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The Gods Live In The Children

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Recently I was taking a walk and it happened I was crossing a park where an exhibit of children's paintings were the theme. The exhibit was about stray animals, and specifically cats and dogs. In the little bazaar people passing could purchase some of the paintings children made no older than 9 or 10 years old. The funds went to homeless shelters of animals.

Upon looking at all the portraits that children had painted, most of them had Egyptian themes. Bastet and decorated cats with jewelry, pyramids, the all-seeing eye of Egypt on the paintings. Other paintings had Anubis or a dog or both. Clearly the fame of Bastet or Anubis, and all the Gods of Egypt is still very big in our hearts and soul when we are young.

Tell me have you ever asked or remember a kid from your school that was asked: "who do you want to be, Anubis, Set, Zeus or Jesus" and they literally told you "Jesus"? You will never find such a child in this world and why? Because in children lives copious wisdom. It takes a lot of mental enslavement to receive this answer, which is rarely present in pure souls.

It is this state the enemy is fighting against with disinformation and bombarding the mind with lies. Even in an era where the Gods are literally barraged with the existence of the enemy's churches and lies, our Gods still ruling over the hearts of the young.

The enemy does their earnest to spread their poison and nullify this part of the soul before it is "too late" for them. Their hoax cannot stand, as it has no roots in our souls or in our heart. They are racing time on every birth of a Gentile worldwide, doing everything they can to sedate our hearts and minds.

All one has to do to return into Paganism, is to just let Gentiles literally live without a consistent barrage of darkness and ignorance coming from the enemy. It's in our soul.

Most children are booming with interest and love for the Ancient Gods. Egyptian Gods are a very famous and cool theme for children, and any child will find beauty or adoration in at least one of the Gods. The enemy can bombard the minds of children all day with "Jesus" and "Christianity", but it all remains unappealing.

Children are in a state where cultural programming and other mental viruses have not yet set roots into their hearts and souls. And what does come out from these souls? Adoration for the Gods, beautiful imagery, common sense.

If we let human beings without all the enemy programming for just a couple of decades, most people would be rebuilding Egypt or the Ancient Civilizations now. As one top Rabbi mentioned, the "Souls of the Gentiles come from the Satanic Sphere". The essence of the soul is still very strong when we are all young, and it dominates even the mind.

As we grow, the mind takes over, and the more years pass, it becomes more difficult to maintain this level of soulfulness. The people who keep their soul alive or are still internally alive, always in some way are around the Gods, around nature, following some passion - doing whatever the enemy strictly forbids.

Maybe they don't worship the Gods per se, but they engage in informal worship through being partakers in their beauties in this world. Even this is enough to maintain one into life. To cut off from this is a human being that dies and withers away.

Just look at a broken record in your Bible belt. Withered away, these creatures go around like living zombies, trying to preach things they don't even have inside them or ever known. "God", "Eternal Life", "The Word Of God", "The Soul" and so on. They have nothing of this.

Walking around like zombies on recruitment mode, they want you to join them so you will have nothing either. Then you can both be siphoned together into nothingness.

What happened to these people between their youth and where has their Satanic Soul went? Well, they sold it for a buck at a Rabbi down the nasty alleyway, a few meters from the corner of ignorance. They sold their soul over some strange lies the Rabbi told them about their Gods.

And that is their punishment: It's not only not the mind that rules them in their mature age, but it's the absence of mind and soul that they are suffering from.

But this is their hope: in their children they will see again the resurgence of their soul. Many of us here have been the blood of this resurgence, the spirit of the blood that came out and decided it would not be subverted.

Years from now, our children and the children of our children will be thanking us: We Will have liberated their Souls and broke the chain of a long enslavement.

Through this, the Gods will live again.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The girl friend of mine has a daughter think she is about 6 or 7 aswell. The mother had the Satanic tatoos I shared and stuff but the grandma was the one teaching her about the Bible and letting he watch horror movies.

The mother is not SS but we had deep talk about the truth and we were drawing together and enjoyed it. One day she brought her daughter to my house and the mom asked her what she thought about the drawings. All my drawings were in a book and she whent through all of them and chose the pentagram. It has all the SS holidays drawn into it aswell.

The mother was shocked because her child is always walking around with the Bible and loves people reading it to her. Luckily the mom is atheist and I find it funny because she actually has arguments with her daughter about the Bible when the daughter tries to convert her own mom haha I saw it with my own eyes . Once again it's the grandma who is filling the child with lies.
This is beautiful and it is because of this very thing that children are being indoctrinated and brainwashed younger and younger with all sorts of unnatural and namely antiwhite anti nuclear family trash that tells them all sorts of things that will eventually fuck them for life if they fall for it. Things that tell them to worship a kike on a stick and that it loves them and died for their sins. Luckily as many kids are dragged off to sunday school as well for this purpose alot will feel and have felt deep down that what they are being presented with is wrong. The younger people are being woken up more and more. It won't be long before an entire generation over throws the filth that has been throwing all these piles of vomit at them since they could crawl.
This explains why I hated xtianity as a kid. After my stupid grandma did some prayer, I felt an evil presence in the room. For the first time ever I was afraid of the dark and going to sleep.

I was then harassed for years every night, and despite the world telling me that Demons were doing this, I started hating "god" more and more.
It was a weird thing to experience, having society tell you that "god" is good, have your brain tell you the same, but deep down in your soul you could feel ever-growing hatred for "god" surfacing.
Thank you for this sermon and I definitely agree, from personal experience. I grew up having this sort of fascination with Greek mythology growing up, and then while I was a teen Christian, it went from both hating them and seeing them as evil for no reason just because some preacher said they were and painting them in a negative picture, only for those same gods to save my life from that pit. And it's kinda like experiencing the effects of what Christianity does to children and their youth, stripping them of what makes them, them, and really growing to aspire to be like the gods. For example, some want to learn about the afterlife and finds Anubis appealing. Some want to learn about love and feminity, and Astaroth suits them perfectly. Some want to learn about astrology, and knowledge and fatherly wisdom, and find Baalzebul or Satan appealing. And it's things like this that really aspire me to do the work now so that the next generation, if I become a dad one day, they're able to reap the benefits of having the gods be front in center, and them achieving greater heights, and all seeing humanity grow and develop long after I'm gone and done my part, and to make sure that the slavery of Christianity ends with me, but it won't take me with it.
beautiful post.
May the souls of the Gentile race forever be entwined with Satan and the Demons of Hell.
I look forward to our future, when the golden age is upon us once again.

The appeal of Paganism is perfectly natural. Ask a young boy, what does he want to be? What's cool? He wants to be Hercules, taking on the Hydra. Not some unwashed Jew who preached being weak and died miserably. Or a young girl. Does she want to be like the huntress Artemis, strong and proud, who lives the wilds? Or like Muhammad's wife Aisha, who's only remarkable traits were being sold into marriage at 6 years old to a disgusting pedophile warlord, followed by a life of absolute pathetic subservience?

One needs only look at the continued popularity of "fairytales", all of which have Pagan origins, to know where the hearts of children actually lie. No child wants to sit in church listening to some probable molester drone on about worthless filth. Even better, the few actual holidays they enjoy are either outright Pagan (Halloween) or originally Pagan with a few half-assed attempts at redirection tossed in (Yule and Easter).

It requires no shortage of abuse and brainwashing to force a child to be Xian in the modern first world.
Yes the Gods live in our children.
As a baby, my daughter (who is now 7 years old), took a tiger that was as big as her, as her favorite stuffed animal. She has never been without her tiger and has been sleeping on it ever since! And around 3-4 years old, she made a point of buying a Snake plush, which also sleeps with her. Doesn't this remind you of anything? Shiva!
Since 1 year that I regularly do yoga at home, I listen at the same time to a beautiful version of Aum Shivaya Nama (from which my profile picture is taken): "How beautiful Shiva is! And so muscular!" my daughter says every time.
She asked me why it was important to do yoga. "Look at Shiva's snake!" And I took her Snake plush. "Look how flexible and wiggly his spine is! Well our spine has to be as flexible as the Snake's to keep the life energy flowing well, so we can stay physically healthy and be happy in our minds."
(I have simplified the explanations)
The first time she did yoga with me, at the moment of "doing the starfish" at the end of the session, I was amazed:
"Mom, I imagine the sun coming in from above my head and going through my whole body".
She knew. By instinct.
We were doing yoga in front of a patio door and the sun was streaming into the room and onto us. Wonderful moment. That has happened many times.
How many times she said to me "Don't worry Mom, Shiva won't let us down".
A few days ago the moon was visible in the afternoon: "Look, it's a message from Shiva who sees all our efforts and thanks us" (we had just come out of my workshop where I make candles, runes and caduceus and we were going to do hatha yoga).
I'm sure my daughter has been with the Gods in the past.
I also have no doubt that she will be able to rise much faster than I have had to live with the pangs of xtianism.

I remember My childhood, I was big fan of Roman Gods, especially fan of Mars. When My grandmother starded reading bible to Me, I felt that it is fake. When she started reading ten commandments and read that "Thou shalt have no other gods before me", then I felt really startled and frightened.

But what about jewish children who rise in atheist families, I thing that they does not love our Gods?
This very much reminded me of what my 3 year old son said to me a few days ago "Daddy, I want to grow up".

It made me stop and wonder if that's how the Gods see us when we are yearning for advancement, eager to follow their advice to reach higher states. How lucky we are...
Many children love reading books on Egypt, Greece, mythology, monsters and so forth. No child has ever willingly engrossed themselves in the new testament! :lol:
Beautiful sermon, I remember when I was a little kid, whenever my parents took me to bookstores I would always try to find books about Egypt. I have always been fascinated by Ancient Egypt and I never knew why, until I found the JoS that put all the pieces together. The same as me drawing Swastika symbols at school without even knowing anything whatsoever about WW2
In order to secure this awakening, our children have to be born at home and be raised at home, far away from the jewish needles and jewified artificial society.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There's a saying in India "bache bagvaan ka roop hote hain," which means children are a form/avatar of god. This alludes to the purity that is found in children who are yet to be tainted by the filth of this world. And all we have to do is remove this filth so that children may grow with this purity intact. This Indian quote and what you say makes me happy that a lot of ancient teachings/spirituality/spiritual understanding is still intact in Indian society but unfortunately the corruptions are just as obvious.
My young cousin is attracted to the Anunaki a lot. He calls Lucifer "my dear", after having watched the Lucifer series (although it is blasphemous, sometimes things take an unexpected turn). If it weren't for Jewish Hollywood, plenty of people would have been fascinated by ancient Egypt. Despite all the slanders, many people are still attracted to Egypt. It is infuriating that ancient Egypt has been equated with the jewish Illuminati because of all the renowned puppets like Katy Perry and Lil Nas.
The average child is continuously bombarded with unending propaganda full of archangels and saints and whatnot, starting from home, through school, to social media. Even kids' animes are becoming swarmed with archangels' filth and portraying the Daemons as inferior evil creatures. This acts as a psychological indoctrination by imprinting in the child's mind that angels are good and demons are bad. The kikes are trying too hard to blaspheme the Gods and scare the Gentiles away from them.
I had a good communications with Gods without even realizing till about 13 years old when I fucked up and sealed every way of communication. It didn't happens instantly. They were like a voices of reason and conscience in my head, which I started to tune out when I wanted to do something that I shouldn't, basically I isolated myself from everyone, covered myself in delusions and then touched some xian relic hoping it would magically make all the problems go away and I would be "normal". What an idiot.

Now I know their names and I am really grateful for their education and parenting even tho I caused a lot of trouble.
They were projecting some animals or cars on the wall when I was a toddler to entertain me. Of course when I started to pointing finger at that parent started to worry and stick some images of false gods in my bed. Told me that the god sees everything, so I was covering those images with something when I wanted some privacy. They were always appeared dark and scary to me and I've seen it like it's totally normal thing. Later of course everyone decided that it's problem with my vision and starting to prescribe me glasses. Which lead to getting used to those and replaced with new ones till my vision worsened.
Thing is, somehow during meditation I may temporary make my vision sharp again, so I believe it's fixable without surgery.

What I am getting at is that not we are only closer to Gods as children, but also are more open spiritually and closer to acessing past lives, but this society tries to wipe us and program us to be the same as everyone else. The weak ones are joining the hivemind very early. I've experienced that phenomenon that even tho I am not touching everyone and just minding my own business, other kids get in the groups and assault me, and while adults ignoring this all, because it's "children playing" it was too early when I realized that this world is broken and I want to stay as far as possible from the mainstem society.

It feels that with spiritual development I am making my mind to be flexible again as it was when I was a kid. I can review my past experience with a prism of knowledge that I have now and everything is becoming more clear than ever.
I feel like when we are born we bring with us an energy reserve of sorts that is exhausted by the time we are teenagers, what i mean by that is children almost seem to "shine" with energy and their bodies are vibrant and healthy for the most part unless there is an underlying condition like a genetic disease. Children can literally fall off a roof and be fine while most 20 year olds wake up with pains all over their body.

I noticed this first when I was coming out of high school and all the girls I was into that I had known for years and were really beautiful to me, now at 21-22 years old i could barely recognise, their vibrance is gone now just propped up by endless makeup. As if as the years go by that "energy reserve" is completely depleted leaving the body to age and deteriorate.

I'm at a point where I can feel my soul hunger in the morning, waiting for me to feed it through meditation, feeling amazing after yoga and being healthy is something I can't imagine going without in my life. The jew must pay for reducing humanity to this state.
Indeed dear High Priest Hooded Cobra, especially how ancient Egypt was the core of father Satan's serpentine brotherhood.

Father Lucifer's genius of Egypt is always appealing and beneficial to the soul.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
The girl friend of mine has a daughter think she is about 6 or 7 aswell. The mother had the Satanic tatoos I shared and stuff but the grandma was the one teaching her about the Bible and letting he watch horror movies.

The mother is not SS but we had deep talk about the truth and we were drawing together and enjoyed it. One day she brought her daughter to my house and the mom asked her what she thought about the drawings. All my drawings were in a book and she whent through all of them and chose the pentagram. It has all the SS holidays drawn into it aswell.

The mother was shocked because her child is always walking around with the Bible and loves people reading it to her. Luckily the mom is atheist and I find it funny because she actually has arguments with her daughter about the Bible when the daughter tries to convert her own mom haha I saw it with my own eyes . Once again it's the grandma who is filling the child with lies.

O sorry I forgot to add "and what the girl liked in the drawing book"
She liked the pentagram the most.

Btw not girlfriend as in my sexual partner but just a girl friend.
I'm still available ;)
I've never been taught xian shit until I was sent to a catholic school in 6th grade, the moment I got in that school I have for days been feeling an oppression that I never felt before that, I used to feel like shit. I got out of there fortunately.
Kurat said:

I remember My childhood, I was big fan of Roman Gods, especially fan of Mars. When My grandmother starded reading bible to Me, I felt that it is fake. When she started reading ten commandments and read that "Thou shalt have no other gods before me", then I felt really startled and frightened.

But what about jewish children who rise in atheist families, I thing that they does not love our Gods?

I remember always having a fascination with Zeus/Enlil/Baalzebul/Jade Emperor. The fatherly instict I always needed because after my parents divorced, I haven't seen my dad much and he passed away. And then, while I turned Christian at 15, even before then, I was terrified of thunderstorms and lightning, and always felt like I was being punished. And then after leaving Christianity and started to deprogram, I've realized how much Baalzebul has been like a role model and a father figure to me, both literally and reading his stories, even to find out my dad not only looks like the Jade Emperor but his birthday fell on the same day too, and being an Aquarius. And that's how I realized that from the jump I always was destined to be a Satanist. I can imagine my daughter wanting to be strong and independent and wise like Athena. Or my son having my talent for writing, poetry and music like Apollo, or a scientist and follow Thoth's footsteps. I would also love to make my own take of the story of the gods while teaching them biology, astrology, etc. Through those stories. Or for them to learn about Osiris and Set being about the Sun rising and falling on the horizon, the Fall season "killing" trees, the death and rebirth of new cells in the body, etc. This would be awesome.
I can attest to this. My childhood was always ripe with mythology. My brothers and I used to play Live Action Role Playing which included anything we can imagine, Witches and Wizards etc. And I was always submersed in books like Percy Jackson or the Eragon series.

I'm fortunate I still have that spark thanks to Satan.
I remember my parents putting on Zeffirelli's fucking jeeboo film around every Easter. I never accepted the idea that human spirituality was interlinked with that awful execution story and always kept it out of mind whenever I had to attend anything related to this rotten program. I could not express my apprehension as everybody seemed to be into xianity to some degree, but I remember fantasizing about how cool it would be if the Greek gods were real.

Well, what do you know! :)
Powerofjustice said:
I feel like when we are born we bring with us an energy reserve of sorts that is exhausted by the time we are teenagers, what i mean by that is children almost seem to "shine" with energy and their bodies are vibrant and healthy for the most part unless there is an underlying condition like a genetic disease. Children can literally fall off a roof and be fine while most 20 year olds wake up with pains all over their body.

I noticed this first when I was coming out of high school and all the girls I was into that I had known for years and were really beautiful to me, now at 21-22 years old i could barely recognise, their vibrance is gone now just propped up by endless makeup. As if as the years go by that "energy reserve" is completely depleted leaving the body to age and deteriorate.

I'm at a point where I can feel my soul hunger in the morning, waiting for me to feed it through meditation, feeling amazing after yoga and being healthy is something I can't imagine going without in my life. The jew must pay for reducing humanity to this state.

I think this is one of the reasons the jewish elite has pedo rings, as they drain their victims during the "energetical exchange "
I’ve probably mentioned this before but I’ll say it again, one huge thing going on is this “kids aren’t born racist” movement. Kids are the most positively and naturally “racist” beings. I don’t like using the term racist to even describe them but from the jews perspective they’ve given it the ugly connotation. They naturally separate, idolize their own race, ect.

A lot of boys -naturally- love cars, war, swords, dinosaurs the most, sometimes they’ll play with other things but when you let a kid just be themselves you’ll see clearly there’s no “gender oppression” that causes this. Girls naturally love dresses dolls coloring ect. Sometimes they veer. I was kind of a tom boy and hated a lot of these things more than other girls but I still had a thing for make up, art, and taking care of smaller things. There’s zero need for a parent to influence their kid in these areas by either trying to get them to be more girly or less girly. Some of the left practically forces their boys into dresses and they’re confusing them at such a young age.
This is beautiful!💗 And it is so very true. Cherishing your childhood and that inner youth! Nothing is more beautiful and powerful than being a kid and being free of heart and mind. Pure Vril energy! And that soul that dances! Learning is easy for some where others are tested. And we still remember a lot of our past the good and the bad. And we always look back on the laughter, the schooling and the things we enjoyed. 💞🙏🔥 Intel we reach that age where change.., And pure pressure had some affect. Do to your neighborhood and religion! And what affect it had on alot of us as children! And how we never forget or forgive those who hurt us. And the painful lies and lessons. We had to face as little kids, just minding our own business and being who we are naturally. And getting beaten down with silly rules and regulations, someone who can't stand children, And what they do. Putting out there differences between what they see and what they want you to see and believe, And how these enemies took the time to make a fool of themselves trying to distorted the child mind and what child see and think. And how many of us had to fight to keep in mind that we did nothing wrong, And trying to avoid trouble with the enemies. Knowing that we have a battle on our hands everyday. Knowing what we are up against. As children! and developing adults being forced into a world as teenageers to accept the evil minds of this crazy world and trying to find ourselves again and again. Even if we know that we our going against the tide. And grazing against the community standards and the so called rules.. people calling us Retards and saying that we are screwy people who need help and making us and what we do seem like an excuse to get into our heads because we are different!! And like it. So w get put down and published for being real , honest, and different...when we are just being who we are as a people!!! And trying to get things straightened out in our heads and trying to be strong enough to put up with these evil people at the same time. Trying to convince us that we are bad and that we need medical attention and shit we don't need or want in the first place!!! That we are perfectly fine and happy for who and what we are. Even as adults who have children of our own as well. And weather we have a family or not. We still figure out a way to cope with our own choices. What is right and wrong. Keeping our heads together and our knowledge about knowing who we all are and where we come from. We all have that right !!💗 and being educated again about where to go for help and learning how to relax and meditate ..reprogramming ..so we can find our way back and be ourselves again. Breaking these chains called religion and so called government rules and shit!!🍒🍓 and enj the fruits of life and indulge! And be our happy selves again and how its repeated as we age. Only we become stronger with age !!! We know the truth and it shows up with our life experiences🔥🐍 Hail Satan! Hail to our inner childhood ! And childhood innocents! HAIL TO OUR GODS AND DEMONS!!!💞🙏 💗 For they have been with us all along watching us grow and advanced in our minds and Souls !!! AND WE DON'T GIVE UP!!! WE have a right to be proud and be who we are as Satanic individuals!!!💗🐍🔥 and live to tell about it. And take our knowledge with us to the next level and the next world!!!🌹💖 I am a proud Individual!!! And a ass kicking Satanist!!!! HAIL SATAN!!! HAIL LILITH!!!🔥🐍🌹💖
SShiva_fr said:
Yes the Gods live in our children.
As a baby, my daughter (who is now 7 years old), took a tiger that was as big as her, as her favorite stuffed animal. She has never been without her tiger and has been sleeping on it ever since! And around 3-4 years old, she made a point of buying a Snake plush, which also sleeps with her. Doesn't this remind you of anything? Shiva!
Since 1 year that I regularly do yoga at home, I listen at the same time to a beautiful version of Aum Shivaya Nama (from which my profile picture is taken): "How beautiful Shiva is! And so muscular!" my daughter says every time.
She asked me why it was important to do yoga. "Look at Shiva's snake!" And I took her Snake plush. "Look how flexible and wiggly his spine is! Well our spine has to be as flexible as the Snake's to keep the life energy flowing well, so we can stay physically healthy and be happy in our minds."
(I have simplified the explanations)
The first time she did yoga with me, at the moment of "doing the starfish" at the end of the session, I was amazed:
"Mom, I imagine the sun coming in from above my head and going through my whole body".
She knew. By instinct.
We were doing yoga in front of a patio door and the sun was streaming into the room and onto us. Wonderful moment. That has happened many times.
How many times she said to me "Don't worry Mom, Shiva won't let us down".
A few days ago the moon was visible in the afternoon: "Look, it's a message from Shiva who sees all our efforts and thanks us" (we had just come out of my workshop where I make candles, runes and caduceus and we were going to do hatha yoga).
I'm sure my daughter has been with the Gods in the past.
I also have no doubt that she will be able to rise much faster than I have had to live with the pangs of xtianism.

Thank you for this story with your daughter, it made me smile. It truly shows that children are the purest. It is sad that this wretched system of these days tries to corrupt them, taking advantage of their innocence. We should all do our best in protecting them from all this Jewish crap.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Tell me have you ever asked or remember a kid from your school that was asked: "who do you want to be, Anubis, Set, Zeus or Jesus" and they literally told you "Jesus"? You will never find such a child in this world and why? Because in children lives copious wisdom. It takes a lot of mental enslavement to receive this answer, which is rarely present in pure souls.

I think i can see myself as a child in elementary school in the situation that you described, HP.

I owned some books that showed some images and descriptions of the forms the Gods took in both Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt, and i felt more attracted to them than Rabbi Jewsus. I even owned some toys about Ancient Pagan Egypt. Unfortunately, the peoples that i knew forced me to worship the jewish thoughtform :( . Despite the fact that our religion teacher and the Catholic clergy in Catechism insisted all the time with me that "there is only one god", it took me years to forget the other Gods. During my pre-mature years i always feel repulsed by the studies that i made about the Catholic Church history, such as them forcing their own ideology on everyone and even wanting "holy territories" in the Southern Italian region. Even when i became an Atheist i still felt connected to the Pagan "Mythologies" than the xian program, and it is because of that i felt attracted by Neopaganism twice, even though i never converted either times because: the first time i was still unconvinced to join any religion because i identified as a "antitheistic conspiracy theorist", while the second time lasted for a very short period because i discovered the previous JOS sub-forums and found the True Pagan Spirituality.

I'll admit that i had some interest in Islam, but that was because all i knew about it was via some school lessons that i didn't pay attention and made it "appealing" and, perhaps, some fiction set in the Middle-East such as Aladdin. When i finally started having interest in studying religions and spirituality, i learned via some websites that it is a very dangerous cult that, like xianity, needs to be banned from the societies in order to keep them clean. I don't remember if i had any opinion on Buddhism before joining the JOS, but I've always wondered what was the point of it if there was already Hinduism (Just like i didn't understand how Xianity and Judaism can coexist at the same time, before becoming aware of the jewish cabal).

Unfortunately, while maintaining the admiration of the Pagan Gods, i was scared of Satan, all thanks to the Christian depiction of him that Hollywood and other jewish media adopted it to blaspheme him even more :x . Fortunately, when i started looking on the JOS forums after having to bear all the xian bullshit that was present in the Alt-Right media, in order to inform myself about their schemes, i've finally found the truth and in recent times I'm very willing to do everything in order to join the Gods.

I also wonder: do kids are normally born racially-aware? Because in almost all the years before joining JOS, i couldn't stand having migrants coming to my country (no offense to the non-white SS) and i really couldn't stand the sight of (((gypsies))). Even The Hunchback of Notre Dame was not able to make me sympathize with them. As for the jews, i was forced to watch an old movie about the hoax of Anne Frank's diary, and i remember that i couldn't stand the characters: they were pretty much all unlikable. I also remember that I've hated Moses in The Prince of Egypt and was very sad for what the Egyptians had to suffer. I still wonder how can xians, who claims to be anti-jewish, make absurd claims by stating that they even "hate their other prophets", yet the movie that i quoted above is made by (((Dreamworks))) and was directed by the jew Stephen Spielberg. :lol:
Speaking on how the enemy brainwashes children in order to turn them into loyal sheep to their false god, i remember reading somewhere (i think it was Wikipedia) some of the atrocities of the Goa Inquisition. During that period, the Catholic Portuguese murdered many Hindu dynasties of Sri Lanka and kidnapped their descendants in order to brainwash them in the Catholic Schools of Portugal. Is very painful to me reading how the enemy managed to turn us against our Gods and our families in the past centuries. :cry:

Also, i plan to open a topic on the origins of the Horror Genre, which is definitely jewish to me, since it always teaches either that our true Gods are monsters, that anything that belongs with True Satanism is related to vampires and other monsters or that we should fear (((YHVH))). According to a book that explains the supposed history of the Horror Genre in the Italian peninsula, during the Baroque period, the Catholic clergy organized some sorts of theaters were they would describe, detail by detail, how a corpse decompose after death and other macabre tales, all in order to stimulate the emotions of their cult members and make them cry or feel dread. How horrible! :x

Yes, the same cults that somehow associates us with death, gore, horror, blood sacrifices and macabre are the ones that actually embodies them. I mean, they have underground cemeteries were they store mummies of their clergy, they make you worship dead body parts or even kiss them, they practice some sort of cannibalism with their paper discs and wine and they even believe that stigmata (scars in the body parts that the enemy will give to their saints) are a blessing. I found years ago on the web, among the photos of people that were "blessed" by stigmata, a nun that supposedly was scarred with a cross even on the forehead and she was even crying blood from her own eyes. And i don't need that i have to explain the cult of Islam, as it is also very creepy.

I cannot wait till the day we'll get rid and of the enemy and all of their filth that plagues humanity! HAIL SATAN!
I found out that Isis and Anubis were my Dgs by my first history classes in the 4* year I remember that when I opened the history book and saw the Egyptian gods felt a strong connection and comfort to the fleece there today I finally created strength and courage to go after them and worship them.
In these difficult life here at home Isis helps me a lot and always comforts me when I need
Bipolar Bear said:
Thank you for this story with your daughter, it made me smile. It truly shows that children are the purest. It is sad that this wretched system of these days tries to corrupt them, taking advantage of their innocence. We should all do our best in protecting them from all this Jewish crap.

Yes she is really cute and touching. I am lucky to have a little girl like her. And I have no doubt that one day she will become a proud SS. Kind, generous and brave. But the willpower is something else! With her "super Neptune" and Uranus, she is very ... "contemplative", interior and does as she pleases :lol:
Sundara said:
I’ve probably mentioned this before but I’ll say it again, one huge thing going on is this “kids aren’t born racist” movement. Kids are the most positively and naturally “racist” beings. I don’t like using the term racist to even describe them but from the jews perspective they’ve given it the ugly connotation. They naturally separate, idolize their own race, ect.

A lot of boys -naturally- love cars, war, swords, dinosaurs the most, sometimes they’ll play with other things but when you let a kid just be themselves you’ll see clearly there’s no “gender oppression” that causes this. Girls naturally love dresses dolls coloring ect. Sometimes they veer. I was kind of a tom boy and hated a lot of these things more than other girls but I still had a thing for make up, art, and taking care of smaller things. There’s zero need for a parent to influence their kid in these areas by either trying to get them to be more girly or less girly. Some of the left practically forces their boys into dresses and they’re confusing them at such a young age.

I think the term for this is racial confidence. They innately believe in themselves and their race, hence why they are racially idolizing themselves because they know deep down that this confidence that they naturally have can be crucial for the betterment of their own kind in various levels if taught and applied correctly.
DoNotMentionMyName said:
My husband and I are both SS, and I see it in our children everyday. The future is bright.

Comments like this do fill me with happiness. Thank you.
Aquarius said:
I've never been taught xian shit until I was sent to a catholic school in 6th grade, the moment I got in that school I have for days been feeling an oppression that I never felt before that, I used to feel like shit. I got out of there fortunately.
Be thankful for that, you have been very lucky. In my case, it was the exact opposite, I was shoved xian shit down my throat, since birth, until I practically suffocated. And despite this, as a child, I still found the stories of Greek and Egyptian mythology much more interesting to read than the filthy Jewish bible. I remember now how I wished the Egyptian or Greek gods were real instead of yaveh. Well, how great is my happiness to find out that my wish was real :) . Honestly, I think my connection with the gods in past lives must have been very strong, because nothing else explains why I was able to free myself from xianism despite being indoctrinated in it from birth practically.
It's funny that when I left xianism in my teens, I immediately wanted to learn about occultism and magic, and even wanted to make a pact with Satan. I believed that Satan and the demons were real, but that yaveh was not. Well, I guess I was right without knowing, :cool: .

PurpleWoman said:
I found out that Isis and Anubis were my Dgs by my first history classes in the 4* year I remember that when I opened the history book and saw the Egyptian gods felt a strong connection and comfort to the fleece there today I finally created strength and courage to go after them and worship them.
In these difficult life here at home Isis helps me a lot and always comforts me when I need

Yes, this connection is in our souls. With my guardian it was the same way, when I first read about her, I was fascinated by her and immediately found her beautiful.
And they help us when we need it too. How nice that your guardian is helping you, it proves your connection to the gods. In a way, it was like that for me too.
Osiris Silvio said:
My young cousin is attracted to the Anunaki a lot. He calls Lucifer "my dear", after having watched the Lucifer series (although it is blasphemous, sometimes things take an unexpected turn).

Interesting. Years ago, i was a bit surprised when i found out that i wasn't the only SS that has read Tolkien's books (I admit that in the past i have read and enjoyed both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, but i cannot say the same about the Silmarillion), but i guess it is logical, since they have pagan symbols. While i pretty much never cared of their xian themes as an Atheist, i would not read them ever again, since they pretty much can be described in the same way of the xianity program: stolen Paganism used against Father Satan to promote the Dark Ages and the Catholic dogma. However, seeing that his books sometimes leads people to "Paganism" (and in some cases, to real Satanism) it makes me smirks, knowing that the enemy's blasphemies backfired against them. :D I read somewhere on the web that even the more openly xian Narnia led a woman to become a "witch". :lol: I guess Cuck Soy Lewis shouldn't have put magic and Pagan Gods in his own fantasy novels. :lol:

Also, while i pretty magic gave up any of the crap that you can find in both TV and Streaming platforms, such as Netflix, Prime Video, ecc., the fact that more and more media have pagans themes (even though they are made by the enemy to spread disinfo on us) seems to lead more and more people in our ranks. A sign that we will grow more and more! :D
My cousin put my niece to watch movies after school. I see once,christianity documentary, she just didn't like. she said show sucked. it was story of moses for kids, biblical cartoon. fail big, major.

then she watch some egyptian cartoon, she is vibing with it, lol.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
