Ol argedco luciftias
Well-known member
SeekerOfTruth666 said:I've been curious about something.
Can a love/lust spell be cast on another Satanist?
You should not be trying to interfere with a Satanist in any way like this.
SeekerOfTruth666 said:I've been curious about something.
Can a love/lust spell be cast on another Satanist?
Ol argedco luciftias said:SeekerOfTruth666 said:I've been curious about something.
Can a love/lust spell be cast on another Satanist?
You should not be trying to interfere with a Satanist in any way like this.
Ol argedco luciftias said:SeekerOfTruth666 said:I've been curious about something.
Can a love/lust spell be cast on another Satanist?
You should not be trying to interfere with a Satanist in any way like this.
SeekerOfTruth666 said:Ol argedco luciftias said:SeekerOfTruth666 said:I've been curious about something.
Can a love/lust spell be cast on another Satanist?
You should not be trying to interfere with a Satanist in any way like this.
Of course that's what i know and believe too. But what if that person was your own wife?
Ol argedco luciftias said:SeekerOfTruth666 said:Ol argedco luciftias said:You should not be trying to interfere with a Satanist in any way like this.
Of course that's what i know and believe too. But what if that person was your own wife?
Then of course. This is very different from what you originally said.
SeekerOfTruth666 said:Thanks. Also sorry that I wasn't clear at the beginning. This is what I actually meant. Does it have to be a working involving both people or can it be done alone, perhaps without the other person knowing abt it.
jrvan said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:" post_id=339674 time=1648609873 user_id=21286]
jrvan said:
Given that your problem was related to trauma, cleaning will go a long way. In addition, in light of the recent thread on mantras, I would suggest using Saulo as a means of empowerment, if you have already done large amounts of Vaum. As you mentioned, specific affirmations following these mantras is a good way to quickly resolve the issue (as opposed to general empowerment or cleaning).
Beyond the sacral chakra, you can direct energy towards anything, such as cleaning any sexual trauma, restoring sexual function, etc. This can be the basis of a Virgo moon working, or during the witch's esbat cleaning date, for example.
Given the influence of both the kidneys and sacral chakra on mood and water in the body, your symptoms don't surprise me at all. Nakedpluto mentioned a relationship with the sacral and bliss. Furthermore, as the kidneys are restored, they will help remove pathological heat from the body, which is one reason that can cause fat accumulation. Physically, you can use the kidney 3 acupoint.
You mentioned being earth and water predominant, but check your astrology and cross-reference it with the appropriate signs for each planet, as well as with the influence of its aspects. Having a Leo moon and Cancer Sun would not mean "equal" water/fire, for example, as those are suboptimal signs for each planet to best function. Similarly, Neptune's aspects to the Sun will weaken it.
Although there is a mudra for reducing Kapha (earth/water dosha) in the body, I would be careful about reducing water, given what you said about the kidneys and related symptoms. However, there is a mudra called the "Surya mudra" which reduces just the earth element in the body. This will increase fire in your body and tell your body to quit holding onto the weight, as you may be constitutionally programmed. Tabby should do the opposite, however.
I believe, through a combination of these things, there is no reason why you cannot be restored to normal. Good luck, Jrvan!
SeekerOfTruth666 said:Ol argedco luciftias said:SeekerOfTruth666 said:I've been curious about something.
Can a love/lust spell be cast on another Satanist?
You should not be trying to interfere with a Satanist in any way like this.
Of course that's what i know and believe too. But what if that person was your own wife?
Visuddhi is very good. It means "pure" in Sanskrit, and it's the active power of the throat chakra. Given its meaning, it can also be used for purification too.jrvan said:Lydia's Visuddhi cleaning helped a lot just after doing it once. I had been cleaning my chakras with Surya as a mantra before, but this cleaning method with Visuddhi is something else. I'm going to do it again soon to see if I replicate the same results. My sexuality became wild again with the most pleasurable feeling I had ever experienced in my life. It's since dipped back again so I really need to keep up with this to see what happens. I've just been so busy with trying to juggle everything each day.
Ing in this case can also be used to collect back all the energy that has been stolen from you, and then return it to yourself.I did a working with the Ing Rune on the scumbag who ripped from my sacral chakra. It was simplistic and I was just going by the JoS description of the Rune for an affirmation. "X is now completely deprived of all life force." He's an enemy mage so don't worry about him. I want his soul to disappear from existence, and I won't be fully satisfied until it does. I was going to continue the working for 40 days at least, but I had to stop short at around 25-ish days because I couldn't fit it in anymore and I was too tired from everything. Tabby tried to remote view him, and from what she tells me he's suffering pretty badly. So yay.
Dahaarkan said:SeekerOfTruth666 said:Ol argedco luciftias said:You should not be trying to interfere with a Satanist in any way like this.
Of course that's what i know and believe too. But what if that person was your own wife?
If the people are perfectly compatible there shouldn't be a requirement to perform a love spell on them, and you are always running a big risk when trying to pull spells on dedicated Satanists.
If you put a love spell on a Satanist, and you emotionally devastate this person, and this person brings it up to their GD. Well. That is an awkward situation indeed. So long as you are positively affecting another Satanist's life with your power, I don't think there's an issue.
But relationships are volatile and things can go sour. And since you created this, by performing that love spell, you also created the damage brought unto this person as a direct result of the relationship brought on by this spell. Damaging another Satanist in any way through magick is severe treason. I suppose in the sense that no harm was intended, and thus any real harm is accidental, you won't be in as MUCH trouble as if you just flat out cursed another SS.
It's not like breaking a forum rule and having to contend with a HP or moderator. You will have to explain yourself before the gods. It's a huge risk you are taking.
It can, but I can remember a member (but I forgot who exactly...) said if they (I think she) had that happen to her, and then she found out, she wouldn't be very pleased!SeekerOfTruth666 said:I've been curious about something.
Can a love/lust spell be cast on another Satanist?
If you are still, secretly, trying to do this to a Spiritual Satanist who is not your partner, then beware. Any God or Goddess could make you upset for doing that. As Spiritual Satanists, we have protection - but if one is stronger than you are, then either your Magick will not work, or if it does then they would soon realise and then (I would expect) get you back; regardless, you might be punished by a God or Goddess; if the SS is weaker than you are, then I would not doubt that either 1) you'd be punished if you were successful, 2) you would not be successful, or 3) you'd not be successful and you'd be punished on top.SeekerOfTruth666 said:Ol argedco luciftias said:SeekerOfTruth666 said:Of course that's what i know and believe too. But what if that person was your own wife?
Then of course. This is very different from what you originally said.
Thanks. Also sorry that I wasn't clear at the beginning. This is what I actually meant. Does it have to be a working involving both people or can it be done alone, perhaps without the other person knowing abt it.
FancyMancy said:It can, but I can remember a member (but I forgot who exactly...) said if they (I think she) had that happen to her, and then she found out, she wouldn't be very pleased!SeekerOfTruth666 said:I've been curious about something.
Can a love/lust spell be cast on another Satanist?
I don't mean to pile on top of you after you have replied multiple times already. I came to this late. Nevertheless...
If you are still, secretly, trying to do this to a Spiritual Satanist who is not your partner, then beware. Any God or Goddess could make you upset for doing that. As Spiritual Satanists, we have protection - but if one is stronger than you are, then either your Magick will not work, or if it does then they would soon realise and then (I would expect) get you back; regardless, you might be punished by a God or Goddess; if the SS is weaker than you are, then I would not doubt that either 1) you'd be punished if you were successful, 2) you would not be successful, or 3) you'd not be successful and you'd be punished on top.SeekerOfTruth666 said:Ol argedco luciftias said:Then of course. This is very different from what you originally said.
Thanks. Also sorry that I wasn't clear at the beginning. This is what I actually meant. Does it have to be a working involving both people or can it be done alone, perhaps without the other person knowing abt it.
Of course, you will say, "No! No! No! I'm being genuine - I truly meant my wife!". You've defended yourself already, but still - either way...
I wish more members were as honest (or dishonest) as you!SeekerOfTruth666 said:Haha I always enjoy your posts FancyMancy.
OK, then!Well, I actually am married to a Satanist. We both dedicated together. You can see my very first post on the forum if you'd like to verify.
I was never defending myself cos there's no reason to. I would never do any such thing to another Satanist. Whether it be a love spell or anything else. I am fully aware of the consequences of doing such things. Besides, Father Satan has very clearly told us to refrain from doing any such things.
To be completely honest, my wife and I were having a bit of rough time and I just wanted to strengthen our relationship. I'm not so familiar with love spells so i just asked. My original question was too simplified I guess, hence the misunderstandings.
This time I am defending myself btw![]()
FancyMancy said:I wish more members were as honest (or dishonest) as you!SeekerOfTruth666 said:Haha I always enjoy your posts FancyMancy.
Lol. OK.SeekerOfTruth666 said:I'm gonna take it as a compliment and ignore the brackets.FancyMancy said:I wish more members were as honest (or dishonest) as you!SeekerOfTruth666 said:Haha I always enjoy your posts FancyMancy.![]()
Gods-and-Goddesses-of-Du'at Bless You, too!May the Gods bless you!
Hail Father Satan!
jrvan said:....
Stormblood said:Visuddhi is very good. It means "pure" in Sanskrit, and it's the active power of the throat chakra. Given its meaning, it can also be used for purification too.jrvan said:Lydia's Visuddhi cleaning helped a lot just after doing it once. I had been cleaning my chakras with Surya as a mantra before, but this cleaning method with Visuddhi is something else. I'm going to do it again soon to see if I replicate the same results. My sexuality became wild again with the most pleasurable feeling I had ever experienced in my life. It's since dipped back again so I really need to keep up with this to see what happens. I've just been so busy with trying to juggle everything each day.
SeekerOfTruth666 said:Well, I actually am married to a Satanist. We both dedicated together. You can see my very first post on the forum if you'd like to verify.
I was never defending myself cos there's no reason to. I would never do any such thing to another Satanist. Whether it be a love spell or anything else. I am fully aware of the consequences of doing such things.
To be completely honest, my wife and I were having a bit of rough time and I just wanted to strengthen our relationship.
Blitzkreig [JG said:" post_id=341753 time=1649135390 user_id=21286]
Stormblood said:Visuddhi is very good. It means "pure" in Sanskrit, and it's the active power of the throat chakra. Given its meaning, it can also be used for purification too.jrvan said:Lydia's Visuddhi cleaning helped a lot just after doing it once. I had been cleaning my chakras with Surya as a mantra before, but this cleaning method with Visuddhi is something else. I'm going to do it again soon to see if I replicate the same results. My sexuality became wild again with the most pleasurable feeling I had ever experienced in my life. It's since dipped back again so I really need to keep up with this to see what happens. I've just been so busy with trying to juggle everything each day.
This is interesting, thanks. It reminds me of Ansuz.
I suspect it is better at cleaning than Surya, but not certain. Just from a logical standpoint, it seems like it is more specific to purifying, rather than all the other functions ruled by the Sun. So it may be more efficient to use Visuddhi than Surya.
Yes, I believe Surya could be intended to clean or transmute without as many downsides. I am just guessing on this because Lydia has mentioned Visuddhi deep cleaning made her feel tired after, and I have felt that same way. Perhaps Surya could "fill in the gap" of missing energy in some way or another.
When I use visuddhi, I imagine it purifying everything to a higher level, then all the removed dirt dumping out of me. It feels like I am almost puking up something, although I don't actually feel sick. That could be just unique to me, though.
Blitzkreig [JG said:" post_id=341753 time=1649135390 user_id=21286]
Stormblood said:Visuddhi is very good. It means "pure" in Sanskrit, and it's the active power of the throat chakra. Given its meaning, it can also be used for purification too.jrvan said:Lydia's Visuddhi cleaning helped a lot just after doing it once. I had been cleaning my chakras with Surya as a mantra before, but this cleaning method with Visuddhi is something else. I'm going to do it again soon to see if I replicate the same results. My sexuality became wild again with the most pleasurable feeling I had ever experienced in my life. It's since dipped back again so I really need to keep up with this to see what happens. I've just been so busy with trying to juggle everything each day.
This is interesting, thanks. It reminds me of Ansuz.
I suspect it is better at cleaning than Surya, but not certain. Just from a logical standpoint, it seems like it is more specific to purifying, rather than all the other functions ruled by the Sun. So it may be more efficient to use Visuddhi than Surya.
Yes, I believe Surya could be intended to clean or transmute without as many downsides. I am just guessing on this because Lydia has mentioned Visuddhi deep cleaning made her feel tired after, and I have felt that same way. Perhaps Surya could "fill in the gap" of missing energy in some way or another.
When I use visuddhi, I imagine it purifying everything to a higher level, then all the removed dirt dumping out of me. It feels like I am almost puking up something, although I don't actually feel sick. That could be just unique to me, though.
Blitzkreig [JG said:" post_id=341753 time=1649135390 user_id=21286]
Stormblood said:Visuddhi is very good. It means "pure" in Sanskrit, and it's the active power of the throat chakra. Given its meaning, it can also be used for purification too.jrvan said:Lydia's Visuddhi cleaning helped a lot just after doing it once. I had been cleaning my chakras with Surya as a mantra before, but this cleaning method with Visuddhi is something else. I'm going to do it again soon to see if I replicate the same results. My sexuality became wild again with the most pleasurable feeling I had ever experienced in my life. It's since dipped back again so I really need to keep up with this to see what happens. I've just been so busy with trying to juggle everything each day.
This is interesting, thanks. It reminds me of Ansuz.
I suspect it is better at cleaning than Surya, but not certain. Just from a logical standpoint, it seems like it is more specific to purifying, rather than all the other functions ruled by the Sun. So it may be more efficient to use Visuddhi than Surya.
Yes, I believe Surya could be intended to clean or transmute without as many downsides. I am just guessing on this because Lydia has mentioned Visuddhi deep cleaning made her feel tired after, and I have felt that same way. Perhaps Surya could "fill in the gap" of missing energy in some way or another.
When I use visuddhi, I imagine it purifying everything to a higher level, then all the removed dirt dumping out of me. It feels like I am almost puking up something, although I don't actually feel sick. That could be just unique to me, though.
Blitzkreig [JG said:" post_id=341754 time=1649135996 user_id=21286]
You should check your synastry with her, which would show points of conflict, as well as points of good relations. You can also do a composite chart, which is like a chart that represents your relationship as a whole. Then, you can get additional insight, but better yet you can see the transits influencing the relationship. All of this may explain the rough patch.
Synastry: https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/synastry-chart-online-calculator
All this stuff in regards to love workings on other SS is to make sure you aren't fucking up their life, as you already understand. Yet, your wife has already agreed to marry you and spend her life with you. In this case, she already tied herself to you, so you aren't modifying her life negatively by further linking her to you.
Looking at the synastry chart, you can also see the specific energies in a relationship, such as Venus aspecting another's Sun, for example. This would be similar to Gebo being used to attract that person to you. Mars aspecting Venus would show a sexual connection, similar to Kenaz or Thurisaz, and so on. This goes further with all the other planets.
The point is that you can improve all areas of a relationship, such as communication, love, sex, intuitive connection, obsessions, stability, platonic excitement, dreaminess, etc. These all come from different planetary connections.
Shorter time spent on chakras, take a moment off to do pranyama, split your cleaning session in two or three parts, raise more energy before cleaning.tabby said:That is something I've been having trouble with when using Visuddhi, and wondering if there's something I'm not doing right. Because when I start doing the part of the Deep Cleaning method (Lydia's) where you visualize the Sun ball, after only a few chakras I get really mentally exhausted and struggle for the rest of them.
Visualization is usually not an issue for me so I don't really understand.
Henu the Great said:Shorter time spent on chakras, take a moment off to do pranyama, split your cleaning session in two or three parts, raise more energy before cleaning.tabby said:That is something I've been having trouble with when using Visuddhi, and wondering if there's something I'm not doing right. Because when I start doing the part of the Deep Cleaning method (Lydia's) where you visualize the Sun ball, after only a few chakras I get really mentally exhausted and struggle for the rest of them.
Visualization is usually not an issue for me so I don't really understand.
Blitzkreig [JG said:" post_id=342293 time=1649282570 user_id=21286]
Henu the Great said:Shorter time spent on chakras, take a moment off to do pranyama, split your cleaning session in two or three parts, raise more energy before cleaning.tabby said:That is something I've been having trouble with when using Visuddhi, and wondering if there's something I'm not doing right. Because when I start doing the part of the Deep Cleaning method (Lydia's) where you visualize the Sun ball, after only a few chakras I get really mentally exhausted and struggle for the rest of them.
Visualization is usually not an issue for me so I don't really understand.
Yes, do this. There may even be one or two chakras in particular that need special focus.
Don't go so far that you become totally exhausted. Stop before you hit a hard limit, allowing yourself to recharge in various ways.
Henu the Great said:Shorter time spent on chakras, take a moment off to do pranyama, split your cleaning session in two or three parts, raise more energy before cleaning.tabby said:That is something I've been having trouble with when using Visuddhi, and wondering if there's something I'm not doing right. Because when I start doing the part of the Deep Cleaning method (Lydia's) where you visualize the Sun ball, after only a few chakras I get really mentally exhausted and struggle for the rest of them.
Visualization is usually not an issue for me so I don't really understand.
Stormblood said:Henu the Great said:Shorter time spent on chakras, take a moment off to do pranyama, split your cleaning session in two or three parts, raise more energy before cleaning.tabby said:That is something I've been having trouble with when using Visuddhi, and wondering if there's something I'm not doing right. Because when I start doing the part of the Deep Cleaning method (Lydia's) where you visualize the Sun ball, after only a few chakras I get really mentally exhausted and struggle for the rest of them.
Visualization is usually not an issue for me so I don't really understand.
All outstanding advice.
I would add that it's also best to raise energy before any working or meditation by using a pranayama technique of one's choice. This is in every early/beginner meditation on the JoS, like entering a trance and other things. Maybe people then go on to read the next sections and forget that the basics apply at all times. Lady Maxine always advice to combine a mantra with a pranayama of your choice when raising energy before something. Aligning chakras is also very helpful, especially before witchcraft.
tabby said:If pranayama is used before a working to raise energies, is one required to be still for several minutes before starting? If I'm remembering correctly it says somewhere that after yogic breathing and yoga to be still for a period of 10-15 mins afterwards and meditate on the energies.
Normally I just vibrate SATANAS 1-3 times, or focus on my energies brightening until it starts feeling warm (sometimes I forget though). I've gotten the hang of the foundation breath exercise well I feel, and can do alternating nostril breath and the ocean's breath.
tabby said:Stormblood said:Henu the Great said:Shorter time spent on chakras, take a moment off to do pranyama, split your cleaning session in two or three parts, raise more energy before cleaning.
All outstanding advice.
I would add that it's also best to raise energy before any working or meditation by using a pranayama technique of one's choice. This is in every early/beginner meditation on the JoS, like entering a trance and other things. Maybe people then go on to read the next sections and forget that the basics apply at all times. Lady Maxine always advice to combine a mantra with a pranayama of your choice when raising energy before something. Aligning chakras is also very helpful, especially before witchcraft.
If pranayama is used before a working to raise energies, is one required to be still for several minutes before starting? If I'm remembering correctly it says somewhere that after yogic breathing and yoga to be still for a period of 10-15 mins afterwards and meditate on the energies.
Normally I just vibrate SATANAS 1-3 times, or focus on my energies brightening until it starts feeling warm (sometimes I forget though). I've gotten the hang of the foundation breath exercise well I feel, and can do alternating nostril breath and the ocean's breath.
VoiceofEnki said:tabby said:If pranayama is used before a working to raise energies, is one required to be still for several minutes before starting? If I'm remembering correctly it says somewhere that after yogic breathing and yoga to be still for a period of 10-15 mins afterwards and meditate on the energies.
Normally I just vibrate SATANAS 1-3 times, or focus on my energies brightening until it starts feeling warm (sometimes I forget though). I've gotten the hang of the foundation breath exercise well I feel, and can do alternating nostril breath and the ocean's breath.
It is best to proceed with the working when your energies are at their highest. This is usually just after any form of empowerment, such as Pranayama or Satanas, to raise your energies.
When one meditates upon the energies, it is to help them settle and steep into the soul. It has the purpose of allowing that energy to work on the soul and being after a session of Yoga, pranayama with intent to empower and open up the being as part of advancement or Chakra meditation to empower them, etc.
When empowering for a working, the goal is to use most of that energy raised to empower the working, therefore it is best to strike the iron when it is hot rather than let the energies settle in.
Personally I focus and meditate upon the raised energy for a few minutes only (1-3) while further brightening my aura to raise my energies as high as possible after empowerment, and to settle my mind so my focus is optimal for the working.
I go by intuition when is the right time to begin.
Hail Satan!
Stormblood said:No need for me to reply, since VoE anticipated. There's nothing I would add or disagree with.
tabby said:Stormblood said:No need for me to reply, since VoE anticipated. There's nothing I would add or disagree with.
Thank you as well then. I know I'm jumping a little here, but you mentioned before about how the Ing rune can be used to take back all the energies that were stolen from us. Does this apply to soul abilities as well? I once had incredibly strong prophetic-like dreams and insights about events in my future throughout my teenage years but I have struggled regaining the ability back ever since falling into the trap and brainwashing of the cult. Other things haven't quite been normal yet either regarding my psychic abilities. It feels like there's still things missing. I'd like to give context about this but I think revealing it could be identifying (if it's ok with you I can explain privately in email about it).
Stormblood said:tabby said:Stormblood said:No need for me to reply, since VoE anticipated. There's nothing I would add or disagree with.
Thank you as well then. I know I'm jumping a little here, but you mentioned before about how the Ing rune can be used to take back all the energies that were stolen from us. Does this apply to soul abilities as well? I once had incredibly strong prophetic-like dreams and insights about events in my future throughout my teenage years but I have struggled regaining the ability back ever since falling into the trap and brainwashing of the cult. Other things haven't quite been normal yet either regarding my psychic abilities. It feels like there's still things missing. I'd like to give context about this but I think revealing it could be identifying (if it's ok with you I can explain privately in email about it).
Sure, you can email me. From what you told me know, I think Odhal would be a better fit for the job. You could also pair it with Ansuz. A 3-rune working could be Odhal, Sowilo, Ansuz. If you want to get more detailed, you can email me like you proposed, of course.
I personally don't like live workings![]()
#19 Ehwaz + #7 Gebo + #6 Kenaz + #7 ISA² x111 reps
"In a positive and healthy way for me [Person Name], desires me (and only me)², everyday, extremly sexualy, now, continuosly and forever." x18 reps 40 days
² If one does not need this part, they can omit it.
The working should be done when the Moon is in Scorpio, Not void of course, Mars direct, Saturn should also be direct. The color used is pure bright red. Best done while the person is sleeping. Condense the bright red energy in a ball and will/direct it via the persons 3rd eye into there Throat chakra, absorbing the energy, filling the person totaly with bright red light. The female chakras absorb energy the male ones direct it.
Additional info to the working:
Ø The sound: Ë
Ø Germanic: Eys (Ehwaz)
Ø Gothic: Aihwa
Ø Norse: Ehol, Ior
Ø Anglo-Saxon: Eoh
Ø Icelandic: Eykur
Ø Norwegian: Eh, Eol
Ø Swedish: Ehwar
#19. Represents the horse. It is also closely identified with Castor and Pollux
the Gemini twins. Used to see into the future and for psychic communication.
Like the fourth chakra, this rune unites opposites. This rune forges bonds and is
used to seal marriages and friendships. Can be used to bind another’s thoughts
and actions to the operator’s will. Used in spiritual divination to understand the
will of the Gods. Used to empower thoughtforms and bring them under the
control and will of the mage. When used with other runes, Eihwaz unites the
energies harmoniously.
GEBO (Gift)
Germanic: Geuua (Gebo)
Gothic Giba
Norse: Gipt, Giöf
Anglo-Saxon: Geofu (Gyfu)
Icelandic: Gjöf
Norwegian: Giof
#7. This is a rune of sacrifice and giving. Something of personal value given freely, such as our blood when we choose to consecrate the runes in this way. This is a rune of initiation where we make personal sacrifices to obtain knowledge, power and wisdom. No pain, no gain.
Magickally, Gipt is a bringer of gifts. Gipt relates to weddings and alliances. Gipt is also used in sex magick and binding spells. Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. Emerald and jade are the gems used with this rune. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward. Used with the Isa rune, the combination is powerful in binding enemies.
KENAZ (Torch)
Germanic: Chozma (Kenaz)
Gothic: Kaun
Norse: Kaun
Anglo-Saxon: Cen, Ken
Icelandic: Kaun
Norwegian: Kaun
#6. Rune of light. The light of the soul; also intellect. The traveler on the road to the underworld carried Kaun to illuminate and guide. The shape of this rune is of a delta for smooth flight and also penetrating. Magically this rune can be used for intellect, penetrating things as it carries energy. It also increases awareness and gives insight. In black magick, it is used to incite stupidity and works so that the victim will remain unaware. This rune also represents sores, inflammations, swelling and boils. Used for the control and harnessing of sexual energies and in working sex magick, often used with other fire runes and used to release the spirit into the realms of power. This rune can be used to direct and influence the emotions of others. Bestows charisma which is connected to the sexual energies. Useful in raising the kundalini. Fire agate and fire opal can be used with this rune, especially when working sex magick.
ISA (Ice)
Germanic: Icz (Isa)
Gothic Eis
Norse: Íss
Anglo-Saxon: Is
Icelandic: Íss
Norwegian: Is
#11. Isa is a rune of binding. It represents stealth and sneakiness and is used in operations where one wishes to proceed undetected; Iss bestows invisibility. In nature, ice creeps up on the land, quietly freezing and immobilizing everything in its path. The unaware fall victim to it. Magickally, Iss is a rune of binding and preventing action through hidden means. It can halt a plan and prevent something from developing. It is used to conceal and can render a victim unaware of impending personal disaster to where any actions attempted will be too late in coming. It is also used in preventing any action and can ruin planned activity. Isa freezes action and is the rune of cold, barren stillness and death. Isa is the exact opposite of Fehu. As Fehu is a rune of movement, Isa is a rune of binding.
Used in ritual against another, it brings barrenness, prevents prosperity, causes depression, and serves as an obstacle to action. Can be used to cause paralyzing fear or obsession and to prevent or stop movement, both that of growth and disintegration. On a more positive note, this rune is helpful in void meditation as it acts to still and also helpful in concentration, bringing calmness and guidance. Care needs to be taken as the rune can also make the user dull and/or obsessive. Isa works to calm hysteria, hyperactivity and restlessness. Often used in revenge spells and defense, it helps focus the will of the operator. Used with other runes, it acts to bind and shield the energies and keep them from interacting with each other."
"Moon in Scorpio
This is one of the best signs for black magickal workings. Revenge, hatred, venting, exposing secrets, death spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, pure sex, the occult, the darker side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at this time. Magickal workings ruled by Pluto are successful at this time."
Rules: Aries and is co-ruler of Scorpio
Natural ruler of the 1st house and co-rules the 8th house
Exalted sign: Capricorn
Signs of Detriment: Libra, Taurus
Sign of fall: Cancer
Mars is the lesser malefic
Colors: Red, scarlet, dark red
Day: Tuesday
Metal: Iron, steel
Demon: Barzabel
Chakra: Second/Sacral
Rules: Steel, cutlery, sharp instruments, weapons of war, fire, fevers, quarrels, ambitions, energy, adventures, passions, hurts by violence, male relations, enemies, strife, glory in battle.
Diseases/health: Migraines, fevers, acute infections, inflammations, sharp pains, burns, scalds, toothache, sinusitis, earache.
Professions: Athletes, military, surgeons, iron and steel workers, blacksmiths, dentists, gunsmiths, butchers, barbers, common employment.
Mars is where our energies go in your chart.
Mars is electric, forceful, hot, dry, barren, and inflammatory.
Kinds of Death: Burns, cuts, loss of blood, scalds, ruptures, battle, gunshot wounds.
Mars, along with the Sun, rules the man in a woman's chart."
Saturn is the most important planet. Saturn is where we suffer in life. Saturn is misfortune and loss.
Rules: Capricorn and co-rules Aquarius
Natural ruler of the 10th house and co-ruler of the 11th house
Exalted sign: Libra
Signs of Detriment: Cancer, Leo
Sign of Fall: Aries
Colors: Black, dark brown, indigo
Day: Saturday
Metal: Lead
Gemstone: Obsidian, onyx
Demon: Zaziel
Symbolism: Greater malefic
Saturn is cold and dry
Parts of the Body: Bones, knees, the ears (hearing, balance), the spleen, the skin, the teeth.
Chronic wasting diseases, diseases of the bones and teeth, deafness, vertigo, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), depression, blockages, blood clots, stagnation, kidney stones, arthritis, immune deficiencies.
Builders, bricklayers, land and property dealers, jailers, grave diggers, dealers in lead and lead products, plumbers.
Saturn is hard luck, misfortune, misery and sorrow.
Saturn rules:
Suffering, misery, endurance, the father, the aged, discipline, recluses, restrictions, poverty, delay, defects, fatalities, misers, those who fast or starve, ascetics, denial, debts, the widowed, corpses, graves, fear, insecurity, loss, disease, grief, long ties, duty, limitations, time and clocks, patience, serious, skeptical, pessimistic, learning the hard way."
Energy, passion, inflammatory, lust, strength, protects against psychic attack. Mars rules red- Revenge, anger, pure sexual lust, and physical gratification, courage, determination, dealing with enemies. Red can also be used for self-confidence, athletics, strength, creating magickal energy for black magick, (Good for self-empowerment before workings of black magick) and inducing intensity. Incites lust, energy, strength, sexual energy, dynamism, passionate love, physical desire, courage, will power, athletics (especially competitive), and vitality. Mars rules red. Red is of the element of fire. Both the colors red and black rule the root chakra.
Black Magick: Revenge, anger, inciting accidents, fires, and injuries; red as opposed to black brings on sudden attacks, accidents, bloodshed, violence, and hatred. Red can also be used to incite wars, anarchy, and cruelty."
"The Third Eye
The 3rd Eye is directly related to the 6th chakra and the pineal gland. It is located on the middle of the forehead above the brows and along with the 6th chakra that sets in back of the third eye and the pineal gland; it is the psychic sight of the soul.
In the average person, the pineal gland is atrophied and dormant. Because of centuries of humanity being cut off from practicing power meditation where energy is circulated like blood where it is needed, many areas of the human soul have ceased to function. This is another sad result of Christianity.
The third eye contains the last of the three knots. Once this knot is open and energy flows through, the crown chakra is easy to open. The third eye contains the astral sight. Through the third eye, astral images are transferred to the brain. The third eye is also important in telepathy and influencing others. I have found in willing others, thought energy should strongly be directed to the other person's third eye, even though this cannot be seen. The third eye is receptive to energy directed at it.
The third eye, along with the sixth chakra, controls the eyesight, the sinuses and the skin. It is with the third eye that we can see auras, do scrying and see energy. The pineal gland and the sixth chakra are behind the third eye.
The third eye is the front of the 6th chakra. The 6th chakra is where the Ida and Pingala serpents meet. When the kundalini pierces this chakra, it opens the last of the three knots. A flash of light is often experienced when this occurs. Opening the 3rd eye is a major step in consciousness."
"The Throat Chakra
COLOR: Sky Blue
GENDER: Female
DAY: Friday
METAL: Copper
FUNCTION: Verbal communication, emotional self-expression, creativity
The throat chakra known as the Visudda in Sanskrit, rules over the neck, thyroid gland, throat, mouth, voice, ears, hearing, and trachea. This chakra is sky blue in color and rules over verbal communication, intellect, emotions, and self-expression. Truth be known, the throat chakra, not the heart chakra is the "seat of emotions." When we feel sad, like crying, we get the lump in the throat. The throat chakra is a chakra of creative potential and works with the sacral chakra."
"Energy Ripping
Black magick is all about the manipulation and direction of energy. The strength of one's mind and aura determine the type and amount of energy that one can direct and handle safely while producing the desired results. Workings fail because of weakness of one's mind and aura, and/or the operator is not as powerful as the intended victim. Black magic is used to bring about justice.
Energy ripping involves drawing off the life force. One should already have a strong aura that can pull energy at will and be able to transform it for one's personal benefit. There are two ways of going about this. One is the destruction of victim's aura and the second is hooking up an energy line and draining the victim dry. This prepares the victim to be much more vulnerable to psychic attacks and completely opens him/her for the willed input of destructive energy from the mage.
One thing to be aware of… When you take energy from another being, that energy has power. The individual’s beliefs, experiences and even illnesses can factor in. You are taking this energy into yourself. You must have the power to transform this energy. If you do not transform the energy, it can affect you. Another alternative is to direct the energy somewhere else, but again, you must be powerful enough to do this effectively. I have seen Satan do this with some very nasty energy, but he is a God. Just be aware of this. Back in 2006, a JoS High Priest who is no longer with us gave this spell. This was close to ten years ago. I have worked with it and I am revealing more information here. This is not only my own experience, but the experiences of others. Just be aware of this, if you choose to do this working.
1. One should have a photograph or image of the victim. This is so one can visualize him/her clearly. This is very important to the operation.
2. Go into a trance state.
3. Begin by visualizing yourself drawing off the victim's aura and disintegrating it. You can visualize yourself actually eating and ingesting the aura until it is completely gone or drawing it into your sexual chakra. Always draw energy with your feminine chakras as these absorb. The masculine chakras project energy. It is best to absorb this type of energy in the lower chakras.
4. When the aura is disintegrated and ingested, visualize drawing off all of the inner energies. The victim should change from white energy to grey energy and then to black, indicating the life force has been completely drained.
Clean your aura and chakras thoroughly after each working and state affirmations to transform the absorbed energy into positive energy for personal benefit.
The above four steps should be done frequently, a minimum of 3-4 times a week to more than once a day. It will eventually take its toll.
After the working has done its job and depleted the victim, one should follow up with black magick workings. Before each black magick operation, the victim's aura should be prepped with black energy so he/she will absorb the destructive energy. Just visualize him/her with a black aura and proceed with the working.
Don't forget to thoroughly clean your own aura and chakras.
More advanced techniques involve working with elemental energy and death energy. When working with death energy, one must be very adept and experienced as this can be dangerous. The life force is replaced with the destructive energy of the elements or the death energy."
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan