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Satanic Personalities Section: A Community Project [JG Karnonnos + Update]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
This project is officially under JG Karnonnos now.

Further, some have sent me certain people of our side who were martyrs. Yes, their martyrdom for the Gods should also be contained in their life.

Certain people have chosen to not bend the knee to the enemy and die with their spine straight, free and never as slaves. These people have done that choice in many areas of life, and that's how they entered legendary status. Galileo could have lied, converted and not supported the Truth in "fear" of his life, saying the Earth is Flat or be a coward. He chose to face imprisonment rather than lie on the behalf of the Christian Church which claimed "The world was flat".

Most of the Spiritual Satanists who were of great renown, did battle the enemy and they did not capitulate.

Most were heroes who have went against the conceptions of 99.5% of the planet at the time, or who resisted the impeding doom of the enemy programs. Many of them have succeeded doing this and also leading their lives; each life was very different from every other life. This also involves many warriors in the First century up to the 4th century where the program of the enemy started growing in power, or the Middle Ages.

We will hold the banner in honor for those who have not capitulated so that we remain free to follow the Gods today.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Greetings everyone, there will be two new Demon Rituals to be published shortly.

Other than this, I want to initiate a project for the Joy of Satan. This will involve articles that will be written about Spiritual Satanists [Followers of the Gods or those respecting the Ancient Gods] in history.

It is time if you really love any of these people, to give them a gift and immortalize their memory in the Joy of Satan. That way, they will inspire our people for centuries to come.

There were many graced personalities that were doing things like occultism, spirituality, or others that were very direct in their connection with the Gods and even admitted this explicitly. Others were more concealed and they did not reveal their affiliations, but information about their allegience to the Gods was proven by their works or historical review.

These involve many people; all the way from George Washington to Nikola Tesla, Friedrich Nietszche, Alexander the Great, Aristotle or Plato [They were worshipers of the Gods directly]. We must assemble a large list of all of these personalities, and articles have to be written in regard to them all, that will contain in-depth information.

Pioneers of both genders who did not comply to the enemy and advanced humanity forward regardless, in accordance to the ethical values and spiritual plans of the Gods need to be remembered. People who brought occult knowledge, criticized the enemy and reduced their power, did provide inordinate scientific value to mankind in the face of the oppression of the enemy [Like Gallileo to name a very well known case or Giordano Bruno], or those who caused great reformations or important achievements for the Gods in consistency with the compass of the Gods in this world, must be all included.

Emperors of the Roman Empire, other Great beings like Marcus Aurelius, were literally initiates of the Gods like you are today.

They do not have to only be perfect examples. People might do mistakes, life has obstacles. But they received great status and advanced in the path of the Gods, in many cases carrying huge amounts of people with them.

Many have done works they went not recognized for, affecting smaller numbers of souls. But that doesn't mean their works were also not of extreme importance. Smaller and inspiring examples of people from our history should also be included.

People who are known to have existed and became Gods historically, like Pythagoras or Asclepius, should also be included in this section [but also will be included in the new Demons section]. Ancient powerful followers of the Gods from India or worldwide should also be included, or other legends who are known beyond a doubt to have existed amogn us.

There must be no lying in this section. We do not want to say that everyone was part of this. We only want people who were verifiably on our side. There are already endless amounts.

We will focus on very evident cases; Ancient mystics and so on. These people can be from anywhere in the world and any timeline; Ancient Times until today.

If there are more than one people making research on a personality, articles can be combined.

All of these will also bring honor upon their people of their respective Nations, and their affiliations with the tasks of the Gods must be highlighted in their passing through life. So if you know of any regional important personality that struggled for the Gods, bring them to the light so they are commemorated and they receive honor.

There must be images, sources, historicity of a person, so their life can be seen and read about and an inspiration for SS to continue their journey.

There will be appointment of a JG Guardian at the head of this project and then everyone can contact them to organize with them, in order to make this section a reality.

As this is an official JoS project, advancement in the project will be taken in consideration for receiving positions or furthering one's position in the JoS Donor system also.

PS: Seminar arriving about Making Money Workings manifest within 24 hours for all Tiers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
That's a really good idea to create a genealogy of spiritual Satanists. I'm going to see what great poets, inventors and mystics the German people have to offer who worshipped the gods and glorified them in their writings. Off the top of my head, Friedrich Hölderlin comes to mind, who wrote many hymns to the gods that are well worth reading. More later.
Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferus!
Hail Wotanas!
That's a really good idea to create a genealogy of spiritual Satanists. I'm going to see what great poets, inventors and mystics the German people have to offer who worshipped the gods and glorified them in their writings. Off the top of my head, Friedrich Hölderlin comes to mind, who wrote many hymns to the gods that are well worth reading. More later.
Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferus!
Hail Wotanas!

I also want to learn from this process myself. Already I stand with exceptional interest in your mention of Friedrich Holderin. Goethe also needs to get a page for sure; his symbolic works have made a lot of people to start considering Satan and the Gods, he injected primary ideas into the minds of the masses to dedicate to the "Other Side" for attainment of wisdom and knowledge. His works are classics.

Yes, please do find anyone worth mentioning. Also, speaking of Germans, Adolf Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels and many other geniuses must be included also.

We have thankfully a list that is rather huge; many people have done wonderful works for the Gods for a very long time, but people deny the obvious reality of this even in the face of the self-definition of these people and how they wanted to be reminded through their own works.
Yay!! thank you greatly. I wanted to study about pythagoras mainly involving the silence entry to the mystery school for many years but felt hindered by what I feel may be misguided information. If any ss here has any reliable books concerning Pythagoras and his ideas on practical silence entry to the mystery schools I want to keep his memory alive with me

Hail satan lucifer
I was advised to drop this here in Outreach. I've got a lot to say on Satanic personalities, so more will be coming. Our Romanian SS should enjoy this.

Mihai Eminescu, The Satanist

Mihai Eminescu is the most widely known Romanian poet, and arguably the most widely known Romanian artist period. Beyond his glorification by Romanians, there are occult beliefs that he had that people aren't aware of.
He was part of Junimea, a society for prominent writers of that time period. What is not as widely known is that this was a club full of non-Christians, actually anti-Christians.
All its members studied in the West, specifically France and Germany. It is a common rumor that Eminescu, in his time studying abroad, was part of a Dyonisian Mystery School, due to practices and Rituals that Junimea practiced.
Theologically speaking, they were Gnostics. However, the opinions on Christ were split. Some members believed Lucifer manifested as Jesus, some believed Lucifer was a real being and Jesus just an alegory. Mihai Eminescu and a couple close friends believed that Jesus Christ was a hoax and a tired relic. In the later half of his life, Eminescu was clearly not your average Gnostic, but a genius whose only shortcomings in Satanism were the fact that there literally weren't sources to study.

This is "O, Satan", a poem of Eminescu, that is lesser known. While some of his mentions of Satan are clearly Gnostic, this one, written later in his life, is clearly identifying Satan with the same beliefs that Spiritual Satanism is.
The link is to the poem in Romanian, but you can simply translate the site. Symbolism of Poseidon's deep sea, and symbolism that points to the Stars shows his clear knowledge of Satan.

His greatest work is Lucifer, a longform poem about the Genius symbol. It tells a story of Lucifer, the God, trying to gain mortality and incarnate as a human because he fell in love with a princess. In the later half of the poem, Lucifer sees that the girl is now with a regular human. The names used for the characters change every fourth of the poem, to symbolize their condition. The princess from the first quarter becomes nothing but another peasant in the 4th quarter, as Lucifer now sees her for the simpleton she is. It uses cosmology, mythology and Gnostic framework to paint a picture of how genius is power, but it makes one feel isolated from less smart people. I linked it in English, as I quite like this translation.

While Eminescu is widely known for his poetry, he also wrote newspaper articles regularly. While the paper that was publishing his work did everything to censor him, he still snuck in the important messages. He was never allowed to criticize the Jew or Christian, but he used hidden symbols to do so anyway. This article is in Romanian (again, translate the site) and it is named "Old Icons and new Icons". A direct nod to Christianity. It talks about the greed of heads of state of the time. Any SS can easily see who he is talking about.

For this criticism, Titu Maiorescu conspired with the Royal family to get rid of him. An attack was staged, and he was declared mad. He was incorrectly administered mercury for years, which led to his death.
He never lost hope until the last day of his sanity, as Lucifer was finished while he was in the asylum and under about a year of mercury poisoning. His soul fought until the last second.
We only have to give glory to our historical personalities, because it is the only way to remember their example and learn from their greatness. Everyone should be able to observe these examples, even as a simple reminder of where a human being dedicated to Satanas who truly commits himself to the path taught by the Gods can reach.

They do not have to only be perfect examples. People might do mistakes, life has obstacles.
This part makes me think a lot: people often feel guilty for not already being perfect on this satanic path, instead people should understand that making mistakes is within everyone's reach, mistakes are something human.

Here there is no universal judgment that will count your sins to punish you in the eternal flames, but there is knowledge available on JoS and on the Forum and spiritual applications of this knowledge that are extremely useful means of support to improve your condition and allow you to understand more and more things. The focus here is on always being incentivized to improve by all means to succeed, not on making you feel depressed "for your sins."

Whoever is truly a Follower of the Gods, truly loves these benevolent Deities, and applies and practices according to his nature and possibilities, with sincerity towards what is sacred, deserves only to be recognized for his nobility of soul.

Regarding some Satanists who worry too much about this: one or more errors in our behavior will be normal, but we are much more than the sum of our mistakes: we are our concrete actions to improve ourselves.
Yay!! thank you greatly. I wanted to study about pythagoras mainly involving the silence entry to the mystery school for many years but felt hindered by what I feel may be misguided information. If any ss here has any reliable books concerning Pythagoras and his ideas on practical silence entry to the mystery schools I want to keep his memory alive with me

Hail satan lucifer
Pythagoras reminds me of the wonderful "golden verses" that I translated from Greek into German some time ago. Here the gods are also worshipped directly.
Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferos!
Hail Wotanas!
Amazing project, it will be truly another powerful pillar for the Joy of Satanas.
Hail Satan!
Awe fuck yeah! 🔥 This sounds like Great! way of getting to know who we, are as individual and as a people, of our kind. Reading about or historical families ,and bloodlines, Learning more about our ancient, background and culture. Taking it deeper, and how far we can go to learn more, of the Ancient knowledge and our Gods. Who we are and what we can do to show honor, and respect to our family here and at home too. ❤️🔥📚💪
thanks you HPHC.

there is a persian poet call molana
also people call him "the god" or "molana the god"
In Iran, he is a very famous poet, the Islamic Republic has distorted the stories about him a lot, his poems are very spiritual, even the stages of Magnum Opus can be found in his poems.

There is a story about him and a person named shams"in arabic means the sun"
After meeting with shams, molana became interested in mysticism and it was said that Shams had taught her many transcendental sciences.
The name Shams was later given to another person and he was called Shams Tabrizi, but no one really knows who he is.
Before the stories about him got corrupted, the name was just Shams.

I believe that like the gods who are also called "Sun" or "RA", Shams was also one of the gods who taught molana the mystical sciences. If you read molana's poems with ancient spiritual knowledge, the clear meaning of magnum opus and secrets Spirituality is found in poetry.

and I believe that molana has become a god and that is why he was called "the god" since ancient times.
Great Article HPHC!! This seminar you mentioned, it will be available to us who are eligible via our emails we used for the donor portal?
Hmm, looks like an opportunity to find out about local legends. Not necessarily globally known people, but in the European continent at least. I think for this I have to actually go offline with search.
There must be images, sources, historicity of a person, so their life can be seen and read about and an inspiration for SS to continue their journey.

I would like to contribute to those who work in the medical field. Any doctors and nurses, I will be sure to research them all and compile notes. There are many well-known medical professionals who were dedicated to the Gods, such as Asclepius. I would like to find those who are less renowned.
Greetings everyone, there will be two new Demon Rituals to be published shortly.

Other than this, I want to initiate a project for the Joy of Satan. This will involve articles that will be written about Spiritual Satanists [Followers of the Gods or those respecting the Ancient Gods] in history.

It is time if you really love any of these people, to give them a gift and immortalize their memory in the Joy of Satan. That way, they will inspire our people for centuries to come.

There were many graced personalities that were doing things like occultism, spirituality, or others that were very direct in their connection with the Gods and even admitted this explicitly. Others were more concealed and they did not reveal their affiliations, but information about their allegience to the Gods was proven by their works or historical review.

These involve many people; all the way from George Washington to Nikola Tesla, Friedrich Nietszche, Alexander the Great, Aristotle or Plato [They were worshipers of the Gods directly]. We must assemble a large list of all of these personalities, and articles have to be written in regard to them all, that will contain in-depth information.

Pioneers of both genders who did not comply to the enemy and advanced humanity forward regardless, in accordance to the ethical values and spiritual plans of the Gods need to be remembered. People who brought occult knowledge, criticized the enemy and reduced their power, did provide inordinate scientific value to mankind in the face of the oppression of the enemy [Like Gallileo to name a very well known case or Giordano Bruno], or those who caused great reformations or important achievements for the Gods in consistency with the compass of the Gods in this world, must be all included.

Emperors of the Roman Empire, other Great beings like Marcus Aurelius, were literally initiates of the Gods like you are today.

They do not have to only be perfect examples. People might do mistakes, life has obstacles. But they received great status and advanced in the path of the Gods, in many cases carrying huge amounts of people with them.

Many have done works they went not recognized for, affecting smaller numbers of souls. But that doesn't mean their works were also not of extreme importance. Smaller and inspiring examples of people from our history should also be included.

People who are known to have existed and became Gods historically, like Pythagoras or Asclepius, should also be included in this section [but also will be included in the new Demons section]. Ancient powerful followers of the Gods from India or worldwide should also be included, or other legends who are known beyond a doubt to have existed amogn us.

There must be no lying in this section. We do not want to say that everyone was part of this. We only want people who were verifiably on our side. There are already endless amounts.

We will focus on very evident cases; Ancient mystics and so on. These people can be from anywhere in the world and any timeline; Ancient Times until today.

If there are more than one people making research on a personality, articles can be combined.

All of these will also bring honor upon their people of their respective Nations, and their affiliations with the tasks of the Gods must be highlighted in their passing through life. So if you know of any regional important personality that struggled for the Gods, bring them to the light so they are commemorated and they receive honor.

There must be images, sources, historicity of a person, so their life can be seen and read about and an inspiration for SS to continue their journey.

There will be appointment of a JG Guardian at the head of this project and then everyone can contact them to organize with them, in order to make this section a reality.

As this is an official JoS project, advancement in the project will be taken in consideration for receiving positions or furthering one's position in the JoS Donor system also.

PS: Seminar arriving about Making Money Workings manifest within 24 hours for all Tiers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Now we are getting somewhere! 🔥💪 This is going to be Amazing!
Greetings everyone, there will be two new Demon Rituals to be published shortly.

Other than this, I want to initiate a project for the Joy of Satan. This will involve articles that will be written about Spiritual Satanists [Followers of the Gods or those respecting the Ancient Gods] in history.

It is time if you really love any of these people, to give them a gift and immortalize their memory in the Joy of Satan. That way, they will inspire our people for centuries to come.

There were many graced personalities that were doing things like occultism, spirituality, or others that were very direct in their connection with the Gods and even admitted this explicitly. Others were more concealed and they did not reveal their affiliations, but information about their allegience to the Gods was proven by their works or historical review.

These involve many people; all the way from George Washington to Nikola Tesla, Friedrich Nietszche, Alexander the Great, Aristotle or Plato [They were worshipers of the Gods directly]. We must assemble a large list of all of these personalities, and articles have to be written in regard to them all, that will contain in-depth information.

Pioneers of both genders who did not comply to the enemy and advanced humanity forward regardless, in accordance to the ethical values and spiritual plans of the Gods need to be remembered. People who brought occult knowledge, criticized the enemy and reduced their power, did provide inordinate scientific value to mankind in the face of the oppression of the enemy [Like Gallileo to name a very well known case or Giordano Bruno], or those who caused great reformations or important achievements for the Gods in consistency with the compass of the Gods in this world, must be all included.

Emperors of the Roman Empire, other Great beings like Marcus Aurelius, were literally initiates of the Gods like you are today.

They do not have to only be perfect examples. People might do mistakes, life has obstacles. But they received great status and advanced in the path of the Gods, in many cases carrying huge amounts of people with them.

Many have done works they went not recognized for, affecting smaller numbers of souls. But that doesn't mean their works were also not of extreme importance. Smaller and inspiring examples of people from our history should also be included.

People who are known to have existed and became Gods historically, like Pythagoras or Asclepius, should also be included in this section [but also will be included in the new Demons section]. Ancient powerful followers of the Gods from India or worldwide should also be included, or other legends who are known beyond a doubt to have existed amogn us.

There must be no lying in this section. We do not want to say that everyone was part of this. We only want people who were verifiably on our side. There are already endless amounts.

We will focus on very evident cases; Ancient mystics and so on. These people can be from anywhere in the world and any timeline; Ancient Times until today.

If there are more than one people making research on a personality, articles can be combined.

All of these will also bring honor upon their people of their respective Nations, and their affiliations with the tasks of the Gods must be highlighted in their passing through life. So if you know of any regional important personality that struggled for the Gods, bring them to the light so they are commemorated and they receive honor.

There must be images, sources, historicity of a person, so their life can be seen and read about and an inspiration for SS to continue their journey.

There will be appointment of a JG Guardian at the head of this project and then everyone can contact them to organize with them, in order to make this section a reality.

As this is an official JoS project, advancement in the project will be taken in consideration for receiving positions or furthering one's position in the JoS Donor system also.

PS: Seminar arriving about Making Money Workings manifest within 24 hours for all Tiers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Interesting project.

Can it have people like Voltaire or Diderot? (who created the Encyclopedia which combined works related to science, medicine, art, history, etc. The church banned it when it was published. Go figure why...)

Or people who were involved in other literary works like Baudelaire? His poem about Satan is wonderful.

I can already think of other people that might be worth mentioning, but not 100% sure if they would fit into the list. So I'm guessing, they would need to be approved beforehand.
Greetings everyone, there will be two new Demon Rituals to be published shortly.

Other than this, I want to initiate a project for the Joy of Satan. This will involve articles that will be written about Spiritual Satanists [Followers of the Gods or those respecting the Ancient Gods] in history.

It is time if you really love any of these people, to give them a gift and immortalize their memory in the Joy of Satan. That way, they will inspire our people for centuries to come.

There were many graced personalities that were doing things like occultism, spirituality, or others that were very direct in their connection with the Gods and even admitted this explicitly. Others were more concealed and they did not reveal their affiliations, but information about their allegience to the Gods was proven by their works or historical review.

These involve many people; all the way from George Washington to Nikola Tesla, Friedrich Nietszche, Alexander the Great, Aristotle or Plato [They were worshipers of the Gods directly]. We must assemble a large list of all of these personalities, and articles have to be written in regard to them all, that will contain in-depth information.

Pioneers of both genders who did not comply to the enemy and advanced humanity forward regardless, in accordance to the ethical values and spiritual plans of the Gods need to be remembered. People who brought occult knowledge, criticized the enemy and reduced their power, did provide inordinate scientific value to mankind in the face of the oppression of the enemy [Like Gallileo to name a very well known case or Giordano Bruno], or those who caused great reformations or important achievements for the Gods in consistency with the compass of the Gods in this world, must be all included.

Emperors of the Roman Empire, other Great beings like Marcus Aurelius, were literally initiates of the Gods like you are today.

They do not have to only be perfect examples. People might do mistakes, life has obstacles. But they received great status and advanced in the path of the Gods, in many cases carrying huge amounts of people with them.

Many have done works they went not recognized for, affecting smaller numbers of souls. But that doesn't mean their works were also not of extreme importance. Smaller and inspiring examples of people from our history should also be included.

People who are known to have existed and became Gods historically, like Pythagoras or Asclepius, should also be included in this section [but also will be included in the new Demons section]. Ancient powerful followers of the Gods from India or worldwide should also be included, or other legends who are known beyond a doubt to have existed amogn us.

There must be no lying in this section. We do not want to say that everyone was part of this. We only want people who were verifiably on our side. There are already endless amounts.

We will focus on very evident cases; Ancient mystics and so on. These people can be from anywhere in the world and any timeline; Ancient Times until today.

If there are more than one people making research on a personality, articles can be combined.

All of these will also bring honor upon their people of their respective Nations, and their affiliations with the tasks of the Gods must be highlighted in their passing through life. So if you know of any regional important personality that struggled for the Gods, bring them to the light so they are commemorated and they receive honor.

There must be images, sources, historicity of a person, so their life can be seen and read about and an inspiration for SS to continue their journey.

There will be appointment of a JG Guardian at the head of this project and then everyone can contact them to organize with them, in order to make this section a reality.

As this is an official JoS project, advancement in the project will be taken in consideration for receiving positions or furthering one's position in the JoS Donor system also.

PS: Seminar arriving about Making Money Workings manifest within 24 hours for all Tiers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is so amazing HPHC, Those Great figures you just mentioned like Pythagoras, Friedrich Nietszche, Socrates, Aristotle and Plato etc were not only good in philosophy but were also good in Mathematics, Astrology, in fact our Ancient Diety Blessed them with unquestionable knowledge and Wisdom... I did a research about Isaac Newton who discovered the Force of Gravity, and he was a Strong Satanist.
!!!Ave Satanas!!!
Greetings everyone, there will be two new Demon Rituals to be published shortly.

Other than this, I want to initiate a project for the Joy of Satan. This will involve articles that will be written about Spiritual Satanists [Followers of the Gods or those respecting the Ancient Gods] in history.

It is time if you really love any of these people, to give them a gift and immortalize their memory in the Joy of Satan. That way, they will inspire our people for centuries to come.

There were many graced personalities that were doing things like occultism, spirituality, or others that were very direct in their connection with the Gods and even admitted this explicitly. Others were more concealed and they did not reveal their affiliations, but information about their allegience to the Gods was proven by their works or historical review.

These involve many people; all the way from George Washington to Nikola Tesla, Friedrich Nietszche, Alexander the Great, Aristotle or Plato [They were worshipers of the Gods directly]. We must assemble a large list of all of these personalities, and articles have to be written in regard to them all, that will contain in-depth information.

Pioneers of both genders who did not comply to the enemy and advanced humanity forward regardless, in accordance to the ethical values and spiritual plans of the Gods need to be remembered. People who brought occult knowledge, criticized the enemy and reduced their power, did provide inordinate scientific value to mankind in the face of the oppression of the enemy [Like Gallileo to name a very well known case or Giordano Bruno], or those who caused great reformations or important achievements for the Gods in consistency with the compass of the Gods in this world, must be all included.

Emperors of the Roman Empire, other Great beings like Marcus Aurelius, were literally initiates of the Gods like you are today.

They do not have to only be perfect examples. People might do mistakes, life has obstacles. But they received great status and advanced in the path of the Gods, in many cases carrying huge amounts of people with them.

Many have done works they went not recognized for, affecting smaller numbers of souls. But that doesn't mean their works were also not of extreme importance. Smaller and inspiring examples of people from our history should also be included.

People who are known to have existed and became Gods historically, like Pythagoras or Asclepius, should also be included in this section [but also will be included in the new Demons section]. Ancient powerful followers of the Gods from India or worldwide should also be included, or other legends who are known beyond a doubt to have existed amogn us.

There must be no lying in this section. We do not want to say that everyone was part of this. We only want people who were verifiably on our side. There are already endless amounts.

We will focus on very evident cases; Ancient mystics and so on. These people can be from anywhere in the world and any timeline; Ancient Times until today.

If there are more than one people making research on a personality, articles can be combined.

All of these will also bring honor upon their people of their respective Nations, and their affiliations with the tasks of the Gods must be highlighted in their passing through life. So if you know of any regional important personality that struggled for the Gods, bring them to the light so they are commemorated and they receive honor.

There must be images, sources, historicity of a person, so their life can be seen and read about and an inspiration for SS to continue their journey.

There will be appointment of a JG Guardian at the head of this project and then everyone can contact them to organize with them, in order to make this section a reality.

As this is an official JoS project, advancement in the project will be taken in consideration for receiving positions or furthering one's position in the JoS Donor system also.

PS: Seminar arriving about Making Money Workings manifest within 24 hours for all Tiers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The great Savitri Devi (her works regarding Hitler and Nazism), The Vril Damen, Leonardo Da Vinci, Napoleone and Josephine Bonaparte, Apuleius, Rasputin, Maharishi Kartikeya, Giosuè Carducci (his "Hymn to Satan" ), the list goes on...
I'm not sure if these fit in, but mentioning some writers with a high Gentile spirit,

François de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680), not directly an occultist (?) but inspired Nietzsche's style, dove into the psychology of the human condition exposing social corruption, hypocrisy; worth mentioning, lead a revolt against Cardinal Mazarin, and was close friends with Anne of Austria (she could be into the occult but I would only speculate).

Yukio Mishima, most famous writer of modern Japan, supporter of the old samurai code, the Japanese Empire, and critical of the current corruption of Japan, also loved Greek philosophy and aesthetics:
Greetings everyone, there will be two new Demon Rituals to be published shortly.

Other than this, I want to initiate a project for the Joy of Satan. This will involve articles that will be written about Spiritual Satanists [Followers of the Gods or those respecting the Ancient Gods] in history.

It is time if you really love any of these people, to give them a gift and immortalize their memory in the Joy of Satan. That way, they will inspire our people for centuries to come.

There were many graced personalities that were doing things like occultism, spirituality, or others that were very direct in their connection with the Gods and even admitted this explicitly. Others were more concealed and they did not reveal their affiliations, but information about their allegience to the Gods was proven by their works or historical review.

These involve many people; all the way from George Washington to Nikola Tesla, Friedrich Nietszche, Alexander the Great, Aristotle or Plato [They were worshipers of the Gods directly]. We must assemble a large list of all of these personalities, and articles have to be written in regard to them all, that will contain in-depth information.

Pioneers of both genders who did not comply to the enemy and advanced humanity forward regardless, in accordance to the ethical values and spiritual plans of the Gods need to be remembered. People who brought occult knowledge, criticized the enemy and reduced their power, did provide inordinate scientific value to mankind in the face of the oppression of the enemy [Like Gallileo to name a very well known case or Giordano Bruno], or those who caused great reformations or important achievements for the Gods in consistency with the compass of the Gods in this world, must be all included.

Emperors of the Roman Empire, other Great beings like Marcus Aurelius, were literally initiates of the Gods like you are today.

They do not have to only be perfect examples. People might do mistakes, life has obstacles. But they received great status and advanced in the path of the Gods, in many cases carrying huge amounts of people with them.

Many have done works they went not recognized for, affecting smaller numbers of souls. But that doesn't mean their works were also not of extreme importance. Smaller and inspiring examples of people from our history should also be included.

People who are known to have existed and became Gods historically, like Pythagoras or Asclepius, should also be included in this section [but also will be included in the new Demons section]. Ancient powerful followers of the Gods from India or worldwide should also be included, or other legends who are known beyond a doubt to have existed amogn us.

There must be no lying in this section. We do not want to say that everyone was part of this. We only want people who were verifiably on our side. There are already endless amounts.

We will focus on very evident cases; Ancient mystics and so on. These people can be from anywhere in the world and any timeline; Ancient Times until today.

If there are more than one people making research on a personality, articles can be combined.

All of these will also bring honor upon their people of their respective Nations, and their affiliations with the tasks of the Gods must be highlighted in their passing through life. So if you know of any regional important personality that struggled for the Gods, bring them to the light so they are commemorated and they receive honor.

There must be images, sources, historicity of a person, so their life can be seen and read about and an inspiration for SS to continue their journey.

There will be appointment of a JG Guardian at the head of this project and then everyone can contact them to organize with them, in order to make this section a reality.

As this is an official JoS project, advancement in the project will be taken in consideration for receiving positions or furthering one's position in the JoS Donor system also.

PS: Seminar arriving about Making Money Workings manifest within 24 hours for all Tiers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I enjoyed that sermon really
Good to learn about God's
Hail Satan
Greetings everyone, there will be two new Demon Rituals to be published shortly.

Other than this, I want to initiate a project for the Joy of Satan. This will involve articles that will be written about Spiritual Satanists [Followers of the Gods or those respecting the Ancient Gods] in history.

It is time if you really love any of these people, to give them a gift and immortalize their memory in the Joy of Satan. That way, they will inspire our people for centuries to come.

There were many graced personalities that were doing things like occultism, spirituality, or others that were very direct in their connection with the Gods and even admitted this explicitly. Others were more concealed and they did not reveal their affiliations, but information about their allegience to the Gods was proven by their works or historical review.

These involve many people; all the way from George Washington to Nikola Tesla, Friedrich Nietszche, Alexander the Great, Aristotle or Plato [They were worshipers of the Gods directly]. We must assemble a large list of all of these personalities, and articles have to be written in regard to them all, that will contain in-depth information.

Pioneers of both genders who did not comply to the enemy and advanced humanity forward regardless, in accordance to the ethical values and spiritual plans of the Gods need to be remembered. People who brought occult knowledge, criticized the enemy and reduced their power, did provide inordinate scientific value to mankind in the face of the oppression of the enemy [Like Gallileo to name a very well known case or Giordano Bruno], or those who caused great reformations or important achievements for the Gods in consistency with the compass of the Gods in this world, must be all included.

Emperors of the Roman Empire, other Great beings like Marcus Aurelius, were literally initiates of the Gods like you are today.

They do not have to only be perfect examples. People might do mistakes, life has obstacles. But they received great status and advanced in the path of the Gods, in many cases carrying huge amounts of people with them.

Many have done works they went not recognized for, affecting smaller numbers of souls. But that doesn't mean their works were also not of extreme importance. Smaller and inspiring examples of people from our history should also be included.

People who are known to have existed and became Gods historically, like Pythagoras or Asclepius, should also be included in this section [but also will be included in the new Demons section]. Ancient powerful followers of the Gods from India or worldwide should also be included, or other legends who are known beyond a doubt to have existed amogn us.

There must be no lying in this section. We do not want to say that everyone was part of this. We only want people who were verifiably on our side. There are already endless amounts.

We will focus on very evident cases; Ancient mystics and so on. These people can be from anywhere in the world and any timeline; Ancient Times until today.

If there are more than one people making research on a personality, articles can be combined.

All of these will also bring honor upon their people of their respective Nations, and their affiliations with the tasks of the Gods must be highlighted in their passing through life. So if you know of any regional important personality that struggled for the Gods, bring them to the light so they are commemorated and they receive honor.

There must be images, sources, historicity of a person, so their life can be seen and read about and an inspiration for SS to continue their journey.

There will be appointment of a JG Guardian at the head of this project and then everyone can contact them to organize with them, in order to make this section a reality.

As this is an official JoS project, advancement in the project will be taken in consideration for receiving positions or furthering one's position in the JoS Donor system also.

PS: Seminar arriving about Making Money Workings manifest within 24 hours for all Tiers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This sounds like a great opportunity to research more about rather less known but important history of my Southeastern Slavic culture, lore and legends, specially Balkans and former Yugoslavia.
Only important person I know so far from here is obviously Nikola Tesla.

I've had a similar idea like this which I mentioned in one of your other sermons few weeks ago for each translated JoS website domain to have it's own section with the spiritual or ancient lore and history researched for that region.
Hölderlin was primarily influenced by idealistic philosophy, was acquainted with Goethe and Schiller and was even close friends with Schiller. His life was characterized by inwardness and sensibility. In his late work, he worshipped Dionysus, Heracles and Prometheus. For him, they are human-divine intermediaries, mediators between God and man.
In his work "Bread and Wine", the culture-creating god of wine Dionysus wanders from east to west. In Hesperia, the Occident, Greek culture is completed. Germany is to play an important role in this (see his works „Song of the German“, „Germania“).
However, as he was still very much a child of his time and was guided early on by his mother to take up the profession of theologian, the divine powers of the ancient and Christian worlds unite, i.e. Heracles, Dionysus and Christ. History is understood for him as a process of spiritualization.
Goethe naturally cast a spell over me as a 13-year-old. I literally soaked up all his writings. He made a great impression on me and was, of course, completely absorbed by the Freemasons, but this is incorrect, because although he joined the Freemasonry of his time, he never held an important high degree, not even the Master of the Chair. So although he joined the Freemasons, he was not active in the lodge.
They are still trying to adorn themselves with him today. Yet he never said a good word about the Jews. That's why we don't actually get the original edition today, but a neutered version in which all the passages dealing with the Jews have been removed. Nevertheless, I was in the fortunate position of being able to see these passages.
Goethe himself particularly admired the "prince of poets" Friedrich Gottlieb Kloppstock, who rediscovered Norse mythology in his works and brought it closer to us Germans. He is, so to speak, "our German Pindar".1

1 Braga und Hermode oder Neues Magazin für die vaterländischen Alterthümer der Sprache, Kunst und Sitten; Erster Band, Erste Abtheilung; in: Friedrich David Gräter, Bragur. Ein litterarisches Magazin der Deutschen und Nordischen Vorzeit, Vierter Band, Erste Abtheilung, published by Heinrich Gräff, Leipzig 1796, p. 4

Through him we learn of the Norse goddess Idun, the guardian of those apples that rejuvenate the gods. Idun stands for youth, rejuvenation and immortality. And we learn about her husband Bragi or Braga from the Asen family, who is characterized by wisdom, eloquence and the art of speaking.

Bragi 1.jpg

Image: The god Bragi

This is how the illustrator of the Icelandic manuscript AM 738 4to from 1680, the so-called Edda oblongata, imagined the god Bragi. Illustration by Stofnun Árna Magnússonar
See also: https://handrit.is/manuscript/view/is/AM04-0738/89?iabr=on#page/39v/mode/2up

Bragi 2.jpg

Image: The god Braga with the harp 1

1 Carl Strahlheim (i.e. Johann Konrad Friederich), Das Welttheater oder die allgemeine Weltgeschichte von der Schöpfung bis zum Jahr 1840 in fünf Abtheilungen, 1st volume, Comptoir für Literatur und Kunst, Frankfurt am Main 1834, picture on the last page (after p. 656)

Bragi 3.jpg

Picture: Bragi; depiction by Carl Wahlbom (1810-1858)

The song edda calls him "the best of all skalds". Only in the Edda song Lokasenna ("Loki's quarrel speech") does he come into conflict with Loki, the so called "black sheep of the gods"; in the Old Norse skaldic poems Hákonarmál and Eiríksmál from the 10th century, Bragi is described as the one who welcomes fallen heroes to Valhalla.

Bragi 4.jpg

Picture: Bragi (right) and Heimdal (left) receive the warrior (center) in Valhalla; illustrator Heinrich Leutemann (1824-1905)

Source: David Friedrich Weinland, Kuning Hartfest. Ein Lebensbild aus der Geschichte unserer deutschen Ahnen, als sie noch Wuodan und Duonar opferten, Verlag von Otto Spamer, Leipzig 1879

On the far right is Bragi, the god of poetry, with harp and oak leaf wreath. Together with Heimdall, the guardian of the bridge of the gods Bifröst, standing next to him, he receives a fallen warrior, who is probably accompanied by a Valkyrie.

Klopstock has Bragi or Braga appear in numerous of his odes and first made him the "title hero" in one of them - Braga - in 1771. Among the numerous elements from Norse mythology that Klopstock introduces in his ode, the Norse poet-god is given a special position: Bragi serves as a "Germanic" counterpart to the god Apollo and the poet Orpheus from Greek mythology. Through the juxtaposition with antiquity, which was generally regarded as the ideal in the arts until the 18th century, Klopstock elevates Norse mythology above Greek mythology.

Idun embodies youth. Bragi's beard hints at his age and the wisdom attributed to him in the medieval skaldic poem Eiríksmál. Idun offers Bragi a bowl of golden apples, which are known as the Aesir's remedy for ageing. This illustration of Bragi and Idun is reminiscent of pictorial representations of Adam and Eve. In the Bible, Eve presents Adam with the apple from the tree of knowledge, whereas here Idun offers Bragi the apple of rejuvenation. In the Bible, this results in banishment from paradise, but in Norse mythology it results in the rejuvenation of the Aesir Bragi.

Bragi 5.jpg

Picture: Iduna hands Braga the apple1

1 Braga und Hermode oder Neues Magazin für die vaterländischen Alterthümer der Sprache, Kunst und Sitten; Erster Band, Erste Abtheilung; in: Friedrich David Gräter, Bragur. Ein litterarisches Magazin der Deutschen und Nordischen Vorzeit, Vierter Band, Erste Abtheilung, published by Heinrich Gräff, Leipzig 1796, last page (after p. 192)

So here we have another example that the story of "Adam and Eve" is not originally from the Hebrews. The legend of Idun and Braga is many centuries older.

Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferus!
Hail Wotanas!
I would like to suggest Carl Jung. I will double check the spelling but he is the psychologist that brought to light the extreme mistakes of that f*** up jew who screwed up the field of psychology for decades. He doesn't get the credit he deserves even to this day. From what i have been able to see of his works he really tried to understand humans in truth and not in some weird way as others have.

These pages should be interesting to see come together. Will they be posted as part of a new section on the JOS site or in just a different section?

Hail Father Satanas
Greetings everyone, there will be two new Demon Rituals to be published shortly.

Other than this, I want to initiate a project for the Joy of Satan. This will involve articles that will be written about Spiritual Satanists [Followers of the Gods or those respecting the Ancient Gods] in history.

It is time if you really love any of these people, to give them a gift and immortalize their memory in the Joy of Satan. That way, they will inspire our people for centuries to come.

There were many graced personalities that were doing things like occultism, spirituality, or others that were very direct in their connection with the Gods and even admitted this explicitly. Others were more concealed and they did not reveal their affiliations, but information about their allegience to the Gods was proven by their works or historical review.

These involve many people; all the way from George Washington to Nikola Tesla, Friedrich Nietszche, Alexander the Great, Aristotle or Plato [They were worshipers of the Gods directly]. We must assemble a large list of all of these personalities, and articles have to be written in regard to them all, that will contain in-depth information.

Pioneers of both genders who did not comply to the enemy and advanced humanity forward regardless, in accordance to the ethical values and spiritual plans of the Gods need to be remembered. People who brought occult knowledge, criticized the enemy and reduced their power, did provide inordinate scientific value to mankind in the face of the oppression of the enemy [Like Gallileo to name a very well known case or Giordano Bruno], or those who caused great reformations or important achievements for the Gods in consistency with the compass of the Gods in this world, must be all included.

Emperors of the Roman Empire, other Great beings like Marcus Aurelius, were literally initiates of the Gods like you are today.

They do not have to only be perfect examples. People might do mistakes, life has obstacles. But they received great status and advanced in the path of the Gods, in many cases carrying huge amounts of people with them.

Many have done works they went not recognized for, affecting smaller numbers of souls. But that doesn't mean their works were also not of extreme importance. Smaller and inspiring examples of people from our history should also be included.

People who are known to have existed and became Gods historically, like Pythagoras or Asclepius, should also be included in this section [but also will be included in the new Demons section]. Ancient powerful followers of the Gods from India or worldwide should also be included, or other legends who are known beyond a doubt to have existed amogn us.

There must be no lying in this section. We do not want to say that everyone was part of this. We only want people who were verifiably on our side. There are already endless amounts.

We will focus on very evident cases; Ancient mystics and so on. These people can be from anywhere in the world and any timeline; Ancient Times until today.

If there are more than one people making research on a personality, articles can be combined.

All of these will also bring honor upon their people of their respective Nations, and their affiliations with the tasks of the Gods must be highlighted in their passing through life. So if you know of any regional important personality that struggled for the Gods, bring them to the light so they are commemorated and they receive honor.

There must be images, sources, historicity of a person, so their life can be seen and read about and an inspiration for SS to continue their journey.

There will be appointment of a JG Guardian at the head of this project and then everyone can contact them to organize with them, in order to make this section a reality.

As this is an official JoS project, advancement in the project will be taken in consideration for receiving positions or furthering one's position in the JoS Donor system also.

PS: Seminar arriving about Making Money Workings manifest within 24 hours for all Tiers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Had a feeling this was on its way; glad to see it . Hail to all our Great Gods.
Greetings everyone, there will be two new Demon Rituals to be published shortly.

Other than this, I want to initiate a project for the Joy of Satan. This will involve articles that will be written about Spiritual Satanists [Followers of the Gods or those respecting the Ancient Gods] in history.

It is time if you really love any of these people, to give them a gift and immortalize their memory in the Joy of Satan. That way, they will inspire our people for centuries to come.

There were many graced personalities that were doing things like occultism, spirituality, or others that were very direct in their connection with the Gods and even admitted this explicitly. Others were more concealed and they did not reveal their affiliations, but information about their allegience to the Gods was proven by their works or historical review.

These involve many people; all the way from George Washington to Nikola Tesla, Friedrich Nietszche, Alexander the Great, Aristotle or Plato [They were worshipers of the Gods directly]. We must assemble a large list of all of these personalities, and articles have to be written in regard to them all, that will contain in-depth information.

Pioneers of both genders who did not comply to the enemy and advanced humanity forward regardless, in accordance to the ethical values and spiritual plans of the Gods need to be remembered. People who brought occult knowledge, criticized the enemy and reduced their power, did provide inordinate scientific value to mankind in the face of the oppression of the enemy [Like Gallileo to name a very well known case or Giordano Bruno], or those who caused great reformations or important achievements for the Gods in consistency with the compass of the Gods in this world, must be all included.

Emperors of the Roman Empire, other Great beings like Marcus Aurelius, were literally initiates of the Gods like you are today.

They do not have to only be perfect examples. People might do mistakes, life has obstacles. But they received great status and advanced in the path of the Gods, in many cases carrying huge amounts of people with them.

Many have done works they went not recognized for, affecting smaller numbers of souls. But that doesn't mean their works were also not of extreme importance. Smaller and inspiring examples of people from our history should also be included.

People who are known to have existed and became Gods historically, like Pythagoras or Asclepius, should also be included in this section [but also will be included in the new Demons section]. Ancient powerful followers of the Gods from India or worldwide should also be included, or other legends who are known beyond a doubt to have existed amogn us.

There must be no lying in this section. We do not want to say that everyone was part of this. We only want people who were verifiably on our side. There are already endless amounts.

We will focus on very evident cases; Ancient mystics and so on. These people can be from anywhere in the world and any timeline; Ancient Times until today.

If there are more than one people making research on a personality, articles can be combined.

All of these will also bring honor upon their people of their respective Nations, and their affiliations with the tasks of the Gods must be highlighted in their passing through life. So if you know of any regional important personality that struggled for the Gods, bring them to the light so they are commemorated and they receive honor.

There must be images, sources, historicity of a person, so their life can be seen and read about and an inspiration for SS to continue their journey.

There will be appointment of a JG Guardian at the head of this project and then everyone can contact them to organize with them, in order to make this section a reality.

As this is an official JoS project, advancement in the project will be taken in consideration for receiving positions or furthering one's position in the JoS Donor system also.

PS: Seminar arriving about Making Money Workings manifest within 24 hours for all Tiers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I think the most powerful 2 mystics i know of would be Ramses the 2nd or Ramses the great the guy could control the weather slapped the shit out of israel multiple times and lived for many centuries and then the other one would have to be Nebuchadnezzar i do believe the 1st and 2nd was actually the same person he had a huge library filled with his journals because the guy lived for so long destroyed a jewish temple and was an absolute mad lad all around totally wiped the Jews city out destroyed that damn temple and scattered the jewish tribes i think his journals would suggest he was like 960 years old like he is a legend.
Greetings everyone, there will be two new Demon Rituals to be published shortly.

Other than this, I want to initiate a project for the Joy of Satan. This will involve articles that will be written about Spiritual Satanists [Followers of the Gods or those respecting the Ancient Gods] in history.

It is time if you really love any of these people, to give them a gift and immortalize their memory in the Joy of Satan. That way, they will inspire our people for centuries to come.

There were many graced personalities that were doing things like occultism, spirituality, or others that were very direct in their connection with the Gods and even admitted this explicitly. Others were more concealed and they did not reveal their affiliations, but information about their allegience to the Gods was proven by their works or historical review.

These involve many people; all the way from George Washington to Nikola Tesla, Friedrich Nietszche, Alexander the Great, Aristotle or Plato [They were worshipers of the Gods directly]. We must assemble a large list of all of these personalities, and articles have to be written in regard to them all, that will contain in-depth information.

Pioneers of both genders who did not comply to the enemy and advanced humanity forward regardless, in accordance to the ethical values and spiritual plans of the Gods need to be remembered. People who brought occult knowledge, criticized the enemy and reduced their power, did provide inordinate scientific value to mankind in the face of the oppression of the enemy [Like Gallileo to name a very well known case or Giordano Bruno], or those who caused great reformations or important achievements for the Gods in consistency with the compass of the Gods in this world, must be all included.

Emperors of the Roman Empire, other Great beings like Marcus Aurelius, were literally initiates of the Gods like you are today.

They do not have to only be perfect examples. People might do mistakes, life has obstacles. But they received great status and advanced in the path of the Gods, in many cases carrying huge amounts of people with them.

Many have done works they went not recognized for, affecting smaller numbers of souls. But that doesn't mean their works were also not of extreme importance. Smaller and inspiring examples of people from our history should also be included.

People who are known to have existed and became Gods historically, like Pythagoras or Asclepius, should also be included in this section [but also will be included in the new Demons section]. Ancient powerful followers of the Gods from India or worldwide should also be included, or other legends who are known beyond a doubt to have existed amogn us.

There must be no lying in this section. We do not want to say that everyone was part of this. We only want people who were verifiably on our side. There are already endless amounts.

We will focus on very evident cases; Ancient mystics and so on. These people can be from anywhere in the world and any timeline; Ancient Times until today.

If there are more than one people making research on a personality, articles can be combined.

All of these will also bring honor upon their people of their respective Nations, and their affiliations with the tasks of the Gods must be highlighted in their passing through life. So if you know of any regional important personality that struggled for the Gods, bring them to the light so they are commemorated and they receive honor.

There must be images, sources, historicity of a person, so their life can be seen and read about and an inspiration for SS to continue their journey.

There will be appointment of a JG Guardian at the head of this project and then everyone can contact them to organize with them, in order to make this section a reality.

As this is an official JoS project, advancement in the project will be taken in consideration for receiving positions or furthering one's position in the JoS Donor system also.

PS: Seminar arriving about Making Money Workings manifest within 24 hours for all Tiers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Sounds like great fun. I have been collecting books and have 100s of thousands of them including many old manuscripts and I will make available relevant ones on a website, I have already popped up and started and put a bunch of books on Pythagoras that one member requested. Will keep adding more under various names you mentioned. No guarantee the books are enemy free :) http://www.satan.quest/
Greetings everyone, there will be two new Demon Rituals to be published shortly.

Other than this, I want to initiate a project for the Joy of Satan. This will involve articles that will be written about Spiritual Satanists [Followers of the Gods or those respecting the Ancient Gods] in history.

It is time if you really love any of these people, to give them a gift and immortalize their memory in the Joy of Satan. That way, they will inspire our people for centuries to come.

There were many graced personalities that were doing things like occultism, spirituality, or others that were very direct in their connection with the Gods and even admitted this explicitly. Others were more concealed and they did not reveal their affiliations, but information about their allegience to the Gods was proven by their works or historical review.

These involve many people; all the way from George Washington to Nikola Tesla, Friedrich Nietszche, Alexander the Great, Aristotle or Plato [They were worshipers of the Gods directly]. We must assemble a large list of all of these personalities, and articles have to be written in regard to them all, that will contain in-depth information.

Pioneers of both genders who did not comply to the enemy and advanced humanity forward regardless, in accordance to the ethical values and spiritual plans of the Gods need to be remembered. People who brought occult knowledge, criticized the enemy and reduced their power, did provide inordinate scientific value to mankind in the face of the oppression of the enemy [Like Gallileo to name a very well known case or Giordano Bruno], or those who caused great reformations or important achievements for the Gods in consistency with the compass of the Gods in this world, must be all included.

Emperors of the Roman Empire, other Great beings like Marcus Aurelius, were literally initiates of the Gods like you are today.

They do not have to only be perfect examples. People might do mistakes, life has obstacles. But they received great status and advanced in the path of the Gods, in many cases carrying huge amounts of people with them.

Many have done works they went not recognized for, affecting smaller numbers of souls. But that doesn't mean their works were also not of extreme importance. Smaller and inspiring examples of people from our history should also be included.

People who are known to have existed and became Gods historically, like Pythagoras or Asclepius, should also be included in this section [but also will be included in the new Demons section]. Ancient powerful followers of the Gods from India or worldwide should also be included, or other legends who are known beyond a doubt to have existed amogn us.

There must be no lying in this section. We do not want to say that everyone was part of this. We only want people who were verifiably on our side. There are already endless amounts.

We will focus on very evident cases; Ancient mystics and so on. These people can be from anywhere in the world and any timeline; Ancient Times until today.

If there are more than one people making research on a personality, articles can be combined.

All of these will also bring honor upon their people of their respective Nations, and their affiliations with the tasks of the Gods must be highlighted in their passing through life. So if you know of any regional important personality that struggled for the Gods, bring them to the light so they are commemorated and they receive honor.

There must be images, sources, historicity of a person, so their life can be seen and read about and an inspiration for SS to continue their journey.

There will be appointment of a JG Guardian at the head of this project and then everyone can contact them to organize with them, in order to make this section a reality.

As this is an official JoS project, advancement in the project will be taken in consideration for receiving positions or furthering one's position in the JoS Donor system also.

PS: Seminar arriving about Making Money Workings manifest within 24 hours for all Tiers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Maria Orsic!
For this criticism, Titu Maiorescu conspired with the Royal family to get rid of him. An attack was staged, and he was declared mad. He was incorrectly administered mercury for years, which led to his death.
He never lost hope until the last day of his sanity, as Lucifer was finished while he was in the asylum and under about a year of mercury poisoning. His soul fought until the last second.
So sad, that is the reward for bringing the truth back then.
I also want to learn from this process myself. Already I stand with exceptional interest in your mention of Friedrich Holderin. Goethe also needs to get a page for sure; his symbolic works have made a lot of people to start considering Satan and the Gods, he injected primary ideas into the minds of the masses to dedicate to the "Other Side" for attainment of wisdom and knowledge. His works are classics.

Yes, please do find anyone worth mentioning. Also, speaking of Germans, Adolf Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels and many other geniuses must be included also.

We have thankfully a list that is rather huge; many people have done wonderful works for the Gods for a very long time, but people deny the obvious reality of this even in the face of the self-definition of these people and how they wanted to be reminded through their own works.
There is a group that has done a nice job of putting together info on Hitler. they had their website removed recently but are now back up and running. They have much info on Hitler. https://www.theneworder.net/
and I also have acquired a vast amount of info, photos and videos on the subject.
This is awesome! How do we participate?
Many thanks for this this beautiful initiative.

One personality I feel like mentioning is Hypatia, a Greek astronomer and philosopher who belonged to the school of Plato; the one who never gave up and who, despite the threat of Christianity, continued on the path of Knowledge.

"(...) Toward heaven is turned your every act
Holy Hypatia, beauty of words,
pristine star of wise culture."
This is a wonderful project that will connect us even more with Our Ancestors!

It would be interesting if there could be at one point additionaly analyses of certain works, if they have themes relating to Our Path.

Die Zauberflöte/The Magic Flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder) is a stunning example with many references.

I was advised to drop this here in Outreach. I've got a lot to say on Satanic personalities, so more will be coming. Our Romanian SS should enjoy this.

Mihai Eminescu, The Satanist

Mihai Eminescu is the most widely known Romanian poet, and arguably the most widely known Romanian artist period. Beyond his glorification by Romanians, there are occult beliefs that he had that people aren't aware of.
He was part of Junimea, a society for prominent writers of that time period. What is not as widely known is that this was a club full of non-Christians, actually anti-Christians.
All its members studied in the West, specifically France and Germany. It is a common rumor that Eminescu, in his time studying abroad, was part of a Dyonisian Mystery School, due to practices and Rituals that Junimea practiced.
Theologically speaking, they were Gnostics. However, the opinions on Christ were split. Some members believed Lucifer manifested as Jesus, some believed Lucifer was a real being and Jesus just an alegory. Mihai Eminescu and a couple close friends believed that Jesus Christ was a hoax and a tired relic. In the later half of his life, Eminescu was clearly not your average Gnostic, but a genius whose only shortcomings in Satanism were the fact that there literally weren't sources to study.

This is "O, Satan", a poem of Eminescu, that is lesser known. While some of his mentions of Satan are clearly Gnostic, this one, written later in his life, is clearly identifying Satan with the same beliefs that Spiritual Satanism is.
The link is to the poem in Romanian, but you can simply translate the site. Symbolism of Poseidon's deep sea, and symbolism that points to the Stars shows his clear knowledge of Satan.

His greatest work is Lucifer, a longform poem about the Genius symbol. It tells a story of Lucifer, the God, trying to gain mortality and incarnate as a human because he fell in love with a princess. In the later half of the poem, Lucifer sees that the girl is now with a regular human. The names used for the characters change every fourth of the poem, to symbolize their condition. The princess from the first quarter becomes nothing but another peasant in the 4th quarter, as Lucifer now sees her for the simpleton she is. It uses cosmology, mythology and Gnostic framework to paint a picture of how genius is power, but it makes one feel isolated from less smart people. I linked it in English, as I quite like this translation.

While Eminescu is widely known for his poetry, he also wrote newspaper articles regularly. While the paper that was publishing his work did everything to censor him, he still snuck in the important messages. He was never allowed to criticize the Jew or Christian, but he used hidden symbols to do so anyway. This article is in Romanian (again, translate the site) and it is named "Old Icons and new Icons". A direct nod to Christianity. It talks about the greed of heads of state of the time. Any SS can easily see who he is talking about.

For this criticism, Titu Maiorescu conspired with the Royal family to get rid of him. An attack was staged, and he was declared mad. He was incorrectly administered mercury for years, which led to his death.
He never lost hope until the last day of his sanity, as Lucifer was finished while he was in the asylum and under about a year of mercury poisoning. His soul fought until the last second.
Thank you, very interesting and beautiful poems!

Hölderlin was primarily influenced by idealistic philosophy, was acquainted with Goethe and Schiller and was even close friends with Schiller. His life was characterized by inwardness and sensibility. In his late work, he worshipped Dionysus, Heracles and Prometheus. For him, they are human-divine intermediaries, mediators between God and man.
In his work "Bread and Wine", the culture-creating god of wine Dionysus wanders from east to west. In Hesperia, the Occident, Greek culture is completed. Germany is to play an important role in this (see his works „Song of the German“, „Germania“).
However, as he was still very much a child of his time and was guided early on by his mother to take up the profession of theologian, the divine powers of the ancient and Christian worlds unite, i.e. Heracles, Dionysus and Christ. History is understood for him as a process of spiritualization.
Goethe naturally cast a spell over me as a 13-year-old. I literally soaked up all his writings. He made a great impression on me and was, of course, completely absorbed by the Freemasons, but this is incorrect, because although he joined the Freemasonry of his time, he never held an important high degree, not even the Master of the Chair. So although he joined the Freemasons, he was not active in the lodge.
They are still trying to adorn themselves with him today. Yet he never said a good word about the Jews. That's why we don't actually get the original edition today, but a neutered version in which all the passages dealing with the Jews have been removed. Nevertheless, I was in the fortunate position of being able to see these passages.
Goethe himself particularly admired the "prince of poets" Friedrich Gottlieb Kloppstock, who rediscovered Norse mythology in his works and brought it closer to us Germans. He is, so to speak, "our German Pindar".1

1 Braga und Hermode oder Neues Magazin für die vaterländischen Alterthümer der Sprache, Kunst und Sitten; Erster Band, Erste Abtheilung; in: Friedrich David Gräter, Bragur. Ein litterarisches Magazin der Deutschen und Nordischen Vorzeit, Vierter Band, Erste Abtheilung, published by Heinrich Gräff, Leipzig 1796, p. 4

Through him we learn of the Norse goddess Idun, the guardian of those apples that rejuvenate the gods. Idun stands for youth, rejuvenation and immortality. And we learn about her husband Bragi or Braga from the Asen family, who is characterized by wisdom, eloquence and the art of speaking.

View attachment 4063
Image: The god Bragi

This is how the illustrator of the Icelandic manuscript AM 738 4to from 1680, the so-called Edda oblongata, imagined the god Bragi. Illustration by Stofnun Árna Magnússonar
See also: https://handrit.is/manuscript/view/is/AM04-0738/89?iabr=on#page/39v/mode/2up

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Image: The god Braga with the harp 1

1 Carl Strahlheim (i.e. Johann Konrad Friederich), Das Welttheater oder die allgemeine Weltgeschichte von der Schöpfung bis zum Jahr 1840 in fünf Abtheilungen, 1st volume, Comptoir für Literatur und Kunst, Frankfurt am Main 1834, picture on the last page (after p. 656)

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Picture: Bragi; depiction by Carl Wahlbom (1810-1858)

The song edda calls him "the best of all skalds". Only in the Edda song Lokasenna ("Loki's quarrel speech") does he come into conflict with Loki, the so called "black sheep of the gods"; in the Old Norse skaldic poems Hákonarmál and Eiríksmál from the 10th century, Bragi is described as the one who welcomes fallen heroes to Valhalla.

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Picture: Bragi (right) and Heimdal (left) receive the warrior (center) in Valhalla; illustrator Heinrich Leutemann (1824-1905)

Source: David Friedrich Weinland, Kuning Hartfest. Ein Lebensbild aus der Geschichte unserer deutschen Ahnen, als sie noch Wuodan und Duonar opferten, Verlag von Otto Spamer, Leipzig 1879

On the far right is Bragi, the god of poetry, with harp and oak leaf wreath. Together with Heimdall, the guardian of the bridge of the gods Bifröst, standing next to him, he receives a fallen warrior, who is probably accompanied by a Valkyrie.

Klopstock has Bragi or Braga appear in numerous of his odes and first made him the "title hero" in one of them - Braga - in 1771. Among the numerous elements from Norse mythology that Klopstock introduces in his ode, the Norse poet-god is given a special position: Bragi serves as a "Germanic" counterpart to the god Apollo and the poet Orpheus from Greek mythology. Through the juxtaposition with antiquity, which was generally regarded as the ideal in the arts until the 18th century, Klopstock elevates Norse mythology above Greek mythology.

Idun embodies youth. Bragi's beard hints at his age and the wisdom attributed to him in the medieval skaldic poem Eiríksmál. Idun offers Bragi a bowl of golden apples, which are known as the Aesir's remedy for ageing. This illustration of Bragi and Idun is reminiscent of pictorial representations of Adam and Eve. In the Bible, Eve presents Adam with the apple from the tree of knowledge, whereas here Idun offers Bragi the apple of rejuvenation. In the Bible, this results in banishment from paradise, but in Norse mythology it results in the rejuvenation of the Aesir Bragi.

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Picture: Iduna hands Braga the apple1

1 Braga und Hermode oder Neues Magazin für die vaterländischen Alterthümer der Sprache, Kunst und Sitten; Erster Band, Erste Abtheilung; in: Friedrich David Gräter, Bragur. Ein litterarisches Magazin der Deutschen und Nordischen Vorzeit, Vierter Band, Erste Abtheilung, published by Heinrich Gräff, Leipzig 1796, last page (after p. 192)

So here we have another example that the story of "Adam and Eve" is not originally from the Hebrews. The legend of Idun and Braga is many centuries older.

Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferus!
Hail Wotanas!
Danke für deine wunderbaren und interessanten Beiträge. Ich lerne immer sehr viel Neues davon. 🙂
Can I just write about Hungarian inventors, in the form of remembering the Hungarians, not just a specific individual? Because not many people know that we invented at least the 60% of the modern world.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
