.

Please refrain trying to go off the rails. Save your energy. There are more things that will be necessary with that energy. Hail Satan.

Couldn't have said it better myself brother. I'm not replying to pile on anyone but to fully support what you said which was very neutral to this topic and from a higher way of thinking. Although I can understand each person's point of view to an extent on this thread but I'll have to side with your reply here as it's the best way forward.

Hail Satan

I appreciate it. It is disappointing to keep going in this manner. If we are to really help humanity we have to stand as one. Disagreeing is one thing, however bickering with no sense involved will help no one. This is one thing the enemy plays with and we fall short quite a bit when it comes to it. Everyone has an issue and that is understandable, but with everything in life there is a solution. We can either choose the solution or continue the problem. So far it’s been continue after the problem. I believe enough is enough.
The Outlaw Torn said:
jrvan said:
Leave Tabby out of it. She didn't even do anything.
So you and tabby can just show up in any thread you please and act like thugs trying take down the JTGGG (as your perceive it) but when it comes back onto you as a little joke all of sudden it’s unacceptable and we have to “leave her out of it”. Um no fuck off pal.

She’s an adult that voluntarily (and foolishly) chooses to charge behind you into these “circus fiestas” as herr landlord describes it. It’s actually very cruel and abusive how you hide behind tabby and use her as a meat shield in these discussions, and then you go on to say that others have no honor what a joke. Jack and Swg were the first to expose you and call you out on this coward behavior a long time ago no wonder they still live rent free in your head lol.

I’m actually concerned for your relationship with her. It seems very manipulative you probably guilt her into taking your side even when you are obviously wrong such as this post.

That's rich coming from a highly manipulative person like you. I don't tell Tabby what to write, and I always encourage her to make up her own mind about things. She does things of her own will. Her comments on this thread were entirely separate from mine, and there was nothing bad about what she said. Jack lashed out at her for attempting to give him constructive feedback. She did nothing wrong, and she had no ill intent. It's absolutely unfair the abuse she received in return, and I have every right to be in angry husband mode.
The Outlaw Torn said:
jrvan said:
Leave Tabby out of it. She didn't even do anything.
So you and tabby can just show up in any thread you please and act like thugs trying take down the JTGGG (as your perceive it) but when it comes back onto you as a little joke all of sudden it’s unacceptable and we have to “leave her out of it”. Um no fuck off pal.

She’s an adult that voluntarily (and foolishly) chooses to charge behind you into these “circus fiestas” as herr landlord describes it. It’s actually very cruel and abusive how you hide behind tabby and use her as a meat shield in these discussions, and then you go on to say that others have no honor what a joke. Jack and Swg were the first to expose you and call you out on this coward behavior a long time ago no wonder they still live rent free in your head lol.

I’m actually concerned for your relationship with her. It seems very manipulative you probably guilt her into taking your side even when you are obviously wrong such as this post.

If I talked this way at you you'd piss yourself and whine like a spoiled child about how much of a bitch I am. If you have the energy to be an idiot, you have the energy to do daily meditations and clean yourself.
Aquarius said:
jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
It's your ego, not mine. I don't hate you.

Maybe you're right. Maybe the reason why you can't acknowledge the positive change and growth that has occurred from my presence on the forums since joining, isn't because of your ego, but actually because you can't see it due to your lack of advancement. Maybe I have been too hard on you.
Yours is just flaming, remember we can flame you too, remember you have a cuckold relationship with your wife, where she has 2 lovers.

There's the ego. I knew you couldn't help yourself. It was bait, Aquarius, you stupid fuck. I was testing you. If you had refrained from commenting then I would have actually respected you for it because it would prove your words true that it's not about your ego. By the way, say whatever awful hurtful shit you want to me because you're in a different category to me than the others. I feel nothing towards you on a personal level. You were held to a higher standard in my mind previously, and you let me down by saying the one thing I didn't want to hear from you which I hoped you would never say. But you said it back then, and now you will always be dead to me. For the others, they're just arrogant fools who want me to play their daddy, and I'm giving them what they need. This is all for their benefit, and I gain nothing. But you... there's nothing between us anymore. Disrespect polyamory, disrespect the sacred relationship between my wife and her Demon lover, say whatever lies you want to try to hurt me. None of it matters to me coming from your mouth. You can't hurt me. Others might be able to, but you can't.
jrvan said:

Now you all have some real ammo to use against me instead of making up lies about me. Now let the propaganda rain down as you fools try to validate yourselves. I made this account to continue with the forums because the High Priest wanted me to stay, and I compromised by making a new account because I couldn't deal with the stress from you people lying about me and giving me a hard time all the time. It doesn't matter anymore though. I don't feel I need to help anyone here anymore. I've given more than I ever needed to towards this community. Who do you think "Vanjunior" is on the Library footer? It's an anagram. I spent many long sleepless nights editing 80+ PDFs because I'm a threat to this community or something, because I'm an infiltrator or a troll. Yeah, I'm totally out to get you all. Idiots. I don't owe anyone anything.

It's for the best. I don't want to be here anymore. I'll print out the RTR's and do them offline from now on.
Flowers of Adonis said:
jrvan said:

Now you all have some real ammo to use against me instead of making up lies about me. Now let the propaganda rain down as you fools try to validate yourselves. I made this account to continue with the forums because the High Priest wanted me to stay, and I compromised by making a new account because I couldn't deal with the stress from you people lying about me and giving me a hard time all the time. It doesn't matter anymore though. I don't feel I need to help anyone here anymore. I've given more than I ever needed to towards this community. Who do you think "Vanjunior" is on the Library footer? It's an anagram. I spent many long sleepless nights editing 80+ PDFs because I'm a threat to this community or something, because I'm an infiltrator or a troll. Yeah, I'm totally out to get you all. Idiots. I don't owe anyone anything.

It's for the best. I don't want to be here anymore. I'll print out the RTR's and do them offline from now on.

Jrvan (I had no idea this was your alt account btw), I agree with HP Cobra, stay in the forums. You have good insight into things, and you did far more editing than I was able to. You are very useful here.

So why not simply put anyone you don't get along with onto your foe list? That way you don't see their posts, and you can have more peace of mind. I highly recommend this. Maybe do some detaching as well when the Moon begins to wane. Don't reply to the people you don't like, don't even read their posts, and you can see the forums as being fun and informative :)
jrvan said:

There is no requirement for anybody to like anybody. You are not required to like any of us, and none of us are required to like you. But it is still a larger family. In many families there are siblings who dislike each other, or have no contact with each other. Even some of the gods do not like everybody.

Your relationship with the gods is between you and them. And it is none of our business what their opinions about you are. But if it is true you have done that much work, of course they will have a good opinion about you. And that is all that matters for you.

If you and I don't like each other, or you and anybody else, or me and anybody else, none of that is important and none of that matters.
Flowers of Adonis said:
jrvan said:

Now you all have some real ammo to use against me instead of making up lies about me. Now let the propaganda rain down as you fools try to validate yourselves. I made this account to continue with the forums because the High Priest wanted me to stay, and I compromised by making a new account because I couldn't deal with the stress from you people lying about me and giving me a hard time all the time. It doesn't matter anymore though. I don't feel I need to help anyone here anymore. I've given more than I ever needed to towards this community. Who do you think "Vanjunior" is on the Library footer? It's an anagram. I spent many long sleepless nights editing 80+ PDFs because I'm a threat to this community or something, because I'm an infiltrator or a troll. Yeah, I'm totally out to get you all. Idiots. I don't owe anyone anything.

It's for the best. I don't want to be here anymore. I'll print out the RTR's and do them offline from now on.

I think you are adding unnecessary intensity to your communications, resulting in escalations and stress which did not need to happen. For example, you were disturbed by Jack's words to a degree larger than normal, and you were also disturbed in a similar manner by others, as well.

That does not mean what these individuals said was necessarily correct, but please remember that other people are not perfect either. Even in general communications, let alone the arguments you are having, people will twist words, bend sentences or concepts, and do other negative actions. However, this can be done unintentionally, simply the result of the obstacles that a person faces.

But, it seems like you are feeling these actions to a much greater degree, therefore thinking these people are attacking you directly, when in reality, they may be trying to make a genuine point, albeit done in a harsh or coarse manner. This may cause you to then attack back, leading to a fight that never had to happen.

This is not really a situation where anyone should be held as a criminal. At the same time, these fights are leading to wounds that will take time to heal. You should not view this as something forcing you to leave, but you should take steps, when appropriate, to resolve your negative sensitivity around communicating with people or pertaining to information processing.

Again, that does not mean what others said is correct or fair to you, but I am at least directing this message to you so you can come out in a better position in the future.
Flowers of Adonis said:

So if the whole purpose of this other account was so you could still participate here without getting into arguments with people, why are so many of the posts from this account you continuing to argue with multiple people? I know there have been many times when you have sent me messages from this account to continue arguing with me. Many different times you have sent me angry messages from this account where I was just thinking, "Who is this person who comes in and instead of sharing a perspective or opinion, just immediately starts being angry at me in a way that looks personal?" Where this account's first and only post on the topic is just to be angry at me and trying to start arguments with me.

It does not look like you used this account to participate without arguments. Maybe that was your intention when first creating it, but it seems like that intention didn't last for long. It looks more like you mostly used this account to try to make it look like more people agree with you. Including posting on the same topic with both accounts purposefully trying to make it look like multiple people are saying the same thing when it really is just you. But if you had more practice explaining yourself and explaining your perspectives in a calm and logical way, you naturally would have many more people actually agreeing with you and you would have real support instead of the fake mannequin "supporters" that you put up for yourself.

I think it is a great idea for you to have a different anonymous account that is not used for any arguing. I think there are good things about you, and I think it would be a great thing for more of us to have a friendlier and more productive relationship with you. And you having a different account looks like the easiest way for that to happen. But it won't work if you keep using it just to try to start arguments with people. Or we can all be honest and we can start to get along better with you still using the Jrvan name.

But this kind of sneaky deceptive thing is a great example of the kind of thing I don't like about you. I would much more appreciate you to honestly explain your perspective with clear facts and logic, instead of lying and trying to trick people. And I know I have said this to you many times. If I am ever disagreeing with you, I am assuming that you must be seeing something in your mind that works correctly, and the only way I don't see it is I must be missing a piece. And I have begged you on multiple different topics to explain to me the way that you see something working, so I can compromise with you because the truth is probably somewhere in the middle of us. But every time I have asked for this, you only gave me replies that were changing the subject or bringing in many unrelated things.

I am not wanting to always be disagreeing with you, and I expect there are many things in the past that we would have agreed about if you explained them more clearly. Instead of just having an angry emotional reaction. I always thought this is probably some astrological weakness that you have related to communication, and I wished that you would try to improve or fix it. That is why I would always ask for more details when we disagreed, because it always felt like there was something blocked off in the communication and there would probably be no disagreement if the information was able to flow more easily. I am hoping that you will actually work on this and try to fix this, and get Tabby to help you with this because she is much better at it. And this is what I always wanted you to do. But I've seen this pattern enough times before that I guess you are only going to give me some really angry answer, refusing to acknowledge any possibility of you having any problem, and then yelling at me something like I act like I am perfect even though I have never said that.
Btw I'll take the time to make everyone notice that this post has reached thousands of views as it was intended to.

I hope all of you are alert ,awake and will prepare in whatever way your intuition tells you to.
Jack said:
Btw I'll take the time to make everyone notice that this post has reached thousands of views as it was intended to.

I hope all of you are alert ,awake and will prepare in whatever way your intuition tells you to.

Invest in things that have actual value. For example bitcoin and NFTs and everything like that will be worthless when the electricity gets turned off. If your family is hungry you will not trade away the rest of your food for a link to a drawing of a monkey. Even gold is worthless when people are hungry.

Land, a house, stored food and water including ways to collect and sanitize water, medicines and medical supplies, tools and building materials, guns and ammo, fishing supplies, and other ways to catch food. These are the things that have actual value and will always have value in all times and in all situations. A piece of gold or paper will not be able to buy you food when there is a limited amount of food, so you need to be able to produce your own food.

Also a good idea to right now start a large garden with heirloom non-gmo seeds. It takes a long time for a garden to be productive and healthy so better to start early. Look on youtube for videos about Aquaponics which is a system of producing both fish and vegetables in a closed loop co-dependent system. Bacterias in the roots of the plants and the substrate they are in removes the ammonia from the water, which the fish are naturally producing and would kill the fish if it was allowed to build up. And the ammonia is turned into nitrites that is fertilizer for the plants. So the plants are fed with very large amounts of nutrients, and the water is kept perfectly clean for the fish. And for a low amount of money and pretty low amount of work, it is possible to create a completely self sufficient system of fish and vegetables that is enough to feed a family forever. These systems are made from very inexpensive PVC pipes and fittings, and from large containers that are recycled or reused after other purposes, so they are not too expensive either. And they can be made in any shape and any size from any containers that you can find. Just make sure that the garden part of it is large enough to ensure that all ammonia will be removed.

Also get a hunting license and do a lot of practicing with targets. If you are able to hunt, 2 or 3 large deer can feed a family for a whole year. And it doesn't have to be expensive either, you can get a Ruger American model rifle for about $300-$400 and it is one of the highest value rifles ever made. Extremely high quality compared to any affordable rifle in the last hundred years, and also is one of the most inexpensive. Try to get a caliber that is as common as possible to ensure that ammo will be available and will not be too expensive, and also something that is large enough to be good for hunting. .308, .243, .270, or anything similar. Whatever is similar power, and is common and easy to find where you live.

It is extremely important to be as self sufficient as possible, and it is simple and easy if you have some practice and knowledge. I am not saying be a crazy person all alone in the middle of the forest, or you can also do that if you want. But I mean to find sources of food and other important resources that does not require you to pay for it or to compete against any other hungry people. Because the way that jews always have tried to kill gentiles is by starving us, either by directly destroying the food supply or by destroying our ability to pay for food. Every amount that you are not dependent on their centralized globalist system for distributing food to people, it means that you will be the one who lives when they turn that system off. Just look at Bill Gates buying all the farm land all over the world. When they create a Global Holodomor against all people on Earth, you will be one of the few people still living comfortably if you just do a very small amount to prepare for it.

And ignore any sleepwalking crabs-in-a-bucket type people who want to hold you down or prevent you from succeeding. Ignore any sleepwalking person who tells you to pay no attention to the new global Holodomor that is being created around us. It is not possible to be ready to survive from a problem if you stick your head under the sand and pretend that it doesn't exist, just because it would be emotionally uncomfortable to be aware of the problem. If you know about a problem, you are then able to create yourself a way to get past it. And you are able to be ready for a situation only if you are aware of the situation.
Jack said:
Btw I'll take the time to make everyone notice that this post has reached thousands of views as it was intended to.

I hope all of you are alert ,awake and will prepare in whatever way your intuition tells you to.

This isn't intended specifically for you, but everybody in this thread as just a reality check.

Nobody actually reads these arguments. Any serious SS will click off of a thread as soon as they see more of the usual bullshit arguing. The thousands of views you see in threads where these arguments occur are kikes sharing the link to these threads among themselves and laughing at everyone involved.

There is a reason a thread with arguments skyrockets in views immediately and this is the reason. This is entertainment for the kikes and they come here to read threads where we are bickering and bitching at each other.

It's why I keep asking you guys to stop responding to each other in these circus shows. You are SS, not clowns that dance for the entertainment of jews.
This 3 page fighting could be an enemy attack. Think of that too.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
This 3 page fighting could be an enemy attack. Think of that too.

And maybe it's not. People should think of that too. "The great tribulation" "Daniel" etc who talks like that outside of Bible Class or Church. What he said is kind of like what I thought was going on except I think more he's subliminally trying to promote evangelical values as well.
Get a person very close to Hebrew prophecies or verses etc it really doesn't have to say the exact same thing or cite source (in this case he did though) it's called sympathetic Magick. You see it a lot in society. People tie into Jewish stuff without even realizing that is what it is.

That is what is going on. I don't even read these anymore to be honest I saw enough to know what was up a couple years ago.
slyscorpion said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
This 3 page fighting could be an enemy attack. Think of that too.

And maybe it's not. People should think of that too. "The great tribulation" "Daniel" etc who talks like that outside of Bible Class or Church. What he said is kind of like what I thought was going on except I think more he's subliminally trying to promote evangelical values as well.

Doesnt really change the possibility that it is an enemy attack. The enemy would love to use those who still believe in some of their bullshit to attack others or at least cause some chaos here and there
slyscorpion said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
This 3 page fighting could be an enemy attack. Think of that too.

And maybe it's not. People should think of that too. "The great tribulation" "Daniel" etc who talks like that outside of Bible Class or Church. What he said is kind of like what I thought was going on except I think more he's subliminally trying to promote evangelical values as well.
People who are weak and are walking corpses get subliminally influenced by others. I am not weak and neither are any of my SS brothers. The Jos website is full of quotes along with numbers of actual Biblical verses. Is that sympathetic magick ? Is that subliminally tying into the enemy ?

No. And neither is this. Burying your head in the sand ,wishing it to go away will not make anything better. We need to confront the actual realities of this world instead of panicking about it.

Using their terms do not make it Sympathetic magick because we are negating the outcome. Daniels final cycle ,The Great Tribulation. I negated the eventual outcomes of those terms with this thread and so did everyone who read the post.

Meaning it had the opposite effect of Sympathetic magick - it had the outcome of Negation.

Most Aethists are not bothered or affected when presented with prophecies of the enemy. As an SS if one ties into that and is affected ,it just shows how weak ones mind is compared to the average Aethist.

You have the confront the enemy. You have to know their plans. You have to negate their plans. You have to fight back. Running away is not the answer.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Btw I'll take the time to make everyone notice that this post has reached thousands of views as it was intended to.

I hope all of you are alert ,awake and will prepare in whatever way your intuition tells you to.

This isn't intended specifically for you, but everybody in this thread as just a reality check.

Nobody actually reads these arguments. Any serious SS will click off of a thread as soon as they see more of the usual bullshit arguing. The thousands of views you see in threads where these arguments occur are kikes sharing the link to these threads among themselves and laughing at everyone involved.

There is a reason a thread with arguments skyrockets in views immediately and this is the reason. This is entertainment for the kikes and they come here to read threads where we are bickering and bitching at each other.

It's why I keep asking you guys to stop responding to each other in these circus shows. You are SS, not clowns that dance for the entertainment of jews.
You have no proof for the statement you just made. The energy of this place is toxic to a kike as the energy of one of their synagogue would be toxic to us. They don't come here and read anything.

This post was read by thousands of people. It's better that they didn't read anything beyond my initial post before it was derailed by a person suffering from mental illness.

And even if they did ,we wouldn't know.

Hopefully that person and you will stop reading and responding to my posts as for the nth time it didn't go the way they wanted. That's the only way for the arguments to stop.
Our generation suffers from Monumental Cowardice. Burying your head in the Sand hoping the problems will go away.

But they won't. They won't go away until you tackle them yourself. Your personal problems will not go away until you deal with it yourself. Humanity's problems will not go away until you acknowledge the enemy and their plans and all of us reject them.

DO NOT BE AFRAID. Why do you fear that by reading a few statements by the enemy ,you will subliminally tie into their plans and manifest them ?


Why are you so AFRAID of reading your ENEMY's plans ?

There is nothing to be afraid of. To solve a problem ,we must acknowledge what the problem is.

The problem is the enemy and their plans. You MUST know what their plans are and knowing the specifics will help you prepare for them - knowing the plans makes you mentally reject them .You can only negate something you're consciously aware of.

STOP being a COWARD.

The Emperor has no clothes. We are billions of people.The last few years of protests all around the world should show you the massive opportunity that we have to collectively rise up against the enemy.

MORE PEOPLE NEED TO LEARN ABOUT THE GREAT TRIBULATION ,THE GREAT RESET ,NOT LESS. The more people acknowledge and NEGATE the outcomes ,the more the revolution proceeds.

THEY ,the ENEMY is only about 10,000 people if that. All of us acknowledging the enemy and resisting will bring their systems of control down in very very little time.

The American Government WILL fall. And with that the entire world jewry ,little by little.

THIS SEVEN YEAR PERIOD will be the time when people are so fed up ,they will rise up and replace our tyrants with Gentile leaders who will solve the problems surrounding our world. All of it will be solved withing the subsequent 20 years following the 7 year period.

STOP BEING AFRAID. In order for the common man to break out of their trance and organize against the enemy , they HAVE to suffer. They HAVE to be pushed to the brink.

Do not be sad that this is happening. BE HAPPY that we are breaking free of the shackles that had been put on us.

Did you think that the revolution would be committees and parades and kumbaya ,the Jews are suddenly gone ? Did you think thousands of years of tyranny would be gone so easily ?

Whatever is happening is happening for a reason. All of it is necessary for the future. The suffering is necessary for the common man to rise up.

YOU are here to witness the REVOLUTION. Buckle up ,prepare and make plans. Know in your mind where all of this is going - towards FREEDOM.

DO NOT BE AFRAID. SAT is with us ,always.
slyscorpion said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
This 3 page fighting could be an enemy attack. Think of that too.

And maybe it's not. People should think of that too. "The great tribulation" "Daniel" etc who talks like that outside of Bible Class or Church. What he said is kind of like what I thought was going on except I think more he's subliminally trying to promote evangelical values as well.

I agree with you 100 %.

Sharing mainstream fearmongering jewish prophecies aka their wannabe plans
and adding a bit of Spiritual Satanism to subliminally tie people here into it.

What about our own gentile prophecies? We have our own which are more important and should be shared instead.
Jack said:
You have no proof for the statement you just made. The energy of this place is toxic to a kike as the energy of one of their synagogue would be toxic to us. They don't come here and read anything.

This post was read by thousands of people. It's better that they didn't read anything beyond my initial post before it was derailed by a person suffering from mental illness.

And even if they did ,we wouldn't know.

Hopefully that person and you will stop reading and responding to my posts as for the nth time it didn't go the way they wanted. That's the only way for the arguments to stop.


Kikes are watching the forums 24/7 and many of them make accounts to try to cause problems or spread mental poisons.

People should be aware of this that there are kikes infiltrating the forums and it's important to be very careful especially if you are pushed by other members to reveal any personal information or join them in external groups.
Jack said:
slyscorpion said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
This 3 page fighting could be an enemy attack. Think of that too.

And maybe it's not. People should think of that too. "The great tribulation" "Daniel" etc who talks like that outside of Bible Class or Church. What he said is kind of like what I thought was going on except I think more he's subliminally trying to promote evangelical values as well.
People who are weak and are walking corpses get subliminally influenced by others. I am not weak and neither are any of my SS brothers. The Jos website is full of quotes along with numbers of actual Biblical verses. Is that sympathetic magick ? Is that subliminally tying into the enemy ?

No. And neither is this. Burying your head in the sand ,wishing it to go away will not make anything better. We need to confront the actual realities of this world instead of panicking about it.

Using their terms do not make it Sympathetic magick because we are negating the outcome. Daniels final cycle ,The Great Tribulation. I negated the eventual outcomes of those terms with this thread and so did everyone who read the post.

Meaning it had the opposite effect of Sympathetic magick - it had the outcome of Negation.

Most Aethists are not bothered or affected when presented with prophecies of the enemy. As an SS if one ties into that and is affected ,it just shows how weak ones mind is compared to the average Aethist.

You have the confront the enemy. You have to know their plans. You have to negate their plans. You have to fight back. Running away is not the answer.

It's not getting subliminally influenced that anyone is worried about here. It's something different. This is about pouring energy into these Jewish prophecies.

Here is good example simplified so everyone can understand. However his way of doing this is much more elaborate that's why few caught it till now.

Bible says in the end days 1 third of the population will die and sky will go black and the earth will shake.

Someone writes. They plan to depopulate the earth by a third of the population by 2024 (or pick some date) and there is a planned earthquake (insert place here) and they will set off a nuke in Ukraine (or some place)

Ok so this person gets people to believe this stuff. They start to prepare and think a lot about it. This pours energy into the astral creating impressions and strengthening ones the Jews already put there. So this adds a lot of energy into the Jewish prophecies more like cements things. These prophecies now start to come true cause really powerful people believe them and are preparing for them and pouring their energy and thoughts into them.

Ok that is what we are concerned about.

It's like xtianity for Satanists. Not easy to catch or expose but it's whats going on here.
slyscorpion said:
Jack said:
slyscorpion said:
And maybe it's not. People should think of that too. "The great tribulation" "Daniel" etc who talks like that outside of Bible Class or Church. What he said is kind of like what I thought was going on except I think more he's subliminally trying to promote evangelical values as well.
People who are weak and are walking corpses get subliminally influenced by others. I am not weak and neither are any of my SS brothers. The Jos website is full of quotes along with numbers of actual Biblical verses. Is that sympathetic magick ? Is that subliminally tying into the enemy ?

No. And neither is this. Burying your head in the sand ,wishing it to go away will not make anything better. We need to confront the actual realities of this world instead of panicking about it.

Using their terms do not make it Sympathetic magick because we are negating the outcome. Daniels final cycle ,The Great Tribulation. I negated the eventual outcomes of those terms with this thread and so did everyone who read the post.

Meaning it had the opposite effect of Sympathetic magick - it had the outcome of Negation.

Most Aethists are not bothered or affected when presented with prophecies of the enemy. As an SS if one ties into that and is affected ,it just shows how weak ones mind is compared to the average Aethist.

You have the confront the enemy. You have to know their plans. You have to negate their plans. You have to fight back. Running away is not the answer.

It's not getting subliminally influenced that anyone is worried about here. It's something different. This is about pouring energy into these Jewish prophecies.

Here is good example simplified so everyone can understand. However his way of doing this is much more elaborate that's why few caught it till now.

Bible says in the end days 1 third of the population will die and sky will go black and the earth will shake.

Someone writes. They plan to depopulate the earth by a third of the population by 2024 (or pick some date) and there is a planned earthquake (insert place here) and they will set off a nuke in Ukraine (or some place)

Ok so this person gets people to believe this stuff. They start to prepare and think a lot about it. This pours energy into the astral creating impressions and strengthening ones the Jews already put there. So this adds a lot of energy into the Jewish prophecies more like cements things. These prophecies now start to come true cause really powerful people believe them and are preparing for them and pouring their energy and thoughts into them.

Ok that is what we are concerned about.

It's like xtianity for Satanists. Not easy to catch or expose but it's whats going on here.

To correct more of this. No one negated anything it's just not many are paying attention anymore that much to this.

Atheists are the result of enemy prophecies. They certainly are and will be effected by this. So your wrong. Many of them are liberals which is "Christianity without the metaphysical Christ figure"

In fact some of the things you present tie into the xtianity myth and values as well.

You can replace "Christ" with Satan and/or Hitler change around the sound of certain quotes or words a little from the Bible make it sound "Satanic" or take evangelical xtian values and change it a little to praise "Satan" "Shiva" or whatever and sound ancient. However it's the same sewage you get in church just adapted for this group.
Jack said:
Our generation suffers from Monumental Cowardice. Burying your head in the Sand hoping the problems will go away.

But they won't. They won't go away until you tackle them yourself. Your personal problems will not go away until you deal with it yourself. Humanity's problems will not go away until you acknowledge the enemy and their plans and all of us reject them.

DO NOT BE AFRAID. Why do you fear that by reading a few statements by the enemy ,you will subliminally tie into their plans and manifest them ?


Why are you so AFRAID of reading your ENEMY's plans ?

There is nothing to be afraid of. To solve a problem ,we must acknowledge what the problem is.

The problem is the enemy and their plans. You MUST know what their plans are and knowing the specifics will help you prepare for them - knowing the plans makes you mentally reject them .You can only negate something you're consciously aware of.

STOP being a COWARD.

The Emperor has no clothes. We are billions of people.The last few years of protests all around the world should show you the massive opportunity that we have to collectively rise up against the enemy.

MORE PEOPLE NEED TO LEARN ABOUT THE GREAT TRIBULATION ,THE GREAT RESET ,NOT LESS. The more people acknowledge and NEGATE the outcomes ,the more the revolution proceeds.

THEY ,the ENEMY is only about 10,000 people if that. All of us acknowledging the enemy and resisting will bring their systems of control down in very very little time.

The American Government WILL fall. And with that the entire world jewry ,little by little.

THIS SEVEN YEAR PERIOD will be the time when people are so fed up ,they will rise up and replace our tyrants with Gentile leaders who will solve the problems surrounding our world. All of it will be solved withing the subsequent 20 years following the 7 year period.

STOP BEING AFRAID. In order for the common man to break out of their trance and organize against the enemy , they HAVE to suffer. They HAVE to be pushed to the brink.

Do not be sad that this is happening. BE HAPPY that we are breaking free of the shackles that had been put on us.

Did you think that the revolution would be committees and parades and kumbaya ,the Jews are suddenly gone ? Did you think thousands of years of tyranny would be gone so easily ?

Whatever is happening is happening for a reason. All of it is necessary for the future. The suffering is necessary for the common man to rise up.

YOU are here to witness the REVOLUTION. Buckle up ,prepare and make plans. Know in your mind where all of this is going - towards FREEDOM.

DO NOT BE AFRAID. SAT is with us ,always.

Our generation suffers from Monumental Cowardice. Burying your head in the Sand hoping the problems will go away.

But they won't. They won't go away until you tackle them yourself. Your personal problems will not go away until you deal with it yourself. Humanity's problems will not go away until you acknowledge the enemy and their plans and all of us reject them.

Me: Yeah we have people calmly reading this stuff without realizing it harms them. Oh there are people getting more strong on these boards and in this world. Yeah humanities and our personal problems won't go away until we stop being programmed.


Why are you so AFRAID of reading your ENEMY's plans ?

Me: We are not afraid of reading about our enemies plans we are scared of helping with them.

There is nothing to be afraid of. To solve a problem ,we must acknowledge what the problem is.

The problem is the enemy and their plans. You MUST know what their plans are and knowing the specifics will help you prepare for them - knowing the plans makes you mentally reject them .You can only negate something you're consciously aware of.

STOP being a COWARD.

Me: You forgot about helping the enemy in their plans. But that would be saying too much.

The Emperor has no clothes. We are billions of people.The last few years of protests all around the world should show you the massive opportunity that we have to collectively rise up against the enemy.

MORE PEOPLE NEED TO LEARN ABOUT THE GREAT TRIBULATION ,THE GREAT RESET ,NOT LESS. The more people acknowledge and NEGATE the outcomes ,the more the revolution proceeds

Me: Yay the emperor really is naked don't you have a gas station to go preach this at amougst the people who smoke a white rock.

THEY ,the ENEMY is only about 10,000 people if that. All of us acknowledging the enemy and resisting will bring their systems of control down in very very little time.

The American Government WILL fall. And with that the entire world jewry ,little by little.

THIS SEVEN YEAR PERIOD will be the time when people are so fed up ,they will rise up and replace our tyrants with Gentile leaders who will solve the problems surrounding our world. All of it will be solved withing the subsequent 20 years following the 7 year period.

Me: Yeah there you go preparing the masses of gentile Satanists for the Bible to be fulfilled and to eventually you know go back to church and worship Jew on a stick. Giving their money to gawd and waiting for the end.

STOP BEING AFRAID. In order for the common man to break out of their trance and organize against the enemy , they HAVE to suffer. They HAVE to be pushed to the brink.

Do not be sad that this is happening. BE HAPPY that we are breaking free of the shackles that had been put on us.

Did you think that the revolution would be committees and parades and kumbaya ,the Jews are suddenly gone ? Did you think thousands of years of tyranny would be gone so easily ?

Me: yeah this sounds super familiar. I should be happy I am suffering and have a grin as I am a victim for a Jew on a stick. Wait I should flog myself some more and say some hail Marys waiting for what revolution. Oh that's right the one your trying to get us to pour energy into.

Whatever is happening is happening for a reason. All of it is necessary for the future. The suffering is necessary for the common man to rise up.

YOU are here to witness the REVOLUTION. Buckle up ,prepare and make plans. Know in your mind where all of this is going - towards FREEDOM.

DO NOT BE AFRAID. SAT is with us ,always.

Me: Yeah workers unite and praise Jewsus at the same time. I am not afraid 🤦‍♀️💩
slyscorpion said:
Jack said:
slyscorpion said:
And maybe it's not. People should think of that too. "The great tribulation" "Daniel" etc who talks like that outside of Bible Class or Church. What he said is kind of like what I thought was going on except I think more he's subliminally trying to promote evangelical values as well.
People who are weak and are walking corpses get subliminally influenced by others. I am not weak and neither are any of my SS brothers. The Jos website is full of quotes along with numbers of actual Biblical verses. Is that sympathetic magick ? Is that subliminally tying into the enemy ?

No. And neither is this. Burying your head in the sand ,wishing it to go away will not make anything better. We need to confront the actual realities of this world instead of panicking about it.

Using their terms do not make it Sympathetic magick because we are negating the outcome. Daniels final cycle ,The Great Tribulation. I negated the eventual outcomes of those terms with this thread and so did everyone who read the post.

Meaning it had the opposite effect of Sympathetic magick - it had the outcome of Negation.

Most Aethists are not bothered or affected when presented with prophecies of the enemy. As an SS if one ties into that and is affected ,it just shows how weak ones mind is compared to the average Aethist.

You have the confront the enemy. You have to know their plans. You have to negate their plans. You have to fight back. Running away is not the answer.

It's not getting subliminally influenced that anyone is worried about here. It's something different. This is about pouring energy into these Jewish prophecies.

Here is good example simplified so everyone can understand. However his way of doing this is much more elaborate that's why few caught it till now.

Bible says in the end days 1 third of the population will die and sky will go black and the earth will shake.

Someone writes. They plan to depopulate the earth by a third of the population by 2024 (or pick some date) and there is a planned earthquake (insert place here) and they will set off a nuke in Ukraine (or some place)

Ok so this person gets people to believe this stuff. They start to prepare and think a lot about it. This pours energy into the astral creating impressions and strengthening ones the Jews already put there. So this adds a lot of energy into the Jewish prophecies more like cements things. These prophecies now start to come true cause really powerful people believe them and are preparing for them and pouring their energy and thoughts into them.

Ok that is what we are concerned about.

It's like xtianity for Satanists. Not easy to catch or expose but it's whats going on here.

My simple question is why are you believing in a Jewish prophecy just because you read it. Is your mind so weak ?

This just means you'll believe in whatever anyone tells you to believe in Jewish or not.

Recognizing probabilities and preparing for them doesn't mean you believe it's going to happen.

You wear a helmet when you ride a bike not because you believe that you're going to crash the bike but because of safety. Just because you're prepared doesn't mean you're trying to manifest it. There's no logical connection there.

This is the most paranoid shit I've ever heard here.
slyscorpion said:
slyscorpion said:
Jack said:
People who are weak and are walking corpses get subliminally influenced by others. I am not weak and neither are any of my SS brothers. The Jos website is full of quotes along with numbers of actual Biblical verses. Is that sympathetic magick ? Is that subliminally tying into the enemy ?

No. And neither is this. Burying your head in the sand ,wishing it to go away will not make anything better. We need to confront the actual realities of this world instead of panicking about it.

Using their terms do not make it Sympathetic magick because we are negating the outcome. Daniels final cycle ,The Great Tribulation. I negated the eventual outcomes of those terms with this thread and so did everyone who read the post.

Meaning it had the opposite effect of Sympathetic magick - it had the outcome of Negation.

Most Aethists are not bothered or affected when presented with prophecies of the enemy. As an SS if one ties into that and is affected ,it just shows how weak ones mind is compared to the average Aethist.

You have the confront the enemy. You have to know their plans. You have to negate their plans. You have to fight back. Running away is not the answer.

It's not getting subliminally influenced that anyone is worried about here. It's something different. This is about pouring energy into these Jewish prophecies.

Here is good example simplified so everyone can understand. However his way of doing this is much more elaborate that's why few caught it till now.

Bible says in the end days 1 third of the population will die and sky will go black and the earth will shake.

Someone writes. They plan to depopulate the earth by a third of the population by 2024 (or pick some date) and there is a planned earthquake (insert place here) and they will set off a nuke in Ukraine (or some place)

Ok so this person gets people to believe this stuff. They start to prepare and think a lot about it. This pours energy into the astral creating impressions and strengthening ones the Jews already put there. So this adds a lot of energy into the Jewish prophecies more like cements things. These prophecies now start to come true cause really powerful people believe them and are preparing for them and pouring their energy and thoughts into them.

Ok that is what we are concerned about.

It's like xtianity for Satanists. Not easy to catch or expose but it's whats going on here.

To correct more of this. No one negated anything it's just not many are paying attention anymore that much to this.

Atheists are the result of enemy prophecies. They certainly are and will be effected by this. So your wrong. Many of them are liberals which is "Christianity without the metaphysical Christ figure"

In fact some of the things you present tie into the xtianity myth and values as well.

You can replace "Christ" with Satan and/or Hitler change around the sound of certain quotes or words a little from the Bible make it sound "Satanic" or take evangelical xtian values and change it a little to praise "Satan" "Shiva" or whatever and sound ancient. However it's the same sewage you get in church just adapted for this group.
False. One who does Void Medidation is not paranoid enough to unconsciously put energy into a negative prophecy. So that is completely debunked ,unless if you want to call SS incapable of controlling their thoughts and energies even after doing Void meditation.

Also ,the second point is also False. The reverence the Church lays to its fake idols is stolen from pre existing Pagan religions.

There were supermassive temples with Gold idols of our Gods which were worshipped by Pagans all around the world.

The method of worship and the metaphysical elements have been changed but the method of worship is stolen from the earlier religions.

For example - The Pope wearing the ceremonial garb is copied from Egyptian priests. And so on and so forth.

The Structure of a Church is also stolen from the Structure of Ancient temples.

It's not replacing anything. The Old Gods were replaced by Christian idols.

You're still confused about everything because you're in a reactionary view of life from previous exposure to Xianity and haven't completely detached yet.

Our Gods have to be worshipped and revered because of their divine importance and their attributes of uplifting their followers. Which is why we've begun doing the Rituals of worship for them.

Satan is the Prophet and the Lord of Light who gives Power and knowledge to humanity of self Empowerment. Which is why we worship him because he is the center of what Is truth ,and truth flows from him. He is all knowing ,all present and powerful. There is nothing wrong about worshipping him as the God Emperor of all mankind. The only reason why someone would take all of his knowledge and not worship him is purely for egotistical reasons borne out of the negative ego.

Meaning you still have to do a lot more cleaning and rethinking about your approach to him. Doing the Empowerment ritual for Satan is a Good place to start to detach from corrupted beliefs about him.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
