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spell on lottery

How about starting from something small rather than going for a huge lottery. Like program energy to bring you extreme luck lets say in roullete for 40-90 days,play only high chances of winning that is only black and red.
After 90 days of working start with 50$ put on black or red,win. Make it 100 put 100 again make it 200 save 100 put 100 again.Gamble 4 days a week with small amounts. Like this. Now ofc not in one day but in span of an year of doing the same also an year of programming energy for extreme luck in roullete,one should be able to reach some 2000dollars winnings a week,which is more than enough. Personally i feel if one can get enough money to live comfortably and put all his focus on meditations its sufficient.

So,luis did u do lottery thing again? if yes what were results?
I got_abs said:

How about starting from something small rather than going for a huge lottery. Like program energy to bring you extreme luck lets say in roullete for 40-90 days,play only high chances of winning that is only black and red.
After 90 days of working start with 50$ put on black or red,win. Make it 100 put 100 again make it 200 save 100 put 100 again.Gamble 4 days a week with small amounts. Like this. Now ofc not in one day but in span of an year of doing the same also an year of programming energy for extreme luck in roullete,one should be able to reach some 2000dollars winnings a week,which is more than enough. Personally i feel if one can get enough money to live comfortably and put all his focus on meditations its sufficient.

So,luis did u do lottery thing again? if yes what were results?
You could try. Honestly you could even try for something big. I did not try it again but I want to when I have time. One thing I learned is to not try to manifest specific numbers, do a simple affirmation. I think last time I used a complicate affirmation where I tried to manifest specific numbers on a specific day. Keep it simple, for example:"In a positive way for me I now have won the full jackpot on (name of the lottery)".

If you try to do something complex it will not work and this is for every spells, group spells work in a different way and can handle more than one affirmation. If you win don't come here to say it, the enemy is reading these forums too. For how much time you need to do it, I would go for 40 days and see if it worked, if it doesn't then I would do another 40 days cicle until I win. Of course this type of spell needs time and energy, if you are in a bad situation and need money I would do something else.
I got_abs said:

How about starting from something small rather than going for a huge lottery. Like program energy to bring you extreme luck lets say in roullete for 40-90 days,play only high chances of winning that is only black and red.
After 90 days of working start with 50$ put on black or red,win. Make it 100 put 100 again make it 200 save 100 put 100 again.Gamble 4 days a week with small amounts. Like this. Now ofc not in one day but in span of an year of doing the same also an year of programming energy for extreme luck in roullete,one should be able to reach some 2000dollars winnings a week,which is more than enough. Personally i feel if one can get enough money to live comfortably and put all his focus on meditations its sufficient.

So,luis did u do lottery thing again? if yes what were results?

You can achieve that with planetary planification without any workings. Raum on the solar with only 50 reps for a day or two can bring you depending on the planets thousands of dollars easely. It all depends on the power of the individual and total, absolute intent that you already won and winning and will win, in a perpetual present of winning state.

Again I advise against this and any gambling as this is not a way to make money, but a way to experiment when already have money and are advanced just for fun and ego boost. Ego boosting is alright when done right.

Also those that win and know insight, also doing workings for this, while winning a lot of money, would and will stay silent on this subjects as it is self obvious of basic magic workings and manifestation and not a subject to promote to SS elite, young people and newbies. We deal still with reality and gambling, no matter how you amp up your odds and of your succes.

If I win a lot of money doing spiritual work in this, other will try the same and fail. There are n factors why that's so, starting from birth chart, date of gambling, location, workings made and the advancement of the individual which all in all come to the same risk factor that was just influenced but with the same two faced coin.

Apply saturnian discipline on money workings and you will achieve any desired outcome and manifestation without the need of gambling, which has all the odds against the player. The same amount of effort can out put in other manifestation a lot of money and continuation of it.

This incentives to make money from gambling while using workings is based on the instant gratification and instant self validation and rezolve of problems, which is not a way to advance yourself with. This isn't a relation like work smart vs work hard either. 2021 with the internet and physical space has n ways to create wealth.
NakedPluto said:
I got_abs said:

How about starting from something small rather than going for a huge lottery. Like program energy to bring you extreme luck lets say in roullete for 40-90 days,play only high chances of winning that is only black and red.
After 90 days of working start with 50$ put on black or red,win. Make it 100 put 100 again make it 200 save 100 put 100 again.Gamble 4 days a week with small amounts. Like this. Now ofc not in one day but in span of an year of doing the same also an year of programming energy for extreme luck in roullete,one should be able to reach some 2000dollars winnings a week,which is more than enough. Personally i feel if one can get enough money to live comfortably and put all his focus on meditations its sufficient.

So,luis did u do lottery thing again? if yes what were results?

You can achieve that with planetary planification without any workings. Raum on the solar with only 50 reps for a day or two can bring you depending on the planets thousands of dollars easely. It all depends on the power of the individual and total, absolute intent that you already won and winning and will win, in a perpetual present of winning state.

Again I advise against this and any gambling as this is not a way to make money, but a way to experiment when already have money and are advanced just for fun and ego boost. Ego boosting is alright when done right.

Also those that win and know insight, also doing workings for this, while winning a lot of money, would and will stay silent on this subjects as it is self obvious of basic magic workings and manifestation and not a subject to promote to SS elite, young people and newbies. We deal still with reality and gambling, no matter how you amp up your odds and of your succes.

If I win a lot of money doing spiritual work in this, other will try the same and fail. There are n factors why that's so, starting from birth chart, date of gambling, location, workings made and the advancement of the individual which all in all come to the same risk factor that was just influenced but with the same two faced coin.

Apply saturnian discipline on money workings and you will achieve any desired outcome and manifestation without the need of gambling, which has all the odds against the player. The same amount of effort can out put in other manifestation a lot of money and continuation of it.

This incentives to make money from gambling while using workings is based on the instant gratification and instant self validation and rezolve of problems, which is not a way to advance yourself with. This isn't a relation like work smart vs work hard either. 2021 with the internet and physical space has n ways to create wealth.
If anyone is in a bad situation and tgey need money then they better do a spell for a job/money. If you have the time to try then why not.
Goldenage18 said:
Have you ever experienced playing a new lottery game and winning almost immediately but after a while losing without mercy ?...

I was a hardcore gambler and a really Luminous man.
I Ηave a better view on the subject of gambling so and lottery by exrerience.

They choose who will win by how bright he is energetically. Many times when a good person "makes money from gambling" you do not take an oath for how good he is ... You never know what everyone thinks.
Humans become monsters from one moment to the other. And that makes the bright ones stand out.

Many from this forum do not think they are bright because they say hail satan ... Ιf you are bright the magic will never let you win the lottery. it will change your mind and you will enter wrong numbers.Only if you are chosen by Planets you will be very lucky but these are 1%

If a demon believes that you deserve it and sees that you are energetically strong and you have a steel protection aura will give them to you. Why do I say you must be powerful ??

The reason you do not win is because then curses and magic will break you up and your demon keeper will have to fight because you beg for money by the enemy.
Purpose is not demon to fight for you and spend his energy (unless it is an urgent need) but for you to be able to defend yourself

So to finish there is a magic-curse that locates bright people and dissolves them. The goal is to release huge amounts of energy through the grief, sadness and injustice that occurs.

There are also hostile stellar entities that feed on this energy as you eat burgers.
The brighter you are the better energy they eat.
There is no gambling addiction as many say. There is hardcore magic. That is why many people commit suicide. It is impossible to lose 10-20 hours in a row. Mathematics does not work out.
That is why the enemy say that all gambling games belongs and ruled by Satan. To lose everyone and curse the ΟΝΕ who is not guilty of anything.... Lucifer...

Οnce Lucifer and Amon Ra came with me to a gambling club... they fucked their mother all and left in 10 minutes.
At some point I will tell the story cause its very impressive :evil:
example i tried to materialize this numbers 8 16 32 with magick and the numbers that did go out were close 7 15 33, this is what happened

I do not want to disappoint you but that means nothing. Most people fall next to a numbers to give them the impression that they are close to winning and playing over and over again. If you want to hear something really impressive im doing without wasting any energy (and I do it before became a Satanist) I can locate their magic in the deck when I play poker and with 100% I know who will win before their cards are turned and before it is even played the lot.

And I expose them in front of the whole table by saying who will win and who will lose With a success rate of 100% The interesting thing is that usually the one i say that he will win has a winning percentage from 1 to 10% ....
Your best energy investment would be to learn about wealth and finances, even compared to the lottery. This will be longterm, and you may enjoy a life of financial freedom and stability, just by learning.

Not dissuading you out of anything, just showing you a more general approach on the subject.
Luciferchild23 said:
example i tried to materialize this numbers 8 16 32 with magick and the numbers that did go out were close 7 15 33, this is what happened

I do not want to disappoint you but that means nothing. Most people fall next to a numbers to give them the impression that they are close to winning and playing over and over again. If you want to hear something really impressive im doing without wasting any energy (and I do it before became a Satanist) I can locate their magic in the deck when I play poker and with 100% I know who will win before their cards are turned and before it is even played the lot.

And I expose them in front of the whole table by saying who will win and who will lose With a success rate of 100% The interesting thing is that usually the one i say that he will win has a winning percentage from 1 to 10% ....

Don't try to materialize the numbers as it will be like moving a mountain, you will always lack a number or two. Rather remote view the numbers, and this will take practice, as everything does.
Luciferchild23 said:
example i tried to materialize this numbers 8 16 32 with magick and the numbers that did go out were close 7 15 33, this is what happened

I do not want to disappoint you but that means nothing. Most people fall next to a numbers to give them the impression that they are close to winning and playing over and over again. If you want to hear something really impressive im doing without wasting any energy (and I do it before became a Satanist) I can locate their magic in the deck when I play poker and with 100% I know who will win before their cards are turned and before it is even played the lot.

And I expose them in front of the whole table by saying who will win and who will lose With a success rate of 100% The interesting thing is that usually the one i say that he will win has a winning percentage from 1 to 10% ....
Well to me its impressive. I understood that complicate affirmations do not work well. I tried other times with a similar affirmation but not for 40 days and the same thing happened again. I know it can happen without doing a Spell but its because they are actualy trying to manifest those numbers and they only get close. Magic has helped me in other ways. This lottery thing happened a long time ago and was and experiment.
NakedPluto said:
Luciferchild23 said:
example i tried to materialize this numbers 8 16 32 with magick and the numbers that did go out were close 7 15 33, this is what happened

I do not want to disappoint you but that means nothing. Most people fall next to a numbers to give them the impression that they are close to winning and playing over and over again. If you want to hear something really impressive im doing without wasting any energy (and I do it before became a Satanist) I can locate their magic in the deck when I play poker and with 100% I know who will win before their cards are turned and before it is even played the lot.

And I expose them in front of the whole table by saying who will win and who will lose With a success rate of 100% The interesting thing is that usually the one i say that he will win has a winning percentage from 1 to 10% ....

Don't try to materialize the numbers as it will be like moving a mountain, you will always lack a number or two. Rather remote view the numbers, and this will take practice, as everything does.
I agree. I think a more general spell to win the lottery plus remote viewing the numbers is the best. I tried manifesting specific numbers and it not work well, they just were close to the numbers i wanted. Still I learned complicate affirmations do not work well.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Your best energy investment would be to learn about wealth and finances, even compared to the lottery. This will be longterm, and you may enjoy a life of financial freedom and stability, just by learning.

Not dissuading you out of anything, just showing you a more general approach on the subject.
I agree but winning a lot of money and learning how to use them would be the best of both worlds :lol:

Nobody in a dire situation should try to manifest a winning lottery. First a job then when you have the time you can try it. I don't want anyone in a bad situation to think manifesting a lottery win is easy.
Wouldn't this sort of thing draw unnecessary attention to you?
NakedPluto said:
I got_abs said:

How about starting from something small rather than going for a huge lottery. Like program energy to bring you extreme luck lets say in roullete for 40-90 days,play only high chances of winning that is only black and red.
After 90 days of working start with 50$ put on black or red,win. Make it 100 put 100 again make it 200 save 100 put 100 again.Gamble 4 days a week with small amounts. Like this. Now ofc not in one day but in span of an year of doing the same also an year of programming energy for extreme luck in roullete,one should be able to reach some 2000dollars winnings a week,which is more than enough. Personally i feel if one can get enough money to live comfortably and put all his focus on meditations its sufficient.

So,luis did u do lottery thing again? if yes what were results?

You can achieve that with planetary planification without any workings. Raum on the solar with only 50 reps for a day or two can bring you depending on the planets thousands of dollars easely. It all depends on the power of the individual and total, absolute intent that you already won and winning and will win, in a perpetual present of winning state.

Again I advise against this and any gambling as this is not a way to make money, but a way to experiment when already have money and are advanced just for fun and ego boost. Ego boosting is alright when done right.

Also those that win and know insight, also doing workings for this, while winning a lot of money, would and will stay silent on this subjects as it is self obvious of basic magic workings and manifestation and not a subject to promote to SS elite, young people and newbies. We deal still with reality and gambling, no matter how you amp up your odds and of your succes.

If I win a lot of money doing spiritual work in this, other will try the same and fail. There are n factors why that's so, starting from birth chart, date of gambling, location, workings made and the advancement of the individual which all in all come to the same risk factor that was just influenced but with the same two faced coin.

Apply saturnian discipline on money workings and you will achieve any desired outcome and manifestation without the need of gambling, which has all the odds against the player. The same amount of effort can out put in other manifestation a lot of money and continuation of it.

This incentives to make money from gambling while using workings is based on the instant gratification and instant self validation and rezolve of problems, which is not a way to advance yourself with. This isn't a relation like work smart vs work hard either. 2021 with the internet and physical space has n ways to create wealth.
Which chakra correlates to attracting a love connection with someone else ? Is it the heart chakra ?
I would rather go gamble in a casino than play the lottery. I usually have good luck. My mom aswel she was betting on horse raceing the other time and she won a lot of money.
The lottery is a jewish scam.
"Goyim buy the ticket and you might have a small chance of winning the prize!"
luis said:
You could try. Honestly you could even try for something big. I did not try it again but I want to when I have time. One thing I learned is to not try to manifest specific numbers, do a simple affirmation. I think last time I used a complicate affirmation where I tried to manifest specific numbers on a specific day. Keep it simple, for example:"In a positive way for me I now have won the full jackpot on (name of the lottery)".

If you try to do something complex it will not work and this is for every spells, group spells work in a different way and can handle more than one affirmation. If you win don't come here to say it, the enemy is reading these forums too. For how much time you need to do it, I would go for 40 days and see if it worked, if it doesn't then I would do another 40 days cicle until I win. Of course this type of spell needs time and energy, if you are in a bad situation and need money I would do something else.

Yeah complex affirmation dont usually work well unless one is really advanced. I have learned that from others experiences on forums,and also from mine. You tried bringing the specific number which takes a lot and lot of energy, in a way you are changing a already set number while others also strongly desire to win it.
Who knew if you programmed it simpler you would have randomly picked the winning number or found a lottery ticket lying somewhere or someone gives you the lottery ticket thinking its useless.
Thanks for the advice and also for your concern,fortunately i m not in a bad situation.
NakedPluto said:
You can achieve that with planetary planification without any workings. Raum on the solar with only 50 reps for a day or two can bring you depending on the planets thousands of dollars easely.

But brother wont doing raum on just solar chakra empower just solar and create imbalance of energies in chakras? I also saw this in your money working and i always wanted to ask about it. I guess doing it for short amount of time for like 2-4 days dont create imabalances,doing it for longer periods like 40 days does? Have i self answered myself?

NakedPluto said:
If I win a lot of money doing spiritual work in this, other will try the same and fail. There are n factors why that's so, starting from birth chart, date of gambling, location, workings made and the advancement of the individual which all in all come to the same risk factor that was just influenced but with the same two faced coin.
Apply saturnian discipline on money workings and you will achieve any desired outcome and manifestation without the need of gambling, which has all the odds against the player. The same amount of effort can out put in other manifestation a lot of money and continuation of it.

Yeah i have some people here comparing their workings with others. They dont really look in other factors why they failed. Imbalances of elements can be another huge factor as why workings fail. I read on forums little of earth element in soul will only draw less amount of money even if they do a lot of workings.
That brings me to another question how do we know when elements have balanced in our soul? Now imbalances can be seen on natal chart but how we will know that the soul is completely balanced in elements?

I m sorry,but what is saturnian discipline?
You could try. Honestly you could even try for something big. I did not try it again but I want to when I have time. One thing I learned is to not try to manifest specific numbers, do a simple affirmation. I think last time I used a complicate affirmation where I tried to manifest specific numbers on a specific day. Keep it simple, for example:"In a positive way for me I now have won the full jackpot on (name of the lottery)".

I just happen to notice that the example of affirmation you gave is in past tense brother. does it work like that or you mistyped? Shouldnt it be "now i m winning"
Just curious if affirmation works if we state them in "have already achieved" way,rather than "now i m achieving" :roll:
I got_abs said:
You could try. Honestly you could even try for something big. I did not try it again but I want to when I have time. One thing I learned is to not try to manifest specific numbers, do a simple affirmation. I think last time I used a complicate affirmation where I tried to manifest specific numbers on a specific day. Keep it simple, for example:"In a positive way for me I now have won the full jackpot on (name of the lottery)".

I just happen to notice that the example of affirmation you gave is in past tense brother. does it work like that or you mistyped? Shouldnt it be "now i m winning"
Just curious if affirmation works if we state them in "have already achieved" way,rather than "now i m achieving" :roll:
Sorry i mistyped it, use the present tense with affirmations. What I wrote just means that it already happened, honestly I don't know if it would work that way, what matter I think its your intention, so maybe it could work.
luis said:
Luciferchild23 said:
example i tried to materialize this numbers 8 16 32 with magick and the numbers that did go out were close 7 15 33, this is what happened

I do not want to disappoint you but that means nothing. Most people fall next to a numbers to give them the impression that they are close to winning and playing over and over again. If you want to hear something really impressive im doing without wasting any energy (and I do it before became a Satanist) I can locate their magic in the deck when I play poker and with 100% I know who will win before their cards are turned and before it is even played the lot.

And I expose them in front of the whole table by saying who will win and who will lose With a success rate of 100% The interesting thing is that usually the one i say that he will win has a winning percentage from 1 to 10% ....
Well to me its impressive. I understood that complicate affirmations do not work well. I tried other times with a similar affirmation but not for 40 days and the same thing happened again. I know it can happen without doing a Spell but its because they are actualy trying to manifest those numbers and they only get close. Magic has helped me in other ways. This lottery thing happened a long time ago and was and experiment.

Understood! However, from personal experience and from events that I have seen with my eyes and in front of others (all of them Christians) I can tell you that nothing is impossible. I believe that the human mind with the energy of magic meditation and the guidance of demons can achieve whatever it wants. I have caught 3 jackpots at the age of 6-7 years old in the slots in 4 pulls.Ι have been dismantling all the slots for years.Once they brought the police to see if it was a scam and finally they took down the slot machines and a truck came and took them ... So Keep trying and you and all of us.

Finally I will tell you something very important. I asked Lucifer and Amon Ra to come with me to the card-playing club and prove to me what they could do. Do not take it as derogatory or disrespect to them. I did not become a Satanist on my own. Satan himself called me so I have a different relationship with him that must have a solid foundations of trust for reasons I know. I inform you that in 10 minutes they turned the club upside down and intervened in real time in the deck and made some people curse Christ and virgin. (Typical Christian rubbish)

So they can intervene if they want in any lottery they want and in whatever they want. They just will not do it because all this is controlled by the enemy. And when you ask them to intervene in such matters, in essence, you beg the enemy to give you money and at the same time the demons to fight for this goal, which spiritually is bullshit and nothing more ...
Jack said:
Which chakra correlates to attracting a love connection with someone else ? Is it the heart chakra ?

How about the moon mantra, holding main focus on the heart, but also on your entire and her entire soul?

I am also interested in this, let’s wait what senpai says.
Jack said:
Which chakra correlates to attracting a love connection with someone else ? Is it the heart chakra ?

How about the moon mantra, holding main focus on the heart, but also on your entire and her entire soul?

I am also interested in this, let’s wait what senpai says.
Jack said:

NakedPluto said:

Any ideas or suggestions/experience how to connect to another person, so you can detect her? Knowing in which direction she is and so on?

Is there a very efficient and controlled way to do so?
NinRick said:
Jack said:

NakedPluto said:

Any ideas or suggestions/experience how to connect to another person, so you can detect her? Knowing in which direction she is and so on?

Is there a very efficient and controlled way to do so?
You need to have chakra connections. Visualizing Connections as silver strands between your chakra and theirs. The best to establish this is by orgasm. Then when you just tune into the person, you will know where they are (if you astral eyes and ears are open I.e.)
Luciferchild23 said:
luis said:
Luciferchild23 said:
example i tried to materialize this numbers 8 16 32 with magick and the numbers that did go out were close 7 15 33, this is what happened

I do not want to disappoint you but that means nothing. Most people fall next to a numbers to give them the impression that they are close to winning and playing over and over again. If you want to hear something really impressive im doing without wasting any energy (and I do it before became a Satanist) I can locate their magic in the deck when I play poker and with 100% I know who will win before their cards are turned and before it is even played the lot.

And I expose them in front of the whole table by saying who will win and who will lose With a success rate of 100% The interesting thing is that usually the one i say that he will win has a winning percentage from 1 to 10% ....
Well to me its impressive. I understood that complicate affirmations do not work well. I tried other times with a similar affirmation but not for 40 days and the same thing happened again. I know it can happen without doing a Spell but its because they are actualy trying to manifest those numbers and they only get close. Magic has helped me in other ways. This lottery thing happened a long time ago and was and experiment.

Understood! However, from personal experience and from events that I have seen with my eyes and in front of others (all of them Christians) I can tell you that nothing is impossible. I believe that the human mind with the energy of magic meditation and the guidance of demons can achieve whatever it wants. I have caught 3 jackpots at the age of 6-7 years old in the slots in 4 pulls.Ι have been dismantling all the slots for years.Once they brought the police to see if it was a scam and finally they took down the slot machines and a truck came and took them ... So Keep trying and you and all of us.

Finally I will tell you something very important. I asked Lucifer and Amon Ra to come with me to the card-playing club and prove to me what they could do. Do not take it as derogatory or disrespect to them. I did not become a Satanist on my own. Satan himself called me so I have a different relationship with him that must have a solid foundations of trust for reasons I know. I inform you that in 10 minutes they turned the club upside down and intervened in real time in the deck and made some people curse Christ and virgin. (Typical Christian rubbish)

So they can intervene if they want in any lottery they want and in whatever they want. They just will not do it because all this is controlled by the enemy. And when you ask them to intervene in such matters, in essence, you beg the enemy to give you money and at the same time the demons to fight for this goal, which spiritually is bullshit and nothing more ...
Maybe you had a coffee with them too?
NinRick said:
Jack said:

NakedPluto said:

Any ideas or suggestions/experience how to connect to another person, so you can detect her? Knowing in which direction she is and so on?

Is there a very efficient and controlled way to do so?

Astral project in physical and teleport to person if you remeber the face. you can find where she is. Merging consciousness might work too but i m not sure about it,cleaning is must after merging. I m interested in knowing other ways too other than astral,waiting for the pro pluto to share his wisdom with us.
Jack said:
NinRick said:
Jack said:

NakedPluto said:

Any ideas or suggestions/experience how to connect to another person, so you can detect her? Knowing in which direction she is and so on?

Is there a very efficient and controlled way to do so?
You need to have chakra connections. Visualizing Connections as silver strands between your chakra and theirs. The best to establish this is by orgasm. Then when you just tune into the person, you will know where they are (if you astral eyes and ears are open I.e.)

Okay thank you for the Information Jack!
That’s exactly what I wanted.

I got_abs said:
NinRick said:
Jack said:

NakedPluto said:

Any ideas or suggestions/experience how to connect to another person, so you can detect her? Knowing in which direction she is and so on?

Is there a very efficient and controlled way to do so?

Astral project in physical and teleport to person if you remeber the face. you can find where she is. Merging consciousness might work too but i m not sure about it,cleaning is must after merging. I m interested in knowing other ways too other than astral,waiting for the pro pluto to share his wisdom with us.
I am not able to leave my body yet, and also I need to be able to do it while I am in my body, I can not just drop unconscious haha.
Thanks for the input tho.
Wow it has been 3 years since I wrote this topic :)
I'm Not trying to demoralize anyone in there but I have to say I've given up on lottery long ago :roll: .
In the end it's not worth the time and money, no guarantee after all, it's plain experimentation.
There are better ways to make money.
NinRick said:
Jack said:
NinRick said:
Any ideas or suggestions/experience how to connect to another person, so you can detect her? Knowing in which direction she is and so on?

Is there a very efficient and controlled way to do so?
You need to have chakra connections. Visualizing Connections as silver strands between your chakra and theirs. The best to establish this is by orgasm. Then when you just tune into the person, you will know where they are (if you astral eyes and ears are open I.e.)

Okay thank you for the Information Jack!
That’s exactly what I wanted.

I got_abs said:
NinRick said:
Jack said:

NakedPluto said:

Any ideas or suggestions/experience how to connect to another person, so you can detect her? Knowing in which direction she is and so on?

Is there a very efficient and controlled way to do so?

Astral project in physical and teleport to person if you remeber the face. you can find where she is. Merging consciousness might work too but i m not sure about it,cleaning is must after merging. I m interested in knowing other ways too other than astral,waiting for the pro pluto to share his wisdom with us.
I am not able to leave my body yet, and also I need to be able to do it while I am in my body, I can not just drop unconscious haha.
Thanks for the input tho.

Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
Get very comfortable and relaxed. Clear your mind and tune into
your breathing for a few minutes. Breath in for a count of 4, hold for
a count of 4, exhale for a count of 4. Do this 5 times, no more. You
should now hardly feel your body.

Picture the person as clearly as you can, standing, facing you.
Charge up all of your chakras by placing a blazing sun of light
around each one. With a silver strand of light, coming from the
light/energy you placed around each chakra, reach this strand to
connect the other person's chakras to your own, each one in its own
turn, beginning with the base chakra. When you connect, (take your
time here to do a good job) place the blazing sun around each of
their's so that you both have an energy link.

Pass the energy back and forth along the silver strands with each
breath, yours into them, their's into you. Do this for a while. When
finished, tune into your own breathing, clear your mind, when ready
slowly get up. When you are standing, say "So it is done."
When you think this person might be asleep, connect again. You can
masturbate and drive the energy of your orgasm into them. Anytime
you wish to influence this person, just tune in. You already have a
connection. The feelings and thoughs will eventually take on a life of
their own. You will also pick up on their feelings and sometimes
thoughts. You will have a great deal of influence here.

If you decide to break the connection, see "removing unwanted
entities from your soul."

This is from 2005
Sorry my brothers I don't have time to respond for the time being. Nothing too fancy on love chakras and things like these. I would focus on the pair of pineal and sacral and the throat.

But the pineal with enough intent can start the chemical reactions in the brain needed for a "in love" feeling. The pituitary gland is connected to the throat.
You have to mirror the connection on the sacral as well.

I'm small on time it is possible I'm mistaken.
I got_abs said:
NakedPluto said:
You can achieve that with planetary planification without any workings. Raum on the solar with only 50 reps for a day or two can bring you depending on the planets thousands of dollars easely.

But brother wont doing raum on just solar chakra empower just solar and create imbalance of energies in chakras? I also saw this in your money working and i always wanted to ask about it. I guess doing it for short amount of time for like 2-4 days dont create imabalances,doing it for longer periods like 40 days does? Have i self answered myself?

NakedPluto said:
If I win a lot of money doing spiritual work in this, other will try the same and fail. There are n factors why that's so, starting from birth chart, date of gambling, location, workings made and the advancement of the individual which all in all come to the same risk factor that was just influenced but with the same two faced coin.
Apply saturnian discipline on money workings and you will achieve any desired outcome and manifestation without the need of gambling, which has all the odds against the player. The same amount of effort can out put in other manifestation a lot of money and continuation of it.

Yeah i have some people here comparing their workings with others. They dont really look in other factors why they failed. Imbalances of elements can be another huge factor as why workings fail. I read on forums little of earth element in soul will only draw less amount of money even if they do a lot of workings.
That brings me to another question how do we know when elements have balanced in our soul? Now imbalances can be seen on natal chart but how we will know that the soul is completely balanced in elements?

I m sorry,but what is saturnian discipline?

The affirmation must be on the solar to attract the money. 40 days is a lot, for a start do 9 days or until you get the money.

Saturnian discipline meaning very serious and precise routine and structure of workings and actions. Build a powerful base, grounding of the working and you will have a lot of influence of reality.
I got_abs said:
NinRick said:
Jack said:

NakedPluto said:

Any ideas or suggestions/experience how to connect to another person, so you can detect her? Knowing in which direction she is and so on?

Is there a very efficient and controlled way to do so?

Astral project in physical and teleport to person if you remeber the face. you can find where she is. Merging consciousness might work too but i m not sure about it,cleaning is must after merging. I m interested in knowing other ways too other than astral,waiting for the pro pluto to share his wisdom with us.

There is also foresight. Using your 3rd eye, focus on the individual, feel her energy, and focus on what you want to find out.

Another way could be to "visit" her while she is sleeping, so that she will be more receptive, and talk to her, ask her what you want to know. She could even remember this as a dream.

As for the astral, if this is about a person you like/are attracted to, you could even use this to try to tease her and see if she is open to that. Use your astral body. If she is receptive, she could also follow your mood. And she will probably not physically notice this happening if she isn't sensitive enough to the astral, but it could help in creating a "positive" opinion about you. Also, if you are physically close to her, like talking in front of her, and start doing this, it could be mindblowing, if she is sensitive enough to the astral.

As for the chakras, both 4th and 6th are good for love magic. It depends on what you aim for.
NakedPluto said:
The affirmation must be on the solar to attract the money. 40 days is a lot, for a start do 9 days or until you get the money.

Saturnian discipline meaning very serious and precise routine and structure of workings and actions. Build a powerful base, grounding of the working and you will have a lot of influence of reality.

Ohhhhh i didnt know that the mantras of chakras can be used to attract the things which a particular chakra rules,with a proper affirmation. Thanks a lot for this brother.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
