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Shinzo Abe Assasination, Boris Johnson Resigns, Georgia Guidestones, Alien Invasion, Ukraine War, Enemy Pullbacks

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In this universe there are unalienable laws, which the more one violates, the more one will pay a form of return for doing so. One unrelenting law such as this is the law of harmony, be this of life or society. When this law is violated, on the body, there is sickness, and in society, collapse and ruin will be the natural outcome.

You might have noticed that there is not much "Political" commentating anymore here. The reasons for this are simple: We just have to do what we are doing and watch as the situation unfolds. The enemy has pushed it too far, too fast, and too soon.

Do not forget, that a few months ago, mandating medical alterations over what was in prior experimental, or even conversation about chipping people [Israel started this conversation] has took place. The proponents of these ideas have went into hiding, and now are "laying low", to clearly cover for themselves until the public forgets. But these crimes happened anyway.

Shinzo Abe's assassination is a big loss for Japan. I have not yet clarified based on news or information why this could have occurred. If people remember, Abe was a very very good friend with Donald Trump. The fruit of this crime will be the know by it's product.

The chances of the person being just a nutcase, are extremely low. The so called "killer" did not even try to escape.

He was a conservative and preservationist of Japan and Japanese culture, and it's no wonder that he was probably brought to the end of his life by proponents who want to forcibly "modernize" Japan [ie, millions of Rapefugees per year and so on]. We will see by the fruit here. Maybe this was also instigated by China, but that would only be an assumption.

The insanity of severe measures, punishments for those who don't want to engage in certain medical decisions, media scaremongering is all there. The trolling started in 2019 and hasn't yet stopped itself. Even if the virus goes to literally 0% mortality, certain proponents that make a lot out and have control freak tendencies will not stop mentioning it.

The Ukraine War, has moved on further aside with all these crazy and rather clear "Great Reset" Agendas, trying to crash the global economy on the so called "Semitah Year" of the Jews. In regards to this, there is previous commentary. All of this, began the moment the "Co-Vid" was coming to a halt because people were starting to really fire back against governments and restrictions.

No doubt, this war randomly began on this date because of great need of energy. Zelensky does not want this war to "stop", and any compromise is beyond him. Nobody else wants this either and so on. The cost of this is a lot of human life, financial ruin and instability in the West and the whole world, shortages, and other problems that have caused more imbalances.

As the enemy saw this, causing financial pressure on people was their next logical step, both produced by Co-Vid and also deliberately. This weakness the masses, and as we all know, the architects of "Chaos through order" want people to be sick, miserable, weak, poor and retarded - as much as possible, to "rule" over them better.

Wars and other situations which constantly keep humans from advancing, are necessary to them. These cause great upset in the harmony of the world, and through this, they try to create "New Orders" and what the worn out Klaus Schwab and his puppeteers have called as the "Great Reset".

From all the information that is based on hype, fear and so on, three things seem to be undeniable facts. The enemy is rushing, the enemy wants to implement certain things before certain times, the enemy is having problems with stability on a serious manner. And one more thing, none of this has really started just yet.

All of these futile attempts are centered around either eradicating or neutralizing humanity, robbing people of free will, and generally going against every higher divine choice that has to do with the plans of the Gods for mankind.

In Ancient historical records, people like this who push this too far, are punished greatly by the Gods. However, as they are blind they cannot see this. Among the mild punishments we have the collapse of their own power. Among the heavier ones, we have what Christians foolishly call as "Hell".

Boris Johnson now, who has been quite open to the Great Reset, has flipped out and fell like a deck of cards, being forced to resign. In regards to the Georgia Guidestones, while there are many theories ranging from UFO's and other things doing the incident, I do personally believe this was either an inside job, or that certain leaders in the world and even in secret groups, actually have understood of what a great violation they have caused in the universal consensus.

Maybe they can enslave monkeys with all sorts of tools, but they cannot stop the higher beings and operators of this world. Israel's past president Nethanyahu can advocate for microchips and robbing of free will and thought as much as he wants, but in the end of the day, he achieved nothing but a great curse for himself.

His government also fell like a deck of cards, with Israel's next president Bennett also walking the path of bringing more instability to Israel. Israel is now treading into the territory of being at the lack of leadership. As the enemy's evil falls upon itself, they will be stalled more and more. The greater the intervention of the Gods, the worse for them.

The planet and our world are in the hands of the same powers they always were, minus that we have an ongoing flu here that was to be expected from the Gods. With each interval of every passing generation, leaders and the control of the planet changes, with the body undergoing temporary shock.

Clearly, a lot of fear and uncertainty in the previous years has cause a lot of fear to many people. But now all of us here are stronger. We took our choices, found solutions, and fought our way through.

As a closing note, I want to also say to NOT forget that the enemy's plan is longterm. Many people expect "Messianic solutions" by 2024 and other things - but be aware, the enemy *WILL* keep their attacks, and we must also KEEP UP WITH THE SPIRITUAL WARFARE.

People were questioning where this was going and called the situation "over" before, due to fear. I told you before, it's not over. The enemy will keep pushing the agenda for as long as they can. Popular acceptance will slow this down or crush it. And we have seen nothing yet from the power of our side, all of this is just the scalping of the surface for all of this.

Our latest Rituals constitute very heavy warfare against the enemy, who is clearly entering a circle of decline. But that is not enough, as they might recover if they are allowed to raise their head again.

Satan has said that OUR SIDE HAS WON, and it is true.

To walk there, we have to use our own feet, to win our own personal and external aspects of this war, same as defeating the inner qualities that have brought all of this great fall. If we do not do this, the flu that humanity suffers from will again try to take the reins and do it all over again. We have to show strength and resilience.

Stay strong during these times, and everything you read on the news, always take with a grain of salt. For example, many started raving about the "Georgia Guidestones" that "aliens are here and it will all be over soon" and other disabling nonsense.

Aliens coming or whatever, still leaves human work undone, and as humans, we have to do what we have to do as if nobody was expected. These beliefs of severe escapism are for people who don't know as much as we do, and try to educate these people by bringing them in the forums here and giving them better information.

Any of the higher beings can come, and if we have not finished our work, the moment they will depart, they will have bought us time, and then we will do the same severe mistakes all over again. As time goes, more and more elect human souls must practice spiritually so that we avoid the repeat of these mistakes.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Amazing and informative post as always HP

To add onto this, it also recently came to my attention that all these world leaders who want to go "Green" and use renewable energy infrastructure, have painted a very nice picture for people to look at but hid the fact to reach all this out landish goals by 2030. We'll have to basically run the earth almost dry digging up earth minerals and metals to build all these projects. And the projects just keep getting bigger and bigger it's ridiculous. Using the Ukraine situation as a way to by pass certain regulations and enviromental concerns.

It should be taken into account that the enemy wishes to convince people there's hope when they are really planning to make things worse.

There's so many enemy plans in play ,you can tell how desperate they are to destroy as much as possible as soon as possible.

But even seeing all these things ... i have not a single doubt in my mind that *WE HAVE WON* i can feel it. Now we need to claim that victory with out own hands.
There's been an apparent trend across America that anyone observant would have become increasingly aware of, and that's the media and government's tireless efforts to seemingly prop up some organized Xian movement. More and more and more is being done to feed into this en masse, to build up memetic trends and to push psyop campaigns in places of high interest. The Georgia Guidestones, for instance, were always the subject of certain "Xian conspiracies", saying they were created by the "Luciferian world order". What I mean by memetic psyops is, there's been high profile Xian Republicans lately who spend all their time online posting Bible shit who have said "we will destroy the evil Satanic Guidestones". And here we are, blown up by an "Act of God" so all the insane Xians can clamour and act like it's a sign from above and grow even more violent and unhinged. Xian psyops are all over /pol/, for instance, and it's blatant how badly they want to groom idiotic, influenceable youths into becoming Christo-terrorists.

Keeping my ear to the ground, I've been hearing so much more Xian shit being pushed. Perhaps, certain forces hope that the loss in church adherents can be made up for by simply extremifying the remaining Xian zealots. Seriously, I implore anyone to watch a single clip being posted online by American Xians. The stuff they say, and how they say it, is beyond the borderline of raw insanity. Go back a few years, none of these freaks would have had the courage to spout their bullshit like they are now, but efforts to empower them have been underway for quite some time. The media, evidently, wants to normalize the Xian perspective again, by shoving it in people's faces in the form of a false dichotomy. Don't like Biden and the Democrats? Join the corrupted, infiltrated to the brim Republican party ranting and raving about Jeboo nonsense.

The outright psychopathy I've seen from some of these Republicans is just staggering. The fact that these people hold positions of influence and power is mindboggling. What's worse is, disillusioned morons are easily lead back into the church's embrace when they're successfully brainwashed into thinking it stands for conservative and white values. Take Qanon for instance. Anyone with half a brain can see the CIA's smudgy fingerprints all over it. The entire Qanon shitshow of "Donald Trump was appointed by Jeebus to own the Satanists in the Whitehouse and he's going to storm it with his private military and regain control" was so obviously a honeypot to create the Capitol riots situation and further aggravate the political divide in America.

Seriously, take Trump, the man himself. He goes on social media and says how the abolishing of Roe vs Wade was a great victory for Xianity and for life. Only to then, in private say how he thinks it was a stupid idea to do it and is damaging the Republican movement. I'm not an outright critic of the man himself, but he was nobody's saviour. The fact the Xians think he's all Bible values is hilarious given his prior history.

People do need to see all this for what it is. The end goal was always the same. Radicalize people into becoming increasingly far left and far right and create a memetic culture war of brainwashed Xians on one side and Commies on the other. Don't fall for these false dichotomies is ultimately the point. If you browse Republican Twitter for five minutes it's plain to see they're the same pedos and reptoids you get on the left, except they spout Bible verses instead of Marx's playbook (same thing, funnily enough). I want to believe it's a good thing and that these freaks are simply being spotlighted and pushed into the open for exposure, but if you make the situation bad enough, people's fear will dull their logics and the ravings of the Xian lunatics may be tempting for the weak and gullible to buy into.

We have won, and always will have, what I'm expressing is simply a desire for less collateral, and recent Xian behaviour leads me to believe these people are pushing for as big of a bloodbath as possible. With the USA in the state that it is, I will honestly not give it long before there's mandates in certain states outright banning "Paganism". This is simply an encouragement for Americans in particular to keep their faith private, as parts of the US seem to deem it desirable to emulate a Sharia law shithole. After all, just like in a Sharia shithole, women effectively have no rights in certain places now. Even if a 10 year old gets violently raped and falls pregnant, she is forced to give birth even though it will kill her. This is what the Xian Republicans are calling a "gift from God".

Just when I thought I couldn't despise Xians anymore than I already did.
Well written HP. I am not supposed to ask this but what did you major in school?
As you said HP HoodedCobra! The jews are constantly attacking us, at a fast pace, mercilles and continuing their diabolical plan. We need to constantly do the RTRs and AOP protection and strengthening rituals in order to protect against this vile, blood-only oriented program called xianity. It is nothing but pure disaster, curses against the gentiles and clearly a tool to enave us. I sibcerely hate that, even thoughts I manage to succesfully evade the xian program at home, sometimes on the Internet I have to come across messages that promote the jewish agenda and from some idiots that claim that the xian-invented god will protect us or other crap like this.

In conclusion, I also want to encourage Internet activism and, if you ever need pdf translations, website translations you can contact me at [email protected]

Note in advance that I need to use both a virtual machine and OpenOffice in order to work in complete anonymity, so there may be several delays but ... your warrior here can assure you that once he takes a work to be translated (manually, of course), it will be finalized with style!

🔥⛧AVE SATANAS🔥⛧ my beautiful family 👪 and I wish you all the joy, health and happiness and we will succeed in our mission.

And in my opinion, Joy of Satan is more than just a ministry or true knowledge conservation organization, it is what Father Satan made in order to make the world go find their ancestral pagan knowledge and also a space where we should celebrate every day in our lives and that the jews and the enemy are soon going to fall.
We are doing more than we think, we are helping restore the rightful balance to the world. This forum is more than just a forum, it is a community and a family, in which each of us are encouraged to grow. I cannot wait to see their downfall and the inevitable rise of Satan, of which they can only delay yet not prevent.

And to those who are doubtful, Do not discourage! Do not lose hope! Have faith in the Gods and find the motivation to keep going! They saw greatness in us, and by Satan, we will live up to that greatness.
You can tell that all these idiots have achieved through this rushed plan is cause a great deal of hatred for the Jewish state to the point now we are seeing even on there precious social media feeds you see the commentary on every single in of their plans and crap they want to put forward they are now met with overwhelming abuse and hate we have a early morning news show in Australia called sunrise main host is an obvious jew only a few letters away from his name being kosher and this guy can't even read out social media comments about any of the government's crap anymore because everybody hates them and calls them out on artificial shortages and such.

The people are only a few steps away from knowing and believing the whole truth
meditation, yoga, pranayama, exercise, working, RTR, thank to the gods... just repeat it all days till you become a god or die trying

thank you cobra for your amazing post!! I hope to be able to donate soon!! we gotta make the home of our gods here on earth bigger

We will push through. In 2024 those who expect quick solutions will be torn from our ranks, like onions, by their own nature, or steeled by this experience. Only the strong , who understand that Satan emphasizes patience, will last.
It is absolute mental just now bro

Cheers HPHC take care my man as always :cool:
The selfish denial of our father's love is the most grotesquely unimaginable quality...
Every day is getting worse, the Jews have outgrown their leg. They exaggerated and did it on a too short time. Even the ignorant ones are starting thinking that there is something underneath all those problems together.
Arcadia said:
There's been an apparent trend across America that anyone observant would have become increasingly aware of, and that's the media and government's tireless efforts to seemingly prop up some organized Xian movement...

This is an incredibly high quality post. Very well said.
BehemothWarrior666 said:
And in my opinion, Joy of Satan is more than just a ministry or true knowledge conservation organization, it is what Father Satan made in order to make the world go find their ancestral pagan knowledge and also a space where we should celebrate every day in our lives and that the jews and the enemy are soon going to fall.
Yes, very definitely.
You couldn't have written it better. :cool: :D
What a disgusting agenda this Great Reset, they want to assimilate all the peoples of the world. What psychopaths, they are also doing everything in their power.
Ahahaha the jews are losing in all corners of the world and it will continue forever.

Btw i did Azazels Ritual at Delphi in Greece, fuck you jews, ahahaha.

Our Serpentine Powers are way stronger and smarter than you little weak desert lizards.

Donations incoming! Fuck you jews and your empty npc cups who still follow you! :lol:

Hail all our Gods and Demons and hail the Joy of Satan! Now and forever!
There is definitely a lot of shit in the media that's trying to promote Xianity that I've been seeing for the past few days. I've seen MSN articles titled 'Americans need to open they're bibles' or some shit like that.
The good news is that I've seen an article saying that 30% of America doesn't believe in 'God', and atheism and witchcraft is at an 'alarming' rise. So I guess you could view that as a win for us.

There's also this shit that I've been seeing in the media recently about Beyonce telling people to quit their jobs, and "line up for the great resignation", as well as recently released a song titled 'Break my Soul' from her album 'Renaissance' which is supposedly 'breaking records' and 'making history' as a single or whatever. I never listened to it or seen the music video, but at this point none of us need to in order determine that its full of typical jewish symbolism and propaganda bullshit.

At this point I find it ridiculous that theres even still people out there that fall for all of this nonsense and blatant jewish agenda and programming due to how much they have exposed themselves recently.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
Btw i did Azazels Ritual at Delphi in Greece, fuck you jews, ahahaha.

Recommended next stop, cave of Zeus in Crete, for Zeus's Ritual.

Keep it secret and all of course.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
BehemothWarrior666 said:
And in my opinion, Joy of Satan is more than just a ministry or true knowledge conservation organization, it is what Father Satan made in order to make the world go find their ancestral pagan knowledge and also a space where we should celebrate every day in our lives and that the jews and the enemy are soon going to fall.
Yes, very definitely.
You couldn't have written it better. :cool: :D
Thank you my friend! Your opinion is very appreciated and yes! That's what I feel regarding Joy of Satan :D
Sunny said:
What a disgusting agenda this Great Reset, they want to assimilate all the peoples of the world. What psychopaths, they are also doing everything in their power.

"Psychopaths" Is reductive. :twisted:
BehemothWarrior666 said:
As you said HP HoodedCobra! The jews are constantly attacking us, at a fast pace, mercilles and continuing their diabolical plan. We need to constantly do the RTRs and AOP protection and strengthening rituals in order to protect against this vile, blood-only oriented program called xianity. It is nothing but pure disaster, curses against the gentiles and clearly a tool to enave us. I sibcerely hate that, even thoughts I manage to succesfully evade the xian program at home, sometimes on the Internet I have to come across messages that promote the jewish agenda and from some idiots that claim that the xian-invented god will protect us or other crap like this.

In conclusion, I also want to encourage Internet activism and, if you ever need pdf translations, website translations you can contact me at [email protected]

Note in advance that I need to use both a virtual machine and OpenOffice in order to work in complete anonymity, so there may be several delays but ... your warrior here can assure you that once he takes a work to be translated (manually, of course), it will be finalized with style!

🔥⛧AVE SATANAS🔥⛧ my beautiful family 👪 and I wish you all the joy, health and happiness and we will succeed in our mission.

And in my opinion, Joy of Satan is more than just a ministry or true knowledge conservation organization, it is what Father Satan made in order to make the world go find their ancestral pagan knowledge and also a space where we should celebrate every day in our lives and that the jews and the enemy are soon going to fall.

just finished my rtrs, great comment.

HS 88
I remember watching a few speeches by a brave whistle blower he was a geologist and expert of underground construction he helped build all the under ground military bases in the United States including area 51,a guy named Philip Schneider who boldly went out in public and spilled the beans about the enemy and there plans I remember him saying that the evil aliens want to decimate most of the world's population by the year 2029 and the rest to be used as slave's and other uses,
And he stated that the agenda of the Grey's and the other bad aliens is to accomplish this all by the year 2029 and he stated this back in 1995 before he was OBVIOUSLY assassinated so if what he said Is true, that the enemy wants to accomplish this. By the year 2029, they really are running out of time
They're probably going to start getting really rabid and probably not going to give a dam about exposing themselves in the process of doing so...... stay strong people....who knows what they may pull next...
Arcadia said:
There's been an apparent trend across America that anyone observant would have become increasingly aware of, and that's the media and government's tireless efforts to seemingly prop up some organized Xian movement. More and more and more is being done to feed into this en masse, to build up memetic trends and to push psyop campaigns in places of high interest. The Georgia Guidestones, for instance, were always the subject of certain "Xian conspiracies", saying they were created by the "Luciferian world order". What I mean by memetic psyops is, there's been high profile Xian Republicans lately who spend all their time online posting Bible shit who have said "we will destroy the evil Satanic Guidestones". And here we are, blown up by an "Act of God" so all the insane Xians can clamour and act like it's a sign from above and grow even more violent and unhinged. Xian psyops are all over /pol/, for instance, and it's blatant how badly they want to groom idiotic, influenceable youths into becoming Christo-terrorists.

Keeping my ear to the ground, I've been hearing so much more Xian shit being pushed. Perhaps, certain forces hope that the loss in church adherents can be made up for by simply extremifying the remaining Xian zealots. Seriously, I implore anyone to watch a single clip being posted online by American Xians. The stuff they say, and how they say it, is beyond the borderline of raw insanity. Go back a few years, none of these freaks would have had the courage to spout their bullshit like they are now, but efforts to empower them have been underway for quite some time. The media, evidently, wants to normalize the Xian perspective again, by shoving it in people's faces in the form of a false dichotomy. Don't like Biden and the Democrats? Join the corrupted, infiltrated to the brim Republican party ranting and raving about Jeboo nonsense.

The outright psychopathy I've seen from some of these Republicans is just staggering. The fact that these people hold positions of influence and power is mindboggling. What's worse is, disillusioned morons are easily lead back into the church's embrace when they're successfully brainwashed into thinking it stands for conservative and white values. Take Qanon for instance. Anyone with half a brain can see the CIA's smudgy fingerprints all over it. The entire Qanon shitshow of "Donald Trump was appointed by Jeebus to own the Satanists in the Whitehouse and he's going to storm it with his private military and regain control" was so obviously a honeypot to create the Capitol riots situation and further aggravate the political divide in America.

Seriously, take Trump, the man himself. He goes on social media and says how the abolishing of Roe vs Wade was a great victory for Xianity and for life. Only to then, in private say how he thinks it was a stupid idea to do it and is damaging the Republican movement. I'm not an outright critic of the man himself, but he was nobody's saviour. The fact the Xians think he's all Bible values is hilarious given his prior history.

People do need to see all this for what it is. The end goal was always the same. Radicalize people into becoming increasingly far left and far right and create a memetic culture war of brainwashed Xians on one side and Commies on the other. Don't fall for these false dichotomies is ultimately the point. If you browse Republican Twitter for five minutes it's plain to see they're the same pedos and reptoids you get on the left, except they spout Bible verses instead of Marx's playbook (same thing, funnily enough). I want to believe it's a good thing and that these freaks are simply being spotlighted and pushed into the open for exposure, but if you make the situation bad enough, people's fear will dull their logics and the ravings of the Xian lunatics may be tempting for the weak and gullible to buy into.

We have won, and always will have, what I'm expressing is simply a desire for less collateral, and recent Xian behaviour leads me to believe these people are pushing for as big of a bloodbath as possible. With the USA in the state that it is, I will honestly not give it long before there's mandates in certain states outright banning "Paganism". This is simply an encouragement for Americans in particular to keep their faith private, as parts of the US seem to deem it desirable to emulate a Sharia law shithole. After all, just like in a Sharia shithole, women effectively have no rights in certain places now. Even if a 10 year old gets violently raped and falls pregnant, she is forced to give birth even though it will kill her. This is what the Xian Republicans are calling a "gift from God".

Just when I thought I couldn't despise Xians anymore than I already did.

I somewhat agree, I have seen some youtubers who are borderline atheists speak against Christianity then pull a 180 an go full christard, I
don't think it's a coincidence either, some youtubers have reptilian jews editing videos for them, so it's probably easy to see plus, with voting an etc elections coming up etc, the reptiles think that turning people into good christard slaves will fix the problems, the jews caused caused,but nope more are rejecting the useful idiots in xianity an useful communist idiots, you can see the RTR's doing their work the jews are paying for what they do,
though it's really going to be well bad these next coming years,I'm hoping the more we do RTR's it finally exposes the reptilian jewish,once an for all
I felt the energy eas off the night before he got assassinated. I wonder if any fellow S.S he as ex anything from their guardian demon told anyone about Abe's ,(Japan prime minister) and his assassination.
siatris666 said:
BehemothWarrior666 said:
As you said HP HoodedCobra! The jews are constantly attacking us, at a fast pace, mercilles and continuing their diabolical plan. We need to constantly do the RTRs and AOP protection and strengthening rituals in order to protect against this vile, blood-only oriented program called xianity. It is nothing but pure disaster, curses against the gentiles and clearly a tool to enave us. I sibcerely hate that, even thoughts I manage to succesfully evade the xian program at home, sometimes on the Internet I have to come across messages that promote the jewish agenda and from some idiots that claim that the xian-invented god will protect us or other crap like this.

In conclusion, I also want to encourage Internet activism and, if you ever need pdf translations, website translations you can contact me at [email protected]

Note in advance that I need to use both a virtual machine and OpenOffice in order to work in complete anonymity, so there may be several delays but ... your warrior here can assure you that once he takes a work to be translated (manually, of course), it will be finalized with style!

🔥⛧AVE SATANAS🔥⛧ my beautiful family 👪 and I wish you all the joy, health and happiness and we will succeed in our mission.

And in my opinion, Joy of Satan is more than just a ministry or true knowledge conservation organization, it is what Father Satan made in order to make the world go find their ancestral pagan knowledge and also a space where we should celebrate every day in our lives and that the jews and the enemy are soon going to fall.

just finished my rtrs, great comment.

HS 88
Thank you my friend for your appreciation! 👍👏
Firstly, I know I sometimes don't appear in the forums but this time it was different. The same day the "guidestones" where bomb was the day I had no access to the forums. I can't get into too much detail as it's personal. I didn't have a way to be here until recently but I was able to catch the mainstream news about the guidestones which is crazy because a few hours after it happened I was speaking to someone about that stuff and how anti human the "guidestones" are later to find our they where bombed.

A few days later I hear the sad news about Shinzo Abe which personally did affect me because out of all the weak, spineless, corrupted leaders (if not outright jews) he was definitely one of the very very few good leaders that had my respect.

I know we aren't supposed to let the enemy doings affect us but this one I had to mourn a bit for him out of respect.

On another note, with the recent news about biden's son hunter recording himself touching himself and smoking crack, Tim Pool's comment on how the world leaders' children are way more unhinged and in no way prepared to take over the reigns of their very old parents who have set up a lot of this negative things for humanity made me realized that this is the curses being sent back onto the jews. They have thrown curses and pushed degenerate influences at Gentile children but now their own children have absorbed a lot of this degenerate behaviour and are way more unhinged to where they publicly call for all these anti human policies while their parents worked in the shadows, which thanks to us have also put a light on it for others to see how crazy they have always been.

It's been a wild week and it'll only get wilder as the enemy loses more and more power.

Stay strong everyone.

Hail Satan!
hello all you people. i am fairly new to satanism. as i am only 14 i have up until recently believed the bible. maybe i am still brainwashed from everything else, but will i have to become a nazi? i am seeing lots of satanic aryan groups and other things alike. i understand that jews are satan bashers, but will i need to become a nazi? i dont feel comfortable with that, atleast not yet. i dont know if this nazi stuff is the right thing, and ive been brainwashed by society, or its not and it is people trying to make satanism look bad. i dont think its right that hitler killed 6 million jews. please do not ban me, i am new. i am looking to understand. i am trying to overcome the prejudice i have been taught my whole life, so please, bear with me. please do not take this as me not believing. i do want what is right. but i just dont understand what is right.
Yes we have one❣🔥. BUT!👁 the xtains here in America are always trying to pull something out of their foul asses, and trying to get their attention anyway they can again as usual... and just like clockwork! :-( now that the Jews are kicking the shit out of each other and the Muslims are being entertained! Along with what is going on in Europe!👁🤔 the Christians are now doing it their song and dance! Grabbing all the attention on themselves! Lol... and now we watch the show go down with them!? What kind of clowns they can make out of themselves..🤔🤣🤣 and they are aware of the fact that we have one!! Fair and square!!! And they will do anything for the attention..🥴🥴🥴 all the while we sit back and celebrate!!! Our Victory ⚡nothing is going to get in our way! HAIL SATAN!!!⚡🔥💀
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
Btw i did Azazels Ritual at Delphi in Greece, fuck you jews, ahahaha.

Recommended next stop, cave of Zeus in Crete, for Zeus's Ritual.

Keep it secret and all of course.

Thanks, i will try my best.
Kinda hard to be "hidden" in those public places,
i feel like a walking alive satanic radio station which is emitting energy and frequency constantly.
If i feel watched, i will just whisper our stuff.
Fuck pissrael.
So what is happening in Ukraine anyways? There is so much propaganda on either side and so much fake shit and so much extreme volumes of data from not just both sides but even 3rd parties.

I recall a Bitchute person that states Russia has like half of Ukraine they are going slow and steady to avoid collateral. I do recall early on Russia was very adamant of keeping Ukraine untouched to capture all the resources they don't want to ruin the country cause they'll be taking it over. They also mentioned all these Reddittards fighting in Ukraine stopped posting stuff because yeah your fighting and thinking your hot shit until a hypersonic missile strikes a building nearby and tears it down and you shit your pants thinking shit that could have been me.

I notice the entire enthusiasm for war even from war drummers is waning they still drum the beats. But it seems like robotic canned xtian prayers like war, war, war, let us have our war. I don't know why the World is obsessed for a WW3 scenario it's like all these retards are manipulated biblically into this doomsday scenario/scenarios.

Anyways Russia just recently completed it's Americanization project. They switched over completely as of June 30 to the Gold-Standard. Before from about March or April they activated a gold-standard switch offering 5,000 rubles flat to anyone for a gram of gold. They mentioned all Rubles are gold-backed and gold-derivatives so you don't need to do the leg work and keep the Gold moved around. Rather the Government controls all the metal they move it around and do the leg work you just pay and use the Gold-backed Ruble.

I'm aware like the guy on the Seeking Alpha webpage a while back that Gold-backing restricts growth. It does slow down a bit for the cost of having proper non-FIAT money it does constrict a bit. But normally nations back their money with a multitude of things. Sure it's not Hitler's-style backing which combined a variety of things but especially labor backed as well as E.O.T.M.O.E.(Exchange of the Medium of Exchange) I recall the very act of moving money around in Germany acted as a force multiplier so as people gained or traded money it powers up the very person and enriches them heavily so.

The only other thing Gold-Standard is kinda bad about is raising mass capital like FIAT for war. It's true that Gold-Standard does reduce desire for war and whatnot. But again Russia realizes this is a smart move and realizes they can always make hard money something I like to personally call Real Capita. And they probably realize the benefits far outweigh the negatives of FIAT especially knowing what is happening with America and the March 2020 switch of FRL(Fractional Reserve Lending) into IRL(Infinite reserve lending).

So what is going on in Ukro-Russo war?
Gear88 said:
So what is happening in Ukraine anyways? There is so much propaganda on either side and so much fake shit and so much extreme volumes of data from not just both sides but even 3rd parties.

I recall a Bitchute person that states Russia has like half of Ukraine they are going slow and steady to avoid collateral. I do recall early on Russia was very adamant of keeping Ukraine untouched to capture all the resources they don't want to ruin the country cause they'll be taking it over. They also mentioned all these Reddittards fighting in Ukraine stopped posting stuff because yeah your fighting and thinking your hot shit until a hypersonic missile strikes a building nearby and tears it down and you shit your pants thinking shit that could have been me.

I notice the entire enthusiasm for war even from war drummers is waning they still drum the beats. But it seems like robotic canned xtian prayers like war, war, war, let us have our war. I don't know why the World is obsessed for a WW3 scenario it's like all these retards are manipulated biblically into this doomsday scenario/scenarios.

Anyways Russia just recently completed it's Americanization project. They switched over completely as of June 30 to the Gold-Standard. Before from about March or April they activated a gold-standard switch offering 5,000 rubles flat to anyone for a gram of gold. They mentioned all Rubles are gold-backed and gold-derivatives so you don't need to do the leg work and keep the Gold moved around. Rather the Government controls all the metal they move it around and do the leg work you just pay and use the Gold-backed Ruble.

I'm aware like the guy on the Seeking Alpha webpage a while back that Gold-backing restricts growth. It does slow down a bit for the cost of having proper non-FIAT money it does constrict a bit. But normally nations back their money with a multitude of things. Sure it's not Hitler's-style backing which combined a variety of things but especially labor backed as well as E.O.T.M.O.E.(Exchange of the Medium of Exchange) I recall the very act of moving money around in Germany acted as a force multiplier so as people gained or traded money it powers up the very person and enriches them heavily so.

The only other thing Gold-Standard is kinda bad about is raising mass capital like FIAT for war. It's true that Gold-Standard does reduce desire for war and whatnot. But again Russia realizes this is a smart move and realizes they can always make hard money something I like to personally call Real Capita. And they probably realize the benefits far outweigh the negatives of FIAT especially knowing what is happening with America and the March 2020 switch of FRL(Fractional Reserve Lending) into IRL(Infinite reserve lending).

So what is going on in Ukro-Russo war?

And what is happening in the Ukro-Russian war is that apart from the fact that the enemy deliberately created this war between two fraternal nations, Russia was actually surrounded by NATO countries, which are controlled by the United States, and only a fool thinks that NATO is a defensive alliance. NATO was created specifically to threaten Russia, and planned to use Ukraine as a springboard for a later attack on Russia. Simply put, had Russia not started a special operation, the Ukrainians would have attacked Belarus first and then entered the Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics and slaughtered the entire civilian population. And the US and NATO would have turned a blind eye, under the pretext that Ukraine was "reclaiming its territories", but in fact it was killing civilians. Russia came to protect the people of Donbass and Luhansk and those Ukrainians who had been killed for 8 years for not wanting to speak Ukrainian and were on Russia's side. And if she had not done so, all the inhabitants of Donbas and Luhansk, and possibly Belarus and the border territories of Russia, would have been killed. Goebbels said that Russia was the hope of a dying world.
Gear88 said:
I recall a Bitchute person that states Russia has like half of Ukraine they are going slow and steady to avoid collateral.
Not even Russian propaganda is saying that they have half of Ukraine: https://southfront.org/military-situation-in-ukraine-on-july-12-2022-map-update/
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 said:
I recall a Bitchute person that states Russia has like half of Ukraine they are going slow and steady to avoid collateral.
Not even Russian propaganda is saying that they have half of Ukraine: https://southfront.org/military-situation-in-ukraine-on-july-12-2022-map-update/
Well, Russian propaganda is no match for Western and American Russophobe propaganda, first of all, and secondly, you do not have all the information - Russian troops have already liberated the entire Luhansk region, there are battles for Seversk and Bakhmut, and a few settlements were taken the other day. I recommend subscribing to telegram news channels to get the fullest amount of information, as the information there is straight from the military front and very up-to-date.
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 said:
I recall a Bitchute person that states Russia has like half of Ukraine they are going slow and steady to avoid collateral.
Not even Russian propaganda is saying that they have half of Ukraine: https://southfront.org/military-situation-in-ukraine-on-july-12-2022-map-update/

Okay my bad I guess that person was wrong. Wow Russia barely dented Ukraine. It's getting to the point where combat is obsolete. If that is how much Russia has taken since February(nearly 6 months now). Hmm seems like Western lendlease bullshit and all this non-sense going on seems like the World is propping the shit out of Ukraine. Like I said seems like modern warfare this whole 3rd Generational ability is getting out of hand. It's one thing back over 80 years ago during WW2 it seems now with modern arms things have gotten too hectic and too difficult to breach through countries. Even if Ukraine is kind a mix nation. At least infrastructure wise Ukraine seems to apply the same Soyviet logic build Eastern Euro buildings that look crappy and repetitive that grey drab of Soyvietization just with Western properties.

Man the comments on that site. I understand perfectly well Unicorn(Azov) is probably more likely NazBol at this point basically kosher supervised NS. And they mess around as a fake false flag organization.

But seems like the comments either attracting trolls or simply people so dimwitted. Funny WW2 never ended same for WW1. Whoever was the JoS member who said we are still a 1940s-1950s or so society was dead on. 1940s Kill Axis countries, 1950s Axis countries brought evil things we must fight for so-called freedoms.

Reminds me of a unpopular below the radar FPS game that had glitches called Iron Storm.

Basically the premise is WW1 occurs never ends it's 1964 and the 50th year of the war. Some WW2 stuff pops in but it's still the same war.

Honestly judging from the comments I don't understand how people can be so fervent on damning Russia to oblivion. I'm aware of the history of Russia leading up to it's collapse. But still it seems like it's not totaler krieg but perpetual krieg.

Funny the anti-NatSoc comments it's those Nazi Russians or whatever. Just funny because no, no it is not.

Compared to my time studying stuff with a JoS, NS/SS/RF eye of things. It's like no one wants to solve the situation. It's akin to some of these people who want to break free from xtianity but want to keep it or leave it alone. Kinda reminds me of people like Tom Araya and Alice Cooper, we want to be xtians and have xtianity just not preachy and square we want a cool version that isn't annoying nor so traditionally retarded, more liberal and up to date.

Seems like the comments are IF Russia = Always enemy of US no matter what, IF Germany = Nazi attack them they attacked the poor chosenites Germany = anti-Dindu. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these are cuckinstein comments of people wanting Eur-ab-oid(Arab-Black browning kalergi plans)

Judging from Russia's history except for slight negative anti-American property during the battle near Los Angelos/San Fransisco in 1730s-1740s area. Russia has been America's friend and partner ever since the Tsars began to change and become better people. I also recall a JoS member stating after the German exodus into the East during the endings of the Renascence and entering into the Enlightenment or Age of Sail or just prior mechanical/electrical revolution. Germans ascended into Governments of the East and brought about revolutionary changes to improve those nations.

Anyways I'm going off topic like usual. But Russia's position doesn't inspire me into believing victory or IF victory it's a phyrric victory. We won but lost a lot.

Are there any other websites around stating stuff or are all of these websites bulleye targets by trolls and potential glowies fedbombing sites or creating cliques of people to act as feds and bomb websites?

Seems like it's the same story over and over again. It's the Russians no it's the Nazis no it's the Russian Nazis or Nazis are now Russia.

It's like NPCs your running and ruining the World to the ground.
Karolina said:
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 said:
I recall a Bitchute person that states Russia has like half of Ukraine they are going slow and steady to avoid collateral.
Not even Russian propaganda is saying that they have half of Ukraine: https://southfront.org/military-situation-in-ukraine-on-july-12-2022-map-update/
Well, Russian propaganda is no match for Western and American Russophobe propaganda, first of all, and secondly, you do not have all the information - Russian troops have already liberated the entire Luhansk region, there are battles for Seversk and Bakhmut, and a few settlements were taken the other day. I recommend subscribing to telegram news channels to get the fullest amount of information, as the information there is straight from the military front and very up-to-date.
This was not meant as a comparison, but simply a statement of the current situation. If you have checked the website I linked they relay the same info what you describe, perhaps with a little lag.

Other than that, I have no time nor interest to use Telegram for this purpose.
Interesting comments, but again the conversation is missing the point.

Here in Hungary, out of 9 million 700 thousand people, at most 100 thousand people know how to grow food for 1 year without petroleum, fertilizer and grocery stores. But this is a generous estimate, in reality there are not 100 thousand.

The majority of the 100,000 people have the knowledge in vain because there is no infrastructure, because the operational structure of modern agriculture is not such as to allow it.

Yet in Hungary, at least in theory, the potential for food production exists because there is land and water. In North Africa there is neither land nor water nor knowledge. How are you going to use rtr to solve the situation where 250 million starving Africans start a journey across the Mediterranean?

Don't get me wrong: despite my misgivings, I still doing frtrs. And yesterday I said goodbye to the forum. But I decided to ask this question because I was frightened by the naivety and lack of understanding of the situation of many forum members. Rtr is all well and good, but 3D reality works in a way that matter dominates and energy is subordinate. The material background alone is worth nothing and rtr alone is worth nothing. The situation would be different if humanity could convert matter into energy. But this is not the case at present. So it is very likely that only an extreme few, rare high level SS can convert energy into matter (maybe). Of course, let's hope for the best.
Bad translation: when I wrote about petroleum, fertilizer, etc., I meant store-bought feed, not grocery stores.
Henu the Great said:
Karolina said:
Henu the Great said:
Not even Russian propaganda is saying that they have half of Ukraine: https://southfront.org/military-situation-in-ukraine-on-july-12-2022-map-update/
Well, Russian propaganda is no match for Western and American Russophobe propaganda, first of all, and secondly, you do not have all the information - Russian troops have already liberated the entire Luhansk region, there are battles for Seversk and Bakhmut, and a few settlements were taken the other day. I recommend subscribing to telegram news channels to get the fullest amount of information, as the information there is straight from the military front and very up-to-date.
This was not meant as a comparison, but simply a statement of the current situation. If you have checked the website I linked they relay the same info what you describe, perhaps with a little lag.

Other than that, I have no time nor interest to use Telegram for this purpose.
I understand, it's not your war, what's the big deal... You don't care about Ukrainians or Russians or any other pagans at all, you only care about your own ass, I figured that out a long time ago. Don't be surprised when you will be without gas and food this winter - the kikes will do the same to you. Maybe then at least something will start to stir in your mind, although it is unlikely... No one here is interested in the fate of Russian and Ukrainian people, unfortunately. And by the way, the Father told us to take care of the race, but no one here does that, unfortunately...
byzey666 said:
i dont know if this nazi stuff is the right thing, and ive been brainwashed by society, or its not and it is people trying to make satanism look bad. i dont think its right that hitler killed 6 million jews. please do not ban me, i am new. i am looking to understand.

We also don't think it's right that Hitler killed 6 million jews.... Or rather, we don't think the claim is right.

The Holocaust™ never happened:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
