I think we are both in agreement of the current state of the world. Even though (at least I don't think so) have first hand experience in higher political or international affairs, many of the things you say are correct. The elites you mention are an issue, as they have had international organisations and nations (the US for example, blackmailing decision-makers through incriminating content and similar) under their influence, they are being used as "tools". But the chance of a grand awakening happening out of nothing is near impossible, as these elites have strategically built this machine from even before first steps of central banking. The issue at hand requires centralized and organized handling.
Sadly I don't believe there is much else you can do with the NPCs, than make their lives comfortable and get some (atleast minimal) value from them. A society with everyone having their distinct role would be optimal, but I can't imagine converting an NPC into a self-sustaining value-bringing member of society. The gentile nations are not at fault for being degenerated, but objectively, are degenerated. But I still stand by my point - a society has to have hierarchies (or at least different roles if you prefer that) to prosper. That /this/ elite has it's agenda, and that some of it is garbage (social degeneration, war profiteering...), is fact. This does not mean that every form of centralized power, being able to cause big societal impact, is bad. I would have nothing against a centralized entity acting in the will of the gods and our father, which is why I think this is a more realistic solution. The enemy is already at war with eachother. Christians are getting demoralized and are weakening in their faith. Muslims are getting annihilated in the middle east for decades. Jews are swallowed by their own hubris, that they are untouchable.
Side note about UBI - most of the money our states give out in social services originate from bonds which have been bought by either other countries (who get their money from the central banks) or the central banks themselves, which is printed, so sufficient funds are theoretically already here (inflation is already regulated with interest rates). This combined with a global government, would solve this issue.
Everyone is quick to demonize a global government, just because /this/ elite is the closest to establishing one at this moment. A global government could bind massive corporations to the people's will, as they couldn't just go to a different country to evade labour laws or taxes, like they are now, contributing to this awful state - which you mentioned. The tools and mechanisms the elite follows, can be used for good - like a global government or transhumanism - to elevate humanity. I understand that this is where our visions differ, but I firmly believe that it is our destiny to transcend our physical limitations (knowledge capacities, age and mortality, need for sustenance..), which would bring us closer to the being of gods. The enemy entities have wanted us to be cattle or similar to zoo-animals living by their imposed rules in stagnation - this is in my opinion, the opposite, as it is the the next evolutionary step (which never had to be purely biological).
So, right of the bat it should be known and understood there is a fundamental and irreconcilable incompatibility between the JoS and the pervading ideology of the WEF.
We have our way of doing what we need to do, which will happen regardless of what any other existing group does. The WEF being founded by Klaus Schwab, has very clear alignment to the dangerous dystopian globalist agenda, which you too are well aware of. I will not go into details on this and what these entail, as it would become a 20 page document of paraphrasing the words and agenda's by the WEF and related groups which can already be read openly, so there is no need to reiterate these points here, just understand that we know what the agenda of your side entails.
We at the JoS understand a global awakening does not occur out of nothing, same with the deep seated nature of the present day state of affairs. We also know however, that what stands behind us is not something from "nothing". The WEF does not acknowledge the Gods, Satanas, and what are the central parts of our teachings, because they are too arrogant in thinking these either do not exist, or they can disregard them entirely and do their own thing unimpeded because they happen to have a lot of power over the present day world.
We do not expect people of low consciousness, NPC's if you will, which we refer to as Andrapoda, to become capable and Human over night. Nor do we expect the established globalist elite to suddenly succumb, disappear or have a change of heart, most of whom are also Andrapoda mind you, the only difference being that they have power and influence in their hands, but no wisdom or enlightened consciousness.
Human beings simply live here to evolve as existing beings. The WEF thinks of the planet as their little garden to govern how they see fit, and they think of the people living here as pawns for them to use, like numbers on a sheet, who must be useful to them or else they are redundant or something. This premise is fundamentally false and flawed from the very beginning, members of society are judged not by how much value they bring in general, but how much value they bring to the WEF. Completely idiotic.
Human beings do not need to become value bringing members of the planet to the WEF, they just need to exist and evolve into better human beings, over the course of lifetimes, which when done in the right fashion, will elevate the overall level of consciousness of the global population over the course of hundreds of years, and result in a better global environment with less Andrapoda and more high value Souls and individuals, thus raising the quality of the existence that lives on our Planet Earth over time.
There are a lot of worthless individuals on the planet, which there always have been throughout recorded history, because human beings are born on a relatively low level of existence and consciousness in the recent ages, more so today than in the past, but it has been a relatively high percentage of Andrapoda for a while now (Going back 6000+ years this can be seen), because humanity as a whole is not a very highly evolved species, as far as advanced sentient life goes.
What the Gods that the Joy of Satanas follow have been teaching Humanity, are the ways to evolve as a species, raise the level of consciousness in beings, so there will be a progressively smaller percentage of these low consciousness humans born on the planet here, and as a whole humanity gets to evolve to a higher state of being, more quality Souls will be born, and more progress over all can be made because this issue of Andrapoda is slowly eliminated over time through the Ascension of the species by generational evolution of the various Gentile Human Species as a whole.
Under the current state of affairs, the WEF and other globalist organizations and groups instead do the opposite, doing everything in their power to maintain humanity, especially the majority and the gentiles, in the lowest possible state of consciousness, actively sabotaging the possibility for self evolution and especially Spiritual enlightenment and evolution in the human species, because this evolution of species goes against the jewish globalist agenda. In a world of mostly high consciousness Humans, this jewish agenda of the WEF and related ilk will not even come into being, and cannot even exist. The globalist jews acknowledge this and understand this, and are frightened by this whole concept, thus they do whatever they can to work against it and shut people off from this reality that we at the Joy of Satanas are prudently aware of.
In very simple terms, right now, the Earth is basically a "starting point" for human beings, which after a certain level of evolution is attained by a being, which can happen regardless of the technological state of the civilization present on the planet, the Human Being reaches a state of Conscious Enlightenment to evolve past the state of being Human. At which point, the Human will Ascend and be able to enter higher worlds beyond the Planet Earth, through a literal Spiritual Ascension where one takes their body and metaphysically transmutes the entire being to a higher Plane to live, or with the help of the Higher Dimensional Beings that are our Gods, quantum mechanically transpose the body (Not exactly quantum mechanically, but it is the closest equivalent I have available to use in writing here) to a different world after "Graduating" from the Planet Earth.
If the WEF is to have their way, it would destroy this, since the humanity would simply be kept at the lowest most material and stupid andrapodic state, enslaved under the governing globalist elite, while these elite just do whatever low, botched and materialistic agenda's they seek after that have literally no purpose whatsoever when viewed from the greater perspective by which we see Reality.
Uploading consciousness into a digital form is just an inferior downgrade to what humanity already does naturally. Reincarnation into a new life, or spiritual ascension after the consciousness has evolved to be fully enlightened.
Not to mention that when someone would digitally upload their consciousness, they only upload a very miniscule part of what the person really is. It is not even a an upload, but merely a copy of some limited available information that can be parsed from the physical brain, and transposing this into a digital form, the resulting digital program being even lesser than a poor reflection of the original living person. The funniest thing about this is, that the consciousness and Soul of the person who performed this silly stunt would still exist anyways, even if the person has since passed away, either because of the procedure to upload their memories from the present life or from natural causes at a later time.
This Soul of the person would then go through Reincarnation the same as it always has, since no digital or material technology can interface with the Soul in this way, and the person would be reborn in some years as per normal, while the botched digital fragment of their past self would be running in its little android body without feelings, emotions, and any higher faculties, like a poor imitation of the living person that it once was and once again has become after reincarnation. Extremely funny if you ask me.
Imagine reincarnating and seeing the android version of your past self pretending to be the great you that you once were. Lol. What a joke.
Basically, you are trying to play games inside the Box, this Box being the Planet Earth, thinking that this Box is your oyster, which is simply not the case, and it is not desired, as these little games go against the intended evolutionary path for the people on the planet Earth.
Even if the desired state of affairs by the WEF would become a reality, this would create a dystopian age for a prolonged period of time that would really suck for most humanity that gets to live in the next few hundred to maybe a few thousand years at most, but the greater powers that preside over the Earthly affairs would in any case not really allow this to continue or reach a point of no return, and the table would get flipped anyway by things outside of the control and reach of any humanity, by whatever means necessary.
We are here to prevent this table flipping from being necessary, by preventing in the first place the further degradation of the human species towards a dystopian technocratic autocracy as the WEF seeks to achieve. We do so by bringing back to the public mind the existence and knowledge of Satanas that had been systematically attempted to be completely wiped out by the jews in the previous age of Pisces through the Abrahamic programs of christianity, islam and judaism in their fight to prevent the ascension of the human species so they may instead exploit them for their own pleasures and worthless anti-human reasons.
We simply do not want to see the planet end up in such a worthless state, as not only it would ruin the society that exists here now and repeat the mistakes of the past, it would also ruin the chances for countless people to Ascend and evolve towards the Godhead, including that for many of our members today who are more than eligible to reach the Godhead in future lifetimes so long as True Spiritual information is indeed available for our people in the future.
Without the interference of a jewish globalist elite trying to steer the planet Earth into a dystopian dead end future, doing everything in their power to let the entropic decay sink humanity into worthless existence, all these existing issues are actually very easy to solve with a decentralized power base, as almost all these existing problems can correct themselves with minimal direct interference or governing by other people, merely a guidance and access to the correct knowledge and wisdom which comes from the Divine will rectify these sociological problems in a few decades very easily.
Simultaneously, good and capable people will be able to get into positions of power far more easily, and thus will be able to lead the Andrapodic humanity onto more useful and beneficial directions for the future sustainability, prosperity and evolution of the various human species globally. This is very difficult right now, because the jewish globalist elite holds as much power as they do, and are blocking out good people from positions of power where they will be able to have a positive impact on the global state of affairs, because this would go against the agenda of the jews.
These are just a few comments regarding this whole view of things which you have.
In our eyes, the way you look at things is from a very miniscule perspective, small minded and short sighted, and leading nowhere at all. It is nonsense.