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small treatise on reality shifting


New member
Feb 3, 2024
in between realities
reality shifting

reality shifting is the concept of shifting your consciousness to the part of you / your soul that exists in another reality; since our soul/consciousness is infinite we can assume that our soul/consciousness exists in every single possibility of the multiverse. the scientific version / explanation of this would be the multiverse theory / many worlds interpretation.

this practice has a lot associated with astral projection however one of the facts that sets it apart from astral projection is that doesnt exactly have a free flow journey into another plane of existence but instead a very sudden shift into another reality of the multiverse and you can also shift realities while asleep.

this practice should not be disregarded even though it is mostly promoted by teenagers with not much knowledge on occultism (i apologize in advance for you having to see some teen fangirls screaming in caps about shifting realities to their favorite anime to meet their favorite character(s) :coffee:)

it has connections to the manifestation and subliminal communities


DR = desired reality - the reality that youre trying to shift to
WR = waiting room - a place you can shift to to plan
SP = specific person - lover / lover that you scripted into your DR
CR = current reality - used interchangeably with original reality

the methodology associated with reality shifting is mostly split into various "methods" like e.g. "raven method" however you should focus on setting up where to shift first and that is where "scripting" comes into play

scripting is writing down the details of your desired reality and your abilities, knowledge, appearance, personality, phobias etc. anything is valid, an isekai reality? sure. a reality from a book or movie? sure.
you can also script events to happen etc.

you can script anywhere; whether on paper or digitally (theres also templates for scripting online but most of them are for women)

usual things in scripts include

"i have an extremely high pain tolerance"
"i have [your desired appearance]"
"im instantly grounded when i arrive in my desired reality"
"im instantly aware that i shifted the moment that i arrive in my desired reality"
"im calm when i arrive in my desired reality"
"i cant accidentally [...]"

you can also script quality of life things for example "i cant lose any of my personal belongings", "my hair always looks good" etc.

time ratios (yes this is a cheat code lmfao you can study and research as much as you want but i mean you can just script in the knowledge you want in the first place so you dont even have to learn lol)

"1h CR = 2 months DR"

some realities are extremely traumatizing like e.g. shifting to a war or any other traumatic situation therefore its good to script an immunity for that

"im immune from mental, psychological and spiritual trauma"

most of the methods firstly proceed with self hypnosis, affirmations like "i am shifting", "i am now in my DR" and visualization (using your 5 senses is advised and immerses you much more than just imagining it)

>affirming and visualizing
>falling asleep or opening your eyes

a few practical methods

raven method

>lie down
>get into a trance
>count to 100 and keep affirming that youre shifting to your DR
>once 100 is reached just visualize your DR with all 5 senses and affirm that you have shifted
>fall asleep with the intent to wake up in your DR

sunni method

>lie down
>get into a trance
>visualize your DR with all 5 senses, truly immerse yourself into it
>affirm that you are in your DR

at that point, if you feel like your surroundings changed you should open your eyes otherwise keep affirming and visualizing and then fall asleep with the intent to wake up in your DR (affirm that too)

there are way more methods however i think you can get the gist of it now

things to note: you cannot "die" in your DR; your consciousness will simply return to your CR/OR if you do (youll still remember everything from your DR of course)
you can also shift back to your CR/OR with intent and/or a "safeword"; something you script as a trigger to shift you back to your CR

! reality shifting is NOT maladaptive daydreaming or lucid dreaming; pain and all other sensations can and WILL be felt and reality checks pass !

a few resources:

https://www.reddit.com/r/shiftingrealities/wiki/index/faq/ - faq and more info, they also have success stories on there (filter it by "success" flair)
https://www.youtube.com/@alunirmeditations - guided meditations for shifting

keep in mind, they try to shill "booohoo you cant bring your abilities from your DR into your CR" well no shit, just shift to an identical reality as your CR which has your abilities scripted into it :ROFLMAO:

fun fact: various religions have practiced astral projection; phowa of vajrayana buddhism etc. chinese internal alchemy

please let me know if yall want an article on subliminals, i have experience with using them and making them.

feel free to ask me about anything related to this topic
"reality shifting" aka. This course on how to create schizophrenia and insanity. Then you are wondering why you are fucked up and weak while you imagine and force yourself into delusion and the territory of being a schizo.

Yes my guy, do this and try very hard, at one point you will succeed and cannot undo this, congratulations. You "shifted reality" into an asylum.

The CIA creates these bullshit things to destroy all teenage people like you. Creating Reddit topics and "lore". When one manufactures confidence (and force this belief extremely) to this point of delusion and complete bullshit imagination, one will become insane.
I remember my youtube homepage being full of these videos saying "oNcE yOu Do tHiS rEaLiTy wiLl sHiFt" :ROFLMAO:
raven method

>lie down
>get into a trance
>count to 100 and keep affirming that youre shifting to your DR
>once 100 is reached just visualize your DR with all 5 senses and affirm that you have shifted
>fall asleep with the intent to wake up in your DR

sunni method

>lie down
>get into a trance
>visualize your DR with all 5 senses, truly immerse yourself into it
>affirm that you are in your DR

Others have said what needed to be said, I just want to point out that these meditations are a good way of practicing astral senses. Very similar to creating your astral temple, basically.
However, creating your own reality in your head is delusional. Sure, you can plan what you want in the future, but doing nothing for it and just living in this reality in your dreams is bullshit and unhealthy.
Why do you profess yourself as an expert in this topic, just after you said that you can't even bring yourself to meditate?
i never professed myself as anything, just made an article that showcases my knowledge. practicing meditation doesnt correlate to knowledge outside of insight practices/vipassana and vice versa; are you trying to discredit me on personal grounds? very shameless behavior i have to say.

"reality shifting" aka. This course on how to create schizophrenia and insanity. Then you are wondering why you are fucked up and weak while you imagine and force yourself into delusion and the territory of being a schizo.

Yes my guy, do this and try very hard, at one point you will succeed and cannot undo this, congratulations. You "shifted reality" into an asylum.

The CIA creates these bullshit things to destroy all teenage people like you. Creating Reddit topics and "lore". When one manufactures confidence (and force this belief extremely) to this point of delusion and complete bullshit imagination, one will become insane.
you should up your game in terms of knowledge before shitting on someone with more experience on this particular topic, this is closely related to the teachings of neville goddard and SATS and manifestation. visualizing is the core point of many meditations even here on JoS so stop projecting. there are thousands of people with success and they didnt end up in a mental asylum, stop being so negative and get your shit together lol, youve been condescending to me all this time and i never even did anything personal to you. "tough love" isnt an excuse, if this is the community behind these forums then i shall reconsider posting my knowledge here lol.
I had a friend that really was into trying to do what you described, he detailed his journey to me so I have some thoughts. As a child I used to sit and play with imaginary friends for hours each day we even had our own little world so about the phenomena your describing

First off, the electric model of the universe is closer to Satanic Vidic sciences then the mechanistic model that modern science is built on so that means other dimensions are deeper parts of this reality like the darkness that surrounds us or the astral or the world of forms (morphic resonance fields) that Plato talks about. Other realities like are seen in marvel movies don't actually exist. The metaphysics behind the theory you put forward are not factual.

So we'll go into a problem I find with both the reality shifters and the manifesters (they intersect with each other often.) there is no bases to enhance the abilities or energies of the practitioner, nor do they attempt to expand their conciseness or perceptiveness so they are generally weak and blind, but they are claiming to something that would take an incredible level of advancement if it was possible.

The claim about reality shifting not being Imagination/lucid dreaming something I'd also get into. While the definition and goals of reality shifting are to shift realties in a real sense the actual people doing it often find themselves stuck only being able to imagine things and really feel it or have dreams. They do have higher goals but are often times stuck in the imagination or dreams because that is in fact as far as that system will take you. The impression I get is most people practicing this are frustrated they can't go all the way but still hang on the idea it is possible because they believe you have to believe it's possible to achieve it. faith is very important to these people, and they often blame their lack of success on not believing enough.

So what I think is happening for those who are successful in a minor degree is that they tune into things like picking up signals like an antenna, you may be thinking about your loved one and are tuning into the energy of Venus or you're thinking about an Anime character and tuning into the collective experiences and impression of them, the shifter is standing around their footprint on the astral. You are tuning into emotions, so it does feel real but it's not a substitute for improving your soul so you enjoy existing more or making your life better, my experience with these people is that they are quite sad just waiting for their big brake threw that will never come.

If you enjoy doing it that's fine actually, I'm not going to tell you that you have to stop or anything I think you will when you are ready. I would suggest empowering and balancing your soul so that you'll be able to do it better and feel good all the time, then you'll also be able to understand more about that is going on while this happens to you. Reality shifting just should not be the sum total of your spirituality you'd be missing out on a lot of stuff.
i never professed myself as anything, just made an article that showcases my knowledge. practicing meditation doesnt correlate to knowledge outside of insight practices/vipassana and vice versa; are you trying to discredit me on personal grounds? very shameless behavior i have to say.

you should up your game in terms of knowledge before shitting on someone with more experience on this particular topic, this is closely related to the teachings of neville goddard and SATS and manifestation. visualizing is the core point of many meditations even here on JoS so stop projecting. there are thousands of people with success and they didnt end up in a mental asylum, stop being so negative and get your shit together lol, youve been condescending to me all this time and i never even did anything personal to you. "tough love" isnt an excuse, if this is the community behind these forums then i shall reconsider posting my knowledge here lol.
Telling someone else to get their shit together while they also tried to help you from your inability to get "your shit together" should make you at least feel weird or a little bit of shame. Regardless, you have to listen and read more of our sites, not Neville who teaches you to unite with the thought forms of "christ", become a husk and insane. The whole of Neville work is understanding how much of a destructive work is the bible and the whole program and trying to make sense and resolve out of it, in turn, weaponizing everything with the justification of "occultism". Most of it is corrupted and very simple practices that are from thousands of years, therefore it is enemy work and should be treated as highly dangerous for any spiritual practice.

You are wrong as you confuse the abilities of the mind, training them, using them, with very purposeful corrupted notions of "transcendence" that if done wrong, corrupted, because of muh feelings of escapism, untrained, ungrounded, impure, you will destroy your mind and self. The layout of your system that you posted will do this 100%, only most of you people that try these Fortunately have no spiritual aptitude.

As for the though love, you haven't received any yet, but you also have to ask yourself where would "real love" get you in this situation.
i never professed myself as anything, just made an article that showcases my knowledge. practicing meditation doesnt correlate to knowledge outside of insight practices/vipassana and vice versa; are you trying to discredit me on personal grounds? very shameless behavior i have to say.
When you come to this forum of Truth, you abandon all past preconceived ideas about spirituality. Because frankly, they are bullshit.

Your reddit tier knowledge is equal to garbage, and I'm not telling you this to discredit you or insult you, but because the sooner you understand that everything outside of JoS, is 98% of the cases just pure garbage, the faster are you gonna advance and mature as a person.
There is no "multiverse" or "other realities" or "other copies of yourself." All of that is simply retarded nonsense that was invented by jews for the purpose of making people demoralized and subservient. This is just athiest christianity, with the same worthless slave mindset that christians have about "heaven."

"It doesn't matter how badly we are enslaved, or what the condition of our world is, because we are only here for a short time then we're going to heaven."
"It doesn't matter if we are living in a pod, eating bugs, owning nothing, and with a microchip in our brain that can execute us with a shock to the brain at any time, because there is another reality somewhere where our life is better...."

Reality is right here and right now. The universe is right here and right now. There is no second option.

There is a difference between memorization and knowledge. Sharing "knowledge" implies that there is any truth. If something is not true, then it is not information. Information is a collection of truth and facts. Just because you have wasted your time by memorizing all kinds of worthless fictional shit authored by jews, does not mean that you know anything at all. As what you have memorized is all bullshit and contains zero information or truth. So if you come here with the intention of spreading these lies, this is not educating anybody or sharing any knowledge. It is more like walking into a library and pouring sewage all over the floor, then wondering why nobody is thanking you for sharing the gift of sewage.
Telling someone else to get their shit together while they also tried to help you from your inability to get "your shit together" should make you at least feel weird or a little bit of shame. Regardless, you have to listen and read more of our sites, not Neville who teaches you to unite with the thought forms of "christ", become a husk and insane. The whole of Neville work is understanding how much of a destructive work is the bible and the whole program and trying to make sense and resolve out of it, in turn, weaponizing everything with the justification of "occultism". Most of it is corrupted and very simple practices that are from thousands of years, therefore it is enemy work and should be treated as highly dangerous for any spiritual practice.

You are wrong as you confuse the abilities of the mind, training them, using them, with very purposeful corrupted notions of "transcendence" that if done wrong, corrupted, because of muh feelings of escapism, untrained, ungrounded, impure, you will destroy your mind and self. The layout of your system that you posted will do this 100%, only most of you people that try these Fortunately have no spiritual aptitude.

As for the though love, you haven't received any yet, but you also have to ask yourself where would "real love" get you in this situation.
to be completely honest i didnt think your advice helped me even a tiny bit and theres nothing wrong with that, i didnt expect to get much advice that would help me anyways; so no im not really ashamed, i liked your response and followed you out of courtesy. on the neville stuff i didnt even read his books, i just looked up the practical instructions / how to do SATS and i dismissed the parts that are useless to me for example like you mentioned, the xian dogmas associated with his work.
Others have said what needed to be said, I just want to point out that these meditations are a good way of practicing astral senses. Very similar to creating your astral temple, basically.
However, creating your own reality in your head is delusional. Sure, you can plan what you want in the future, but doing nothing for it and just living in this reality in your dreams is bullshit and unhealthy.
i do agree with the astral sense development but again, completely misinterpreting the practice; it isnt about living in your own head or dreams or whatever you wanna call it 😭
I remember my youtube homepage being full of these videos saying "oNcE yOu Do tHiS rEaLiTy wiLl sHiFt" :ROFLMAO:
"instantly raise your vibrations with this simple trick only 1% know" 😱😱😱😱
There is no "multiverse" or "other realities" or "other copies of yourself." All of that is simply retarded nonsense that was invented by jews for the purpose of making people demoralized and subservient. This is just athiest christianity, with the same worthless slave mindset that christians have about "heaven."
this is extremely dogmatic, i'll have to experience it myself to judge it. theres not only a single path lol (at least thats what i believe in) the universe is full of mysteries and i will not blindly exclude rational options just because someone says "da joos made it" e.g. astral projection is real and popular and its not controlled by jews. and i dont think the concept of a multiverse would somehow demoralize or make people subservient, that is just pure nonsense, the entire concept is based on freedom and creativity.
There is a difference between memorization and knowledge. Sharing "knowledge" implies that there is any truth. If something is not true, then it is not information. Information is a collection of truth and facts. Just because you have wasted your time by memorizing all kinds of worthless fictional shit authored by jews, does not mean that you know anything at all. As what you have memorized is all bullshit and contains zero information or truth. So if you come here with the intention of spreading these lies, this is not educating anybody or sharing any knowledge. It is more like walking into a library and pouring sewage all over the floor, then wondering why nobody is thanking you for sharing the gift of sewage.
"ye you have to listen to me goy i will tell you the eternal truth and everyone else is wrong" all jokes aside, i do respect all of JoS's teachings although im a syncretist at heart; i borrow things from various practices but of course that doesnt mean i worship jews or their ideals and anything associated with them, i still have some rationality inside my brain

the negativity really isnt making your worldview look more enticing although i understand your analogy

JoS kinda has a defense mechanism on everything that doesnt come from the people inside it and i dont blame you, i also had to dismiss most of the garbage that i came across in my time researching various shit.

im aware my knowledge is lacking however thats exactly the reason i am trying not to bind myself to a single practice/methodology, id rather experience truth myself than have someone tell me their own subjective definition of it.
I had a friend that really was into trying to do what you described, he detailed his journey to me so I have some thoughts. As a child I used to sit and play with imaginary friends for hours each day we even had our own little world so about the phenomena your describing

First off, the electric model of the universe is closer to Satanic Vidic sciences then the mechanistic model that modern science is built on so that means other dimensions are deeper parts of this reality like the darkness that surrounds us or the astral or the world of forms (morphic resonance fields) that Plato talks about. Other realities like are seen in marvel movies don't actually exist. The metaphysics behind the theory you put forward are not factual.

So we'll go into a problem I find with both the reality shifters and the manifesters (they intersect with each other often.) there is no bases to enhance the abilities or energies of the practitioner, nor do they attempt to expand their conciseness or perceptiveness so they are generally weak and blind, but they are claiming to something that would take an incredible level of advancement if it was possible.

The claim about reality shifting not being Imagination/lucid dreaming something I'd also get into. While the definition and goals of reality shifting are to shift realties in a real sense the actual people doing it often find themselves stuck only being able to imagine things and really feel it or have dreams. They do have higher goals but are often times stuck in the imagination or dreams because that is in fact as far as that system will take you. The impression I get is most people practicing this are frustrated they can't go all the way but still hang on the idea it is possible because they believe you have to believe it's possible to achieve it. faith is very important to these people, and they often blame their lack of success on not believing enough.

So what I think is happening for those who are successful in a minor degree is that they tune into things like picking up signals like an antenna, you may be thinking about your loved one and are tuning into the energy of Venus or you're thinking about an Anime character and tuning into the collective experiences and impression of them, the shifter is standing around their footprint on the astral. You are tuning into emotions, so it does feel real but it's not a substitute for improving your soul so you enjoy existing more or making your life better, my experience with these people is that they are quite sad just waiting for their big brake threw that will never come.
personally ive never had imaginary friends and i heard people like that are very susceptible to mkultra and all the other bs but thats offtopic, point is that i agree with your rationalization to an extent and am interested in knowing more about the "satanic vedic(?) sciences" that youre talking about, im curious about science and wanna research more on that also morphic fields and such also interest me but ive never been able to find the right resource to study on that, i would appreciate if you could point me into the right direction on that. however i'll still hold my ground onto the idea that reality shifting in a physical manner is possible at least for now, its something that i have doubted many times of course but still something i still came back to. not only from an "muhhh escapism" standpoint but from a scientific one
If you enjoy doing it that's fine actually, I'm not going to tell you that you have to stop or anything I think you will when you are ready. I would suggest empowering and balancing your soul so that you'll be able to do it better and feel good all the time, then you'll also be able to understand more about that is going on while this happens to you. Reality shifting just should not be the sum total of your spirituality you'd be missing out on a lot of stuff.
of course, reality shifting is obviously not the end of the journey; otherwise the immortality would be extremely terrifying, its one of the things that are worse than death; slowly going insane after hopping from world to world looking for hope and slowly transforming into an empty shell... it truly is something terrifying to think about wouldnt you agree?
I do want you to understand why these people are acting this way before I get into my response, it's not just closed mindedness or being mean they don't want the JoS to be a place full of low-quality information that will waist the time of the people doing it. They are being protective of prospective initiates that may read this thread. They also don't want the reputation of JoS sullied by assortation with stuff that doesn't work and is the dominion of delusional people, having knowledge of magic and how the soul works you can spot fraud much like how a mechanic who can take apart a car and put it back together will be the most frustrated by someone saying your car can fly by pulling the wheel high enough. neville goddard was also tutored by an Ethiopian rabbi on how to manifest so name dropping him dose not lend any credibility it, it proves a direct link to jewish nonsense.

The Vadic Sciences are science according to the Vadas, Satanic Sciences are a collection of ideas generally accepted as true, so I combined the terms. I'll link something about morphic fields at the bottom of my post that I consider true but I'm not sure will be accepted as official Satanic Science.

I will actually testify that now that I am a Satanist going Insane is no longer a worry of mine, especially if I had immortality or the ability to go to interesting new places all the time, I am transforming into a fuller and fuller shell as time goes on and I don't buy into the narrative that eternity existing would be unpleasant even if I had to do it here under these (Earth 2024) conditions. I used to be very depressed, so this is a big shift for me in a short time (two years). I know a gentleman that has been spending 5 years of his life trying to reality shift and manifest and has nothing to show for it so I can put that next to what I'm doing and see that one path is worth my time and another isn't(It's not for lack of knowledge or trying that he keeps failing he's read all of nevills books and researched all the adjacent stuff to manifesting and dose the methods for hours a day, It's quite sad.) Hope is actually right here under your nose and the trajectory of your soul can be altered drastically by doing the dedication. The chose between a miserable life and one filled with Joy is right in front of you and if you decide not to participate in the JoS you would have no idea how radically different life could have been for you.

reality shifting

reality shifting is the concept of shifting your consciousness to the part of you / your soul that exists in another reality; since our soul/consciousness is infinite we can assume that our soul/consciousness exists in every single possibility of the multiverse. the scientific version / explanation of this would be the multiverse theory / many worlds interpretation.

this practice has a lot associated with astral projection however one of the facts that sets it apart from astral projection is that doesnt exactly have a free flow journey into another plane of existence but instead a very sudden shift into another reality of the multiverse and you can also shift realities while asleep.

this practice should not be disregarded even though it is mostly promoted by teenagers with not much knowledge on occultism (i apologize in advance for you having to see some teen fangirls screaming in caps about shifting realities to their favorite anime to meet their favorite character(s) :coffee:)

it has connections to the manifestation and subliminal communities


DR = desired reality - the reality that youre trying to shift to
WR = waiting room - a place you can shift to to plan
SP = specific person - lover / lover that you scripted into your DR
CR = current reality - used interchangeably with original reality

the methodology associated with reality shifting is mostly split into various "methods" like e.g. "raven method" however you should focus on setting up where to shift first and that is where "scripting" comes into play

scripting is writing down the details of your desired reality and your abilities, knowledge, appearance, personality, phobias etc. anything is valid, an isekai reality? sure. a reality from a book or movie? sure.
you can also script events to happen etc.

you can script anywhere; whether on paper or digitally (theres also templates for scripting online but most of them are for women)

usual things in scripts include

"i have an extremely high pain tolerance"
"i have [your desired appearance]"
"im instantly grounded when i arrive in my desired reality"
"im instantly aware that i shifted the moment that i arrive in my desired reality"
"im calm when i arrive in my desired reality"
"i cant accidentally [...]"

you can also script quality of life things for example "i cant lose any of my personal belongings", "my hair always looks good" etc.

time ratios (yes this is a cheat code lmfao you can study and research as much as you want but i mean you can just script in the knowledge you want in the first place so you dont even have to learn lol)

"1h CR = 2 months DR"

some realities are extremely traumatizing like e.g. shifting to a war or any other traumatic situation therefore its good to script an immunity for that

"im immune from mental, psychological and spiritual trauma"

most of the methods firstly proceed with self hypnosis, affirmations like "i am shifting", "i am now in my DR" and visualization (using your 5 senses is advised and immerses you much more than just imagining it)

>affirming and visualizing
>falling asleep or opening your eyes

a few practical methods

raven method

>lie down
>get into a trance
>count to 100 and keep affirming that youre shifting to your DR
>once 100 is reached just visualize your DR with all 5 senses and affirm that you have shifted
>fall asleep with the intent to wake up in your DR

sunni method

>lie down
>get into a trance
>visualize your DR with all 5 senses, truly immerse yourself into it
>affirm that you are in your DR

at that point, if you feel like your surroundings changed you should open your eyes otherwise keep affirming and visualizing and then fall asleep with the intent to wake up in your DR (affirm that too)

there are way more methods however i think you can get the gist of it now

things to note: you cannot "die" in your DR; your consciousness will simply return to your CR/OR if you do (youll still remember everything from your DR of course)
you can also shift back to your CR/OR with intent and/or a "safeword"; something you script as a trigger to shift you back to your CR

! reality shifting is NOT maladaptive daydreaming or lucid dreaming; pain and all other sensations can and WILL be felt and reality checks pass !

a few resources:

https://www.reddit.com/r/shiftingrealities/wiki/index/faq/ - faq and more info, they also have success stories on there (filter it by "success" flair)
https://www.youtube.com/@alunirmeditations - guided meditations for shifting

keep in mind, they try to shill "booohoo you cant bring your abilities from your DR into your CR" well no shit, just shift to an identical reality as your CR which has your abilities scripted into it :ROFLMAO:

fun fact: various religions have practiced astral projection; phowa of vajrayana buddhism etc. chinese internal alchemy

please let me know if yall want an article on subliminals, i have experience with using them and making them.

feel free to ask me about anything related to this topic

It is nice of you to share your research and thoughts here, but we have different ways of doing things. As JG NP pointed out, you don't want to do actions which can be construed as delusional. While the basis of this activity can be in the modification of the subconscious, the Reddit-based theory on this has roots in New Age philosophy, as others pointed out. It is dangerous to assume you are moving "between" realities, or that your soul is making some sort of drastic movement between them.

On JoS, we focus on transformation of reality, which is similar to this, but involves direct application of energy, as well as work on the soul itself, such as "boring" tasks like cleaning and protection which save people. You will have much better results with JoS practices than anything you would ever read on Reddit.

Furthermore, proper meditation is about improvement of the soul, and with the above example, a cleaner soul can more easily make sense of things, as one example. That is why there is a direct correlation with spiritual status/rank and ability, and also why JoS is very strict about proper growth along these pathways of advancement, and also why you should communicate more with JG NakedPluto, not less, as well as the Gods themselves. This cannot be understated.

New Age philosophy is rooted in excessive/negative elements of Neptune, as the enemy understands that ruining the activities of the lower chakras will totally destabilize a person. That is why we are so quick to reject it and anything associated with it. So yes, there is an appeal to freedom here, but that shouldn't be the only item to scrutinize, if that makes sense.

The reason your post was approved and not deleted was so you could be exposed to the differences of opinion and grow from this. The intention was not necessarily for you to feel on the defensive about your philosophy or experience, but as a bridge between that and entering into JoS. If you had never had the initial drive to both study those ideas nor share them here, then you wouldn't have been exposed to anything new here, so I see this overall as a positive experience.
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On JoS, we focus on transformation of reality, which is similar to this, but involves direct application of energy, as well as work on the soul itself, such as "boring" tasks like cleaning and protection which save people. You will have much better results with JoS practices than anything you would ever read on Reddit.

Furthermore, proper meditation is about improvement of the soul, and with the above example, a cleaner soul can more easily make sense of things, as one example. That is why there is a direct correlation with spiritual status/rank and ability, and also why JoS is very strict about proper growth along these pathways of advancement, and also why you should communicate more with JG NakedPluto, not less, as well as the Gods themselves. This cannot be understated.
yes of course, im aware JoS is more into the direct and practical applications to reinforce your soul and advance spiritually. ive read the 6 month development manual and the 40 days one but im just kinda lost atm and never really started the regimen. considering my neptune is transiting very close to my north node i think i should try to work on balancing those energies first so i can actually start focusing on my spiritual development instead of like a lot of the people said "living in my head" etc. and procrastinating until i realize its too late
i can definitely agree that my behavior has a lot of telltale signs of excessive neptune influences, i should fix that first so i dont get lost in anything, any mantras or magical squares that could help with that?
The reason your post was approved and not deleted was so you could be exposed to the differences of opinion and grow from this. The intention was not necessarily for you to feel on the defensive about your philosophy or experience, but as a bridge between that and entering into JoS. If you had never had the initial drive to both study those ideas nor share them here, then you wouldn't have been exposed to anything new here, so I see this overall as a positive experience.
thats totally fair

and in regards to JoS doctrine, id say im pretty familiar with it even if it doesnt seem like it atm
yes of course, im aware JoS is more into the direct and practical applications to reinforce your soul and advance spiritually. ive read the 6 month development manual and the 40 days one but im just kinda lost atm and never really started the regimen. considering my neptune is transiting very close to my north node i think i should try to work on balancing those energies first so i can actually start focusing on my spiritual development instead of like a lot of the people said "living in my head" etc. and procrastinating until i realize its too late
i can definitely agree that my behavior has a lot of telltale signs of excessive neptune influences, i should fix that first so i dont get lost in anything, any mantras or magical squares that could help with that?

thats totally fair

and in regards to JoS doctrine, id say im pretty familiar with it even if it doesnt seem like it atm

If you are new to meditation, then full squares or workings may be difficult to you, or hard for your soul to sustain. Regarding mantras, you can use Sowilo for fire, as well as Nauthiz for grounding. Another would be the name or Erishkegal. See: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/god-names-that-you-have-made-use-of.67117/#post-317582

Sowilo gives motivation; Nauthiz gives discipline, so you can craft your affirmations accordingly. Be mindful of the nearby VoC moon.
Use these as a means to start and continue the 40 day guide, as that is the best framework for people, and will give your soul a basis for further development.

As mentioned before, exercise is both motivating, but also aids and grounds the physical body. So I would definitely look into that, as once you get your body moving, your mood will start to feel better.
If you are new to meditation, then full squares or workings may be difficult to you, or hard for your soul to sustain. Regarding mantras, you can use Sowilo for fire, as well as Nauthiz for grounding. Another would be the name or Erishkegal. See: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/god-names-that-you-have-made-use-of.67117/#post-317582

Sowilo gives motivation; Nauthiz gives discipline, so you can craft your affirmations accordingly. Be mindful of the nearby VoC moon.
Use these as a means to start and continue the 40 day guide, as that is the best framework for people, and will give your soul a basis for further development.

As mentioned before, exercise is both motivating, but also aids and grounds the physical body. So I would definitely look into that, as once you get your body moving, your mood will start to feel better.
thank you for your help, i appreciate you
this is extremely dogmatic
JoS kinda has a defense mechanism on everything that doesnt come from the people inside it

You know there are a ton of people sacrificing their free time to read all the outside sources, study ancient religions and read a ton of books. How else would we know anything?

So when we reject these outside sources is because we already know it.

Of course, we are not all knowing, and the standpoint of JoS changes overtime, but there are some things we know ts bullshit, either because of personal experiences, or simply because we can connect the dots.

"We are" also not one, so some like advanced people will be more or way more knowledgeable and experienced.

About the universe, Think of it as it has a ton of layers. Normally people at the lowest layer, and as we advance we can go to higher layers, the soul starts to manifest in these higher layers too. God know how many layers there are, but we know that the avarge human's soul is at the very lowest layers. These layers are the closest to the physical plane. This is where Ghosts lives.

This applies to territories and bigger bodies too, such as planets, stars, or a whole star system. The higher level these bodies on, the "brighter" it gets.
Astral territories, layers, dimensions are infinite in width, length, height, and in energy.

Thats what I have gathered.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
