Isn't the Welsh flag officially the best flag of the world?Personal Growth said:
Isn't the Welsh flag officially the best flag of the world?Personal Growth said:
Good sermon HPC666.HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:....
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
When I think about Dragons and Kundalini, the Chinese dragon is the one I think, it has a snake-like bodyHP. Hoodedcobra666 said:jrvan said:I have thought for a while now that the Dragons depicted in art were a composite of the snake, goat head, and peacock wings and talons. Perhaps I was wrong.
I have written something about this before, I believe. Not sure where.
Yagami Light said:Thank you for such an interesting sermon!HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:The choice of symbolism of a snake is nothing strange here, as the Kundalini Serpent behaves, moves, and operates a lot like a "Snake". This is simply why everyone related to the Kundalini Serpent as a Snake. The energy moves in a Serpentine fashion, how a Serpent moves. The concept is based on nature.
I'd like to ask though... I remember other SS here saying that they talked to their kundalini and got an answer of some sorts (like, asking about a particular situation and getting an answer in feeling perhaps?)... It had (and still has) made me confused.
I am just curious about the details of the kundalini... From what I understand, it is an energy that was given to us from Satan. I know what it can do (at least, partially?), having read HP Maxine's sermons in the site.
But I've seen (read) people here treating it like a separate entity. They refer to the kundalini as "she", because it's a feminine energy.
But is it... well, is it an 'entity'? Not a physical entity (obviously). What I mean is, does this energy has a consciousness?
By the way, I've read your other sermon on the kundalini (Dealing with Astral Entities - The Serpent) and I've also read HP Maxine's sermons on the site, but I can't recall an exact explanation about this.
I have noticed during hatha or kundalini yoga i would start swaying or turning in circles. this will also happen when i focus on one of the Gods sigils or do RTRs. This is a symptom of kundalini energy. I have noticed that this can act like a pendulum partaining to yes or not questions, swaying side to side for no and back and fourth for yes. just a personal experience.I'd like to ask though... I remember other SS here saying that they talked to their kundalini and got an answer of some sorts (like, asking about a particular situation and getting an answer in feeling perhaps?)... It had (and still has) made me confused.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:Personal Growth said:
If Icke is so alarmed over this, he should come here and meditate alongside everything else.
He claims to have been communicated to by extra terrestrials, is protected by them and is led to information in a serendipitous fashion.
While he does something important, him not meditating and only writing bullshit about "Love" and "DMT" is not helping him have a more proper relation to his soul.
I'm certain he reads these boards and we know that he reads our material.
So one has to tell David, to please go there and meditate.
TopoftheAbyss said:Isn't the Welsh flag officially the best flag of the world?Personal Growth said:
Havok said:DezFranky said:Wonderful read! I love the dragon aspects. Surprised there was no mention of the breath of fire that is a unique feature of the dragon. Would be interesting to know how that correlates to this subject
The Dragon's breath is mainly the vase breathing (complete) of the Tibetans and related by J.Evola in The Yoga of Powers. It is necessary to pace the breathing (2t - t - 2t), the time to enter in trance, and then to visualize a flame which rises more and more from Muladhara.
It is also possible to do the work with fire breathing.
I also know another Dragon Breath, which is in fact a method to get into trance very quickly, once it is well mastered. I must warn you that this one can be very destabilizing at the beginning, when you are not used to it. And this practice is a way to get in touch with your shadow aspect (so be carefull).
Concretely, this is how you should proceed:
Begin this meditation by breathing normally and observing the breathing pattern - meditate on the air coming into your nostrils, into your lungs and filling your body - making it light and relaxed. Then slow down the pace of the breath and breathe deeply until you are totally relaxed (you can also combine this with your favorite relaxation exercise).
Now begin to breathe in the reverse pattern - visualizing that you are breathing in as you exhale and breathing out as you inhale. Stay focused on this visualization until you are no longer sure how you are actually breathing and you go into a trance, which will allow you to continue the work.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:Personal Growth said:
If Icke is so alarmed over this, he should come here and meditate alongside everything else.
While he does something important, him not meditating and only writing bullshit about "Love" and "DMT" is not helping him have a more proper relation to his soul.
I'm certain he reads these boards and we know that he reads our material.
So one has to tell David, to please go there and meditate.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:jrvan said:I have thought for a while now that the Dragons depicted in art were a composite of the snake, goat head, and peacock wings and talons. Perhaps I was wrong.
I have written something about this before, I believe. Not sure where.
Personal Growth said:HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:Personal Growth said:
If Icke is so alarmed over this, he should come here and meditate alongside everything else.
He claims to have been communicated to by extra terrestrials, is protected by them and is led to information in a serendipitous fashion.
While he does something important, him not meditating and only writing bullshit about "Love" and "DMT" is not helping him have a more proper relation to his soul.
I'm certain he reads these boards and we know that he reads our material.
So one has to tell David, to please go there and meditate.
I think David Icke does meditate, maybe not our power meditations, but he accesses his subconscioussness. Only he calls it daydreaming.
I have his latest book, 'The Answer'. It's all about the true nature of reality. How nothing really exists in this world. That the chair a person sitting on is not really there. That we create the chair in our consciousness.
He gives another example:
"If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one around to hear it fall. Does it make a noise?"
The answer is no. Because it only makes a noise if there is an awareness to witness it making a sound because we are the creators of everything in this world of ours.
It all comes down to string theory the energy smaller than atoms. In experiments scientists found that the atoms wouldn't be there if there was no conscious awareness focusing on it.
The answer is to change our perception because the world is the result of humanities perceptions.
I think Icke knows everything but keeps the information within digestible chunks for his audience.
He doesn't need more ADL on his back and he's getting a certain message out there. So he meditates but doesn't make the information ladder too long to lose the point of his communication.
He must know our stuff but he does say a lot of cucked out things about Satanism. Maybe it's just to keep himself safe and also to not lose people. Just wake people up to the covid hoax and not alienate them with things they'd not understand.
DezFranky said:HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:Personal Growth said:
If Icke is so alarmed over this, he should come here and meditate alongside everything else.
While he does something important, him not meditating and only writing bullshit about "Love" and "DMT" is not helping him have a more proper relation to his soul.
I'm certain he reads these boards and we know that he reads our material.
So one has to tell David, to please go there and meditate.
As you already may know, it takes a horrible event in most people's lives to get them to self-reflect a bit and realize the wisdom behind those words
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:...HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
JOS teachings state that you need your body to taste etc. That it's boring being dead because you're still conscious and aware but cannot talk or touch or anything because you need your body. Also that you cannot advance and stagnate without a body.
Personal Growth said:I've noticed the Welsh Flag has a dragon on it. The flag for Wales is pretty much just a great big red dragon.
Also historic flags from the Tatarian civilisation that's now lost are of a dragon. And also on other historic artefacts that one can come across have serpents and dragons.
Yes the enemy has tried to squash humanities spirituality and wipe it out with the three Abrahamic religions and their crusades/ inquisitions/ witch trials and what have you.
I'm so sorry to have seen that some of our members have taken this so called medical procedure vaccine.
Okay who knows what's going on? Who can know for sure with all of the fraud and lies going on. But what I do know is that a person cannot trust either the mainstream media or politicians.
Let me share a link of David Icke's most recent podcast:
What I want to draw your attention to is between the 30 minutes in and last 20 minutes mark. So a 10 minute segment.
Here David Icke talks about how the cult is trying to steal our soul with this so called vaccine medical procedure.
That it's designed to loosen the etheric body from the physical body so that people get separated from their soul. And become automatons stuck in the material five sense reality with no other sixth sense antenna being cut off spiritually. And that it's done with a vaccine.
He mentions a report sent in to him of a French energy healer that saw a client. And the differences in the clients energetic body after she had been injected with that synthetic substance.
That her astral body had become loose and detached and had a very heavy energy to it.
They're trying to steal our very souls with this vaccine.
And they're vaccinating babies now as soon as they're born.
What kind of horrible society will we live in if people have no souls because that's where compassion, empathy and kindness stem from. The good nature in lovely people stems from the soul.
George Orwell predicted that in the future humanity will have no loyalty or compassion for others. Only love for themselves, big brother and the state.
Could this vaccine change humanity to be cut off from the Gods which the enemy has always been trying to achieve?
EnkiUK3 said:Personal Growth said:I've noticed the Welsh Flag has a dragon on it. The flag for Wales is pretty much just a great big red dragon.
Also historic flags from the Tatarian civilisation that's now lost are of a dragon. And also on other historic artefacts that one can come across have serpents and dragons.
Yes the enemy has tried to squash humanities spirituality and wipe it out with the three Abrahamic religions and their crusades/ inquisitions/ witch trials and what have you.
I'm so sorry to have seen that some of our members have taken this so called medical procedure vaccine.
Okay who knows what's going on? Who can know for sure with all of the fraud and lies going on. But what I do know is that a person cannot trust either the mainstream media or politicians.
Let me share a link of David Icke's most recent podcast:
What I want to draw your attention to is between the 30 minutes in and last 20 minutes mark. So a 10 minute segment.
Here David Icke talks about how the cult is trying to steal our soul with this so called vaccine medical procedure.
That it's designed to loosen the etheric body from the physical body so that people get separated from their soul. And become automatons stuck in the material five sense reality with no other sixth sense antenna being cut off spiritually. And that it's done with a vaccine.
He mentions a report sent in to him of a French energy healer that saw a client. And the differences in the clients energetic body after she had been injected with that synthetic substance.
That her astral body had become loose and detached and had a very heavy energy to it.
They're trying to steal our very souls with this vaccine.
And they're vaccinating babies now as soon as they're born.
What kind of horrible society will we live in if people have no souls because that's where compassion, empathy and kindness stem from. The good nature in lovely people stems from the soul.
George Orwell predicted that in the future humanity will have no loyalty or compassion for others. Only love for themselves, big brother and the state.
Could this vaccine change humanity to be cut off from the Gods which the enemy has always been trying to achieve?
Followed Icke alot for years until he got called David kike on here.
Now a lot of his stuff has come to fruition especially this microchip pre planned vaccine/plandemic.
He has wrote this amongst a few other startling stuff.(9/11 amongst others )
Back to the vaccine thing PG obviously i declared i went for it due to going abroad work, football matches etc.
Getting a good reply is fine but attacks against me, no it wasnt even my thread it was erics.(nor called for)
i will make my own thread soon comming up regarding side effects and yes folk will be right regarding the whole plandemic but i didnt go against our folk and Gods here thats for sure.
I dont think the Gods would ever abandon me for taking something (vaccine) as we all have our paths already mapped out i beleive and im looking forward to getting a reading soon from Lydia or HPHC.
Hope all is well mate
Personal Growth said:EnkiUK3 said:Personal Growth said:
Followed Icke alot for years until he got called David kike on here.
Now a lot of his stuff has come to fruition especially this microchip pre planned vaccine/plandemic.
He has wrote this amongst a few other startling stuff.(9/11 amongst others )
Back to the vaccine thing PG obviously i declared i went for it due to going abroad work, football matches etc.
Getting a good reply is fine but attacks against me, no it wasnt even my thread it was erics.(nor called for)
i will make my own thread soon comming up regarding side effects and yes folk will be right regarding the whole plandemic but i didnt go against our folk and Gods here thats for sure.
I dont think the Gods would ever abandon me for taking something (vaccine) as we all have our paths already mapped out i beleive and im looking forward to getting a reading soon from Lydia or HPHC.
Hope all is well mate
Mate I'm sorry if other members attacked you for what you've done. It's your life and you're the master of your fate, the captain of your own soul.
It's just that there is a lot of negative conspiracies out there about it.
I for one have been seeing testimonials of the bad reactions of people and families on behalf of others that are now suffering.
Some say the natural immune system has nonspecific antibodies that attack any virus. The vaccine makes your immune system generate spike proteins of Coronavirus for a specific virus. So without the vaccine you'd have non specific antibodies that would adapt. After the vaccine you'd have specific antibodies only that would not adapt to new strains. And the artificial specific antibodies are stronger and more aggressive than the natural non specific antibodies. So a person that gets the vaccine is effectively destroying their natural immune system because it's only going to go for the original Coronavirus it was vaccinated for. And not adapt to new virus strains thus letting new strains in without tackling it. So regular vaccinations for each new strain because the immune system cannot develop its own antibodies anymore.
I just watched a six minute clip explaining it:
Sorry if that's true. But if it is it's done and there's no use arguing because that's it now. It is what it is if it is. Everyone taking the vaccine is taking part in an experiment because the trials on it only end in 2023. So they don't know what will happen and that's why they can't help those having bad reactions now. Ties in to Icke's theory of regular injections to alter the human biological form.
This post was about the kundalini serpent being represented by dragons.
So as you say you're going to start your own thread on vaccine side effects. What I'm interested in is what Icke said about the energy healer in France's statement. That it might eliminate spirituality by making the astral body unstable from the physical body.
Please if you want can you add in your thread if it affected any spiritual abilities. Like can you still meditate etc.
Thank you mate
Personal Growth said:EnkiUK3 said:Personal Growth said:I've noticed the Welsh Flag has a dragon on it. The flag for Wales is pretty much just a great big red dragon.
Also historic flags from the Tatarian civilisation that's now lost are of a dragon. And also on other historic artefacts that one can come across have serpents and dragons.
Yes the enemy has tried to squash humanities spirituality and wipe it out with the three Abrahamic religions and their crusades/ inquisitions/ witch trials and what have you.
I'm so sorry to have seen that some of our members have taken this so called medical procedure vaccine.
Okay who knows what's going on? Who can know for sure with all of the fraud and lies going on. But what I do know is that a person cannot trust either the mainstream media or politicians.
Let me share a link of David Icke's most recent podcast:
What I want to draw your attention to is between the 30 minutes in and last 20 minutes mark. So a 10 minute segment.
Here David Icke talks about how the cult is trying to steal our soul with this so called vaccine medical procedure.
That it's designed to loosen the etheric body from the physical body so that people get separated from their soul. And become automatons stuck in the material five sense reality with no other sixth sense antenna being cut off spiritually. And that it's done with a vaccine.
He mentions a report sent in to him of a French energy healer that saw a client. And the differences in the clients energetic body after she had been injected with that synthetic substance.
That her astral body had become loose and detached and had a very heavy energy to it.
They're trying to steal our very souls with this vaccine.
And they're vaccinating babies now as soon as they're born.
What kind of horrible society will we live in if people have no souls because that's where compassion, empathy and kindness stem from. The good nature in lovely people stems from the soul.
George Orwell predicted that in the future humanity will have no loyalty or compassion for others. Only love for themselves, big brother and the state.
Could this vaccine change humanity to be cut off from the Gods which the enemy has always been trying to achieve?
Followed Icke alot for years until he got called David kike on here.
Now a lot of his stuff has come to fruition especially this microchip pre planned vaccine/plandemic.
He has wrote this amongst a few other startling stuff.(9/11 amongst others )
Back to the vaccine thing PG obviously i declared i went for it due to going abroad work, football matches etc.
Getting a good reply is fine but attacks against me, no it wasnt even my thread it was erics.(nor called for)
i will make my own thread soon comming up regarding side effects and yes folk will be right regarding the whole plandemic but i didnt go against our folk and Gods here thats for sure.
I dont think the Gods would ever abandon me for taking something (vaccine) as we all have our paths already mapped out i beleive and im looking forward to getting a reading soon from Lydia or HPHC.
Hope all is well mate
Mate I'm sorry if other members attacked you for what you've done. It's your life and you're the master of your fate, the captain of your own soul.
It's just that there is a lot of negative conspiracies out there about it.
I for one have been seeing testimonials of the bad reactions of people and families on behalf of others that are now suffering.
Some say the natural immune system has nonspecific antibodies that attack any virus. The vaccine makes your immune system generate spike proteins of Coronavirus for a specific virus. So without the vaccine you'd have non specific antibodies that would adapt. After the vaccine you'd have specific antibodies only that would not adapt to new strains. And the artificial specific antibodies are stronger and more aggressive than the natural non specific antibodies. So a person that gets the vaccine is effectively destroying their natural immune system because it's only going to go for the original Coronavirus it was vaccinated for. And not adapt to new virus strains thus letting new strains in without tackling it. So regular vaccinations for each new strain because the immune system cannot develop its own antibodies anymore.
I just watched a six minute clip explaining it:
Sorry if that's true. But if it is it's done and there's no use arguing because that's it now. It is what it is if it is. Everyone taking the vaccine is taking part in an experiment because the trials on it only end in 2023. So they don't know what will happen and that's why they can't help those having bad reactions now. Ties in to Icke's theory of regular injections to alter the human biological form.
This post was about the kundalini serpent being represented by dragons.
So as you say you're going to start your own thread on vaccine side effects. What I'm interested in is what Icke said about the energy healer in France's statement. That it might eliminate spirituality by making the astral body unstable from the physical body.
Please if you want can you add in your thread if it affected any spiritual abilities. Like can you still meditate etc.
Thank you mate
jrvan said:Personal Growth said:EnkiUK3 said:Followed Icke alot for years until he got called David kike on here.
Now a lot of his stuff has come to fruition especially this microchip pre planned vaccine/plandemic.
He has wrote this amongst a few other startling stuff.(9/11 amongst others )
Back to the vaccine thing PG obviously i declared i went for it due to going abroad work, football matches etc.
Getting a good reply is fine but attacks against me, no it wasnt even my thread it was erics.(nor called for)
i will make my own thread soon comming up regarding side effects and yes folk will be right regarding the whole plandemic but i didnt go against our folk and Gods here thats for sure.
I dont think the Gods would ever abandon me for taking something (vaccine) as we all have our paths already mapped out i beleive and im looking forward to getting a reading soon from Lydia or HPHC.
Hope all is well mate
Mate I'm sorry if other members attacked you for what you've done. It's your life and you're the master of your fate, the captain of your own soul.
It's just that there is a lot of negative conspiracies out there about it.
I for one have been seeing testimonials of the bad reactions of people and families on behalf of others that are now suffering.
Some say the natural immune system has nonspecific antibodies that attack any virus. The vaccine makes your immune system generate spike proteins of Coronavirus for a specific virus. So without the vaccine you'd have non specific antibodies that would adapt. After the vaccine you'd have specific antibodies only that would not adapt to new strains. And the artificial specific antibodies are stronger and more aggressive than the natural non specific antibodies. So a person that gets the vaccine is effectively destroying their natural immune system because it's only going to go for the original Coronavirus it was vaccinated for. And not adapt to new virus strains thus letting new strains in without tackling it. So regular vaccinations for each new strain because the immune system cannot develop its own antibodies anymore.
I just watched a six minute clip explaining it:
Sorry if that's true. But if it is it's done and there's no use arguing because that's it now. It is what it is if it is. Everyone taking the vaccine is taking part in an experiment because the trials on it only end in 2023. So they don't know what will happen and that's why they can't help those having bad reactions now. Ties in to Icke's theory of regular injections to alter the human biological form.
This post was about the kundalini serpent being represented by dragons.
So as you say you're going to start your own thread on vaccine side effects. What I'm interested in is what Icke said about the energy healer in France's statement. That it might eliminate spirituality by making the astral body unstable from the physical body.
Please if you want can you add in your thread if it affected any spiritual abilities. Like can you still meditate etc.
Thank you mate
If someone points a gun at their own head in public then are you going to tell them "Go ahead, it's your life." ?
Some might say yes. Fair enough. Now what if they start telling everyone around them whose attention they have captured with such a stunt that it's okay to do such a thing, and it's not so bad, and they should do it to themselves and their partners, their parents, their children, etc. It's totally okay to point a gun at our heads because it's like totally safe and kosher. So now they've involved all these other people, most of whom are just shaking their heads looking at the person like they're a disgrace or a freak show or simply lost their mind. However, there's a few gullible, naive people in the crowd that just might follow suit. Is it still their life? Is it really wrong to call out such abuse from someone who ought to know better (given that they are among us)? What you need to realize is the power, responsibility, and danger of influence. Most Satanists are strong in themselves, not easily led astray, and wouldn't fall victim to such a thing. However, there are some who might start feeling more relaxed about the vaccine if they see people they trust (fellow Satanists) saying that they took the vaccine and all is well. They might feel relaxed enough to say screw it in a similar fashion to appease their family and loved ones, to feel part of life and community again, to just make things... easier. There are some like that among us, and the jews are counting on it. Those are the ones the jews want to catch because they want spiritual people purged, and they can do so by influencing people here on our very own forums to hurt themselves. Why should I not slam against people like that? Even if he isn't a kike, he's still serving kike interests unwittingly. That's not okay. He could have kept it to himself, but he had to come on here and practically brag about taking the vaccine, which I have a feeling he knew would receive the response that it did. He gains spotlight of reactions = increased possibility of naive ones seeing it and taking the vaccine. Even if it's only a tiny chance of others doing so, it's still a gain for the kikes with absolutely nothing lost. That 2-3% increase in chance is a huge gain for the time and effort spent. And it may be more than that. Tiny risk, huge gain.
We have magic for a reason. It's our only advantage in a fucked up world with a rigged system so use it. If there's pressure for the vaccine then do a binding on your parents, do a binding on your boss. Do anything, just don't give in. A "normal" life in this current society means you're a slave without a mind of your own. If that's what you want, and if that's what you choose, then no the Gods will NOT protect you.
They cannot and will not protect people from themselves, and that was my argument to the whiny, hypocritical fool you replied to - which he twisted, naturally, as people seem to love to twist my words around here and attack my credibility based on my post count. Ridiculous. Seems you need 6 million posts or a HP title for some to take you seriously around here.
Personal Growth said:EnkiUK3 said:Personal Growth said:I've noticed the Welsh Flag has a dragon on it. The flag for Wales is pretty much just a great big red dragon.
Also historic flags from the Tatarian civilisation that's now lost are of a dragon. And also on other historic artefacts that one can come across have serpents and dragons.
Yes the enemy has tried to squash humanities spirituality and wipe it out with the three Abrahamic religions and their crusades/ inquisitions/ witch trials and what have you.
I'm so sorry to have seen that some of our members have taken this so called medical procedure vaccine.
Okay who knows what's going on? Who can know for sure with all of the fraud and lies going on. But what I do know is that a person cannot trust either the mainstream media or politicians.
Let me share a link of David Icke's most recent podcast:
What I want to draw your attention to is between the 30 minutes in and last 20 minutes mark. So a 10 minute segment.
Here David Icke talks about how the cult is trying to steal our soul with this so called vaccine medical procedure.
That it's designed to loosen the etheric body from the physical body so that people get separated from their soul. And become automatons stuck in the material five sense reality with no other sixth sense antenna being cut off spiritually. And that it's done with a vaccine.
He mentions a report sent in to him of a French energy healer that saw a client. And the differences in the clients energetic body after she had been injected with that synthetic substance.
That her astral body had become loose and detached and had a very heavy energy to it.
They're trying to steal our very souls with this vaccine.
And they're vaccinating babies now as soon as they're born.
What kind of horrible society will we live in if people have no souls because that's where compassion, empathy and kindness stem from. The good nature in lovely people stems from the soul.
George Orwell predicted that in the future humanity will have no loyalty or compassion for others. Only love for themselves, big brother and the state.
Could this vaccine change humanity to be cut off from the Gods which the enemy has always been trying to achieve?
Followed Icke alot for years until he got called David kike on here.
Now a lot of his stuff has come to fruition especially this microchip pre planned vaccine/plandemic.
He has wrote this amongst a few other startling stuff.(9/11 amongst others )
Back to the vaccine thing PG obviously i declared i went for it due to going abroad work, football matches etc.
Getting a good reply is fine but attacks against me, no it wasnt even my thread it was erics.(nor called for)
i will make my own thread soon comming up regarding side effects and yes folk will be right regarding the whole plandemic but i didnt go against our folk and Gods here thats for sure.
I dont think the Gods would ever abandon me for taking something (vaccine) as we all have our paths already mapped out i beleive and im looking forward to getting a reading soon from Lydia or HPHC.
Hope all is well mate
Mate I'm sorry if other members attacked you for what you've done. It's your life and you're the master of your fate, the captain of your own soul.
It's just that there is a lot of negative conspiracies out there about it.
I for one have been seeing testimonials of the bad reactions of people and families on behalf of others that are now suffering.
Some say the natural immune system has nonspecific antibodies that attack any virus. The vaccine makes your immune system generate spike proteins of Coronavirus for a specific virus. So without the vaccine you'd have non specific antibodies that would adapt. After the vaccine you'd have specific antibodies only that would not adapt to new strains. And the artificial specific antibodies are stronger and more aggressive than the natural non specific antibodies. So a person that gets the vaccine is effectively destroying their natural immune system because it's only going to go for the original Coronavirus it was vaccinated for. And not adapt to new virus strains thus letting new strains in without tackling it. So regular vaccinations for each new strain because the immune system cannot develop its own antibodies anymore.
I just watched a six minute clip explaining it:
Sorry if that's true. But if it is it's done and there's no use arguing because that's it now. It is what it is if it is. Everyone taking the vaccine is taking part in an experiment because the trials on it only end in 2023. So they don't know what will happen and that's why they can't help those having bad reactions now. Ties in to Icke's theory of regular injections to alter the human biological form.
This post was about the kundalini serpent being represented by dragons.
So as you say you're going to start your own thread on vaccine side effects. What I'm interested in is what Icke said about the energy healer in France's statement. That it might eliminate spirituality by making the astral body unstable from the physical body.
Please if you want can you add in your thread if it affected any spiritual abilities. Like can you still meditate etc.
Thank you mate
Personal Growth said:So as you say you're going to start your own thread on vaccine side effects. What I'm interested in is what Icke said about the energy healer in France's statement. That it might eliminate spirituality by making the astral body unstable from the physical body.
tabby said:Once when I was a child, I asked my father what his favourite animal was. He told me “A dragon.”
I’m not even sure if he was fully aware of his answer. At the time it felt a little surreal, like a kind of energy that permeated around the room afterwards. I wonder now if it was the part of his soul that remembers, that gave that answer, because he was the first in a list of people I had asked that question to who even thought to name a “mythical creature”.
My father isn’t spiritual in the sense of meditation and yoga, however, we were both always drawn to dragons, magick and ancient weaponry, stars and planets, art and nature. We use to star gaze all the time, trying to find the planets and constellations.
Makes me wonder if he wasn’t so busy and stubborn in societal crap, maybe he would have been naturally drawn to advancing his soul too.
Havok said:The Dragon's breath is mainly the vase breathing (complete) of the Tibetans and related by J.Evola in The Yoga of Powers. It is necessary to pace the breathing (2t - t - 2t), the time to enter in trance, and then to visualize a flame which rises more and more from Muladhara.
It is also possible to do the work with fire breathing.
I also know another Dragon Breath, which is in fact a method to get into trance very quickly, once it is well mastered. I must warn you that this one can be very destabilizing at the beginning, when you are not used to it. And this practice is a way to get in touch with your shadow aspect (so be carefull).
Concretely, this is how you should proceed:
Begin this meditation by breathing normally and observing the breathing pattern - meditate on the air coming into your nostrils, into your lungs and filling your body - making it light and relaxed. Then slow down the pace of the breath and breathe deeply until you are totally relaxed (you can also combine this with your favorite relaxation exercise).
Now begin to breathe in the reverse pattern - visualizing that you are breathing in as you exhale and breathing out as you inhale. Stay focused on this visualization until you are no longer sure how you are actually breathing and you go into a trance, which will allow you to continue the work.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Bipolar Bear said:The Phantom Stranger said:
I don't mean to be rude to you, but what is the point of this post? I see no reason to necro this thread.
The Phantom Stranger said:Bipolar Bear said:The Phantom Stranger said:Thank you brother. I will get into trance now![]()
I don't mean to be rude to you, but what is the point of this post? I see no reason to necro this thread.
I mean I've seen people thank each other so I thought I should too you know. I didn't really think much about necro tbh. I don't really know what necro is.
The Phantom Stranger said:Havok said:The Dragon's breath is mainly the vase breathing (complete) of the Tibetans and related by J.Evola in The Yoga of Powers. It is necessary to pace the breathing (2t - t - 2t), the time to enter in trance, and then to visualize a flame which rises more and more from Muladhara.
It is also possible to do the work with fire breathing.
I also know another Dragon Breath, which is in fact a method to get into trance very quickly, once it is well mastered. I must warn you that this one can be very destabilizing at the beginning, when you are not used to it. And this practice is a way to get in touch with your shadow aspect (so be carefull).
Concretely, this is how you should proceed:
Begin this meditation by breathing normally and observing the breathing pattern - meditate on the air coming into your nostrils, into your lungs and filling your body - making it light and relaxed. Then slow down the pace of the breath and breathe deeply until you are totally relaxed (you can also combine this with your favorite relaxation exercise).
Now begin to breathe in the reverse pattern - visualizing that you are breathing in as you exhale and breathing out as you inhale. Stay focused on this visualization until you are no longer sure how you are actually breathing and you go into a trance, which will allow you to continue the work.
Thank you brother. I will get into trance now![]()
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan