Dagons pupillum
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I feel smarter after getting an in depth dive; the points you ended with, I feel a resonance to. The ideas I had but like all it was only a fraction of what lies deeper, kinda like a kid who had all a jigsaw puzzle but couldn’t see the whole picture. Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra.My serpent is rising a little more daily.That post is one of the many series of posts that will explain to you what Satan, our God, really is. Due to oversimplifications by people and lack of knowledge, Satan has been understood to smaller extents.
These will go as updates to the Joy of Satan website too, for further elaboration and revelation of things already known.
An ever increasing number of SS are in rapid expansion of understanding. Others are new, while for others, the cumulative results of years of development are bearing fruit. As this continues, we must fertilize the ground and water it for all of these unique flowers.
While this is not bad, this makes sense within the context of the full being of Satan.
I have seen Satan, have known Satan, both on the known level, but also in the supernal levels of spiritual understanding. Much of this I have purposefully with-held as personal experiences, since I know time is needed for more comprehension by others, who too might be inspired to open up more.
In the end of the day, we want to reach self realization.
Additionally, many people will not receive these experiences in their understanding at once, as the reflections inside people are limited for many factors. We must try to expand our understanding.
The heart understands powerfully alongside the mind, yet where certain things fail on the mind, a well trained and properly placed heart will perceive reality.
Below I will analyse Satan's Poem so that you understand the hidden connotations in the poem, and therefore this will give you a meditative and mental opening to comprehend these higher concepts easier and faster.
It will also show you more about the Truth of our wonderful God, which is the GOD OF GODS, and the HIGHEST OF ALL. These, except of honorary statements, they also represent literally the existence of Satan, which is scarcely understood under the dross of blasphemy done against Him.
Satan's Poem 1: An Analysis by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The Knowledgeable one knows that the peoples learning
contains some of the sea of my knowledge.
The Knowledgeable, in Ancient Greek, would be The Demon. The Word "Demon", meaning "Knowledgeable" one, is a title for the beings that seek knowledge and understanding. Here, Satan explains that the "Knowledgeable" ones, are above the average human, who is asleep and in the sea of ignorance. Yet, even these people can be "learned" or have "knowledge". All this knowledge however, amounts to nothing in front of Father Satan's knowledge.
As "people's learning", we also have the knowledge that is menial, existing, of a lower domain. This knowledge represents the realm of the human beings [which we unavoidably are into]. This sphere and the sphere of external knowledge of the spirit [which coincides with the side of the Gods inside us], must expand. The parallel here is like a droplet inside a greater ocean.
The deeper connotation about this knowledge will be seen in the rest of the poem. Satan expands upon this idea in the next lines of the poem - except of what we know, there is something that we do not know.
A word of depth such as the world "sea", is to symbolize the "sea of consciousness" that pervades all of creation and within which, knowledge is contained. Within it, we exist like droplets or "people", and our knowledge is people's knowledge. We approach Satan to be helped to reach further than this and to understand more about the sea, and therefore, us ourselves as the droplet in it.
The lotus tree in the seventh heaven is the place of my
Here, Satan explains without any delay, that He reveals Himself in the Lotus of the 7th Heaven, or the Crown Chakra. When the Serpent rises and touches this Chakra, the person will experience the vastness of one's inner universe, and experience enlightenment and revelation.
Upon experience of this State, and this State is the "State of States" and the true level of knowledge and direct perception.
In English but also in every other language, the Title that the enemy has used for defamation, is related to the level of consciousness that is called "Sat". Sat, in Sanskrit and in Ancient Egyptian as "SA", is related to the state of direct perception of reality where one can see the Truth for themselves.
We are living in a world of lies, so naturally, we are distanced from Sat. The further from this state, we delve into confusion. The expansion of "Sat" is not only a spiritual situation, but also an expansion of the mind itself. It is a way of "being".
That highest State is reserved for the great practitioners of meditation, and the "Knowledgeable Ones", who know of our human ignorance and have perceived what is existing beyond.
Father Satan has given us this ability of perception of the Truth and direct understanding, through which later on we can draw more knowledge for other things by learning more and more.
An example here, is that one has to first watch a river and how it flows, and only then they can describe the flow of this river. Likewise, higher levels of understanding allow for perception of Truth [SAT] and this level can be brought down to reality through concrete knowledge.
For that I am all-hearing, the all-knowing;
glorified is my sanctity and elevated is my name.
Further, Father Satan here describes the State known as Samadhi or the "Great Piercing State" of Yoga. In this State, the direct perception [SAT] is the case, and one lives without error and deception. Additionally, Satan is very explicit about how advanced He is, and he is "All knowing and All Hearing".
Satan can hear all of His disciples, and His level of advancement is beyond human understanding. We can get progressively there and become "As the Gods", through embracing the states of lifting our consciousness.
In the second line, the words "glorified" and "sanctified" refer to Satan's Name, which is in English Satan, yet in other languages ranges from Sat, to Sat-Anu, to SA-TA-NA-MA [the mantra of Yoga], or SATANAS [Ancient Greek], or the Sanskrit Satya which deals with Truth and expression of Truth.
All of these parts of Satan's Divine Name are all around the same conceptual knowledge of understanding of the greater cosmos and universe. They also all derive from the root SA and SAT, which is related to the element of Fire [creative element of the Universe] and the Quintessence, which is the Akasha and the basis of all creation, active or potential.
Paradise is my wine and Hell is the heat of my scorching
Constellations prostrated to me until I was elevated.
Like the prostration of servants to the served.
Here, Satan explains that Paradise is His Wine. Wine as an ellergory is associated with the Pineal gland. The God of Wine, Dionysus, in Ancient Greek mythological lore, was the King God of the Bacchic mysteries, or the mysteries of ascent of the consciousness into a higher level. The level of SAT explained above, has been a level of consciousness that the top practitioners could enter, which is coupled by extensive pleasure in all levels for a human being.
At this level, one is reaching "paradise", while "Hell" is contrasted as a state of being hit by scorching wind - in the lower states of consciousness, the lack of understanding, knowledge or power, can act as a tormentful force. Hidden here we also have the contrast of the fiery Serpent energy, that which purifies like a scortching wind, until eventually it activates the wine. The dualism between the elements of water and fire, deal also with purificatory rites.
On a note without more alchemical depth, the power of torment can be used against Satan's Enemies. The given connotation here is that also, enemies of SAT or Truth will merely make themselves into eternal sufferers merely because they deny their own ability to elevate themselves, inviting on themselves karmic and other forms of punishments that are meant for the blind. They therefore, instead of drinking of the pleasant Wine, force themselves to suffer from in the fire of ignorance.
In exactly the next line, Father Satan explains the cause of this suffering - While at once relating the solution in the same two lines:- "Constellations prostrated to me", showing one's relationship with the external world of the stars, or fate, so long one is ascended. When one is not ascended, and does not meditate, one is at the mercy of the influences of the "Constellations" or the Karmic dross that follows a soul and torments it. Unavoidably, suffering is part of ignorance.
The direct explanation of this state is that the "Servant", and every person beginning meditation and spirituality, or merely being born, is born in "Shackles" and enslaved as a servant. We are all born blind and servants. We are all born "Blind" to this world, and constellation and karmic forces are in external control of us. This situation is reversed when one elevates their Soul and Soul power, and progressively one can escape these shackles and move onwards towards freedom.
Satan specifies that He has elevated Himself way far higher above this level of being, freeing himself from the shackles of karmic dross and eventually eternal scorching suffering. Because of His level of mastery, He rules through both the rise and fall of mankind. His consciousness also pervades all the universe, including all the vastness of it.
And all those in the universe said to me
O God, Lead us into the straight path.
Here, from a linear perspective, Satan shows His dominant position in the universe in being the most advanced being in it.
This naturally puts Him in a position to show the shinning door to other creatures and beings that want to also advance spiritually and rise into higher levels of existence. Satan clearly refers to this case that people do call Him God for this. From this statement we also say that Satan is God.
The relationship between the higher and lower beings is a relation of the leaders and the lead. We as human beings, do follow Satan to lead us to the Straight Path. The Straight Path, except of being the proper and higher spiritual path that leads to the higher levels of understanding, is also the "Straight Path" of the spinal column, through which the Serpent rises.
In this verse we also have the hidden message, that this God, who resides on the lower end of the Spine, but is the king of the constellations and the Universe, if we are obedient [ie, focused on the Spiritual Practice] will arrive to lead us on the Straight Path, or the Rising of the Spinal column of consciousness.
This is the Straight Path towards enlightenment and understanding, and for this to occur, the "all those in the universe" have to "say" this, or rather, approve of this through meditation and spiritual ascent. One has to ask of this to receive this, and this is not enforced upon nobody. But all those who want to receive this, must allow themselves to lead themselves and Satan to lead them into this level of ultimate understanding.
In other words all this magnificent wisdom and power is only waiting for us, "those in the universe", to seek it, apply it and get enlightened by it.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail Satan, guide me to the straight path and help me allow and learn so my serpent will rise; to taste the wine and feel the lotus .
Hail Satan!