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the 5 reasons drug use is forbidden


New member
Dec 2, 2006
1 it makes you retarded
2 it fucks up your nervous system
3 it puts holes in your aura making you easier to control
4 you're making these dirty jews richer!
5 it usually stinks like a sewer. Weed especially smells like skunk piss.

This includes alcohol and caffeine as well.

Here's an example of just how RETARDED drug use will make you.

My neighbors woke me up yesterday screaming outside my window yesterday fighting over weed money.
They were ALL white and they were also fucking retarded.
The girl who was having a conniption who apparently always wants everyone's money for more drugs and steals their drugs because she's a selfish, greedy stuck up libertard junkie was actually stupid enough to CALL THE COPS OVER WEED MONEY.



Now I wish the cops HAD shown up and thrown all of them in jail for drug possession.The white guy she was screaming at was so fucking high and laid back I can't even consider him a man.
I could have broken all 3 of these idiots like toothpicks with my fingertips alone.
This is not what white men and women are supposed to be like.Drug use and jewish liberalism turned what could have become strong, proud aryan gods into retarded degenerates fighting each other like wild animals.
So for those of you who said "oh there's freedom of choice!" remember this!
As long as you do drugs, the spiritual progress you make will be ZERO.
Those drugs will fuck up your aura, fuck up your immune system and flush all the progress from your meditations right down shlomo's toilet all while making you retarded and making the jew that much richer!
This is why I have a zero tolerance policy towards drug use of any kind.Why the fuck would you pay some jew to get high when daily meditation gives you a much better high that only gets stronger the more you do it FOR FREE!?

More new people need to see this, thanks for writing this Fake Name. 
Let me also add that from personal experience, YOU WILL HAVE NO FREE WILL! The more pot you smoke, the more addicted you become. And yes, you can get addicted to pot. I see people nowadays, their entire life revolves around 2 things, weed, and booze. Now I understand the difference between drinking a glass of wine, which can be beneficial to the heart, and chugging 8 beers because "why not lol". Also, on the topic of the high you get with weed, it is NOTHING compared to some highs you can get after Yoga and the Beautiful meditation from Satan. I do 15 breaths on the Beautiful meditation and I feel fantastic. 10x any weed high. But the best part? 1. It's free, and 2. Doing it will help you advance. HAIL SATAN!!! 
Sent from my iPhone
On May 29, 2016, at 8:07, "angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  1 it makes you retarded
2 it fucks up your nervous system
3 it puts holes in your aura making you easier to control
4 you're making these dirty jews richer!
5 it usually stinks like a sewer. Weed especially smells like skunk piss.

This includes alcohol and caffeine as well.

Here's an example of just how RETARDED drug use will make you.

My neighbors woke me up yesterday screaming outside my window yesterday fighting over weed money.
They were ALL white and they were also fucking retarded.
The girl who was having a conniption who apparently always wants everyone's money for more drugs and steals their drugs because she's a selfish, greedy stuck up libertard junkie was actually stupid enough to CALL THE COPS OVER WEED MONEY.



Now I wish the cops HAD shown up and thrown all of them in jail for drug possession.The white guy she was screaming at was so fucking high and laid back I can't even consider him a man.
I could have broken all 3 of these idiots like toothpicks with my fingertips alone.
This is not what white men and women are supposed to be like.Drug use and jewish liberalism turned what could have become strong, proud aryan gods into retarded degenerates fighting each other like wild animals.
So for those of you who said "oh there's freedom of choice!" remember this!
As long as you do drugs, the spiritual progress you make will be ZERO.
Those drugs will fuck up your aura, fuck up your immune system and flush all the progress from your meditations right down shlomo's toilet all while making you retarded and making the jew that much richer!
This is why I have a zero tolerance policy towards drug use of any kind.Why the fuck would you pay some jew to get high when daily meditation gives you a much better high that only gets stronger the more you do it FOR FREE!?
Great post!

People may think there's freedom in choosing to do drugs.

But you'll find yourself dependant on these drugs. So it's a "freedom" that leads you to a trap. Therefore, it is not real freedom. They will let you be free to start, but they won't let you be free to quit. You'll have to force your way out.

I'm glad to have quit smoking and drinking even socially. It'll be 8 months since I quit smoking.

Hail Satan!!!
Here are some things the other HP/S has said on the topic. (The other forum is down for the moment so I had to paste in the entire thing here):

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ages/89261

One more thing... Drug use is up the individual. If someone chooses to use drugs, smoke marijuana, or whatever, this is their own personal choice. I know there have been plenty of arguments in the groups back and forth on this. There is one thing though that I would like to share regarding this. This was something I saw myself and it was very sad and ended in tragedy.

When one is under the influence, the mind is altered to be much more open and receptive. In other words, in addition to drugs weakening the user's aura, they also open the user's mind to suggestion. This has a direct correlation to hypnosis. Anyone with an ability and knowledge of witchcraft; using the powers of the mind and soul to influence another will have a very easy time with anyone who regularly uses mind altering substances, even alcohol. The user is wide open. I witnessed the above; one adept individual who used the powers of the mind on a user and the user over time, virtually became a slave to this person. The user got in deeper and deeper and deeper and was completely under the influence and control of the adept one, readily and eagerly succumbing to the wishes and desires of the adept. The user's will and resistance were totally broken. The above ended in death.

This same situation is common with adept hypnotists. NEVER, EVER ALLOW ANYONE TO HYPNOTIZE YOU- IF YOU DO, YOU CAN BECOME HIS/HER BITCH!

The CIA and others have used drugs, mainly barbiturates, to put a person under to where he/she is completely at the mercy of a skilled hypnotist. The personality can be artificially split this way and much more. With spies, if caught and tortured, the weaker personality, which is the main personality that doesn't remember everything and experiences black outs, will have no recall of anything, regardless of the methods used. The one who is hypnotized will do exactly what the operator orders him/her to do when awake and not even remember it. With the intentional use of drugs, even those who normally cannot be hypnotized [a small percentage of the population], will succumb.

Mind altering substances are the same way. Just know this.

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... nosis.html 
 High Priest Hooded Cobra:

<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] Marijuana and Hallucinogenic Drugs

Many are asking this question and then its time to answer this, throughtly and fully. Many are giving plethora's of opinions, as to if one should use Hallucinogenic drugs, if they are harmful or not and so forth. Many are answering that they put holes in your aura and weaken your soul, which I will explain how and why this happens.

The Drug culture, has and always has been of the kikes. The whole cartel of the drugs is for the most part, jewish control. One can easily see this in the Opium wars in the middle east, in Iraq, in the numerous Colombian cartels and on the 'gangsta' culture they pass down to people. [Rapper "Drake", Jew, Rapper "Lil Wayne", Jew and the list goes on not only they racially infiltrate the Black Race as they do to all Gentile races but there is more to this, record labels owned by jews and so forth. They create a judaic reality for the Blacks to live and turn them against both one another but other Gentiles aswell] There is the claim around that "The Ancients did Marijuana" and other mixtures of "Drugs". Well, they didn't snort this, they didn't create this in nasty labs, they didn't mix these drugs with very dangerous and toxic substances. At best, the infamous Marijuana would be consumed orally, as part of another solution or not at all. This mixture was in no way necessary for spiritual advancement and it wasn't used for any prolonged periods of time. At best, it was like a traditional drink or something for the Hindus, which was taken orally, by other very nutritious plants, in exceptionally low qualities.

Every drug seems to hit a different area of the brain. There are many types of drugs and I can tell you one thing, they are all unnecessary and above all, all their highs are weak. I have had known people who stoned their brains out of themselves. I will relate my experience with these people. I have known some in person, others I have studied from afar, others I simply have seen in documentaries and so forth, or from "in the past I was a junkie reports". Drugs are a gateway for the weak and the stupid. They are only the result of the backlash of xianity. People are left with no spirit, so they consume something just to simply experience some sort of chemo-imbalance into their brains and they regard this as spiritual experience. 

This can be done because they are bored, because its a substitute of needed spiritual experiences, or because one is mentally victimized to the jews and wants to subconsciously advance their agenda and make them rich, because one is falsely believing it will benefit them and so forth. You pay for your own demise in a very big price, you fill thepockets of the jews and of course, destroy yourself in the process. Its the 'reverse spiritual' way of the enemy. On one hand the kikes and their 'mainstream' religions provide absolutely no spiritual experiences, on the other they prohibit everyone from having spiritual experiences and a sound soul and on the other, they promote drugs as a quick fix for one's mental states. But as with everything jewish, this is just another lie; a lie that fills the big jewishpocket and in the meantime, destroys and enslaves Gentiles in ways that most cannot even escape. Thanks to jewsus, people are always running from their own soul.

Drugs are for the weak. For instance, one cannot control their mind and relax, so they smoke weed to relax. One cannot have confidence on their own because their soul is debilitated, they snort cocaine. One has never felt any love from any being, they go and inject some heroin. The whole "highs" last for 5-30 minutes [at best 30 and this is reduced by usage] and for 10-50$ or more a hit. Your brain in response to the drug releases some chemicals, you feel just the result of something in a very degenerate sense, you poison yourself, you pay the jew, you become its slave and then, you destroy yourself. 

I have had many junkies told me about their so called 'experiences'. From frying their brains and paying so much for some minutes of pleasure, I do Satanic meditations and I experience highs they cannot experience with any drug. All this is under my total control, follows me and improves my life. Without paying a buck to any jew. And whileadvancing myself as a personality, as a character, as a mind and above all as a Soul, the health and so forth. The benefits are uncountable. The results stay with me and will stay with you for the here, the thereafter and then some more. Let alone the miracles, the knowledge that someone is really there for you, the touching of the Truth. Thats what I get as a Satanist through power meditation. 

These people lose it all. They lose their family, their money, their own self. They are getting destroyed for 5 minutesof feeling 'confident' and having a 'rush' of euphoria. On one hand, any advanced Satanist would laugh at that shit. On the other hand, this is horrible and shows how low humanity has fell. The jew shits and the weak eat his shit, in the form of drugs, a false religion, a false existence to be. THE GREEDY KIKES DO NOT WANT YOU TO FEEL GOOD FOR FREE. THATS HOW FAR THEIR GREED GOES. THEY DO NOT EVEN WANT YOU TO HAVE A GOOD TIME OR FEEL GREAT WITHOUT PAYING THE BUCK, AND DOING SO IN A DESTRUCTIVE MANNER, THAT MAKES YOU THEIR MOST OBEDIENT BITCH AND SLAVE.

Also, any advance Satanist can see some things with their inner vision what happens to a drugged individual while they do their so called "high". Nothing spiritual at all. Infact, its solely around some chemo overflowing their brain and nothing more. Their brain did not rewire, their perspective does not change, their thinking remains the same and only becomes worse, their personality degenerates, they simply lose. And for what? Something that an adept Satanist can cause in 15 seconds. Or 5 seconds. Or with absolute control of their mind, at will anytime, anyplace. This all comes with training when one advances in meditation, yoga and spirituality. Thats the way its meant to be. 

What I have observed on the marijuana users. Well, all it does is actually 'calm' them down for some time, purely in a chemical sense. Half of this calm is due to the drug, the other is because they simply inhale bullshit and they lack oxygen. It just masks their anxiety of a moment, jew causes their anxiety by who knows what issues, jew takes it away with the drugs it sells...But bear on, you are dealing with kikes so you will have to pay a price tenfold of what you thought you would pay. Because their spirit 'loosens' from this, they experience some minor sense of 'calmness' which is fake. This causes the aura to loosen up aswell, leaving it open to more influences. This is not calmness as in trance, but calmness as in you cannot 'tighten' up, which is involuntarily. This teaches the mind to enter a relaxed state, not by will, but by the use of the drug. Then the comedown is they come dozens of times more irritable, anxious and even more fucked than they were. They make this a habit and then the brain gets conditioned to the above state. They are basically like a dog commanded to stay on hold, lethargic and stupid, from overly being exposed to this chemo state. Some of them experience some sparks on their feint chakras and then, this can cause visions, schizophrenia, premature opening of the '3rd eye' [not in any high level, just seeing colors and shit]. 

The aura slightly opens and one enters a weak trance state, in control of the substance. They lacked harmony in the first place in the Soul level and thats what got them into drugs, then they are losing it every-time they do that shit. The "holes in the aura" happen as parts of the body get too loosen up and areas of the brain do not function well, neither does the astral body, which also gets influenced by this 'forcing' to open up. The phsyical and astral bodies are connected, so this has an effect to the astral body. The 'burnout' term is not a coincidence, as this done over and over actually burns brain cells, which reduces the potency of the brain. Then you have the alcohol and the whole shitty mindset around this, the poor physical conditions. All this ties together. The whole 'love everyone' and 'allowance' shit mentalities opens them further aswell, making their aura like cheezeholes, and these people are absolutely easy to control and manipulate after a point through all these 'holes' in their mentality, subconscience and aura, lest one holds a pic of bob marley on. 

Many also are doing this with their so called 'friends'. When one's astral/mental body loosens up through this fake 'relaxation', it can absorb anything from the environment. This could be any type of energy, any type of thought form, any time of invisible energy complex from other beings. And the enemy of course will use this chance to get to these stupid people, if interested in doing so. If not, they will leave their physical agent the jew to destroy the person and all good. Weed causes 'calmness' as in mental weakness. Meditation from Satan causes calmness as in Strength and as in one is literally mentally healed, so happiness and calmness is a result of a sound body. As for Satan's view on these things, I let you figure that one out for yourself already. Satanism is about strength and fortitude, not cheating and trying to pull a fast one TOWARDS YOUR OWN FREAKING SOUL. Drugs are spiritually analogous to some weak person that never did exercise, trying to raise weights, beyond what they can. You get the fake feeling you can, you raise your weight for a moment, then your muscular structure shatters and you are left hurt. Only, that this is what happens in the Soul. And you can't become a Spiritual 'bodybuilder' by fake pills and potions, but only persistent training. This 'pulling a fast one' and 'trying to cheat reality' behavior is entirely xian in its essence. And existentially deadly and unforgivable by nature. This whole 'feel good by drugs' round and round depletes the brain of its own beneficial chemicals and of its own balance and as its known, even destroys some areas of the brain completely. How the fuck is this filthy crap is going to help anyone spiritually in ANYWAY? Let alone other drugs destroy the When this is seriously fucked up with, then reversing this will be hard.

Satanism is about literally reforming the Soul. From whatever the point it comes to Satan, Satan will assist those willing to fix up their Souls. Past trauma will go, power will come, balance will take the lead in one's life. This will assist the body, the mind and the being to advance in a harmonious manner and without any dangers. The calmness will come when the Soul dross will clean and the unconscious will clean up from trash. It will come when one gives up this old downward spirtal that the enemy tries to make people to live. The happiness will come in knowing one's self, in meditating, in breaking a sweat in the gym and then doing some yoga to make your body feel great. Calmness and real mental tranquility, strength, confidence and all these things are for the strong. Those who have found Satan, reversed the damage from that shit and entered a New Order of Life in Satan, they know exactly what I mean by my statements. They know drugs are weak, unnsessescary and cannot in anyway compare to the feelings power meditation produces. In a most healthy and permanent manner.

Not for people who are living in a lie and trying to cheat against their own self. The self knows. Reality and nature do not forgive stupidity and weakness, neither you can cheat them. You can take all the opium in the world for instance, but the pain is still there. Its just masked from your conscious mind for a while. Maybe you can cheat your brain and get a fix for some minutes, while helping the jews and while they laugh at you and shit at you, but the Soul goes more and more downward towards the point of destruction. Then they will shit at your corpse because that's what they do, they savagely destroy everything they can. How could ever this be "SATANIC"? Satanism is about TRUTH!!! If one wants to lie to nature, themselves and everything around them, they may aswell join xianity. And rot their own soul and self in any other way they see fit. This is all senseless escapism. For those who know about Spirituality, they know all that crap has no 'exit' door unless one wants to face reality.

As you read this xians and others are still in the same and worse condition everyday, in an endless loop of lies, in neverending boredoom and servitude, without any spiritual or future standing, without a soul, only as a physical body, not even knowing what their own feelings are, living full of fear and dread, unknowing of what comes tomorrow, dying from drugs and every other pestilence they draw at themselves and their non existent kike 'god' allows them to fall to, having prayers unanswered, talking to a jewish 'god' that never gave a fuck for them and murders humanity directly or indirectly, feeling alone, abandoned, helpless and destroyed. Being unable to change themselves, being at the mercy of fate for better or for worse, being stupid and slaves of the kikes their whole life. Thats the gift of jewery for them all. Played upon like they do not have a life, between the jewish sides in all things, from jew to jew, until they are jew'd the fuck out of existence. Jew problem, jew solution, jew game.

If anyone is trying to escape that loop, know we are here with you, so is Satan, our Gentile Pagan God. Many of our members have succesffully defeated this crap of the kikes and have rebuilt themselves stronger than ever. Do not go down that shitty road. People have came here debilitated, thanks to the enemy and their lies and years after, those who stand firm and convicted in the power of Satan transform themselves into beings far better than they ever were. 

And always remember to HAIL SATAN!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I agree that drug use should be avoided, but some people enjoy caffeine in moderation and do not find it has a pronounced negative effect on them. HPS Maxine has mentioned this in one of her sermons, I believe it's in one of the 2010-2012 Sermon pdfs. The important thing is to know oneself and exercise self control.
Nice being off for 8 months 

Sent from my iPhone
On May 29, 2016, at 10:05, "dypet.rodent@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Great post!

People may think there's freedom in choosing to do drugs.

But you'll find yourself dependant on these drugs. So it's a "freedom" that leads you to a trap. Therefore, it is not real freedom. They will let you be free to start, but they won't let you be free to quit. You'll have to force your way out.

I'm glad to have quit smoking and drinking even socially. It'll be 8 months since I quit smoking.

Hail Satan!!!
Yes, even though it was only tobacco I've had a significant increase in my energies since I quit and I'm very happy with it.

This is yet another harm cigarettes do to us, draining us of our energies.
If you are a smoker, challenge yourself to quit and be amazed by how much more energy you'll have.
Nearly 6 months clean. I am starting to get some real highs off from being spiritual. I was one sad sick druggie alcoholic tobacco fiend until I came across the Joy Of Satan nearly 6 months ago. I'm just now starting to find anything that is mindless entertainment just pulls me back. Sure am really happy I found the Joy Of Satan.If national socialism had prevailed would Aryans be sitting around playing computer games and watching endless movies? I don't think so. We should be Starship Troopers by now. 
I guess meditation and video clips of Hitlers speeches could be considered healthy addictions... 

On Tuesday, May 31, 2016 7:31 AM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Nice being off for 8 months 

Sent from my iPhone
On May 29, 2016, at 10:05, "dypet.rodent@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Great post!

People may think there's freedom in choosing to do drugs.

But you'll find yourself dependant on these drugs. So it's a "freedom" that leads you to a trap. Therefore, it is not real freedom. They will let you be free to start, but they won't let you be free to quit. You'll have to force your way out.

I'm glad to have quit smoking and drinking even socially. It'll be 8 months since I quit smoking.

Hail Satan!!!

Zero,ay?I know that all drugs are bad and shouldn't be taken but if one has chronic pain and is prescribed an opioid should they just kill themselves because they can never make progress?I know someone is not likely to use a drug without using far too much and I think that's because they don't know what a drug is or what a soul is. I would never advocate taking them at all but while we are in these body's,they may need a little relief or help.I just wonder can anyone here see that if someone has a glass of Absinthe or a hit of marijuana here and there that doesn't make them automatically stupid or hopeless or depressed or an addict.Now I'm even afraid at what I'll be treated like now by my SS brothers and sisters for saying this.That "zero progress" thing just kinda pissed me off and I don't believe it's true.I know it's not.Drugs should be last resort and never even taken for pleasure really.T be use of a drug should be seen as a showing of a problem and an attempt to solve that problem when all else fails(addiction a d prolonged use should never be an option).I guess I'm just saying please don't hate me because I'm not 100℅ straight edge.i didn't always know that I'm Father's child and I was a drugged teenager for years;so maybe I that's how I can see every consequence of drugs as a way of life but no one will be able to make me disregard the 1 or 2 great things that unintentionally happened  by them as I was throwing my life away.They shouldn't be taken for damn sure but humanity is sick right now and if an SS were in charge of medicines I think we would all know that there's not many things at all drugs can be used to treat but in some extreme case can offer some relief of cbronic pain with an opioid or some perspective,rage control or a sensitivity related boost.
       I was selfless to a suicidal level and I came out of opioid addiction having a great sense of the importance of ME.If I were again feeling like no workings I do have any effect and I can't hear my guardian and maybe I'm just broken,i could take a hit of marijuana and (among several unpleasant side effects) I would have a sensitivity that affords me the ability to feel the energy I have conjured and hear the voice i couldn't hear before.These things I think I only benefited from due to being someone who was so doped out before and is now transcending drug use and learning what to do with myself and opening those chakras.PROLONGED DRUG USE WILL HINDER YOUR SPIRITUALITY.I know that but if there's anyone else here in a similar boat as me tgen I don't want them to get discouraged from hearing this zero progress claim.A junky or a stoner or a drunk who are without could make ZERO progress,i AM making progress because im not a crime like that anymore.
           My progress is slower than it should be and it's not because I use drugs or alcohol so much(I hardly do),its because of me. Because of my past I am more likely to take a hit of weed(one) but when I do it I can feel why it's bad and what little good can come of it and even hear my guardian telling me why and I try to take that good perspective back with me.Their voices are never as loud to me as they are if I've smoked weed and that is not a good thing but I'm working on it.I used to get attacks at a completely sober time in my life in the months leading up to my finding Satan in this life.Sudden,severe,no warning,heart attack type "panic attacks" that would come the very instant before I was going to be asleep and some when I was driving.Ive known what they were for a time now and I can fight them.No drugs did not give me the ability to thwart attack,they make an attack much more probable.i guess im just saying I can hold my own,i am progressing and I am no stoner sloth to be dumped on an neither is anyone else here who may be ascending a drug life.Its not too great that I felt like I know enough about this that this is the thing I make a long speech about but since it is just please don't reject me,brothers and sisters.It would break my heart.
-Hail to the Father
Usul, congratulations on being clean for 6 months. Keep it up.I used to be a drug addict some years ago, and it was hard to kick (I was addicted to ecstasy, cocaine and cigarettes), but I finally did it.

On Wednesday, June 1, 2016 8:12 AM, "Usul Mystic usulmystic@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Nearly 6 months clean. I am starting to get some real highs off from being spiritual. I was one sad sick druggie alcoholic tobacco fiend until I came across the Joy Of Satan nearly 6 months ago. I'm just now starting to find anything that is mindless entertainment just pulls me back. Sure am really happy I found the Joy Of Satan.If national socialism had prevailed would Aryans be sitting around playing computer games and watching endless movies? I don't think so. We should be Starship Troopers by now. 
I guess meditation and video clips of Hitlers speeches could be considered healthy addictions... 

On Tuesday, May 31, 2016 7:31 AM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Nice being off for 8 months 

Sent from my iPhone
On May 29, 2016, at 10:05, "dypet.rodent@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Great post!

People may think there's freedom in choosing to do drugs.

But you'll find yourself dependant on these drugs. So it's a "freedom" that leads you to a trap. Therefore, it is not real freedom. They will let you be free to start, but they won't let you be free to quit. You'll have to force your way out.

I'm glad to have quit smoking and drinking even socially. It'll be 8 months since I quit smoking.

Hail Satan!!!

Fatherschild,   I hear what you say ! I am sitting here right now with a broken wrist. And the pain i was in for ONE WHOLE WEEK to not take any 'drugs' for it. There are times when i would try to meditate 'on' the pain. But that is not for everyone. I simply needed relief.  And if opiod use is not accepted by all here, ok. For me , there are times when it is needed.   As to the ""panic attacks"" i was given medication for---NO, i do not take. I have found meditation to take away this shit. But things like "weed' , which are hallociogens, i have no respect for.  And the many other drugs that turn you {my word} zombified. No thanks!  We are all individuals here. And we should respect one another as such. HS/88
You know, I'm glad that I never took drugs, but I'm ashamed that I drankShamphane... I used to be like: Mom! Buy me some shamphane!And she'd buy it, sometimes, so I'd drink it until I'm like all laughing n shit.
I remember the last time I got drunk with Shamphane.... Well.. I was acting like a crazy one, I said stupid things and shit.

I'm glad I stopped drinking, thanks to Father Satan!
I know this might be off topic, but I remember when I used to watch pr0n...It's been 9 years! 9 whole fucking years!Then I finally pleaded.. Begged to Father Satan to help me stop watching pr0n, I was particularly crying while pleading and Father Satan helped. I'm honored and really grateful to Father Satan for this, it means so much to me. 
Okay so since this is an issue and I'm much newer to Satanism then some people in this froum I need help on something.
In my life I dropped acid, chugged a bottle of cough syrup just to alter how I perceive the daily life and I haven't been able to find a meditation to,  not make me feel good but will enable be to think in see things differently. Do I need to have an astral travel experiance for this or is it possible to maybe vibrate a rune and get a new experience?
Yeah takes time and I don't really know how but in my experiences void meditation has made me feel high with a change in perception but also the pineal gland and crown seem to create bliss.
I thought aryan means the perfection of a race a sub race within the races is that not true?

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On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 4:45 AM, Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Usul, congratulations on being clean for 6 months. Keep it up.I used to be a drug addict some years ago, and it was hard to kick (I was addicted to ecstasy, cocaine and cigarettes), but I finally did it.

On Wednesday, June 1, 2016 8:12 AM, "Usul Mystic usulmystic@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Nearly 6 months clean. I am starting to get some real highs off from being spiritual. I was one sad sick druggie alcoholic tobacco fiend until I came across the Joy Of Satan nearly 6 months ago. I'm just now starting to find anything that is mindless entertainment just pulls me back. Sure am really happy I found the Joy Of Satan.If national socialism had prevailed would Aryans be sitting around playing computer games and watching endless movies? I don't think so. We should be Starship Troopers by now. 
I guess meditation and video clips of Hitlers speeches could be considered healthy addictions... 

On Tuesday, May 31, 2016 7:31 AM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Nice being off for 8 months 

Sent from my iPhone
On [/IMG]dypet.rodent@... [JoyofSatan666]" <<a rel="nofollow" shape="rect">[email protected] wrote:
  Great post!

People may think there's freedom in choosing to do drugs.

But you'll find yourself dependant on these drugs. So it's a "freedom" that leads you to a trap. Therefore, it is not real freedom. They will let you be free to start, but they won't let you be free to quit. You'll have to force your way out.

I'm glad to have quit smoking and drinking even socially. It'll be 8 months since I quit smoking.

Hail Satan!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
