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Questions Ad infinitum


Active member
Jul 24, 2022
Any questions I have will be posted here.
It will begin with a doubt I have, which for me is actually a question of success and failure in every sense.
I know that you can energize your planet with its ruler or exaltation sign.

But I want to know if it's possible to change the house planets in any way.
Or I want tips on how to behave so that the planets are in different houses in my future life.

I want to hear from people who really know what they're saying.

My dissatisfaction is with my planets in the outer houses. I hate depending on people to succeed in life, I think everyone would.

My chart clearly says: to be successful I need a lot of networking, help, support and I need to be in a community, but I hate communities and there is no freedom when you are dependent on a group or people.

It says that even with a lot of effort, something is preventing me from achieving my goals.
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Think of it this way: The house you live in, the food you buy, the material of your clothes, the device you’re using right now, your very own body, were all produced by other people.

All the rich people rely on extensive networks, people who work for them and son on.

Getting help and support from others isn’t shameful. We as humans are naturally communal and are meant to be help and support each other.

Alexander didn’t conquer Persia alone, he needed an army to do that. He was also taught by Aristotle, and his father, and his mother as well as others I’m sure.

Does the chart say you have to sacrifice your individuality to be successful? If not, then find a community of like-minded people who can help you succeed.
If not, then find a community of like-minded people who can help you succeed.
This could easily be an online community, like this one, tailored to whatever you’re seeking to achieve.

Outside of politics, reddit could be a good place for that, but I’m sure you could find other online places as reddit has a lot of problems like bots.

Or you could rely on this community here. We have people from all backgrounds and places. Diversity is a strength here lol.
You can't change the house planets position.
On the other hand, you can make any work to enhance a planet or house.
Here lies the difference between normal people and magicians.
Normal people can't do anything to change their fate, so they will be slave of their natal chart.
Magician can use magic and spiritual works to manifest their desires.
Thus, you can do whatever you want.

Just a reminder. It takes time to know yourself. I heard many people say that after some time they started to understand the meaning of their natal charts. What sounds odd now it may make sense later.
Any questions I have will be posted here.
It will begin with a doubt I have, which for me is actually a question of success and failure in every sense.
I know that you can energize your planet with its ruler or exaltation sign.

But I want to know if it's possible to change the house planets in any way.
Or I want tips on how to behave so that the planets are in different houses in my future life.

I want to hear from people who really know what they're saying.

My dissatisfaction is with my planets in the outer houses. I hate depending on people to succeed in life, I think everyone would.

My chart clearly says: to be successful I need a lot of networking, help, support and I need to be in a community, but I hate communities and there is no freedom when you are dependent on a group or people.

It says that even with a lot of effort, something is preventing me from achieving my goals.

Your chart only tells you your status at birth, and the planetary energies that will affect you through life. AKA your karmic patterns and personality.

All practices on ToZ will slowly detach you from these. Very advanced individuals can mitigate most harmful planetary effects. That's the entire point of this path, to escape the cycles of fate and go beyond. Cleaning, high energy, squares, etc.
Keep growing, and these things will stop affecting you.
Rambling, continued
My thoughts and goals for a truly satisfying life

It's quite clear that the main goal of many people in the world is peace, tranquility and serenity.
And that's clearly what I'm looking for, something so simple, but it depends on so many factors.
The main factor for true peace in a person's life is freedom.

Especially financial freedom, because money reduces suffering.
And, of course, peace also has to do with not suffering and going in the opposite direction of pain.
You can see how things are intertwined here.

And then there's Emotional Freedom, which has already been partially achieved.
Its main ingredient is a pinch of conscious selfishness, this selfishness that brings into consciousness a new way of seeing the world, which is the pragmatic way and not centered on dogmas or extensive morality is what helps to shape this mind.

Ethics and morality are useful, they can be used to lead a peaceful life.
Ethics minimize the bad experiences one can create, creating less shame or guilt, which also means peace of mind without guilt.

It's useful for sleeping well and feeling good about doing good.

At the end of the day, it's just selfishness, but it's good selfishness.

Or you can use ethics to win votes with God.
But that's a very complex question that involves how much it actually benefits you and helps you achieve a life of peace and not suffering.

In fact, we all say and do things we don't like.
We're not real and true on the outside, we're fake because we have to use them to get by in life at best.
Like a boring job or an obnoxious relative that you have to put up with because you depend on them.

That's where Financial Freedom comes in, it's responsible for helping you achieve Emotional Freedom.
In other words, it helps you achieve true individuality and authenticity without pretense.

Too much money without Emotional Freedom will only hold you back.
You can spend your resources on very emotional things, like people.
Or you can delay your goals because of it; and either way, it affects you in a way that becomes a shackle that prevents progress.

Morality or ethics must be followed.
Very rarely have we seen anyone in high places who is completely good.
To get rich, you have to do whatever it takes, whether it's bad or good.
But it all depends on the degree, sometimes something is a light "crime", without much effect, so the tendency is to do it, hoping for the best result in the following days.
But other acts are simply repugnant to you because they cause discomfort and guilt (suffering), delaying the goal of life, which would be peace.

But let's get back to the sad subject here, forgetting everything I wrote above.

My situation is really very disturbing, can you imagine having to depend on people for everything?
I'd rather have peace as a monk if I can't have peace as a civilian, living a miserable life where I have trouble stabilizing myself in anything or creating anything innovative.

You see, I have prominent Uranus aspects, I'm not really one to stand up for people and be a shitty social climber, that's not moralism, that's literally pride and sadness at not having so many good qualities that would be everything in material progress.

It seems pretty easy to solve this, just do a 90+ day job, right?
Maybe, maybe I really will do these jobs, maybe I really will stop doing some meditation or other. And I'll put in some magical work instead, and then I'll solve this problem.

I think that's it.

I'm going to treat this topic more like a diary/questionnaire.
It's much better than cluttering people's screens with lots of questions. If someone wants to answer something, they'll have to click here and scroll to the bottom of the page.

They certainly won't be distracted by a random message.
On learning, the inner world and the expansion of consciousness (Hegel)

The inner world of the individual is his mental expansion, it is through the desire for knowledge and new ideas that he tends to dilute his old self to make room for a new world that he will create within himself.

In order to stay healthy, it is necessary to fill the self with new subjects that will be a representation of oneself.

It's also about letting go of the outdated character you once had to make room for new, fresh air.
Too much focus on a single subject causes mental limitations, all of which must be destroyed through externalization in order to get out of yourself and come back to yourself more consciously than before.

You also have to overcome mediocrity - mediocrity is nothing but accommodation, it's saturation of the same things you're passionate about.

This makes a man satisfied with his situation, which makes him a mediocre man.
Whether he's a country bumpkin or a Lord Doctor, if they're both satisfied and don't want to transcend themselves, then they're both mediocre.

It's not good to confuse mediocrity with being average. Average people are like that because their main model is something superior to them, and that's the ideal.
They should never have a model that is inferior to them, because that is mediocrity.
Thanks to this, I decided to change the direction of my thoughts.

So I'm going to abandon Absolute Realistic Nihilism for something new that's interesting.
Perhaps engineering
#4 I need a good night's sleep,
good health,
good nutrition
I want to sleep 8 hours straight I

wanted to go to the doctor and get regular checkups,

take care of my pain and fatigue I wanted to start my 100% carnivorous diet, but circumstances don't allow me to do that.

I want to go somewhere big, spacious and cold, but unfortunately there are only 12 hours in the day, and then there are those meditations that can't be done during the day, so what's left is the night shift.
And that night is cruel because it goes by so fast that I could only sleep five hours if I didn't meditate.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
