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I can’t handle this Saturn transit.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2019
*Vent, kinda.

Saturn is hitting a very sensitive area for me (+ a personal planet stellium) that’s honestly ruining my life.

Funny enough Saturn passing through my 1st house was the best time of my life.

But this one I can’t handle by any means and I don’t know what to do about it…

+ Saturn’s not leaving that house until 1-2 years from now.

I’m struggling and have been struggling for a while for a good couple of years.

I don’t know what to do anymore. Whenever I try to improve the situation again I’m blocked in a way I’ve never experienced before in that area of my life. And it’s sapping my lifeforce, willpower, confidence, fire, passion.

I just keep trying and failing that’s the constant, I guess.


It hurts like ass to want and need something and not get it, I’m not used to it since I had a great relationship with that area of life and it was the only thing that kept me surviving and thriving when I was all alone and had no one to lean on.

I fucking hate how I have no father to lean on and I had to build everything for myself since I was 15. And still managed to end up with NOTHING!!!

I fucking hate this. What am I working so hard for I don’t understand anything.
*Vent, kinda.

Saturn is hitting a very sensitive area for me (+ a personal planet stellium) that’s honestly ruining my life.

Funny enough Saturn passing through my 1st house was the best time of my life.

But this one I can’t handle by any means and I don’t know what to do about it…

+ Saturn’s not leaving that house until 1-2 years from now.

I’m struggling and have been struggling for a while for a good couple of years.

I don’t know what to do anymore. Whenever I try to improve the situation again I’m blocked in a way I’ve never experienced before in that area of my life. And it’s sapping my lifeforce, willpower, confidence, fire, passion.

I just keep trying and failing that’s the constant, I guess.


It hurts like ass to want and need something and not get it, I’m not used to it since I had a great relationship with that area of life and it was the only thing that kept me surviving and thriving when I was all alone and had no one to lean on.

I fucking hate how I have no father to lean on and I had to build everything for myself since I was 15. And still managed to end up with NOTHING!!!

I fucking hate this. What am I working so hard for I don’t understand anything.
You need to keep your energies high as much as possible for the whole transit duration to have as much mitigation as possible. Meditation and asanas are key. I know it sounds cliche, but that's the main part of the solution. Perhaps some specific 'counter-efforts' with runic workings or otherwise could be done, but that's a bonus effort.

The mind is trained like a muscle in a sense. When you struggle and fail, but keep pushing through time after time you get stronger. Does not matter if you hate it or love it, use whatever force you can to make it through. It's going to suck, but giving up sucks more.
The transit of Saturn is a good time to check whether the things you have been doing are really functional. If not, the transit will take away the “results” that are not real.

Sometimes, even if things are correct, its lower octave can affect you, but this is related to the activation of dynamics that you have no control over. And the “loss” function can still manifest itself. But you should be able to soften the impact , if you have the right information and your mind is aligned on this.

Saturn is also “karma activation,” if the event is present in your birth chart, it is possible that it has opened your karmic seed and activated through this transit. Alchemists use the fire element to purify the soul and get rid of these seeds, the same process will be carried out by the kundalini in advanced processes to purify the soul.

Seek the support of your GD, and remember that there is only change in life for sure. Zeus said that when Saturn makes aspect to natal planets, you must strengthen them, as preparation, at least a month before this happens.
In life , when we build up our resources and what we want , it increases our confidence and trust and many things within us that are conduits to even more success but when they are 'taken away / blocked etc' the effect can be devastating and that 'energy' can turn against you, what once gave you strength can turn to the opposite extreme.

Remember, 1th house rules over your own ego, personality , the [YOU] , Saturn will now manifest into this area of life which leads into depression , lack , blocking , the pessimistic thinking.
When one feels 'different' comparing to the before self , then he should seek and look [astrologically] why is this the case? And now , you know why but focus on reading more about it , simply just google it as such ' Saturn transits 1th house natal chart '

You should have more respect for yourself , don't think it in a negative way that you had to grow your own ass until 15yo and do things by yourself , but instead , be PROUD of it! Saturn will force you now to be more disciplined in this area of life [1th house] , meaning , you should be more calm, patient but at the same time , always move your ass , not simply wait , in this way , you respect Saturn and Saturn will respect you therefore , you're fulfilling your karma, respecting the universal law and your life will be built upon a stronger foundation , a more disciplined one.

It is normal that first reactions when Saturn hits to be of a level as ' I HATE IT , I HATE HIM! " trust me, I hated the living shit out of Him too but then I started to actually get more mature and understand His lessons , I posses the utter and probably most respect for this planet , without the resilience and many other things, I wouldn't had been here now.

Instead of making him even more of an enemy , make him your friend , understand him, collaborate with him, if you're doing what Saturn rules then he would have literally no problem with you , instead , everything you build , not only that it will be built but it will also be 'permanent' so to say.
You need to keep your energies high as much as possible for the whole transit duration to have as much mitigation as possible. Meditation and asanas are key. I know it sounds cliche, but that's the main part of the solution. Perhaps some specific 'counter-efforts' with runic workings or otherwise could be done, but that's a bonus effort.

The mind is trained like a muscle in a sense. When you struggle and fail, but keep pushing through time after time you get stronger. Does not matter if you hate it or love it, use whatever force you can to make it through. It's going to suck, but giving up sucks more.
Yes, I understand. You’re right.
Saturn’s not leaving that house until 1-2 years from now.

I’m struggling and have been struggling for a while for a good couple of years.

I don’t know what to do anymore. Whenever I try to improve the situation again I’m blocked in a way I’ve never experienced before in that area of my life.
Do what you gotta do. It's 1-2 years, not a life sentence. If you really are blocked in those areas then spend your efforts elsewhere, no point working an infertile field.
The path to success is paved with many failures my friend. Hang in there.

Keep your energies high as others have instructed and just grind though this period of your life. You will rise out of this much stronger and capable then you were before, and you'll be grateful you experienced it.

We are all here for you, so are the Gods. Keep moving, you can do it!
Do the 5 element Qi Gong daily:

The video of the above in sequence:

This is the routine that I shared on Element, that helped me keep me with energies up and fine during and after my Saturn return:

What I personally do, is a Suryae right after a yoga session, 12 on each main chakra then 27 on the aura, focusing on my aura and engulfing my siblings and pet. And to not ever think about negativity or what "may happen" - Lady Maxine emphatized this mindset. It is not about ignoring danger but focus on your effectiveness and the positives instead.
What I will say might sound a bit experimental and extreme, but my routine consists of combining the spinal energy series, and instead of the 1 min rest of doing nothing between each pose, I do an asana yoga instead while empowering a chakra related to that asana, like this routine:
Just with yoga followed by cleaning, without the above (for eg., Suryae instead of the seed mantras, if it seems overwhelming), helped me go through my Saturn return somewhat smoothly, so I guess this can help.
The path to success is paved with many failures my friend. Hang in there.

Keep your energies high as others have instructed and just grind though this period of your life. You will rise out of this much stronger and capable then you were before, and you'll be grateful you experienced it.

We are all here for you, so are the Gods. Keep moving, you can do it!
Thank you brother. I hope you’re doing good.
Do the 5 element Qi Gong daily:

The video of the above in sequence:

This is the routine that I shared on Element, that helped me keep me with energies up and fine during and after my Saturn return:

What I personally do, is a Suryae right after a yoga session, 12 on each main chakra then 27 on the aura, focusing on my aura and engulfing my siblings and pet. And to not ever think about negativity or what "may happen" - Lady Maxine emphatized this mindset. It is not about ignoring danger but focus on your effectiveness and the positives instead.
What I will say might sound a bit experimental and extreme, but my routine consists of combining the spinal energy series, and instead of the 1 min rest of doing nothing between each pose, I do an asana yoga instead while empowering a chakra related to that asana, like this routine:
Just with yoga followed by cleaning, without the above (for eg., Suryae instead of the seed mantras, if it seems overwhelming), helped me go through my Saturn return somewhat smoothly, so I guess this can help.
Thank you brother I was looking for something to add to my yoga routine so, grateful for this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
