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SATAN Is The Original Name Of Godhead

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SATAN Is The Original Name Of Godhead

Satya is the original name of the ancient primordial religion.

In the original language of Sanskrit, SATA is the highest name of God. This is also spelled SATAN in Sanskrit which means 100 which is the number of the sun, existence, enlightenment and the crown chakra which is the God chakra in Hinduism, the crown chakra is called Guru meaning the remover of darkness, God, the enlightener. The opening of this center with this mantra SATANAMA in Kundalini yoga brings super conscious awareness. There are Hindu's that have SATAN as their spiritual surname in India.

SATA is the name of the Logos, SATA is the original Name of God in the cosmic, universal sense. This is why SATANAMA is the highest mantra in Hinduism. Its paying homage to SATA the highest NAMA [Name] of God. Sat is fully spelled SATA in Sanskrit. The T letter has the A on the end. SATAN means Saviour in Sanskrit as well. The name of the serpent energy that transforms the soul into the gold thus perfecting the light body which is to be made whole or saved in the ancient teachings of serpent yoga.

Why SATAN is the highest name of God:

"From Sat [Sata] springs forth energy, which manifest itself in the form of an elementary vibration that can be compared to a primordial sound nada. It is from this vibration that the boundary point, bindu issues. -Sharadatilak1.7

This is describing the principals of existence for the entire Cosmos.

In the Hindu texts SA is the name of the element of sprit and the name of the Creator God, thus soul the breath of life or prana and the sound or vibration of the universe that as stated all the elements arise from. In the doctrine of the Word in Hinduism, TA is the divine mind the other half of the name of God. The two letters SA and TA come together to form the dual aspects of the Word....Divine mind which manifests as divine speech. Sound and form. Thought in English comes from Tat the ancient name of Thoth in Sanskrit. Which the Egyptians were a Vedic civilization like the Greeks. Ta or Tat is the divine mind in Egypt.

"The process of the creative word is based on the analogy between the processes involved in the transformation of thought into word and sound vibration, and the process of divine thought, which becomes the substance of the word in the shape of energy vibrations."-While the Gods Play, Danielou

SATA is the SA vibrational or Shakti power of existence and TA is the consciousness or awareness of this the Shiva principal. This relates to the vibration the feminine as energy and the masculine as geometry forms the vibrational patterns which relate to number that forms the whole universe, all is number. It also relates to the left and right sides of the brain in the human and the electric and magnetic aspects of the soul. Including the male and female chakra's the upper three and lower three that meet at the heart. The connector of the soul. In later times like in Kashmir Shivaism with the Tantra period this became know as Shiva and Shakti.

SATAN is also the cosmic principal in which the entire Sanskrit alphabet of 54 letters issues from that forms the petals of the sound forms of the chakra's of which are the elements and which manifest the entire being into existence. This is why SATAN is the serpent because this is the body of the Devi or serpent in Hinduism the seven chakra's, their nadis and the flow of prana though them from what is called the body of the serpent. The light body. The literal Word made manifest. Which is SATAN made manifest in the original language.

This is more then philosophical the SATAN is a mantra in Yoga which opens up the crown and third eye. That both sounds the N on the end forms the TAN or Than mantra that in Hinduism opens up the Ajna chakra, the third eye. N is the relation to the volting of the energy into the material aspect of existence by acting directly on the Bindu or chakra point to open the flow of energy into the body. Thus bringing the vibration of the SATA fully into the chakra's and opening then with the N on the end.

SATAN is the name of God in the macrocosm of the universe and within the Microcosm of the soul. SATAN is also the name of the physical God that as the Sumerian's stated created the Gentiles. The Sumerian's called ENKI, SATAN as well. This is why the Yezidhi's who were part of this civilization still call their God, SATAN. The Yezidhi's still practice rituals found on ancient Assyrian reliefs. The Yezidhi's also state they came out of India around three thousand years ago. And they still call the Sun, Shammash, the Sumerian, Babylonia name of the Sun God. Their calendar is seven thousand years old much older then the Jewish one. This proves again SATAN predates Judaism by thousands of years as God.

That is why the Jewish Rabbi's call Gentile's SATAN's, its because SATAN gave us our soul which is ethereal within the DNA of which we come from His blood as well. Its metagenetic.

This is why the Jews hate SATAN because they wish to exalt their false god Yahweh, which is just a magician's trick a servitor created and maintained by Rabbi's that has been infused to a major level of energy by criminal vampirism tactics. The Jews are an alien soul and naturally due to this hate us.

The reason the Rabbi's hate SATAN is simple they state it over and over again in their writings. SATAN refused to bow down to them and is more powerful then all of them put together. The Jews as Bobby Fisher confessed have a murderous hatred for anything or anyone that they can't control and that has more power them then. And seek to totally destroy it. They will even destroy each other in this insane hatred.

SATAN is God and as the Jews admit God of this earth, the original God and thus they wish to attack Him by attacking His children the Gentiles and wiping out all Gentiles off the earth as they state in their Torah and Kabala texts. And doing so having the whole planet to themselves as stolen property. Rav Laitman stated the Jews are alien and have come form another world to this one to wage war against it till they conqueror it and remake into their own ugly image.

SATAN the name of the energy of spirit that forms the elements forming all creation and the soul, is eternally and anciently.. Shown as the symbol of the.....

Which is the eternal banner of SATAN.

The Holy Science, Yukteswar
The Enlightenment of Vairocana. Wayman, Taijma
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan
While the Gods Play, Danielou
I was wondering, how do I go about leading someone to Spiritual Satanism? Where should I have them start? Thank you brothers and sisters. 
Ave Satanas!!!
You should start by determining if the person is even open to the truth. There are many people out there who are just a waste of your time. If this person is open  to the truth, you can give them links to the Joy of Satan and Exposing Christianity websites. It is not worth your time to spend hours and hours trying to deprogram the person enough for them to accept the truth. If the person will not accept the truth that is handed to them on a silver platter ( the Joy of Satan website) then the person should be left to suffer the consequences of their decision.
i usedto be a pentecostal xian i started becoming aware of the  bible wrongmities when i read  the differences of the gospellsbut the one that stood out for me was when he was born jesus went to egypt bcoshe fled from king herod and the other one where he went to jerusalem not mentioning herod @ allhail satan
i don't believe theres any way fam, the true ones were hand picked by satan himself. you mention satan to anyone and you feel the vibe in the air switch instantly. i've only now met like one person to say they were and i kinda believed him. in person . but i say just stick to knowledging yourself further and if you feel like it's someone you can tell about yourself then maybe they would consider taking interest in satanism. -am

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
