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Solving The Enemy Problem - RTR Schedule 5th of August to 9th of August [Concluded]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
After we have been greatly successful with our latest Rituals, it is necessary that we do a short spiritual warfare schedule against the enemy to push them back. As we can see, they are on a high level of activity as per usual.

Less and less of this will be necessary but we will do co-ordinated strong attacks on them. Coupled by the fact that the Gods will assist us, and the fact that the enemy is moving towards the cliffs, all we have to do is keep the path open for this to occur so to speak.

The case of jews has unfortunately spread itself like a disease far and wide on this earth. The jews were not only irrelevant, but they were known by everyone to be superstitious, insane and arrogant. Inherently, they harbor many of the most glaringly nonspiritual and evil tendencies compared to all other people on earth.

Their blasphemies have no end to themselves, including the fact that they stole the culture of all other Nations they came in contact with, later on representing it as their "own", causing internal downfall for civilization after civilization. They boastfully declare they enjoy and love desecration and killing of everyone else, based solely on unverified claims.

To add insult to injury, they claim that this was the work of "God". And didn't you know? "God" is exclusively owned by them, and speaks only to the Jews personally. As one can understand, these people have nothing to do with "God", or rather, "God" has nothing to do with them. This is all fanciful talk for their excessive spiritual efforts to forcibly take over everyone else.

People were as retarded to believe this as Christianity and Islam left them without culture or knowledge of the Gods or what is Divine. In that gap, the jews were able to procure and expand a crusade of lies, that blinded humanity for a very long time.

After a few centuries, the combined situation of human ignorance and the systematic expansion of this by jews for their own benefit, added with the corruption of a few individuals, got us to where we are today. It didn't take all that much.

Not sure if everyone has been watching the news on Taiwan. Clearly, the enemy is itching like a crack addict to cause WW3. The show of the enemy is still being enforced.

People still whine about the flu that leaves people "sick" for 2 days, or we have constant memes about weather lockdowns, eating bugs, dystopianism, WW3 - generally everything excreted out of the retardation of the jews.

If you literally sit down and think to yourself why any of this is happening, you will not find any explanation. The world was going fine, until in late 2019 "something" decided it should start going into chaos mode. That "something" is the enemy, who, on fear of exposure, decided to do what they do best: Wars and Crisis for human distraction and to procure misery.

The TV programs are as following now: "Guess what also goy, because the two jews have an unceasing war, all of a cohencidental sudden, all prices will be on the rise and guess what further goy, another coincidence, we might cut electricity our and natural gas supply on you goy, oy vey. That might incur a global warming or energy shortage or whatever goy, lockdown. Just be on the fear of wars and lockdown permanently goy. Did you get your 8th shot yet? Oy vey, it's only 2022. What a great Cohencidence like Co-Vid this is. Oy gevalt, oy vey this aint' the Torah goy this is just a coincidence.".

Indeed, that is very good that is happening, because this will ensure that the jews will receive collective punishment. We are only here to accelerate this already formed hammer of justice that will fall on them. They must by all means intensify their great sacrilege until the reaper of their debts shows up once again.

Of course, that should not concern us, as the jews will perish in the holocaust they are attempting to create for everyone else. Regardless, it is very interesting to see how all of this unfolds. Satanists will survive and be blessed during these times, while Jews will offload all the universe's negative energy on themselves as they move towards their collective damnation.

The two jewish frontmen of the times are also inviting great curses and problems on the Jewish people on whose behalf they act to enforce the "Great Reset".

We get to live another reckless and nonsensical war from Zelensky, a well known literal Jew, fighting against Putin which is a crypto jew. Clearly the two jews cannot reach any understanding as the rivers of blood keep flowing endlessly between Ukraine and Russia. As the river keeps flowing, they want to continue.

This on top of everything will credit on the jewish people a great penalty of causing too, except of financial damnation, a chain of events that lead the civilized world into a form of indirect or direct megatons of damage. For what we can say, it's great that the jews are literally trying to force things through, it's getting worse on them by the day, and the weight of their own transgressions is the greatest manifestation of their own failure.

The existence of the enemy is a lot like a flu. Because we humans live short, we take this seriously, but this topic is only partly serious to the Gods, who see the enemy as finished already.

Now, in regards to those who think about the RTR's, we have to also mention that the new Rituals are very important and they allow the Gods to act directly on the effort, inviting them to act alongside us and help us all. None of this has happened for Gentiles for who knows how many centuries.

The Rituals of the Gods are directly tied not only on ourselves but the universe, and our collective existence as Gentiles. They also affect largely other Gentiles and do show the Gods that we are not a lost case collectively as a species, which is basically what we have been readily showing them for many centuries during which the large mass of humanity only cursed it's own Gods while very few of us that were "in the know" about their beauty and goodness had to live under persecution from the pitchfork masses of the stupid people that bought the Jewish fairytales borne out of the schizoid minds of jews.

The reason our Deities ended up blasphemed and slandered, is because of deeper notions of what they represent and control in the universe. That will soon be a product of the falsehood of the past.

More important than the jews are the people here, and blessing the Gentiles, who have remained without blessings and without Gods for centuries. To spend all our time just going against the virus will again act as an impediment that will not allow people to advance.

Advancing is necessary to remove the jews, compared to "fighting" them. "Fighting" them from the perspective of fallen, unspiritual and a retarded level never has worked. Instead, if Gentiles grew closer to the Gods, did become spiritual, and ascended themselves higher, then their efforts would matter as they would fight the problems the jews capitalize upon on their real root.

The enemy capitalizes on human stupidity, ignorance, lack of knowledge - and through these they create the so called "Goyim" or slave. If these are addressed, they will no longer be able to create nothing. Jews are where they are because Gentiles are Godless, careless, lazy, underachieved, and have left the collective fate of themselves and their Nations into literal chance.

Part of this was caused by the enemy, and part of this is because people took the wrong path and circumstances took a toll on them. Now the chance is readily available to reverse that.

Solving great problems that procure the removal of light in humanity, does indeed solve the enemy's damage in the fastest way.

The Old Satanic Freemasons and other visionaries who saw this knew that this was a long way from their time. They knew how much ignorance, illiteracy, hopelessness, lack of hygiene, and lack of development feeds all that we call "jewish".

If you read the Old Testament, it's only literally a bogus low level existence of dung. It's rife with rape, conquest, murder, death, stupidity and foolish claims of the jews. This is the level of stupidity they want humanity to exist into, and their "God" glorifies this state of stupidity, which only in the first pages of this manuscript of death, is described as a consequence of humanity's "Fall" from the higher levels of consciousness.

And of course, the enemy feasts on this level of consciousness to subvert what they refer to as "Goyim".

Our primary goal is to help ourselves and leave this world a better place, so that the vermin has no longer it's necessary nutrients, which are all based in the "human fall" and human misery. The more we heal in that regard and rise higher, the enemy will be readily diminished.

If a virus or infection manifests itself within certain parameters and conditions, treating the virus only is pointless. The very same conditions will give again rise to another variation of the virus. In this case, we have to solve the conditions mentioned above, and the virus will itself disappear.

The combination of Spiritual Warfare and our New Rituals will solve even more of this. Even what we have today is enough to stop them, PROVIDED people do what is necessitated of them.

Below is the Schedule for the next days. After this, there will be a relaxation period for all.

The RTR Schedule is short but this means that we will have to focus intently on this.


5th. FRTR, Curse Israel, 72
6th. FRTR, Curse Israel, 72
7th. FRTR, Curse Israel, 72
8th. FRTR, Curse Israel, 72
9th. FRTR, Curse Israel, 72

Curse Israel - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/CurseIsraelRitual.html
72 - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/72.html
FRTR https://satanslibrary.org/tspaintableb.html
Excellent! :twisted: I knew this was coming soon. Starting exactly on Lammas Day, enemy spiritual attacks bumped up, and I knew we'd be countering soon.
Everyone don't hesitate also to ask the Gods for help with the latest Rituals or any other Ritual. They are with us and we must never forget this. Also send the enemy all your negative energy and let them rot in what they envisioned they would create for everyone else.
I am very happy for this schedule. I am sure it will definitely help with the latest attacks as have our latest rituals to the Gods. Thank you for them HP! Lets crush the enemy! :twisted:

I did the one ritual For Azazel, especially for Lammas Day, and that same feeling of bliss and complete peace came over me for a long time as it did 2 days ago before it. It was the very same energy, and it has happened in the past as well when I attempted to lash out at someone on the astral. It almost felt like a comforting weighted blanket of sorts combined with a gentle means of restraint. I was always wondering who this was, but I am still not certain.
When will we be doing race awakening rituals again some said there’s even a new race awakening ritual in the works.
jews and greys,
you will enjoy this one, you dirty coronaviruses, make sure to wear a mask when we curse you 🖕
and after that don't forget to take a shot and two for you***!
I shit on Hanukkah! 💩
We fight back at all costs! The enemy is getting more and more desperate, as they know their end is coming soon. It is inevitable.

I will also keep performing the ritual for Abrasax for 3 more days, considering I was late 3 days when I started. I ended up opening my heart to him, about some personal issues I am going through, even though it was somewhat unrelated to things ruled by Him, but I couldn't help but feel the way I feel, and that hindered my ability to deliver 100% focus into the ritual. And, without going into much detail, the line "O Holy Abrasax, you lead the way out of the prison of ignorance!" manifested into my life in a way I wasn't quite expecting, and it helped me considerably, I am very grateful for that.
I had a hunch that the Russia-Ukraine War was just another "meat-grinder", didn't expect that to be true though. Great sermon HP, funny thing, I was trying to curse Israel using a self-made ritual a few weeks ago. One day, one of the Gods told me over telepathy "your request to destroy Israel has been received." :eek: :cool: I guess this is the rest of the response I've been waiting on.

I have been experiencing an incredible and unbelievable level of push-back and conflict mixed with confusion. I have the worst possible nightmare case of ADHD imaginable and am compelled by force to withdraw from phenylethylamine based stimulant drugs all whilst doing a ton of housework.

The best I can do is to do my best at vibrating these runic things as often and properly as I can. Maxine did not hesitate to publicly stand up for her beliefs. I too was met by Father in a Roman Catholic sanctuary of worship, and... the rest will be history. I never went the atheistic route as she did, nor did we ever meet, but I am driven to tears at times for finding this wonderful ministry, and I would LOVE nothing more than to serve in whatever capacity I am able to...


REVAN // "vaultzero"
I was excited about this schedule as I was reading your words HP. Time to give them a little push closer to the edge!!!
YEESSS!!!!⚡⚡💀⚡⚡ AWESOME!!!😜😁
For all the rituals this year I have been hearing the word stupidity in my mind I thought that I was cursing the ritual at times but recently with abrasax ritual I heard him utter the full sentence of end the stupidity I wasn't aware that this was them I always powered through it and add power to their rituals I saw much great darkness lifted in the last one and it shows with pathetic normies actually calling them out or the enemies own bribed puppets actually turning around and saying vaccines were a massive deadly scam caused by Jews I was like I knew I would eventually see this day but it sounds almost odd to hear it coming out of the mouths of even their most retarded Christians saying this I think I almost gave them a slow clap for the handicaps nearly when they raise their weapons to the Jews they will deserve an actual applause out of me lol.

A bit of a savage one I know but I have known since I was 10 that the government was full of shit so for these numpties to be waking up to it now it's like they move in slow motion and we move super fast now they are beginning to pick up the pace.
*Ultrakill cybergrind begins playing in the background as a familiar ball of fire lights up in the distance*
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Very lovely post High Priest. I actually feel really good. I dunno why it took me so long to get to this point. But I'm really happy to be doing this ritual with all of you. All I see is what's important in life now. My life has been so blessed, because of the work that all of you have put in. I wish you all a very Happy Lammas Day.

From the bottom of my Heart, thank you Cobra, thank you everyone, for all that you have done. Wishing you the Best in life. May your lives be Blessed by Father Satan.
When I think we may not live to see them fall, since "soon" for the Gods is not soon for us, I take encouragement in the fact that we will thank ourselves in the next lives. Maybe we'll be born when the Golden Age had already started and have all the means that currently aren't. Let's crush them! :twisted: And who knows, the sooner the better.
I'm charged to obliterate the kikes out of existence! This recent ritual honoring Abraxas has made me feel very clear minded and focused on enemy destruction in a balanced way.
All hate the local Gentiles feel that have no direction or target will be guided into this RTR by me and my GD!
Curse the jews to pieces! To nonexistence of jews!
Hail Satan and the unstoppable powers of Hell!
The enemy has been attacking me more frequently these days.
But i dont give a shit honestly they are already done for.
I can feel the excitement in this post. Thank you Cobra 🖤🤘
Thank you hphc! You’re a blessing! Satan has been a brilliant god to me! Even though times have been hard here and there, I’m smarter have more knowledge and can see the truth more and more! Blessings to all spiritual satanists!
Beautiful. Perfectly coincides with the Jewish "Valentine" when pissrael dropped an SADM bomb on Beirut port in 2019. The city and country are still suffering as a result. Let's rebound their negative karma tenfold on them.

Moreover, the jews by themselves could not have succeeded in bringing down the world to their rotten level. Their extraterrestrials were with them all the time, they call them angels and "God"/JHVH. They are these extraterrestrials that destroyed the ancient world; the jews are too insignificant to have been able to create such damagE on their own.
This is a publication about the latest wave of rituals,but it is also a great sermon.

However, you surprised me,to you publish a new schedule so soon.
Which I am happy about,before the start of the schedule(at least more than one day) you published this.
At least this gives me some a few time to prepare again.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyone don't hesitate also to ask the Gods for help with the latest Rituals or any other Ritual. They are with us and we must never forget this. Also send the enemy all your negative energy and let them rot in what they envisioned they would create for everyone else.
Thank you for this short,but at the same time very valuable information.

Shadowcat said:
Lets crush the enemy! :twisted:
Yes!My very sweet sister.
(Unrelated, but a certain product of the RTRs)
Will you be doing a sermon about the world returning slowly but surely to Paganism?
The latest "in the news" are the Egyptians embracing the old Egypt's Pharaohs and Rituals.
Naturally, the Pisslamist leaders NOT being happy about it by the slightest... :twisted: :twisted:
Osiris Silvio said:
Beautiful. Perfectly coincides with the Jewish "Valentine" when pissrael dropped an SADM bomb on Beirut port in 2019. The city and country are still suffering as a result. Let's rebound their negative karma tenfold on them.

Moreover, the jews by themselves could not have succeeded in bringing down the world to their rotten level. Their extraterrestrials were with them all the time, they call them angels and "God"/JHVH. They are these extraterrestrials that destroyed the ancient world; the jews are too insignificant to have been able to create such damagE on their own.

Dad was telling me about his time in the army there a few days ago, he was born in Beruit. Kikes would come to the border of Lebanon and Palestinians would also go fuck up Israeli solders during downtime :lol: There was this one time an israeli captain came to the Lebanese border after someone started something, and he did some shit and then someone from my dad's crew ganked him * :lol: :lol: :lol:

The kikes reeed ofcourse and then there was this air raid for days apparently.

Wanna help me hold their feet? We can do it like back in the day and swamp these rats :twisted:
They will reap what they sowed. The Ancient Greeks said that the souls of the worst of the worsts were sent to Tartarus, a place of fire and torture where they would be held accountable for all the evil and injustice they did to other people (we are talking about real evil, nothing like the christian hell where if you don't worship Yahweh as a slave you are sent there forever as a revenge). And even if i don't believe in any divine punishment in general, in the case of the Jews i believe they have so much negative karma against them that they won't get away with anything less. The punishment that's coming for them is horrible and they deserve it all !!!
Shadowcat said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Beautiful. Perfectly coincides with the Jewish "Valentine" when pissrael dropped an SADM bomb on Beirut port in 2019. The city and country are still suffering as a result. Let's rebound their negative karma tenfold on them.

Moreover, the jews by themselves could not have succeeded in bringing down the world to their rotten level. Their extraterrestrials were with them all the time, they call them angels and "God"/JHVH. They are these extraterrestrials that destroyed the ancient world; the jews are too insignificant to have been able to create such damagE on their own.

Dad was telling me about his time in the army there a few days ago, he was born in Beruit. Kikes would come to the border of Lebanon and Palestinians would also go fuck up Israeli solders during downtime :lol: There was this one time an israeli captain came to the Lebanese border after someone started something, and he did some shit and then someone from my dad's crew ganked him * :lol: :lol: :lol:

The kikes reeed ofcourse and then there was this air raid for days apparently.

Wanna help me hold their feet? We can do it like back in the day and swamp these rats :twisted:

Hello Sister! I appreciate your passion! You are very fierce, and a force for them to be reckoned with. We want to run out into the sun like brazen warriors.

There's a small issue, you are talking about having someone assist you in murder and committing violent acts. This can cause us to lose our forum, also FBI can easily find your identity and show up at your house.

Please be careful Sister! Just looking out for you! Hope you have a good week!

Give em Hell Spiritually! :)
I have two more questions about the ritual of the 72 names.

In the affirmation should I vibrate SATANAS and AUM only at the end, or should I vibrate SATANAS and AUM 6 times?

I wanted to do the ritual of the 72 names using the paper as well, how do I erase the names?
Is it like the spiritual cabalistic square?
Do I start from the last one on the left and proceed to the right in serpentine style?
Just read the news recently and holy shit…SOMEONE NEEDS TO TAKE OUT WINNIE THE FERAL FUCK WITH RABIES ALONG WITH NANCY THE KIKE WITCH. Things are really about to blow up.

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to clarify if we're still doing the Final RTRs at 0:00:00 war room time, and the schedule rituals at 1:00:00?

Thanks in advance.
Hooded Cobra, I find it hard always to follow all :( ... I do my best <3
Thank you for all!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Now, in regards to those who think about the RTR's, we have to also mention that the new Rituals are very important and they allow the Gods to act directly on the effort, inviting them to act alongside us and help us all. None of this has happened for Gentiles for who knows how many centuries.

Wow! :cool:
Greetings. Can we trace over the words with a pen after vibrating them, as to erase them, in the 72 and Curse Israel Rituals, like in the FRTR?
I suppose, that we only do this in destructive Rituals.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
