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Spiritual Satanism: The True Religion That Is Pro Humanity

AstralFrog said:
The last line is what I've said for ages. The concept of "religion" is wrong when it comes to Spiritual Satanism. As we attune with life itself, not only the mere concept of a living body but all the essences and branches that come with it.
Lack of perception and ignorance, over time polluted humanity reasoning. But I'm grateful the flame never snuff out. That's why we (JoS) are still here against all the odds.
Thank you.

This is demagogy, religion is a structure, a system, an order without it = a shapeless mass from a neighboring village consisting of a hundred people, for the masses, they do not perceive any personal reflections of selected people
Faith must stand on knowledge, without knowledge or at least an inner compass that not everyone always has, it can always lead along the paths of ignorance
Faith without knowledge is unlikely to be erroneous, because other Vedas will give to the ignorant
An empty vessel is filled sooner or later, no matter what
In the end, only the truth remains
To maintain/preserve the truth, faith, religion, law, and the army protecting it and the sages developing it are needed
AstralFrog said:
The last line is what I've said for ages. The concept of "religion" is wrong when it comes to Spiritual Satanism. As we attune with life itself, not only the mere concept of a living body but all the essences and branches that come with it.
Lack of perception and ignorance, over time polluted humanity reasoning. But I'm grateful the flame never snuff out. That's why we (JoS) are still here against all the odds.
Thank you.

This is demagogy, religion, if you go into the dictionary to look without reference to the personal biases accumulated in this life to the main religions that surround (which are hostile, if you have not seen non-hostile it does not mean that they do not exist) so in the dictionary, this is the structure, the system, the order of built knowledge, which is what Jos is without it = a shapeless mass from a neighboring village consisting of a hundred people, for the masses, they do not perceive any personal reflections of selected people about the difference between faith and religion, it will be just as successful to Enclave without a State system as many now want but how it will actually work has not been invented, they live in fantasies
Faith must stand on knowledge, without knowledge or at least an inner compass that not everyone always has, it can always lead along the paths of ignorance (behind the shepherd)
Faith without knowledge is unlikely to be erroneous, because other Vedas will give to the ignorant
An empty vessel is filled sooner or later, no matter what
As a result, only the truth remains important, it exists without someone's faith, it exists without religion, for that matter
But without Faith and Dharmic religion, the truth can be forgotten and it would have to be much more difficult to restore it
To maintain / preserve the truth, faith, religion, law, and the army protecting it, and the sages developing it, and in general the support of the population and magical units are needed
Hail Satan!!!❤🔥
Spiritual Satanism, as anyone who has read and adopted our True Religion. Spiritual Satanism is the only religion on the planet who is so very clearly in acceptance of existence and seeks to promote it, instead of stifling it and keeping it without confines of evil.

Everyone who is into Spiritual Satanism will grow, as it supports as True and knows about the following:

Pro Freedom. Freedom of thought, expression, existence, choice.

Pro Responsibility. We must be responsible for the freedoms that we have. In Spiritual Satanism we are taught that we are responsible as existing entities, that we matter.

Pro Nature. We are in support of nature, including the nature of human beings themselves. The Gods of mankind, they who guides to perfection, are original humanists that does not hate us for our flaws but seeks to help us elevate ourselves.

Pro Humanity. Yes, we stand for all Gentiles on the planet and against tight neolithic conspiracies such as the Jewish conspiracy against mankind.

Pro Life. We support the existence and the flow of life, animals, humans, everyone, the unfoldment of life and existence outwards.

Pro Knowledge. We believe that all knowledge, scientific, medical, spiritual, all of it is to be sought after, is sacred, and is to be expanded upon.

Pro Family. We are pro the creation of family, or the honor of past family, that is also why we are in celebration of ancestors or newcomers to the world alike. While other enemy programs lament at "original sin" or preach "eternal hellfire", we are distant from these errant beliefs. We celebrate at the arrival of children, the fountain of life, we know death is departure and eventual return until perfection.

Pro Soul. The existence of the soul is a fact in Spiritual Satanism, it's the level of existence of a human being beyond the spectrum of the visible light of the two eyes.

Pro Body. The physical body is not sinful or bad in Spiritual Satanism, it's a vehicle for the soul and it's temple, and it must be loved and honored, in a healthy relation between itself and the mind and soul.

Pro Purity: We do not see the world as ugly, sinful or evil. There is no "sin" in the world itself; the world itself is well orchestrated by the ruling consciousness. It is an evolving form and we are partakers in it. The world is beautiful as it is, with it's negative and positive aspect. We are supposed to elevate ourselves into the higher states, to improve on this world.

Pro Consciousness. Self consciousness, universal consciousness, advancement of the soul.

Pro Spirituality. Instead of empty promises like enemy religions, we actively dedicate a portion of our life to discover these immense human abilities of the spirit.

Pro Material realm. In no contradiction to the above, we believe material life is very important same as spiritual life.

Pro Truth. Satan's Name is from the Ancient Sanskrit word Satyan meaning Eternal Truth. We believe there is the unalienable Truth of the universe, the unspoken.

Pro Justice. We believe in Justice instead of blind retribution.

Pro Enlightenment. We are supporting that we must never return to dark ages, to ages where lack of consciousness and freedom was present. That is the work of evil; we stand against this.

Pro Power. In our view, power is not evil by itself. All that matters is how it's used, to what purpose.

Pro Cognition. Where other "faiths" deny the ability to be cognitive, such as the ability to define races, peoples, levels or creeds, Spiritual Satanism accepts these realities and works with these for the betterment of all.

Pro Technology. We accept technology and don't consider it a tool of the "Devil". As a fundamental part of existence and so long it does not violate freedom, technology has it's place in human existence as any other creation in the universe.

Pro Beauty. We glorify the beautiful, the higher, the nobler. Unlike the enemy who frowns upon the beauty of this world or beauty in general, Spiritual Satanism accepts it.

Spiritual Satanism is not a "religion", it is not "a" way of life, it is the way of life. Spiritual Satanism is the core of the ancestral teachings of the Gods on how we will ride the flow of existence and the universe, into our ultimate fulfillment as beings and souls.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail Satan
Hail Lucifer
Hail Baphomet
Hail Joy of Satan
Hi High Priest Hooded Cobra and all beloved brother and sister in Satan
Greetings from me new Member from Indonesia, call me Asmodeus Lucifer

Im Ex-Moslem, born and grow as Moslem till age of 21 and i waa converted into Christianity at 1 January 2021 , but my spiritual journey ends with founding Satanism, i got interested in Satanism and discover Demonology at my first year convertion as Christian because my mind still have a lot question and that so many things that not reasonable irrastional and condradict, i found that Christianity same as Islam, based on myth and lies and i get conviced by Joy of Satan that is spiritual corruption and have so many code words. And i like the figure and tales of Lucifer in the bible, as he is The Righteous and The Hero at the Beginning haha
That is the one thing I've ever wanted to hear my whole entire life laugh out loud was the fucking truth! The truth about Satan. And the gods! And us people! I don't like lies and I don't like anything fake! Laugh out loud it's going to be truth and it's going to be reality to me! And it's got to be real! Truth be told! I will not accept anything fake! And that is all I have seen as a kid growing up starting with stupid cartoons created by the enemy! Disney and Hollywood entertainment! Things that kids used to look up to for their entertainment when they sat in front of the tv! Or went to a movie theater with their parents! It's one thing to have fun when you're young and it's one thing to enjoy yourself at any age! But the truth is the most important! People are sick and tired of fake and phony! People are sick and tired of bowing down to a bunch of enemies! These aromatic religions to me were fake and they were bullshit! Turning people into a bunch of fucking useless slaves Hypocrites and pathetic animals the enemy can have full custody and control of them! All I wanted to do was just be myself and be happy and sit under the sunshine! And be proud of who and what I am! And that I am not a fucking sinner! And I am not evil! And have every right to be proud of who and what I am and nothing to hide or nothing to be ashamed of! That I can look at myself in the mirror and say that I'm beautiful and that I am a daughter of Satan! I long for the truth! And that's all I've ever wanted laugh out loud was the truth!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
