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Satanism = constant war? and other questions


New member
Dec 21, 2012
Am I the only not constantly partaking of the religious war? For example, I have christian friends who, so far, respect my path, as I respect theirs. Some of the content on JoS makes me feel like I'm supposed to denounce and get rid of everything Christian, including friends. That's like kindergarten-cooties/unhealthy cult behavior to me.
I get it, though (most of it). And I do defend my religious rights both physically and astrally. And I loathe proselytizers like none other. It's one of the reasons I gave up Christianity as a teenager some decades ago. Our history chapter in high school on witch trials ignited my passion for witchcraft and religious freedom. I've been a witch ever since then. Although I do still struggle with wanting to pair Satan with a goddess like in Wicca (the idea of balancing energies and all) and always lighting more than one candle to summon more than just him. Btw, I find it interesting that there is little reference to the Sumerian/Babylonian myths even though JoS says Satan is Enki/Ea. In it, Enki has a consort, whom helped create humanity with him. The myths also describe Enki as a jealous god, and though created humans, was not the supreme god of the pantheon (the sky god, Anu was), being one creator god among others, with Enlil always wanting to destroy humans with floods...has anyone encountered this or found any truth in it? Does Satan seem the jealous type to anyone else? And speaking of major witch goddesses, it would seem that in Italian witchlore, the goddess Diana came to absorb one of the myths of Inanna regarding the seven gates of the underworld. As far as I can find, the seven gates idea primarily belongs to Sumerian mythos, although the river in the Roman mythos does circle the underworld seven times.
Speaking of becoming a witch so long ago...what did people do before the JoS website and dedication ritual? There are those of us I feel who've been dedicated fully before ever even coming upon such a specific ritual (the drawing of blood, specific words, and signing your name with it). How did this ritual come to be written? Wouldn't a more sincere ritual be one created entirely by the individual performing it?
And speaking of Enlil/Baal...never before have I encountered a deity who has been badmouthed as much as he. Available sources on mythology have portrayed him killing humans for being noisy at night, as well as raping a woman at sea. It's actually worse than what Satan endures in my eyes, as information about Baal has been defiled to the point of erasure--he's very difficult to find information about! This is disappointing as I often feel closer to Baal than I do to Lucifer at times. Enlil is also a major creator god, and such slander makes me ponder his true identity...
...And why are there Nazis lurking and pervading these forums? o_O lol
You should denounce them. They'll damage your aura and link greys to you. They're bad for your immortal soul. Also, this is a Nazi group. Heil Hitler!
When you learn the truth, you will no longer respect christianity or christians. That "religion" is pure evil, invented by the jews to destroy us. But instead of re-writing everything that has already been written countless times, I advise you to learn for yourself, read through joyofsatan.org, and read the sermons by our clergy, found here in our newsletter group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoSNewsletter/info

As well, the Gods themselves have told us that they are Nazis. So is any Gentile with any self-respect and knowledge of the Truth.
"Kindergarten-cooties/unhealthy cult behavior to me"
This post was nothing but xian inspired garbage. Don't write some long ass post saying "how can this be right" "I don't agree with this" "your gods have done this and that" and call yourself a Satanist. Don't question our ways. You are not a Satanist. And if you think you are, you're mistaken to a very high level. Look at your pathetic attidue. You think you know everything, yet you know nothing and it's obvious. You are programmed to a very deep level and it's very noticiable. I suggest in the future, for you to take 5 minutes out of your day to do the research yourself, instead of coming to forums like this and making a fool of yourself. Every question you could possibly ask has been answered many times.
I'm personally not gonna sit here and baby you and try to spew facts at you and tell you how wrong you are, ext ext. I'll tell you a little bit about xianity to get your mind working, but I'm not gonna hand the truth to you on a silver platter. I'm not as patient as some may be, and I don't like to waste my time on people that say such stupid shit. You will NOT learn the truth, unless you WANT to learn the truth. And it's quite obvious you don't have the desire to know the truth, otherwise you'd never make a stupid post like this. If you want to understand anything, you need to do research. You're not 4 years old, and you won't be treated like it. If you want to live in ignorance, feel free. HP Maxine and others have made this incredibly easy by compiling what I can imagine to be thousands of hours of research into Satan's Library. If you want to understand why we resent Christianity and Jews, go to Satan's Library and read some sermons.
This is not Wicca. This is not some retarded xian corrupted version of Satanism. This is true Satanism.
Jews are behind most of the "evil" in this world on a physical level. They do blood sacrifices of gentile children and many other horrible rituals to empower the Reptilian ETs and curse humanity. Then we have Satanists, who do meditations that reverse the very same curses. They are the the "bad guys" and we are the "good guys". We're trying to save humanity, they're trying to enslave us. They're guided by Reptilian ETs who Satan and the Demons are currently at war with. They are the definition of greed, and would do anything to manipulate the masses and suck our energy up and win this war, to have us all stupid and content, and to strip us of all resistance and rebellion. Christianity is nothing but a sham to produce energy for that Jewish / Reptilian war machine. Jews may be small in number, however, all of that xian garbage serves a purpose. When someone that is a xian dies, alien ETs are there waiting. There are watchers that wait. Those watchers take the form of someone the deceased person is fimiliar with (ie dead grandmother, the false god) -- and guide the soul to a barge. They're scanned multiple times to see a multitude of factors. If someone (like yourself) has been programmed enough through fear and lies, and has a very malleable soul, that person gets harvested for their ectoplasm, which is used as fuel for the enemies' war machine.
Just the fact that you said you respect your friends' Christian beleifs labels you as an idiot that knows nothing of Satanism, but thinks otherwise. 
I'm not responding back to this topic. And I know it was harsh, but that's what you need. Grow up.
One last point, the holocaust never happened. Jewish conspiracy. Like I said, they'd do anything to win. Do 10 minutes of research, it's all that it takes. Nazis were actually PAGAN. Hitler was PAGAN. Hitler was a philosopher, and a very great man. Have you ever read Mein Kampf? Take the time to do it. It'll open your eyes. He was a hero to the German people, and I'm proud of my heritage.
Stop using the word "Nazi".

And if you think National Socialism is bad, then obviously you haven't read enough on the JoS website.

Go educate yourself, all of your questions are already answered somewhere on the JoS website.

Hail Satan!!!!
We are pro "Nazi" or pro National Socialism simply because the ideology applied to all people and races on earth would produce God-men, happy countries without the chains of usury, and a great spirit of cultural respect and brotherhood, but also development, for all people on earth.

All people who have studied "Nazism" know that this was something from the beyond, not a political system, but a way of looking into life and taking life in consideration in politics.

Which is exactly what we don't do now, and we risk things such as human species permanently disappearing, the world getting destroyed from pollution, the most dangerous and low spiritual levels ever happened to humanity, humans are becoming slobs, and most of humanity is largely depressed.

National Socialism was the closest expression of what any ancient Pagan political system would be. It was just translated in different words in the 20th century for people of the time to understand it. This is how ancient civilizations were run. The most developed at the top, carried and helped the less fortunate and developed at the bottom, while people gave everything they could give for their wellbeing and survival, as a species based on a racial connection.

These were the best civilizations on earth that humanity still wanted to return to. All people fantasize about the past and this is well within reason, as the present sucks compared to this and we know it in our mind and soul.

The Gods and other civilizations practice either a aristocratic/divine monarchy system ( meaning the most caring and powerful individuals are in the top and care for all the rest, one makes the decisions, power is spread to all members of civilization) or communism (meaning all the 'lower' people are completely enslaved, only work to increase the power of those at the top, and are disposable beings without a sense of identity or reason to exist other than to serve those at the top).

National Socialism was a product of it's time, but it relfected an eternal quality. The eternal aspect is where we focus, not the micro-politics of the time. Our future also shows focusing on micro-politics is not the best thing to do. As the more humanity advances the more of this is flattened, and the more people either have to choose either a divine, aristocratic or monarchical system, or flat out reptilian communism.

Globalism is based on the above, and focuses on mass communism.
I think it comes down to what the individual is looking out of friendships. I avoid/ dropped all Christians in my life because I realized I wanted to only have real relationships with people. Zero secrets, to the point if I cant trust telling someone I'm a Satanist I don't see much value in having that person in my life. Also Xians will just slow you down spiritually, or potential pray for you which can open you up to enemy attacks. You can try attracting other Satanist using an energy working!

We are on an enemy occupied planet, so there is going to be war until we reclaim what is ours. Look at what this world is turning into.. does that alone not motivate you to take a stand and make the world a better place? Spiritual warfare is our best option, no guns or bloodshed just mental power. Have you participated in any RtRs?

You also asked some great questions I'd also like to know the answers to, how did people come to Satan in a past life? Especially since the demons were trapped and in need of energy work?

I'd also like to understand the myths more and just our over all History.

We are all Nazis here though!(; This was the hardest thing for my to swallow involving Satanism. I grew up fully programmed by everything I was ever taught. Hitler was an evil person in my eyes for many years, when I was a child I thought he was going to kill me since my hair and eyes are brown (I was so confused in school seeing as Hitler had brown hair and eyes) Well it turns out the ideal Aryan race Hitler sought after was Satan image. It's Jews that Hitler tried to remove from Germany, not any type of Gentile. He did this because Jews are like an invasive species. And don't forget America out the Japanese in camps, Russia did it even worse! Hitler has just been singled out because he tried stop the Jews plan, and everything was blown out of proportion.

Hail Satan!!
Your problem is dabbling in different "religions" along with satanism.
You are still very much a wiccan mentally although you have started to wake up to the Truth of Spiritual Satanism.

The Gods are extra-terrestrials (aliens) with very advanced tech and souls. There is no omniscient jewish old spook in the sky lurking and judging people while they are shitting.

"JHVH" is a collective of enemy aliens who want to enslave and assimilate humanity. Xtianity and Pisslam are simply jewish programs to take over the non-jews (gentiles) and turn them into goyim ("animals" serving the jews). There is nothing respectable in these programs.

These programs on top of brainwashing people also drain their spiritual energies for the benefit of the jews to use. And have made the goyim kill / persecute in every way the pagans and destroy their books/knowledge. The original pagan religions were based on the teachings of the Gods/Demons under Satan.

Wicca is a very recent "religion" with heavy xtian influence. It is not the continuation of ancient paganism. Wicca is the form of witchcraft approved by the jews so gentiles remain weak.

The jews want to take over the whole world and turn it into a communist farm of goyim. They want to have 2800 goyim slaves each. This is not a new issue. It has been going on for thousands of years. The jews have created xtianity to corrupt from the inside and take over the aryan people through Roman Empire.

Hitler came in very late in the jewish infestation timeline of the world and pointed out the real common enemy for everybody to see. He shook up people out of their jewish induced trance. Hitler was fully aware of the jewish and xtian problems but he had to appear to compromise with the church who still had a large influence in Germany (including in the general army). Hitler and the SS knew that Satan-Lucifer is the true God of the gentiles and that having ties with the filthy "nazarene" created by jews meant submitting to jewish rulership. The SS under the orders of Himmler were tasked with the mission to get rid of xtianity and revive paganism.

 Are there any here not partaking in the Religious War? Certainly, there are many cowards here that would rather flee to wicca. 

  Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satanas Forever 
 LGBT Website: http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
 LGBT Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info
 LGBT YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm0fmA7G949VelTaLtg
Spiritual Satanism is the spiritual counterpart to the political Nazism; they go hand-in-hand; Nazism and Spiritual Satanism are Pagan, non-jew. As I say, they are Natural Law/the Natural Way. Anyone who is not a jew is a Pagan. All jew things, such as christianity, are against all Pagan (i.e. non-jew) things. That includes Pagans who are christian; they are fighting against themselves and their Nature ("die to self", "slave to 'god'", etc.)

You can keep your christian friends or "friends" if you want, but they will be praying for you, if they know you "worship the Devil", and that means they are attacking you spiritually and mentally, which is the opposite of helpful. You can keep playing with fire if you wear a fire-retardant glove if you want, but you are choosing to be burnt sooner or later.

All wicca is is christianised, watered-down Occultism, which was created by the jew. It's like reverse-christianity or christianity 2.0.

Satan is the oldest person of the Aryan Race, and the creator of us. Satan and the Gods/Daemons created Blacks, Asians, and Whites; Satan is White/Nordic. Enlil, AKA Beelzebub, is Satan's half-brother. Many of the stories of the Daemons are allegorical, and what the jew couldn't destroy, it corrupted to confuse Pagans, so it can control us.

The words chosen in the dedication are specific for the reason of denouncing the jew and all of its anti-Pagan shit, which is destructive and deathly. You are more than free to do your own personal rituals to Satan and the Daemons if you want to, as many times as you want to.

Enlil/Beelzebub is one who enacts justice upon those who do wrong against Him/other Gods/Us. (Of course, all Daemons take revenge If they chose to.) For example, if one Spiritual Satanist were to (attempt to) curse another SS, Beelzebub is one who would step in and enact justice upon the curser, or He would send someone else to do so; Beelzebub tends to be busy a lot, so - as per what someone said - His Wife (if I am not mistaken) takes his place. The point of Nazism/National Socialism is to help each other, not to curse and destroy each other; only the enemy, and anyone who sides with the enemy, are to be cursed/destroyed, if necessary. The spiritual counterpart, Spiritual Satanism, is to improve and advance oneself. The point/reason for life is to improve Oneself and the Universe.

See the link that Lydia shared for a lot more. You should also visit http://exposingchristianity.com
You could also visit http://exposingthelieofislam.wordpress.com
@maddcat. Ref proselytizers
Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. 
You give up xanity but keep it in the parlor. As friendships. Having close association with joos and their cohorts makes you astrally and psychically ill.
But you wouldn't recognize that. You're a xian sympathizer. Wicca is the joo-poo version of Satanism. Totally corrupting the pagan Truth. The corruption helps to keep their goy-slaves.
Enki-Lucifer is Not a jealous God. To be jealous means you have to prove something. None of the Gods need to prove anything. 
Diana absorbed nothing of Inanna. Except the wisdom of the Chakras. 
Anu is not the sky god. [Notice the small "g".] Anu is the thoughtform created by the joos to cause further confusion among the Gentiles. The name is one of the 72 names joos use to call their thoughtform jewus. 
You also mentioned the dedication ritual on jos. If you ever become one of the Satanic Nazis, you'll understand. And more. Understand the fallacies you eschew.
All of the Gods have been slandered. Deprived by many of the respect due them. The Demons of Satan/Enki/Lucifer do no harm to the Gentiles. We are Family. Of the same Blood. And just like family, They help us. Teach us. Celebrate with us. Love us. 
Read the JoyofSatan.org front page. Then scroll to the bottom of the menu bar on the left side. Click on Satan's Library. Start reading. Start anywhere. Read. And, yes... They're Satan's words! 
HAIL SatanHeil HitlerAll Hail the Gods of Du'at

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On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 11:18 PM, maddcat0@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Am I the only not constantly partaking of the religious war? For example, I have christian friends who, so far, respect my path, as I respect theirs. Some of the content on JoS makes me feel like I'm supposed to denounce and get rid of everything Christian, including friends. That's like kindergarten-cooties/unhealthy cult behavior to me.
I get it, though (most of it). And I do defend my religious rights both physically and astrally. And I loathe proselytizers like none other. It's one of the reasons I gave up Christianity as a teenager some decades ago. Our history chapter in high school on witch trials ignited my passion for witchcraft and religious freedom. I've been a witch ever since then. Although I do still struggle with wanting to pair Satan with a goddess like in Wicca (the idea of balancing energies and all) and always lighting more than one candle to summon more than just him. Btw, I find it interesting that there is little reference to the Sumerian/Babylonian myths even though JoS says Satan is Enki/Ea. In it, Enki has a consort, whom helped create humanity with him. The myths also describe Enki as a jealous god, and though created humans, was not the supreme god of the pantheon (the sky god, Anu was), being one creator god among others, with Enlil always wanting to destroy humans with floods...has anyone encountered this or found any truth in it? Does Satan seem the jealous type to anyone else? And speaking of major witch goddesses, it would seem that in Italian witchlore, the goddess Diana came to absorb one of the myths of Inanna regarding the seven gates of the underworld. As far as I can find, the seven gates idea primarily belongs to Sumerian mythos, although the river in the Roman mythos does circle the underworld seven times.
Speaking of becoming a witch so long ago...what did people do before the JoS website and dedication ritual? There are those of us I feel who've been dedicated fully before ever even coming upon such a specific ritual (the drawing of blood, specific words, and signing your name with it). How did this ritual come to be written? Wouldn't a more sincere ritual be one created entirely by the individual performing it?
And speaking of Enlil/Baal...never before have I encountered a deity who has been badmouthed as much as he. Available sources on mythology have portrayed him killing humans for being noisy at night, as well as raping a woman at sea. It's actually worse than what Satan endures in my eyes, as information about Baal has been defiled to the point of erasure--he's very difficult to find information about! This is disappointing as I often feel closer to Baal than I do to Lucifer at times. Enlil is also a major creator god, and such slander makes me ponder his true identity...
...And why are there Nazis lurking and pervading these forums? o_O lol
I'm must confess!…I haven't really been doing my part in the war! Shame me if you must dear aldrick but I am no coward! There's just so much to do and so little time to use before the cycle begins anew! And I am forced to forget yet again!
If you have Christian friends who "respect you on your path," then they're not following their own ideology seriously. They might be decent people who just think they "have a friend in Jesus," but the deeper a person gets into Christianity, the worse it becomes. They might not actually believe that all human beings deserve to be infinitely tortured for the crime of being born, and that total physical enslavement to the Church and spiritual enslavement to YHWH is the only escape, but that is what their "friend Jesus" is at its core. At best, they're still contributing - a little or a lot - to a mass ritual that is empowering the worst magick users on the planet, and to a social system that has repeatedly ruined the European peoples through endless back-and-forth of "God hates everyone" and "Jesus loves everyone." Educate yourself on who the Jews are and what they have done, and what they are doing today, and then try to wake them up.

 How your words make my Heart Flutter Deana D. Always straight to the point with Infinite Tact. Such an example to others. I think on my end while I may speak to the point, lets face it when it comes to tact, I believe a Bull Stumbling through a Kitchen and ending on the side with Pots and pans hanging off its horns might just be an excellent Reference. 

  You just keep on inspiring and educating others. I would say you inspire me to Draw, But I cant Draw, So stick figures it is. The one that looks like something out of your worst Nightmares is not giving you the finger. That's just how he says hello. 
    Hope everything in your life is just Peaches and Whipped Cream. While that's doubtful at least now you have an idea for a snack. It is rare to find someone who goes out of their way to instruct and educate others as selflessly as you do. Keep up the Good work. :O

 Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satanas Forever 
 LGBT Website: http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
 LGBT Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info
 LGBT YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm0fmA7G949VelTaLtg
For your information, I have never read the bible, nor ever agreed with Christian doctrine, and so I couldn't disagree with you more. I talk to Satan frequently and am also proud of my Germanic heritage. As I said, I also resent the Abrahamic "reliigions", so I really don't know what the hell you're talking about for most of your post. I do not respect my friends (actually acquaintances mostly) beliefs in my heart. I merely recognize practicality in that I have to be share the same living and working spaces that Christians, Jews, and other such people do. It is impossible to avoid these people, especially since they are the majority. Being civil is the only practical solution. So long as they don't cross their boundaries with me, I see no sense in not being civil back.
I know this is not Wicca. Why do you think I was drawn to it in the first place? I want TRUE witchcraft and paganism, not fluffy bunny, harm-it-none bullshit. I want my heritage back.
While I am as spiteful and hateful of what Judeo-Christianity has done to the world, I simply choose not to obsess myself with thinking about it 24/7, and would rather live a full life.
Hail Satan and Hail Paganism. I have my own relationships with the Gods. May Paganism continue to rise back to its original glory.

---In [email protected], <vukbkw3ry237nw5czbky6vdwndrk7u6ugg6wztpb@... wrote :

"Kindergarten-cooties/unhealthy cult behavior to me"
This post was nothing but xian inspired garbage. Don't write some long ass post saying "how can this be right" "I don't agree with this" "your gods have done this and that" and call yourself a Satanist. Don't question our ways. You are not a Satanist. And if you think you are, you're mistaken to a very high level. Look at your pathetic attidue. You think you know everything, yet you know nothing and it's obvious. You are programmed to a very deep level and it's very noticiable. I suggest in the future, for you to take 5 minutes out of your day to do the research yourself, instead of coming to forums like this and making a fool of yourself. Every question you could possibly ask has been answered many times.
I'm personally not gonna sit here and baby you and try to spew facts at you and tell you how wrong you are, ext ext. I'll tell you a little bit about xianity to get your mind working, but I'm not gonna hand the truth to you on a silver platter. I'm not as patient as some may be, and I don't like to waste my time on people that say such stupid shit. You will NOT learn the truth, unless you WANT to learn the truth. And it's quite obvious you don't have the desire to know the truth, otherwise you'd never make a stupid post like this. If you want to understand anything, you need to do research. You're not 4 years old, and you won't be treated like it. If you want to live in ignorance, feel free. HP Maxine and others have made this incredibly easy by compiling what I can imagine to be thousands of hours of research into Satan's Library. If you want to understand why we resent Christianity and Jews, go to Satan's Library and read some sermons.
This is not Wicca. This is not some retarded xian corrupted version of Satanism. This is true Satanism.
Jews are behind most of the "evil" in this world on a physical level. They do blood sacrifices of gentile children and many other horrible rituals to empower the Reptilian ETs and curse humanity. Then we have Satanists, who do meditations that reverse the very same curses. They are the the "bad guys" and we are the "good guys". We're trying to save humanity, they're trying to enslave us. They're guided by Reptilian ETs who Satan and the Demons are currently at war with. They are the definition of greed, and would do anything to manipulate the masses and suck our energy up and win this war, to have us all stupid and content, and to strip us of all resistance and rebellion. Christianity is nothing but a sham to produce energy for that Jewish / Reptilian war machine. Jews may be small in number, however, all of that xian garbage serves a purpose. When someone that is a xian dies, alien ETs are there waiting. There are watchers that wait. Those watchers take the form of someone the deceased person is fimiliar with (ie dead grandmother, the false god) -- and guide the soul to a barge. They're scanned multiple times to see a multitude of factors. If someone (like yourself) has been programmed enough through fear and lies, and has a very malleable soul, that person gets harvested for their ectoplasm, which is used as fuel for the enemies' war machine.
Just the fact that you said you respect your friends' Christian beleifs labels you as an idiot that knows nothing of Satanism, but thinks otherwise. 
I'm not responding back to this topic. And I know it was harsh, but that's what you need. Grow up.
One last point, the holocaust never happened. Jewish conspiracy. Like I said, they'd do anything to win. Do 10 minutes of research, it's all that it takes. Nazis were actually PAGAN. Hitler was PAGAN. Hitler was a philosopher, and a very great man. Have you ever read Mein Kampf? Take the time to do it. It'll open your eyes. He was a hero to the German people, and I'm proud of my heritage.
You don't have to get rid of any human friends... unless they shit-talk Satan, then they're no good.

The "balancing energies" with the 2 gods sounds like stolen allegory for godhood, nothing more. Lilith is Satan's wife, not a consort, and she did play a part in creating humanity. He rules the Base Chakra while she rules the Crown Chakra.

Wicca itself is just jewish bullshit made up to replace Paganism/Satanism.

7 = 7 chakras. The vast majority of 7 listed in mythology refers to the chakras. Flooding/water in mythology refers to the process of godhood involving the pineal gland most likely.

All the slander toward the gods is just that. Slander. It is not true.
Enki/Satan is not jealous; he did not enslave us. Enlil never raped anybody, and did not attempt to destroy the world.

As for Nazis, actual Nazism has been slandered to a similar extent. It doesn't involve "hate all the non-whites" and taking over the world. Do some research on the si-called "holocaust" and you will see that it's as flimsy as the bible in terms of holding up a story.
Ok, so I just got wind of the RTRs...I'm now looking for the original post on what all is involved so that I may partake of them.
"Am I the only not constantly partaking of the religious war?"But your 'xian friend' is, as long as he ties into xian belief he is helping build a jewish world.
"I have christian friends who, so far, respect my path, as I respect theirs."Well that's ignorance on both your(assuming you're an SS) and your friend's end.Spiritual Satanism and the abrahamic religions don't mix, so as long as the abrahamic religions and the jews exist there is going to be war, obviously.
Just as other SS mentioned in the replies, you are thoroughly deluded. Christians, if they were practicing, they would kill you and try to convert you, or worse. This is in the bible, and the abrahamic religions demand for everyone to be converted by force if necessary, and to even kill them or eternally punish them spiritually until they get 'assimilated'.

You are deluded. Also, there is nothing developed in you so that people would want to oppose you. In other words, with your pacifistic mindset that comes from lack of knowledge and understanding, you pose no threat, no matter what you 'claim' to be. Therefore nobody opposes you because you do not deal with any matter or advance in anyway.

People who have advanced in any level of their life, know, there will be opposition. Spiritual Satanists advance the spirit, without vain words. Real Spiritual Satanists follow through.

War is more natural to life than 'peace' is, in more than one ways. Peace is something we strive towards, but if you pay close attention, life is based on consistent and never-ending war. Of course this doesn't have to shape every face of human experience, but even if you want to be a pacifist, others will want to fight you. Christians have already defeated you by neutralizing you with their so called 'non-judgement' behavior, which allows you to stay pacifistic and weak. If they fought you, they would be doing good to you by showing their real face.

Granted, you haven't met real "Christians", but only people who just keep the label and act normal and mostly like sane Gentiles... I advise going in some forums online where they say masturbators need to be killed, or talk about methods on how to subjugate people through psychologiacl warfare, or other planning of their devout criminal prosyletism, and how they torture people mentally to join them etc, and you will see if they are at war with you, whether you like it or not.

They have comprehensive guides on how to spiritually attack people to make them succumb to christ, and many other things. There are also guides on how to abuse your children properly so that they will accept christ etc.

In short, you do not even know what you're talking about.

 You support your German Heritage and yet do not Resent the jewish poison which wishes to destroy it utterly? Or the jews which have created it that have brought untold suffering to the ALL Gentile people? 
 Read this. 
 https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/c ... anic_cult/ 

 It seems we have had some Brothers and Sisters in a school. Their "friend" actively worked against them and hindered someone else going to the site. Then posts this garbage online and all other christians tell him to disassociate with them and work against them.  I hope that those who he is referencing are here to read this and what he is saying. 
 He is connected to the enemy and only wishes to pretend to be their friend while actively working against them in every way. 

 Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satanas Forever 
 LGBT Website: http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
 LGBT Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info
 LGBT YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm0fmA7G949VelTaLtg

Most of my friends are either Pagan, witch, or Wiccan. These few "christian" friends I have who actually do respect me, aren't really christian nor spiritual, when it all boils down. These are the ones that just claim the label because they were raised "Christian" and didn't feel a need to delve into anything further. In other words, yes ignorance is on our side in whatever level of "friendship" there may be, and being a social creature with needs, I'd rather not throw the stone in the proverbial glass house. That doesn't mean I WON'T fight individuals when I do feel the need to, I just have it on reserve. I have no Jewish friends, and I do not practice nor believe the Abrahamic religions themselves, fully personally denouncing the religions, and have never really read the bible nor made to go to church growing up so I was fortunate in that area, in that I escaped the more heavy programming, making my transition a little easier.
On a side note...anyone notice the US passport has a "Jewish" star on it made of 5 pointed stars? I wonder what that's all about...

I am interested in the RTR's btw. Reversing curses upon our gods and our kind and bouncing them back on the senders I fully agree with and will partake of.
---In [email protected], <rook75ten@... wrote :

"Am I the only not constantly partaking of the religious war?"But your 'xian friend' is, as long as he ties into xian belief he is helping build a jewish world.
"I have christian friends who, so far, respect my path, as I respect theirs."Well that's ignorance on both your(assuming you're an SS) and your friend's end.Spiritual Satanism and the abrahamic religions don't mix, so as long as the abrahamic religions and the jews exist there is going to be war, obviously.
Nope. Not deluded. I am fully aware that there are by-the-book Christians out there as you described. They are my enemy. As is the mental health system, which shuts me down every time I feel I'm making some progress in my advancement, no thanks to nasty anti-neighbors dialing 911 and capturing me after--and during--a full-scale spiritual attack. The state commits me, and the institutions that follow force-fill me full of meds that make Satan and kin hard to communicate with. I try to put up defenses, but as I said, I often get bombarded before I even know what's hit me. They are strong and preemptive indeed, and I've been alone thus far. I was driven to SS because of these attacks (yes, they attack "Wiccans" too, though I was not really Wiccan either...no non-Christian is safe).I have, however, been completely ignorant of the bible itself (other than quotes I've heard spewed by all sides), and what it is that by-the-book people do behind closed doors to "fight" us. I lucked out with my parents. Though my father was abusive, neither parent was very religious, and so I escaped church and its rhetoric for the most part. In other words, yes, I am very "sheltered" so to speak, in addition to facing constant opposition of all kinds. I'm still working on advancing, but it's a challenge with such opposition in place.

---In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote :

Just as other SS mentioned in the replies, you are thoroughly deluded. Christians, if they were practicing, they would kill you and try to convert you, or worse. This is in the bible, and the abrahamic religions demand for everyone to be converted by force if necessary, and to even kill them or eternally punish them spiritually until they get 'assimilated'.

You are deluded. Also, there is nothing developed in you so that people would want to oppose you. In other words, with your pacifistic mindset that comes from lack of knowledge and understanding, you pose no threat, no matter what you 'claim' to be. Therefore nobody opposes you because you do not deal with any matter or advance in anyway.

People who have advanced in any level of their life, know, there will be opposition. Spiritual Satanists advance the spirit, without vain words. Real Spiritual Satanists follow through.

War is more natural to life than 'peace' is, in more than one ways. Peace is something we strive towards, but if you pay close attention, life is based on consistent and never-ending war. Of course this doesn't have to shape every face of human experience, but even if you want to be a pacifist, others will want to fight you. Christians have already defeated you by neutralizing you with their so called 'non-judgement' behavior, which allows you to stay pacifistic and weak. If they fought you, they would be doing good to you by showing their real face.

Granted, you haven't met real "Christians", but only people who just keep the label and act normal and mostly like sane Gentiles... I advise going in some forums online where they say masturbators need to be killed, or talk about methods on how to subjugate people through psychologiacl warfare, or other planning of their devout criminal prosyletism, and how they torture people mentally to join them etc, and you will see if they are at war with you, whether you like it or not.

They have comprehensive guides on how to spiritually attack people to make them succumb to christ, and many other things. There are also guides on how to abuse your children properly so that they will accept christ etc.

In short, you do not even know what you're talking about.
The situation with having Christians as friends and close to you is simply these people are connected into the enemy energy field and can be effected by the rituals of the enemy and used against you. I and many others have already experienced this in our lives. 
Lets be honest here if your Christian friends have no problem with you being a Satanist then they really are not all that Christian at all. You have the freedom of association in life, but life is about consequences of the decisions of life.
The bible orders that anyone who does not worship the god of the bible is to be literally killed in the old and new testaments. Which is why the Christian church killed around two hundred million people and would still be doing this if the enlightenment had not destroyed the rule of the church.
The bible states that if a person is a Pagan the family is to kill that family member, if the family does not then the town is to kill the whole family. If the town does not then an army is brought in to kill the entire town.
With German National Socialism the fact is the National Socialists created a Democratic Republic that had a liberal constitution with it that protected the rights and freedoms of the German People. They created a socially egalitarian society in which the classism of the previous order was removed peacefully and they created a new meritocracy within their society.  They brought in women's rights, workers rights, animal rights and freed  the German People from the oppression of the judeo capitalist oligarchy of the previous system. And from the violence and political terrorism of the Judeo communist forces.  They also instilled a Pagan culture to bring out the aristocratic  values of the soul of the People. The National Socialists stated that the value of the individual is determined by spiritual quality not by rank of social birth or money status.
Everyone, please ignore this troll. This is either a Jewish infiltrator, or a complete retard. Once again, this person keeps fanning the flames by responding and responding with nonsense. 
All SS, this person has been given all the information they need. There is nothing more that you can say. I ask that nobody else responds to this fool.
Wicca is just as bad as xianity, I've seen some of them practice stuff using the qliphoth, which is extremely blasphemous.
Like i have said before, as long as they tie into xian beliefs(jewish) they ultimately work against us.
I'm guessing you don't get the part where they're blatant enemies of us(well you did say that see them as enemies in your later reply to HP-HC), you don't be social to your enemies.
Have you read the Al Jilwah? (pretty sure you have, it's on the front page of JOS, but i'll quote some stuff here)

As for associating with those who are without, how many times have we read about or have been direct recipients of problems with Christians alone? Most Christians will try to convert us, especially if they know we are Satanists. Very few if any, will have a live and let live attitude towards a known Satanist. Nearly all will pray for us and this invites psychic harassment that can be more than just annoying. As for hard core Muslims, their practice has been if they cannot convert someone, they resort to murder. Many Yezidis have been murdered en masse by Muslims. In addition, the enemy works through Christians, Muslims and Jews to create upsets and problems for us and this can be serious. - HP-Maxnie
You've said they don't delve into xianity, however you don't know the truth about them, they could be saying that, and leads me to the other thing.

"Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do."  - SATAN [AL JILWAH]
I think that speaks for itself, revealing that you're SS can lead to problems, no one in real life knows i'm SS and the people who do know i'm SS do not know me in real life.
I'm not saying you should just go out and start hating on them, because you'll obviously get yourself into trouble especially if they know you're SS, just disconnect yourself from them.

read the JOS site in full, and the sermons on the JOS newsletter,the 'Exit the Jewtrix' video should get you the basic idea.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO_YmLiDFiY
the question about the US passport is random, i'm not from the US, however i looked at it, it's in the shape of the hexagram, the jews built most of the jewtrix around being Saturn centered because they're a Saturnic cult, you should look into that it's interesting.
Well it's good that you're interested in RTRs, make sure to keep a strong AoP up.
The Sumerian God Anu is also the Sumerian God Enki. Lord Satan's parents are dead. Mythology is only spiritual concepts and spiritual allegories, never literal. The ancient sumerian tablets are also corrupted, namely from Zechariah Stitchin's (Jew) translations as well. The Joy of Satan is a Satanic Nazi Organization. 
So nice to know that new (and dedicated) SS have such open welcome arms in these forums....

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
