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Satanic Existence - The Path of Satya & Life

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The path of Spiritual Satanism is a Philosophical path. What does this mean?

Forget what you have learned, this has nothing to do with what you read in philosophical books, it has nothing to do with what you heard or a quote you googled. If you have a diploma in this, you won't become a better "Philosopher".

The above word means to become a Friend of Wisdom or a Friend of the Serpent.

Apollo, befriended the Serpent, after waging a war with her. In the same way, you must understand love and war, left and right, truth and falsehood, right and error. We sail our lives through all of this like a ship.

Existence happens in this duality until we start understanding more of the well sought "Why" of things.

As Father Satan shows, instructs and leads us, we are led to meaning and understanding. Any other developed being, and you too in the future [for those who walk the path] will start understanding that life has a purpose to it. Yes, a full on purpose.

Life is not ending in nihilism. We also choose to adhere to this purpose or not adhere to it, as we have freedom. But is this the freedom we really seek? Some people would say yes.

There is reason behind all things in the universe. Yet, the same reason is not yet present on all human beings. This, was reserved for those who will rise in understanding and higher in the ladder of Consciousness. But why?

Because clearly, this will make you into a "God". Before yourself celebrates, be aware, that the Godhead, comes with certain duties incumbent to it, many beauties, and it's like extending your existence and life.

Consider also, that the Gods, or the beings higher in the ladder of existence, do indeed help us too here to rise up. Thoughts might come to mind now in regards to how many times you have done errors, asked help from your Guardians and might have succeeded or failed, and how much you learn as you go into this path.

This path, is life to the fullest. The fact that some people don't understand "life" and are influenced only from Television standards of a "Robust life", is a very partial projection of life. Life is intensified in Spiritual Satanism, because this process of life gains strong importance and meaning.

As you advance, you become older and stronger than other people. Fools who are stuck in low consciousness engage into a pointless "power" loop, such as immature souls. You see these people everyday, and yes, it's even us that can sometimes behave in this way.

Except of these fools, we also see another special kind of fool, which is the person that literally does not exist in themselves - almost existing as an NPC in a literal sense. Between the two, the dream of existence as opposed to real existence, is reflecting upon itself.

The point is to escape this cycle and to eventually become a self conscious entity in this life as much as we can. To understand as much more as we can, and to rise higher and higher.

As you progress in your development, and I speak from the perspective of having achieved one of the final ends of this path and having truly SEEN the world and things for what they are, the above is inconsequential.

Did I have to mention the above? Certainly not. It is of no consequence to others. I am here to help others as much as I can. Yet, as we can see, we humans have a dual nature. We want to be led and helped, yet we only want to listen to ourselves.

I speak for those who are at the level to listen to others, but above all, to open your ears so the Gods can speak to you and lead you to the path. At given moments, exposure of one's sun is necessary to remind to others that the Sun exists.

We live in a dim world and we are all at a war to help survive our inner light, which this world seeks to end. It can be as if sometimes, conditions, other people, or even life, wants to keep you prisoner and ruin your spirit. This path is the opposition to this entropic force. We fight against this with a smile in our face.

With the internet, co-existence with many retards online is sort of like existing in a mental space of fools. Just go around a Wicca forum and you'll see. Pharaohs, Gods, Starseed and so on.

In the "Occult" space, the most stupid fools I have seen, are those who claim to be "Studied" or "Extremely advanced", yet, this shows nowhere. Where are their contributions to mankind? Or even a few people for that matter?

Of what use is this greatness of theirs? Have they done anything for anyone except of perpetuating falsehoods? No.

The above is how you understand you are talking with shills. I tell you from experience, the Gods do not take any of these beings seriously. They need to see that you make a real and honest extending of yourself to grow to take you seriously. When you see the first signs of their care, you will be bolstered beyond belief.

As mentioned above, the Universe exists in reason and in purpose. Certain events such as even the enemy or downfall and so on, are not to make you sad or angry, it can be argued, that even if these are totally useless and a useless bottleneck, but a good way to look at this is like that: A good opportunity to grow stronger than ever before.

As we can see, our perspective matters a lot here.

This remains a mystery to a soul until a point of greater awakening occurs. The Serpent can incur a lot of this. This might happen to people once or twice, but you will come changed out of these experiences.

Life acts in strange odd ways. Yet, people decide to experience life without pondering it's meaning at all. Today people are getting weaker and weaker.

Years ago, there was one person that told me they wanted to leave the Forums because they cannot "stand" me. They couldn't stand certain things I said. Of course, we live in a densely populated world, not everyone is at the same time and not all can be satisfied at once. Maybe I wouldn't stand myself under different circumstances.

If you brought the 10 year old me to the present person, that would be a literal struggle to make the two co-exist. With certainty, I couldn't exist with my own self about 20 years ago under the same household.

Therefore to me is not a problem if certain people might not like some things, but the real question is, maybe we have to look at things with a bit of more meaning than with less meaning?

Could we say that there would be a reason the 10 year old "I's" have to co-exist and give birth to our present selves, and consequently, that through the process of our evolution, whole walls into our falsehoods have to be taken down? I think any person here who has faced themselves can say YES.

In this world, we exist with other beings in order to play together. Do not take this out of context. This was taken out of context with the enemy - forced migration, melting pot, love your destroyers and so on.

What is meant here is a philosophical notion within the confines of like minded souls and people. Why are people brought together?

Why, even the Gods, in contrast to the enemy's claims of Monotheism, are many, and not only this, but they welcome other beings into their fold, given the conditions are met?

This in the Satanic Context would mean to accept one's place and rise, or fall, according to natural and heavenly dictate. We want to join the ranks of the Gods, don't we? Therefore, with this ambition, one has to understand what this journey entails.

We have to play together in a band. Not all instruments are the same, and indeed, if there are only violins and drums, it can sound horrific. But add some more organs into this, and then you have a symphony.

Most people, are so weak nowadays, that they cannot even tolerate other people existing and so on. As the self is shrunk and the less people truly compare with others or understand themselves in face value, we have become very insane.

We live in the era where many want to only live inside a self perpetuated delusion. The deeper, the better, and people are told that's a good thing or something. In fact, this is the way to loneliness and death.

This insanity can reach the point where for example a random person can consider themselves anything based on merely the falsehood of perceived false emotions, in this isolation. The favorite line of quite a few people for example, is that they cannot "Be here" or that they cannot "tolerate the world".

Were you put inside a world to literally not tolerate any facet of it, though? Is there a reason into any of this?

Because the world at large does NOT want you to grow, and the world benefits from this lie of self perpetuated delusion, they perpetuate this meme that anyone is what they "feel" they are and so on. The reality is, that we are what we are.

We are not what we "feel" like we are, although, the skilled occultist can use this in the context of creating a spell and so on, for where they want to grow INTO.

Spiritual Satanism teaches this "Becoming", but first it teaches you where you stand. Do we want to see this? If yes, we accelerate our growth exponentially.

Those who have the least love for lies and nonsense, will rise high into this path. Meditation is the development of this very awareness and understanding. You are given power and understanding to start going deeper into life and yourself.

Can one not see a reason here?

Is not Satan asked to deliver people from "all past error and delusion" in the Rituals? Do you consider this line in vain? It is a very important line and arguably, the only real way to power and knowledge.

And through the TRUE seeing, you will attain the level of a Maha-Siddha, which is the level of True Consciousness, which is named SAT - the famous prefix of our Holy Name, SATANAS. In Yoga, this is called SATANAMA.

We follow Father Satan for very specific reasons. We know these reasons in our deepest part in the Soul but it can get difficult sometimes to understand these in a plain fashion. After a time we shed falsehood and we can see this clearly.

As I publish the necessary posts, you will understand what your heart already knew when it entered this place. What is the reason? To help this blooming stabilize and accelerate.

On a higher state of consciousness, you understand your own place in this universe, your duties, and also, the clear path forward for yourself. You can really help or harm others. The choice remains yours in the end of the day in this universe of actions and reactions.

In the teachings of the enemy, most of which are ripped out from stories, legends, and fruits of mental labor of the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Babylonians, Sumerians - everyone but jews, we have similar outlook into life that many conveniently deny. Life has meaning.

Above all, this is not your final life, and more than likely for those here, definitely NOT your first.

Most of these teachings, were taken so severely out of context, that when we awoke to the hoax of the enemy, many people relinquished the harmony and balance of "All things in moderation". Swinging as if we were insane, we lost the Middle Path or the path of Moderation.

The self, the outer world, the individual, the family, the Nation, other people's - etc, all of these can be made to exist in a harmony.

Regardless, the foolish LHP where most people are merely too weak for any of this, they hide themselves into a cave, and deny the outer world. They build a foolish religion of the lower consciousness around "Themselves" and call this a revolt against the "Right Hand Path" which is a path of relinquishing the self and becoming a mindless being.

Between the two, the LHP will look better to most people, but that doesn't make it correct. It still remains an unbalanced stated.

Anything I ever do honestly here, is only open up about my thoughts and journey so that those before or even those after may gain more from me. Temptations and foolishness such as "Focus only on yourself", "Abandon others and everyone", "Do not care for the weaker" and so on, are not for me.

You want to create a living torment out of yourself, filled with loneliness, deprivation, insanity, and other things like this, without "Problems" from others and so on? Adopt the Jewish "Left Hand Path" to the fullest extent live like a fool, and die.

Additionally, other temptations include: "Hang yourself onto the cross for others, help indiscriminately and all people, be good and kind to all things in existence including human worms, remain defenseless, listen without thinking, give yourself to everyone" and other foolish RHP ideals.

Do you want to suicide, get enslaved by others, get crushed, and die a horrible death filled with fear, regret and turmoil? Apply the teachings of Jesus above and you will be on your way.

Clearly, the path of life is neither above. Spiritual Satanism is the PATH OF LIFE. Not only the Path of Life, but it's the Path of the Life of the Serpent.

Your awakening and rising is in the middle path, the golden node and the spiral that will lead you to enlightenment. It rests nor on the left, nor on the right, but in the path of the Serpent, the Middle Pillar.

We will join the rank of the Gods as we enter closer into SAT. They want to welcome us there.

As we move into the path, we understand this: This is the path where we originally belonged, the point of our destined return. Satan is our secret deepest love and deepest aspiration, and when we walk in Truth, our steps more and more certain.

Having the Serpent touch you, and your seat of consciousness, is not having knowledge, but you becoming the knowledge itself, and in this regard, the self is the knowledge which in reality, is life itself.

Loved reading this by the way.
Anything I ever do honestly here, is only open up about my thoughts and journey so that those before or even those after may gain more from me. Temptations and foolishness such as "Focus only on yourself", "Abandon others and everyone", "Do not care for the weaker" and so on, are not for me.

You want to create a living torment out of yourself, filled with loneliness, deprivation, insanity, and other things like this, without "Problems" from others and so on? Adopt the Jewish "Left Hand Path" to the fullest extent live like a fool, and die.

This. If anyone thinks "being a part of nature" means abandoning the weaker, or stepping on them because you can then this is jewish as fuck. The Gods are the exact opposite of this, and are here for us explicitly for the sake of helping and being there for beings that are weaker than themselves to help them advance and evolve, who are helped according to their elemental makeups and natural predispositions.

In a healthy society one does not have to be wide open and let everyone and all things in, but we also cannot be in complete isolation and ignore all else. Humans are social beings that crave and need deep meaningful connections with others and when they have problems getting them other issues can arise.

Advancing also involves being helped as well as ending up helping others as the Gods help us.
Fanboy said:
Also our favourite nihilist says what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but how much bolstering is required for this honestly. Is it even really worth it?

Yes, it is worth it.

Fanboy said:
I would like to not tolerate the shitty things in this world anymore but the npcs are too numerous, seems like they do matter after all when you stand in my boots.

They are numerous, and for this reason, one must also face the reality with them and face them too. People are numerous, unique and each their own world. That is not necessarily a wrong thing. We have to face this reality even in our personal life, avoiding this creates a negative situation where few if any can handle.

We are not here to just run away from existing.
That's why I question everything. Im not the smartest person around and make a lot of mistakes but what I like about myself is that I can listen to wiser people like you and change my perception really easy if I understand it. I mean I don't stay ingnorant.
I used to think a lot about the meaning of life.
I have come to the conclusion that positive development, understanding and realising the truth, and living according to it is the meaning of life.
But it's all very complex.
Obviously we have to develop our awareness to understand all this.

The more I saw the truth, the more foolish I looked in my own eyes. I couldn't help the people I wanted to help. I am still weak. It is painful, but true. I realised that I had to admit this to myself in order to improve. Or else I can go on living in my self-invented false self-image.

I also realised that the truth is not for lazy and careless people. They overlook it. The truth requires dedication and full thoroughness.
At least that's what I learned from Gods and that's what I experienced.
Your awakening and rising is in the middle path, the golden node and the spiral that will lead you to enlightenment. It rests nor on the left, nor on the right, but in the path of the Serpent, the Middle Pillar.

Beautiful yes we walk the path of the eternal truths here. Drawn to this congregation through a rejection of falsehoods. Praise to our absolute victories and continued expansion. Hail the path of Satya, Hail Satan!
Thank you High Priest!
I work very hard every day to rise my consciousness.
I always wonder if this constant cycle of making mistakes and learning is actually helping the gathering of spiritual power. Does cleaning, energy breathing, chakra spinning and the other standard basics cause us to be more introspective or is it because we're introspective that we understand these things are important and we do them? Is it the introspective and awareness that creates power within, or is it the energy work and meditation, and the introspection is just a needed side effect?
NakedPluto said:
Having the Serpent touch you, and your seat of consciousness, is not having knowledge, but you becoming the knowledge itself, and in this regard, the self is the knowledge which in reality, is life itself.

Loved reading this by the way.

I think this is the answer for many people who are stressing on things that are no worth it. Like those who don't like the fact that energies of the planets have such big influence on us. That energies are part of us as they are governing our chakras and show us who we really are and what we need to do in order to become stronger
shedding delusions can feel like a deep personal loss, like you are back to square 1 in your advancement or that you barely left square 1 in the first place. But I think that this is the only place in which real advancement is actually possible.

Like in this world one has to master the base laws, the Muladhara, the element of earth, before passing onto the higher levels. Most people including my old self try to skip these parts because they are painful and difficult and begin trying to build up the higher levels first. Without a solid foundation all of this work will of course collapse and one will be forced to face reality again.

I realised you have to dive into Tartarus in order to ascend to Olympus. If only I had listened to you sooner!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Temptations and foolishness such as "Focus only on yourself", "Abandon others and everyone", "Do not care for the weaker" and so on, are not for me.

You want to create a living torment out of yourself, filled with loneliness, deprivation, insanity, and other things like this, without "Problems" from others and so on? Adopt the Jewish "Left Hand Path" to the fullest extent live like a fool, and die.

If I understand correctly, this refers to the type of people who completely isolate themselves from everybody, relying solely upon themselves with the illusion that others only serve as hindrances to one's own life. Humans being lifeforms that thrive in civilization and require others to grow, such isolation is detrimental and leads to the death of what we need as social beings by nature.

Furthermore, weakness, in my understanding, is simply a state that precedes strength, and that those with less power can benefit greatly from the knowledge and experience of those above them. Our Gods are beautiful representations of beings who seek the growth of our species far inferior to them, to advance into an image of their own likeness and reach lengths intended for us from the very beginning.

But am I mistaken to think that, in the past, I, personally, did actually have to abandon others and focus on myself, in order to learn what was truly important to me, and what I needed in my own life?

I have sacrificed many connections to others in my life, so that I could understand who I am, and what I prioritize as truly important to me. This naturally included SS duties such as warfare and meditations, but also growth in my personal life; paths and hobbies I pursue that fulfil purposes I've set for myself. This is not to say I cut off every single person, but I have never been happier with the minimal number of people I hold close to me now. Reducing the distractions and negative influence from being with people not meaningful to me, through eliminating my bonds with them, has proven incredibly beneficial to the quality of my life.

As a result, I have not felt lonely in years, and my days possess a healthy feeling of fulfilment from knowing what I personally require, independent of others.

Is this the middle path you speak of...? Not completely isolated and alone, but not connected to seas of NPCs either. I do not mean to object to what you say, but I am contemplating whether or not I understood the conveyed idea correctly.
Hail Satan. ⛧
Tris article puts my distorted knowledge on more accurate rails and reminds me of deeper meaning of this path, and in some kind maked me think about all people of this world by considering their purpose. When I look at the eyes of my enemy, sometimes I look with that kind of devotion, that enemies construction of his mind starting to collapse and I literally see how he crumbles while shit out of his net is just dissolving, and he starts to look like little kid who is afraid of the night. At that moments comes feeling that they are trash, but at the same time I start to feel compassion and want to help, in those moments I just can’t move on without helping them because it works like that, I give satanic help and it really helps them out, and they just hit fucking blade in my back, crushing me like a shit. I had so many times of this shit. My soul is open to some of the enemies, because I helped with all my being by forgetting what they are, just because I saw life’s representation in them, and that makes me honest and kind and it’s so hard to go without giving them a bit… FUCKING GREYS. What they do to people is totally out of natural order. When I look at human being who just seeks to self destruction… and no matter what they go there in one or another way, by pulling everyone with them. Fuuuuck this shit.
O Satan, deliver me from past error and delusion . o Satan, keep me strong in my fath and service(RTR) O satan

Keep me strong in my faith (spiritual Satanism) and service (RTR) so that I always abide you with praise(hail Satan), honor and glory be given thee forever and ever Satanas. O Satan.

HAil Satanas .
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Help can only be given to those who want to be helped.
A person who just waits for all his problems to be solved without doing anything about it does not deserve to be helped, because he is parasitic on others and wants to gain power by clinging to the success of others, which he then wants to claim as his own success.

Personally, I don't help everyone, only those who I can see really want to change and change themselves and their environment.

From my point of view, a weak person is not someone who is physically or mentally weak, but someone who does not have the will to change and to do his best.
Physical and mental weakness is only a temporary condition until a person changes it, but if he wants to do something about it and educate himself, he can become strong.

And yes, you have to strive to be the best physically and mentally, especially for those who are part of this SS community.
These are the kind of posts I adore from you, thank you Brother.
When I just came to this sacred place I thought that I am super advanced, because I got into "occult" at the age of 7.
But now with great certainy I can admit that I am just a fool.
Stubborn and ignorant fool.
If I'd only listenened to Gods back then, I wouldn't be dealing with things I am dealing now.
I won't find the answers I am seeking on the forum unfortunately, as they are deep inside of me.
Satanic Truth said:
shedding delusions can feel like a deep personal loss, like you are back to square 1 in your advancement or that you barely left square 1 in the first place. But I think that this is the only place in which real advancement is actually possible.

Like in this world one has to master the base laws, the Muladhara, the element of earth, before passing onto the higher levels. Most people including my old self try to skip these parts because they are painful and difficult and begin trying to build up the higher levels first. Without a solid foundation all of this work will of course collapse and one will be forced to face reality again.

I realised you have to dive into Tartarus in order to ascend to Olympus. If only I had listened to you sooner!

This is where the True Initiation begins.

Foundation is everything. One will understand the soundness of this approach after they incorporate it. Then, you will be stronger than ever.
SigTyr said:
When I just came to this sacred place I thought that I am super advanced, because I got into "occult" at the age of 7.
But now with great certainy I can admit that I am just a fool.
Stubborn and ignorant fool.

Is there anyone who has not been a fool? There is no shame in admitting foolishness or comprehending this, because otherwise, one stubbornly cannot advance.

People can be "occultists" for 40 years, until they cross that door, and then they will understand how little one truly knows.

That's because one unavoidably awakens to the TRUE point of spiritual advancement, and they enter the deeper relationship with the Gods.

SigTyr said:
If I'd only listenened to Gods back then, I wouldn't be dealing with things I am dealing now.
I won't find the answers I am seeking on the forum unfortunately, as they are deep inside of me.

The answers are always inside us. We exist here to accelerate and stabilize this process. This path is already inside each and everyone.

When we understand our foolish errors, which we ALL do unavoidably, then we can correct them.
at first... i hated u. why? cause i think u try to keep me back or not understood what u say...

i was angry...i also read external info, even enemy info.

i knew in heart u were right BUT i was stubborn. then i saw less about u than personal... it was my own delusion...

life hit me and i advanced...seriously this time...then i see how if i listen to u maybe i win 3-4 yrs...

but my fault. i accept THE FAULT AND MOVE ON... & correct it

i hope to repay u by service to JOS and GODS.
Thank you High Priest. Your wisdom and guidance mean a lot to me.
Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Apollo, befriended the Serpent, after waging a war with her. In the same way, you must understand love and war, left and right, truth and falsehood, right and error. We sail our lives through all of this like a ship.

Something some say at times is that the truth hurts, or waking up to the truth hurts and deciding to heal hurts. I've learned that truth isn't what hurts, it's the lies and delusions we live in. Lies are like being bound and blinded with a blindfold, whipped across our backs, and given anesthetic and hallucinogens to numb out the pain of the lies, causing us to think the slashes are caresses on our backs. So when truth comes and ceases the injections, cutting away the binds and blindfold, suddenly it hurts like nothing else, because you're awake to the pain the lie caused.

But with that awareness you can heal, and stop yourself from blindly suffering. Some are afraid of that process, waking up to it all, it can feel like a betrayal, or being stripped down to the bone of everything you thought you were and how your life is, sometimes the pain from the lies is so great you wish to be numbed again to make it stop... but those who have the courage to face it and go through it, don't end up dead from overdose, infection, or blood-loss. The longer one stays in lies and delusion, the worse the suffering and pain, the harder the healing process becomes, and the harder it is for truth to wake you up.

(Talking in metaphors here).
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Regardless, the foolish LHP where most people are merely too weak for any of this, they hide themselves into a cave, and deny the outer world. They build a foolish religion of the lower consciousness around "Themselves" and call this a revolt against the "Right Hand Path" which is a path of relinquishing the self and becoming a mindless being.

Between the two, the LHP will look better to most people, but that doesn't make it correct. It still remains an unbalanced stated.

Anything I ever do honestly here, is only open up about my thoughts and journey so that those before or even those after may gain more from me. Temptations and foolishness such as "Focus only on yourself", "Abandon others and everyone", "Do not care for the weaker" and so on, are not for me.

You want to create a living torment out of yourself, filled with loneliness, deprivation, insanity, and other things like this, without "Problems" from others and so on? Adopt the Jewish "Left Hand Path" to the fullest extent live like a fool, and die.

Did I say not to help others? No, I said to choose yourself first and foremost so that one can be in a better position to help others if they choose. For the sake of the goal, you have to first choose yourself over others and uplift yourself into positions over them. How can you help anyone if you don't stand above them? Does anyone take your words seriously if you don't have a university degree? No. They believe they are your equal, and that you don't know better than them even when you do. To be a leader you have to choose yourself to uplift over others in order to reach your hand down to them rather than reaching up to them in a pleading fashion.

Some people are so low in level that there is no helping them in this life, and I advocated for people to let go and accept that fact. There are some people who just cannot be helped no matter what. They're too low and too stupid. No one can deny this, and one's efforts would be less wasted and better applied elsewhere to help those who actually matter and are good for this world. It's a matter of choosing the right seed that you want to water for its growth. Do you want people who are utterly useless trash specimens who won't possibly amount to anything great and have a very tight cap on their potential which limits them to unbelievably low levels, is that who you want to cause to grow by investing your time and energy in them? Or do you want to cause to blossom the seed of the worthy ones who will give tremendously large fruits to the world as they grow, and are hands down the best time investment? You only have so much time in this current life in this world, so who are you going to spend it on? Whose growth are you going to foster and nurture? Useless idiots who are nothing? Or people who have the potential to rise in consciousness in THIS life, not 50 lifetimes down the road, and who actually give a damn about the world they're in?

You're so afraid of nihilism that you work so hard to reject the very concept of it to make yourself comfortable. You call this a synthesis? Don't make me laugh. Everything exists in a void, space that was previously unfilled. The ordered Cosmos was created within the space of the chaotic, unordered universe. Everything seeks to fill nothing with itself. Before something is created, what is filling its shape? Before a baby is created, is there a chalk outline in the air of that baby? No. The baby filled the empty space with its creation. This is the same with philosophical meaning. Every life is unique and has a different perspective of the world around itself. In this way, every individual life is like its own work of art and thus its own (subjective) meaning. To say that there is an objective meaning to life that supersedes that is absurd. This is said by people who are afraid of emptiness, and afraid of no longer having the meaning of their life prescribed to them by others. If you can't give yourself meaning, if you can't come up with your own meaning to your own life then inevitably someone else will do it for you, and you will even seek this out of fear. What do you bring to the greater whole of existence? That's the only objective meaning you're going to get in that regard because it's tangible and observable in the fruits of your labor. Other than that you will have to become a painter of your own canvas if you want subjective meaning. That's the purpose of art - to craft your own meaning. And your own life is a work of art. You fill the emptiness with the way you live your life every day of your existence, just as the sun fills the darkness with its light every day of its existence.

There's another part of this as well. Those that are conquered by another lose their art, their meaning. They get filled with the meaning of the victor. Everything in existence fights for the right to fill the space around it with itself, and this is true down to the smallest parts of matter like atoms. That which yields gets filled and overwritten. This is the nature and purpose of all wars and war itself. To fight for the existence and/or supremacy of your ideas, your ideals, your meaning, your art. This is why you become what you tolerate. If you refuse to do war upon that which opposes you then you will allow them within yourself. To insist upon harmony is an ironic contradiction, because you're imposing the lack of imposition, or rather begging for it which is just an exercise in futility, or perhaps comedy if you are trying to amuse Nature herself. We cannot tolerate the existence of our enemies nor their ideas. We must destroy them and destroy their meaning, and send their meaning back to the void of nihilism and emptiness, and then fill that vacant yielded space with ourselves.

Satan is the greatest warrior and leader. He is the most high and the most powerful. His meaning is absolute, and we are fighting for the right to return the world to it.

The self, the outer world, the individual, the family, the Nation, other people's - etc, all of these can be made to exist in a harmony.
Nope. Not until we change them. Not until they are Satanic. There can be no harmony at this present time, and I don't want their terribly tuned shitty instruments in the band until they improve themselves and open up to Father Satan, and yield and relinquish their inferior ideas and meanings.

Fuck the weak if they're not willing to submit, change and learn. Return them to nothingness. Fill the gap of emptiness they leave behind with better creations. If someone has made it this far to these forums then it means they are worth nurturing and are better than 99% of humanity right now. They are the worthy seeds to water and grow.

Objective meaning is called Truth. It's the observance of Nature, the movement principle of the Cosmos and its various laws and functions. It's the real accounting of events in the ordered universe. Anything beyond this is simply your own coloring that you give to it and falls under the category of subjective meaning. Is there a grand purpose to life? Yeah, it's called evolution. Advancement. Growing beyond basic molecules into something bigger, greater and more complex. It's forward movement. The jews push for backward movement which is in direct opposition to Nature. If you can't convince or force someone to go forward in movement instead of backwards then they are not worth your time. They are literally a waste of resources to sustain their worthless, meaningless life.
Point of conception. Everything was accomplished a long time ago. Everyone was conceived in Superconsciouness,so you are already all knowing, accomplished. Life is more of an unfolding process, like a seed. A seed already has everything in it,it just has to unfold into a tree and bear fruit. It's already accomplished. This is the same with man,the difference is that you have free will,so you can dictate how fast you unfold. This is what Yogic practices do. Everyone is unfolding,even in engaging in foolishness they are learning and maturing. There's nothing man is lacking because we Superconscious beings,this was established a long,long,long time ago. The only thing man lacks is he/she doesn't KNOW THY SELF. The Self being God in them,the Eternal Sustainer of all that exists. Yoga is more of a realisation process of the Union you already have with God,which was established at the point of conception,and you and God are inseparable. There's nothing really to learn all knowledge is already in you. Tat Tvam Asi meaning Thou Art That. Learning , studying and so on is based on the illusion of the intellectual , emotional mind which seeks to learn and enjoy through the physical body senses. But in Truth there's nothing to learn,you already know,and the enjoyment of the emotional physical sensory mind is based on the illusion of physical existence. Illusion because it's not permanent,it's constantly changing,and will eventually get absorbed back into Siva/God. So you can't get permanent bliss ,joy from the illusion of physical senses, material objects. Only in THAT which has never changed,will never change and is Eternal Truth. IT evolves everything into Itself but IT is Itself is detached meaning not affected by the changes in Nature, doesn't evolve but it evolves everything. You can call IT God, Brahman,Siva,Vishnu and so on. You are That very Essence. Yoga is the withdrawal of Awareness (Your Awareness is God Itself) to experience God within yourself in the highest Absolute Reality. Sometimes called the Void,Chaos,ParaSiva,WuChi ( in Taoism) and so on. IT is beyond the Superconscious Light of the soul. Timeless, spaceless,formless. Superconscious Light this you where conceived in IT,you have experience of IT,and everyone experiences this when they die. The Astral is Superconscious. But to unfold further past this level on Earth to higher planets and realms,ParaSiva has to be consciously experienced. This requires a physical body, because your soul body needs to anchor or merge into the physical body for one to successfully withdraw their Awareness to experience ,ParaSiva the Absolute within themselves. They are 21 more Chakras above the Crown Chakra ,which can only be accessed when ParaSiva is experienced in the Crown Chakra. Of these 21 Chakras you have access to 7 above the Crown Chakra while on Earth. It's these 7 above that are used to unfold the Golden Light Siva Soul Body,which is formed as one has more and more ParaSiva experiences. When it's fully formed ,it then descends and your soul body merges into It. (When this happens Kundalini permanently settles at the Crown Chakra).This is the Golden Soul Body that is used to complete the Magnum Opus. It's only with this Golden Soul Body that you can gain access to higher realms and planets where you keep evolving to access the higher Chakras. Godhead is something to be realised not attained,you already have it. The problem is external attachment of Awareness, because of limited Intellectual, Emotional physical body consciousness. People are too externalised, that's the problem,they embrace the physical illusion of the 5 senses too much. This lowers the consciousness. To rise in consciousness ,is to to tame the senses ,withdraw and internalise Awareness to experience God within you. This is the Yoga,to have the highest conscious experience of the Union you already have with God. This takes tremendous Will. That's why you can't force on anyone, people will come to it when they are ready. Man already has everything he needs,this was established a long, long time ago,the only thing man lacks is he doesn't Know Thy Self,the Self being ParaSiva,the Absolute Reality. You already have this. Tat Tvam Asi,Thou Art That ,now Realise IT.
Hitler - "Truth will be the final victor in this struggle,Truth however is with us."
No Fear
jrvan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Regardless, the foolish LHP where most people are merely too weak for any of this, they hide themselves into a cave, and deny the outer world. They build a foolish religion of the lower consciousness around "Themselves" and call this a revolt against the "Right Hand Path" which is a path of relinquishing the self and becoming a mindless being.

Between the two, the LHP will look better to most people, but that doesn't make it correct. It still remains an unbalanced stated.

Anything I ever do honestly here, is only open up about my thoughts and journey so that those before or even those after may gain more from me. Temptations and foolishness such as "Focus only on yourself", "Abandon others and everyone", "Do not care for the weaker" and so on, are not for me.

You want to create a living torment out of yourself, filled with loneliness, deprivation, insanity, and other things like this, without "Problems" from others and so on? Adopt the Jewish "Left Hand Path" to the fullest extent live like a fool, and die.

Did I say not to help others? No, I said to choose yourself first and foremost so that one can be in a better position to help others if they choose. For the sake of the goal, you have to first choose yourself over others and uplift yourself into positions over them. How can you help anyone if you don't stand above them? Does anyone take your words seriously if you don't have a university degree? No. They believe they are your equal, and that you don't know better than them even when you do. To be a leader you have to choose yourself to uplift over others in order to reach your hand down to them rather than reaching up to them in a pleading fashion.

Some people are so low in level that there is no helping them in this life, and I advocated for people to let go and accept that fact. There are some people who just cannot be helped no matter what. They're too low and too stupid. No one can deny this, and one's efforts would be less wasted and better applied elsewhere to help those who actually matter and are good for this world. It's a matter of choosing the right seed that you want to water for its growth. Do you want people who are utterly useless trash specimens who won't possibly amount to anything great and have a very tight cap on their potential which limits them to unbelievably low levels, is that who you want to cause to grow by investing your time and energy in them? Or do you want to cause to blossom the seed of the worthy ones who will give tremendously large fruits to the world as they grow, and are hands down the best time investment? You only have so much time in this current life in this world, so who are you going to spend it on? Whose growth are you going to foster and nurture? Useless idiots who are nothing? Or people who have the potential to rise in consciousness in THIS life, not 50 lifetimes down the road, and who actually give a damn about the world they're in?

You're so afraid of nihilism that you work so hard to reject the very concept of it to make yourself comfortable. You call this a synthesis? Don't make me laugh. Everything exists in a void, space that was previously unfilled. The ordered Cosmos was created within the space of the chaotic, unordered universe. Everything seeks to fill nothing with itself. Before something is created, what is filling its shape? Before a baby is created, is there a chalk outline in the air of that baby? No. The baby filled the empty space with its creation. This is the same with philosophical meaning. Every life is unique and has a different perspective of the world around itself. In this way, every individual life is like its own work of art and thus its own (subjective) meaning. To say that there is an objective meaning to life that supersedes that is absurd. This is said by people who are afraid of emptiness, and afraid of no longer having the meaning of their life prescribed to them by others. If you can't give yourself meaning, if you can't come up with your own meaning to your own life then inevitably someone else will do it for you, and you will even seek this out of fear. What do you bring to the greater whole of existence? That's the only objective meaning you're going to get in that regard because it's tangible and observable in the fruits of your labor. Other than that you will have to become a painter of your own canvas if you want subjective meaning. That's the purpose of art - to craft your own meaning. And your own life is a work of art. You fill the emptiness with the way you live your life every day of your existence, just as the sun fills the darkness with its light every day of its existence.

There's another part of this as well. Those that are conquered by another lose their art, their meaning. They get filled with the meaning of the victor. Everything in existence fights for the right to fill the space around it with itself, and this is true down to the smallest parts of matter like atoms. That which yields gets filled and overwritten. This is the nature and purpose of all wars and war itself. To fight for the existence and/or supremacy of your ideas, your ideals, your meaning, your art. This is why you become what you tolerate. If you refuse to do war upon that which opposes you then you will allow them within yourself. To insist upon harmony is an ironic contradiction, because you're imposing the lack of imposition, or rather begging for it which is just an exercise in futility, or perhaps comedy if you are trying to amuse Nature herself. We cannot tolerate the existence of our enemies nor their ideas. We must destroy them and destroy their meaning, and send their meaning back to the void of nihilism and emptiness, and then fill that vacant yielded space with ourselves.

Satan is the greatest warrior and leader. He is the most high and the most powerful. His meaning is absolute, and we are fighting for the right to return the world to it.

The self, the outer world, the individual, the family, the Nation, other people's - etc, all of these can be made to exist in a harmony.
Nope. Not until we change them. Not until they are Satanic. There can be no harmony at this present time, and I don't want their terribly tuned shitty instruments in the band until they improve themselves and open up to Father Satan, and yield and relinquish their inferior ideas and meanings.

Fuck the weak if they're not willing to submit, change and learn. Return them to nothingness. Fill the gap of emptiness they leave behind with better creations. If someone has made it this far to these forums then it means they are worth nurturing and are better than 99% of humanity right now. They are the worthy seeds to water and grow.

Objective meaning is called Truth. It's the observance of Nature, the movement principle of the Cosmos and its various laws and functions. It's the real accounting of events in the ordered universe. Anything beyond this is simply your own coloring that you give to it and falls under the category of subjective meaning. Is there a grand purpose to life? Yeah, it's called evolution. Advancement. Growing beyond basic molecules into something bigger, greater and more complex. It's forward movement. The jews push for backward movement which is in direct opposition to Nature. If you can't convince or force someone to go forward in movement instead of backwards then they are not worth your time. They are literally a waste of resources to sustain their worthless, meaningless life.

"Did I say", but was I replying to you in the post? If you made a post with relevant topic, or if you assume that was the case, then it was not the case.

I do not understand.

All this nonsensical and rather argumentative response which merely repeats what has already been given, did you post something and you considered this a personal reply to yourself? If you took this so, or even considered it an answer [or even insulting], do not think this is the case as I have not read some specific post nor this is a reply in one. If there is one, you can send it though.

How does nihilism reflect the supernal void? What also makes you think that this void represents the nihilism of human garbage that has left themselves down a slide?

The absurdities that this purposefulness and precision arise from your ignorance of the first points of the post. You "philosphize" [mentally] what I explain is philosophy of the spirit. That cannot happen, and is a partial explanation of the domain of the thought.

Your nonsense comes from low understanding of the spiritual laws. You understand the laws of the lower domains, but not of the higher domains yet. Seeing them might help.

And yes, the "baby" you are about to make doesn't come out of vacant space, it already exists as an outline in a higher dimensional plane as it arrives here. As higher dimensions precede also in "time", they can affect the birth of a baby.

You don't like the idea that this baby might have existed as a "Vacant chalk" ready to be created, but you are even as naive to think that it's creation, which was predated by a thought, came indeed out of nowhere. In fact, you chose to create the blueprint of this in an unconscious level. There is your "chalk". The action comes later on to fill this.

There is, whether any being likes it or not, an objective meaning to life. That is why Satan matters and the Gods matter, because they are closer to this meaning, to power, and to many other things.

This is not about you serving Satan and wanting to impose this as over something and extends further. Yet these intellectualism are really important for human life, the human future, ourselves, our lives, etc. This is explained as the concept of Maat in Egyptian literature, which is by far the most mystical concept.

Even animals are consciously aware of the process of this "meaning", and even worms. Only human beings make up subjective nonsense that they believe is superimposed on the universe, or believe there is no meaning to life or existence, merely because this is yet another mental construct of theirs in which they can be lost into.

Their "life" from the perspective of the universe, did indeed have meaning. But they did not become of awareness of it. Clearly, based on the universe, even dust exists for some reason. We humans don't have to make this adoption. Yet, humans are unavoidably a part of this greater "mind", and this "mind".

Lastly, even the thing you falsely call "void" [which is a theoretical concept] does not exist. Even the mere thinking of a "void", instantly changes a void. There is therefore no such real "void" that is conceivable. The void is mostly a concept.

Sorry for breaking the subjective bubble that every person loves nowadays, but yes, there is an in-depth meaning to creation and that is called in Egyptian Maat. That is however a philosophical concept [and therefore one of the most difficult to ascertain, in contrast to "philosophical" concepts which are merely verbal constructs].

The universe existing for no reason or farted out of nowhere with everything happening in it as a randomized result, is not what any person who has a conception of mathematics, movements of planets, or the universe of itself, would come as an end with. Humans just have come with these things as part of their own limited perception capacity.

The harmony and unity between things comes when they are of the same species, volition, and many other factors, which too fall inside the universal parameters of sense, logic, and "mind" as a notion.

Therefore this form of unity and harmony is representative of the inverse of the enemy, who supports an empty and "relativist" approach over which they try to impose that the universe is a jewish fart out of a jewish ass, or who have even went as far as to say that the Universe doesn't work on math or is purposeless and just a jewish simulation so beings can be farmed.

This was based on the very same perception that you describe with wars etc, but the Ancient Cultures did not perceive the universe in this way, nor they were that shallow. Only jews have adopted this poor brain logic. And even them know that it's a lie, privately working on the known parameters of laws, logic and mathematical notion that permeate this universe and reflect what we refer to as it's "meaning".

They in other words used all these lower laws that you describe [and defend] to temporarily impose themselves, knowing in full these were not really any "Truth", or arguably even lacking the soul parts to comprehend it.

I hope this reply clarified a few things.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I fight ideas, not people. I don't have a single problem with you, and I don't intend to direct anything negative at you. I don't know the answers. I don't know the path forward. I just do my best to figure it all out for myself in the dark like I've always done since I was little. All my life I've been wanting people and the world to make sense, and nobody could or would ever give me the answers I needed until I came here.

When something doesn't sound quite right to me, I challenge it. I desire to get closer to the truth, always. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong, but I gave it my best shot. I pitted my ideas against your own. You might be right that I have no idea what nihilism is as all I have to go on is an internet definition: the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I'll read Nietzsche's works then. I've only ever relied on myself and my own mind before to figure things out, but perhaps it's time to take a better look beyond the surface of renowned philosophers.

The answer to your first question is inconsequential, and I don't want to answer it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The self, the outer world, the individual, the family, the Nation, other people's - etc, all of these can be made to exist in a harmony.

jrvan said:
Nope. Not until we change them. Not until they are Satanic. There can be no harmony at this present time, and I don't want their terribly tuned shitty instruments in the band until they improve themselves and open up to Father Satan, and yield and relinquish their inferior ideas and meanings.

Fuck the weak if they're not willing to submit, change and learn. Return them to nothingness. Fill the gap of emptiness they leave behind with better creations. If someone has made it this far to these forums then it means they are worth nurturing and are better than 99% of humanity right now. They are the worthy seeds to water and grow.

Objective meaning is called Truth. It's the observance of Nature, the movement principle of the Cosmos and its various laws and functions. It's the real accounting of events in the ordered universe. Anything beyond this is simply your own coloring that you give to it and falls under the category of subjective meaning. Is there a grand purpose to life? Yeah, it's called evolution. Advancement. Growing beyond basic molecules into something bigger, greater and more complex. It's forward movement. The jews push for backward movement which is in direct opposition to Nature. If you can't convince or force someone to go forward in movement instead of backwards then they are not worth your time. They are literally a waste of resources to sustain their worthless, meaningless life.

I know that's what is said even in the quoted aspect. It says that they can be made, ie, that they are to be made. They certainly are not right now. Yet, even this disorganized situation is still somehow a bad symphony that can keep playing.

Jews do indeed push "monotheism" and the lack of all complexity [essentially destruction of all creation, and saying that this is "gods will"]. This is the inverse way from what the universe clearly intends, which is to spring outwards.

I don't understand if these comments are adding commentary for conversation [which they most definitely do], or if these are intended to highlight some sort of errant point of thought. Either way, that is good to know and I find the conversation great.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I hope this reply clarified a few things.

Yes it did. Thank you very much.
jrvan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I hope this reply clarified a few things.

Yes it did. Thank you very much.

Philosophy of the mind [like Nietszche] is one thing. The other aspect here is to increase one's inner power to understand through real Philosophy. When the Ancients spoke of "Philosophy", they did not only talk about the intellectual aspect, but also about the meditative aspect, for this reason, the biggest "Philosophers" where also initiates and meditators. Not all of them, but the best ones.

All of the nonsense that calls Plato a "moralist" is not merely moral bullshit, but codes and practices for ascending the Soul. It's just that these translations of poor content took flesh and blood out of the nonsense of Christianity, which imposed a false "morality" code that had nothing to do with reality, nature, the universe etc, but was merely an illogical program meant to crack people's minds.

An example: Protect the weak in Christian concept implies: not checking any usefulness, help the robber and the criminal, being unnatural, becoming a slave of the weak, protect indiscriminately, all deadly advice.

Protect the weak in Pagan concept: Protect from injustice, understand that people have times of strength and weakness, protect the elderly [for their service in the previous phase of a civilization], protect the babies [because they are the new life], etc etc.

What people do here is they generally pick the "protect the weak", without however minding the parameters of said thinking system. While the first system has nothing to do with natural laws, it's considered "moral", and that's why it's considered "moral", because "morality" since the time of Christianity is nonsense that has nothing got to do with reality whatsoever.

It was merely generated without having to do anything with the laws of the universe, creation or existence, and it's actually against this. Therefore, Nietzsche said famously "To hell with morality", and that "morals" [which is a title exclusively was claimed by Christianity and it's fake teachings] should be "Done with". He regarded this a normal consequence that would eventually arrive, because exactly of the foul morals and falsehoods of Christianity.

When Nietzsche wrote his work, he deconstructed this shitty arguments of xianity [and pointed to existence as a form of open and so on - in contrast to fake Christian "Morals" that have nothing to do with reality, evolution, existence etc].

From this he created a term popularly mistaken for "Nihilism", describing the idea that man, as a natural existing being, must set forth morals for himself and others [which is what all Ancient Civilizations did, and in extent, the Gods did with us, but based on the nature of things, so they never said "LOVE YOUR ENEMY" and other shit like this].

I think you will find Nietzsche very pleasing. Reading his works, even if you might not agree, you might find useful tidbits in them.

In the end of the day anything that is written or presented here is meant to help with opening of people's eyes, be this that it brings some to challenge, or others to agree and to engage.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I notice that these kinds of clashing of ideas are actually pretty helpful most of the time, (when done in non-aggressive fashions with the intention of digging deeper into understanding like now). I don't imagine it's all that easy for everyone to clear out old ways of thinking if there's nothing but head nodding at a post and believing you get it, then walking away truly not having much sink in. I like to take these kinds of posts as a test, even if that's not what they're about.

Do we truly understand the knowledge you're telling us? Or does it go in one ear and out the other because we don't speak up about our own thoughts regarding the information, and allow for further expansion of information and understanding the way you're offering to jrvan here? Like feedback essentially to show where everyone is at and where to take the sermon further. Without laying our current set of cards on the table, willing to discard them in favor of new cards if they are wrong, then we don't learn much or get much out of a sermon when the topics is discussing certain points beyond our current understandings, and the old deck of cards remains warped and unfinished.

I guess there might not be much point in me saying that right now, but it's there for anyone who doesn't feel comfortable questioning information (respectfully).
Violin and drums could sound horrific, or it could sound beautiful, when done correctly. Take this amazing album for example, Enjoy Eternal Bliss by Yndi Halda. Definitely worth a listen.

Also, I know what you meant and I appreciate the analogy. I just want to share this great piece of music with more people, which in my opinion, is severely underrated.
tabby said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I notice that these kinds of clashing of ideas are actually pretty helpful most of the time, (when done in non-aggressive fashions with the intention of digging deeper into understanding like now). I don't imagine it's all that easy for everyone to clear out old ways of thinking if there's nothing but head nodding at a post and believing you get it, then walking away truly not having much sink in. I like to take these kinds of posts as a test, even if that's not what they're about.

Do we truly understand the knowledge you're telling us? Or does it go in one ear and out the other because we don't speak up about our own thoughts regarding the information, and allow for further expansion of information and understanding the way you're offering to jrvan here? Like feedback essentially to show where everyone is at and where to take the sermon further. Without laying our current set of cards on the table, willing to discard them in favor of new cards if they are wrong, then we don't learn much or get much out of a sermon when the topics is discussing certain points beyond our current understandings, and the old deck of cards remains warped and unfinished.

I guess there might not be much point in me saying that right now, but it's there for anyone who doesn't feel comfortable questioning information (respectfully).

Certainly, that is the reason of the posts in themselves.

The important aspect before discourse however, is knowing what one will discourse about, or asking for clarifications and other things like this, such as the context of a topic.

If there is a lack of understanding of some things, the issue with "debate" is as pointless thin air. Because it does not really aim for articulation or to explain anything, but just to pointlessly react. That is not part of any serious conversation, granted the person who initiates this might claim this to be the case.

Most people just don't do this because it's a pain to do so. For example, it is far more painful to get into the knowing of an idea [and therefore understand what another tries to tell you], than to just react and so on.

I would definitely desire honesty and questions [even on the limits of attacks], but it has to be on good merit and good intention.

The best type of conversation also occurs when someone has a broad idea of the other person as a person, or their work.

That is why I find internet arguing and so on of no merit. Most people do this for reasons to relieve themselves of whatever, and in an attempt to prove certain things to themselves [such as that they can argue] while it is rarely the intention to learn anything [that is a pain in the ass and would elevate something beyond an argument].
Charlotte61903 said:
Violin and drums could sound horrific, or it could sound beautiful, when done correctly. Take this amazing album for example, Enjoy Eternal Bliss by Yndi Halda. Definitely worth a listen.

Also, I know what you meant and I appreciate the analogy. I just want to share this great piece of music with more people, which in my opinion, is severely underrated.

Indeed, not only it can sound terrible, but even unbearable. That is the "sound" of most of our present society, with discordant and disharmonious tunes everywhere. By changing our inner sound, we reconnect to the order of the universe. There is no disharmony in it.

It is a well known fact that this condition results and exaggerates itself when the "Fall" of a consciousness is present, the highest discordant sounds being suffering and plight, destruction, bad mutation - however one wants to call this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
