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The Cannibal Mob

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In regular society, when people are seen excelling or doing better, advancing or evolving, the mob of animals jumps on them to destroy them slander them and so on.

It's a natural instinct for many people. It wasn't always, but by the bad programming the jews have embed in humanity, it has become. In the ancient times, people promoted the warrior, intellectual, musicial, cook, or anyone in their village or community that did try to do better.

Nowadays we live in the inverse. The moment anyone that isn't a jew in anyway excels or does something, a brainless mob of idiots comes fast towards them to assimilate them into the borg through destruction or keeping them ever lower.

That feeling of reactive negativity towards these people, and this energy in ourselves, is programmed. It's also definitely easier to express a negative aspect here than getting yourself in order and advancing too. It's easier to attack and to destroy.

Many people therefore take this very exact path, to avoid self development.

In Gentile societies of old, shaming, trashing and attacking higher individuals was not welcomed. This situation is made normalized now because we live in a society where most people are content with remaining on the lowest level possible.

The emphasis of destruction of what will become better is the foundation of Communism. The next steps towards the logical extremes here are the borg, killing individuality, and nullifying all of nature's work. Greys are the application of this rule into a brutal reality with technologically forced severity.

As years passed I have understood this inherent communism is present in many people. That is hardwired. That is bred because of insecurity, fear, and generally whatever makes humanity fail. It's an entropic force in souls that has been left to reign, expressed outwards.

Races, peoples and civilizations that allow this to go rampant, just collapse. Beauty is never produced. People rise from the mud and fall soulless right again into the mud.

On the other side, places where the above is not allowed to take it's course, flourish, grow, get a created order, and advance in power and evolution.

A typical monday for me consists of reading slander, personal attacks, defamation, character murder, or all of the above. Or just another conspiracy of 3 angry pencil necks and one bimbo with a large nose with nothing to do since her local synagogue closed, that have now declared that "muh time is over!!!!!11111111111!", for the hundredth time.

Someone sent me an e-mail with all their imaginations of what my picture means. The schizophrenic rant had a lot of assumptions in regards to why I would do this great crime of literally promoting Zeus and putting his statue here for everyone to see.

For example, it could be a reflection of my so out of control and huge ego. Or was it an intimidation technique towards their little sorry ass? Maybe it was the fact I should put Ghandi as my profile picture? Would that make their little squirming ass feel better? Maybe put there a vegeterian saint?

Maybe it would be too far for me to go and say this: The issue is not the existence of the ego [like enemy religions say], but in reality, what this "Ego" is doing. Do we have a valuation system for the "egos" that are passing this planet?

If the above is not understood, why is one a Satanist in the first place? To blame the elite all day and do no efforts really to reach any divinity, but spend your day all day being like just another person of the mob?

These types of "Satanists" have not understood in the core what Satanism is. Since many are born into deception and we are all born hostages to the cannibal mob mindset, it's when we move away from this that we start to grow.

I will be very straight forward here. The reason you see society as a shithole and half the planet or more is a literal shithole, is because of this mentality.

Coupling this mentality with the already negative tendencies displayed over nature and how everything is going downwards by nature, all you will manage to achieve here is death, decay, death of development, and the achievement of a soulless NPC slave.

Slavers and those who wanted to maintain power, kept people in this level of being total cannibalizing animals. These animals are always easy to deal with, provided you have a whip. The death of the actual "Elite" that they drive the mobs to destroy, keeps them safe and certain in their capacity to enslave.

Nobody will then be left to help anybody, as the cannibal mob will kill it's own leaders, visionairies, good people, and any gem this human muck managed to give birth to.

In a sense, this world no longer deserves the idols to emulate, that of Zeus, Athena, Shiva or Varja. Therefore now you have your kike Jesus and another kike Mohammed, which reflects the general downfall by humanity on a very good level. This idol also reinforces the very same downfall by false emulation.

By destruction of what is beautiful, noble, powerful and ideal, we have sunk into the pit where the mentally infested communists like the one above are free to reign.

I left the enemy religions because I didn't want to be a grey long story short. I didn't want to be like "anyone else", nor I had the demand for other people to be "same as me". I refused to accept slave identity for myself. I was fine with idolizing what was higher than me. I felt inspired by the statues of Zeus or the stories of the Ancient Gods, and of aeons of better and higher people than this worthless low crap of today.

I sleep great at night in awe and reverence of higher beings than me, and I sleep better knowing that if I grow I'll be able to protect others that are growing. I feel great knowing I have tried to conquer myself from yesterday, or to fight to resist to be turned into an NPC borg sheep.

The same feeling people experience in high disgust when someone is higher than them, or someone is trying to advance, I feel the same feeling of hurt and disgust when I see people accepting being stuck or not wanting to advance.

We and them, we are a different soul species. In a sense, anyone who embarks into spiritual Satanism has found out that they too are of this species. We enjoy to see growing suns and do not rejoice in the visuals of dead carcass that became "equal to ourselves".

For those who aren't of this mentality, go to your local Islamic gathering or Synagogue. There, you won't find many "greater people" to hate upon, neither to converse or to feel shrunk from. You will only find people that you feel "equal" to, and a couple of anally abusive imams that will hit you like an animal to get you to walk around a rock. Indeed that is what many people deserve with this shot mind they possess.

For the rest of us, it's poetry in our ears when we think that: Satan is innate human force of development that loudly affirms: "And let all people be created unequal!".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
ppl will appreciate u only after they lose u.

i appreciate u now. u have done lots for me. im thankful.
Recently I was reading about templars. After they found power, they used it. They were ascetics of Christ, but they raise as lions, with vast wealth. Mentality of Satanism is always same. This is path of who want to be strong. You can come here as sheep, ascetic or whatsoever shit. But you'll raise as lion, you'll find true power and progress.
I agree with you Hooded Cobra.Same here, before I joined satanism when I was a kid I always felt inspired and something deep about These Greek things,Statues of Zeus infact to cut story short I was always attracted to paganism and Knew something was wrong somewhere..when I was a kid when I got a symbian phone that time there was no Android in my country I would go to Google and I will search 'Ancient Egyptian wisdom' 'How to be immortal' I was attracted to magic..This is confirmation that indeed Satan sent his people to this era to fight and bring down the Jews.. and also archieve Godhead otherwise I won't be searching all these things and wouldn't have found Satanism..I was attracted to meditation..when I found out about JOS website I was scared at first but after reading the site ,PDFs thoroughly hmm, without looking back I dedicated last year and had this Big relief and peace of mind..lol..Xianity sucks, Xianity is for dead and worthless people without ambition... Satanism is for the wise,brave and strong.. Satanism rocks...HAIL SATAN FOREVER
Interesting. I was having similar thoughts lingering in my mind lately. "Haters" is what they're called in laymen term and I just found it ridiculous that people literally get angry when there's good stuff happening to you even if you're putting in the work. They'll try hard to make your hard work seem like it's nothing. Not surprising since the person who recently acted this way towards me is a xian. I thought it was just their main element being fire but what you wrote makes way more sense. Could be a combination of both for this person too.

I'm sorry to cherry pick but I like these parts a lot,

I left the enemy religions because I didn't want to be a grey long story short. I didn't want to be like "anyone else",

Marcus Aurelius said, "The object of life is not to be in the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane" (literally just saw this quote today so this is a nice coincidence)

Maybe he might not have meant it in how today's world people like us are seen as insane/weird for not following the majority but it fits so well.

nor I had the demand for other people to be "same as me"

People who are not used to think for themselves but liked what I had to say would start acting exactly the same as me and it felt wrong and awkward. The best way I could explain what I really wanted is for them just to be 'real' and not another NPC. Acting the same way I do isn't fooling anyone but themselves.

Hopefully your post will encourage newer people to "check themselves".
I needed to read this... That has helped me deal with a situation I'm currently going through... Hard to embrace this reality that you just can't mix with the mob. But it's not healthy and that's the truth. I have paid the price in the past. Exactly how you described it. I'm not going to allow that to happen again.
Thanks for reminding me what's at stake here...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I sleep better knowing that if I grow I'll be able to protect others that are growing.

This is a very beautiful thought that you shared. I don't know why but it made me teary. Thank you for everything that you do HP.

Also just randomly felt a brilliant energy which I believe was our Father's. I think you mentioning protecting other's that are growing made me think how father Satan also protects those who are growing maybe that's why.
Loved this sermon!

Many people do not realize how deeply engraved the jewish communistic ideology goes. People who are exceptional in anyway weather it be asthetics smarts or some sort of ability are often viewed as a source of jealousy and contempt instead of being inspirations or looked up to.

Most people have a mentality of entitlement, and because they think everyone should be equal they will feel slighted or even angry when they are not automatically given the benefits of any kinds of gifts or exceptionalism without being born with it or working for it. Or they will feel threatened by any form of "inequality" that threatens their status quo.

Fat and ugly people bitch and moan all the time that someone objectively attractive does not give them the time of day. But they do nothing to better themselves to even have a chance at attracting someone out of their league.

The "looks don't matter" and "big is beautiful" and other degenerate shit are for coddling the ugly and less Genetically fit and demanding that others better than them in this way accept them. Yet doing nothing to loose weight or become more healthy. This is the equivalent of a welfare recipient resenting someone who works hard for their luxuries they earn. Hurr everyone has to be equal! It's not fair!

The same can be said about skill levels and superior thinking. Educated people and deep thinkers are thought of as snobs or conceited or "wierd".There are any great minds that have been stifled silenced and even killed for trying to get a head or to push society to Excell in ways that threatene the illusion of everyone "being equal" mental retardation is expected to be excepted "as is" and many people and children at school specifically are shamed for not being able to relate to someone who is mentally retarded "oy vey you are all equal. Retards are normal"

Race is a social construct! We all bleed red!

Everyone being equal in every way is not ony the most communistic but laziest mindset one can have and the ugliest. It is because of this mentality that everything in society is defaced and brought down and not up.

People who get ahead and or stand out in anyway are often expected to "think of the less fortunate" or to "check their privlege" and are shamed for not doing so or are seen as a threat when they conform to all things satanicly and naturally wholesome and non Jewish. Ie NOT comministic thought or mentality or unwarranted collective responsibilities.

Oy vey how dare you white man for not letting in Jamal and Ahmed into your country to ruin its beauty and culture to rape and pillage your country! His has been bombed! Have a heart..

How dare you for being a critical thinker about imperative issues or better than us! You pretentious prick! Annudah shoah! We are all equal!

In older and more ancient times people practiced racial hygiene and eugenics and excellence in all its facets of life. Things that were made in day to day life from enormous to small were works of art and beautifully made as were many people beautiful. Excellence and exceptionalism in all its forms were praised. It was nothing of today's ugliness of mindlessness and plainness of mass production and planned obscelecense.

I honestly feel like the more I do RTRs I become more and more acutely aware to all of this and the stark contrast...and how it honestly disgusts me. I don't want to say there isn't still good or beauty in this world but destroying the enemies power opens one's eyes on all ways as to how humanity has deteriorated in all facets..and it hurts.

The good news is there is much hope as there are also many people also non SS who are striving for excellence and are seeing though enemy lies despite the scorn they recieve for such.

I anxiously await the day when the enemy and their bots are burned away by the power of the black sun that will then shine down on a new world..a brand new aryan reich with all things beautiful and excellent whose people are beautiful and excellent in all ways and fully evolved spiritually. A world with real progress where all things move forward where nature is followed!
I’ve always loved Zeus since I was a little kid, eventually got to play God of War and didn’t really like the depiction (or the fact that the point of the game is to kill him). More recently I’ve played AC Odyssey and I feel that the game has a better depiction of the Greek Gods than GoW.

Although modern depictions aren’t perfect it’s still somewhat nice to see their names still live on and inspire stories (Immortals Fenyx Rising definitely has a more positive depiction of the Greek Gods).
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I loved this sermon. I do agree: there's nothing wrong with admitting not everyone is created equal. The same way there are higher notes and lower notes on a musical scale octave, but they are needed to make harmonies or music. Equality doesn't exist, but harmony most definitely does, if one is willing. Perfection exists, and so does excellence and the ability to reinvent yourself and become better than yesterday. This sense of infinite freedom shouldn't be scary, and even if it "is", it's really speaking to how far one has fallen and getting back up and seeing beyond the clouds and beyond the highest peaks is daunting especially looking all the way down gives one vertigo, but once one is rooted deep in the truth, advancing becomes a gift that keeps on giving.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If the above is not understood, why is one a Satanist in the first place? To blame the elite all day and do no efforts really to reach any divinity, but spend your day all day being like just another person of the mob?

These types of "Satanists" have not understood in the core what Satanism is. Since many are born into deception and we are all born hostages to the cannibal mob mindset, it's when we move away from this that we start to grow.

I’ve definitely been that type of “Satanist” in the past where even though I dedicated I didn’t really do anything besides just ask for an incubus and not meditate or do anything to advance myself. I did read and study JoS but I never really got much farther than that.

However I see now that even though I didn’t meditate back then I still advanced my own way by studying and reading a lot. It’s kind of like university where you study something abstractly but then move on to actually use that knowledge in your work/in practice.

No matter what, we’re always advancing every day even if it’s as small as learning about (or even trying out) a new meditation one day.

That’s what I love about this path. It forces you to see things from a different perspective and encourages you to keep going even in the face of adversity. Through enemy attacks etc we just get up, brush ourselves off, and keep walking.
Only losers are afraid of competition. The anti-competitive spirit needs to die. It's antithetical to Nature which means it's not conducive to life. And if something is not conducive to life then it shouldn't exist, and it usually doesn't exist because Nature wipes it out. It's only thanks to society that most people are even able to survive in such a low and retarded state. Nature would have killed them off long ago otherwise. They pride themselves on being superior to animals, but animals would never be retarded enough to forsake their instincts like humans have. There is nothing to be proud of for most humans in their current state of existence. It's pathetic. Being a slave is not something to be proud of. "Oh but at least we're better than animals!" while you're getting conquered and blood drained by literal parasites while you sit still doing nothing. So much smarter, sure. Humans have a long way to go to even be on the same level as beasts. At least animals have the drive to live rather than sitting on their ass praying towards the sky and waiting to go to "heaven." Such pathetic lifeforms shouldn't even be called humans at the level they're at, and they have absolutely no right to think of themselves as my equal. Unlike most, I'm actually trying to do something to rip parasites off my back because I'm not brain dead.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Someone sent me an e-mail with all their imaginations of what my picture means. The schizophrenic rant had a lot of assumptions in regards to why I would do this great crime of literally promoting Zeus and putting his statue here for everyone to see.

For example, it could be a reflection of my so out of control and huge ego. Or was it an intimidation technique towards their little sorry ass? Maybe it was the fact I should put Ghandi as my profile picture? Would that make their little squirming ass feel better? Maybe put there a vegeterian saint?

Maybe it would be too far for me to go and say this: The issue is not the existence of the ego [like enemy religions say], but in reality, what this "Ego" is doing. Do we have a valuation system for the "egos" that are passing this planet?

If you make your ego small then you will be swallowed up by someone else's ego. Just how it is. Big leaders have big egos. It's kind of a necessity.

Anyone else on the forums is allowed to put pictures of the Gods and Father Satan as their profile picture, and many do. Yet we only hear about someone having a hissy fit and making a big deal out of it when the High Priest does it. This is beyond juvenile, and such people need to get their heads straight.
This sermon was awesome. I have been getting harassed by family and friends to take the vaccine. They tell me, "if you cared about your loved ones you would get it". All I hear is a collective machine as they play their symphony together, and when I deny their request they turn to slander and defamation. I refuse to be assimilated.

On a positive note, it turns out my girl and I did end up catching COVID about 3 weeks ago. It wasn't nearly as intensive as they make it out to be. Funny thing is, we ended up catching it from our friends sister, who was fully vaxed.

In my opinion, it goes deeper than this. I know being the target of such mobs is extremely unpleasant, but there is some merit to the psychology behind it. For how long have people been systematically abused, exploited, tortured, raped and killed by figures of supposed superiority and authority.

I do not think people are naturally inclined to hate anything superior to themselves. The issue is, how has that authority and superiority been used over the last thousand years or so. I think it's somewhat understandable that many people have this knee jerk reaction to anybody being superior to them, or having some form of authority or power over them.

Because it is embedded into their mind and soul that people who have power over them will use that power to viciously abuse them. So they instinctively oppose anything superior to themselves out of a misguided sense of self-preservation. This is an unfortunate side effect of jewish abuse of power over many generations.

I know this because I experienced it personally. It was utterly ludicrous to me to think that a being with power I cannot imagine could have any interest in the well-being of the likes of us. But He does. This took a very long time for me to actually believe and understand.

The powerful crush the powerless and that's the way of the universe in the minds of many. And it's fair that they see it this way because they have experienced this their whole lives, and it's been like this for centuries.

This will take time to heal.
A great and inspirational post, High Priest!
"And let all people be created unequal!" Indeed!

In my case, what I think led me here, was my hatred for corruption, as well as a natural innate "compass" that steered me towards the truth, no matter how hard the truth was. Combine that with wanting to be strong and capable enough to protect that which matters to me, from whatever the threat, regardless of how mighty they may seem, and you have a recipe for a Satanist.

I'm happy to be here.

Hail Satan!
Like I said in my post on the sign of Pisces awhile ago. This equality thing is all about constantly devolving and trying to bring everyone down to the lowest level as possible. The Jews are worshipped (don't know why the Gypsies never were) because they are the most inferior this is supposed to be what we look up to.

A lot of the music and media and TV is about always looking up to the criminal or bad guy or most low of individual as a role model so this is programmed into people.

If someone does not go along with this and wants something better or to be superior in anyway they are tried to be shut down outcast killed etc the programming tells people to do it Lupe Fiasco did a bunch of music talking about this same thing actually I thought some of that was cool.

So anyways if someone is consistently programmed in a bad way they will react against what they are told to react against. The only thing we can do is change the programming in the media and society to something positive to get the most npc individuals out of this their minds are mush anyways they will go along with it for the most part after awhile at least. But we can't do that till the Jews are gone.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Maybe it would be too far for me to go and say this: The issue is not the existence of the ego [like enemy religions say], but in reality, what this "Ego" is doing. Do we have a valuation system for the "egos" that are passing this planet?

If the above is not understood, why is one a Satanist in the first place? To blame the elite all day and do no efforts really to reach any divinity, but spend your day all day being like just another person of the mob?

It is difficult to watch an "elite" form in a poorly constructed society, whose core values are not aligned with the betterment of humanity. It is a sad development, a far cry from the society and values we would promote as Satanists.

But you are right, to dwell on this is easy and is a similar mentality of NPCs that want to destroy anyone who is doing better.

Perhaps it is our ego that is weighed against the feather of truth when passing this planet?
Brilliant HPHC

Saved this as its so good and right as per.

Its a rat race now (and full of rats at same time)
jrvan said:
Only losers are afraid of competition. The anti-competitive spirit needs to die. It's antithetical to Nature which means it's not conducive to life. And if something is not conducive to life then it shouldn't exist, and it usually doesn't exist because Nature wipes it out. It's only thanks to society that most people are even able to survive in such a low and retarded state. Nature would have killed them off long ago otherwise. They pride themselves on being superior to animals, but animals would never be retarded enough to forsake their instincts like humans have. There is nothing to be proud of for most humans in their current state of existence. It's pathetic. Being a slave is not something to be proud of. "Oh but at least we're better than animals!" while you're getting conquered and blood drained by literal parasites while you sit still doing nothing. So much smarter, sure. Humans have a long way to go to even be on the same level as beasts. At least animals have the drive to live rather than sitting on their ass praying towards the sky and waiting to go to "heaven." Such pathetic lifeforms shouldn't even be called humans at the level they're at, and they have absolutely no right to think of themselves as my equal. Unlike most, I'm actually trying to do something to rip parasites off my back because I'm not brain dead.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Someone sent me an e-mail with all their imaginations of what my picture means. The schizophrenic rant had a lot of assumptions in regards to why I would do this great crime of literally promoting Zeus and putting his statue here for everyone to see.

For example, it could be a reflection of my so out of control and huge ego. Or was it an intimidation technique towards their little sorry ass? Maybe it was the fact I should put Ghandi as my profile picture? Would that make their little squirming ass feel better? Maybe put there a vegeterian saint?

Maybe it would be too far for me to go and say this: The issue is not the existence of the ego [like enemy religions say], but in reality, what this "Ego" is doing. Do we have a valuation system for the "egos" that are passing this planet?

If you make your ego small then you will be swallowed up by someone else's ego. Just how it is. Big leaders have big egos. It's kind of a necessity.

Anyone else on the forums is allowed to put pictures of the Gods and Father Satan as their profile picture, and many do. Yet we only hear about someone having a hissy fit and making a big deal out of it when the High Priest does it. This is beyond juvenile, and such people need to get their heads straight.

Great Post bro I like it :cool:
(La Condition Eumone),= French. Which means the human condition. Its the way we are.

I was told the above before in support because I tend to suffer from others focusing on me too much. But just this moment I realised it's an error that quote. It's defeatist and accepting that's just how we are. No we are not all like that. There are spiritual souls that appreciate peace and quiet. And the solitude to reflect and introspect.

As an introvert I'm comfortable to sit on my own. But the masses need to all be together and they think it's strange a person can be strong enough to stand on their own. As they say, "I enjoy my own company".

The masses being in a herd hate the strong individual. I have so suffered from others jealousy at my difference in enjoying my own company.

Now I am a part of the herd. And I wish to be accepted and fit in. But there is a sort of borg mentality with people where if you're not uniform and compartmentalised into one of the allowed boxes/ categories. Then they worry about you.

Sometimes I just don't have anything to say. As an introvert that can happen. And a lot of the time I'm just bored by peoples conversations because sometimes it just amounts to a moan.

But they have said they worry about me being so quiet. Anyway it's jealousy at my individuality and independence.

We are different at the soul level. They're materialistic and I'm spiritual. It's two totally different wavelengths.

Like jealousy is not something I experience. I'm happy to see happiness and good things. Others being jealous just pull it all down. As the saying goes.

"A rising tide raises all boats."

When these people hate on others. They're hating on themselves because they are a people.

It's very difficult to control my feelings of hatred because it's a self defensive hatred. I feel attacked for my own individuality.

It's natural to have emotions like that against the haters. But the trick is to not let them linger and absorb you. Feel the emotions that are self defensive and let them go.

Release the negative feeling after experiencing them lest they destroy you. "Anger and hatred is like drinking poison and expecting the other fellow to die".
Awesome words! You shouldn't have to deal with people like that as that's not what you deserve.

It's interesting this ties in something I was talking about yesterday: how my cousin never reveals his plans before they are accomplished, and I am trying to learn to do the same because, by revealing your projects, the cannibal mob will direct ill will, disbelief and negative thoughtforms at you, hindering in your manifestation of them.

I am grateful to be part of this community.
Fuck Judaism and their programs. It has infested the minds and hearts of humans, acting like jews themselves. Worst is family members, but if they don't listen or are afraid of advancing, don't bother. Your individual soul is more important and when you physically die you don't take anyone with you anyway. Again, fuck them and everyone who supports them.
I am deeply inspired and motivated by the words of high priest hoodedcobra. I used to translated those sermons that helped me, then I shared them online with other ss hoping it will help them too. Many times I got hate for these. Eventually a person called me a jew, he basically told me I am the enemy and I got all of these hate because I look up to
hoodedcobra. He was something like “looking up to someone is xian and you are just an inferior soul anyway”.
No, appreciating someone is not xian and not jewish!
Personal Growth said:
(La Condition Eumone),= French. Which means the human condition. Its the way we are.

I was told the above before in support because I tend to suffer from others focusing on me too much. But just this moment I realised it's an error that quote. It's defeatist and accepting that's just how we are. No we are not all like that. There are spiritual souls that appreciate peace and quiet. And the solitude to reflect and introspect.

As an introvert I'm comfortable to sit on my own. But the masses need to all be together and they think it's strange a person can be strong enough to stand on their own. As they say, "I enjoy my own company".

The masses being in a herd hate the strong individual. I have so suffered from others jealousy at my difference in enjoying my own company.

Now I am a part of the herd. And I wish to be accepted and fit in. But there is a sort of borg mentality with people where if you're not uniform and compartmentalised into one of the allowed boxes/ categories. Then they worry about you.

Sometimes I just don't have anything to say. As an introvert that can happen. And a lot of the time I'm just bored by peoples conversations because sometimes it just amounts to a moan.

But they have said they worry about me being so quiet. Anyway it's jealousy at my individuality and independence.

We are different at the soul level. They're materialistic and I'm spiritual. It's two totally different wavelengths.

Like jealousy is not something I experience. I'm happy to see happiness and good things. Others being jealous just pull it all down. As the saying goes.

"A rising tide raises all boats."

When these people hate on others. They're hating on themselves because they are a people.

It's very difficult to control my feelings of hatred because it's a self defensive hatred. I feel attacked for my own individuality.

It's natural to have emotions like that against the haters. But the trick is to not let them linger and absorb you. Feel the emotions that are self defensive and let them go.

Release the negative feeling after experiencing them lest they destroy you. "Anger and hatred is like drinking poison and expecting the other fellow to die".

From our way PG they are certainly not on same wavelenght as as :D :lol:
Much of this thought comes from the belief one should be below the cruel god created by the jws and always begging for forgiveness, so when a person shows autonomy and deep knowledge, the person feels offended. Instead of revolting with the lying belief, it attacks those who represent everything they want to be, but cannot by their own choice. Christianity and other abrahamic religions only lead to misery at all levels.
Stormblood said:
Awesome words! You shouldn't have to deal with people like that as that's not what you deserve.

It's interesting this ties in something I was talking about yesterday: how my cousin never reveals his plans before they are accomplished, and I am trying to learn to do the same because, by revealing your projects, the cannibal mob will direct ill will, disbelief and negative thoughtforms at you, hindering in your manifestation of them.

I am grateful to be part of this community.
Interesting. I just made my mind about future education and career, and then this came to mind. I have shared my interests in past, and sometimes indeed others can influence the plans more or less. This time I will shut my self up about that. Others will see when the time is. It can be hard (personality that likes to share), but it's doable. Let's do this! :D
Henu the Great said:
Stormblood said:
Awesome words! You shouldn't have to deal with people like that as that's not what you deserve.

It's interesting this ties in something I was talking about yesterday: how my cousin never reveals his plans before they are accomplished, and I am trying to learn to do the same because, by revealing your projects, the cannibal mob will direct ill will, disbelief and negative thoughtforms at you, hindering in your manifestation of them.

I am grateful to be part of this community.
Interesting. I just made my mind about future education and career, and then this came to mind. I have shared my interests in past, and sometimes indeed others can influence the plans more or less. This time I will shut my self up about that. Others will see when the time is. It can be hard (personality that likes to share), but it's doable. Let's do this! :D

I've realized this before y'all :cool: :p lol. I'm joking around but seriously though I'm on board with this mentality as well. People's negativity has felt like it affected my plans when I brought it to their attention as well so I know what you mean.

On a similar note I'm trying to teach someone close to me who's young that actions speak louder than words. I've been influencing this person to physically be the best they can be and it seems like they want to brag to me only for me to be proud of them but then I feel like they're doing more talk than action. In my opinion, people who aren't as mentally strong yet, doing a lot of talking hinders their plans by their own fault as opposed to external things bringing them down. So having the mentality Stormblood mentioned here is a better route for these type of stuff as well. It's why I brought up this example since it works for this too.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I sleep great at night in awe and reverence of higher beings than me, and I sleep better knowing that if I grow I'll be able to protect others that are growing.

The warm feeling of reading this is only compatible to orgasm to describe.

I wonder... all who wrote those letters, do they even imagine how "others that are growing" deeply enjoy these words and how they feel healed and warmed by them, how their own sleep becomes better reading this?

All these crocs from whatever planets, they can't even understand or imagine our human feelings, how WE are happy to have such people existing here on Earth. How we prayed to have them and what fills us when we see our prayers heard.

I understand why our Ancestors who cherished and supported their geniuses. I so wish the planet I live on to be populated by geniuses only, the higher the better!

Hail inequality that granted us the mercy of genius-orientated systems!

Btw Baal-Zebul is the greatest representative of this. His image and sigil also filled me with this indescribable orgasmic feeling of being protected by a higher being - the order that mortal human heart so desires and so misses. Every time I see this avatar it feels me with such a warmth! Thanks for putting it! And for everything you are and do.
Henu the Great said:
Stormblood said:
Awesome words! You shouldn't have to deal with people like that as that's not what you deserve.

It's interesting this ties in something I was talking about yesterday: how my cousin never reveals his plans before they are accomplished, and I am trying to learn to do the same because, by revealing your projects, the cannibal mob will direct ill will, disbelief and negative thoughtforms at you, hindering in your manifestation of them.

I am grateful to be part of this community.
Interesting. I just made my mind about future education and career, and then this came to mind. I have shared my interests in past, and sometimes indeed others can influence the plans more or less. This time I will shut my self up about that. Others will see when the time is. It can be hard (personality that likes to share), but it's doable. Let's do this! :D

It's hard for me too.
I, like many others here for sure have noticed this shitty behavior that many people have who hate the best, can't stand the most informed, hate who is inovative and wants to take you with him too, but here in Jos it has become clear everything for many people ... here I want to illustrate an example: everyone knows Mozart. He was one of the greatest pianists in the world and you know how his funeral was, it was a third class funeral that is the cheapest possible, there was none of his family or friends and the most beautiful and that is unknown with certainty not even where it is buried ... I don't want to tell you my reaction, judge for yourself :ugeek:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In regular society, when people are seen excelling or doing better, advancing or evolving, the mob of animals jumps on them to destroy them slander them and so on.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Unfortunately, we live in a world where there is no meritocracy.

They want you to be on a low level so if you start asking for some kind of award or complaining about something, they can easily replace you. Great sermon HP!
jrvan said:
Only losers are afraid of competition. The anti-competitive spirit needs to die. It's antithetical to Nature which means it's not conducive to life. And if something is not conducive to life then it shouldn't exist, and it usually doesn't exist because Nature wipes it out. It's only thanks to society that most people are even able to survive in such a low and retarded state. Nature would have killed them off long ago otherwise. They pride themselves on being superior to animals, but animals would never be retarded enough to forsake their instincts like humans have. There is nothing to be proud of for most humans in their current state of existence. It's pathetic. Being a slave is not something to be proud of. "Oh but at least we're better than animals!" while you're getting conquered and blood drained by literal parasites while you sit still doing nothing. So much smarter, sure. Humans have a long way to go to even be on the same level as beasts. At least animals have the drive to live rather than sitting on their ass praying towards the sky and waiting to go to "heaven." Such pathetic lifeforms shouldn't even be called humans at the level they're at, and they have absolutely no right to think of themselves as my equal. Unlike most, I'm actually trying to do something to rip parasites off my back because I'm not brain dead.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Someone sent me an e-mail with all their imaginations of what my picture means. The schizophrenic rant had a lot of assumptions in regards to why I would do this great crime of literally promoting Zeus and putting his statue here for everyone to see.

For example, it could be a reflection of my so out of control and huge ego. Or was it an intimidation technique towards their little sorry ass? Maybe it was the fact I should put Ghandi as my profile picture? Would that make their little squirming ass feel better? Maybe put there a vegeterian saint?

Maybe it would be too far for me to go and say this: The issue is not the existence of the ego [like enemy religions say], but in reality, what this "Ego" is doing. Do we have a valuation system for the "egos" that are passing this planet?

If you make your ego small then you will be swallowed up by someone else's ego. Just how it is. Big leaders have big egos. It's kind of a necessity.

Anyone else on the forums is allowed to put pictures of the Gods and Father Satan as their profile picture, and many do. Yet we only hear about someone having a hissy fit and making a big deal out of it when the High Priest does it. This is beyond juvenile, and such people need to get their heads straight.

This is exactly what the Hitler quote in my profile is talking about. Those who do not fight or advance do not deserve to live according to nature that is. Now yeah we may have compassion or whatever but eventually if someone puts in no effort they will cease to exist. It's not wrong to be superior or inferior to someone else in fact I love people that are superior to me unlike society I can learn from them and look up to them. I kind of look down on really inferior people though cause they seem to not be willing to learn and seem happy in their ignorance. If they were willing to learn and make an effort it wouldn't be so bad we all started in a lower state in fact I was xtian as a kid had no choice over it but most people make no effort to get better that is what bothers me the most. I am usually a kind person but I find it difficult to have tolerance for that.

I like that picture. In fact Baal/Zeus is someone I really respect.
Shadowcat said:
Loved this sermon!

Many people do not realize how deeply engraved the jewish communistic ideology goes. People who are exceptional in anyway weather it be asthetics smarts or some sort of ability are often viewed as a source of jealousy and contempt instead of being inspirations or looked up to.

Most people have a mentality of entitlement, and because they think everyone should be equal they will feel slighted or even angry when they are not automatically given the benefits of any kinds of gifts or exceptionalism without being born with it or working for it. Or they will feel threatened by any form of "inequality" that threatens their status quo.

Fat and ugly people bitch and moan all the time that someone objectively attractive does not give them the time of day. But they do nothing to better themselves to even have a chance at attracting someone out of their league.

The "looks don't matter" and "big is beautiful" and other degenerate shit are for coddling the ugly and less Genetically fit and demanding that others better than them in this way accept them. Yet doing nothing to loose weight or become more healthy. This is the equivalent of a welfare recipient resenting someone who works hard for their luxuries they earn. Hurr everyone has to be equal! It's not fair!

The same can be said about skill levels and superior thinking. Educated people and deep thinkers are thought of as snobs or conceited or "wierd".There are any great minds that have been stifled silenced and even killed for trying to get a head or to push society to Excell in ways that threatene the illusion of everyone "being equal" mental retardation is expected to be excepted "as is" and many people and children at school specifically are shamed for not being able to relate to someone who is mentally retarded "oy vey you are all equal. Retards are normal"

Race is a social construct! We all bleed red!

Everyone being equal in every way is not ony the most communistic but laziest mindset one can have and the ugliest. It is because of this mentality that everything in society is defaced and brought down and not up.

People who get ahead and or stand out in anyway are often expected to "think of the less fortunate" or to "check their privlege" and are shamed for not doing so or are seen as a threat when they conform to all things satanicly and naturally wholesome and non Jewish. Ie NOT comministic thought or mentality or unwarranted collective responsibilities.

Oy vey how dare you white man for not letting in Jamal and Ahmed into your country to ruin its beauty and culture to rape and pillage your country! His has been bombed! Have a heart..

How dare you for being a critical thinker about imperative issues or better than us! You pretentious prick! Annudah shoah! We are all equal!

In older and more ancient times people practiced racial hygiene and eugenics and excellence in all its facets of life. Things that were made in day to day life from enormous to small were works of art and beautifully made as were many people beautiful. Excellence and exceptionalism in all its forms were praised. It was nothing of today's ugliness of mindlessness and plainness of mass production and planned obscelecense.

I honestly feel like the more I do RTRs I become more and more acutely aware to all of this and the stark contrast...and how it honestly disgusts me. I don't want to say there isn't still good or beauty in this world but destroying the enemies power opens one's eyes on all ways as to how humanity has deteriorated in all facets..and it hurts.

The good news is there is much hope as there are also many people also non SS who are striving for excellence and are seeing though enemy lies despite the scorn they recieve for such.

I anxiously await the day when the enemy and their bots are burned away by the power of the black sun that will then shine down on a new world..a brand new aryan reich with all things beautiful and excellent whose people are beautiful and excellent in all ways and fully evolved spiritually. A world with real progress where all things move forward where nature is followed!

The problem is mainly the unpleasantness of certain things for people that open their minds more. I bet for you and me and everyone else they find different aspects of things the most unpleasant to deal with but in general everyone here would not like to deal with this stuff at all.

For me it's the energy aspect that is most unpleasant to deal with as a person who has a lot of water element two water planets in home signs. That has gotten better in most cases over the last couple years by a lot I am grateful for that but it is not better on every single person yet but when the enemy was full power I was going literal nuts over this stuff.

Not to mention most stuff that is not deep is kind of boring. But we are in the end stages of enslavement anyways. What was talked about in the buybull the Jews knew what people would be like they had a plan. They were arrogant enough to write it out. It came true sad to say. The Jews had a plan that by year 6000 this planet would be borged and they would have their messianic age it is their year 5782 in the Jeebrew calendar.

But don't worry you are not alone. There are many people here that feel the same things you do. I had a literal flash back in full color of the middle ages where I passed out after doing rtr and watching something on the inquisition. I saw myself in this little hut with dirt floors hiding from them. Me and someone was discussing how it's too bad we can't be immortal I don't want it to end like this. There was a depth to it I didn't feel in this life ever.

This is what we fight for. The enemy can be here but they won't take away the things that are important as long as one person is standing that doesn't forget. We will just bring it back. In the age of Egypt it will be in the future. The dark cloud that came over the world at the end of Egypt and caused a bunch of people to take their lives thinking it was the end of the world. It is starting to lift now we made it things will get better.
Good job , you do and did a lot of things for this community, whatever some piece of sh1t like those think or say about you is only a desperate way of those bugs to sto...interfere with what you do,because there is no way they can stop you so they try to at least give you a headache.

This is what they are, desperate bugs and rats trying to make something before they all disappear and we'll be back to our evolution path, growing and enjoying existence while doing that, and they will be no more , NOTHING, just because they were enough stupid to think they can win a war with Satan , the gods , and with us.

A MISTAKE that cost them EVERYTHING. I say and i truly belive it, powerfull enemyes can use energy to stop the bad toughts and negative emotions/moods , but deep inside , all of them know that we are comming for them and they can't escape. And once we will take their power, we'll make them feel what humans felt for ages, fear,hunger,thirst,sadness, not even knowing anymore why , torture , desperation, and so on, but for eternity.
Invictus2 said:
I needed to read this... That has helped me deal with a situation I'm currently going through... Hard to embrace this reality that you just can't mix with the mob. But it's not healthy and that's the truth. I have paid the price in the past. Exactly how you described it. I'm not going to allow that to happen again.
Thanks for reminding me what's at stake here...

Best of luck Mate, just remember you're better than them, and that,...

"jealousy is the green eyed monster."
Envy is a negative emotion and a hostile act. It is very wrong to envy your family and your people, your allies and your friends. This is definitely an enemy act.

Friendship is a positive relationship and consists of helping and supporting each other, growing and advancing together. From the best you must learn and they must be respected and not hated and attacked, if you attack them you are just an enemy.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
