Welcome to our New Forums!

Our forums have been upgraded and expanded!

Temple Of Zeus Is Now Live

Our Gods and their essence truly start to reflect and shine through our Sacred Temple. I welcome this new Aeon with all my heart!

Hail Zeus!!!
Everyone, make sure to update your signatures and profile information to reflect our new domain name! Scrolling down this thread I see many of you have our sites in your signature :)


For those who are uncertain about this massive change, make sure to watch the video, it is all explained. Listen to it through to the end.

I have asked the Gods about this change, and was told this is good. Those of us who are already here and have been here for some years already, it is still our beloved JoS to us, and always will be on the inside. But the Temple of Zeus surrounds this, giving additional invincibility, so to speak.

We will be able to make massive progress in the world, and nothing is "lost" or "compromised". We are still who we are, just with a giant addition, which will bring us much more expansion and benefits.

The jews lose. We win, eternally.

Hail all of our Ancient Gods!
Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail Temple of Zeus
Hail the Temple of Zeus!
Glad I was there to generate some content with the outreach team for the announcement video.
Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is Beautiful! 🌹🔥♥️ Tbank you.
Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Everyone, make sure to update your signatures and profile information to reflect our new domain name! Scrolling down this thread I see many of you have our sites in your signature :)


For those who are uncertain about this massive change, make sure to watch the video, it is all explained. Listen to it through to the end.

I have asked the Gods about this change, and was told this is good. Those of us who are already here and have been here for some years already, it is still our beloved JoS to us, and always will be on the inside. But the Temple of Zeus surrounds this, giving additional invincibility, so to speak.

We will be able to make massive progress in the world, and nothing is "lost" or "compromised". We are still who we are, just with a giant addition, which will bring us much more expansion and benefits.

The jews lose. We win, eternally.

Hail all of our Ancient Gods!
Started checking it out🤩 The new site is beautiful🧜🏼‍♀️ really gorgeous artwork and look forward to this! Shall continue to listen now to the fantastic video which, thus far enjoying the exciting message & the voice [love the Germanic SS voice & bold energies!] so thank you everyone who has helped create Temple of Zeus! Thank you HPS Lydia! Danke ja & hails High Pries⸸ Hooded Cobra! Hail Satanamas! Hail Astarte! Hail Zeus!
Okay, I've come to realise that the name Satan is close to me... BUT so too is the Greek Pantheon.
Hades, Zeus, Poseidon, Mars, Kronos, Helios, etc. Regardless of the names of our Gods, They are OUR Gods.
Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
We are changing the course of history. Happy to be alive and part of this history.

Glory to the Gods, to Zeus and blessed be HPHC, HPS, the guardians and all of us. Proud to be part of this family.

Finally ! I was anticipating this transition way before it was announced but I realize how important the timing is with everything and trust your/the Gods judgement.

Building constantly we will restore our greatness and go beyond everything that was done before.

A single Heroine paved the way for future heroes that will come from our ranks.

She must be smiling watching this.

Слава Перуну !!

Hail Zeus !!

Hail Satan !!
Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you HP, that's really wonderful and a very excellent move.
Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail Temple of Zeus! Hail Zeus and all the gods of the Duat!
Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
That's amazing deprogramming step towards the world and everyone here ...
Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I'm tremendously excited! There is nothing more noble than having manifested the will of the Gods and of our dear High Priestess Maxine, thank you HP, thank you all.. we are the future!⚡🔥
I knew it! It didn't make much more sense to change name in "Joy of Satanas" after that last sermon, I called it! I called that it would've been too small of a change ahah.
Wow, this is amazing and exciting news! Thank you for the video, and for everything.

I realized when I opened an old tab in my browser, and saw the redirect to the new domain name. Then I came here and saw the announcement and new header banner. The new site design also looks very beautiful and modern.

This is truly an exciting time for humanity; I can feel it in the world, that the enemy has lost, and that there are brighter times coming. I feel like this change is what I, in addition to everyone else here, was truly brought back into this world to bring. Our purpose.

I also have one question (apologies if it's already answered): is there any change to the Invocation to Satan, when starting a Ritual? I have always used the one back from one of the old JoS videos, but with all these changes, I wonder.
Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you very much for the open Words and explanation! In the first I was feeling sort of angered from moving away from the Joy of Satan, and the direct representation of the name of Satan. As Satan is the God I gave my soul to…

However, now I do understand the entire reason behind this. You want us all to move from the shadows in the light, and once and for all restore what truly belongs to us all.

You want to truly and deeply restore the BLOOD RIGHT of each human on this planet.

I HONOR you for this very GREAT vision! You have 100% my support and I wish to assist you in this!

I watched the video, this is GREAT.
I imagine the inner circle may continue to use the name JoS, when the ToZ becomes huge and mainstream.
It's all proceeding greatly. This will probably boost our Outreach efforts nicely.
Hail the Head God, Hail His House, Hail the Temple of Zeus!
As we walk out of the Darkness, we move into the Light!


Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I am overjoyed to see our great organization at last reclaim a name as powerful, ancient and radiant as the Temple of Zeus. This was genuinely a rather important step towards granting the Joy of Satan/Temple of Zeus a greater place of power and influence within the material world and detaching from the slander that has unfortunately been directed towards the Joy of Satan by the enemy throughout the previous decades.

May this divine Assembly of the Gods founded in our modern day as the Joy of Satan continue to prosper and thrive for another ten-thousand years!

Hail Satan!

Glory to the Temple of Zeus!
Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Sounds wonderful !!!!
Hail Zues!!!!
Hail The Temple of Zeus!
Hail High priest HoodedCobra666!
Hail Satanas!
Haul Zeus!
What a beautiful announcement to wake up to.
I'm glad these changes are going so smoothly, and I'm sure everyone involved has their work cut out for them.
Outreach will also be hard at work in presenting this improved and polished image.

Let's all do our best as SS, whatever our tasks are, be it just advancement, so we can get the Temple of Zeus to be the greatest force known to man.
Honor and respect to the Gods who have guided us so far, to our High Priests, to the Guardians and to all those who daily struggle industriously so that this world can finally glimpse the light of our Gods.

The Temple of Zeus will be a sword that will weigh enormously on the heads of the Jews and at the same time will awaken with its brilliance the souls of countless Gentile consciousnesses who will finally be able to rediscover their origin and begin to meditate and commune with the Gods and evolve. They will finally come out of the compassed tunnel of Jewish lies that has not allowed them in all these years and possible previous lives to be themselves.

May the light and glory of Satan and Beelzebub blaze eternally in the souls of those who will seek their guidance.

In the Italian section we are already in the process of translating the video and published.

Hail Zeus ⚡⚡
Hail Temple of Zeus!

Thank you and Congratulations HP Hooded Cobra for the powerful message and for the transition of Joy of Satanas to Temple of Zeus.

Temple of Zeus will open the doors for Spiritual Satanism to reach the public widely and to become truly popular, truly mainstream and much closer to how the Gods envisioned our reinstation as a Global religion.

With this transition Temple of Zeus will experience a growth and an elevation never seen before. We are relinquishing all the stigma and mental limitations the enemy has previously instilled on the Gods' names and in the soul of all Gentiles.

We will crush the chains of ignorance and damnation that have plagued the Earth for far too long and restore the Gods at Their rightful Status as Creators and Spiritual Rulers of Humanity!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
