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Spiritual Warfare Schedule: March 12th to March 23rd 2022 [Astarte's Ritual Added]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Satanic Family,

Below you will find the most recent schedule. Events have been unfolding as they have been. It has been stated that while the Gods handle the situation of the world, we are to handle part of both, but stay focused on ourselves.

So far, during the tragedy of war, I have not received any bad news that we have lost anyone in the conflict, yet, there have been a few of ours who have been displaced or had to undergo difficulties. They are, as far as I have been communicated to, safe.

Most have been in a good situation or at least nothing extremely negatively affecting. That is great news within the rest of this whole enemy charade.

In regards to both our Ukrainian and Russian SS, be aware that there might also be internet cut-outs. Meditations or workings can be kept downloaded, or you might be able to access from a VPN in the case of Nation-wide internet lockdown. While this might be idle threats, the false justification for these actions already exists.

The best thing to do in general, is to have memorized your own meditations.

We will of course take any measures necessary to keep JoS up and going. Through the twists of fate, this place will exist so that you can have a spiritual home.

I know how hard it is during these times where many might have to leave their own house even. But your spiritual house will not leave you, it will be with you forever if you want it to.

Then all else, will be rebuilt with time.

One very frequent question I have been mailed with, is on if people should flee specific countries of interest which might be in the immediate vincity of Russia or similar. The answer to this would be either yes [if your Nation is a high danger target], but judge your threat level and see if the Nation is under threat. Have a plan to be ready to go away ready if necessary.

Lastly, a few people have filled me with happiness and sadness at the same time. While we have no shortage of brave individuals, you must understand, that the life of a spiritual person is valuable. It has been many lifetimes since something like the Joy of Satan existed. One must understand where they stand and what spiritual opportunity this is, to grow in this lifetime.

For anyone to lose their life during these things, despite of an act of heroism, will impede one's progress as one will have to reincarnate instantly again. One must therefore be always focused to remain alive - despite the twists of life which are in many cases not avoidable events of fate. Do your utmost to stay alive despite of your course of choice.

Let Putin and the rest of the kikes fight their own wars in this case, and let them quarrel with each other to bits. Imagine, if only people knew the Truth, that they are being rallied to fight their very own blood family or cousin, would they do this? They would not. The enemy has the power the people give to them by their ignorance.

People should fight for and wage wars only to defend what is real, what includes them, what is there for them. To defend their livelihood and freedom. That is a first war that people are told to fight over not much. It can be seen also in the performance of soldiers. Can either side truly say that they are defending, let's say, a Nation or a State that cared for them?

We are literally headed for demographic disaster in many Nations, and they tell you it's a good thing. All this world's possible curses, they have called "good and progressive". Then they tell people to go kill themselves on top of it, over nonsensical points.

One would be happy to die for a honorable leader, but these people have no honor. To die in the service of one's own existential enemy is utterly nonsensical. Do not do this. This is the height of achievement for the enemy, who always boasts on how they make Gentiles kill each other through agitations that meant nothing in the end.

We seemingly forgot that the same "Governmental Structures" are literally instigating our genocide, and things like a forced Great Reset. Therefore, to kill and to fight is for what? For more of this to happen?

Let the "Governments" fight their own "wars", since they have stopped caring about people a long time ago. They have no answers to anything anymore.

They literally tell people on the first problem that the solution is to merely replace the people of a Nation with a foreign people, yet somehow speak of "Patriotism" when it's about waging bullshit energy crisis wars, that effectively lead nowhere as these wars bring and intensify these given crises as it have never occurred. Where is the "Patriotism" in any of this?

It is also not a coincidence, that two rather sane culturally Nations, such as Russia and Ukraine are in the epicenter of this. One would even ask themselves if the fact that some laws of life were better in these Nations, and people were still more reasonable in their existence, is the cause. And they would be right, as the enemy targets Nations like this for destruction and subversion.

The only factor one could respect here is one's Nation and one's People, yet, consider the fact that these people who now wage these wars are all meeting yearly in Israel and pray below this cursed wall. Then ask yourself, does all of this happen, or will result if victorious, for something better for one's people?

Chances are you will answer no here no matter how hard you think. This is how you understand you are being conned by jews. In a world where 0.9 reproductive rate of the population is called "progress", these "Nations" also have the nerve to ask people to go kill themselves to protect literally nothing.

This clown world however will not be the case forever.

Through these events, global reform is going to come. The enemy believes that these reforms will better reflect their system or what they have in mind, but that is exactly what they cannot comprehend. In a way, they are walking inside an unavoidable and fated trap that will have the opposite manifestation, from which they cannot escape.

It is very difficult to be so right now based on observable data, but I am very optimistic for the long term future. On a higher level, they are in desperation. All this fear and all these necessities were meant to keep people "in place", but nobody is going back to sleep again.

Many people will be experiencing the necessary shakes from these events, and want to permanently detach from the sleeper system, and then reform it. But look what this took to have this effect to get people thinking... That should never have been the case, but we have been sleeping for a long time as a world.

It is this short term future we are currently going through right now that is worrisome - here it will be extremely important for every soul and person of our side to make a full adoption of our system and apply everything they can. These times are to be used as advantage to grow yourself, and make the most out of your life.

The Schedule, as it should be obvious, will be focused on primarily offsetting the enemy's blood sacrifice during this time [one of the reason why wage senseless wars without a point], but also we will return to do Father Satan's Ritual again. We will all need His love and protection.

Below is the Schedule:

*Note - the Bold days are the Equinox. This is a very powerful date, and one should put good effort in the rituals for this day.

12. FRTR, Satan's Ritual, Curse Israel Ritual
13. FRTR, Satan's Ritual, Curse Israel Ritual
14. FRTR, Satan's Ritual, Curse Israel Ritual
15. FRTR, Satan's Ritual, Reversing Enemy Blood Sacrifice
16. FRTR, Satan's Ritual, Reversing Enemy Blood Sacrifice
17. FRTR, Satan's Ritual, Reversing Enemy Blood Sacrifice
18. FRTR, Satan's Ritual, Reversing Enemy Blood Sacrifice
19. FRTR, Satan's Ritual, JoS Protection
20. FRTR, Satan's Ritual, Astarte's Ritual, JoS Protection*
21. FRTR, Satan's Ritual, Astarte's Ritual, JoS Protection*
22. FRTR, Satan's Ritual, JoS Protection
23. FRTR, Satan's Ritual, JoS Protection

Links to the Rituals:

Satan's Absolution Ritual: https://666pages.com/SoaringEagle666/Satans_Absolution_Ritual_Runes.html
Curse Israel: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/CurseIsraelRitual.html
Reversing Enemy Blood Sacrifice: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse195Ritual.html
FRTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/tspaintableb.html
JoS Protection Ritual: https://www.satanslibrary.org/JOS_Protection.html
Updated RUNES Page: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=333736 time=1647138752 user_id=346]
Backup Links for All These RTRs
I uploaded all these RTRs to 666pages.com until the main sites are back up.


Final RTR 3-in-1: http://666pages.com/tspaintableb.html
Satan's Absolution Ritual: http://666pages.com/SoaringEagle666/Satans_Absolution_Ritual_Runes.html
Curse Israel: http://666pages.com/CurseIsraelRitual.html
Reversing Enemy Blood Sacrifice: http://666pages.com/Reverse195Ritual.html
JoS Protection Ritual: http://666pages.com/JOS_Protection_Runes.html

And remember the Tor site in case 666pages goes down. Just install the Tor browser to access it.
I would like to point out that the 21st has been missed. I guess you will have to do the same as on the other days around it
Serbon said:
Idk why, but I somehow had a feeling and an urge for quite some time to do the "Satan's Absolution Ritual" during the spring equonix.
Really motivated for this schedule, HS!
I am doing both Satanas and Astartes ritual then. Feel free to join.
Henu the Great said:
Serbon said:
Idk why, but I somehow had a feeling and an urge for quite some time to do the "Satan's Absolution Ritual" during the spring equonix.
Really motivated for this schedule, HS!
I am doing both Satanas and Astartes ritual then. Feel free to join.
Sure :D
lybium666 said:
I would like to point out that the 21st has been missed. I guess you will have to do the same as on the other days around it

Accidentally I removed it instead of emboldening the text. Now it should all be fine. Thank you.
This is very easy. I found an interval to do the FRTR today and I did it, but if I can find the interval I found today in this calendar, I will do it, it will be child's play to do the other rituals in it every day. This is a program where I will do almost all the rituals after a long time and it is very exciting. 🥳🥳🥳 :D

Praise Satan
Praise Gods of hell
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Schedule, as it should be obvious, will be focused on primarily offsetting the enemy's blood sacrifice during this time

Will there be any working about upcoming Ramazan? More than a billion Muslims will fast for a month then they will sacrifice sheeps, goats, and cows for the holiday celebrating the end of the fasting. Or any advice for SS who will have to pretend so can’t eat and drink anything including water during the day at work/school?

Thanks for the schedule. I'm glad there is something I can do for those poor people. And for myself.
Greetings sir cobra

I am feeling all Jews Hebrew letters are dead . When I did FRTR in 2020-21 , It was difficult for me to mentally erase the Hebrew letters . But NOW I am feeling they are dying with massive FRTR Nuclear Attack .

Hail Satya !!!!
Hail Hooded Cobra sir !!!!!!!!!

Joy Bangla
Greetings sir cobra

I am feeling all Jews Hebrew letters are dead . When I did FRTR in 2020-21 , It was difficult for me to mentally erase the Hebrew letters . But NOW I am feeling they are dying with massive FRTR Nuclear Attack .

Hail Satya !!!!
Hail Hooded Cobra sir !!!!!!!!!

Joy Bangla
Those who bless Israel are cursed.

(If any Indian bless them are cursed, If any Indian cursed them are blessed.)

(If any Bengali bless them are cursed . If any Bengali cursed them are blessed.)

Hail Satya
Hail Father Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

If the Reptilians understand that they cannot harvest humanity
do they use nuclear weapons?

If humanity decays enough, will father satan destroy the world without waiting for us to become gods?

My last question is, how can non-white people be lovers of sucubis or incubis? Are there blacks and asians on other planets as well? Hybrid races included in my question
My thoughts are with our brothers and sisters in the affected regions.

Before the light comes the darkest dawn.
Great, lets do this. Praise Victory!
Thank you Commander. Good to know our Brothers and Sisters are safe.

I was also planning on doing the ritual for Astarte on the Equinox. Is that ok? Last year I planned to do something on this date as to show my appreciation for all the guidance, when you came up with that Ritual I thought it was perfect for this.

Hail Satan!!
I have been supercharging my energies for this. Curse kikedom and all shabbos!
Hail Satan Eternal and bless SS and our Gods!
Henu the Great said:
Serbon said:
Idk why, but I somehow had a feeling and an urge for quite some time to do the "Satan's Absolution Ritual" during the spring equonix.
Really motivated for this schedule, HS!
I am doing both Satanas and Astartes ritual then. Feel free to join.

That sounds like a great idea. Maybe this should be added for the equinox schedule :)
Thank you HP Cobra. I'll definitely do well.
Since I already do the Curse Israel ritual quite often (not everyday though) as I have heard others say they do I will do this twice on that day.
Think we forgot to put the last ritual on the header of the site, reminder for that.
It's wonderful that our brothers and sisters are safe. Thank you for that update, High Priest.

I will do my best for this schedule.
Also, your post is really amazing with the way you described things. It really puts it all into perspective nicely. We will fight our own war here for humanity and our Gods, and not waste our precious lives fighting for the enemy. Our spiritual war is the most important one.

Hail Satan!
I'm so happy that we get to do Father's ritual again! Stay safe everyone.

It was mentioned sometime a few months ago I think, that there would be new race awakening rituals eventually. Is this something that we will get to start later this year? I hope this isn't rude to ask.
I wanted to ask you, in the invocations and other things that we use can we replace the word "Satan" with "Sat ,Satanama,Satanas" now that we've done this Ritual.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One would be happy to die for a honorable leader, but these people have no honor.

This post in general gave me a surprising amount of clarity. It's surprising how easily this summarised my hesitance on what I'd do if the situation came here (which even our government is preparing for, announcing plans to build nuclear submarines by 2024.) I've always said I'd give my life (if I had to) if it meant protecting my loved ones. I always think about how the Spartans had no issues protecting their own, so I had questions on why it was different - for all of us - now. I felt like a coward for not wanting to fight, even if my hand was forced - but my personal dilemma is, I also do not want to live under full communist rule, despite it already, politically, feeling like we are on this path.

I know war is bogus, I know the "leaders" of war are bogus, but there are real, concerned people involved with very noble intentions, being taken advantage of for this pathetic game of jews. Many of the wartorn dead, are hollow and sad, because they are so unsure what they died for was worth it. When asked about going to war by my father, my grandfather simply said, "I'm not letting you and your brother go to war." He was so deeply disturbed from war, his life and behaviour went to shit and he became a rambling, self-pitying drunk before he died. I believe the stress resulting from dealing with this may have also killed my father's mother prematurely.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
But look what this took to have this effect to get people thinking... That should never have been the case, but we have been sleeping for a long time as a world.

We have to remember we are dealing with many generations of people's ignorance, who have been blissfully, happily raping this world for hundreds, perhaps even thousands of years. This is an entirely huge task, and without the Gods I believe we would surely fail. There have definitely been some days where I am filled with doubt, seeing what is happening now, and certainly what is ahead of us. I am still looking around even now and seeing so, so many people blissfully ignorant just as they have been for thousands of years. Yet they are sad, disturbed and angry, they just need somewhere useful to direct this anger and make change, which I hope we can assist with this.
"To die in the service of one's own existential enemy is utterly nonsensical. Do not do this."

This is so true. Fellow SS comrades (especially men): don't be fooled into thinking this Ukraine-Russia war is a noble war. It is not. Our RTR's and Rituals are our noble war. Stay home, do extra RTR's and rituals if you feel the need to do something. Don't go off to kill your racial brothers, under the command of jews!

Thanks for this schedule, HP :)
Henu the Great said:
I am doing both Satanas and Astartes ritual then. Feel free to join.

Hoodedcobra666 said doing rituals outside their specified dates is useless.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lasollor said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We are now on a pivotal moment in human history, and if you are reading this, then you were ordained by a higher force to be a part of this.

JoS Safety And Prosperity Ritual - https://satanslibrary.org/ProsperityRitual.html
ASTARTE'S RITUAL - https://666pages.com/Astarte_Power_Ritual.html [For Soaring's Version]
One more link - http://joyofsatan.in/Astarte.html
Since this ritual schedule is still posted on the forums can we continue to do it even privately on any day we decide?. Or is it only effective when done as a group on your specified power days?

No brother, the schedule is concluded.

One can still do the Rituals but another one will be posted soon. Renew in the meantime.
I assume now you'd be wasting your time doing Astartes ritual.

for those who can't open the RTR links.. use this https://archive.org/web/ copy paste their links to see their backups
Hail Satan
I've wanted to ask something for a long time.
I feel a lot of spiritual joy when I do the FRTR, I know this is normal because it frees our soul from curses, but why do I feel a lot of spiritual joy even when I do the other RTRs?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

the disgusting filthy maggots have shut down the satanisgod.com server i cannot access FRTR and JoS Protection Ritual. goes to show how pathetic their motivations are. shutting them down right at the moment when a friggin war is happening. it is Error 522: connection timed out

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
