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SATAN'S DAY RITUAL - 23rd to 29th Of December - Happy Yule Wishes!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I worked a lot to make this Ritual give you all a perspective of seeing our Lord Satan in a very direct way. Many are plagued with false ignorance, and I believe from the comments that the overwhelming majority not only glorified Satan in an appropriate way, but that we also connected to Lord Satan.

This should remain as memory for us all and we must insist and stay strong in this path and walk in confidence.

Words cannot describe how happy I am when people get a glimpse of these matters, or even better other comments which explained how they could see Father or feel His most powerful presence.

This is also how everyone is going to be when the enemy's dross will have subsided. Clarified, better and happier.

Thank you all and may blessings come to everyone from all directions.

Can you post a reply or make a sermon. On what this ritual is supposed to do big picture?

I read and have done the ritual since the 21st when posted as some people are eager. Despite reading and reciting it, I can see it protects the Gods adds another layer of barrier from being assailed and on top of that acts kinda like the M-RTR Anti-Confusion, it seems to have awakening properties. It even seems to be almost like a Runic Formula or multi-lingual ritual.

But since you mentioned this ritual is going to be done in intervals of time periods. Then what is it gonna do here on Earth?

Also if this ritual is to be done in intervals is it that this is powerful and doesn't require much spamming?

Wouldn't it be better to add this ritual as an everyday ritual or are we adding too much and we need to do other rituals like the upcoming race ritual.

I do recall the days of doing M-RTR and some burnt themselves out. Some felt a reprieve doing F-RTR as it condensed into an easy ritual just do one ritual and it covers a lot. Even if we had times of adding M-RTR as of the recent time.

So big picture what is this Shen ritual going to the do on the World stage? or is this a more generic personalized working that works kinda like the Wealth, Prosperity, and Protection ritual?
I have done the ritual last night and it was really amazing. The connection with Father Satan was really deep and I talked with Him for some time showing my gratitude and talking about my plans for next year.

Thank you Commander Cobra for sharing this ritual with us, it is a wonderful gift for Satan. It is a great honor to perform this ritual.

Nevermind the picture in the cover, but I love listening this song on this day:
Tartini Violin Sonata in G minor ''Devil's Trill Sonata''

Happy Satan‘s Day to everyone!
Fuchs said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thanks for the ritual HP. Hoodedcobra666

Here is more info about the Runes one can use other pronounciations but one has to stay in one language /spelling off them like only use the germanic or gothic or norwegian one, for every rune used in one working. Also one can fokus on the runes while vibrating them, to enhance/strengthen the ritual. Or do it without does also work.


Did sort them related to the working order

Start by Vibrating the Runes and then affirming once the following sentences beneath them:

Fehu x10,

Lagur x10,

Berkano x10 , then affirm:

Lord Satan, Sanctified and Blessed is your Name
The blessed vowels and the blessed consonants,
Holiest of holies, the Great Pathway,
The loud, the hiss, the uprising, the sea, the silent.

I call you by your Name and bless you with my Brothers and Sisters in Satan [affirm once]: A, SAT,

Ansuz x10,

Sowilo x10,

Algiz x10, then affirm

Tonight we lift all curses uttered against your Name,
We remove all sins that have falsely been sent to you,
Your Name is detached from corrupted notions, lies and slander,
Now and Permanently.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Tiwaz x10,

Sowilo x10,

Thurisaz x10, then affirm

All sins and hostile energy sent against you Satan,
is now sent to your enemies and those that have slandered you.
All hatred sent against your Name is backfired onto the
Jews and those who alongside them have slandered your Holy Name.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Algiz x10,

Sowilo x10,

Berkano x10, then affirm

You stand invincible like a thousand suns,
No evil can touch you.
Infinitely powerful is the Shenu around you,
bright like the Power of a thousand burning Suns.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so], THEN

Vibrate SAT x10 times, then
Vibrate SATYA x10 times, then
Vibrate SATANAMA x10 times, then
Vibrate SATANAS x10 times, then affirm 3 TIMES or 10 TIMES [your choice]:

You stand invincible against all lies.

Then close the ritual with a HAIL SATAN

and say one time:

Satan’s Power Is Supreme and Felt by All.




Ø Germanic: Fe (Fehu)
Ø Gothic: Faihu
Ø Norse: Fé
Ø Anglo-Saxon: Feo, Feoh
Ø Icelandic: Fé
Ø Norwegian: Fe
Ø Swedish: Fehu

#1. This rune begins the Futhark alphabet and is the first of the three ættir.
Characterizes the beast of burden. Slavish, stupid, slow, domesticated and mild.
Cowardly. This is the sending rune used in magick. To grow, to wander to
Positive aspects; white magick:
Wealth, possessions, honors, property, money, expansion. Power over one’s
environment, increase in wealth; fertility, mobility.
Black Magick: Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy;
instills fear and dependence in an enemy.



Ø Germanic: Laaz (Laguz)
Ø Gothic: Lagus
Ø Norse: Lögr
Ø Anglo-Saxon: Lagu
Ø Icelandic: Lögur
Ø Norwegian: Laukr
Ø Swedish: Lagur

#21. Conceals and symbolizes the unknown. Reveals and counteracts poisons.
The hidden is revealed. Assists in the awareness of energies and enhances
one’s sensitivity. Good for dowsers and pendulum workers. Helps in astral work.
Can be used to enhance physical and psychic strength. Used in feminine magick
and masking the forces of other runes.



Ø Germanic: Bercna (Berkano)
Ø Gothic: Bairkan
Ø Norse: Bjarkan
Ø Anglo-Saxon: Beroc
Ø Icelandic: Bjarkan
Ø Norwegian: Bjarkan
Ø Swedish: Berkana

#18. This rune can be used in workings for female fertility, feminine magick, and
nurturing. It is used in concealment and protection. This rune symbolizes
feminine energies. It is an old Pagan custom to enclose a child at birth with the
protective energies of Berkano, which remain with him/her throughout his/her life.



Germanic: Aza (Ansuz)
Gothic: Ansus
Norse: Óss, Áss
Anglo-Saxon: Aesc, (Os, Ac)
Icelandic: Óss, Áss
Norwegian: As

#4. Rune of the power of speech, destroys tyranny; “Your spiritual force sets you free” Order, the opposite of chaos, creative inspiration, magickal oratory ability and to persuade others and audiences through speech. Opens channels of self-expression and overcomes obstacles of every kind. Used in removing bindings. Assists in enhancing one’s psychic and magickal abilities. Also used for work in invocations. Used with Lapis Lazuli in working to communicate with Demons.



Germanic: Sugil (Sowilo)
Gothic: Sauil
Norse: Sól
Anglo-Saxon: Sigel
Icelandic: Sól
Norwegian: Sol
Old Danish: Sulu
Old German: Sil, Sigo, Sulhil

#16. Sowilo is the rune of the Sun and can be used in masculine magick. Sowilo is a rune of invincibility, and final triumph. This rune is movement and action and bestows the will to take action. It symbolizes the chakras and the lightening bolt, spark of life. Kundalini is like lightening and flashes in the brain when it connects with the 6th chakra. Sowilo is used to strengthen the will and confidence. It has both shielding and combative properties. Used in understanding the energy forces in the world and on the astral. When used with other runes, it activates and empowers them. It can be used in meditation and to empower the chakras. Brings out one’s leadership abilities and one’s ability to inspire others.
Enhances one’s strength of spirit. Gem is the diamond.



Germanic name: Algis, Algiz or Elhaz
Gothic: Algs
Anglo-Saxon name: Eolh
Norwegian name: Elgr

#15. This rune is used for protection. It is also used in consecration and the banishing of negative energies. It is excellent for the operator to wear when performing dangerous rituals as it protects against negative energies. Black tourmaline is the stone used with this rune.



Germanic: Tys (Tiwaz)
Gothic: Teiws
Norse: Týr
Anglo-Saxon: Tir, Tiw
Icelandic: Týr
Norwegian: Ty

#17. Instills courage and honor. Tyr is the rune of justice. Used for stability and the binding of chaotic energies. Good for defense and revenge workings as it represents justice. Bloodstone and hematite are the stones used with this rune.


Germanic: Thyth (Thurisaz)
Gothic Thauris
Norse: Þurs
Anglo-Saxon: þorn
Icelandic: Þurs
Norwegian: Thurs

#3. Rune of cutting, sharpness, and pain. Brute strength, destructive power of chaos and ruin. Also of death and regeneration, transformation and breaking down barriers. The power of this rune is wild and a strong mind/will is needed to direct it. Ur assists the energy of other runes it is used with to manifest in reality. Like a lightning bolt, Thorr brings on the energies of the berserker, energies this wild should only be used in war or attack. Can raise and guide thunderstorms and direct lightning. In many German fairy tales such as “Sleeping Beauty” the prick of a thorn, pin or spindle casts a spell upon the victim. The bloodstone has been used with this rune in the raising of thunderstorms. Hematite used with this rune can shield against electro-magnetic energies and is therefore helpful in deflecting curses. Using this rune with a pointed crystal focuses energies and projects them.
Black Magick: Brings destruction and confusion. Thorr is used in the destruction of enemies and in curses. Used to control another or render the individual defenseless.
White Magick: Rune of healing. Enhances wisdom, courage, physical strength, independence and leadership.

Infos are from here :https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html
Thank youuuu!!!
Your dedication, HP, is truly awe-inspiring. Thank you!

I only saw this post late last night, but I wanted to participate for the whole breadth of this and it felt wonderful.

I decided to unify my rune pronunciations for this one as there were a couple new ones for me. I went with Icelandic except for Algiz. I also vibrated all of the names like we vibrate SATANAS, but I wonder, like others here; Is this the right approach?
Happy Father Satan's day everybody!:)
A very good Yule to everyone
and that Enki can get back all the respect that has been stolen from him.

per sempre Enki
I couldn't help myself and yesterday i have done like 11 times of this ritual throughout the day, such a perfect opportunity to show appreciation to the Satan and Gods.

From my experience i can clearly tell there is some sort of energy residing in my middle chest chakra, feels like a bond, connection, that i am an extension, additional limb, that i am part of something big.

That energy is definitely from Satan and Gods, when i'm focused on in it overwhelms me with all sorts of positive fellings, make me more courageous, reassured that no matter what happens to this world i and my family will be fine.

Today during my morning walk, i passed by a child with her mother, and that child waved at saying "hi" with big smile on her face, as if this child has known me for a long time, and of course her mother was like, "don't greet strangers like that !"

Could be only a coincidence, however something like this never ever happened in my life.

Also a have a question can we do multiples of 10 for vibrating the runes for this ritual ? or it's better not to ?
I really like this one. Did it several times. Since the solstice a couple times on that. I am not sure that is the power point though this time of year.
~Thank you so much for this post. I always take this time to honor Father Satan and do rituals to honor Him during the Winter Solstice and 23rd. with decorating my altar for Him with blue lighting and winter theme decor of white and blue lights and snow themed trees with silver white and blue throughout my home. I will definitely be doing this ritual for the 23rd. I am thankful for the jos. I appreciate all you do for Father Satan and the Gods. I try to educate whenever I can to otherse about the holidays true origins, of Father and our Gods and the holidays that celebrate them such as the Winter Solstice, and the lies and corruptions spread about other Pagan holidays, as well. I try to show people the truth on their history when they claim the corrupted false xian histories of them(when I said to someone else I was talking to about paganism and the winter solstice and that I didn't celebrate xmas because I was Pagan and celebrated the Winter Sostice, and xmas came from a Pagan holiday called the Winter Solstice, one elderly woman that was sitting next to us, looked up at me with a horrorified look in her eyes as well as an expression of anger on her face, not because I said I was Pagan, but because of what I said about where xmas came from, that was what she reacted to. It's sad to see how enslaved people are by this jehova monster. I hope one day that people will be free from the enemy's enslaving (as I prefer to call jehova and its co- horts as they are nothing but enemyies) spell over humanity, and in time learn the truth and celebrate our True Father. Happy Yuletied to you HP Hooded Cobra and to every member of the Clergy here and to all my Brothers and Sisters in Satan. May you always have Father Satan's blessings for all the work everyone does here...

~Lady Bellatrix
Satanic Warrior
Hail Satan/Lucifer
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Family,

Happy Yuletide to all of you.

For those who are new, remember, we celebrate the Yule time. It is a Pagan celebration [use the search function on the Satan Is God website, to study further]. The enemy attempting to force themselves into the holiday is irrelevant.

Ignore it and celebrate with family, people that you love, and remember: There is nothing that is a yearly celebration or spiritual knowledge, or something in our culture, that wasn't originally stolen from our Pagan origins. Even the Yule Tree, is an actual Pagan symbol, related to the Human Soul.

For Yule, read the following posts:

Satan Is God: Yule Season Page: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Yule.html
About December 23rd: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HOLIDAYS.html
Satan And Yule: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=13665

With the above related, looking back into this year, it was a beautiful year. For the Joy of Satan, it has been by far the most expansive and fruitful, with most of the agenda and works needed for this year being completed on time.

From a higher state of observation, despite of any hard times or hard work, we are still on top of everything. The Gods and Satan Himself are always in front of this, and we follow them loyally. That is the path of growth and advancement.

Putting all politics and nonsense aside, the 23rd is a good night to take a step back from all this nonsense that is being ruling this world, and distancing yourself. This is a day for Satan and not a day where can pay attention to the well known nonsense of our world.

It's a good day to get in touch with Father Satan, and remember that for the True Satanists, Satan is always there in good or bad times.

Take a step back and think to yourself, how much you have advanced, and how from anything that life has thrown at you, you most likely have grown. Maybe we aren't on the end of our destination yet, but we are walking there. There is a joy in this type of walking.

Father Satan rules eternity, and that is reflected now in this Holiday. Of all the Holidays in the year, Satan has picked the day of remembrance for himself to be the longest night of the year.

Why, out of all these dates, has Satan, who is the Highest God, picked this day of the year to be the day that people go to Him and remember Him? Should it not be Spring? Is not Spring the most joyous time of the year?

The answer for this is that because it's in the deepest darkness is when the light has the most power, the most meaning. From the 23rd onwards, days get longer - hope gets longer, power gets longer. It is actually the darkest point in life and in existence out of which the moving upwards begins.

Despite of everyone here being a follower of Satan, or many other people before, and so many that will follow Satan after, there are many things in this mysterious and most beautiful God of ours that has not been understood. The heart does understand. Over the centuries, we lost the meanings related to the mind, but the heart is where we cannot experience amnesia.

Spiritual Satanism, or the JoS, or us all, for that liking, only now are coming again into our star and light. Satan is progressively rising out of the lies that have been said about Him.

In a thousand years from now, all of this here might be mainstream, maybe humanity will have changed. The Age of Aquarius is something that many cannot comprehend now. We just see little lights of it, once a while, as the lights on the Yule Tree. Then these go off, and the chapters of the previous era of lies tries to again impose itself.

But that is a failed task to try to stop this, mandated so by the highest forces of this universe.

We saw the spring earlier than others. We have seen it, after all, long before. We received the first light, and it's important that we keep this light lit and powerful. In the coming spring, it will matter, but it won't matter as much as it does now.

Anyway, when I came to Satan many years ago, there was a lot of fuss about Satan. This and that was very common. For all the beings that have been hoaxed about, written lies about, and slandered, I don't think anyone has a higher position than Satan.

With logical research into this, we know that Satan's Name comes from Sanskrit Notions leading with Truth. On Satan's Page with Advanced Information, more of this will be revealed and it will be easy to be seen by all based on evidence.

Going deeper into this philosophy and application, I know this to be a fact to lead to Truth, but also the capacity to understand the Truth, since we humans need to spiritually advance to be able to see these notions. And what did this world and the enemy do? They cast this all down and turned everyone into an animal.

What is referred to by the above statement, you will also get a glimpse from this Ritual if you allow your mind to get into it. Many of you know it too, in heart, experiences and spiritual seeing. It's what draws people here.

Sometimes I question myself how it all came down to this. In the Age of Pisces, the rule of hoaxes, lies, nonsense, and infinite bullshit emotional hearsay has been a prevailing force and factor. The enemy timed their attack against Satan to be through this Age.

It never had to come down to this. But the interests of a few, the enemy, evil forces, and also a general bad time of downfall through the previous age, brought about this very situation.

Science and everything else that is a culture of debate or observes reality, has almost ceased to exist in the previous age. Even lower has sunk the culture of the Ancients which was about making spiritual research, opening the astral senses, etc. We have been told all of this is evil.

It feels great to sit on a state where you have been correct and everyone else has been wrong. Yet that is not the best state for advancing or helping other people, or the world in general. More than wanting to be right, we want to finally be recognized by this world, or at least, to be left be in our affairs if they believe that we are that "wrong" since we don't partake in the hoax making of the Judaists.

And why all this deception and lying took place? For their own particular interest, which was nothing of the interest of humanity or the rest of the world. They cast down all that was great, holy and spiritual, and anything that could help and advance humanity. For this reason, we saw in the recent past centuries one of the worst faces of this world that we escaped through by an inch.

This position and their constant attack on the Spiritual Culture of mankind could only make us adversaries.

Working for years in Satanism, many of us have seen that Satan and anything about Him is exactly the opposite of what the world claims.

I believe now it's the time for them to take all their "sins", slander, disinformation, and go home with it. They made it up so they must pay the price for this. The particular souls that created these lies, need to be get punished. There was no need for these lies in the first place, and the world would have been better off without these hoaxes.

These dangerous lies have kept everyone back from Spiritually advancing and bred endless confusion. Alongside the slander for Father Satan, we have all the slander about meditation and everything of spiritual substance in this world. These came always from the same source.

In Satan we have found Truth, understanding, solace, help. I have not found nothing evil, by the common definition of evil. I have dived into the darkness and did not find darkness, but the contrary. I have found someone that answers my prayers, in Satan and in the Gods.

Due to the fact many souls cannot see higher than this, and elaborate false notions have been created to hide Satan's Power and glory from the average person, we need to sort out this situation now. One of the New Rituals that are arriving will be the Ritual that is posted below.

Satan's Name will be absolved now of all falsehood. To make matters stricter, those who made these hoaxes up, alongside their endless other transgressions and destruction towards the Higher Laws and Satan Himself, will receive this punishment that is deserving on them, included in this Ritual.

That way also everyone will be able to contact Satan easier. We can also look at this as a favour towards Father Satan and the Gods, a way of giving back.


DURATION FOR THE RITUAL 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 of December.


Ritual Notes:

सत् = SAT, real, true, truthful in Sanskrit
The Symbol that protects the Sigil: Shen Ring, Egyptian Hieroglyphic language. The Shen also survived in Chinese tradition as a glyph for Spiritual Force, Divine Force, and God.


The letters of the sigil inside: The Ancient Greek letters for Satan's Name in arrangement.

The PDF For the Ritual: https://icedrive.net/0/a6qoDlc6S8

Extra Advice:

1. This Ritual is based on vibrating the Runes and making certain affirmations. Raising your energies before the Ritual is advised.
2. The Sigil that is provided is the point of focus where this Ritual is upon. It is this Sigil here.
3. The Runes that are done here, can be vibrated around the centre of the Sigil where the Shenu Protection Ring is. You can imagine this lighting up so much, like the Sun has a layer of light surrounding all of it.
4. Vibrate these Runes in a short version [ie, do not draw the runic vibration on a very big breath, especially for those who are new and can't do that many vibrations].
5. When you affirm that the curses etc are going back to their senders, it can help to imagine this.
6. The Ritual contains 160 Runic Vibrations, which is about 1 and a half circle of a Mala beads. If you can't do that many, reduce all the number of vibrations to 5.

7. For the Runic Vibrations [How to pronounce them] - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK0QOxn85sT9dsJe0B485Osfc1iGGzmwb

The Sigil:

This is the Sigil that we will be working upon.


Start by Vibrating the Runes and then affirming once the following sentences beneath them:

Fehu x10, Lagur x10, Berkano x10 , then affirm

Lord Satan, Sanctified and Blessed is your Name
The blessed vowels and the blessed consonants,
Holiest of holies, the Great Pathway,
The loud, the hiss, the uprising, the sea, the silent.

I call you by your Name and bless you with my Brothers and Sisters in Satan [affirm once]: A, SAT,

Ansuz x10, Sowilo x10, Algiz x10, then affirm

Tonight we lift all curses uttered against your Name,
We remove all sins that have falsely been sent to you,
Your Name is detached from corrupted notions, lies and slander,
Now and Permanently.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Tiwaz x10, Sowilo x10, Thurisaz x10, then affirm

All sins and hostile energy sent against you Satan,
is now sent to your enemies and those that have slandered you.
All hatred sent against your Name is backfired onto the
Jews and those who alongside them have slandered your Holy Name.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Algiz x10, Sowilo x10, Berkano x10, then affirm

You stand invincible like a thousand suns,
No evil can touch you.
Infinitely powerful is the Shenu around you,
bright like the Power of a thousand burning Suns.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so], THEN

Vibrate SAT x10 times, then
Vibrate SATYA x10 times, then
Vibrate SATANAMA x10 times, then
Vibrate SATANAS x10 times, then affirm 3 TIMES or 10 TIMES [your choice]:

You stand invincible against all lies.

Then close the ritual with a HAIL SATAN

and say one time:

Satan’s Power Is Supreme and Felt by All.


Stormblood said:
The translator translates Yule as

Then you need a real translator, such as DeepL, not jewgle translate which is one of the worst translators on the web.


The word 'Yule' is not currently translator, as the real name is lost, but it is considered one of the names of Odin.
Is it possible to set deepl to translate online pages like google translator does?
Happy Yule everyone, but where is the MP3 link for the ritual?
LeydeLuz said:
I am a very beginner in meditations and this would just be my 8th day meditating, also I am a little sick.

Should I do the ritual or would it be better to do it in another way like meditating to Satan or something similar?

If you are not well you could vibrate the runes once per rune instead of 10. Try doing 10 and if you feel too sick just do 1. I do not feel well and am very lethargic after work when I do it so I have to yawn in between reps, lol. You can also whisper or do it in your head if your throat is sore etc. It's okay if it's not perfect, just do your best. I think Satan will notice the intent :)
This link has Maxine's pronunciation for Futhark for you.
Happy Yuletide everybody!
i'm very happy, but a little stressed because i've programmed every magick workings for the next year in very powerful dates, including three workings for increasing willpower and discipline! Thank you hp.Hoodedcobra for the ritual!
F_For_Flamingo said:
First of all, thak you HPHC for this posts, and all the other posts, especially in the last few months, they were very inspiring (i have been lurking for some time).

Since in this ritual there are some runes that i have not been using, i searched a bit online and found a video from Jackson Crawford(channel name) titeled The Names of the Runes (Elder Futhark) and i wanted to share with you (im not sure how to post video links, but you can find it when you search it on youtube). I am not sure if this is corrupted, i feel its not since he is rolling the R's but i would also apreciate if some one more expirienced listens to this and gives his/her opinion.

I hope this helps someone, and i will try to be more active in the future. In the past 6 months everytime i wanted to post something or anwser someones post i would allways start thinking, is my anwser helpfull at all or is my insight into this topic correct.

Perhaps it was an enemy attack or perhaps it were my insecurities. Whatever it was i understood that sometimes you need to make mistakes to learn.

Before deciding to post this i also had the same thoughts ,, if this is wrong will i be called a jew " or "what if i f*** up someones pronaunciation with this video". But this time i did not want to hide in my mouse hole, since again i got a present from Father Satan, Mother Lilith and the Gods, timed perfectly on the 23rd. It would be unfair that i just recive and don't atleast try to give something back.

JoS is a treasure of knowledge, and it is a living treasure, with all the members and HP's who can correct and teach.

Happy Yule Familiy! I wish for you whatever it is that you wish for yourselves!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!

For this, you do not need to search for information outside the JoS at all. It seems you already heed the possibility of corrupted information, so why not keep within these grounds?

Most, if not all, pronunciations of the runes have been included in the Runic Kabalah Audio CD. It's the 2nd .zip in the link.


Keep the main rune page open while listening to the chosen rune. If a rune is not included in the mp3 files, you can still go off of the ways it's spelled on the site, while referring to the pronunciation guide in a new tab, under Pronouncing and Vibrating the Runes. Good luck.

By the way, I also rarely talk. I generally only speak when giving advice, or if I have a question even after having conducted ample research on the forum and site. One could be someone who stays silent, but comprehends and absorbs information very strongly, and applies it in practice to one's advancement. As long as this occurs, one fulfils the goal of Spiritual Satanism.
Question for the HP or other SS who might know:

I want to perform Satan's Absolution Ritual using the Icelandic (Norse) pronunciation of the runes because HPS Maxine pointed out this is the most powerful way to vibrate the Runes. This is all good, however the rune Algiz isn't included in the Icelandic Futhark (the 22 original Runes). Should I just vibrate Algiz in the Germanic dialect, for example, but keep the rest vibrated in Icelandic, and if I do, will this negatively affect the power of my work in this ritual?

Thanks in advance.

Happy Satan's Day, everybody!

FuckYu_666 said:
The translator translated Yule for me as "Natale" (in Italian), so I thought it was OK to write "Natale", but the translator translated it as the false name of "Xmas".
This was not intentional, I hope I have clarified.

Ah ok, you are not the first person to do that with translation. My bad there. Happy Yule :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
balo666 said:
I dont know if its okay to ask but i will, i have to

Was you hooded cobra who did this ritual? becouse i was looking at what every rune work for, and the sentences, everything, its like perfect. This ritual, at least for me, its the best one in terms of composition and runes, its just perfectly done, the one who create it its a genius

Big thanks for helping us to help each other

I worked a lot to make this Ritual give you all a perspective of seeing our Lord Satan in a very direct way. Many are plagued with false ignorance, and I believe from the comments that the overwhelming majority not only glorified Satan in an appropriate way, but that we also connected to Lord Satan.

This should remain as memory for us all and we must insist and stay strong in this path and walk in confidence.

Words cannot describe how happy I am when people get a glimpse of these matters, or even better other comments which explained how they could see Father or feel His most powerful presence.

This is also how everyone is going to be when the enemy's dross will have subsided. Clarified, better and happier.

Thank you all and may blessings come to everyone from all directions.

I have definitely felt it, when doing any other ritual, a certain energy of anger takes over me, obvious are the reasons; But this ritual has been very different, when I did it I felt something that I had never felt, tending to be a very unsentimental person, it was a surprise that when blessing Father Satan, even when i was returning all the negative energies an indescribable affection feeling took hold of me while i recited the phrases, even my eyes and the gestures of my face, I felt a love that I had never felt

ill go right now to do another one becouse it feels amazing, thank you again HP, this is my new favourite ritual
Happy Satan's Day, and Happy Yule to each of my Satanic Brothers and Sisters. We continue moving forwards until the enemy is no more, and Humans become what we are meant to be.

Hail Victory!!!
Hail Satan and all of the glorious Gods and Goddesses of Humanity!!!
Blitzkreig said:
Florina 22 said:
How can beginners in meditation show their gratitude?

In general, advancing yourself as well as helping the overall Satanic effort. This can take the place of spiritual warfare, internet warfare, helping answer questions, or helping JOS if you have translating or programming abilities.

As a beginner, you should seek a balance between your activities. For example, a balance between cleaning, protection, empowerment, as well as yoga. Also, balance the above activities into this. Don't feel like you must do all of one thing, such as RTR's all day. Instead, try to grow in all areas, such that you have stable growth over time.

If you are a beginner, don't expect yourself to be able to pull off all these rituals with ease, either. You may not be used to doing this sort of work, or you may have to learn all the pronunciations, and so on. So take your time and only focus on a little at a time. If you are still learning the RTR's, then focus on that before you do this ritual, for example.

Thank you.
Norse 88 said:
Question for the HP or other SS who might know:

I want to perform Satan's Absolution Ritual using the Icelandic (Norse) pronunciation of the runes because HPS Maxine pointed out this is the most powerful way to vibrate the Runes. This is all good, however the rune Algiz isn't included in the Icelandic Futhark (the 22 original Runes). Should I just vibrate Algiz in the Germanic dialect, for example, but keep the rest vibrated in Icelandic, and if I do, will this negatively affect the power of my work in this ritual?

Thanks in advance.

Happy Satan's Day, everybody!


Use Elhaz or Algiz, if you want to do this in Icelandic.
ValentineCHL said:
I have a short question, I read that the ritual for Satan it's the night from December 22, but I was very sure it was the night from the 23, we can still do it the 23?

Of course, we continue this until the 29th, from 23rd Night to 29th.
I have both the Icelandic and Germanic runic Kabalah mp3 files but neither of them contain the Lagur or Berkano runic. So how am I suppose to pronounce them correctly? Also the video provided doesn’t have them in the playlist either.
स त न म said:
Some confusion about pronunciations.

1) For pronouncing SAT, SATYA, SATANAMA, do I do the entire word in one breath but when I do the SATANAS i do only one syllable per breath?

2) The pronunciation of T. So in all these words the T is this letter in sanskrit - "त". If you pronounce this letter it will be pronounced with the tongue touching the front 2 teeth and how a Spanish or Italian person would say T. When vibrating it, the tongue touching the teeth would also cause a TTTZZZZ like sound. But on the jos page which teaches the SATANAS pronunciation, it's said to pronounce the T with the tongue touching the pallet instead. This will actually be a different sound than what you would expect if the tongue touches the front teeth.

In the past I've always pronounced the T in SATANAS with the tongue touching the pallet but now that I think about it I'm not sure if that's fully correct.
Bump. Help please, in particular for the 1) part. I vibrated SAT, SATYA, SATANAMA in one breath but I broke SATANAS into 1 syllable per breath. Is this the right way to go about this?

The ritual is great btw, I visualized a blindingly bright light around the shenu ring and also around Father Satan, it felt great.
magickeye9 said:
I have both the Icelandic and Germanic runic Kabalah mp3 files but neither of them contain the Lagur or Berkano runic. So how am I suppose to pronounce them correctly? Also the video provided doesn’t have them in the playlist either.

As far as I know, Lagur is called Logur and Berkano is called Bjarkan in the icelandic mp3 files.
NinRick said:
balo666 said:
I dont know if its okay to ask but i will, i have to

Was you hooded cobra who did this ritual? becouse i was looking at what every rune work for, and the sentences, everything, its like perfect. This ritual, at least for me, its the best one in terms of composition and runes, its just perfectly done, the one who create it its a genius

Big thanks for helping us to help each other

To give you that, our HighPriest is a Genius and Has the highest position for a human right now for a very good reason. :p
Agreed :)

Inflorescentia said:
Your dedication, HP, is truly awe-inspiring. Thank you!

I only saw this post late last night, but I wanted to participate for the whole breadth of this and it felt wonderful.

I decided to unify my rune pronunciations for this one as there were a couple new ones for me. I went with Icelandic except for Algiz. I also vibrated all of the names like we vibrate SATANAS, but I wonder, like others here; Is this the right approach?

I did the same, perhaps go with Elgr instead of Algiz as Norwegian is closer to Icelandic than German.

Norse 88 said:
Question for the HP or other SS who might know:

I want to perform Satan's Absolution Ritual using the Icelandic (Norse) pronunciation of the runes because HPS Maxine pointed out this is the most powerful way to vibrate the Runes. This is all good, however the rune Algiz isn't included in the Icelandic Futhark (the 22 original Runes). Should I just vibrate Algiz in the Germanic dialect, for example, but keep the rest vibrated in Icelandic, and if I do, will this negatively affect the power of my work in this ritual?

Thanks in advance.

Happy Satan's Day, everybody!


As my above answer, Norwegian Elgr. Personal experience, it flows better with Icelandic than Germanic does. Although I see now (after writing the previous sentence) that HP Cobra advises Germanic anyway. I'll stick with Elgr though, personally.
OhNoItsMook said:
F_For_Flamingo said:
First of all, thak you HPHC for this posts, and all the other posts, especially in the last few months, they were very inspiring (i have been lurking for some time).

Since in this ritual there are some runes that i have not been using, i searched a bit online and found a video from Jackson Crawford(channel name) titeled The Names of the Runes (Elder Futhark) and i wanted to share with you (im not sure how to post video links, but you can find it when you search it on youtube). I am not sure if this is corrupted, i feel its not since he is rolling the R's but i would also apreciate if some one more expirienced listens to this and gives his/her opinion.

I hope this helps someone, and i will try to be more active in the future. In the past 6 months everytime i wanted to post something or anwser someones post i would allways start thinking, is my anwser helpfull at all or is my insight into this topic correct.

Perhaps it was an enemy attack or perhaps it were my insecurities. Whatever it was i understood that sometimes you need to make mistakes to learn.

Before deciding to post this i also had the same thoughts ,, if this is wrong will i be called a jew " or "what if i f*** up someones pronaunciation with this video". But this time i did not want to hide in my mouse hole, since again i got a present from Father Satan, Mother Lilith and the Gods, timed perfectly on the 23rd. It would be unfair that i just recive and don't atleast try to give something back.

JoS is a treasure of knowledge, and it is a living treasure, with all the members and HP's who can correct and teach.

Happy Yule Familiy! I wish for you whatever it is that you wish for yourselves!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!

For this, you do not need to search for information outside the JoS at all. It seems you already heed the possibility of corrupted information, so why not keep within these grounds?

Most, if not all, pronunciations of the runes have been included in the Runic Kabalah Audio CD. It's the 2nd .zip in the link.


Keep the main rune page open while listening to the chosen rune. If a rune is not included in the mp3 files, you can still go off of the ways it's spelled on the site, while referring to the pronunciation guide in a new tab, under Pronouncing and Vibrating the Runes. Good luck.

By the way, I also rarely talk. I generally only speak when giving advice, or if I have a question even after having conducted ample research on the forum and site. One could be someone who stays silent, but comprehends and absorbs information very strongly, and applies it in practice to one's advancement. As long as this occurs, one fulfils the goal of Spiritual Satanism.

Thanks man for sharing the link with me, i didn't really do a indept search. Im sloppy sometimes.

Yeah i usually never look outside of JoS for information except when it is information about the Slavic version of the Gods. And even then i try to compare it to the info of JoS, and evereything that is not a match i usually discard.

Thanks for lifting my spirits up! Cheers!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!
Done. Will do it a second time tonight. Feeling really blissful at the moment.

Hail Satan!

Happy Yule to all my Brothers and Sisters in Satan!
magickeye9 said:
I have both the Icelandic and Germanic runic Kabalah mp3 files but neither of them contain the Lagur or Berkano runic. So how am I suppose to pronounce them correctly? Also the video provided doesn’t have them in the playlist either.

Berkano is in the Björk Video while Lögur is in the Lögr video, i didn't specifically find Lagur but i guess you can figure out the pronunciation by listening to the other similar versions.
Donovandal said:
I couldn't help myself and yesterday i have done like 11 times of this ritual throughout the day, such a perfect opportunity to show appreciation to the Satan and Gods.

From my experience i can clearly tell there is some sort of energy residing in my middle chest chakra, feels like a bond, connection, that i am an extension, additional limb, that i am part of something big.

That energy is definitely from Satan and Gods, when i'm focused on in it overwhelms me with all sorts of positive fellings, make me more courageous, reassured that no matter what happens to this world i and my family will be fine.

Today during my morning walk, i passed by a child with her mother, and that child waved at saying "hi" with big smile on her face, as if this child has known me for a long time, and of course her mother was like, "don't greet strangers like that !"

Could be only a coincidence, however something like this never ever happened in my life.

Also a have a question can we do multiples of 10 for vibrating the runes for this ritual ? or it's better not to ?

Better not change the rune count. You would have to do 1200 reps total, a little much if you ask me.
And for the ritual to stay the same you would have to also x10 each other rep. so total of 1600.
स त न म said:
स त न म said:
Some confusion about pronunciations.

1) For pronouncing SAT, SATYA, SATANAMA, do I do the entire word in one breath but when I do the SATANAS i do only one syllable per breath?

2) The pronunciation of T. So in all these words the T is this letter in sanskrit - "त". If you pronounce this letter it will be pronounced with the tongue touching the front 2 teeth and how a Spanish or Italian person would say T. When vibrating it, the tongue touching the teeth would also cause a TTTZZZZ like sound. But on the jos page which teaches the SATANAS pronunciation, it's said to pronounce the T with the tongue touching the pallet instead. This will actually be a different sound than what you would expect if the tongue touches the front teeth.

In the past I've always pronounced the T in SATANAS with the tongue touching the pallet but now that I think about it I'm not sure if that's fully correct.
Bump. Help please, in particular for the 1) part. I vibrated SAT, SATYA, SATANAMA in one breath but I broke SATANAS into 1 syllable per breath. Is this the right way to go about this?

The ritual is great btw, I visualized a blindingly bright light around the shenu ring and also around Father Satan, it felt great.

You can vibrate A one breath, SAT one breath ,..., or all in one long, but better one breath until lungs are empty.
magickeye9 said:
I have both the Icelandic and Germanic runic Kabalah mp3 files but neither of them contain the Lagur or Berkano runic. So how am I suppose to pronounce them correctly? Also the video provided doesn’t have them in the playlist either.

Berkano is the Björk rune.
Lagur is Laguz
Thank you for sharing dear High Priest Hooded Cobra, the power of Father Satan can be really felt along the information of the JOS, I'm glad to be here and now.

Salve Satan!!!!
स त न म said:
स त न म said:
Some confusion about pronunciations.

1) For pronouncing SAT, SATYA, SATANAMA, do I do the entire word in one breath but when I do the SATANAS i do only one syllable per breath?

2) The pronunciation of T. So in all these words the T is this letter in sanskrit - "त". If you pronounce this letter it will be pronounced with the tongue touching the front 2 teeth and how a Spanish or Italian person would say T. When vibrating it, the tongue touching the teeth would also cause a TTTZZZZ like sound. But on the jos page which teaches the SATANAS pronunciation, it's said to pronounce the T with the tongue touching the pallet instead. This will actually be a different sound than what you would expect if the tongue touches the front teeth.

In the past I've always pronounced the T in SATANAS with the tongue touching the pallet but now that I think about it I'm not sure if that's fully correct.
Bump. Help please, in particular for the 1) part. I vibrated SAT, SATYA, SATANAMA in one breath but I broke SATANAS into 1 syllable per breath. Is this the right way to go about this?

The ritual is great btw, I visualized a blindingly bright light around the shenu ring and also around Father Satan, it felt great.

You can do these in 1 breath per word, no need to go that much slow. While not necessary it can be great, but you can just do 1 breath and not letter per letter.
Serbon said:
magickeye9 said:
I have both the Icelandic and Germanic runic Kabalah mp3 files but neither of them contain the Lagur or Berkano runic. So how am I suppose to pronounce them correctly? Also the video provided doesn’t have them in the playlist either.

Berkano is the Björk rune.

Thanks for the reply I appreciate it.
Lagur is Laguz
Inflorescentia said:
Your dedication, HP, is truly awe-inspiring. Thank you!

I only saw this post late last night, but I wanted to participate for the whole breadth of this and it felt wonderful.

I decided to unify my rune pronunciations for this one as there were a couple new ones for me. I went with Icelandic except for Algiz. I also vibrated all of the names like we vibrate SATANAS, but I wonder, like others here; Is this the right approach?

Yes, definitely. It's all good.

For those asking if you can increase numbers, well yes, you can, but remain within multiples of 10. Yet if you fry this defeats the purpose of the Ritual, so IMO, it's better to do this whole ritual more times, than increase the reps.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You can do these in 1 breath per word, no need to go that much slow. While not necessary it can be great, but you can just do 1 breath and not letter per letter.
Thank you
Hail Satan!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
