Hmm I agree with the drugs in the episodes, jesus/catholic religion ect.
The drug thing is terrible I don't know why he would allow someone smoking cocaine in the show I couldn't believe that. That really disturbed me. Whoever lets a show like family guy influence them into doing drugs/religion is a total idiot, but I guess that the way media works.......
Seth has said "jews control hollywood" jokingly of course :roll: but has had much antisemetic things in his shows. Just kind of seems like he takes everything a joke doesn't it.
Can we say with that good or bad attention of the jew is beneficial to us... that is debatable. Sure. Because look at the bible Jesus is a jew lunatic and people still don't get it... In every episode It just seems that they are making fun of kikes Anyway we all know what it says in their talmund or even what goyim means. Imo the kikes given any attention is good. George lincoln rockwell did not even know the jews were a race until he was 30, and after that still not many people do their research, not until they figure out the history of the murderous jew. But do you think maybe it's like a domino effect like one person figures out about the jews and tells another. After all apart of their culture is bloodsucking. That just sounds madly familiar in their culture imo even if you've never heard this before.
I think that when you are not awake about the jew you tend to be immature and give into a culture that they created ie. drugs...
Sorry if that was depressing guys I am not in the best mood today.