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Satun Square Healing Someone?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2018
Saturns Rules over:
"Diseases: Chronic wasting diseases, diseases of the skin, bones and teeth, deafness, vertigo, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), depression, blockages, blood clots, stagnation, kidney stones, arthritis, immune deficiencies."


Did one allready use a Saturn Square to heal an illness related to this, on someone else?

"In a positive and healthy way for [Person Name], the energys of Saturn heals the [Illness name] fully, now, continuously and forever." x8 or x18.

I thought, because some of these are quite hard to heal with Runic healing workings.
Lydia once said Saturn Square can be used for healing purposes, but you must have a 6th house ruler Saturn in your chart (this may through a Capricorn or Saturn placed in 6th house, but remember, a house ruler in a chart gets this position through their ruling signs, so I am not sure about Saturn placed in 6th house part). Otherwise, probably it will just worsen the situation.

Maybe she can go into more detail.

Lydia [JG said:
" user_id=57]
Henu the Great said:
Sun Square is best suited for healing purposes.

Even if the illness is ruled by Saturn?
Fuchs said:
Saturns Rules over:
"Diseases: Chronic wasting diseases, diseases of the skin, bones and teeth, deafness, vertigo, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), depression, blockages, blood clots, stagnation, kidney stones, arthritis, immune deficiencies."


Did one allready use a Saturn Square to heal an illness related to this, on someone else?

"In a positive and healthy way for [Person Name], the energys of Saturn heals the [Illness name] fully, now, continuously and forever." x8 or x18.

I thought, because some of these are quite hard to heal with Runic healing workings.
There is no knowledge of how to evoke the energies of the squares, and we should not do healing spells to heal others using invocation, if we do so our soul will connect directly with the disease.

And another thing, using the Saturn square on another non-Satanist person is probably quite dangerous, besides your own karma can be activated by the square, the person's karma can also be activated, which will affect you.

Also, the Sun square is much better for healing, but again, it is not recommended to use it to heal other people, it is better to use runes despite the difficulty.
Bright Truth said:
Lydia once said Saturn Square can be used for healing purposes, but you must have a 6th house ruler Saturn in your chart (this may through a Capricorn or Saturn placed in 6th house, but remember, a house ruler in a chart gets this position through their ruling signs, so I am not sure about Saturn placed in 6th house part). Otherwise, probably it will just worsen the situation.

Maybe she can go into more detail.

Lydia [JG said:
" user_id=57]
Not necessarily healing per se... it can improve the 6th house (and therefore health) if it rules it, but for healing overall, go with Sun. Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter as well. One needs to be careful with Saturn and not treat it like any other square, unless the soul is very clean, and a strong mind and will is used.
Fuchs said:
Henu the Great said:
Sun Square is best suited for healing purposes.

Even if the illness is ruled by Saturn?
Yes, because other planetary energies are better suited for healing.

See Lydias post about it.

If you want to heal someone, you can chant Surya and breath white golden energy for example.
Melvin said:
Fuchs said:
Saturns Rules over:
"Diseases: Chronic wasting diseases, diseases of the skin, bones and teeth, deafness, vertigo, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), depression, blockages, blood clots, stagnation, kidney stones, arthritis, immune deficiencies."


Did one allready use a Saturn Square to heal an illness related to this, on someone else?

"In a positive and healthy way for [Person Name], the energys of Saturn heals the [Illness name] fully, now, continuously and forever." x8 or x18.

I thought, because some of these are quite hard to heal with Runic healing workings.
There is no knowledge of how to evoke the energies of the squares, and we should not do healing spells to heal others using invocation, if we do so our soul will connect directly with the disease.

And another thing, using the Saturn square on another non-Satanist person is probably quite dangerous, besides your own karma can be activated by the square, the person's karma can also be activated, which will affect you.

Also, the Sun square is much better for healing, but again, it is not recommended to use it to heal other people, it is better to use runes despite the difficulty.

It can be done without a lot of harm. But the problem is most people cannot completly detach and not connect to these energies or the illness.

It takes separating yourself from them in some way in the mind also keeping the energy kind of outside you and cleansing when needed making sure it doesn't start manifesting on you.

I would recommend people at least reach intermediate to advanced level before even trying this.

But Saturn Square NO! I wouldn't think this would result in a good outcome. I would be scared to use it for this purpose.
Woden said:
This is PDF that addresses these questions:

Just letting you know there are a few mistakes in terms of elements. All feminine chakra are of the akasha element. There is chakra that has no elementary rulership. Centre chakra is Air mostly. Some chakra may have secondary rulerships. For example, in the case of throat, you're right about air but as a secondary rulership.
slyscorpion said:
It can be done without a lot of harm. But the problem is most people cannot completly detach and not connect to these energies or the illness.

It takes separating yourself from them in some way in the mind also keeping the energy kind of outside you and cleansing when needed making sure it doesn't start manifesting on you.

I would recommend people at least reach intermediate to advanced level before even trying this.

But Saturn Square NO! I wouldn't think this would result in a good outcome. I would be scared to use it for this purpose.

Evoking is done by not feeling the vibrations inside you at all,right?

You visualize the person and the suitable color for the working and focus on him/her while vibrating when done with vibrations visualize him in suitable color of working and affirm. Right?

For example lets say we use satanas which is all purpose and lets hypothetically say you dont want that person to have friends at all,isolate him or something like that.

You keep your mind on that person while vibrating satanas and not at all with in you (not feeling vibrations within you at all, just vibrate it in them that is just him/her in your mind),when done with repetitions engulf him/her in white and state affirmation. Is that correct?

Also,is there a difference in the energies raised in evoking and invoking. For example if we putting an AOP on a person, we can invoke Algiz and then apply it on them, another way would be to evoke algiz completely on him/her for aop.
Energies invoked will be stronger/weaker compared to energies evoked?
In this case use of Saturn would be good especially in Aquarius the sign of friendships. However unless someone's a serious enemy I don't know why you would want to do that.

In this case don't do the square into them as it might make you connect to it. Just use the Saturn Mantra like Shaniswara into them. Separate wait a few minutes then cleanse with the sun till all residual is off you the key is to stay disconnected or separate in your mind when doing this.
slyscorpion said:
In this case use of Saturn would be good especially in Aquarius the sign of friendships. However unless someone's a serious enemy I don't know why you would want to do that.

In this case don't do the square into them as it might make you connect to it. Just use the Saturn Mantra like Shaniswara into them. Separate wait a few minutes then cleanse with the sun till all residual is off you the key is to stay disconnected or separate in your mind when doing this.

I m not going to do anything like this. Its just for the sake of knowledge

I m a little confused on how to evoke energies with m antras. That was just an example, The process of evoking which i wrote is correct right?

Vibrate mantra into them (dont feel it for yourself,keep your mind on them, picturing them) afterwards state affirmation while engulfing them in suitable color of working,is how evoking is done?
Rather be it positive or negative.
I overthought this and confused myself.
Demonic said:
Evoking is done by not feeling the vibrations inside you at all,right?

You visualize the person and the suitable color for the working and focus on him/her while vibrating when done with vibrations visualize him in suitable color of working and affirm. Right?

For example lets say we use satanas which is all purpose and lets hypothetically say you dont want that person to have friends at all,isolate him or something like that.

You keep your mind on that person while vibrating satanas and not at all with in you (not feeling vibrations within you at all, just vibrate it in them that is just him/her in your mind),when done with repetitions engulf him/her in white and state affirmation. Is that correct?

Also,is there a difference in the energies raised in evoking and invoking. For example if we putting an AOP on a person, we can invoke Algiz and then apply it on them, another way would be to evoke algiz completely on him/her for aop.
Energies invoked will be stronger/weaker compared to energies evoked?

Your soul can be seen as a container, it is filled with energy, and the aura acts as a barrier between the inner energy and outer energy permeating the environment, surrounding your soul.

When you invoke a mantra, or an energy (like an elemental energy), you manifest the energies within yourself. The mantra acts as a medium which creates vibration, this vibration will have certain properties and create a certain kind of energy.

Invocation happens within the soul, the vibration starts within and the energy manifest within the self or it is pulled past the barrier (aura) from an external source and pulled into the soul, inviting the energy into your being.

It causes changes within and directly affects your soul for better or worse.

Evocation directs the vibration outwards into the ever present permeating energy in your surroundings, or at a target location. You produce vibration with the mantra as a medium, and send out these wavelengths which manifest the respective energy around you, barred from your soul by the aura.

The energy which manifests in your environment can then by directed at will, to another person or for a purpose.

For healing workings for example, usually it is more effective to draw energy in first through invocation and then send it to another person by evoking the energy outward through your chakra's. Either the hand chakra's or the solar chakra in case of healing.

Your own chakra's act as lenses to focus and amplify the energy further as you direct it.

For healing you can visualize drawing in energy from the sun behind you, surrounding your aura with the white gold light, let it enter your soul through crown and root, collecting it in the spinning solar chakra, and then sending it out from your solar chakra's front extension as a bright beam of light.

Visualize this beam saturating the soul, body and aura of the person you are doing a healing on. As you feel energy being absorbed by the person, you continuously draw in more energy from the sun and let your solar chakra's spin as it expands the energy you invoke and send out.

Mantra such as a solar mantra, or a runic mantra for healing can be vibrated to further amplify the effects.

Most of the time a combination of invocation and evocation is most effective when doing spiritual work. Unless the energies you are working with are extremely destructive or harmful, such as with a curse working.

When doing a curse working, under no circumstances do you want to invoke any of the energy, as invocation directly affects your soul to a degree as well.

You vibrate the mantra's, and evoke the energy, usually after first having empowered your AoP to strengthen your aura and ward the negative energy off. Then when a sufficient amount of negative energy is gathered, you program it and send it to the target by directing the energy with your will.

You can use the chakra's to impress your will upon the energy without directly touching it, using the forces generated by your chakra's to shape the energy, or compress it and direct it.

The aura would act as a protective barrier, as a lab suit of a chemist when they work with harmful chemicals.

If the aura isn't powerful enough, or the negative energy is too strong, it is possible that the evoked energy breaks through ones aura and still seeps into ones soul. One must be cautious of that.

When one performs energy breathing/pranayama, one also performs a form of invocation. You draw energy from an external source into your soul.

It is important to have an energetically clean environment when doing this so one does not drink murky water so to speak.

Another method that can work when one is more experienced in directing and working with energy is to filter the energy as it comes in. As you draw in energy, you first tune it in to your inner vibration or to the desired vibration if the external energy is of worse quality before breathing it in.

Filtering or tuning the energy happens automatically when using mantra, and can also be do e activity by imposing the will, through visualization, using the aura to separate the negatives and draw in only the positives, etc.

There are a lot of methods, some will happen intuitively without requiring a lot of conscious effort, and it becomes easier as you advance more.

For example, visualizing the energy you breathe in as white gold impresses this desire upon it and attunes the external energies to these desired qualities.

The clearer the energy in your environment is, the easier it is to tune the energies you wish to breathe into your soul to the desired qualities/frequency.

Taking in energy from positive and powerful external sources helps with this as well, such as breathing energy directly from the sun during pranayama rather than from your immediate environment.

If one has a powerful soul, the reverse can also be done. Even without need to breathe energies out (evoke energy from within yourself to the environment).

As your own internal energy becomes cleaner and more powerful, your soul and aura radiate energies outward into the environment, which automatically tunes the energy around you to your internal frequency. You can use this later to clean your environment or attune your surroundings to yourself to improve the quality of energies in and around your home, etc.

The energy around you becomes a reflection of your inner self. A powerful SS meditator will greatly affect their environment just by doing simple meditations like Pranayama, as the whole natural world around them attunes to their will.

This is similar to how evocation can affect the soul if ones aura isn't powerful enough to deflect the undesired energy.

Invocation can naturally affect the external energies when ones soul is of much greater frequency and power than the external energies surrounding oneself.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Demonic said:
Evoking is done by not feeling the vibrations inside you at all,right?

You visualize the person and the suitable color for the working and focus on him/her while vibrating when done with vibrations visualize him in suitable color of working and affirm. Right?

For example lets say we use satanas which is all purpose and lets hypothetically say you dont want that person to have friends at all,isolate him or something like that.

You keep your mind on that person while vibrating satanas and not at all with in you (not feeling vibrations within you at all, just vibrate it in them that is just him/her in your mind),when done with repetitions engulf him/her in white and state affirmation. Is that correct?

Also,is there a difference in the energies raised in evoking and invoking. For example if we putting an AOP on a person, we can invoke Algiz and then apply it on them, another way would be to evoke algiz completely on him/her for aop.
Energies invoked will be stronger/weaker compared to energies evoked?

Your soul can be seen as a container, it is filled with energy, and the aura acts as a barrier between the inner energy and outer energy permeating the environment, surrounding your soul.

When you invoke a mantra, or an energy (like an elemental energy), you manifest the energies within yourself. The mantra acts as a medium which creates vibration, this vibration will have certain properties and create a certain kind of energy.

Invocation happens within the soul, the vibration starts within and the energy manifest within the self or it is pulled past the barrier (aura) from an external source and pulled into the soul, inviting the energy into your being.

It causes changes within and directly affects your soul for better or worse.

Evocation directs the vibration outwards into the ever present permeating energy in your surroundings, or at a target location. You produce vibration with the mantra as a medium, and send out these wavelengths which manifest the respective energy around you, barred from your soul by the aura.

The energy which manifests in your environment can then by directed at will, to another person or for a purpose.

For healing workings for example, usually it is more effective to draw energy in first through invocation and then send it to another person by evoking the energy outward through your chakra's. Either the hand chakra's or the solar chakra in case of healing.

Your own chakra's act as lenses to focus and amplify the energy further as you direct it.

For healing you can visualize drawing in energy from the sun behind you, surrounding your aura with the white gold light, let it enter your soul through crown and root, collecting it in the spinning solar chakra, and then sending it out from your solar chakra's front extension as a bright beam of light.

Visualize this beam saturating the soul, body and aura of the person you are doing a healing on. As you feel energy being absorbed by the person, you continuously draw in more energy from the sun and let your solar chakra's spin as it expands the energy you invoke and send out.

Mantra such as a solar mantra, or a runic mantra for healing can be vibrated to further amplify the effects.

Most of the time a combination of invocation and evocation is most effective when doing spiritual work. Unless the energies you are working with are extremely destructive or harmful, such as with a curse working.

When doing a curse working, under no circumstances do you want to invoke any of the energy, as invocation directly affects your soul to a degree as well.

You vibrate the mantra's, and evoke the energy, usually after first having empowered your AoP to strengthen your aura and ward the negative energy off. Then when a sufficient amount of negative energy is gathered, you program it and send it to the target by directing the energy with your will.

You can use the chakra's to impress your will upon the energy without directly touching it, using the forces generated by your chakra's to shape the energy, or compress it and direct it.

The aura would act as a protective barrier, as a lab suit of a chemist when they work with harmful chemicals.

If the aura isn't powerful enough, or the negative energy is too strong, it is possible that the evoked energy breaks through ones aura and still seeps into ones soul. One must be cautious of that.

When one performs energy breathing/pranayama, one also performs a form of invocation. You draw energy from an external source into your soul.

It is important to have an energetically clean environment when doing this so one does not drink murky water so to speak.

Another method that can work when one is more experienced in directing and working with energy is to filter the energy as it comes in. As you draw in energy, you first tune it in to your inner vibration or to the desired vibration if the external energy is of worse quality before breathing it in.

Filtering or tuning the energy happens automatically when using mantra, and can also be do e activity by imposing the will, through visualization, using the aura to separate the negatives and draw in only the positives, etc.

There are a lot of methods, some will happen intuitively without requiring a lot of conscious effort, and it becomes easier as you advance more.

For example, visualizing the energy you breathe in as white gold impresses this desire upon it and attunes the external energies to these desired qualities.

The clearer the energy in your environment is, the easier it is to tune the energies you wish to breathe into your soul to the desired qualities/frequency.

Taking in energy from positive and powerful external sources helps with this as well, such as breathing energy directly from the sun during pranayama rather than from your immediate environment.

If one has a powerful soul, the reverse can also be done. Even without need to breathe energies out (evoke energy from within yourself to the environment).

As your own internal energy becomes cleaner and more powerful, your soul and aura radiate energies outward into the environment, which automatically tunes the energy around you to your internal frequency. You can use this later to clean your environment or attune your surroundings to yourself to improve the quality of energies in and around your home, etc.

The energy around you becomes a reflection of your inner self. A powerful SS meditator will greatly affect their environment just by doing simple meditations like Pranayama, as the whole natural world around them attunes to their will.

This is similar to how evocation can affect the soul if ones aura isn't powerful enough to deflect the undesired energy.

Invocation can naturally affect the external energies when ones soul is of much greater frequency and power than the external energies surrounding oneself.

Hail Satan!

Thanks for your wellwritten reply.
Demonic said:
slyscorpion said:
In this case use of Saturn would be good especially in Aquarius the sign of friendships. However unless someone's a serious enemy I don't know why you would want to do that.

In this case don't do the square into them as it might make you connect to it. Just use the Saturn Mantra like Shaniswara into them. Separate wait a few minutes then cleanse with the sun till all residual is off you the key is to stay disconnected or separate in your mind when doing this.

I m not going to do anything like this. Its just for the sake of knowledge

I m a little confused on how to evoke energies with m antras. That was just an example, The process of evoking which i wrote is correct right?

Vibrate mantra into them (dont feel it for yourself,keep your mind on them, picturing them) afterwards state affirmation while engulfing them in suitable color of working,is how evoking is done?
Rather be it positive or negative.
I overthought this and confused myself.

Ok it's best when starting to have a picture of the person after awhile you will be able to do this based on focusing on their energy signature but probably not when beginning. You focus on the person's soul see the correct color of the energy lighting up their soul. Say the mantra while doing this.
VoiceofEnki said:
Your soul can be seen as a container, it is filled with energy, and the aura acts as a barrier between the inner energy and outer energy permeating the environment, surrounding your soul.

When you invoke a mantra, or an energy (like an elemental energy), you manifest the energies within yourself. The mantra acts as a medium which creates vibration, this vibration will have certain properties and create a certain kind of energy.

Invocation happens within the soul, the vibration starts within and the energy manifest within the self or it is pulled past the barrier (aura) from an external source and pulled into the soul, inviting the energy into your being.


Hail Satan!

Thanks a lot for this. Now i have such better understanding as to how energies work.
At first i thought that energies invoked can not be used on other people, it can be used to only make changes for yourself. But now i came to know energies invoked can be applied anywhere even if its not related or benefiting for you.

About evoking i thought that you have keep the person you are working on, in your mind for all the time one does the vibrations, i never knew energies could be condensed in front of you like a ball or into any shape then applied. Like evoking of elements,

Thanks again for taking out your time and explaining it in such a manner. <3
Demonic said:
Thanks again for taking out your time and explaining it in such a manner. <3

I'm very glad it helps people.

There's multiple viable methods for evoking energy to another person, the method you suggested, keeping the person in mind as you vibrate the mantra, is also very good.

I have used both those methods with success.

Which one I choose to use depends on the kind of working it is I'm doing.

Preparing energy in advance and then sending it after is a safe way to avoid energy drain on yourself, very beginner friendly.

When you have a very powerful soul and aura, there is less need to worry about this, but certainly it has a lot of benefits over direct healing when one is a beginner.

Even though I am no longer a beginner, I still default to that method because it had been what I used the most.

With experience you will begin to feel what sort of approach to a working would be best for the specific situation at hand.

Personally I have felt that visualization is just as important a part of this as the gathering of the energy. Through intense visualization, one can accomplish way more with the same quantity of energy than if one just sends it out.

You can go to extremes with this, but I'd rather not openly speak about this since some methods shouldn't be openly mentioned.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:

I had some intuitions that the color can also impress the will upon energy. For example, I used to use Isa and black color when doing some workings. Then I have changed this process to Isa and indigo blue (which is also Saturn's color) and I got the same effects, but feeling is more positive now, as against before.

Do you think, while vibrating a rune into soul, imagining your light body filling up with an energy in specific color can also help and impress will? It seems it has worked for me, but I would like to hear your thoughts on it.

Thank you.
Bright Truth said:
Do you think, while vibrating a rune into soul, imagining your light body filling up with an energy in specific color can also help and impress will? It seems it has worked for me, but I would like to hear your thoughts on it.

Thank you.

Absolutely! Color is very powerful and an essential part of working with energy.

Different colors pertain to different vibrations/frequencies. Working with the right colors, matching them with the mantra's, etc, will greatly enhance the effects of any working or meditation.

Visualization is part of using the will. Color is part of visualization. All together it is a part of Inanna's 8th fold path to meditation, which teaches one how to fully utilize ones power to impose the will on the natural energies of the world and shape them as you will.

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
