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Sermon 5/July/2015

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002

There are a few threads I want to reply to here before I get into my sermon regarding more information about what we are really dealing with [the enemy]. For those who are new xian=Christian. I include this because invariably, people ask, “What is an xian?” Crossing out the worthless “Christ”
There was a thread on Jew Roman Polanski in the JoS main group https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoyofSatan666/info
Several members wondered why Polanski made the Satanic movies that he did. The thread came up with quite a few guesses. Plain and simple… the average Jew will do anything and everything to make money. Never mind how or what for. In addition, the movie Rosemary’s Baby [1968] portrayed Satan as reptilian. This is no different form how Jew Steven Spielberg’s ET was also reptilian. The Jews work for the reptilians [most aren’t even aware, as this is programmed into their DNA] and they also are part reptilian. The Catholic Church retaliated with the 1973 movie “The Exorcist” which really dealt a hard blow to Satanism, especially back then. I remember it. People were horrified. Things were different back in those days. Always remember… it is the enemy that uses fear to coerce people into their nefarious and destructive human-hating programs, like Jewish communism. Polanski didn’t fare very well in his personal life given the conflicting energies.
I also want to add regarding our polluted and often toxic food – again, Jews gravitate to where the most monetary profits can be made and as most of you already know, they control the medical profession. Disproportionate numbers of Jews are medical doctors, no different form the disproportionate number of Jewish attorneys, and Hollywood , etc. For a small minority group to have this amount of control… Disease and a sick society bring huge monetary profits in to the Jew dominated medical profession. This is why there is industrial farming, GMOs, unnecessary and harmful chemicals, endless pollution of the environment and so forth. The Jew is an opportunist and could care less how big money is made. Third world children are kidnapped on a daily basis to have their vital organs removed and harvested for use as organ transplants in developed countries. Nearly all individual organs bring in money in the six digits. Gentile not only let them get away with this, but also the xians are in church every Sunday or in some cases even more often and give their slavish worship and energies to these foul Jewish programs.
Another thread concerning Satanism now being taught in the schools… “Teaching Satanism in schools in USA .” Of course, it is LaVeyan Satanism. BUT, there is no cause for any negativity here. This WILL result in bringing many more members our way. Those who have an interest will delve into researching online and most will end up here. Satan and the Gods of Hell bring many people here from CoS . I came in to Satanism after reading LaVey’s Satanic Bible and when I began reading LaVey’s Satanic Rituals, Demons didn’t waste any time contacting me. I then knew Satan was very real.
Now, Lilith showed me a few things recently in my studies. I have kept repeating slogans for years, but these slogans of which I heard throughout my life have even more meaning. I am sure you have also heard these slogans from other sources as well. "Everything of the enemy is artificial" “the enemy cannot create" "the enemy imposters" and so forth. Technology now-a-days has advanced to where it has a "sixth sense" and from what I read, there is even software that is called this. This software predicts your thoughts and such and by wearing a small device, it can even turn the palm of your hand into a keyboard- coming up as a shadow where you can communicate and there is much, much more, but for now, the bottom line is, those Greys have a microchip processor in/or as their brain. This computerized device is of course very advanced and can even simulate certain emotions to a limited degree, but the Greys lack emotions, as from what I learned yesterday, they are basically robotic machines, very advanced technology.
In addition to this, Lilith then told me even that torah is "artificial" in the way it is computerized and is made up of numbers and computer codes.
This is why those Jewish bible-code writers can find repeated patterns within the torah. This can also be done with certain novels and other books.  
What I just discovered, it the majority of what we are dealing with is technology gone awry. Because the xians tie into the artificial alien shit, in the advanced stages of xianity, they take on the alien-looking smiley masks and they themselves begin to look artificial.
We are dealing [the vast majority of this] with machines. Machines that have self-awareness, some emotions and telepathic ability. The telepathic ability is also artificial and Lilith also put into my head that those Greys wear a telepathic device that is hooked into a huge mega-database. This data base is their life-line so to speak and is vast, going back thousands of years. I strongly suspect this is what some people have come upon on the astral, known as the Akasha Records. The Akasha records are a database of everything that has ever happened in our universe… past lives, every soul, and so forth. The Akasha Records comprise a part of this mega-database. Our technology hasn't advanced to that point yet, but in studying, you can see where this is going. Worlds composed of artificial machines that do slave labor.
The reptilians are real and they use these kinds of things, but they are in a minority. The machines and the alien database do the work.
The Greys are PROGRAMMED to psychically harass us. This is why they keep at it and never quit. They also are [from what I have learned] dependent upon certain technical gear, what we know as software that enables them to have telepathic ability. Technology has advanced here on earth to where thoughts can be read and communicated telepathically by wearing a certain computer device. This is all artificial.
This is why both Satanism and the Third Reich, emphasis was placed upon the natural, not the artificial. Not that technology is anything bad, it is what is being done with it. The kikes are here to create a computer-chipped mass-slave state.
Some of you may be familiar with the series of movies "Terminator" which was back in the 1980's. These were silly, at least in my opinion, but what I have been studying regarding this, in a sense is not.
Well, from what I have been reading in this textbook on technology, they aren't too far from this and in certain laboratories, it is a already a reality:
http://web.archive.org/web/200710271651 ... /borg.html
Here is a quote taken from the link above, The Luciferian Liberation Front: Jesus of Borg:
"When a human being dies, his life essence, spirit, or soul is scanned by the Soul Collectors who patrol the dimension between physical time/space and the finer dimension of subspace and these Collectors project an image before the just deceased soul of a life form that will be recognizable to the deceased, such as a relative or friend who had died before they had (a grandmother, religious figure, etc.). In this manner, the Soul Collector is able to get the newly deceased soul to lower his defenses. The Collector takes on the role of guide and attempts to lead the soul to the gates of the Holding Ship. In this Holding Ship, the spirit essence of the dead person is scanned again to determine its degree of purity of energy (its lack of resistant character traits) and its potential to provide nourishment to the collective mind of G.O.D. This potential is based on the degree that this spirit has been subdued through fear and dependence or how effective religious programming had been on this soul during its physical lifetime.
Those spirits which have little or no self-will and have been sufficiently programmed to serve G.O.D. during their lives will have the highest nourishment potential. The Bible tells us what will happen to those who are selected as purest and most worthy to provide sustenance to G.O.D. They will be made "pillars" in the temple of God (Rev. 3:12). They will become a PART of the New Jerusalem and will nourish G.O.D..."
Just remember this… because we are human beings and are not robots, we can do things naturally that these robotic micro-chip implanted beings cannot. They know this and this is where they are weak.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


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Hi maxine, I have a question,
I am trying so hard to find a sigil for Abbadon since I think he might be my guardian. I don't to do anything disrespectful so i prefere to ask u first since you have more knowledge.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
