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The Gods Live In The Children

Childhood and Adulthood are mostly a social construct and do not reflect reality as it actually exists we should judge a person based upon their merits level of intelligence and the inner content of their soul not just on an arbitrary number that is their birthday. I completely like where this is going just wanted to bring up my thoughts here.

Sadly most "adults" have been brainwashed to lose that magical feeling this social construct (A) gives them in their early years and replace it with Social Construct (B) in order to be a full borg slave to the Jewish system. We all maybe should step outside our self imposed "worldly" existential mental prison of constructed labels and be Social Construct (C) or become other the third option stepping outside the Jewish system and the human "earthly" constructed system altogether to just live how nature intended.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Recently I was taking a walk and it happened I was crossing a park where an exhibit of children's paintings were the theme. The exhibit was about stray animals, and specifically cats and dogs. In the little bazaar people passing could purchase some of the paintings children made no older than 9 or 10 years old. The funds went to homeless shelters of animals.

Upon looking at all the portraits that children had painted, most of them had Egyptian themes. Bastet and decorated cats with jewelry, pyramids, the all-seeing eye of Egypt on the paintings. Other paintings had Anubis or a dog or both. Clearly the fame of Bastet or Anubis, and all the Gods of Egypt is still very big in our hearts and soul when we are young.

Tell me have you ever asked or remember a kid from your school that was asked: "who do you want to be, Anubis, Set, Zeus or Jesus" and they literally told you "Jesus"? You will never find such a child in this world and why? Because in children lives copious wisdom. It takes a lot of mental enslavement to receive this answer, which is rarely present in pure souls.

It is this state the enemy is fighting against with disinformation and bombarding the mind with lies. Even in an era where the Gods are literally barraged with the existence of the enemy's churches and lies, our Gods still ruling over the hearts of the young.

The enemy does their earnest to spread their poison and nullify this part of the soul before it is "too late" for them. Their hoax cannot stand, as it has no roots in our souls or in our heart. They are racing time on every birth of a Gentile worldwide, doing everything they can to sedate our hearts and minds.

All one has to do to return into Paganism, is to just let Gentiles literally live without a consistent barrage of darkness and ignorance coming from the enemy. It's in our soul.

Most children are booming with interest and love for the Ancient Gods. Egyptian Gods are a very famous and cool theme for children, and any child will find beauty or adoration in at least one of the Gods. The enemy can bombard the minds of children all day with "Jesus" and "Christianity", but it all remains unappealing.

Children are in a state where cultural programming and other mental viruses have not yet set roots into their hearts and souls. And what does come out from these souls? Adoration for the Gods, beautiful imagery, common sense.

If we let human beings without all the enemy programming for just a couple of decades, most people would be rebuilding Egypt or the Ancient Civilizations now. As one top Rabbi mentioned, the "Souls of the Gentiles come from the Satanic Sphere". The essence of the soul is still very strong when we are all young, and it dominates even the mind.

As we grow, the mind takes over, and the more years pass, it becomes more difficult to maintain this level of soulfulness. The people who keep their soul alive or are still internally alive, always in some way are around the Gods, around nature, following some passion - doing whatever the enemy strictly forbids.

Maybe they don't worship the Gods per se, but they engage in informal worship through being partakers in their beauties in this world. Even this is enough to maintain one into life. To cut off from this is a human being that dies and withers away.

Just look at a broken record in your Bible belt. Withered away, these creatures go around like living zombies, trying to preach things they don't even have inside them or ever known. "God", "Eternal Life", "The Word Of God", "The Soul" and so on. They have nothing of this.

Walking around like zombies on recruitment mode, they want you to join them so you will have nothing either. Then you can both be siphoned together into nothingness.

What happened to these people between their youth and where has their Satanic Soul went? Well, they sold it for a buck at a Rabbi down the nasty alleyway, a few meters from the corner of ignorance. They sold their soul over some strange lies the Rabbi told them about their Gods.

And that is their punishment: It's not only not the mind that rules them in their mature age, but it's the absence of mind and soul that they are suffering from.

But this is their hope: in their children they will see again the resurgence of their soul. Many of us here have been the blood of this resurgence, the spirit of the blood that came out and decided it would not be subverted.

Years from now, our children and the children of our children will be thanking us: We Will have liberated their Souls and broke the chain of a long enslavement.

Through this, the Gods will live again.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is indeed true, I have seen this myself quite often. The beauty a child who has not been enslaved by the enemy has such an opened creative mind. Though I have known and met a few pagan/gentile families with children over the years, I notice the difference in them. One child I knew had such love for Enki, when I met her she picked a flower in my yard and gave to me specifically saying it was for 'Enki' and said it with such a smile on her face, and this little girl was about 7 at the time. And I placed it on the main altar I keep for my daily devotionals to Father, when her mother brought herself and her children to visit for one of our Satanic Holidays. Another though non-Satanic, but pagan-raised child, I know of that has a grandmother that lives in the same apartment building I live in, (this grandchild is only 2), she is very open minded, artistic and creative, she isn't brainwashed and is happy and always smiling. unlike so many other children who come here who come here to visit their grandparents. There is such a difference in the children that are forcibly indoctrinated their whole lives from the time they're born with jesus and 'it's anything but wholesome' teachings. I can see their zombie-like faces, as almost as if a spell or trance has been placed on them and their fake smiles that hide a sadness. But at the same time, they're so far gone with this religious indoctrination poisoning in their minds, that when they are here, they won't sing, think, talk about or even do any art, drawings, and/or crafts with their grandparents if it isn't religiously themed. Or even watch tv or have conversations unless it is about the enemy xian god. And these kids are anywhere from the age of 2 to 12. Even making jewelry for someone in their family or for a friend has to have a religious symbolism behind it, and sometimes even a 'prayer' said over it, before they make them, or do any activities, it has to be started with a prayer to their filly lie of a god. And it's the children who want to lead these prayers, not the grandparents, but of course they're more than happy to join in. Another little toddler I knew years ago from my aunt's friends, she'd bring her children to visit
my aunt, and he was about 3, he was so brainwashed with fear already at such a young age, that he refused to sleep without his bible, because he was afraid to sleep without it. It is sad to see how much they're enslaved to the enemy but your sermon proves hope for our future in our children. The gods are indeed communicating through our children and I am happy to see they are finding ways to fight back and make themselves still known in our world. If I was a parent I would be honored to raise my children to know Father Satan, and the true gods of our world, and celebrating them.

Master, first of all congratulations for the article because I liked it a lot, especially where you use puns ... then speaking of the subject I personally remember that as a child I greatly adored the Greek gods in comparison to the empty and disgusting lie itself, then I want to underline one thing, all xians "love" their "religion" but most of them don't even want to become priests, I don't get the calculations back ... Now I understand the programming of children, bringing them into the wrong way as soon as possible, as young as possible
Arcadia said:
The appeal of Paganism is perfectly natural. Ask a young boy, what does he want to be? What's cool? He wants to be Hercules, taking on the Hydra. Not some unwashed Jew who preached being weak and died miserably. Or a young girl. Does she want to be like the huntress Artemis, strong and proud, who lives the wilds? Or like Muhammad's wife Aisha, who's only remarkable traits were being sold into marriage at 6 years old to a disgusting pedophile warlord, followed by a life of absolute pathetic subservience?

One needs only look at the continued popularity of "fairytales", all of which have Pagan origins, to know where the hearts of children actually lie. No child wants to sit in church listening to some probable molester drone on about worthless filth. Even better, the few actual holidays they enjoy are either outright Pagan (Halloween) or originally Pagan with a few half-assed attempts at redirection tossed in (Yule and Easter).

It requires no shortage of abuse and brainwashing to force a child to be Xian in the modern first world.

Powerful and uplifting truth!
Nimrod33 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
My young cousin is attracted to the Anunaki a lot. He calls Lucifer "my dear", after having watched the Lucifer series (although it is blasphemous, sometimes things take an unexpected turn).

Interesting. Years ago, i was a bit surprised when i found out that i wasn't the only SS that has read Tolkien's books (I admit that in the past i have read and enjoyed both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, but i cannot say the same about the Silmarillion), but i guess it is logical, since they have pagan symbols. While i pretty much never cared of their xian themes as an Atheist, i would not read them ever again, since they pretty much can be described in the same way of the xianity program: stolen Paganism used against Father Satan to promote the Dark Ages and the Catholic dogma. However, seeing that his books sometimes leads people to "Paganism" (and in some cases, to real Satanism) it makes me smirks, knowing that the enemy's blasphemies backfired against them. :D I read somewhere on the web that even the more openly xian Narnia led a woman to become a "witch". :lol: I guess Cuck Soy Lewis shouldn't have put magic and Pagan Gods in his own fantasy novels. :lol:

Also, while i pretty magic gave up any of the crap that you can find in both TV and Streaming platforms, such as Netflix, Prime Video, ecc., the fact that more and more media have pagans themes (even though they are made by the enemy to spread disinfo on us) seems to lead more and more people in our ranks. A sign that we will grow more and more! :D

Strikingly like Harry Potter shit. First, Harry Potter is supposed to be about the German witches who were burnt in the Catholic Inquisitions. Well the Jews created both xianity and the catholic inquisitions! So why dedicate a fiction world full of Paganism and witchery to them and not against them?
Nimrod33 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Tell me have you ever asked or remember a kid from your school that was asked: "who do you want to be, Anubis, Set, Zeus or Jesus" and they literally told you "Jesus"? You will never find such a child in this world and why? Because in children lives copious wisdom. It takes a lot of mental enslavement to receive this answer, which is rarely present in pure souls.

I think i can see myself as a child in elementary school in the situation that you described, HP.

I owned some books that showed some images and descriptions of the forms the Gods took in both Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt, and i felt more attracted to them than Rabbi Jewsus. I even owned some toys about Ancient Pagan Egypt. Unfortunately, the peoples that i knew forced me to worship the jewish thoughtform :( . Despite the fact that our religion teacher and the Catholic clergy in Catechism insisted all the time with me that "there is only one god", it took me years to forget the other Gods. During my pre-mature years i always feel repulsed by the studies that i made about the Catholic Church history, such as them forcing their own ideology on everyone and even wanting "holy territories" in the Southern Italian region. Even when i became an Atheist i still felt connected to the Pagan "Mythologies" than the xian program, and it is because of that i felt attracted by Neopaganism twice, even though i never converted either times because: the first time i was still unconvinced to join any religion because i identified as a "antitheistic conspiracy theorist", while the second time lasted for a very short period because i discovered the previous JOS sub-forums and found the True Pagan Spirituality.

I'll admit that i had some interest in Islam, but that was because all i knew about it was via some school lessons that i didn't pay attention and made it "appealing" and, perhaps, some fiction set in the Middle-East such as Aladdin. When i finally started having interest in studying religions and spirituality, i learned via some websites that it is a very dangerous cult that, like xianity, needs to be banned from the societies in order to keep them clean. I don't remember if i had any opinion on Buddhism before joining the JOS, but I've always wondered what was the point of it if there was already Hinduism (Just like i didn't understand how Xianity and Judaism can coexist at the same time, before becoming aware of the jewish cabal).

Unfortunately, while maintaining the admiration of the Pagan Gods, i was scared of Satan, all thanks to the Christian depiction of him that Hollywood and other jewish media adopted it to blaspheme him even more :x . Fortunately, when i started looking on the JOS forums after having to bear all the xian bullshit that was present in the Alt-Right media, in order to inform myself about their schemes, i've finally found the truth and in recent times I'm very willing to do everything in order to join the Gods.

I also wonder: do kids are normally born racially-aware? Because in almost all the years before joining JOS, i couldn't stand having migrants coming to my country (no offense to the non-white SS) and i really couldn't stand the sight of (((gypsies))). Even The Hunchback of Notre Dame was not able to make me sympathize with them. As for the jews, i was forced to watch an old movie about the hoax of Anne Frank's diary, and i remember that i couldn't stand the characters: they were pretty much all unlikable. I also remember that I've hated Moses in The Prince of Egypt and was very sad for what the Egyptians had to suffer. I still wonder how can xians, who claims to be anti-jewish, make absurd claims by stating that they even "hate their other prophets", yet the movie that i quoted above is made by (((Dreamworks))) and was directed by the jew Stephen Spielberg. :lol:

So do you recommend watching The Prince of Egypt?
Osiris Silvio said:
Nimrod33 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Tell me have you ever asked or remember a kid from your school that was asked: "who do you want to be, Anubis, Set, Zeus or Jesus" and they literally told you "Jesus"? You will never find such a child in this world and why? Because in children lives copious wisdom. It takes a lot of mental enslavement to receive this answer, which is rarely present in pure souls.

I think i can see myself as a child in elementary school in the situation that you described, HP.

I owned some books that showed some images and descriptions of the forms the Gods took in both Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt, and i felt more attracted to them than Rabbi Jewsus. I even owned some toys about Ancient Pagan Egypt. Unfortunately, the peoples that i knew forced me to worship the jewish thoughtform :( . Despite the fact that our religion teacher and the Catholic clergy in Catechism insisted all the time with me that "there is only one god", it took me years to forget the other Gods. During my pre-mature years i always feel repulsed by the studies that i made about the Catholic Church history, such as them forcing their own ideology on everyone and even wanting "holy territories" in the Southern Italian region. Even when i became an Atheist i still felt connected to the Pagan "Mythologies" than the xian program, and it is because of that i felt attracted by Neopaganism twice, even though i never converted either times because: the first time i was still unconvinced to join any religion because i identified as a "antitheistic conspiracy theorist", while the second time lasted for a very short period because i discovered the previous JOS sub-forums and found the True Pagan Spirituality.

I'll admit that i had some interest in Islam, but that was because all i knew about it was via some school lessons that i didn't pay attention and made it "appealing" and, perhaps, some fiction set in the Middle-East such as Aladdin. When i finally started having interest in studying religions and spirituality, i learned via some websites that it is a very dangerous cult that, like xianity, needs to be banned from the societies in order to keep them clean. I don't remember if i had any opinion on Buddhism before joining the JOS, but I've always wondered what was the point of it if there was already Hinduism (Just like i didn't understand how Xianity and Judaism can coexist at the same time, before becoming aware of the jewish cabal).

Unfortunately, while maintaining the admiration of the Pagan Gods, i was scared of Satan, all thanks to the Christian depiction of him that Hollywood and other jewish media adopted it to blaspheme him even more :x . Fortunately, when i started looking on the JOS forums after having to bear all the xian bullshit that was present in the Alt-Right media, in order to inform myself about their schemes, i've finally found the truth and in recent times I'm very willing to do everything in order to join the Gods.

I also wonder: do kids are normally born racially-aware? Because in almost all the years before joining JOS, i couldn't stand having migrants coming to my country (no offense to the non-white SS) and i really couldn't stand the sight of (((gypsies))). Even The Hunchback of Notre Dame was not able to make me sympathize with them. As for the jews, i was forced to watch an old movie about the hoax of Anne Frank's diary, and i remember that i couldn't stand the characters: they were pretty much all unlikable. I also remember that I've hated Moses in The Prince of Egypt and was very sad for what the Egyptians had to suffer. I still wonder how can xians, who claims to be anti-jewish, make absurd claims by stating that they even "hate their other prophets", yet the movie that i quoted above is made by (((Dreamworks))) and was directed by the jew Stephen Spielberg. :lol:

So do you recommend watching The Prince of Egypt?

I saw this movie as a kid it is kiked as fuck. It ofcourse also revolves around a story about the ancient Egyptians owning slaves which is another jewish lie. I remember when we watched it with my mom and my dad saw the part of the movie when the anal of death killed all the firstborn children. he said, "that god is not merciful what does it have to do with little kids?" He also ripped on moses..alot :lol:

Would not recommend.
Osiris Silvio said:
Nimrod33 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Tell me have you ever asked or remember a kid from your school that was asked: "who do you want to be, Anubis, Set, Zeus or Jesus" and they literally told you "Jesus"? You will never find such a child in this world and why? Because in children lives copious wisdom. It takes a lot of mental enslavement to receive this answer, which is rarely present in pure souls.

I think i can see myself as a child in elementary school in the situation that you described, HP.

I owned some books that showed some images and descriptions of the forms the Gods took in both Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt, and i felt more attracted to them than Rabbi Jewsus. I even owned some toys about Ancient Pagan Egypt. Unfortunately, the peoples that i knew forced me to worship the jewish thoughtform :( . Despite the fact that our religion teacher and the Catholic clergy in Catechism insisted all the time with me that "there is only one god", it took me years to forget the other Gods. During my pre-mature years i always feel repulsed by the studies that i made about the Catholic Church history, such as them forcing their own ideology on everyone and even wanting "holy territories" in the Southern Italian region. Even when i became an Atheist i still felt connected to the Pagan "Mythologies" than the xian program, and it is because of that i felt attracted by Neopaganism twice, even though i never converted either times because: the first time i was still unconvinced to join any religion because i identified as a "antitheistic conspiracy theorist", while the second time lasted for a very short period because i discovered the previous JOS sub-forums and found the True Pagan Spirituality.

I'll admit that i had some interest in Islam, but that was because all i knew about it was via some school lessons that i didn't pay attention and made it "appealing" and, perhaps, some fiction set in the Middle-East such as Aladdin. When i finally started having interest in studying religions and spirituality, i learned via some websites that it is a very dangerous cult that, like xianity, needs to be banned from the societies in order to keep them clean. I don't remember if i had any opinion on Buddhism before joining the JOS, but I've always wondered what was the point of it if there was already Hinduism (Just like i didn't understand how Xianity and Judaism can coexist at the same time, before becoming aware of the jewish cabal).

Unfortunately, while maintaining the admiration of the Pagan Gods, i was scared of Satan, all thanks to the Christian depiction of him that Hollywood and other jewish media adopted it to blaspheme him even more :x . Fortunately, when i started looking on the JOS forums after having to bear all the xian bullshit that was present in the Alt-Right media, in order to inform myself about their schemes, i've finally found the truth and in recent times I'm very willing to do everything in order to join the Gods.

I also wonder: do kids are normally born racially-aware? Because in almost all the years before joining JOS, i couldn't stand having migrants coming to my country (no offense to the non-white SS) and i really couldn't stand the sight of (((gypsies))). Even The Hunchback of Notre Dame was not able to make me sympathize with them. As for the jews, i was forced to watch an old movie about the hoax of Anne Frank's diary, and i remember that i couldn't stand the characters: they were pretty much all unlikable. I also remember that I've hated Moses in The Prince of Egypt and was very sad for what the Egyptians had to suffer. I still wonder how can xians, who claims to be anti-jewish, make absurd claims by stating that they even "hate their other prophets", yet the movie that i quoted above is made by (((Dreamworks))) and was directed by the jew Stephen Spielberg. :lol:

So do you recommend watching The Prince of Egypt?
Lol, no. I personally would recommend fellow SS keep themselves (and their relatives) away from most Hollywood movies, unless the purpose of watching it to study enemy's propaganda (unfortunately, once you are redpilled, you can't enjoy them anymore and you'll get tired of seeing the same themes repeated over and over again). Now, the Prince of Egypt is revisionist propaganda that portrays Moses and his fellow rats as innocent and good, and does the same to the jewish Gog. The Egyptians, on the other hand, are shown suffering but somehow "they deserve it" for "worshiping the wrong Gods". One of the songs, the one about the "Plagues", is even a blasphemy to the identities that the Gods had in Egypt. So, to repeat the answer, no, i don't recommend it, like i don't recommend the one of the story about "Joseph the dreamer", as both are revisionist propaganda that xians somehow love it despite coming from Hollywood jews (nothing to surprise though, they are desperate to cling themselves to basically anyone who can make a "good apology" of their cult (such as all the non-xian jewish "historians" that keeps insisting that the Dark Ages are "academic bias" :lol: )).

If i were to give kids something about Ancient Egypt, it wouldn't be the movies that i mentioned. Unfortunately, it appears that there are almost no "Pagan" media set in that period of history, instead, we get blasphemies such as The Mummy, who mocks Ancient Egyptians beliefs as if they were just "curses" and portrays its Pagan monarchy portraying them like if they were vampires. I remember seeing (briefly) the last movie of that series and it portrayed Seth as some sort of "evil god". Pretty much, we have the usual xianized interpretation of our Gods, that is pretty rampant when it comes in media, not just about Egypt, but even with Greece with Hades (Disney) or Scandinavia with Loki (Marvel).

However, I'm pretty confident that we will have more "pro-Pagan" media in the future.

Hail Satan!
Enlightened.Serpent said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Recently I was taking a walk and it happened I was crossing a park where an exhibit of children's paintings were the theme. The exhibit was about stray animals, and specifically cats and dogs. In the little bazaar people passing could purchase some of the paintings children made no older than 9 or 10 years old. The funds went to homeless shelters of animals.

Upon looking at all the portraits that children had painted, most of them had Egyptian themes. Bastet and decorated cats with jewelry, pyramids, the all-seeing eye of Egypt on the paintings. Other paintings had Anubis or a dog or both. Clearly the fame of Bastet or Anubis, and all the Gods of Egypt is still very big in our hearts and soul when we are young.

Tell me have you ever asked or remember a kid from your school that was asked: "who do you want to be, Anubis, Set, Zeus or Jesus" and they literally told you "Jesus"? You will never find such a child in this world and why? Because in children lives copious wisdom. It takes a lot of mental enslavement to receive this answer, which is rarely present in pure souls.

It is this state the enemy is fighting against with disinformation and bombarding the mind with lies. Even in an era where the Gods are literally barraged with the existence of the enemy's churches and lies, our Gods still ruling over the hearts of the young.

The enemy does their earnest to spread their poison and nullify this part of the soul before it is "too late" for them. Their hoax cannot stand, as it has no roots in our souls or in our heart. They are racing time on every birth of a Gentile worldwide, doing everything they can to sedate our hearts and minds.

All one has to do to return into Paganism, is to just let Gentiles literally live without a consistent barrage of darkness and ignorance coming from the enemy. It's in our soul.

Most children are booming with interest and love for the Ancient Gods. Egyptian Gods are a very famous and cool theme for children, and any child will find beauty or adoration in at least one of the Gods. The enemy can bombard the minds of children all day with "Jesus" and "Christianity", but it all remains unappealing.

Children are in a state where cultural programming and other mental viruses have not yet set roots into their hearts and souls. And what does come out from these souls? Adoration for the Gods, beautiful imagery, common sense.

If we let human beings without all the enemy programming for just a couple of decades, most people would be rebuilding Egypt or the Ancient Civilizations now. As one top Rabbi mentioned, the "Souls of the Gentiles come from the Satanic Sphere". The essence of the soul is still very strong when we are all young, and it dominates even the mind.

As we grow, the mind takes over, and the more years pass, it becomes more difficult to maintain this level of soulfulness. The people who keep their soul alive or are still internally alive, always in some way are around the Gods, around nature, following some passion - doing whatever the enemy strictly forbids.

Maybe they don't worship the Gods per se, but they engage in informal worship through being partakers in their beauties in this world. Even this is enough to maintain one into life. To cut off from this is a human being that dies and withers away.

Just look at a broken record in your Bible belt. Withered away, these creatures go around like living zombies, trying to preach things they don't even have inside them or ever known. "God", "Eternal Life", "The Word Of God", "The Soul" and so on. They have nothing of this.

Walking around like zombies on recruitment mode, they want you to join them so you will have nothing either. Then you can both be siphoned together into nothingness.

What happened to these people between their youth and where has their Satanic Soul went? Well, they sold it for a buck at a Rabbi down the nasty alleyway, a few meters from the corner of ignorance. They sold their soul over some strange lies the Rabbi told them about their Gods.

And that is their punishment: It's not only not the mind that rules them in their mature age, but it's the absence of mind and soul that they are suffering from.

But this is their hope: in their children they will see again the resurgence of their soul. Many of us here have been the blood of this resurgence, the spirit of the blood that came out and decided it would not be subverted.

Years from now, our children and the children of our children will be thanking us: We Will have liberated their Souls and broke the chain of a long enslavement.

Through this, the Gods will live again.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is indeed true, I have seen this myself quite often. The beauty a child who has not been enslaved by the enemy has such an opened creative mind. Though I have known and met a few pagan/gentile families with children over the years, I notice the difference in them. One child I knew had such love for Enki, when I met her she picked a flower in my yard and gave to me specifically saying it was for 'Enki' and said it with such a smile on her face, and this little girl was about 7 at the time. And I placed it on the main altar I keep for my daily devotionals to Father, when her mother brought herself and her children to visit for one of our Satanic Holidays. Another though non-Satanic, but pagan-raised child, I know of that has a grandmother that lives in the same apartment building I live in, (this grandchild is only 2), she is very open minded, artistic and creative, she isn't brainwashed and is happy and always smiling. unlike so many other children who come here who come here to visit their grandparents. There is such a difference in the children that are forcibly indoctrinated their whole lives from the time they're born with jesus and 'it's anything but wholesome' teachings. I can see their zombie-like faces, as almost as if a spell or trance has been placed on them and their fake smiles that hide a sadness. But at the same time, they're so far gone with this religious indoctrination poisoning in their minds, that when they are here, they won't sing, think, talk about or even do any art, drawings, and/or crafts with their grandparents if it isn't religiously themed. Or even watch tv or have conversations unless it is about the enemy xian god. And these kids are anywhere from the age of 2 to 12. Even making jewelry for someone in their family or for a friend has to have a religious symbolism behind it, and sometimes even a 'prayer' said over it, before they make them, or do any activities, it has to be started with a prayer to their filly lie of a god. And it's the children who want to lead these prayers, not the grandparents, but of course they're more than happy to join in. Another little toddler I knew years ago from my aunt's friends, she'd bring her children to visit
my aunt, and he was about 3, he was so brainwashed with fear already at such a young age, that he refused to sleep without his bible, because he was afraid to sleep without it. It is sad to see how much they're enslaved to the enemy but your sermon proves hope for our future in our children. The gods are indeed communicating through our children and I am happy to see they are finding ways to fight back and make themselves still known in our world. If I was a parent I would be honored to raise my children to know Father Satan, and the true gods of our world, and celebrating them.
*I also forgot to ask if you possibly had photos of these beautiful paintings/art pieces? They should be shared with the JOS, if you had them available for sharing...but it is wonderful to see how much the gods are communicating through the next generations of our future. It is surely a sign the gods are with us always, and that they are our friends and teachers, and protectors, and still easily reachable for those who truly wish to connect with them, learn from them, and how much they want to be in our lives.

Osiris Silvio said:
Nimrod33 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
My young cousin is attracted to the Anunaki a lot. He calls Lucifer "my dear", after having watched the Lucifer series (although it is blasphemous, sometimes things take an unexpected turn).

Interesting. Years ago, i was a bit surprised when i found out that i wasn't the only SS that has read Tolkien's books (I admit that in the past i have read and enjoyed both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, but i cannot say the same about the Silmarillion), but i guess it is logical, since they have pagan symbols. While i pretty much never cared of their xian themes as an Atheist, i would not read them ever again, since they pretty much can be described in the same way of the xianity program: stolen Paganism used against Father Satan to promote the Dark Ages and the Catholic dogma. However, seeing that his books sometimes leads people to "Paganism" (and in some cases, to real Satanism) it makes me smirks, knowing that the enemy's blasphemies backfired against them. :D I read somewhere on the web that even the more openly xian Narnia led a woman to become a "witch". :lol: I guess Cuck Soy Lewis shouldn't have put magic and Pagan Gods in his own fantasy novels. :lol:

Also, while i pretty magic gave up any of the crap that you can find in both TV and Streaming platforms, such as Netflix, Prime Video, ecc., the fact that more and more media have pagans themes (even though they are made by the enemy to spread disinfo on us) seems to lead more and more people in our ranks. A sign that we will grow more and more! :D

Strikingly like Harry Potter shit. First, Harry Potter is supposed to be about the German witches who were burnt in the Catholic Inquisitions. Well the Jews created both xianity and the catholic inquisitions! So why dedicate a fiction world full of Paganism and witchery to them and not against them?

I do suspect that both the Inklings (Tolkien & friends) and J. K. Rowling wrote for the enemy and they were not just doing blasphemies. I'll explain better:

The Inklings: Despite the desperate attempts by xians (especially cucktholics) to claim that their works have nothing esoteric or pagan, the connection with The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry and Anthroposophy is undeniable. It appears to me that Apologists (some of them are even Neo-Nazi of /pol/) are willing to circlejerk instead of admitting that these novels are not just rooted in their own version of Xianity. Charles Williams was a member of the enemy Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and a Rosicrucian. Another one was Owen Barfield, an Anthroposophist. Both influenced the writings of Tolkien and Lewis, and gave them ideas on how to implement "magic" in their works and other themes that were pretty much "stripped" of their "esoteric" meaning to appeal a mass their fellow xians. I remember even seeing some Neopagans loving and suggesting the works of these two. The works of both Tolkien and Lewis were banned in Nazi Germany for being enemy sympathizers.

C. S. Lewis:, like i said in another post, married (((Joy Davidman))), a divorced woman of communist background that already cursed this world with two children. Many apologists have tried to claim that "he wuz not universalist!!!", using quotes that according to them, would have debunked the claim. Too bad that the fact that he allowed one of his adopted children, David Gresham, to return to Judaism and even supported his conversion by buying him kosher food. If this is not a race-traitor? :lol: His Narniabooks are sometimes claimed to have "predicted" some stuff by xians, in particular the Islamic invasion of Europe, but i don't think that, other than being a blasphemous mix of Paganism, Xianity, Judaism and Anthroposophy, with a Lion-Jewsus that teaches people white magic (aka miracle) and everything has to rely on Moral Absolutism his works are anything relevant other than the usual propaganda. I remember seeing on Twitter some Orthodork xians who accused Lewis and his (((wife))) to being agents, too bad that the accusation was of attempting to "pollute xianity with Catholicism, Kabbalah, Paganism and Communism". Oh well, at least some non-catlickers realize that they cannot rely on him.

J. R. R. Tolkien: The infiltrator Mageson did everything in his power to convince JoS's SS to consider the works of this cucktholic professor as "Satanic" and "redpilled" (he did the same with the Theosophical Star Wars and the Judeo-Communist Star Trek). Nothing could be farther than truth, since the life of this author was almost completely surrounded by the cucktholic cult. He even stated in a letter (that is included in the opening of The Silmarillion) that "magic is the same as technology and should never be used at all". In a few words: he can be considered a some-sort of a "catholic amish", totally opposed to the extreme to the actual SS view on both technology and magic. He is much more in line with Traditionalism. Mageson lied that he was inspired by Father Satan and that the enemy here are "the jews and their god". In truth, he plagiarized pagan myths and he was inspired by enemy authors, three of them were what we can consider the "Fathers of Fantasy": the Calvinist minister George Mac Donald, the Communist William Morris and the Theosophist Dunsany. The "god" of his world is the jewish god, with various angels that are also plagiarized from Pagan Gods, while Father Satan and the Antichrist Hitler are associated with evil, monsters and plagues and portrayed in an even more blasphemous way than the Babble did. Not only that, other example includes Odin being stolen to represent what can be interpreted as either the terrorist Moses, Rabbi Jewsus or even the Pope, while Freyja is abused and turned into some sort of Madonna. And it is pretty much everything but anti-jewish, since the dwarves, who were portrayed as malevolent beings in Norse culture (anyone can feel free to correct me if i am wrong) here are merged with jews, to the point of having even an alphabet based on the Hebrew. The only bad trait that they show is being greedy, while still being on the good side. No surprise, since this hypocrite fantasy-author criticized Hitler for "perverting the Nordic-spirit", but how do we judge someone who manipulates the myths for his own xian agenda? The cuck even stated that he wished "he was a jew", something parallel to what one of his own Popes said during that period: "christians cannot be antisemite, we are spiritual semites." His family nowadays is polluted by jewish genes. Some commenters on YouTube have pointed out that his The Silmarillion's story looks very similar to some anthropological researches on the Pro-Indo-European periods and even claimed that he was secretly a Mason, supported by the fact that some of the symbols looks like the one of Freemasonry. While i didn't find any confirmation of this online, four of his relatives however were indeed part of Freemasonry. So he may have used some occult books to write his novels or was inspired by the similar Conan the Barbarian (also influenced by the enemy Theosophy). From a certain point of views, his book may also seems to look like a program for the future. While he may have helped rediscover some of the Pagan lost heritage, it is still pretty disrespectful that he used our spirituality to write some xianized fanfic. And Neopagans tend to give him too much credit despite the fact that he would have not liked them at all. I believe it all started with some Evola-inspired Neofascists, who claimed Tolkien as "their own" because he shared with the former the belief of "cities and technology being bad, while the Middle Ages being good". Commies also think that he is "their ideal prophet".

Now, let's move to the woman author that was inspired by them:

J. K. Rowling: While the Inklings are praised by most xians, they are divided on Harry Potter. As i understood, the main reason is because magic is not divided between "good" and "bad", like in Narnia and LOTR. However, Rowling declared many times that her books are based on the Bible. There are some biblical-inspired passages in her books, and it has been pointed out that Voldemort, who is represented as part of the House of the Snake, is the Antichrist (unironically, she said she based him on Hitler). Harry Potter, if not supposed to represent Jewsus, is surely a type of jewish Messiah. Some SS pointed out that his scar is an inverted Sowilo rune, therefore a curse. But, like the two authors from whom she taken inspiration, she also mixed it with Pagan myths and elements from other novels. While i have not researched all of her inspirations, most of the recent ones were enemy authors in Socialism and Feminism, which confirms the Social Justice side of her novel even before she revealed her as such. Other than Tolkien and Lewis, Rowling was mainly inspired by The Once and Future King by Terence Hanbury White. There are very few trustworthy sources on him, so i cannot make an official statement if he was on the enemy side or not. The saga is a retelling of the Arthurian Myths (which were originally Pagan, but the Templars had to xianize them in order to make them survive the Middle Ages) and i suspect it is also done in an enemy way. I only watched Harry Potter's movies, and listened to an Audiobook for a few chapters, only to discover something that seems absent from movies: the references to various people associated with occult and esoteric knowledge (portrayed all as wizards). Some of them were even of the enemy, such as Cagliostro. As someone pointed out in another post: if she is not jewish then she is surely a Freemason. Since, like the Inklings, she may be influenced not just by Xianity, but even by corrupted spiritual movements.

I would also cite Stephenie Meyer, the woman behind Twilight, who confirmed more of a time that it was Mormon Propaganda, with her LSD cult as the "good" Vampires and the cucktholics as the bad Vampires. If there is a good thing about her awful fiction is that Vampires are associated with xians, not Satanism. :lol:

In conclusion, it appears very clear, wherever intentional or not, that these Fantasy authors are influenced by the enemy and the jews constantly push their works in order to promote Xianity, Communism and False "Satanism". Thankfully, they have a collateral effect and people who read them sometimes ends up in Neopaganism, reconnecting to their Gods. I also happen to own many other enemy authors that i won't talk here because i would have make the post much longer.
Nimrod33 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Nimrod33 said:
Interesting. Years ago, i was a bit surprised when i found out that i wasn't the only SS that has read Tolkien's books (I admit that in the past i have read and enjoyed both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, but i cannot say the same about the Silmarillion), but i guess it is logical, since they have pagan symbols. While i pretty much never cared of their xian themes as an Atheist, i would not read them ever again, since they pretty much can be described in the same way of the xianity program: stolen Paganism used against Father Satan to promote the Dark Ages and the Catholic dogma. However, seeing that his books sometimes leads people to "Paganism" (and in some cases, to real Satanism) it makes me smirks, knowing that the enemy's blasphemies backfired against them. :D I read somewhere on the web that even the more openly xian Narnia led a woman to become a "witch". :lol: I guess Cuck Soy Lewis shouldn't have put magic and Pagan Gods in his own fantasy novels. :lol:

Also, while i pretty magic gave up any of the crap that you can find in both TV and Streaming platforms, such as Netflix, Prime Video, ecc., the fact that more and more media have pagans themes (even though they are made by the enemy to spread disinfo on us) seems to lead more and more people in our ranks. A sign that we will grow more and more! :D

Strikingly like Harry Potter shit. First, Harry Potter is supposed to be about the German witches who were burnt in the Catholic Inquisitions. Well the Jews created both xianity and the catholic inquisitions! So why dedicate a fiction world full of Paganism and witchery to them and not against them?

I do suspect that both the Inklings (Tolkien & friends) and J. K. Rowling wrote for the enemy and they were not just doing blasphemies. I'll explain better:

The Inklings: Despite the desperate attempts by xians (especially cucktholics) to claim that their works have nothing esoteric or pagan, the connection with The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry and Anthroposophy is undeniable. It appears to me that Apologists (some of them are even Neo-Nazi of /pol/) are willing to circlejerk instead of admitting that these novels are not just rooted in their own version of Xianity. Charles Williams was a member of the enemy Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and a Rosicrucian. Another one was Owen Barfield, an Anthroposophist. Both influenced the writings of Tolkien and Lewis, and gave them ideas on how to implement "magic" in their works and other themes that were pretty much "stripped" of their "esoteric" meaning to appeal a mass their fellow xians. I remember even seeing some Neopagans loving and suggesting the works of these two. The works of both Tolkien and Lewis were banned in Nazi Germany for being enemy sympathizers.

C. S. Lewis:, like i said in another post, married (((Joy Davidman))), a divorced woman of communist background that already cursed this world with two children. Many apologists have tried to claim that "he wuz not universalist!!!", using quotes that according to them, would have debunked the claim. Too bad that the fact that he allowed one of his adopted children, David Gresham, to return to Judaism and even supported his conversion by buying him kosher food. If this is not a race-traitor? :lol: His Narniabooks are sometimes claimed to have "predicted" some stuff by xians, in particular the Islamic invasion of Europe, but i don't think that, other than being a blasphemous mix of Paganism, Xianity, Judaism and Anthroposophy, with a Lion-Jewsus that teaches people white magic (aka miracle) and everything has to rely on Moral Absolutism his works are anything relevant other than the usual propaganda. I remember seeing on Twitter some Orthodork xians who accused Lewis and his (((wife))) to being agents, too bad that the accusation was of attempting to "pollute xianity with Catholicism, Kabbalah, Paganism and Communism". Oh well, at least some non-catlickers realize that they cannot rely on him.

J. R. R. Tolkien: The infiltrator Mageson did everything in his power to convince JoS's SS to consider the works of this cucktholic professor as "Satanic" and "redpilled" (he did the same with the Theosophical Star Wars and the Judeo-Communist Star Trek). Nothing could be farther than truth, since the life of this author was almost completely surrounded by the cucktholic cult. He even stated in a letter (that is included in the opening of The Silmarillion) that "magic is the same as technology and should never be used at all". In a few words: he can be considered a some-sort of a "catholic amish", totally opposed to the extreme to the actual SS view on both technology and magic. He is much more in line with Traditionalism. Mageson lied that he was inspired by Father Satan and that the enemy here are "the jews and their god". In truth, he plagiarized pagan myths and he was inspired by enemy authors, three of them were what we can consider the "Fathers of Fantasy": the Calvinist minister George Mac Donald, the Communist William Morris and the Theosophist Dunsany. The "god" of his world is the jewish god, with various angels that are also plagiarized from Pagan Gods, while Father Satan and the Antichrist Hitler are associated with evil, monsters and plagues and portrayed in an even more blasphemous way than the Babble did. Not only that, other example includes Odin being stolen to represent what can be interpreted as either the terrorist Moses, Rabbi Jewsus or even the Pope, while Freyja is abused and turned into some sort of Madonna. And it is pretty much everything but anti-jewish, since the dwarves, who were portrayed as malevolent beings in Norse culture (anyone can feel free to correct me if i am wrong) here are merged with jews, to the point of having even an alphabet based on the Hebrew. The only bad trait that they show is being greedy, while still being on the good side. No surprise, since this hypocrite fantasy-author criticized Hitler for "perverting the Nordic-spirit", but how do we judge someone who manipulates the myths for his own xian agenda? The cuck even stated that he wished "he was a jew", something parallel to what one of his own Popes said during that period: "christians cannot be antisemite, we are spiritual semites." His family nowadays is polluted by jewish genes. Some commenters on YouTube have pointed out that his The Silmarillion's story looks very similar to some anthropological researches on the Pro-Indo-European periods and even claimed that he was secretly a Mason, supported by the fact that some of the symbols looks like the one of Freemasonry. While i didn't find any confirmation of this online, four of his relatives however were indeed part of Freemasonry. So he may have used some occult books to write his novels or was inspired by the similar Conan the Barbarian (also influenced by the enemy Theosophy). From a certain point of views, his book may also seems to look like a program for the future. While he may have helped rediscover some of the Pagan lost heritage, it is still pretty disrespectful that he used our spirituality to write some xianized fanfic. And Neopagans tend to give him too much credit despite the fact that he would have not liked them at all. I believe it all started with some Evola-inspired Neofascists, who claimed Tolkien as "their own" because he shared with the former the belief of "cities and technology being bad, while the Middle Ages being good". Commies also think that he is "their ideal prophet".

Now, let's move to the woman author that was inspired by them:

J. K. Rowling: While the Inklings are praised by most xians, they are divided on Harry Potter. As i understood, the main reason is because magic is not divided between "good" and "bad", like in Narnia and LOTR. However, Rowling declared many times that her books are based on the Bible. There are some biblical-inspired passages in her books, and it has been pointed out that Voldemort, who is represented as part of the House of the Snake, is the Antichrist (unironically, she said she based him on Hitler). Harry Potter, if not supposed to represent Jewsus, is surely a type of jewish Messiah. Some SS pointed out that his scar is an inverted Sowilo rune, therefore a curse. But, like the two authors from whom she taken inspiration, she also mixed it with Pagan myths and elements from other novels. While i have not researched all of her inspirations, most of the recent ones were enemy authors in Socialism and Feminism, which confirms the Social Justice side of her novel even before she revealed her as such. Other than Tolkien and Lewis, Rowling was mainly inspired by The Once and Future King by Terence Hanbury White. There are very few trustworthy sources on him, so i cannot make an official statement if he was on the enemy side or not. The saga is a retelling of the Arthurian Myths (which were originally Pagan, but the Templars had to xianize them in order to make them survive the Middle Ages) and i suspect it is also done in an enemy way. I only watched Harry Potter's movies, and listened to an Audiobook for a few chapters, only to discover something that seems absent from movies: the references to various people associated with occult and esoteric knowledge (portrayed all as wizards). Some of them were even of the enemy, such as Cagliostro. As someone pointed out in another post: if she is not jewish then she is surely a Freemason. Since, like the Inklings, she may be influenced not just by Xianity, but even by corrupted spiritual movements.

I would also cite Stephenie Meyer, the woman behind Twilight, who confirmed more of a time that it was Mormon Propaganda, with her LSD cult as the "good" Vampires and the cucktholics as the bad Vampires. If there is a good thing about her awful fiction is that Vampires are associated with xians, not Satanism. :lol:

In conclusion, it appears very clear, wherever intentional or not, that these Fantasy authors are influenced by the enemy and the jews constantly push their works in order to promote Xianity, Communism and False "Satanism". Thankfully, they have a collateral effect and people who read them sometimes ends up in Neopaganism, reconnecting to their Gods. I also happen to own many other enemy authors that i won't talk here because i would have make the post much longer.

Thank you for your time and information!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Maybe they don't worship the Gods per se, but they engage in informal worship through being partakers in their beauties in this world.

This is what my fiancee, or ex since he is dead, told me once. I know he is one of us, though not officially.

What I hold true no words of man can refute, despite them saying otherwise. Life and death are two halves of one. A balance is key and I strive for it. Nature, the elements, and that which is beyond our sight are the true ones above us. Harbor no ill will to them and they will do the same.

I respect the dead be it beast or man. However I will kill to eat and protect just as fast as I offer a hand to help and save.

Wiccan, Wicca, or witches depending on who or where is so muddled now. Druidism is Al but lost to tales and stories. Catholic church has been trying to exterminate them like the other real religions.

Might sound odd coming from a preacher's grandson.

However I look at things with open eyes and if someone does. They can see all the really dumb crap they did and how political and mainly economy changed each version from old to new bibles.

I have shut priests down using the bible. My aunt finally stopped dragging me to church's after I was banned from enough. Lol

Grandpa never got upset though. He was a great man even if I was nothing like the rest of my family.
I've seen a lot of kids in China worshiping the Holy Emperor in the sci-fi game Warhammer 40k, even though they are not players of the game. If you know enough about the game's background stories you will find that the Emperor (especially in Warhammer 30K, the pre-sequel of 40k) much likely resembles Father Satan himself. This gives me the idea that naturally and genetically, humans are suppose to worship Satan without even noticing it.
I've seen a lot of kids in China worshiping the Holy Emperor in the sci-fi game Warhammer 40k, even though they are not players of the game. If you know enough about the game's background stories you will find that the Emperor (especially in Warhammer 30K, the pre-sequel of 40k) much likely resembles Father Satan himself. This gives me the idea that naturally and genetically, humans are suppose to worship Satan without even noticing it.
When you think about it, it is really not surprising at all. Father Satan is our creator and he created us in his image. Humans always seek and like things that are similar to them, you see it in dog owners picking a dog that resembles them and so on. As Father Satan loves us, because he created us, it is perfectly logical for us to love him and to strive to become as him, and this is what he wants.
When you think about it, it is really not surprising at all. Father Satan is our creator and he created us in his image. Humans always seek and like things that are similar to them, you see it in dog owners picking a dog that resembles them and so on. As Father Satan loves us, because he created us, it is perfectly logical for us to love him and to strive to become as him, and this is what he wants.
Indeed, comrade. Hail Satan.
Recently I was taking a walk and it happened I was crossing a park where an exhibit of children's paintings were the theme. The exhibit was about stray animals, and specifically cats and dogs. In the little bazaar people passing could purchase some of the paintings children made no older than 9 or 10 years old. The funds went to homeless shelters of animals.

Upon looking at all the portraits that children had painted, most of them had Egyptian themes. Bastet and decorated cats with jewelry, pyramids, the all-seeing eye of Egypt on the paintings. Other paintings had Anubis or a dog or both. Clearly the fame of Bastet or Anubis, and all the Gods of Egypt is still very big in our hearts and soul when we are young.

Tell me have you ever asked or remember a kid from your school that was asked: "who do you want to be, Anubis, Set, Zeus or Jesus" and they literally told you "Jesus"? You will never find such a child in this world and why? Because in children lives copious wisdom. It takes a lot of mental enslavement to receive this answer, which is rarely present in pure souls.

It is this state the enemy is fighting against with disinformation and bombarding the mind with lies. Even in an era where the Gods are literally barraged with the existence of the enemy's churches and lies, our Gods still ruling over the hearts of the young.

The enemy does their earnest to spread their poison and nullify this part of the soul before it is "too late" for them. Their hoax cannot stand, as it has no roots in our souls or in our heart. They are racing time on every birth of a Gentile worldwide, doing everything they can to sedate our hearts and minds.

All one has to do to return into Paganism, is to just let Gentiles literally live without a consistent barrage of darkness and ignorance coming from the enemy. It's in our soul.

Most children are booming with interest and love for the Ancient Gods. Egyptian Gods are a very famous and cool theme for children, and any child will find beauty or adoration in at least one of the Gods. The enemy can bombard the minds of children all day with "Jesus" and "Christianity", but it all remains unappealing.

Children are in a state where cultural programming and other mental viruses have not yet set roots into their hearts and souls. And what does come out from these souls? Adoration for the Gods, beautiful imagery, common sense.

If we let human beings without all the enemy programming for just a couple of decades, most people would be rebuilding Egypt or the Ancient Civilizations now. As one top Rabbi mentioned, the "Souls of the Gentiles come from the Satanic Sphere". The essence of the soul is still very strong when we are all young, and it dominates even the mind.

As we grow, the mind takes over, and the more years pass, it becomes more difficult to maintain this level of soulfulness. The people who keep their soul alive or are still internally alive, always in some way are around the Gods, around nature, following some passion - doing whatever the enemy strictly forbids.

Maybe they don't worship the Gods per se, but they engage in informal worship through being partakers in their beauties in this world. Even this is enough to maintain one into life. To cut off from this is a human being that dies and withers away.

Just look at a broken record in your Bible belt. Withered away, these creatures go around like living zombies, trying to preach things they don't even have inside them or ever known. "God", "Eternal Life", "The Word Of God", "The Soul" and so on. They have nothing of this.

Walking around like zombies on recruitment mode, they want you to join them so you will have nothing either. Then you can both be siphoned together into nothingness.

What happened to these people between their youth and where has their Satanic Soul went? Well, they sold it for a buck at a Rabbi down the nasty alleyway, a few meters from the corner of ignorance. They sold their soul over some strange lies the Rabbi told them about their Gods.

And that is their punishment: It's not only not the mind that rules them in their mature age, but it's the absence of mind and soul that they are suffering from.

But this is their hope: in their children they will see again the resurgence of their soul. Many of us here have been the blood of this resurgence, the spirit of the blood that came out and decided it would not be subverted.

Years from now, our children and the children of our children will be thanking us: We Will have liberated their Souls and broke the chain of a long enslavement.

Through this, the Gods will live again.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I knew it!!! Because I felt as a young child. ❤ Its in the energy! That Vril power !!
I was always fascinated with Egypt as a small child. And I was always fascinated with other countries as well growing up as a school kid. And Loved my childhood. And yes I had plenty of hate thrown at me as well.
And I had my problems to tackle and battle with growing up.
Not so much mentally! But physically as well. Growing up in a Mormon neighborhood where I was questioned every day and put to shame.
And having very little to no friends.

I spent many moments alone figuring things out. Being my own friend and teaching myself of the world.
By reading books and enjoying the pleasures of doing my homework in spite of whatever disability I had! I knew that I had to have something to look up on. I learned to get used to being alone. I actually enjoyed the freedom of just getting out and playing and exploring! I was hyperactive so I had more energy that I knew what to do with. And ... tried to make the most of it! Between being that of the class clown! And always being called out in class by the teacher. I was also one of those who explored my own energy.
And tried to figure things out on my own especially since nobody wanted to help me as a kid
My mom was always busy with work and my dad is seemed like he was never home! Both of them working two jobs just to be able to pay for groceries and the utilities and such. And had to take responsibility of cleaning house after school and I had to take the responsibility of doing my homework myself like it or not and would usually have my mom or my dad look over my homework to see if there was any errors that I needed to correct.

It seems to me that as a child.,
The world was something to explore and something to appreciate! And I knew that I had a battle on my hands every day and for some reason I knew that I was down here as a warrior to fight for my rights and to fight for what I wanted and needed.
Although in some cases it wasn't necessary? But in the same sense I grew up watching my back. And still took the time to enjoy my life! And I had a beautiful deep relationship with Earth walking to school each and every day and enjoying the beauties of nature! And even after school and it didn't matter if I didn't get a ride home or not I still enjoyed the nature walk and the scenic route! Looking at the sky and watching the cloud formations and enjoying the sun on my face! I was a kid that loved to play outside! And I enjoyed every moment of nature! And every moment of sitting down and reading! Looking up characters out of the dictionary! Doing my own exploring and doing my own research! And this was long before we had computers! Being born in the 70s? It was actually quite a fun time! The things that people learn as a child you take with you and hold for the rest of your life! Your childhood moments and your childhood memories is priceless! And childhood innocence is beautiful and priceless! It is a gift from Satan! And we cherish it! And went bad times hit we often find ourselves looking back into a moment of childhood! Where we pictured ourselves as a Spartan warrior! Taking action and taking responsibility and facing our fears! Knowing that we are not alone! And sometimes we need that moment to look back on as an inspiration!
Recently I was taking a walk and it happened I was crossing a park where an exhibit of children's paintings were the theme. The exhibit was about stray animals, and specifically cats and dogs. In the little bazaar people passing could purchase some of the paintings children made no older than 9 or 10 years old. The funds went to homeless shelters of animals.

Upon looking at all the portraits that children had painted, most of them had Egyptian themes. Bastet and decorated cats with jewelry, pyramids, the all-seeing eye of Egypt on the paintings. Other paintings had Anubis or a dog or both. Clearly the fame of Bastet or Anubis, and all the Gods of Egypt is still very big in our hearts and soul when we are young.

Tell me have you ever asked or remember a kid from your school that was asked: "who do you want to be, Anubis, Set, Zeus or Jesus" and they literally told you "Jesus"? You will never find such a child in this world and why? Because in children lives copious wisdom. It takes a lot of mental enslavement to receive this answer, which is rarely present in pure souls.

It is this state the enemy is fighting against with disinformation and bombarding the mind with lies. Even in an era where the Gods are literally barraged with the existence of the enemy's churches and lies, our Gods still ruling over the hearts of the young.

The enemy does their earnest to spread their poison and nullify this part of the soul before it is "too late" for them. Their hoax cannot stand, as it has no roots in our souls or in our heart. They are racing time on every birth of a Gentile worldwide, doing everything they can to sedate our hearts and minds.

All one has to do to return into Paganism, is to just let Gentiles literally live without a consistent barrage of darkness and ignorance coming from the enemy. It's in our soul.

Most children are booming with interest and love for the Ancient Gods. Egyptian Gods are a very famous and cool theme for children, and any child will find beauty or adoration in at least one of the Gods. The enemy can bombard the minds of children all day with "Jesus" and "Christianity", but it all remains unappealing.

Children are in a state where cultural programming and other mental viruses have not yet set roots into their hearts and souls. And what does come out from these souls? Adoration for the Gods, beautiful imagery, common sense.

If we let human beings without all the enemy programming for just a couple of decades, most people would be rebuilding Egypt or the Ancient Civilizations now. As one top Rabbi mentioned, the "Souls of the Gentiles come from the Satanic Sphere". The essence of the soul is still very strong when we are all young, and it dominates even the mind.

As we grow, the mind takes over, and the more years pass, it becomes more difficult to maintain this level of soulfulness. The people who keep their soul alive or are still internally alive, always in some way are around the Gods, around nature, following some passion - doing whatever the enemy strictly forbids.

Maybe they don't worship the Gods per se, but they engage in informal worship through being partakers in their beauties in this world. Even this is enough to maintain one into life. To cut off from this is a human being that dies and withers away.

Just look at a broken record in your Bible belt. Withered away, these creatures go around like living zombies, trying to preach things they don't even have inside them or ever known. "God", "Eternal Life", "The Word Of God", "The Soul" and so on. They have nothing of this.

Walking around like zombies on recruitment mode, they want you to join them so you will have nothing either. Then you can both be siphoned together into nothingness.

What happened to these people between their youth and where has their Satanic Soul went? Well, they sold it for a buck at a Rabbi down the nasty alleyway, a few meters from the corner of ignorance. They sold their soul over some strange lies the Rabbi told them about their Gods.

And that is their punishment: It's not only not the mind that rules them in their mature age, but it's the absence of mind and soul that they are suffering from.

But this is their hope: in their children they will see again the resurgence of their soul. Many of us here have been the blood of this resurgence, the spirit of the blood that came out and decided it would not be subverted.

Years from now, our children and the children of our children will be thanking us: We Will have liberated their Souls and broke the chain of a long enslavement.

Through this, the Gods will live again.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I belive in this New Age, Age of Aquarius is the Glory of our Father Satan in the peoples, we the Satanist (The True Satanist, Spiritual Satanist)

Hail Allmghty Lord Father Satan
I do suspect that both the Inklings (Tolkien & friends) and J. K. Rowling wrote for the enemy and they were not just doing blasphemies. I'll explain better:

The Inklings: Despite the desperate attempts by xians (especially cucktholics) to claim that their works have nothing esoteric or pagan, the connection with The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry and Anthroposophy is undeniable. It appears to me that Apologists (some of them are even Neo-Nazi of /pol/) are willing to circlejerk instead of admitting that these novels are not just rooted in their own version of Xianity. Charles Williams was a member of the enemy Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and a Rosicrucian. Another one was Owen Barfield, an Anthroposophist. Both influenced the writings of Tolkien and Lewis, and gave them ideas on how to implement "magic" in their works and other themes that were pretty much "stripped" of their "esoteric" meaning to appeal a mass their fellow xians. I remember even seeing some Neopagans loving and suggesting the works of these two. The works of both Tolkien and Lewis were banned in Nazi Germany for being enemy sympathizers.

C. S. Lewis:, like i said in another post, married (((Joy Davidman))), a divorced woman of communist background that already cursed this world with two children. Many apologists have tried to claim that "he wuz not universalist!!!", using quotes that according to them, would have debunked the claim. Too bad that the fact that he allowed one of his adopted children, David Gresham, to return to Judaism and even supported his conversion by buying him kosher food. If this is not a race-traitor? :lol: His Narniabooks are sometimes claimed to have "predicted" some stuff by xians, in particular the Islamic invasion of Europe, but i don't think that, other than being a blasphemous mix of Paganism, Xianity, Judaism and Anthroposophy, with a Lion-Jewsus that teaches people white magic (aka miracle) and everything has to rely on Moral Absolutism his works are anything relevant other than the usual propaganda. I remember seeing on Twitter some Orthodork xians who accused Lewis and his (((wife))) to being agents, too bad that the accusation was of attempting to "pollute xianity with Catholicism, Kabbalah, Paganism and Communism". Oh well, at least some non-catlickers realize that they cannot rely on him.

J. R. R. Tolkien: The infiltrator Mageson did everything in his power to convince JoS's SS to consider the works of this cucktholic professor as "Satanic" and "redpilled" (he did the same with the Theosophical Star Wars and the Judeo-Communist Star Trek). Nothing could be farther than truth, since the life of this author was almost completely surrounded by the cucktholic cult. He even stated in a letter (that is included in the opening of The Silmarillion) that "magic is the same as technology and should never be used at all". In a few words: he can be considered a some-sort of a "catholic amish", totally opposed to the extreme to the actual SS view on both technology and magic. He is much more in line with Traditionalism. Mageson lied that he was inspired by Father Satan and that the enemy here are "the jews and their god". In truth, he plagiarized pagan myths and he was inspired by enemy authors, three of them were what we can consider the "Fathers of Fantasy": the Calvinist minister George Mac Donald, the Communist William Morris and the Theosophist Dunsany. The "god" of his world is the jewish god, with various angels that are also plagiarized from Pagan Gods, while Father Satan and the Antichrist Hitler are associated with evil, monsters and plagues and portrayed in an even more blasphemous way than the Babble did. Not only that, other example includes Odin being stolen to represent what can be interpreted as either the terrorist Moses, Rabbi Jewsus or even the Pope, while Freyja is abused and turned into some sort of Madonna. And it is pretty much everything but anti-jewish, since the dwarves, who were portrayed as malevolent beings in Norse culture (anyone can feel free to correct me if i am wrong) here are merged with jews, to the point of having even an alphabet based on the Hebrew. The only bad trait that they show is being greedy, while still being on the good side. No surprise, since this hypocrite fantasy-author criticized Hitler for "perverting the Nordic-spirit", but how do we judge someone who manipulates the myths for his own xian agenda? The cuck even stated that he wished "he was a jew", something parallel to what one of his own Popes said during that period: "christians cannot be antisemite, we are spiritual semites." His family nowadays is polluted by jewish genes. Some commenters on YouTube have pointed out that his The Silmarillion's story looks very similar to some anthropological researches on the Pro-Indo-European periods and even claimed that he was secretly a Mason, supported by the fact that some of the symbols looks like the one of Freemasonry. While i didn't find any confirmation of this online, four of his relatives however were indeed part of Freemasonry. So he may have used some occult books to write his novels or was inspired by the similar Conan the Barbarian (also influenced by the enemy Theosophy). From a certain point of views, his book may also seems to look like a program for the future. While he may have helped rediscover some of the Pagan lost heritage, it is still pretty disrespectful that he used our spirituality to write some xianized fanfic. And Neopagans tend to give him too much credit despite the fact that he would have not liked them at all. I believe it all started with some Evola-inspired Neofascists, who claimed Tolkien as "their own" because he shared with the former the belief of "cities and technology being bad, while the Middle Ages being good". Commies also think that he is "their ideal prophet".

Now, let's move to the woman author that was inspired by them:

J. K. Rowling: While the Inklings are praised by most xians, they are divided on Harry Potter. As i understood, the main reason is because magic is not divided between "good" and "bad", like in Narnia and LOTR. However, Rowling declared many times that her books are based on the Bible. There are some biblical-inspired passages in her books, and it has been pointed out that Voldemort, who is represented as part of the House of the Snake, is the Antichrist (unironically, she said she based him on Hitler). Harry Potter, if not supposed to represent Jewsus, is surely a type of jewish Messiah. Some SS pointed out that his scar is an inverted Sowilo rune, therefore a curse. But, like the two authors from whom she taken inspiration, she also mixed it with Pagan myths and elements from other novels. While i have not researched all of her inspirations, most of the recent ones were enemy authors in Socialism and Feminism, which confirms the Social Justice side of her novel even before she revealed her as such. Other than Tolkien and Lewis, Rowling was mainly inspired by The Once and Future King by Terence Hanbury White. There are very few trustworthy sources on him, so i cannot make an official statement if he was on the enemy side or not. The saga is a retelling of the Arthurian Myths (which were originally Pagan, but the Templars had to xianize them in order to make them survive the Middle Ages) and i suspect it is also done in an enemy way. I only watched Harry Potter's movies, and listened to an Audiobook for a few chapters, only to discover something that seems absent from movies: the references to various people associated with occult and esoteric knowledge (portrayed all as wizards). Some of them were even of the enemy, such as Cagliostro. As someone pointed out in another post: if she is not jewish then she is surely a Freemason. Since, like the Inklings, she may be influenced not just by Xianity, but even by corrupted spiritual movements.

I would also cite Stephenie Meyer, the woman behind Twilight, who confirmed more of a time that it was Mormon Propaganda, with her LSD cult as the "good" Vampires and the cucktholics as the bad Vampires. If there is a good thing about her awful fiction is that Vampires are associated with xians, not Satanism. :lol:

In conclusion, it appears very clear, wherever intentional or not, that these Fantasy authors are influenced by the enemy and the jews constantly push their works in order to promote Xianity, Communism and False "Satanism". Thankfully, they have a collateral effect and people who read them sometimes ends up in Neopaganism, reconnecting to their Gods. I also happen to own many other enemy authors that i won't talk here because i would have make the post much longer.
That's true. And I used to read HP Lovecraft back in my days as a teenager and I was always a fan of Geiger. Back in my earlier years as a kid. And I knew that a lot of these characters were Jew related and I knew that it was all to make us look like a joke
I do suspect that both the Inklings (Tolkien & friends) and J. K. Rowling wrote for the enemy and they were not just doing blasphemies. I'll explain better:

The Inklings: Despite the desperate attempts by xians (especially cucktholics) to claim that their works have nothing esoteric or pagan, the connection with The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry and Anthroposophy is undeniable. It appears to me that Apologists (some of them are even Neo-Nazi of /pol/) are willing to circlejerk instead of admitting that these novels are not just rooted in their own version of Xianity. Charles Williams was a member of the enemy Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and a Rosicrucian. Another one was Owen Barfield, an Anthroposophist. Both influenced the writings of Tolkien and Lewis, and gave them ideas on how to implement "magic" in their works and other themes that were pretty much "stripped" of their "esoteric" meaning to appeal a mass their fellow xians. I remember even seeing some Neopagans loving and suggesting the works of these two. The works of both Tolkien and Lewis were banned in Nazi Germany for being enemy sympathizers.

C. S. Lewis:, like i said in another post, married (((Joy Davidman))), a divorced woman of communist background that already cursed this world with two children. Many apologists have tried to claim that "he wuz not universalist!!!", using quotes that according to them, would have debunked the claim. Too bad that the fact that he allowed one of his adopted children, David Gresham, to return to Judaism and even supported his conversion by buying him kosher food. If this is not a race-traitor? :lol: His Narniabooks are sometimes claimed to have "predicted" some stuff by xians, in particular the Islamic invasion of Europe, but i don't think that, other than being a blasphemous mix of Paganism, Xianity, Judaism and Anthroposophy, with a Lion-Jewsus that teaches people white magic (aka miracle) and everything has to rely on Moral Absolutism his works are anything relevant other than the usual propaganda. I remember seeing on Twitter some Orthodork xians who accused Lewis and his (((wife))) to being agents, too bad that the accusation was of attempting to "pollute xianity with Catholicism, Kabbalah, Paganism and Communism". Oh well, at least some non-catlickers realize that they cannot rely on him.

J. R. R. Tolkien: The infiltrator Mageson did everything in his power to convince JoS's SS to consider the works of this cucktholic professor as "Satanic" and "redpilled" (he did the same with the Theosophical Star Wars and the Judeo-Communist Star Trek). Nothing could be farther than truth, since the life of this author was almost completely surrounded by the cucktholic cult. He even stated in a letter (that is included in the opening of The Silmarillion) that "magic is the same as technology and should never be used at all". In a few words: he can be considered a some-sort of a "catholic amish", totally opposed to the extreme to the actual SS view on both technology and magic. He is much more in line with Traditionalism. Mageson lied that he was inspired by Father Satan and that the enemy here are "the jews and their god". In truth, he plagiarized pagan myths and he was inspired by enemy authors, three of them were what we can consider the "Fathers of Fantasy": the Calvinist minister George Mac Donald, the Communist William Morris and the Theosophist Dunsany. The "god" of his world is the jewish god, with various angels that are also plagiarized from Pagan Gods, while Father Satan and the Antichrist Hitler are associated with evil, monsters and plagues and portrayed in an even more blasphemous way than the Babble did. Not only that, other example includes Odin being stolen to represent what can be interpreted as either the terrorist Moses, Rabbi Jewsus or even the Pope, while Freyja is abused and turned into some sort of Madonna. And it is pretty much everything but anti-jewish, since the dwarves, who were portrayed as malevolent beings in Norse culture (anyone can feel free to correct me if i am wrong) here are merged with jews, to the point of having even an alphabet based on the Hebrew. The only bad trait that they show is being greedy, while still being on the good side. No surprise, since this hypocrite fantasy-author criticized Hitler for "perverting the Nordic-spirit", but how do we judge someone who manipulates the myths for his own xian agenda? The cuck even stated that he wished "he was a jew", something parallel to what one of his own Popes said during that period: "christians cannot be antisemite, we are spiritual semites." His family nowadays is polluted by jewish genes. Some commenters on YouTube have pointed out that his The Silmarillion's story looks very similar to some anthropological researches on the Pro-Indo-European periods and even claimed that he was secretly a Mason, supported by the fact that some of the symbols looks like the one of Freemasonry. While i didn't find any confirmation of this online, four of his relatives however were indeed part of Freemasonry. So he may have used some occult books to write his novels or was inspired by the similar Conan the Barbarian (also influenced by the enemy Theosophy). From a certain point of views, his book may also seems to look like a program for the future. While he may have helped rediscover some of the Pagan lost heritage, it is still pretty disrespectful that he used our spirituality to write some xianized fanfic. And Neopagans tend to give him too much credit despite the fact that he would have not liked them at all. I believe it all started with some Evola-inspired Neofascists, who claimed Tolkien as "their own" because he shared with the former the belief of "cities and technology being bad, while the Middle Ages being good". Commies also think that he is "their ideal prophet".

Now, let's move to the woman author that was inspired by them:

J. K. Rowling: While the Inklings are praised by most xians, they are divided on Harry Potter. As i understood, the main reason is because magic is not divided between "good" and "bad", like in Narnia and LOTR. However, Rowling declared many times that her books are based on the Bible. There are some biblical-inspired passages in her books, and it has been pointed out that Voldemort, who is represented as part of the House of the Snake, is the Antichrist (unironically, she said she based him on Hitler). Harry Potter, if not supposed to represent Jewsus, is surely a type of jewish Messiah. Some SS pointed out that his scar is an inverted Sowilo rune, therefore a curse. But, like the two authors from whom she taken inspiration, she also mixed it with Pagan myths and elements from other novels. While i have not researched all of her inspirations, most of the recent ones were enemy authors in Socialism and Feminism, which confirms the Social Justice side of her novel even before she revealed her as such. Other than Tolkien and Lewis, Rowling was mainly inspired by The Once and Future King by Terence Hanbury White. There are very few trustworthy sources on him, so i cannot make an official statement if he was on the enemy side or not. The saga is a retelling of the Arthurian Myths (which were originally Pagan, but the Templars had to xianize them in order to make them survive the Middle Ages) and i suspect it is also done in an enemy way. I only watched Harry Potter's movies, and listened to an Audiobook for a few chapters, only to discover something that seems absent from movies: the references to various people associated with occult and esoteric knowledge (portrayed all as wizards). Some of them were even of the enemy, such as Cagliostro. As someone pointed out in another post: if she is not jewish then she is surely a Freemason. Since, like the Inklings, she may be influenced not just by Xianity, but even by corrupted spiritual movements.

I would also cite Stephenie Meyer, the woman behind Twilight, who confirmed more of a time that it was Mormon Propaganda, with her LSD cult as the "good" Vampires and the cucktholics as the bad Vampires. If there is a good thing about her awful fiction is that Vampires are associated with xians, not Satanism. :lol:

In conclusion, it appears very clear, wherever intentional or not, that these Fantasy authors are influenced by the enemy and the jews constantly push their works in order to promote Xianity, Communism and False "Satanism". Thankfully, they have a collateral effect and people who read them sometimes ends up in Neopaganism, reconnecting to their Gods. I also happen to own many other enemy authors that i won't talk here because i would have make the post much longer.
Truth be told. And I was a fan of a lot of these books as well as a kid growing up and I was pretty aware of the content and what it resembled but back in the day I didn't know any better than this was long before I got on to the joy of Satan and now I'm beginning to look at all of this as I sit and read your post on all of this! It brings back fond memories of my teen years and my childhood I used to like these programs and these books! And back when I was younger of course I was a different person and nowadays? With everything beginning to open up to me by recognize the crap that I had read and what I was getting into and to think that I paid good money for a lot of these silly books! And it's no wonder kids and teenagers grow up with silly ideas about the occult? And how so many young people especially fans of the occult and those who want to get into Satanism even to some of those that are on here as a member of the joy of Satan. I'm sure there were a lot of fans of these books and these authors! And now that they have been on here long enough after reading the content on the joy of Satan now they begin to realize what was being read and the message that was in these books and in the minds of these authors corrupting the minds of people all over the place!
HP HoodedCobra666 Thank you for sharing information. ❤️
Plus I enjoyed reading everybody else's stories about their children and their own childhood!🦾⚡️ and it's sad that kids grow up facing the enemy and all the shit that's being dished out all over confusing the minds,
Of these innocent. And you look at the crap you see on TV these days? Laugh out loud it's even worse!
Nimrod33. I will have you know that I've read a lot of those books! Like The Hobbit J. K Tolkien! HP Lovecraft and some of those others you mentioned. I at one time was also a Harry Potter fan as well! Until I took a good look at the content and what I was reading and what it represented and here I had spent a lot of money on these books and a lot of time reading them back in my days! And needless to say I felt like I had wasted a shitload of money and wasted a shitload of time! The poison that I filled my head with and how angry I felt! And with these images meant and the words and the sentences and how things were grafted all out of hatred by the author. And to hear about their background and who these people are was even more disturbing! They're all with the Enemy polluting the minds of young children and young adults all over! And it doesn't matter what kind of book it is? People should look into it and find out what is all about before they spend their money on it. And at least get some background information on the book before you read it. A lot of those books have got some serious mixed messages! And every time I would sit down to meditate I would have to remind myself what is real and what isn't and every time I would watch a movie I would just simply tell myself that it's just hollywood! And you see all this subliminal message and conspiracy all over the place! And it's in a wonderful little kids get confused even people that are older than shit get confused still! Over with the Enemy puts out there. And how people still fall into that shit and believe it and don't even know what they're getting into
Childhood is priceless! And we are priceless!❤️ Satan is EVERYTHING to me. And SATAN himself is priceless!!! ❤️ everything about him! And his gods and demons are Priceless and they are worth everything to me! Hearing about them and the truth and the knowledge to me is priceless just to hear the truth! It's priceless❤️ we are all priceless!
I remember i was fascinanted by the egiptian history when i was a kid, and i liked to do drawings of ghosts, i used to play games of war About mythology wasy favourites then i grow and my Mother decided that i should go to the Christian church do the batism because everyone does and this fucking bullshit but i never liked it i used to go play instead of the classes but eventually i completed That shit, would be nice to childrens have freedom again and the parents dont force them to believe on nothing they dont want just because society seems right on this or whatever
This is so relatable. As I wrote in my topic of how I found my GD, I was always attracted to the Egyptian pantheon of Gods in my childhood. I used to draw pictures of Set on the walls of my bedroom when I was a small child. I always hated going to church since it gave me ill vibes and hated seeing the fake xian smiles. I always admired Set the most for some reason and now I couldn't be happier knowing he is my GD ❤️

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
