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Spiritual Satanism: On Suicide

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It is not an infrequent phenomenon that many people come to Satan to be saved from disastrous circumstances related to the beliefs, empty faith in, and imposed mental problems by the enemy. This relationship with these bad entities and people wallowing in ignorance and lack of any spiritual understanding, creates a situation where life can become really miserable, to the point one is also unable to escape from this misery, and it just keeps stacking up. This is not everyone of course, but many people are in this particular situation.

Everyone in this world goes, and will go hard times, despite of their level of power, great fortune, or spiritual power or any other form of power involved. To give one example here, everyone in this world thinks that money is the solution to all problems, and indeed, money solves a lot of problems, if not extremely many problems, but not all problems. There are endless amounts of other problems which especially have deeper roots and are not solvable by money.

To name one example one Gentile European billionaire, I believe from Norway, his children went into vacation at Sri Lanka, and they 'happened' to be in the blast radius that was created by the Jews through the "ISIS" terrorists. We all know that the jews created this organization but that is besides the point. The man lost three of his four children in the blast. As it should be understood from such events, "money" is not the universal solution to all problems, and can also create further problems if mismanaged. He can't pay anyone to bring him his children back, and this is a tragedy.

This is an example of the brutality of life and how everything cannot be just 'solved' by merely a single tool such as money, wealth, fame, or other things. Definitely, every tool helps. However Gentiles are only told that everything is solely a financial problem, in which many cases it's not. Many people have solved this problem and they are plagued by an array of other problems, and some of which many of you here who are "poor blokes" may not even experience. These problems can be mental, emotional, faith based, loneliness, depression, and all sorts of other woes.

To put this very simply, we need our Gods in our life, and in a sense, they also enjoy our attention and our friendship. We are their students, and we grow through their teaching. In the same way one who goes into a school and simply fails or gets very low grades, but is in this school for a reason, so do people here have to understand that underperformance or negative circumstances, can be turned around.

However, I never sugar coat anything personally and you have to know, the more things are against you, and the more things out of control, the more effort you will have to put into them, and nothing will come for free. Of course many people may choose the lazy way out and to consider that there is no solution to their problems, but everyone knows this is a lie. While perfection may be utopian and more of a 'light in the dark' to follow, life can become very good, especially if one puts their devotion into fixing themselves.

Another thing I wanted to bring to everyone's attention is that our "Life", when we are a Satanist, is a life with meaning. Very deep and profound meaning. Meaning that other people will never have, and also it's a life of prospects, where one can advance, evolve, and fix things that others may never have the chance to fix. The opportunities that lay in front of loyal and practising Satanists, both to relate themselves to our Great Gods, and to fix their own soul until they seize and master it, are extreme. To not get very sob, yes, the Gods love us, and also, the Gods invest on us their time, attention, energy, and help.

There are many people in this life who are beaten down and I understand people taking the way out with suicide, but most of the time, people haven't wronged anyone else but themselves. Most people who contemplate about suicide only do so about "Themselves" and lack of perceived expectations or experience into life. The perception is stuck in a very individualistic and egotistic mode.

If one expands past this thought, and they understand themselves as a living being that also belongs in a communion with the Gods, our people, our race, our mission in general, then one should understand that one is obligated to make the best use of life possible about themselves. And a chain cannot last if pieces choose to cut. However a chain becomes stronger when each piece of it helps the piece next to it with support, and this is why community is here. You don't even have to give a real name here, and you can explain to other brothers and sisters what is very wrong with your life, and they can help you...

...Provided you also want to help yourself.

When one becomes a Satanist, one is taken and lifted from the literal spiritual, mental, and in many cases physical swamp. If the swamp is not physical, then it's most of the times guaranteed to be a swamp in the two other levels. Even if one is really good and clear, they still have a lot of climbing to do.

People frequently come and say that they believe 'suicide' will solve anything. On inspection, for a person to be lead to the situation to be confronted with the choice of suicide, there is either fear, or mass problems, or both. If one has gotten 50 years in prison, or if one is absolutely on a situation where they are 200% stuck, maybe suicide can be a viable option. In Satanism, one will not get punished further as in Christianity if they "Suicide", but that doesn't mean this doesn't come coupled by a natural problem which is related to suicide.

Lack of understanding of spiritual laws makes many think that "suicide" will solve their problems and put them on a blank state. But that is absolutely wrong. By the laws of the universe such as the laws of the invisible light, beyond our basic perception, we have our mental, spiritual body. This unit just dislocates from the body after death. In this case, you will be the same as you are today, but on another 'dimension'. Many people upon death or when close to death they experience this 'drawing out' of the body, and those who suicide, just see their dead body there. And there comes the greatest regret from an action one cannot go back to.

However, when this is done, there is no going back, and one has to stay in the astral, potentially suffer or be lost, and cause further damnation to come unto themselves. This has nothing to do with external punishment, it's that one's constitution, even in astral form, will draw them to sources of negativity, self wallowing, and many ugly things. In many cases it can take decades until the planetary alignments, viable bodies, and so forth, become available, for one to reincarnate. One will be therefore stuck in this wallowing state which increases itself, and then one will reincarnate, and his life will merely "replay" over for better or for worse due to karmic flaws inherent in his spirit. Then, one may be locked in a situation where they again find themselves in the same loop.

To give a rough estimate of how long the above can take, it can be from any to 10, to 25 to 70 years, to a century. I know this may sound like too much, but yes, sometimes, conditions for reincarnation may take that long, and this is highly dependable on circumstances. The loop of these events in itself can last potentially hundreds of years throughout reincarnations. Now this is one path one can take with suicide. It's a really wasting process. Plus, you learn nothing from it at all. If anything it brings the soul closer to death. And despite of people who brush this off, nobody really wants 'death' for themselves in a full sense of the word.

One has to remember that keeping yourself alive is not only for your own sake, but also for the sake of higher goals and objectives that are shared with others. It's really disgraceful to abandon post when there are no real missiles coming in. You got to love yourself and your life, and if you do not love yourself, consider then others who are tied to you.

Most problems that people have can be solved within a span of 2 or 3 years, and we are talking to a very considerable extent. This includes lack of employment, job problems, lack of school or teaching experience, and all sorts of problems which most of the time get people under. During this time of 2 to 3 years, one can do workings to free the soul and proceed with these things.If you take in perspective the years it leads to get to total failure, 2-3 years of effort to advance is nothing. Then, you gain momentum and you can advance more and more. Think of this paralleled to meditation in a sense.

In extremely stubborn cases, these may need to be repeated for years, while also physical effort is maintained. The trick here is however that most people get depressed and more depressed by lack of growth, and this growth if it happens is quite motivational. At the end of this, one's confidence will be far more bolstered in their ability to survive, and potentially under any circumstances. Even if you believe there is no way out of most problems, there definitely is, but for some of these you will need to consult your GD (you do not need to hear them, just open your head up to the possibility of things being better and do your part to seek solutions).

The fundamental thing however that will keep your life in place is this: To have a hold of your mind, your thoughts, and your soul energies. Through this beginning you can achieve and correct 99% of problems that go on your way, merely through self realization and self control. If one attains this, then most problems you will be able to also solve if you put your mind to them. Most people also do not suffer so much from tragic external circumstances, just hard circumstances which have a very powerful effect on them because they do not silence their mind. This allows the growth of fear and insecurity. You are capable of solving your problems, and you can do it. What is necessary first is to set yourself in order.

Think of this like being very drunk and drinking some very powerful coffee, confusion to a wake up call. When you are in the mode of drunkenness, it may appear as if your life it gone and that you can only drink more. Drunkenness here can be made parallel to confusion. The more confusion goes, the more able you will be to lay down your plans and contain yourself in order to move forward. This is your black coffee here.

Satan values people who have resolve, and if you show this resolve, or at least try to summon it, he will help you. People who evoke the mercy of others as a habit, only to parasitize, or ask for a helping hand to draw others down, in the satisfaction of the rising of misery, are detestable.

Lastly, do not forget that the community is here to help with problems and support one another. We are a family for a very deep reason. Consult those who have move knowledge here in the forums, and those of you who are advancing and have moved past problems, turn back and extend your hand as the hand of the Gods was extended to you. This way everyone rises and we are empowering ourselves and our shared existence.

it's normal for sheep to endlessly cry, never fix anything, pointlessly wallow in the misery of their own choice to be sheep.

But as far as we are concerned, we can only get up, pack up as wolves and keep going. Your life can be improved, be in knowledge of that, and work towards this end. You have to initiate this by moving and getting up first and foremost. And keeping on the good track despite worry of failures.

And remember: You are a Satanist . One must keep this tightly in their mind. Satan helps his own.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

In coming to this Astral Satanic Temple our Clergy bring forth Sermons to renew and Satanically fulfil us. To lead us back to our Faith and our Folk. Cobra has followed the Gods for years and now their wisdom flows forth through him.

Hail Adolf Hitler!!
Hail the Aryan Race!!
Hail all the Demons of Hell!
Hail Father Satan Forever!!
This post is very valuable to me, I needed to see this.
Thank you
From my experience, reincarnation takes a long time. It appears that my previous life ended some years after WW2, and I was born in 1991, which is around 40 years.

However, this is just my experience. It may take less or more for others.

My view on suicide is as follows: I am given an unique opportunity to live and grow. Whatever obstacles I encounter on my way, I will never surrender. Life has ups, and downs, it has joy and it has tears.

But it can take long to realize that. Some people see only negative and ignore positive. They shall not be judged. They need help and support.
Aldrick Strickland said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In coming to this Astral Satanic Temple our Clergy bring forth Sermons to renew and Satanically fulfil us. To lead us back to our Faith and our Folk. Cobra has followed the Gods for years and now their wisdom flows forth through him.

Hail Adolf Hitler!!
Hail the Aryan Race!!
Hail all the Demons of Hell!
Hail Father Satan Forever!!

Agreed this sermon and also this one https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=13331 reading both I can sense a sort of divinity about them. In no way is this to flatter; just an honest observation, feeling and impression.

This is very important, and I've wanted to write an article concerning suicide and spiritually.

Much of the occult has been corrupted and cursed. Yes, there are deliberate curses put upon certain knowledge and practices. These were done by Jews. Forbidden knowledge.

Just like delayed onset muscle soreness usually follows physical exercise, when we meditate and/or do certain spiritual exercises that increase our bioelectricity (the life force), the byproduct can be depression. The ancients knew this. If one does the research, nearly every spiritual text that survived the destruction and burning of libraries, somehow got into Jewish hands for "translation," after the fall of Rome. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the rest.

The clever and nefarious Jews deliberately put curses on certain spiritual knowledge. People who read certain occult texts, or worked to advance themselves spiritually, ended up committing suicide, especially years ago.

Jewish Hollywood has created films that depict knowledge of the occult with suicide.

I do know for a fact, many enemies of the Jews committed suicide whether they were involved in spiritual practices or not. Jews have been directing curses encouraging suicide for centuries. Very, very few Gentiles, if any, who have exposed the Jewish problem ever lived full lives, into old age. Many mysteriously committed suicide.

It is extremely important to have goals in life, and to consistently work on these goals and to finish what you start. Always have goals for yourself. Don't be a quitter! Goals are essential to life.

I also want to add, Satanist Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler committed suicide when he was in British custody at the end of WWII. He had no future, and would only have been further humiliated and tortured, then murdered by the enemy as with the others at Nuremberg. There was no way out for him.

The Nazi leaders were segregated in Hell. One remarked that he hadn't seen the sun or daylight in some 70 years.

Being without a body, in spirit form is not pleasant. Satan looked out for the Nazi leaders because they are elite souls (some were ancient Egyptian pharaohs). Himmler related how Lilith and several other high-ranking Gods showed up upon his death, took his astral hand and helped him out of his body, protected him and escorted him to Hell.

Hell is now empty. Satan has put everyone back here to fight the enemy.

With the average person, many suicides wander the earth as ghosts. They are lost on the astral. Those in spirit form don't eat or drink. They don't sleep. Being in spirit form is intensely boring and miserable. We JoS ministry know this for a fact, as we have worked with many who were in spirit form. Satan and Lilith gave us important projects to fulfill. A soul without a body cannot advance spiritually without help. Help can only come from those in the living world who are gifted with the knowledge and have the ability.

It is a very sad fact that there is much suffering on the other side, due to centuries of severe suppression of spiritual knowledge. This doesn't just go away. Many trapped on the astral need our help.

Suicide should only be the absolute LAST resort. Suicide is not a solution.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
This is very important, and I've wanted to write an article concerning suicide and spiritually.

Much of the occult has been corrupted and cursed. Yes, there are deliberate curses put upon certain knowledge and practices. These were done by Jews. Forbidden knowledge.

Just like delayed onset muscle soreness usually follows physical exercise, when we meditate and/or do certain spiritual exercises that increase our bioelectricity (the life force), the byproduct can be depression. The ancients knew this. If one does the research, nearly every spiritual text that survived the destruction and burning of libraries, somehow got into Jewish hands for "translation," after the fall of Rome. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the rest.

The clever and nefarious Jews deliberately put curses on certain spiritual knowledge. People who read certain occult texts, or worked to advance themselves spiritually, ended up committing suicide, especially years ago.

Jewish Hollywood has created films that depict knowledge of the occult with suicide.

I do know for a fact, many enemies of the Jews committed suicide whether they were involved in spiritual practices or not. Jews have been directing curses encouraging suicide for centuries. Very, very few Gentiles, if any, who have exposed the Jewish problem ever lived full lives, into old age. Many mysteriously committed suicide.

It is extremely important to have goals in life, and to consistently work on these goals and to finish what you start. Always have goals for yourself. Don't be a quitter! Goals are essential to life.

I also want to add, Satanist Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler committed suicide when he was in British custody at the end of WWII. He had no future, and would only have been further humiliated and tortured, then murdered by the enemy as with the others at Nuremberg. There was no way out for him.

The Nazi leaders were segregated in Hell. One remarked that he hadn't seen the sun or daylight in some 70 years.

Being without a body, in spirit form is not pleasant. Satan looked out for the Nazi leaders because they are elite souls (some were ancient Egyptian pharaohs). Himmler related how Lilith and several other high-ranking Gods showed up upon his death, took his astral hand and helped him out of his body, protected him and escorted him to Hell.

Hell is now empty. Satan has put everyone back here to fight the enemy.

With the average person, many suicides wander the earth as ghosts. They are lost on the astral. Those in spirit form don't eat or drink. They don't sleep. Being in spirit form is intensely boring and miserable. We JoS ministry know this for a fact, as we have worked with many who were in spirit form. Satan and Lilith gave us important projects to fulfill. A soul without a body cannot advance spiritually without help. Help can only come from those in the living world who are gifted with the knowledge and have the ability.

It is a very sad fact that there is much suffering on the other side, due to centuries of severe suppression of spiritual knowledge. This doesn't just go away. Many trapped on the astral need our help.

Suicide should only be the absolute LAST resort. Suicide is not a solution.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I always thought that souls without bodies can create their place where they can find eternal happiness, like a more vivid lucid dream.
'The Ecclesiastes - Everything Is Meaningless' - made me a very depressed kid from a young age. EXTREMELY DEPRESSED

We reincarnate because we have unfinished business and wishes. Once we stop wishing, we stop living. This why religion is condemning any dream chase.

People are extremely poisoned with shit because they don't have clear answers. they are lost, they are coming into this word with no clear answers. Some if not most are not natural seekers; before finding Satan I was upset screaming inside and outside like WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, my bro would answer NO ONE KNOWS! I WOULD SAY, THIS IS BULLSHIT, SOMEBODY HAS TO KNOW and soon I found you my precious queen, Maxine.
So, wish for answers, things, accomplishments, chase them, they will come, YOUR MIND, YOUR BEING, THE ENERGY ITSELF WILL FIND A WAY!

Once you find Satan you got the ultimate answers and purpose, all you have to do is to rebuild yourself, cure, heal, advance; you are not alone. LIFE IS A MARVELLOUS EXPERIENCE.
Larissa666 said:
From my experience, reincarnation takes a long time. It appears that my previous life ended some years after WW2, and I was born in 1991, which is around 40 years.

However, this is just my experience. It may take less or more for others.

My view on suicide is as follows: I am given an unique opportunity to live and grow. Whatever obstacles I encounter on my way, I will never surrender. Life has ups, and downs, it has joy and it has tears.

But it can take long to realize that. Some people see only negative and ignore positive. They shall not be judged. They need help and support.

From my personal experience in this present life it took me 36 years to reincarnate, I died fighting in the World War II, but other times it can take much longer, 70, 80, 90 years or even more than 100.
What is the shortest wait for reincarnation from time of death to rebirth that any HP is aware of? What is the average wait time?
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I also want to add, Satanist Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler committed suicide when he was in British custody at the end of WWII. He had no future, and would only have been further humiliated and tortured, then murdered by the enemy as with the others at Nuremberg. There was no way out for him.

Will Himmler reincarnate and create the Fourth Reich?
A very deep and profound sermon Thank you Hp.

Hail Satan
Our father always knows when we need him most. Things have been hard lately especially with our site gone. almost made a mistake today this group and family saved my life. Its so easy to feel alone im so fucking grateful to have seen this. I feel terrible about wanting to give up thank you so much. Really
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
This is very important, and I've wanted to write an article concerning suicide and spiritually.

Much of the occult has been corrupted and cursed. Yes, there are deliberate curses put upon certain knowledge and practices. These were done by Jews. Forbidden knowledge.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

it takes strength everyday to get up out of bed and greet the world anew. To stand tall for those who care about you. For that of your people and Gods. Know that life is not for the weak and especially those who decide to walk the Left hand path of our Lord.

If thoughts of surrender come to you, know it is because you are a threat to the enemy and they fear you. Remember the Battle Cry of our Leader, Capitulation Nein! Only Fighting till the bitter end!

Take this day to Pledge your soul and your Life to Satan. As a Warrior of Hell you will stand upon Battlefield Earth. Ready and willing to immolate world upon world with our stunning blaze.

For when we came to this life, we emerged from the pits of Hell, ready to serve and to fight. We told Satan watch me and what I do.

We are now in the thick of Battle. But out of this eternal struggle we will give everything we have. Once we run out of strength, we will renew our Faith and our resolve and give again until we pass over their body or they pass over ours.

I Dedicate my soul, my life and everything I have as a warrior to YOU Father Satan!! Give me the strength this day to fight and carry forward and to inspire the same within my Satanic Family!

Hail Father Satan Forever
Aldrick Strickland said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
This is very important, and I've wanted to write an article concerning suicide and spiritually.

Much of the occult has been corrupted and cursed. Yes, there are deliberate curses put upon certain knowledge and practices. These were done by Jews. Forbidden knowledge.

Just like delayed onset muscle soreness usually follows physical exercise, when we meditate and/or do certain spiritual exercises that increase our bioelectricity (the life force), the byproduct can be depression. The ancients knew this. If one does the research, nearly every spiritual text that survived the destruction and burning of libraries, somehow got into Jewish hands for "translation," after the fall of Rome. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the rest.

The clever and nefarious Jews deliberately put curses on certain spiritual knowledge. People who read certain occult texts, or worked to advance themselves spiritually, ended up committing suicide, especially years ago.

Jewish Hollywood has created films that depict knowledge of the occult with suicide.

I do know for a fact, many enemies of the Jews committed suicide whether they were involved in spiritual practices or not. Jews have been directing curses encouraging suicide for centuries. Very, very few Gentiles, if any, who have exposed the Jewish problem ever lived full lives, into old age. Many mysteriously committed suicide.

It is extremely important to have goals in life, and to consistently work on these goals and to finish what you start. Always have goals for yourself. Don't be a quitter! Goals are essential to life.

I also want to add, Satanist Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler committed suicide when he was in British custody at the end of WWII. He had no future, and would only have been further humiliated and tortured, then murdered by the enemy as with the others at Nuremberg. There was no way out for him.

The Nazi leaders were segregated in Hell. One remarked that he hadn't seen the sun or daylight in some 70 years.

Being without a body, in spirit form is not pleasant. Satan looked out for the Nazi leaders because they are elite souls (some were ancient Egyptian pharaohs). Himmler related how Lilith and several other high-ranking Gods showed up upon his death, took his astral hand and helped him out of his body, protected him and escorted him to Hell.

Hell is now empty. Satan has put everyone back here to fight the enemy.

With the average person, many suicides wander the earth as ghosts. They are lost on the astral. Those in spirit form don't eat or drink. They don't sleep. Being in spirit form is intensely boring and miserable. We JoS ministry know this for a fact, as we have worked with many who were in spirit form. Satan and Lilith gave us important projects to fulfill. A soul without a body cannot advance spiritually without help. Help can only come from those in the living world who are gifted with the knowledge and have the ability.

It is a very sad fact that there is much suffering on the other side, due to centuries of severe suppression of spiritual knowledge. This doesn't just go away. Many trapped on the astral need our help.

Suicide should only be the absolute LAST resort. Suicide is not a solution.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

it takes strength everyday to get up out of bed and greet the world anew. To stand tall for those who care about you. For that of your people and Gods. Know that life is not for the weak and especially those who decide to walk the Left hand path of our Lord.

If thoughts of surrender come to you, know it is because you are a threat to the enemy and they fear you. Remember the Battle Cry of our Leader, Capitulation Nein! Only Fighting till the bitter end!

Take this day to Pledge your soul and your Life to Satan. As a Warrior of Hell you will stand upon Battlefield Earth. Ready and willing to immolate world upon world with our stunning blaze.

For when we came to this life, we emerged from the pits of Hell, ready to serve and to fight. We told Satan watch me and what I do.

We are now in the thick of Battle. But out of this eternal struggle we will give everything we have. Once we run out of strength, we will renew our Faith and our resolve and give again until we pass over their body or they pass over ours.

I Dedicate my soul, my life and everything I have as a warrior to YOU Father Satan!! Give me the strength this day to fight and carry forward and to inspire the same within my Satanic Family!

Hail Father Satan Forever

Omg I love you my big brother!

Yeah fuck this we are SATANISTS never give up the fight!
Set the example, stand tall and strong, carry on Father Satan‘s will and bring glory to Satan and Satan’s house!

Askell said:
What is the shortest wait for reincarnation from time of death to rebirth that any HP is aware of? What is the average wait time?
Immediately. I know this for sure.
Satan reincarnated a family member of mine immediately. She was very elderly and senile.

Death and reincarnation experiences, are all individual. The vast majority of souls reincarnate. Some, especially those who died under violent circumstances, like in war, famine, and related, often are lost on the astral and remain as ghosts.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
It would appear that the most common "wait-time" for reincarnation for Spiritual Satanists would be 30-60 years. It also appears unlikely that those of us with more than one past life as Satanists reincarnate slightly faster than 'first-lifers'. I can trace my memories back to Sippar, yet it took me 52 years to reincarnate this last time, but only 40 or so previously, for example. My understanding of is that it's all based on planetary alignments. They have to be supportive of our charts in order for reincarnation to occur, or we get what I imagine would be called a sort of "celestial abortion", if it is at all possible to reincarnate before the right time (don't think so).

So really, there isn't exactly a set wait time, it's more a matter of the pathways being usable.

Along these lines you have a correct idea of the 'natural' aspect of reincarnation. However, this is only one way this can happen. This affects normal souls as they are not related to more powerful entities that can change these things.

I will write more indepth on this on an upcoming sermon, based both on experience and the general knowledge around the subject.
if a satanist dies in war, famine e.t.c, will they be lost in the astral?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
It would appear that the most common "wait-time" for reincarnation for Spiritual Satanists would be 30-60 years. It also appears unlikely that those of us with more than one past life as Satanists reincarnate slightly faster than 'first-lifers'. I can trace my memories back to Sippar, yet it took me 52 years to reincarnate this last time, but only 40 or so previously, for example. My understanding of is that it's all based on planetary alignments. They have to be supportive of our charts in order for reincarnation to occur, or we get what I imagine would be called a sort of "celestial abortion", if it is at all possible to reincarnate before the right time (don't think so).

So really, there isn't exactly a set wait time, it's more a matter of the pathways being usable.

Along these lines you have a correct idea of the 'natural' aspect of reincarnation. However, this is only one way this can happen. This affects normal souls as they are not related to more powerful entities that can change these things.

I will write more indepth on this on an upcoming sermon, based both on experience and the general knowledge around the subject.

Thanks a lot Cobra I have been wondering about this for awhile to. While I am not to the point where I remember how long I was in the spirit world or that much about it other than a few things about what some of it looked like what you said almost sparked some kind of memory. I am well aware that when we are there we know about the alignments of the planets and stuff. What I dont know is how. I think I chose my ascendant and a particular close aspect I tried for (and succeeded with that) other than that I think it was random but it had to be in alignment with me if I am here I guess. I cant wait till someone clarifies this.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Askell said:
What is the shortest wait for reincarnation from time of death to rebirth that any HP is aware of? What is the average wait time?
Immediately. I know this for sure.
Satan reincarnated a family member of mine immediately. She was very elderly and senile.

Death and reincarnation experiences, are all individual. The vast majority of souls reincarnate. Some, especially those who died under violent circumstances, like in war, famine, and related, often are lost on the astral and remain as ghosts.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Is this because they can´t forget the pain and suffering, or because thear body/soul was at the time of death weak from the deprivations or do they refuse to live a nother life because they're afraid of going through the same thing again?

Would a clon be a good way to provide faster a propper reincarnation body ? (saw today a couple in the news who spend 100 000 Dollar to get a clone of thear decased dog from china)
I too have experienced such suicidal tendencies but I am not a 'resort to suicide' kind of guy at all and am very passionate about living my life, this is why I deemed it as an enemy attack all those years ago but the feelings and the emotions were the same as any other suicidal individual. Before that I despised the idea of suicide as an answer and viewed it as a weak option for things that can be fixed and avoided, but even during and after having experienced being suicidal myself my opinion has not changed at all; but at least I can better assist and help those here who feel suicidal because I have better understanding.

I never did any harm to myself despite how much I felt urged to, I never resorted to unhealthy coping methods, I just meditated and kept going. I haven't felt suicidal since and the tendencies lasted only for a month, I continued to meditate and advance. Not all people can easily have such willpower at their disposal, sometimes it has to do with things you've already experienced, your natal chart and personality. It was thanks to Saturn's endurance that I've survived so much.

I'm not about to waste this lifetime where I've already come so far, if I were to die who knows what could happen, all the knowledge I came to know suddenly wasted and who knows how much the world would have changed without me. We keep going because we can.
My curiosity on this matter of reincarnation and interest is more the relation with others in this process...

Like say one was to reincarnate right after death with no wait time. Would they reincarnate close to their current family or in a new situation with new people suitable for their souls purpose and progress at their most recent death.

This is really interesting and I tend to believe since we are talking about the astral and physical, the laws and rules might not be confined to precise logic and science. As such bending exactitudes with knowing of Satan's power is definitely possible.
NinRick said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
This is very important, and I've wanted to write an article concerning suicide and spiritually.

Much of the occult has been corrupted and cursed. Yes, there are deliberate curses put upon certain knowledge and practices. These were done by Jews. Forbidden knowledge.

Just like delayed onset muscle soreness usually follows physical exercise, when we meditate and/or do certain spiritual exercises that increase our bioelectricity (the life force), the byproduct can be depression. The ancients knew this. If one does the research, nearly every spiritual text that survived the destruction and burning of libraries, somehow got into Jewish hands for "translation," after the fall of Rome. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the rest.

The clever and nefarious Jews deliberately put curses on certain spiritual knowledge. People who read certain occult texts, or worked to advance themselves spiritually, ended up committing suicide, especially years ago.

Jewish Hollywood has created films that depict knowledge of the occult with suicide.

I do know for a fact, many enemies of the Jews committed suicide whether they were involved in spiritual practices or not. Jews have been directing curses encouraging suicide for centuries. Very, very few Gentiles, if any, who have exposed the Jewish problem ever lived full lives, into old age. Many mysteriously committed suicide.

It is extremely important to have goals in life, and to consistently work on these goals and to finish what you start. Always have goals for yourself. Don't be a quitter! Goals are essential to life.

I also want to add, Satanist Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler committed suicide when he was in British custody at the end of WWII. He had no future, and would only have been further humiliated and tortured, then murdered by the enemy as with the others at Nuremberg. There was no way out for him.

The Nazi leaders were segregated in Hell. One remarked that he hadn't seen the sun or daylight in some 70 years.

Being without a body, in spirit form is not pleasant. Satan looked out for the Nazi leaders because they are elite souls (some were ancient Egyptian pharaohs). Himmler related how Lilith and several other high-ranking Gods showed up upon his death, took his astral hand and helped him out of his body, protected him and escorted him to Hell.

Hell is now empty. Satan has put everyone back here to fight the enemy.

With the average person, many suicides wander the earth as ghosts. They are lost on the astral. Those in spirit form don't eat or drink. They don't sleep. Being in spirit form is intensely boring and miserable. We JoS ministry know this for a fact, as we have worked with many who were in spirit form. Satan and Lilith gave us important projects to fulfill. A soul without a body cannot advance spiritually without help. Help can only come from those in the living world who are gifted with the knowledge and have the ability.

It is a very sad fact that there is much suffering on the other side, due to centuries of severe suppression of spiritual knowledge. This doesn't just go away. Many trapped on the astral need our help.

Suicide should only be the absolute LAST resort. Suicide is not a solution.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

it takes strength everyday to get up out of bed and greet the world anew. To stand tall for those who care about you. For that of your people and Gods. Know that life is not for the weak and especially those who decide to walk the Left hand path of our Lord.

If thoughts of surrender come to you, know it is because you are a threat to the enemy and they fear you. Remember the Battle Cry of our Leader, Capitulation Nein! Only Fighting till the bitter end!

Take this day to Pledge your soul and your Life to Satan. As a Warrior of Hell you will stand upon Battlefield Earth. Ready and willing to immolate world upon world with our stunning blaze.

For when we came to this life, we emerged from the pits of Hell, ready to serve and to fight. We told Satan watch me and what I do.

We are now in the thick of Battle. But out of this eternal struggle we will give everything we have. Once we run out of strength, we will renew our Faith and our resolve and give again until we pass over their body or they pass over ours.

I Dedicate my soul, my life and everything I have as a warrior to YOU Father Satan!! Give me the strength this day to fight and carry forward and to inspire the same within my Satanic Family!

Hail Father Satan Forever

Omg I love you my big brother!

Yeah fuck this we are SATANISTS never give up the fight!
Set the example, stand tall and strong, carry on Father Satan‘s will and bring glory to Satan and Satan’s house!


You have the Fire of Satan in your Heart. Now safe guard it as the most previous possesion you will ever own.
SETI said:
if a satanist dies in war, famine e.t.c, will they be lost in the astral?

No, all dedicated satanists when die are picked up and taken by the gods, the souls that are lost and roam in the astral are those who are not satanists and are not under the direct protection of Satan and the gods.
As someone who has contemplated suicide one to many times I’d feel pretty ashamed and frustrated with myself if I had gone through with it, like now I have more shit I gotta clean in my next life. I probably wouldn’t be able to face the Gods properly if this were to happen. But this past year and a bit of the last I have made some progress with workings on actually making things better and my suicidal tendencies have dropped, so it does get better when you are willing to try and fix things.

For those of you suffering in silence, feeling like there is no hope, you are wrong. As this sermon says there is always a way out especially when you have the Gods on your side. You just need to try to live and advance. Just try. This single piece of advice always rings in my head whenever I feel like I can't do something. There are many many options to make yourself better and all you have to do is take baby steps and eventually (as it does take some time) you’ll get where you want to be and sometimes taking a step can really make a difference. As long as you just try, solutions will come your way.

This also goes for the RTR if you feel like you can’t do all of it, just try, even reducing it to 3 reps can do wonders in my experience when feeling this way.

To sum everything up for those contemplating suicide, you can live. You can become better. Just try, keep going. The Gods and Community are here for you.
Braun666 said:
Like say one was to reincarnate right after death with no wait time. Would they reincarnate close to their current family or in a new situation with new people suitable for their souls purpose and progress at their most recent death
I heard that if a soul (or more) was close to you in a previous life, there are chances that you will meet and be together with the respective souls in the next lives.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hello brothers and sisters.
I recently had a tumor, I am fighting against the disease. As a true satanist I never give up. A bone marrow donor is being treated and expected. I know that everything will be fine because Satan does not abandon his children. Meanwhile, I continue to do RTLs.
I want to heal advancing and improving my life.
I never give up.
Hail satan
Hail Hitler
Hail all the gods of hell
So then can SS souls dissipate? How does a soul cease to exist?
I've been there, felt that, got the free T-shirt also. I'm talking about suicidal ideations. It was about 6 years ago, can't remember exactly. It's the workload, shitty income levels (below $10K yearly) and the feeling that you aren't getting back what you put in. Also the long autumns here: dark, constant rain, muddy, no sun, gloomy clouds, cold, dead leaves flying around in the wind. Like Mordor. Back then, my coping methods were cigarettes, alcohol and finding something to do (DIY hobby stuff at the household). I didn't do any hard drugs, not even pot. I went on SSRIs then, tried several "orthodox" medications with the approval of my GP: Lexapro, Remeron, Xanax. These chemicals seemed to work for the first couple of days only. After that, for some reason, they can't overpower my brain. And I didn't need to taper off either - no withdrawal symptoms when I went cold turkey.

I somehow knew that suicide wouldn't be a solution because my soul wouldn't cease to exist after the fact. In addition, I'd be reincarnated back with a heavier load, maybe even to worse parents than I had. I also knew that the family I had created would be devastated and I would be witnessing it. So, I chose not to drive head-on into a tractor trailer. I also chose not to OD or shoot myself in the head. These were the ideas that I had. I had the feeling that if I were to try a suicide, the incoming vehicle would stall or deviate from it's course or the gun would fail to fire. I had been involved in an accident long before that. At an highway intersection a tractor trailer didn't give way, tried to do a left turn coming from my right but overestimated the situation and the slush on the road. So the trailer wheels met with the drivers' side of my sedan because I chose so with the e-brake. The moment of impact felt like falling sideways into a pool. It was remarkable that the car was totaled: warped body, severely damaged rocker panels and pillars, broken suspension etc but the driver door window didn't even shatter and I walked away without a scratch. I was alone in the vehicle then. Someone clearly protected me.

A ray of hope came when I was about to throw the towel in, hopeless but not contemplating suicide anymore. I'm pretty sure it was my GD who appeared to me in a dream. A beautiful, blonde woman approached me from the dark and gave me a warm hug. I remember the feeling like it was yesterday. I woke up, feeling simultaneously happy and sad. This inspired me to start searching for the truth in this world full of NPCs, gollums, wicca + new age morons and layers upon layers of lies, smoke and mirrors.

In retrospect, I can say that it was me not accepting the physical reality I was in, busting my brains at a desk job during the day and busting my ass working at home during the evenings, with no time for play and recreation, all the time unknowingly walking around in a deeply jewed world, trying to be a normie and a slave to debt like everyone else. You feel that something is very wrong but you can't tell. It's like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. For some reason, I have always known and expected that the life is supposed to be a bit easier. I'm talking about the financial part of it and making your material dreams come true, to a reasonable extent that is. I have nothing against hard work if it pays off and is correctly balanced with recreation. Life will be easier when there are no more aliens around fleecing and cursing us. We are actively working towards this goal and it feels good.

The other important point in my opinion is that a real Satanic soul, reincarnated and in nearly total amnesia, can not live a life of an average NPC and be really happy and pleased about it. You can pretend only so far but you can't hide yourself from that splinter in your brain. No amount of booze or drugs or whatever is going to buff out the feeling that you are somehow different, entitled to give more and receive more but in ways not readily visible in this jewed world. The hardest part is finding the truth, the necessary true knowledge and re-routing yourself.

My life is much, much better now, after dedication, regular meditations and actively working for father Satan. I can feel that I really am changing, ditching the dross, evolving and it feels wonderful. I'm starting to gain control of my emotions and thoughts. I still feel pretty shitty after pulling two intensive, 16-hour workdays with no breaks in a row but at least now I know to balance them and keep my thoughts and feelings in check. And I'm working for myself AND father Satan. Can't thank Him enough.
Kieith666 said:
So then can SS souls dissipate? How does a soul cease to exist?

If one emphatically refuses any sort of even the slightest spiritual work, yes, they will dissipate, or they will exist barely in a very miserable state.

This has nothing to do with anyone else either. If others offer you water, in this case, spiritual knowledge, and you refuse to drink, nature will take it's toll on someone.
Lucia97 said:
Hello brothers and sisters.
I recently had a tumor, I am fighting against the disease. As a true satanist I never give up. A bone marrow donor is being treated and expected. I know that everything will be fine because Satan does not abandon his children. Meanwhile, I continue to do RTLs.
I want to heal advancing and improving my life.
I never give up.
Hail satan
Hail Hitler
Hail all the gods of hell
Best of luck to you.
I hope you defeat that stupid disease soon.
The Alchemist7 said:
Braun666 said:
Like say one was to reincarnate right after death with no wait time. Would they reincarnate close to their current family or in a new situation with new people suitable for their souls purpose and progress at their most recent death
I heard that if a soul (or more) was close to you in a previous life, there are chances that you will meet and be together with the respective souls in the next lives.

Yes its very true it happened with one person in my case so far that I am aware of but I really have no idea what determines this or causes this to happen. I dont think it will happen each life though. I am waiting for a Sermon on reincarnation more cause I dont yet fully understand it. I hope I wont have to go through it again though I will try to advance I still have 40 or more years before I am even old so far as human lifespan now is.
darkmonkey666 said:
Yes its very true it happened with one person in my case so far that I am aware of but I really have no idea what determines this or causes this to happen. I dont think it will happen each life though. I am waiting for a Sermon on reincarnation more cause I dont yet fully understand it. I hope I wont have to go through it again though I will try to advance I still have 40 or more years before I am even old so far as human lifespan now is.

It might be due to the links created between the respective souls, like an energy which keep the souls closer for more lifetimes. If you keep having a close relation with a soul, this connection might extend across the lifetimes.
Regarding Christians, I thought they were "Dissolved back into the Light of the enemy Thoughtform"? How does Satan have power to reincarnated Christians/Muslims etc?
Tomland68 said:
Regarding Christians, I thought they were "Dissolved back into the Light of the enemy Thoughtform"? How does Satan have power to reincarnated Christians/Muslims etc?

They have superior spiritual power and only insofar our society is concerned they are 'excluded'.

As far as spiritual reality is concerned, they do still have the power and the keys, and they reincarnate people in accordance to their judgement, many times also en-masse, through their spiritual powers. The Gods are called "the maintainers of the universe" for this reason.

Those who are really devout and deep into xianity, they are too spiritually drawn to the artificial matrix of the enemy. This is like in Star Wars where the fleet captain is being coerced to join some weird alien matrix. If one is compliant and too much in bed with human hating aliens, they can be absorbed and they can dissipate, especially if they have no free will, and they become like fuel for this.

But the above happens to those who are "drawn in" too much into this, and comply to a serious extent. Many souls are only ignorant or idle followers, and not devout about this.

Our increasing apostasy of the jewish systems comes from the fact that constantly more and more souls understand they are being duped, so when they reincarnate by the Gods or through natural means, they desert xianity/islam etc.
The Alchemist7 said:
darkmonkey666 said:
Yes its very true it happened with one person in my case so far that I am aware of but I really have no idea what determines this or causes this to happen. I dont think it will happen each life though. I am waiting for a Sermon on reincarnation more cause I dont yet fully understand it. I hope I wont have to go through it again though I will try to advance I still have 40 or more years before I am even old so far as human lifespan now is.

It might be due to the links created between the respective souls, like an energy which keep the souls closer for more lifetimes. If you keep having a close relation with a soul, this connection might extend across the lifetimes.

My curiosity is the time it takes for the individual to reincarnate and conditions required for such. Say someone was born in Italy in 1850, and dies in 1915. Now I'm curious as to if this persons soul will just wait in the astral until all members of his generation die(friends, family and people they knew) then when the conditions are cosmically right, they will all reincarnate to repeat the experience together with different conditions, factors, and variables that can change the unfolding of events.

Now as individuals will they reincarnate in the same family lineage? Like their great, great, great... granddaughter births them and everyone else they knew will also follow and "come from that same boat" so to speak and come back to experience life again with them? Like all the souls that interacted with them will come back in a wave?

This is the only thing that puzzles me... Thus if one reincarnates RIGHT AWAY is this a entirely new soul experience, new people etc. Because it would seem bizarre if they reincarnated in the same family they came from. Ex: A man in his previous life was a father dies, reincarnates right away as the grandson of his own previous family.

Hopefully this can be addressed in the upcoming sermon..
Or maybe I'm using too much logic with this :?:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
