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Solving The Enemy Problem - RTR Schedule 5th of August to 9th of August [Concluded]

As i memorized the ritual of the 72 names, many visions came to me out of nowhere of when i was rejected for not being like other people financially, culturally, also mistreated by people who were already close to me :?
Does anyone know why? while i was listening to the mp3 on the site.
FRTR Tools - https://mega.nz/folder/MnQ2kZbY#i4ggfY3e8bfqziYmFFz0Kw/folder/o65h3aSQ

Curse Israel - https://web.archive.org/web/20220616111041/https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/CurseIsraelRitual.html

72 Names - https://web.archive.org/web/20220616111041/https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/72.html

Timing offensive and online RTR - https://evilgoy.com/
nebu said:
As i memorized the ritual of the 72 names, many visions came to me out of nowhere of when i was rejected for not being like other people financially, culturally, also mistreated by people who were already close to me :?
Does anyone know why? while i was listening to the mp3 on the site.

This happened to me too the very first time I did that ritual long time ago, I loved that ritual as much as the curse israel and 72 stinking names.

What you experienced is simply an enemy projection of their retaliation. Try subverting it in your mind to people acquainting with you as some yhwh name chains bound to you break away, give the kike enemy the middle finger in response the same way ukraine soldiers told a russian warship to go fuck itself.
Hp Cobra I have a question for you.

During the 72's Ritual, after doing FRTR and Curse Israel' Ritual, I felt a lot of negative energy accumulating and while i was vibrating the first paragraph for the third time(the last) I felt my body hurting but it was I different kind of pain, I felt like "someone" was attacking me. in fact it was a bit difficult to finish the Ritual.
Afterwards I cleaned my Aura,chakra and Soul and I did my daily AOP and the pain went away.

Is this normal? Do you think the enemy was attacking me?

I might upgrade my AOP.
Dark Lawyer said:
I did the ritual on the 5th, but after sunset. Is that okay?
Veritá_666 said:
Are the 72 names to be vibrated all in a row and then repeated three times?
Or do I vibrate one name three times and then move on to the next?

You vibrate a name three times, then the next name three times, and so on.
Veritá_666 said:
I have two more questions about the ritual of the 72 names.

In the affirmation should I vibrate SATANAS and AUM only at the end, or should I vibrate SATANAS and AUM 6 times?

I wanted to do the ritual of the 72 names using the paper as well, how do I erase the names?
Is it like the spiritual cabalistic square?
Do I start from the last one on the left and proceed to the right in serpentine style?

You vibrate the Satanas and Aum mantra once in each place.

For the 72-ritual there is a supplement describing how to perform the ritual with paper:


I did it without paper yesterday.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings. Can we trace over the words with a pen after vibrating them, as to erase them, in the 72 and Curse Israel Rituals, like in the FRTR?
I suppose, that we only do this in destructive Rituals.

For the 72-ritual there is a supplement describing how to perform the ritual with paper:


Yesterday I did both rituals without paper, I simply said the words as described in the basic instructions.
merakımdan soruyorum seytan kudretli olandır buna eminim ama neden halen keçi sembolü kullanıyorsunuz bu hakarettir diye düşünüyorum ayrıca satanizmle yeni tanıştım hemn adanma yapabiliryormuyum
Hi there is a question in time of ritual against jews I feel a sex excitement and powerful energy is it normal and positive?
Wildfire said:
nebu said:
As i memorized the ritual of the 72 names, many visions came to me out of nowhere of when i was rejected for not being like other people financially, culturally, also mistreated by people who were already close to me :?
Does anyone know why? while i was listening to the mp3 on the site.

This happened to me too the very first time I did that ritual long time ago, I loved that ritual as much as the curse israel and 72 stinking names.

What you experienced is simply an enemy projection of their retaliation. Try subverting it in your mind to people acquainting with you as some yhwh name chains bound to you break away, give the kike enemy the middle finger in response the same way ukraine soldiers told a russian warship to go fuck itself.

As much as retaliation is not a good thing, i'm happy for this similarity, and certainly going against this negative tide, i loved it too, it's very easy to pronounce and it's delicious with conviction, making until it ends, with pride.
Dark Lawyer said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Now, in regards to those who think about the RTR's, we have to also mention that the new Rituals are very important and they allow the Gods to act directly on the effort, inviting them to act alongside us and help us all. None of this has happened for Gentiles for who knows how many centuries.

Wow! :cool:
It's good to see you here in the main threads, brother.
I hope you are feeling better.

What I would share about myself is that I too was almost floored by the enemy's attacks, but I stubbornly resisted them and quickly got back in the saddle.

My other problem was that I could hardly do rituals because I had very little energy.The best part is that I had little energy because it was nutritionally induced (which I would not have thought).That's when I started looking into Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) and changed my eating habits and now I am starting to feel better and gain momentum.
All I have changed is to eat a little more often and to eat more quality food.And of course to start with breakfast because that is the most important thing,and then(in the morning) to eat more because Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) says it is best to eat between 7:00am and 9:00am.
I usually start my day by downing a bucket of coffee and heading to the FRTR.I also stimulate myself with breathing exercises and yoga,but that is still no substitute for breakfast and the problems that come from skipping it.
Quel_tizio said:
Hp Cobra I have a question for you.

During the 72's Ritual, after doing FRTR and Curse Israel' Ritual, I felt a lot of negative energy accumulating and while i was vibrating the first paragraph for the third time(the last) I felt my body hurting but it was I different kind of pain, I felt like "someone" was attacking me. in fact it was a bit difficult to finish the Ritual.
Afterwards I cleaned my Aura,chakra and Soul and I did my daily AOP and the pain went away.

Is this normal? Do you think the enemy was attacking me?

I might upgrade my AOP.
It's definitely possible. They do sometimes attack during an RTR.

It could also be that you're not focusing enough. If your mind is distracted with random thoughts as you do the RTR, I have found that it allows more of a backlash from the things you're reversing.

Either way, a stronger aura of protection will help.

Also, just to check, are you doing the recommended soul cleaning / returning curses after the Final RTR before the 72?
Dark Lawyer said:
I did the ritual on the 5th, but after sunset. Is that okay?
Yes, that's okay!

Each day begins at sunrise. :) The jews have everything backwards, so they say it begins at sunset. :roll:

If you want to be exact about timing, then try to do the RTRs according to the https://evilgoy.com/ timer. Start the Final RTR when it says 00:00:00, and the other RTRs when it says 01:00:00.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=379494 time=1659812002 user_id=346]
Quel_tizio said:
Hp Cobra I have a question for you.

During the 72's Ritual, after doing FRTR and Curse Israel' Ritual, I felt a lot of negative energy accumulating and while i was vibrating the first paragraph for the third time(the last) I felt my body hurting but it was I different kind of pain, I felt like "someone" was attacking me. in fact it was a bit difficult to finish the Ritual.
Afterwards I cleaned my Aura,chakra and Soul and I did my daily AOP and the pain went away.

Is this normal? Do you think the enemy was attacking me?

I might upgrade my AOP.
It's definitely possible. They do sometimes attack during an RTR.

It could also be that you're not focusing enough. If your mind is distracted with random thoughts as you do the RTR, I have found that it allows more of a backlash from the things you're reversing.

Either way, a stronger aura of protection will help.

Also, just to check, are you doing the recommended soul cleaning / returning curses after the Final RTR before the 72?
I was focused, but I didn't clean myself after the RTR :/
I thought that, being all three of them a curse against the jews, it was pointless to clean given the fact that I had to clean anyway at the end of the war schedule.

Today I will not make the same mistake, thanks Soaring Eagle.
promitheusS88 said:
They will reap what they sowed. The Ancient Greeks said that the souls of the worst of the worsts were sent to Tartarus, a place of fire and torture where they would be held accountable for all the evil and injustice they did to other people (we are talking about real evil, nothing like the christian hell where if you don't worship Yahweh as a slave you are sent there forever as a revenge). And even if i don't believe in any divine punishment in general, in the case of the Jews i believe they have so much negative karma against them that they won't get away with anything less. The punishment that's coming for them is horrible and they deserve it all !!!
I believe in astral purgatories too, managed by demons.
promitheusS88 said:
They will reap what they sowed. The Ancient Greeks said that the souls of the worst of the worsts were sent to Tartarus, a place of fire and torture where they would be held accountable for all the evil and injustice they did to other people (we are talking about real evil, nothing like the christian hell where if you don't worship Yahweh as a slave you are sent there forever as a revenge). And even if i don't believe in any divine punishment in general, in the case of the Jews i believe they have so much negative karma against them that they won't get away with anything less. The punishment that's coming for them is horrible and they deserve it all !!!

I am actually familiar with this place. Thank you for posting this it makes a lot of sense finally I figured out what this was about. I had asked what would happen to some very bad person who died and my gaurdian told me about how in the enemies hell people go extinct very quick it's not that bad of a place compared to the other one where they will take this person too and suffering there is a person is alone in their thoughts and feels a lot of fear pain and torment and like their soul is on fire in a way they become an empty husk till they die out they get locked in this place just like it says when you look it up. This place is supposedly connected to some "extreme location on the earth" or something I found out they believed not sure on all that. I think it's an astral realm connected to some physical place no one would go. Not going to guess on that I don't think they want people knowing anyways. I actually saw a dream of it a long time ago looked far up north like way farther than I am in a place that bombed or abandon or something.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=379495 time=1659812260 user_id=346]
Dark Lawyer said:
I did the ritual on the 5th, but after sunset. Is that okay?
Yes, that's okay!

Each day begins at sunrise. :) The jews have everything backwards, so they say it begins at sunset. :roll:

If you want to be exact about timing, then try to do the RTRs according to the https://evilgoy.com/ timer. Start the Final RTR when it says 00:00:00, and the other RTRs when it says 01:00:00.

this has saved me many times with those square rituals but not as effective it does still count thank the gods
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=379494 time=1659812002 user_id=346]
Quel_tizio said:
Hp Cobra I have a question for you.

During the 72's Ritual, after doing FRTR and Curse Israel' Ritual, I felt a lot of negative energy accumulating and while i was vibrating the first paragraph for the third time(the last) I felt my body hurting but it was I different kind of pain, I felt like "someone" was attacking me. in fact it was a bit difficult to finish the Ritual.
Afterwards I cleaned my Aura,chakra and Soul and I did my daily AOP and the pain went away.

Is this normal? Do you think the enemy was attacking me?

I might upgrade my AOP.
It's definitely possible. They do sometimes attack during an RTR.

It could also be that you're not focusing enough. If your mind is distracted with random thoughts as you do the RTR, I have found that it allows more of a backlash from the things you're reversing.

Either way, a stronger aura of protection will help.

Also, just to check, are you doing the recommended soul cleaning / returning curses after the Final RTR before the 72?

Are we supposed to do that? :shock: Returning curses between the FRTR and 72? Before or after Cursing Israel?
Was it mentioned somewhere? I'm surprised I missed it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyone don't hesitate also to ask the Gods for help with the latest Rituals or any other Ritual. They are with us and we must never forget this. Also send the enemy all your negative energy and let them rot in what they envisioned they would create for everyone else.

Sir, I have a question.

Was M. Kemal Jewish? (Creator of Turkish republic) thats really important for me, please answer.
I might be not remembering properly, but I think Curse israel RTR had affirmation that said “all those who bless israel are cursed” instead of “those who bless israel are cursed”. Was it changed or my memory does not serve me well?
EasternFireLion666 said:
Let's start the program!
I see they are already dropping the soros/schwabb order and transitioning to trump/jewsus. Let's make sure this fails too as the white race cannot last another 10 years of running after bullshit shadows.

Their plan was watching everything go down under trump,an then their would be another jfk thing,an that failed so they switched to biden cause (oy vey goyims vote for Trump eveil goy)the reptilian jews had their warnings, our Gods an Gentiles are pissed, now they will see the karma come back upon the jews,the reptiles shall face what they feared the most angry Gentiles,I hope to see the day when the Xian churches become caves,I detest xianity with a fire passion
Quel_tizio said:
I think it attacked all of us in a similar way, I for example was preparing to do the ritual of the 72 names, and I started by writing them down on a piece of paper and from there on I could hear the enemy talking and making strange and nonsensical proposals to me, the feeling was negative and penetrating, but this negative parenthesis ended after I did the ritual and after I got rid of the paper.

The next day I felt nothing instead, but I can still assure you of two things:
"The first is that writing in hebrew is a disgusting experience and you need a certain willpower and protection to not be affected by it.
I think the next rituals I will do without the paper, to that if I have good handwriting, lol.
The second is that having a part of the jewish collective soul (72 names) in your hands and then looking at it with hatred and crushing it is a fantastic experience.
Obviously the remains should be thrown either with the faeces or with the worst of the rubbish.

As for the situation, the best thing is to continue with the rituals, cleanse the soul and keep the energy up, if you feel you need to do more AoP then do it.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=379494 time=1659812002 user_id=346]
Quel_tizio said:
Hp Cobra I have a question for you.

During the 72's Ritual, after doing FRTR and Curse Israel' Ritual, I felt a lot of negative energy accumulating and while i was vibrating the first paragraph for the third time(the last) I felt my body hurting but it was I different kind of pain, I felt like "someone" was attacking me. in fact it was a bit difficult to finish the Ritual.
Afterwards I cleaned my Aura,chakra and Soul and I did my daily AOP and the pain went away.

Is this normal? Do you think the enemy was attacking me?

I might upgrade my AOP.
It's definitely possible. They do sometimes attack during an RTR.

It could also be that you're not focusing enough. If your mind is distracted with random thoughts as you do the RTR, I have found that it allows more of a backlash from the things you're reversing.

Either way, a stronger aura of protection will help.

Also, just to check, are you doing the recommended soul cleaning / returning curses after the Final RTR before the 72?

Are we supposed to do that? :shock: Returning curses between the FRTR and 72? Before or after Cursing Israel?
Was it mentioned somewhere? I'm surprised I missed it.
That's my understanding, yes.

[url=https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=12572.php said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich[/url]"]Always be sure to clean your aura after doing the Final RTR, as it removes a lot of curses from your soul.

If you're short on time, this abbreviated version works very well:

I've been following her advice ever since, and it helps me so much to do that quick cleaning immediately after* the Final RTR, that I linked her post on the Paintable RTR at the bottom. (You'll notice it right there below the HAIL SATAN FOREVER at the end of the Shattering RTR.)

* If I'm doing multiple Final RTRs in a row, I wait to clean until after the last one.
Larissa666 said:
I might be not remembering properly, but I think Curse israel RTR had affirmation that said “all those who bless israel are cursed” instead of “those who bless israel are cursed”. Was it changed or my memory does not serve me well?

Your memory is great!
HPS Maxine did update the Curse Israel RTR's affirmation. I recently stumbled across her announcement of that in the old forums archive. It was something about making the affirmations more targeted and effective.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The audio mp3 of the 72 ritual is down at the moment and I'd really like to brush up on my pronunciation because it's been awhile since we've done the 72....
Kondofos said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyone don't hesitate also to ask the Gods for help with the latest Rituals or any other Ritual. They are with us and we must never forget this. Also send the enemy all your negative energy and let them rot in what they envisioned they would create for everyone else.

Sir, I have a question.

Was M. Kemal Jewish? (Creator of Turkish republic) thats really important for me, please answer.

How could he be? Khalifa was dismissed and expelled in his governance, that’s the why today Muslims don’t have their ‘‘pope’’ while Christians still have that system. He practically destroyed Islamic law and declared that Sheria won’t have anything with how Turkey will be governed. He is a nationalist. A very fierce one at that. He is a Gentile soul, I have no doubt.

The new secular republic reflected Mustafa Kemal's personal philosophy. In a book published in 1928, Grace Ellison relates what she said to her in 1926-27:

I'm not religious and sometimes I wish for all religions to go drown at bottom of the ocean. Weak rulers who need to use religion to sustain their government; they literally trap their people. My people will learn the principles of democracy, the commandments of truth, and the teachings of science. Superstitions should be abandoned. Anyone can worship however they want. Everyone listens their conscience. However, this behavior should neither contradict common sense reasoning nor lead to opposition to the freedom of others.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=379783 time=1659926101 user_id=346]
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=379494 time=1659812002 user_id=346]

It's definitely possible. They do sometimes attack during an RTR.

It could also be that you're not focusing enough. If your mind is distracted with random thoughts as you do the RTR, I have found that it allows more of a backlash from the things you're reversing.

Either way, a stronger aura of protection will help.

Also, just to check, are you doing the recommended soul cleaning / returning curses after the Final RTR before the 72?

Are we supposed to do that? :shock: Returning curses between the FRTR and 72? Before or after Cursing Israel?
Was it mentioned somewhere? I'm surprised I missed it.
That's my understanding, yes.

[url=https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=12572.php said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich[/url]"]Always be sure to clean your aura after doing the Final RTR, as it removes a lot of curses from your soul.

If you're short on time, this abbreviated version works very well:

I've been following her advice ever since, and it helps me so much to do that quick cleaning immediately after* the Final RTR, that I linked her post on the Paintable RTR at the bottom. (You'll notice it right there below the HAIL SATAN FOREVER at the end of the Shattering RTR.)

* If I'm doing multiple Final RTRs in a row, I wait to clean until after the last one.

Thank you Brother! I'm going to stick to it!
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=379495 time=1659812260 user_id=346]
Dark Lawyer said:
I did the ritual on the 5th, but after sunset. Is that okay?
Yes, that's okay!

Each day begins at sunrise. :) The jews have everything backwards, so they say it begins at sunset. :roll:

If you want to be exact about timing, then try to do the RTRs according to the https://evilgoy.com/ timer. Start the Final RTR when it says 00:00:00, and the other RTRs when it says 01:00:00.

Thanks! I tend to overcomplicate things. :)

I just do the rituals by date, from 5 to 9 August, every day until midnight at the latest, but preferably until sunset.
Satnam666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Let's start the program!
I see they are already dropping the soros/schwabb order and transitioning to trump/jewsus. Let's make sure this fails too as the white race cannot last another 10 years of running after bullshit shadows.

Their plan was watching everything go down under trump,an then their would be another jfk thing,an that failed so they switched to biden cause (oy vey goyims vote for Trump eveil goy)the reptilian jews had their warnings, our Gods an Gentiles are pissed, now they will see the karma come back upon the jews,the reptiles shall face what they feared the most angry Gentiles,I hope to see the day when the Xian churches become caves,I detest xianity with a fire passion

I hope to see all that too. Gentikes must stop this voting bullshit. As long as we are ok with choosing the lesser evil nothing will improove.
Hi guys,

Would doing rtr during void of course moon be ineffective?

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=379784 time=1659926276 user_id=346]
Larissa666 said:
I might be not remembering properly, but I think Curse israel RTR had affirmation that said “all those who bless israel are cursed” instead of “those who bless israel are cursed”. Was it changed or my memory does not serve me well?

Your memory is great!
HPS Maxine did update the Curse Israel RTR's affirmation. I recently stumbled across her announcement of that in the old forums archive. It was something about making the affirmations more targeted and effective.

That was the original one I remember. There was also some word or words that were pronounced a little different near the top of it.

I think it is saved on the old group archives. I think this one is better now though if they changed this stuff.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
