The Alchemist7 said:
darkmonkey666 said:
Yes its very true it happened with one person in my case so far that I am aware of but I really have no idea what determines this or causes this to happen. I dont think it will happen each life though. I am waiting for a Sermon on reincarnation more cause I dont yet fully understand it. I hope I wont have to go through it again though I will try to advance I still have 40 or more years before I am even old so far as human lifespan now is.
It might be due to the links created between the respective souls, like an energy which keep the souls closer for more lifetimes. If you keep having a close relation with a soul, this connection might extend across the lifetimes.
My curiosity is the time it takes for the individual to reincarnate and conditions required for such. Say someone was born in Italy in 1850, and dies in 1915. Now I'm curious as to if this persons soul will just wait in the astral until all members of his generation die(friends, family and people they knew) then when the conditions are cosmically right, they will all reincarnate to repeat the experience together with different conditions, factors, and variables that can change the unfolding of events.
Now as individuals will they reincarnate in the same family lineage? Like their great, great, great... granddaughter births them and everyone else they knew will also follow and "come from that same boat" so to speak and come back to experience life again with them? Like all the souls that interacted with them will come back in a wave?
This is the only thing that puzzles me... Thus if one reincarnates RIGHT AWAY is this a entirely new soul experience, new people etc. Because it would seem bizarre if they reincarnated in the same family they came from. Ex: A man in his previous life was a father dies, reincarnates right away as the grandson of his own previous family.
Hopefully this can be addressed in the upcoming sermon..
Or maybe I'm using too much logic with this :?: