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Temple Of Zeus Is Now Live

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Update 1:

After the announcement, I have to give formal thanks to:

JG ThomaSS
for the amazing new website layout and design. As you can see, it's phenomenal. JG Alexandros for the video editing. A top tier, phenomenal work.
JG ApolloAbove for the technical expertise and making everything launch on time. JG BlackOnyx for the logo and other support. JG Karnonnos for the help in editorial of the texts and future updates. All other members for their support, feedback and help.

May the Gods be with us always and bless us all. THANK YOU!


Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.


More information below:

Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

The site is NOT done yet and NOT fully updated yet.

We follow that change with: New domains, full aesthetic update, the Name and Logo change, new information (more will be coming very frequently from now on) and many other things. Enjoy the video below in which I explain in full about this change in the flow of our timeline. We change nothing on our core essence or teachings, we are upgrading and evolving.

There will be an official AMA that will be scheduled soon so all questions, concerns and other future goals we have will be answered fully. Nothing fundamentally changes in the JoS and you will see how better, accurate and more evolved everything is going to be. Numerous updates are incoming from now on, both in the form of higher content and all other forms.

The era where we had to be defined, restrained, wrongly perceived, attacked and slandered because of the enemy is gone. I obliterate all the abysmal darkness around the Gods. Now, we have true darkness and true light - away from the abyss of the enemy and their centuries of never-ending falsehood.

The original religion of mankind will no longer conform to any labels, claims or statements by the enemy. We will embrace our historical past, but we are moving forward, now re-instated.

We predate them and we will no longer play their game of having to answer the worthless Abrahamic claims about us. The enemy is void and irrelevant from now on.

We are entering a New Era. Welcome everyone and let's move forward together. Below, you will find a video of the announcement of our Temple of Zeus.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail Temple of Zeus! We are finally here, at the gates of the Gods and Divine.
Hail Zeus!! May the Gods bless all those involved in bringing this together.
Hail the new aeon! I am eternally grateful to have participated in the ushering in of this great achievement!
Everyone, things might be a bit unstable or something may seem out of place on the site. Please send me anything you can over DM or Email, and I will try to fix it right away.

Anyways, HAIL ZEUS!!
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This is a change that we needed and will need for us to go forward.

However, I am still emotionally attached to the old name, it will forever remain in my heart, the Joy of Satan, founded by HPS Maxine Dietrich, I grew up with this name!

Long live the Temple of Zeus!
Looks awesome ! Good job! Hail Temple of Zeus!
I am still emotionally attached to the old name
This happened to me with the old logo. The nostalgic feeling was strong with the logo change. Then after a while I compared the two logos and I realized that the current logo really represents us. So I would like to emphasize that our history will always be our history and we will never forget it.

But we have to move forward, and as we move forward, we will be amazed at how far we will rise!
Great news I'm excited

Hail Hp Hoodedcobra666

Hail to the Temple of Zeus

We're moving forward.

This definitely seems like a big power play for us. I’m about to watch that video.
I know our Victory is surely gauranteed! Ave Zeus my beloved brothers, sisters, Gods, and Temple
Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The new website is absolutely beautiful only thing is I do miss the name satan in the name of the website but absolutely perfect the way it is now definitely an upgrade good job thank you hphc the name temple of zeus I would think is more attractive especially to those who are without who are wanting to learn when most hear the name satan they think of a horned monster (obviously due to brainwashing)
I have good hopes this will attract more people to the truth
Temple of Zeus

Wow!!! But is it just me, or is it evident that this new Golden Age has the potential to become even more prosperous than the original one thousands of years ago?

Obviously we are only in the beginning, but you can feel from through the screen of my cell phone that this is just the first step to something that will be MUCH better than what the ancient times were already perfect.

I have always dreamed since I was a kid playing Egyptian videogames like "Pharaoh + Cleopatra" for PC or "Zeus + Poseidon" (which were literally strategy video games where you had to build cities) of the time when the real original religions would return to this world.

And now look? They are. Obviously we don't have physical temples available out there yet, but to make the point of these updates, I would like to leave with a quote from a page on the website:

One Disciple who was new but holy-minded, asked Astarte: “Queen, a Temple of Yours is being Destroyed, should I go there to defend your Temple for falling? That will bring you honor, would it not?”

Astarte responded: “No, you should not. My honor lies with you and not with marbles of stone, that will perish as it is.”

However, at the very technical HP level, it is amazing how the website is much easier to approach. To find that Astarte quote I didn't have to scroll down the whole page, the new features are so convenient and at the same time intuitive. Now though, knowing that when HPS Maxine Dietrich brought the old aspect of original Satanism, the Jews tried everything to cut her off from humanity, even though yes, you are anonymous, expect that these Jews may try to do the same to you with the few hours of power they still have left in this world. Take care then!

I also wanted to ask you; but are we still calling ourselves "Satanists" as a title or are there updates on that as well? Thank you!
Heavenly Father BAAL we ask you humbly and truthfully in full respect may you bless your temple on earth our hearts are your temples we are the honest and loyal disciples of the Gods.

Magnificent!! Truly magnificent!! What an amazing Video! Sweet Satanas bless us all! All mighty Zeus bless us all!
This is very exciting!! I can't wait to see what the future will bring. I wish everyone here eternal blessings!!

"What a difference between the benevolent, smiling Zeus and the pain-wracked, crucified christ. What a difference between a gloomy cathedral and a light airy ancient temple."
-Joseph Goebbels

"Surely the Athenian, when he entered the Parthenon to contemplate the image of Zeus, must have had another impression than the christian who must resign himself to contemplating the grimacing face of a man crucified."
-Adolf Hitler

"I am a Hellene"
-Adolf Hitler

HAIL ZEUS!!!! ⚡⚡
Absolutely amazing and of Divine order. We have been blessed. Thank you all for everything.

Welcome new Golden Age and may the Eternal Gods be remembered, now and forever.

Ave Satanas!
Ave Zeus!
Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Absolutely amazing!! We needed to do this a long time ago. This much better represents who we are, and explains the word Satan before putting it out there first. Unfortunately do to the slander of Fathers name and the world being so mind washed. This is the best approach in my opinion to attract and get the truth out there to the right people. I absolutely love the new look of the site! Great job to the high priests!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
