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Satan, The "One God" and "Monotheism"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Satanic Truth said:
In many ways Abraxas appears to be a symbol for God itself. Any comment on this?

All Gods are symbols of the unified akasha, not only Abrasax. Beelzebul is oftentimes called the "One God", same as Astarte and so on. That is a codeword to point to the Aether.

This is a concept of meditation too that the meditator has to understand. That's why Abrasax is important among other reasons. Monotheism later on corrupted this well known Truth of the past to create slave systems where "one god" was enforced as a literal reality, while there are many Gods and the unified akasha is a principle, not a deity.

All of these concepts were later taken and perverted to no end. The 3rd eye is commonly called "The only real God" and other statements are used in prayers and litanies of the Ancient Religions. This is to create emphasis and behind these statements there is a lot of spiritual depth the initiate has to understand.

In Spiritual Satanism, we go further than merely "God". Father Satan's Name is based on the Satya [Truth] and the five letters of the 5 elements of the cosmos. This moves beyond the real of what is known, encompassing it completely, and then encompassing fully what cannot even be comprehended, what there is, is not, and never will be, but also what will be.

As one can see, to impose a "monotheistic system" is just political bullshit and incompatible with reality. The slavery based and slavish worship religions of the enemy, preach constantly that one spook like Allah or Jesus is all one needs to "believe in", just "worship" like a slave does, do nothing for one's self, and one is an eternal slave to this "unknown".

Spiritual Satanism draws humanity to these higher levels so that we can grow, we are partakers of creation, under the hierarchy of the Gods, and we move upwards and learn. Our version of "worship" is like fellowship, brotherhood, attachment to what is better, self growth and advancement to transform.

In Hinduism, Shiva who is Satan has all the similar connotations, which are meant to exercise the mind and make a human to understand about infinity. Even in the enemy teachings, or even in the enemy's stolen teachings from us, "Lucifer" leads to God. I am a follower of Satan and yes, Satan Lucifer does lead to "God" or the Godhead; and He is incomprehensible.

When people ask me if I "Believe in God", I say definitely yes, because I have known and have "experienced" God. And because what the deceived believe to be as "God" is definitely not "God", they lie to themselves, but this lying does not matter.

We Satanists are a spiritual people and a people of the Gods, we are not godless. The enemy's words are only good for their duped followers. They believe they follow "morals", "god", even have the audacity to say they are "spiritual". They lie to themselves and they know it, but they need the lying in their life, that if they just "believe in da lawd" this will earn them whatever just because they must worship the "ONE" jew or something.

In the eyes of the real divinites, the above is the fall of the lowest levels of consciousness. It is not related to the awareness of God or the Godhead whatsoever.

We are only "godless devils" in the definition of the enemy, which is a definition borne of lies and is collapsed in the eyes of the Divine, which knows all and sees all.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Satanic Truth said:
In many ways Abraxas appears to be a symbol for God itself. Any comment on this?

All Gods are symbols of the unified akasha, not only Abrasax. Beelzebul is oftentimes called the "One God", same as Astarte and so on. That is a codeword to point to the Aether.

This is a concept of meditation too that the meditator has to understand. That's why Abrasax is important among other reasons. Monotheism later on corrupted this well known Truth of the past to create slave systems where "one god" was enforced as a literal reality, while there are many Gods and the unified akasha is a principle, not a deity.

All of these concepts were later taken and perverted to no end. The 3rd eye is commonly called "The only real God" and other statements are used in prayers and litanies of the Ancient Religions. This is to create emphasis and behind these statements there is a lot of spiritual depth the initiate has to understand.

In Spiritual Satanism, we go further than merely "God". Father Satan's Name is based on the Satya [Truth] and the five letters of the 5 elements of the cosmos. This moves beyond the real of what is known, encompassing it completely, and then encompassing fully what cannot even be comprehended, what there is, is not, and never will be, but also what will be.

As one can see, to impose a "monotheistic system" is just political bullshit and incompatible with reality. The slavery based and slavish worship religions of the enemy, preach constantly that one spook like Allah or Jesus is all one needs to "believe in", just "worship" like a slave does, do nothing for one's self, and one is an eternal slave to this "unknown".

Spiritual Satanism draws humanity to these higher levels so that we can grow, we are partakers of creation, under the hierarchy of the Gods, and we move upwards and learn. Our version of "worship" is like fellowship, brotherhood, attachment to what is better, self growth and advancement to transform.

In Hinduism, Shiva who is Satan has all the similar connotations, which are meant to exercise the mind and make a human to understand about infinity. Even in the enemy teachings, or even in the enemy's stolen teachings from us, "Lucifer" leads to God. I am a follower of Satan and yes, Satan Lucifer does lead to "God" or the Godhead; and He is incomprehensible.

When people ask me if I "Believe in God", I say definitely yes, because I have known and have "experienced" God. And because what the deceived believe to be as "God" is definitely not "God", they lie to themselves, but this lying does not matter.

We Satanists are a spiritual people and a people of the Gods, we are not godless. The enemy's words are only good for their duped followers. They believe they follow "morals", "god", even have the audacity to say they are "spiritual". They lie to themselves and they know it, but they need the lying in their life, that if they just "believe in da lawd" this will earn them whatever just because they must worship the "ONE" jew or something.

In the eyes of the real divinites, the above is the fall of the lowest levels of consciousness. It is not related to the awareness of God or the Godhead whatsoever.

We are only "godless devils" in the definition of the enemy, which is a definition borne of lies and is collapsed in the eyes of the Divine, which knows all and sees all.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is a very beautiful sermon. As a child, or teenager, when I thought about the concept of a single god, the thought flashed through my head that Satan is The Supreme, Main God. I think that the soul of each person contains much more knowledge about himself than we think. I think that because of all the confusion that the jews have imposed on humanity, people will not get to the bottom of the truth until they find JoS. I see that the jews have set a lot of traps for those who seek the truth about Satanism in paper books and Internet sources, the jews set up nets to take the seekers of truth to the wrong place, or to impose lies about Satanism, the jews do this through pseudo-satanic groups.
I had just yesterday considered the AL Jilwah in New Light, based upon many different concepts I have meditated upon.

When I do my RTRs, I do imagine that Satan does speak through me, that I am a physical manifestation of his will. This direct link to God, is within and all around.

"Who hast created man to reflect in thine own image and likeness"
However, A man without knowledge of his soul cannot claim to be "Godlike".
Even without the knowledge of Truth, again one cannot claim to be of "God".

If one acts contrary to God, he is obviously not Godlike. But Actions and Essence are not barriers for God, his will is complete, throughout all.
"There is no place in the universe that knows not my presence."

I begin to believe, from the quotes within the Al Jilwah, he has become Nature itself, and he describes the "Eternal Truths"
"If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort."

"Those who oppose me I afflict with disease; but my own shall not die like the sons of Adam that are without. None shall live in this world longer than the time set by me;"

"But those who are without are my adversaries, hence they oppose me."
Thanks for the great post HP, this was very informative.

I have one brief question. What do you mean by 'all Gods are represented by unified akasha/aether/(quintessence)?' I read (in Vedic Hinduism) that it is the 5th element that makes up the source of the other 4 elements and surrounds them throughout space, thus in a way holding them together.

On the forums I read that it is an ultraviolet substance that can pull in vast amounts of energy and thin the veils of astral communication. There's also an updated 6th chakra meditation (from HPS Maxine & Blitzerkreig) I recently came across that uses this ultraviolet-coloured energy, though I understand the 6th chakra to be indigo (bluish-violet colour).

Also (FancyMancy stated): The Universe is a vibrational Aether field which consists of numbers, geometry, sound, light, electromagnetism.

So the aether creates all this, like atoms create cells? I'll try to learn more on ancient Greece and the Vedas as much of our knowledge can be found there.
The underlying eternal Unchanging essence of everything. That is Truth, that is God. Pagans never denied the existence of God. The Abrahamic Faiths just want to deny the existence of the Gods. Who are created beings and are in the likeness and maturity of the Supreme Soul that is God difference being they are created ,God /Shiva is not. That's why they where called the Sons of God by the Ancients.
That which is giving you the sense of existence ,that's God. That's Awareness. You yourself you are God. Now the intellectual mind and the ego it produces combined with instinctive limited physical body awareness, will make you doubt this. And if one believes in God ,they will think they are separate from God. This is false ego and is of lower consciousness, particularly physical body consciousness with God or Atma Consciousness obscured.
So yes the Gods of course identify themselves as God and so are you. The difference is just in maturity of our soul bodies. It's about understanding the anatomy of yourself also. It's God who is powering you,your thoughts,your actions and is the Supreme Source powering you at your core. If this was not so then the Yoga wouldn't be possible and wouldn't make sense. Then we are all
just wasting our time here. It's about understanding what Yoga actually is. It's based on the fact that you are Brahman,the withdraw of Awareness into Atma within you.
Read autobiography of a Self Realised yogin. A Self Realised (Kundalini rising to the crown chakra) yogin will boldly
identify and say they are God,without separation.
A Rishi is one who is able to withdraw their Awareness completely into God within themselves , negating their individual ego and when they speak in that state, it's not their individual ego but God speaking. Such comes after Self Realisation and the maturity of the individual soul body that it brings.
This of course is child's play for the Gods (who are created beings) ,so of course every God will identify with God and rightly so.
Often as an aspirant for the Yoga ,one may often identify with their individual ego personality and Atma God powering them. A Self Realised soul,a Jnani ( one who has Realised ) will just identify with God or as God Brahman boldly and will even tell other aspirants that they are also God , difference being they haven't just had a full Conscious Realisation of this,so they doubt this. Because of ego,which is ignorance.
If you doubt this just read autobiography of Self Realised yogin. They are very few in this age ,but they are there. The planet always has such.
Bravera said:
I had just yesterday considered the AL Jilwah in New Light, based upon many different concepts I have meditated upon.

When I do my RTRs, I do imagine that Satan does speak through me, that I am a physical manifestation of his will. This direct link to God, is within and all around.

"Who hast created man to reflect in thine own image and likeness"
However, A man without knowledge of his soul cannot claim to be "Godlike".
Even without the knowledge of Truth, again one cannot claim to be of "God".

If one acts contrary to God, he is obviously not Godlike. But Actions and Essence are not barriers for God, his will is complete, throughout all.
"There is no place in the universe that knows not my presence."

I begin to believe, from the quotes within the Al Jilwah, he has become Nature itself, and he describes the "Eternal Truths"
"If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort."

"Those who oppose me I afflict with disease; but my own shall not die like the sons of Adam that are without. None shall live in this world longer than the time set by me;"

"But those who are without are my adversaries, hence they oppose me."

Each one of the Gods, are both actual beings, and are allegories found in Nature, because they are in tune with the God force of this Universe. For example, Astarte the being and Astarte as the symbol of the power of life, creation, Spring, harvest, birth.

Each person who becomes a God has a power within them, an allegory that future generations will learn from you, from your own God force within you. And each one is different, yet interconnected, but unique, autonomous and sentient.
You'd think after hearing no replies from "muh jesus" it would be pretty obvious.

For the first time ever, Lady Astarte came to me. Yesterday I was re-reading her page and she came to me, along with Lady Agares, I could feel her there too, and she said "Join us "my name", I went on to say that I am happy she has finally spoken to me, and she said, "That you know of".

I guess my point is, no Christard has ever had real communication with their "God". Except for those idiots that see some "Jesus Cloud", shit themselves after and bring it up at their next church service.
Well said Brother HP HoodedCobra666. Hail Satan! Hail Abrasax! Hail Beelzebuul! Hail Astarath! Hail Valefor! ⚡❤️ Thank you for sharing!! Hail Satan Brother.
The more I read on here the more I evolve. The more I learn the more I grow in strength and power. 🍎
GoldenxChild1 said:
You'd think after hearing no replies from "muh jesus" it would be pretty obvious.

For the first time ever, Lady Astarte came to me. Yesterday I was re-reading her page and she came to me, along with Lady Agares, I could feel her there too, and she said "Join us "my name", I went on to say that I am happy she has finally spoken to me, and she said, "That you know of".

I guess my point is, no Christard has ever had real communication with their "God". Except for those idiots that see some "Jesus Cloud", shit themselves after and bring it up at their next church service.

And even for those who claim who have seen Jewsus, they are in extreme danger cuz that's straight up putting ones soul in an extremely vulnerable state. "I saw Jewsus" is the most dangerous thing one could say. And any Xtian who is proud of that is extremely deluded and in grave danger.

Meanwhile, I haven't heard a story where a Gentile encountering a Demon went wrong. Those were some of the best moments in my life, especially hearing their voice and seeing their face. And because I have, I know a lot of people who look and sound like them, maybe genetics passed down, and in a way, kinda opens ones eyes to how much potential humans actually have.
So is > The Great I Am< < An xtian thing they call there Jebojew? And I have heard that term used many times. The past few years? They either use it to build themselves up in churches. And for anybody to use for motivation in their jobs and in their skills! And in yoga classes when you practice yoga and meditation calling yourself a great I am. As in being master of your own domain. And I heard a song on YouTube were somebody is singing I am I am.... Repetitiously! As a some kind of motivation.. and I believe the person goes by the name of nargoggle...and he clames that it's a Satanic thing? Calling yourself a great I am!.. When Father Lucifer Satan is The Great I Am. Which is true. And he is. And I hear the great I am being used A LOT!! BEING the holidays and all of that! Especially around religious crowds and in churches! Do people not realize that that term? Is most definitely satanic! Referring to Father Satan! And yet they use it to glorify themselves and their jesus! And made it into something Christian and a holy for their own benefit! Especially since we're talking about Satan and his gods and demons here! And religion. And I'm not trying to change the subject here? But this is been kind of bugging me now for quiet sometime now. And I even noticed that a lot of Satan groups on social media are using that term The Great I Am Not only for father Satan but also for themselves! As well. 🤔 ? And here we are talking about monotheism and the Gods. So I just wanted to fit this in.. and see what you think? And what your opinion is on this. ?
sublimestatanist said:
Thanks for the great post HP, this was very informative.

I have one brief question. What do you mean by 'all Gods are represented by unified akasha/aether/(quintessence)?' I read (in Vedic Hinduism) that it is the 5th element that makes up the source of the other 4 elements and surrounds them throughout space, thus in a way holding them together.

On the forums I read that it is an ultraviolet substance that can pull in vast amounts of energy and thin the veils of astral communication. There's also an updated 6th chakra meditation (from HPS Maxine & Blitzerkreig) I recently came across that uses this ultraviolet-coloured energy, though I understand the 6th chakra to be indigo (bluish-violet colour).

Also (FancyMancy stated): The Universe is a vibrational Aether field which consists of numbers, geometry, sound, light, electromagnetism.

So the aether creates all this, like atoms create cells? I'll try to learn more on ancient Greece and the Vedas as much of our knowledge can be found there.

I've read many Hindu scriptures and today I'll start reading Narad Puran.

Puranas never say that 5th element Akasha is the source of other 4 elements. According to them unmanifest God is the source of every thing. Aakasha is the outermost layer of Brahmanda(universe) and the first element created by God.

Hindu concept of Akasha is Void aka nothingness. Hindu scriptures say that Akasha or void holds infinite number of universes within itself. That includes our own universe. Akasha mutates and gives birth to other elements, those elements and Akasha together form our universe.

According to Hindu scriptures, Gods and many other spiritual entities exist in our universe. They live in different Lokas. I don't know English equivalent of Loka but it may mean World. Please don't confuse Loka with Planet. I've never read about planets in Hindu scriptures. So according to Puranas our universe has many different Lokas. I've read about 14 Lokas.

And about universe being a vibrational energy field, I don't know if it's true, but I understand that numbers and geometrical shapes do not exist as seperate elements. They exist only as concepts and they need physical elements to manifest themselves. Without any physical element, there's only one number = 1 and only one shape = no shape, as without any physical thing there will be only 1 void and I think void doesn't have a shape.

I read Rigveda and Atharvaveda, they contain too many hymns. Those hymns are of religious nature as they were mainly used in Yajnas and worship of various Vedic deities.
Vedas do contain some ideas which are not contrary to science, e.g. clouds are made up of water etc. But they have many non-scientific theories like, gods loose their power and become weak if they are not worshipped by Yajnas, child conceived on odd dates will be male and on even dates will be female and many more.

And opposite of popular Hindu belief, Vedas clearly state that mythical stories of deities are symbolic. In myth of God Indra and Vritra, Indra represents indriya(sense organs) and Vritra represents kaama(desire/lust).

I read Sanskrit- Hindi translation of Vedas and puranas.
Most Hindus use Hindi translation because you know they don't understand Sanskrit. We study Sanskrit as language in school so I've got some elementary understanding but it's not much.

I know most will not believe me because of their strong belief on Hindu religion but it's what I came across while my study.
And I apologise for bad English as I'm not fluent in English but I think my English can be understood 🤪.

P.S. There are so many scriptures in Hindu religion. There are 18 puranas. After completing reading Puranas, I'll start to read Vedas again.

Puranas mention the word Arya/Aryan as title. It's not race specific. All Brahmins, kshatriya and even Vaishya can be called Arya but it's not used for Shudras.
likman666 said:
The underlying eternal Unchanging essence of everything. That is Truth, that is God. Pagans never denied the existence of God. The Abrahamic Faiths just want to deny the existence of the Gods. Who are created beings and are in the likeness and maturity of the Supreme Soul that is God difference being they are created ,God /Shiva is not. That's why they where called the Sons of God by the Ancients.
That which is giving you the sense of existence ,that's God. That's Awareness. You yourself you are God. Now the intellectual mind and the ego it produces combined with instinctive limited physical body awareness, will make you doubt this. And if one believes in God ,they will think they are separate from God. This is false ego and is of lower consciousness, particularly physical body consciousness with God or Atma Consciousness obscured.
So yes the Gods of course identify themselves as God and so are you. The difference is just in maturity of our soul bodies. It's about understanding the anatomy of yourself also. It's God who is powering you,your thoughts,your actions and is the Supreme Source powering you at your core. If this was not so then the Yoga wouldn't be possible and wouldn't make sense. Then we are all
just wasting our time here. It's about understanding what Yoga actually is. It's based on the fact that you are Brahman,the withdraw of Awareness into Atma within you.
Read autobiography of a Self Realised yogin. A Self Realised (Kundalini rising to the crown chakra) yogin will boldly
identify and say they are God,without separation.
A Rishi is one who is able to withdraw their Awareness completely into God within themselves , negating their individual ego and when they speak in that state, it's not their individual ego but God speaking. Such comes after Self Realisation and the maturity of the individual soul body that it brings.
This of course is child's play for the Gods (who are created beings) ,so of course every God will identify with God and rightly so.
Often as an aspirant for the Yoga ,one may often identify with their individual ego personality and Atma God powering them. A Self Realised soul,a Jnani ( one who has Realised ) will just identify with God or as God Brahman boldly and will even tell other aspirants that they are also God , difference being they haven't just had a full Conscious Realisation of this,so they doubt this. Because of ego,which is ignorance.
If you doubt this just read autobiography of Self Realised yogin. They are very few in this age ,but they are there. The planet always has such.

Self-realization only changes your mind's perception and without physical Yoga it's of no use in physical world. Unless your goal of yoga is to attain moksha self-realization is not necessary in physical Yoga (in my opinion).

Sanskrit-Hindi word used for 'God' is 'Ishvara'. It's a name of Lord Shiva and is also used for Vishnu and Brahma. But it's not used for other Devas. They are simply called Deva or Devta.

So only Supreme creative-destructive principal, source of all creation is called God in Hinduism. All others are Devas which are gods only through their essence and are perceived as highest manifestation of god.

Race of Devas is called 'Sura'. But not all Devas are Sura. There are many Rishi/sages, Yaksha, Pitra/Ancestral spirits and even Preta/wandering ghosts worshipped as Devas.
"God is truth" is a phrase I had to contemplate. My first reaction to that is one of disappoinment. Of course the "God" that so many people believe in is not only non-existent but also a lie, the exact opposite of truth.

I then had to correct my thinking. Yes, God is truth, but it is the real God, Satan, who is truth.

Prior to becoming a Satanist I would have thought nothing of this, if not feel irritated. Now, I can recognize that what is being said is blasphemy of the worst kind.

We may be a minority, and despite what others claim, that does not make us wrong.
This is news to me, I had no idea, but speaking of Lucifer I had good communications with him and got positive answers to my questions, especially on what is considered his birthday December 23, a completely unforgettable experience. , which I carry in my soul.

The enemy attacked me spiritually several times precisely because of my complex connection with Lucifer, after everything I mentioned here, which ended up resulting in my mental breakdown and after my recovery, I was away from Satanism and now it's as if I was being called back to the place I shouldn't have left

Still a little discouraged but I can't give up, to be very explicit that the enemy tried to elude me and blow my mind once and for all, but they couldn't, I got up and I'm back home, which in this case is the satanism.

They will never be able to deceive me, I'm sure what I am and why they hate me so much, finally Lucifer's will will be done regardless of what the enemy may try against his true followers, if I fall 10 times, I will raise 11, I will no longer be a weakling with no reaction to enemy attacks.

I'm saying this because looking back some episodes that happened before my eyes were clearly designed and created by the enemy, for some special reason they were trying to get me away from here, I have no idea why it bothers me so much.

To face the enemy you need to have a mind of steel, know how to face their attacks of senseless hatred, they are in the spotlight and on the main stage now but this won't be forever, their power will be extinguished when Lucifer true god of this world rise up here.
__20:29__Check the results of the Great Holy War against the Beasts of the Apocalypse Revelation of the Adonai Jesus Christ God and its Beasts,enjoy!_i have killed the unicorns_SantaMuerte6669/Twitter,saintarchangelmichael666/instagram,deavae/instagram_20:30_CarpeDiem_
Kavya Shukra said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
You'd think after hearing no replies from "muh jesus" it would be pretty obvious.

For the first time ever, Lady Astarte came to me. Yesterday I was re-reading her page and she came to me, along with Lady Agares, I could feel her there too, and she said "Join us "my name", I went on to say that I am happy she has finally spoken to me, and she said, "That you know of".

I guess my point is, no Christard has ever had real communication with their "God". Except for those idiots that see some "Jesus Cloud", shit themselves after and bring it up at their next church service.

And even for those who claim who have seen Jewsus, they are in extreme danger cuz that's straight up putting ones soul in an extremely vulnerable state. "I saw Jewsus" is the most dangerous thing one could say. And any Xtian who is proud of that is extremely deluded and in grave danger.

Meanwhile, I haven't heard a story where a Gentile encountering a Demon went wrong. Those were some of the best moments in my life, especially hearing their voice and seeing their face. And because I have, I know a lot of people who look and sound like them, maybe genetics passed down, and in a way, kinda opens ones eyes to how much potential humans actually have.

Yea I know a couple of people say they have "Seen Jesus", after that they are usually a lost cause.

Same here, however I have heard of a few arrogant Jews to have terrifying experiences. HPC wrote a sermon about some 1500's Jew who tried to kill Satan and Lilith by calling all the angels and failed miserably and died within the year.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Kavya Shukra said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
You'd think after hearing no replies from "muh jesus" it would be pretty obvious.

For the first time ever, Lady Astarte came to me. Yesterday I was re-reading her page and she came to me, along with Lady Agares, I could feel her there too, and she said "Join us "my name", I went on to say that I am happy she has finally spoken to me, and she said, "That you know of".

I guess my point is, no Christard has ever had real communication with their "God". Except for those idiots that see some "Jesus Cloud", shit themselves after and bring it up at their next church service.

And even for those who claim who have seen Jewsus, they are in extreme danger cuz that's straight up putting ones soul in an extremely vulnerable state. "I saw Jewsus" is the most dangerous thing one could say. And any Xtian who is proud of that is extremely deluded and in grave danger.

Meanwhile, I haven't heard a story where a Gentile encountering a Demon went wrong. Those were some of the best moments in my life, especially hearing their voice and seeing their face. And because I have, I know a lot of people who look and sound like them, maybe genetics passed down, and in a way, kinda opens ones eyes to how much potential humans actually have.

Yea I know a couple of people say they have "Seen Jesus", after that they are usually a lost cause.

Same here, however I have heard of a few arrogant Jews to have terrifying experiences. HPC wrote a sermon about some 1500's Jew who tried to kill Satan and Lilith by calling all the angels and failed miserably and died within the year.

Bruh....the number of times enemy angels have tried to stop me, harrass me, and cause unfortunate shit in my life and insert hideous thoughts into my head whenever I'm trying to buy occult stuff to try to bully me into coming back to Jew-hovah, is so insurmountable.

Yeah, and try to ask those Christurds what Jewsus ever did in this vision?

Oh right......NOTHING. Either that, or "Here, lemme show you what I'm gonna do the world!"

Godshealer7 (YouTuber) is one great example of this, I used to watch their channel (STILL working on deprogramming my life from all the BS), week by week, gets nothing but negative prophecies - shit that never comes true, or is blunted by our RTRs.

Yet, by the miracle of the Gods, I'm here, still here and will remain here.

In my house......I shall serve the Lord.......LORD SATAN.

DarkShadow said:
I've read many Hindu scriptures and today I'll start reading Narad Puran.

Puranas never say that 5th element Akasha is the source of other 4 elements. According to them unmanifest God is the source of every thing. Aakasha is the outermost layer of Brahmanda(universe) and the first element created by God.

Hindu concept of Akasha is Void aka nothingness. Hindu scriptures say that Akasha or void holds infinite number of universes within itself. That includes our own universe. Akasha mutates and gives birth to other elements, those elements and Akasha together form our universe.

According to Hindu scriptures, Gods and many other spiritual entities exist in our universe. They live in different Lokas. I don't know English equivalent of Loka but it may mean World. Please don't confuse Loka with Planet. I've never read about planets in Hindu scriptures. So according to Puranas our universe has many different Lokas. I've read about 14 Lokas.

And about universe being a vibrational energy field, I don't know if it's true, but I understand that numbers and geometrical shapes do not exist as seperate elements. They exist only as concepts and they need physical elements to manifest themselves. Without any physical element, there's only one number = 1 and only one shape = no shape, as without any physical thing there will be only 1 void and I think void doesn't have a shape.

I read Rigveda and Atharvaveda, they contain too many hymns. Those hymns are of religious nature as they were mainly used in Yajnas and worship of various Vedic deities.
Vedas do contain some ideas which are not contrary to science, e.g. clouds are made up of water etc. But they have many non-scientific theories like, gods loose their power and become weak if they are not worshipped by Yajnas, child conceived on odd dates will be male and on even dates will be female and many more.

And opposite of popular Hindu belief, Vedas clearly state that mythical stories of deities are symbolic. In myth of God Indra and Vritra, Indra represents indriya(sense organs) and Vritra represents kaama(desire/lust).

I read Sanskrit- Hindi translation of Vedas and puranas.
Most Hindus use Hindi translation because you know they don't understand Sanskrit. We study Sanskrit as language in school so I've got some elementary understanding but it's not much.

I know most will not believe me because of their strong belief on Hindu religion but it's what I came across while my study.
And I apologise for bad English as I'm not fluent in English but I think my English can be understood 🤪.

P.S. There are so many scriptures in Hindu religion. There are 18 puranas. After completing reading Puranas, I'll start to read Vedas again.

Puranas mention the word Arya/Aryan as title. It's not race specific. All Brahmins, kshatriya and even Vaishya can be called Arya but it's not used for Shudras.

Wow, this is more complex than I thought yet the way you explained it filled in many gaps for me so thank you for that.
Your English and grammar is also good and very easy to understand, especially considering it's your second language. I talk a little fancier than most people but that's how I was raised; to respect good speaking, vocabulary and expression. People frequently used to class people this way, as being 'upper-classed' vs 'lower-classed'. I just hope I'm not at times too hard to understand. :lol:

In psychology I know humans learn by association. We liken and/or contrast things to one another, hence why we try using other objects/things to describe things new to us.

I think I get the most basic idea now, that akasha is a void or form of nothingness containing many universes that then mutated and exploded, thereby spreading akasha and new elements that now make up our universe.

I've heard many times somewhere that "darkness is light" or "darkness conceals/hides light" and I could never understand it. I almost wonder if this could relate to akasha in some way.

I find the mechanism behind akasha/aether seems vaguely similar to how black holes act too.

"Over time, the black hole had begun siphoning away the atmosphere of its companion star and ejecting it into space, forming the torus of gas. This process dragged the two objects ever closer until the black hole plunged into the star, causing the star to collapse and explode as a supernova."

After this explosion occurs...

"Supernovae add enriching elements to space clouds of dust and gas, further interstellar diversity, and produce a shock wave that compresses clouds of gas to aid new star formation."


"Supernovae are so powerful they create new atomic nuclei. As a massive star collapses, it produces a shockwave that can induce fusion reactions in the star's outer shell. These fusion reactions create new atomic nuclei in a process called nucleosynthesis."

Atomic nucleus definition:

"The atomic nucleus is the small, dense region consisting of protons and neutrons at the center of an atom."

I'm sure there's no connection between the two but I think it's interesting to compare them.

Such a deep subject. Truth seeking is no easy feat but it's one I'm certain I'll forever pursue even though I'm not very knowledgeable.

I will definitely try researching the Vedas and Puranas myself. Thanks for that information and for all the rest once again. :)

Stay strong brother and hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Satanic Truth said:
In many ways Abraxas appears to be a symbol for God itself. Any comment on this?

All Gods are symbols of the unified akasha, not only Abrasax. Beelzebul is oftentimes called the "One God", same as Astarte and so on. That is a codeword to point to the Aether.

This is a concept of meditation too that the meditator has to understand. That's why Abrasax is important among other reasons. Monotheism later on corrupted this well known Truth of the past to create slave systems where "one god" was enforced as a literal reality, while there are many Gods and the unified akasha is a principle, not a deity.

All of these concepts were later taken and perverted to no end. The 3rd eye is commonly called "The only real God" and other statements are used in prayers and litanies of the Ancient Religions. This is to create emphasis and behind these statements there is a lot of spiritual depth the initiate has to understand.

In Spiritual Satanism, we go further than merely "God". Father Satan's Name is based on the Satya [Truth] and the five letters of the 5 elements of the cosmos. This moves beyond the real of what is known, encompassing it completely, and then encompassing fully what cannot even be comprehended, what there is, is not, and never will be, but also what will be.

As one can see, to impose a "monotheistic system" is just political bullshit and incompatible with reality. The slavery based and slavish worship religions of the enemy, preach constantly that one spook like Allah or Jesus is all one needs to "believe in", just "worship" like a slave does, do nothing for one's self, and one is an eternal slave to this "unknown".

Spiritual Satanism draws humanity to these higher levels so that we can grow, we are partakers of creation, under the hierarchy of the Gods, and we move upwards and learn. Our version of "worship" is like fellowship, brotherhood, attachment to what is better, self growth and advancement to transform.

In Hinduism, Shiva who is Satan has all the similar connotations, which are meant to exercise the mind and make a human to understand about infinity. Even in the enemy teachings, or even in the enemy's stolen teachings from us, "Lucifer" leads to God. I am a follower of Satan and yes, Satan Lucifer does lead to "God" or the Godhead; and He is incomprehensible.

When people ask me if I "Believe in God", I say definitely yes, because I have known and have "experienced" God. And because what the deceived believe to be as "God" is definitely not "God", they lie to themselves, but this lying does not matter.

We Satanists are a spiritual people and a people of the Gods, we are not godless. The enemy's words are only good for their duped followers. They believe they follow "morals", "god", even have the audacity to say they are "spiritual". They lie to themselves and they know it, but they need the lying in their life, that if they just "believe in da lawd" this will earn them whatever just because they must worship the "ONE" jew or something.

In the eyes of the real divinites, the above is the fall of the lowest levels of consciousness. It is not related to the awareness of God or the Godhead whatsoever.

We are only "godless devils" in the definition of the enemy, which is a definition borne of lies and is collapsed in the eyes of the Divine, which knows all and sees all.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

hi sir ..how do i worship satan to destroy my enemies?
DarkShadow said:
likman666 said:
The underlying eternal Unchanging essence of everything. That is Truth, that is God. Pagans never denied the existence of God. The Abrahamic Faiths just want to deny the existence of the Gods. Who are created beings and are in the likeness and maturity of the Supreme Soul that is God difference being they are created ,God /Shiva is not. That's why they where called the Sons of God by the Ancients.
That which is giving you the sense of existence ,that's God. That's Awareness. You yourself you are God. Now the intellectual mind and the ego it produces combined with instinctive limited physical body awareness, will make you doubt this. And if one believes in God ,they will think they are separate from God. This is false ego and is of lower consciousness, particularly physical body consciousness with God or Atma Consciousness obscured.
So yes the Gods of course identify themselves as God and so are you. The difference is just in maturity of our soul bodies. It's about understanding the anatomy of yourself also. It's God who is powering you,your thoughts,your actions and is the Supreme Source powering you at your core. If this was not so then the Yoga wouldn't be possible and wouldn't make sense. Then we are all
just wasting our time here. It's about understanding what Yoga actually is. It's based on the fact that you are Brahman,the withdraw of Awareness into Atma within you.
Read autobiography of a Self Realised yogin. A Self Realised (Kundalini rising to the crown chakra) yogin will boldly
identify and say they are God,without separation.
A Rishi is one who is able to withdraw their Awareness completely into God within themselves , negating their individual ego and when they speak in that state, it's not their individual ego but God speaking. Such comes after Self Realisation and the maturity of the individual soul body that it brings.
This of course is child's play for the Gods (who are created beings) ,so of course every God will identify with God and rightly so.
Often as an aspirant for the Yoga ,one may often identify with their individual ego personality and Atma God powering them. A Self Realised soul,a Jnani ( one who has Realised ) will just identify with God or as God Brahman boldly and will even tell other aspirants that they are also God , difference being they haven't just had a full Conscious Realisation of this,so they doubt this. Because of ego,which is ignorance.
If you doubt this just read autobiography of Self Realised yogin. They are very few in this age ,but they are there. The planet always has such.

Self-realization only changes your mind's perception and without physical Yoga it's of no use in physical world. Unless your goal of yoga is to attain moksha self-realization is not necessary in physical Yoga (in my opinion).

Sanskrit-Hindi word used for 'God' is 'Ishvara'. It's a name of Lord Shiva and is also used for Vishnu and Brahma. But it's not used for other Devas. They are simply called Deva or Devta.

So only Supreme creative-destructive principal, source of all creation is called God in Hinduism. All others are Devas which are gods only through their essence and are perceived as highest manifestation of god.

Race of Devas is called 'Sura'. But not all Devas are Sura. There are many Rishi/sages, Yaksha, Pitra/Ancestral spirits and even Preta/wandering ghosts worshipped as Devas.

Self Realisation is the "end game" of Yoga. The physical yoga is part of the 8 limbed Yoga or 8 fold path. The Asanas. Self Realisation is when the Kundalini rises to the crown chakra. The Self is the Formless Atma within. That which is Beyond even Pure God Consciousness itself. They are steps towards Self Realisation , physical yoga that is Asanas are part of it. Self Realisation can only be first had in a physical body. So the physical body has to be strong.
Check the 8 limbed Yoga of Patanjali.
It's 1. Nama(karma yoga/ethics) 2.Niyama (kriya yoga or devotion to the Gods, Temple worship, scripture reading, mantras and so on,) 3. Pranayama (breathing exercises). 4 Asanas (Physical yoga). 5. Pratyahara (Awareness withdraw , going into a trance)
6. Dharana (concentrating of mind on Atma within and so on, mental concentration suspending mental activity.)
7. Dhyana (Meditation ,contemplation on Atma)
8. Samadhi (God Realisation of two types with Form called Savikalpa Samadhi this is pure Cosmic God Consciousness the pure Light that never dims,the highest state of consciousness at 3rd Eye Chakra and then the Formless Atma at the crown chakra this is Beyond God Consciousness and is indescribable it has to be experienced this is Self Realisation. The Self being Formless Atma beyond Pure God Consciousness. The Kundalini rises to the crown chakra.)
As for God /Brahman/Shiva/Atma or whatever name you chose ,the Whole of creation is God. The differences in regards to beings is their unfoldment towards the likeness and maturity of the Uncreated Supreme Soul or God or Atma that powers them. This is evolution, becoming into the maturity and likeness of the Supreme Soul powering you.
The MahaDevas (Great Gods) are the highest of created beings who are in the exact likeness and maturity of the Supreme Uncreated Soul only difference being The Atma is Uncreated.
As for Brahma, Vishnu and so on those are part of the 5 Main Acts of the All pervasive Supreme Uncreated Soul call it Atma,Brahman (not to be confused with Brahma) and so on. Which are creation (Brahma), Preservation or Evolution (Vishnu) , Destruction (Rudra), Concealment and Liberation.
The Siva Nataraja symbol shows this very nicely. Which is God as a Being and Cosmic Dancer doing the 5 acts. Siva God is Dancing in everyone and everything.
Bruh....the number of times enemy angels have tried to stop me, harrass me, and cause unfortunate shit in my life and insert hideous thoughts into my head whenever I'm trying to buy occult stuff to try to bully me into coming back to Jew-hovah, is so insurmountable.

Yeah, and try to ask those Christurds what Jewsus ever did in this vision?

Oh right......NOTHING. Either that, or "Here, lemme show you what I'm gonna do the world!"

Godshealer7 (YouTuber) is one great example of this, I used to watch their channel (STILL working on deprogramming my life from all the BS), week by week, gets nothing but negative prophecies - shit that never comes true, or is blunted by our RTRs.

Yet, by the miracle of the Gods, I'm here, still here and will remain here.

In my house......I shall serve the Lord.......LORD SATAN.


Keep at it man, they can only harass you for as long as your mind is conquerable.

I have had many different attacks, one of my least favorites is the "Am I Jewish Attack", all reason goes out the window lol
GoldenxChild1 said:
I have had many different attacks, one of my least favorites is the "Am I Jewish Attack", all reason goes out the window lol

Oh yeah....that's one of the greatest con lies that these foul spirits try to trick people into and I've undergone that attack as well, during a very low-point in life, they'd try to tell me shit like, "Oh....people treat you like shit b'cuz this Goy world is evil, and you are part of the Chosen Race, the Chosen Sacrifice and part of the 144,000, the rapture is coming soon" bullshit like that.

I used to be one of those ultra-hardcore types, who didn't celebrate Christmas or any Gentile holidays because they "weren't Jewish" or because of their Pagan origins, and these turd spirits as well as thoughtforms would always go ham on their assaults when buy prep stuff for the holidays. They tried and failed, Yahweh has failed and rightfully so.

On Passover, I fucking bought every leavened product on the list, ate a pork roast and burned all of my Christian prayers, hymns and poems.

There is no end of the world, there is no rapture coming to save anyone from anything, and I'm still in the process of getting all that shit out of my head.

All my plights were perfectly and rationally explained by astrology, thank Lord Azazel, I've also used other astrological systems they pretty-much lined-up with what Azazel's astrology was saying about my life.

I just got finished writing two posts exposing the assault on Cherokee, Shawnee and Iroquois culture into duping the Cherokees that they're "jewish" or that they never worshiped the Pagan Gods, often-not, proponents of these theories like to turn the "northern natives" (modern USA) against the Mayan/Aztec/Andean natives (Mexico/Peru) on some kosher theory that the USA natives were the "chosen race" and the Mexico/South America were the "evil goy Serpentine-worshipers", when in fact, all of them worshiped Satan ('till they were infiltrated of course, as Soaring Eagle had explained to me).

People may ask why I'm so focused and obssessed on Cherokees or the indigenous of the modern US, Cherokees are a Southern group, so I just have a tendency to pay attention to matters close to home, like REALLY home (Dixie) and not just America.

Hail Satan. Yahweh has failed.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
