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The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself....

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
In order to advance…

In order to improve your life…

In order to overcome your issues and fix your problems…

In order to be looked upon more favorably by Satan and His Demons…

Clean your soul!

The chakras hold so much dross. The problems in your life, as reflected in your natal chart, are stored in your chakras. Bad karma, negativity, troubles, hurt, trauma, hard luck, bad circumstances, stuck mindsets… all of these are in the chakras.

A lot of bad stuff are stored as seeds in the chakras, and might not even have manifested yet. There could be even more bad things stored, that will manifest either later in your life, or in your next life. The only way out of this, the only way to advance and become a God or Goddess, it all begins with thoroughly and completely cleaning your chakras.

HP HoodedCobra wrote a sermon, imparting wisdom of the “Witches Sabbat”, which is all about cleaning your chakras, starting on a New (or Full) Moon on a Friday night or Saturday morning/afternoon, and continuing for 7, 14, 21, or 28 days. This creates an exceptionally powerful cycle to clean your chakras and soul.

We have these dates coming up:
April 1 Friday night (New Moon, for a cycle)
April 16 Saturday (Full Moon, for 1 day of deep cleaning)
April 30 Saturday (New Moon, for a cycle)

Choose one of these dates and make deep cleaning a part of your daily routine, preferably for a full 28 day cycle. One option if you are short on time, would be to switch your chakra empowerment (runes, sanskrit, God names) and instead do cleaning, it will still stimulate your chakras but will remove all dross, making empowerment better and stronger once you are completed your cleaning cycle. You can do, for example, 36 repetitions of a cleaning mantra (Surya, for example) into each chakra.

After each chakra is cleaned, you can affirm once something like: “My (name of chakra) is thoroughly and completely clean and purified from all dross and negative energy, in healthy ways for me.” Do this for all. If you feel the need to, at the end of cleaning all your chakras, you can affirm 9x something like: “All my chakras are thoroughly and completely clean and purified from all dross and negative energy.”

The Gods value spiritual hygiene. A bright and shining soul is imperative to spiritual growth. Doing this every day for a set cycle will fast-track your advancement.

Honor yourself, honor your soul.

Hail Satan!
Cleaning is paramount. People like to empower but if there's dirt in there they empower the dirt and bring problems to themselves.

Cleaning is first priority. Only once clean and have controlled mind should one empower chakras.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338961 time=1648465073 user_id=57]
I have a question, here in my calendar it says Witches Sabbat is Saturday, so does this mean that Sabbat begins at Saturday 18:50 when moon enters Taurus, or does it mean that Sabbat begins at Friday night and ends at Saturday 18:50?
Serbon said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338961 time=1648465073 user_id=57]
I have a question, here in my calendar it says Witches Sabbat is Saturday, so does this mean that Sabbat begins at Saturday 18:50 when moon enters Taurus, or does it mean that Sabbat begins at Friday night and ends at Saturday 18:50?

I think I will make a FAQ for the calendar, to be posted yearly with the calendar.

It is as instructed on HP Cobra's sermon, so Friday night after sundown or Saturday day.

We do the best we can with the calendar, but there is only so much that can be done. Calendars are based on the day changing at midnight which is incorrect. For spiritual workings, always go by sundown/sunrise. If we marked Friday being the purification cycle, then people might think it was for Friday morning or so. Saturday had to be marked instead.
vibrate surya or sowilo 16 times in every chakra for 28 or 40 days its enought to do it right? ignoring the fact that also will inhalate gold energy on every chakra and in the soul
I will certainly utilize the Sabbats coming. To be clear, New moons are better for 28 days cycles over Full moons? Also, if I start on Friday night that means I end on Friday night, or is it Saturday?
Personal Growth said:
Cleaning is paramount. People like to empower but if there's dirt in there they empower the dirt and bring problems to themselves.

Cleaning is first priority. Only once clean and have controlled mind should one empower chakras.

Yes, I think so too, we are complex beings, and we have to consider more things to come to a more correct conclusion.
I would say that if one is doing deep cleaning, they should go beyond the chakras and target the entirety of the soul (such as the light body and so on).

Every time I deep clean, I feel an immediate boost in power. It cannot be understated or ignored. Spiritual cleanliness should be thought of not as putting away your dirty plates, but as purifying and transmuting your very being to a higher level.
A state of purity is therefore directly linked to one's advancement and should be the focus of those who want to advance quickly.

Don't think deep cleaning should be restricted to merely the Sabbath dates either, nor does it necessarily have to be done with consistency, although that adds power to the overall process.
What would be best option to do this without vibrating words of power? Because I live with job collegas and walls in our house is very sound transparent, I can even see trough the edge of the wall when neighbour turns on lights in his room.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=339062 time=1648478689 user_id=21286]
Don't think deep cleaning should be restricted to merely the Sabbath dates either, nor does it necessarily have to be done with consistency, although that adds power to the overall process.
True, Sabbaths are astrological potentiators. You could do deep cleaning right now and it would still be good and valid option.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338961 time=1648465073 user_id=57]

April 16 Saturday (Full Moon, for 1 day of deep cleaning)

I guess this is the best date to perform that deep cleaning ritual of yours: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=57615.
You wrote that you spent 5 days doing this deep cleaning process, but would just one day suffice?
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338961 time=1648465073 user_id=57]
if i start a cycle on friday 1st and i finish it on friday 29, can i start a new cycle on saturday 30 or it isn't valid?

Anyway, off topic (but i will use this occasion) , i wanted to thank you, Lydia, for your yoga posts.
First meditation of the day I do is cleaning my aura and chakras (pineal gland included) steady for more than a year now and a lot has changed for me internally both good and bad. The bad stuff is only things that have come up that were deep rooted. It's like finally cleaning an attic but once you start you find out it was way dirtier than expected but luckily I didn't let it get any dirtier than it was and actually working on cleaning thoroughly.

Even though there are some tough days I've been going thru its been a net positive overall. One just needs to stay strong and continue thru it.

Looking back I can see how much it's helped so far to clean the soul. I haven't done any deep cleaning as one would with workings just daily cleansing so far but I'm interested in trying these in the upcoming dates. Thank you for the reminder.
Thanks for this Lydia :) Alot of people don't clean enough. I started some empowerment recently but started going back to cleaning right after. The sabbat dates will definately be when i redo a deep cleaning. I wonder if freeing the soul workings are also effective for these dates reguardless of moon sign?
“My (name of chakra) is thoroughly and completely clean and purified from all dross and negative energy, in healthy ways for me.”

Will this affirmation get rid of the things from returning curses? (I.e. curses, negative thoughtforms, ill will, and bindings as well?)
Thank you!!🌈🙂
If it is not possible to vibrate fully (in half a tone or almost in a whisper, I am not sure about the effectiveness of this method), and it happens that it is difficult/impossible to imagine a bright light, what other methods can help in cleaning?
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338961 time=1648465073 user_id=57]
This article reminds me of what HPS Maxine said once:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Events are recorded within the chakras and stored there as what some term as 'seeds.' This is because they have not yet manifested.

These seeds are dormant and it can be more than one lifetime before they blossom into actual events. There are things the average person isn't even aware of or why they do certain things. This is within the soul. When the conditions are right, the seeds blossom and then fated events occur.

One of the major goals of power meditation [kundalini meditation and yoga] are to BURN these seeds before they have a chance to manifest; to destroy them so one is finally free. This can also be seen in the astrology chart. This is gradual and I speak from experience here, but when you know your own chart and are very competent in making predictions- this includes reading solar and lunar returns and what you know and see in the chart does not occur, this is a sign you are burning the seeds of so-called ‘karma.’
Source: JoS Newsletter 2010 Sermons and Important Messages (page 74-75)

How To Clean Your Aura:

Returning Curses Part 1:

6 Suns Aura Cleaning:

Sermon 17/November/2018 by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

Message From Azazel by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

The Full Cleaning Program by Johnson Akemi:

Deep Cleaning Purification Meditation by Lydia
I remember watching a documentary film about Ignatius Loyola and in that film it was said that his meditations program consisted of four steps. The first and the most important step of his program was cleaning the soul
I think I'm confusing myself. If a sabbath is from Friday sun down to Saturday sun down does that mean if I start it on Friday night then I have to wait until after sundown on Saturday for day two? And then consecutively. Or can I start it on Friday night and do it Saturday at noon as well.

Sorry I'm being a moron lol
Thank you Sister Lydia!

Hail Satan!
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338961 time=1648465073 user_id=57]
In order to advance…

In order to improve your life…

In order to overcome your issues and fix your problems…

In order to be looked upon more favorably by Satan and His Demons…

Clean your soul!

The chakras hold so much dross. The problems in your life, as reflected in your natal chart, are stored in your chakras. Bad karma, negativity, troubles, hurt, trauma, hard luck, bad circumstances, stuck mindsets… all of these are in the chakras.

A lot of bad stuff are stored as seeds in the chakras, and might not even have manifested yet. There could be even more bad things stored, that will manifest either later in your life, or in your next life. The only way out of this, the only way to advance and become a God or Goddess, it all begins with thoroughly and completely cleaning your chakras.

HP HoodedCobra wrote a sermon, imparting wisdom of the “Witches Sabbat”, which is all about cleaning your chakras, starting on a New (or Full) Moon on a Friday night or Saturday morning/afternoon, and continuing for 7, 14, 21, or 28 days. This creates an exceptionally powerful cycle to clean your chakras and soul.

We have these dates coming up:
April 1 Friday night (New Moon, for a cycle)
April 16 Saturday (Full Moon, for 1 day of deep cleaning)
April 30 Saturday (New Moon, for a cycle)

Choose one of these dates and make deep cleaning a part of your daily routine, preferably for a full 28 day cycle. One option if you are short on time, would be to switch your chakra empowerment (runes, sanskrit, God names) and instead do cleaning, it will still stimulate your chakras but will remove all dross, making empowerment better and stronger once you are completed your cleaning cycle. You can do, for example, 36 repetitions of a cleaning mantra (Surya, for example) into each chakra.

After each chakra is cleaned, you can affirm once something like: “My (name of chakra) is thoroughly and completely clean and purified from all dross and negative energy, in healthy ways for me.” Do this for all. If you feel the need to, at the end of cleaning all your chakras, you can affirm 9x something like: “All my chakras are thoroughly and completely clean and purified from all dross and negative energy.”

The Gods value spiritual hygiene. A bright and shining soul is imperative to spiritual growth. Doing this every day for a set cycle will fast-track your advancement.

Honor yourself, honor your soul.

Hail Satan!

This reminds me of what the samurai did. Honor the self, and in that way, the gods can honor you.
~I agree with Lydia here as well. Do this often as part of your meditation program. Use the given times to clean your aura and build more protection around yourself. The sun's power is beginning to increase as well, now would be a good time to begin working with the sun in cleaning the aura and chakras; from now till late Summer. If one can take time and do this during the day outside in the sun's light it is even more effective. Each time that you do this you can sense and 'see' the energy growing and becoming stronger, in time you will start to physically feel this as well and it is an amazing experience long after the meditations are completed. Doing a session of cleansing the aura and chakras from unwanted entities, past life energies or influences, or from negative people in one's life should also be encouraged as part of cleaning and charging up our souls. For those who are new at this and having a hard time seeing or feeling the energy, and light of the chakras and meditation, focusing on the color it represents helps, or have something of that color with you, or a candle of that color burning next to you or on your altar would help. It just takes time and practice and of course, patience. Your guardian demon can also help you. Just never give up and keep doing the meditation work.

Amazing advice, Sister. Thank you.

Took me forever to learn this lesson (VERY LATE bloomer here, according to my retrograde planets.. hope it doesn't mean I won't bloom until my latest years..), but I just quite literally just started to clean my chakras and cleanse my Soul everyday.
I've been using MUNKA x40, Affirmation x9 and 9 more AUM SURYAE, but for some reason I don't feel comfortable vibrating the MUN-(EE-AAh)-KA mantra, I feel like I'm not giving it enough power or value.

On the other hand, I just did the first 36 SURYA you suggested on my root chakra and fffuuu**! O_O I usually feel so little energy I have the hardest time quantifying it with words, but that felt at least like double the strength, having to do with Fire element (the one I usually feel as the most cleansing and used it before to heal myself from ailments in record times) and the Sun, and just essentially more "beautiful" than MUNKA (although I do like the "MUN" part, but the energy is just too "quiet" for me to focus much on it. SURYA works WAY better.

Don't know why it took me forever to see the value of cleaning oneself. Bad programming, I'd say, but I'm starting to detach from things that I know are wrong and self harmful, seeing them as the danger they are, like delusions, various porn fantasies.. all the works.

I need to work hard to clean myself but I could feel a Goddess' attention and more than anything encouraging me to do more for myself, cuz otherwise I can't even claim to be a true SS, but an NPC doing RTRs. I want to free myself and grow instead.

Fuck the jewish curses and bindings. If I can clean myself, now that I understand more on how bad my situation has always been, everyone in the world can do this.

Too bad you don't do any more astrology readings. Anyone of our Family that still (reliably) does it? I'm a total astrology noob, but I'd pay triple to get a few useful hints and understand better why I'm so fu**ed up, and what I should focus on. This state of misery cannot last forever.

I hope I'll feel different after this cleansing I'm doing. At least I made the progress of "feeling energy a little" after nearly two decades of whatever I thought I was doing before.

Okie, sorry for the "moment". Back to my cleaning now.

Thanks for this advice, it already feels like it's working great for me.

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338961 time=1648465073 user_id=57]
In order to advance…

In order to improve your life…

In order to overcome your issues and fix your problems…

In order to be looked upon more favorably by Satan and His Demons…

Clean your soul!

The chakras hold so much dross. The problems in your life, as reflected in your natal chart, are stored in your chakras. Bad karma, negativity, troubles, hurt, trauma, hard luck, bad circumstances, stuck mindsets… all of these are in the chakras.

A lot of bad stuff are stored as seeds in the chakras, and might not even have manifested yet. There could be even more bad things stored, that will manifest either later in your life, or in your next life. The only way out of this, the only way to advance and become a God or Goddess, it all begins with thoroughly and completely cleaning your chakras.

HP HoodedCobra wrote a sermon, imparting wisdom of the “Witches Sabbat”, which is all about cleaning your chakras, starting on a New (or Full) Moon on a Friday night or Saturday morning/afternoon, and continuing for 7, 14, 21, or 28 days. This creates an exceptionally powerful cycle to clean your chakras and soul.

We have these dates coming up:
April 1 Friday night (New Moon, for a cycle)
April 16 Saturday (Full Moon, for 1 day of deep cleaning)
April 30 Saturday (New Moon, for a cycle)

Choose one of these dates and make deep cleaning a part of your daily routine, preferably for a full 28 day cycle. One option if you are short on time, would be to switch your chakra empowerment (runes, sanskrit, God names) and instead do cleaning, it will still stimulate your chakras but will remove all dross, making empowerment better and stronger once you are completed your cleaning cycle. You can do, for example, 36 repetitions of a cleaning mantra (Surya, for example) into each chakra.

After each chakra is cleaned, you can affirm once something like: “My (name of chakra) is thoroughly and completely clean and purified from all dross and negative energy, in healthy ways for me.” Do this for all. If you feel the need to, at the end of cleaning all your chakras, you can affirm 9x something like: “All my chakras are thoroughly and completely clean and purified from all dross and negative energy.”

The Gods value spiritual hygiene. A bright and shining soul is imperative to spiritual growth. Doing this every day for a set cycle will fast-track your advancement.

Honor yourself, honor your soul.

Hail Satan!

I am in. Hoping to see father Satan one day in my whole existence
Abyssos said:
Do however many chakras you feel you need this cleaning for. Even just 1 chakra that needs this will be good (for any other members reading this).

As for venting, many of us have been there, working too much. Just keep doing what you can, things will get easier in time.

balo666 said:
vibrate surya or sowilo 16 times in every chakra for 28 or 40 days its enought to do it right? ignoring the fact that also will inhalate gold energy on every chakra and in the soul
Depending, more work might be needed at another Witches Sabbat timing. For some people, higher reps would be better. For some, few reps will be all they need at this time. Always get guidance from your Guardian, as they know you better than anyone here does :)

GoldenxChild1 said:
I will certainly utilize the Sabbats coming. To be clear, New moons are better for 28 days cycles over Full moons? Also, if I start on Friday night that means I end on Friday night, or is it Saturday?
Correct, Full Moons for a 1 day cleaning, New Moons for a cycle. For a cycle, count the days, if you start on a Friday night then your final day will be on a Thursday.

Scorpius said:
Does this include the third eye?
Dross is mostly stored in the 7 main, but if you feel your third eye needs cleaning then do it :)

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=339062 time=1648478689 user_id=21286]
I would say that if one is doing deep cleaning, they should go beyond the chakras and target the entirety of the soul (such as the light body and so on).

Every time I deep clean, I feel an immediate boost in power. It cannot be understated or ignored. Spiritual cleanliness should be thought of not as putting away your dirty plates, but as purifying and transmuting your very being to a higher level.
A state of purity is therefore directly linked to one's advancement and should be the focus of those who want to advance quickly.

Don't think deep cleaning should be restricted to merely the Sabbath dates either, nor does it necessarily have to be done with consistency, although that adds power to the overall process.
Thanks for this valuable input :) The best thing would be to do the cleaning on the dates in a cycle, plus any additional cleaning when it is necessary to do so. As HP Cobra said, Saturdays are great for cleaning, so someone could make a routine of doing extra cleaning every Saturday.

TerKorian666 said:
What would be best option to do this without vibrating words of power? Because I live with job collegas and walls in our house is very sound transparent, I can even see trough the edge of the wall when neighbour turns on lights in his room.
Can you go to a park or anywhere private? If not, then mentally vibrating would be better than merely visualizing.

Elas Qilar said:
I guess this is the best date to perform that deep cleaning ritual of yours: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=57615.
You wrote that you spent 5 days doing this deep cleaning process, but would just one day suffice?
Yes, even just 1 day will have a great effect. I was only writing my personal experience that time.

Fiery Pluto said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338961 time=1648465073 user_id=57]
if i start a cycle on friday 1st and i finish it on friday 29, can i start a new cycle on saturday 30 or it isn't valid?

Anyway, off topic (but i will use this occasion) , i wanted to thank you, Lydia, for your yoga posts.
If you start Friday 1st then your 28 days is complete on Thursday 28 btw. And yes, you can do another cycle right after.

I'm glad my yoga posts were helpful :)

hailourtruegod said:
That's great to start the day with cleaning :)
Shadowcat said:
Thanks for this Lydia :) Alot of people don't clean enough. I started some empowerment recently but started going back to cleaning right after. The sabbat dates will definately be when i redo a deep cleaning. I wonder if freeing the soul workings are also effective for these dates reguardless of moon sign?
Freeing the soul is a bit different, so it might be best to stick with the usual methods of those.

WinterWarrior666 said:
“My (name of chakra) is thoroughly and completely clean and purified from all dross and negative energy, in healthy ways for me.”

Will this affirmation get rid of the things from returning curses? (I.e. curses, negative thoughtforms, ill will, and bindings as well?)
Do the Returning Curses as well, and of course the F-RTR removes curses and bindings too.

Recycler1337 said:
If it is not possible to vibrate fully (in half a tone or almost in a whisper, I am not sure about the effectiveness of this method), and it happens that it is difficult/impossible to imagine a bright light, what other methods can help in cleaning?
Vibrating quietly is still effective. As for not being able to visualize a bright light, this will come in time, especially once your 6th chakra (and extensions of it) are cleaner.

Academic Scholar said:

How To Clean Your Aura:

Returning Curses Part 1:

6 Suns Aura Cleaning:

Sermon 17/November/2018 by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

Message From Azazel by HPS Maxine Dietrich:

The Full Cleaning Program by Johnson Akemi:

Deep Cleaning Purification Meditation by Lydia
That's where I got the info of the seeds. Thanks for posting all these links btw, very helpful :)
Nero said:
I remember watching a documentary film about Ignatius Loyola and in that film it was said that his meditations program consisted of four steps. The first and the most important step of his program was cleaning the soul
Yes, they know these things, whereas the average Gentile is clueless :( Imagine where humanity would be if everyone simply cleaned their soul.

GoldenxChild1 said:
I think I'm confusing myself. If a sabbath is from Friday sun down to Saturday sun down does that mean if I start it on Friday night then I have to wait until after sundown on Saturday for day two? And then consecutively. Or can I start it on Friday night and do it Saturday at noon as well.

Sorry I'm being a moron lol
I think either. You could do a nightly cleaning routine, and another daily cleaning routine. Try thinking about it in meditation, tune into your GD and see what is best for you :)

phaade99 said:
This reminds me of what the samurai did. Honor the self, and in that way, the gods can honor you.
Very true. Thanks for the input.

Enlightened.Serpent said:
Yes, and with Sun currently in Aries, any solar mantra is especially powerful :)

Eagle Bearer 666 said:
I'm so glad you felt such an effect :)

Btw, I think you might be vibrating Munka wrong. There's a thread about it, and Caspian the Dreamer uploaded an audio of it in his signature. Look into the Spanish enyay, it is not actually pronounced as "enyay", it's the pitch of the N. There's no "EE-AAh" in it. Go from the Spanish N right to the K.

Keep up with the cleaning! :)
Eagle Bearer 666 said:
I've been using MUNKA x40, Affirmation x9 and 9 more AUM SURYAE, but for some reason I don't feel comfortable vibrating the MUN-(EE-AAh)-KA mantra, I feel like I'm not giving it enough power or value.
Here is a pretty good example how to vibrate Munka: https://mega.nz/file/vwBXiapJ#YmSRvlhYjcun8NbCpbMDUav-BWqjQp-NIT-kw2BGX5g

A does not have to be as drawn out, but you get the idea.
Awe!🌺 this is going to be WONDERFUL!!!🔥🙏 And I am going to start this!💖 Now!!. Lydia your awesome!!! This is going to help me BIG TIME!!! IN MANY WAYS!!! 💖🙏🔥 THANK YOU!!! AND HAIL SATAN!!!
Lydia, I have a question - one of my dear mates and I are compiling a file of relevant and informative posts for beginners on this forum. You may already be aware of this, as we discussed it with other SSs during one of my posts. My question is - would you allow some of your posts to be included in the file? I mean posts that are relevant to beginners and they can learn from it.

This file contains several posts, along with posts from other advanced SSers, in any case I would like to ask your permission to do this before we get into anything more serious. Thanks in advance. :D
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=339335 time=1648535041 user_id=57]
Btw, I think you might be vibrating Munka wrong. There's a thread about it, and Caspian the Dreamer uploaded an audio of it in his signature. Look into the Spanish enyay, it is not actually pronounced as "enyay", it's the pitch of the N. There's no "EE-AAh" in it. Go from the Spanish N right to the K.

Keep up with the cleaning! :)

Found it, thanks so much for the input! :) Yeah, it does sound like the Spanish thingy on top of Ns but I only heard it in words that have a vowel after the N. Turns out if I do that part faster it sounds just the same, so all good.

Still VASTLY prefer SURYA, so I'll eventually do MUNKA after this (it's gonna take less for a 40x MUNKA than 36x SURYA times 7 chakras. Gotta take my time with it though, I guess it's best to focus on the feel here and finally, incredible as that sounds to me, I'm feeling clearly! :D Like a block being undone slowly but inexorably. ;)
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338961 time=1648465073 user_id=57]
You can do, for example, 36 repetitions of a cleaning mantra (Surya, for example) into each chakra.

After each chakra is cleaned, you can affirm once something like: “My (name of chakra) is thoroughly and completely clean and purified from all dross and negative energy, in healthy ways for me.” Do this for all. If you feel the need to, at the end of cleaning all your chakras, you can affirm 9x something like: “All my chakras are thoroughly and completely clean and purified from all dross and negative energy.”

Hail Satan!

Is the 36 repetitions of SURYA for deep cleaning or standard cleaning. What the difference in Deep cleaning and standard cleaning?
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=339335 time=1648535041 user_id=57]
One more question, how come that Esbat is from friday sunset to Saturday sunset, but a normal day is from Friday sunrise to Saturday sunrise?
Serbon said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338961 time=1648465073 user_id=57]
I have a question, here in my calendar it says Witches Sabbat is Saturday, so does this mean that Sabbat begins at Saturday 18:50 when moon enters Taurus, or does it mean that Sabbat begins at Friday night and ends at Saturday 18:50?
"18:50" has nothing whatsoever to do with the Witches Sabbat. "18:50" marks the end of a void Moon and the Moon entering Taurus. This is a whole different thing. Like Lydia said, planetary days and also Sabbats (including also at least some of the 8 major Satanic Sabbats) are sunrise/sunset based. You'll have to use different services to find out when the Sun rises/sets for your location (even googling "sunset __my-location__" will give you the answer).

There's absolutely no way sunrise/sunsets could be integrated in the present style PDF calendars, unfortunately.
Thank you Lydia, good think to remember about this important date. Yet if you dont mind I need a bit of help, the date is very good for cleaning and I want to profit from it, from what i know the best way was through your deep cleaning meditation but the thing is I am already using it as a proper meditation soo i guess I cant start it again on that again because it was ''registered'' on the date I started as a meditation. So... are there any other good deep cleaning workings recommandation please?

And one last question, if the date in my local time says... let's say 12PM, should I start it before or after 12pm, like that hour with the moon represent when it's starting right?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
