It's okay then, we understand. The militant warfare of Abrahamic religions does not exist in that one. You do not pick up guns to prove any loyalty here, anyone who would do this is an enemy and seeks to cause wrong action for their own mental turmoil.
Any hate or disgust or anger against the enemy, cannot be cured via doing more of what they are doing. That will cause a vicious cycle of wrong activities that lead nobody nowhere, except of prison cells. The Rituals we have work and they manifest directly from the Astral.
Cure your heart and mind from meditation, become a good citizen, stay alive and developing. The Astral Rituals will manifest what they will, they do their work.
You do not prove your loyalty by seeking weapons or destruction, but by being a creative human being that restores your own soul into a better state than the state the enemy put humanity in. That's the ultimate victory and revolution.
As more people wake up, the Truth will render the enemy obsolete and powerless.
Read all our sites please. Good luck in your journey.