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Satan And The Gods Can Heal You, But You Must Let Them

Sarramixa said:
Hello, I want to make a new post by I haven't been able to do it so I decided to reply on this post but I could have replied on other post's also I hope you don't mind about this.
What I want to ask is about the Jewish Talmud citations like this one's
Sanhedrin 59a: “Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.”
Abodah Zara 26b: “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.”
The thing is some friends and some of my family members now what I believe and one day in conversation I want to be able to explain why do I believe on this but I have search applications abou the Jewish citations on the internet and I haven't found this citations there could you tell a source where I can find this? Just in case that I need to proof this citations are true or not.
Hail Satan and all the gods of hell!
Hail Hitler!
The talmud must be translated to English for us to read, which makes it hard to cite those quotes. I believe many of those quotes came from an old English translation done in the 1800s. Of course, you will also find modern "improved" translations from rabbis saying that it was inaccurate and totally wrong. You will also find videos of rabbis like Laitman talking as if the old translation was correct.

The talmud is basically a collection of writings from rabbis, and there are actually multiple versions of it with different writings, and there is also probably a secret version of the talmud shared only among rabbis. We get quotes from that when rabbis slip up and speak about it.
Fanboy said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I don't like the idea of them investing in me.

I disappointed them too many times before.

i just want to help in anyway i feel helps even if its in indirect ways to their cause.

This way makes me feel better about myself and without the responsibility they heap on me.

I don't like to force myself to meditate which is wrong and thats my own mindset which is at vault.I need purpose within for that. I mean i need real reasons within me to make me want to make a change within myself. I don't know why but it just the way it is.

Im a fuckup i know but i will be there for them when i can.

Most people don't accept handouts, some especially stubborn people would rather be miserable than accept help. And might even feel satisfaction form it or something.

Like when a little boy gets in a fight with his mom and says "fine I'm not eating then!"

And it's like the kid feels really strong and proud about it. But it's clearly kinda dumb.

You're gonna be okay, just take your time with the meditations, and try your best to do as much as you can. It helps to finish at least something. If you can't do your whole routine just do little parts and work your way back up.

I'm rooting for you man :)

Im sorry 😔 for the previous post
Thank you I have noticed that, of the 2 application of their bullshit writing I have downloaded the 2 have different quotes in each one, I also read that some rabbis don't support their writing to be exposed other says that it should be available to everyone, but I think from the Bible it should be enough to make a good argument based on facts to support my belief. Thank you
Brother... this could NOT have come at a better time. Thank you for this, truly. It's going to help me SO much!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ramses said:
Good News

I have infiltrated a group of spiritualists its a fast growing group of people whom are non religious affiliated but still spiritual they have grown from 140 members 2 months ago to now a staggering 3200 members with 2100 of them being in my city alone unfortunately they do not no much in regards to techniques or spiritual knowledge but they know how to heal and they are against organised religions I.e. abrahamic religions I intend to bring them into guide of the gods of which I suspect some of them are they report speaking to dragons or serpents potentially the gods coming to them in a different form one which doesn't make them think they are of the Xian Christian church.

These people are called Light workers of the new world while branches of this group over seas are run by moronic Christians it would appear that this group is run by people whom call themselves reki masters they are very keen to learn what I know when are large amount of them spun their crown chakras with me (378 people) I of course said this knowledge comes from the ancient Hellenic gods of Greece and Mesopotamia and that this fact should be respected I have now been invited to lead the groups and the knowledge from the jos site has been mass distributed I'm hoping to slowly turn them into Spiritual Satanists I don't want to frighten them off just slowly convert them into an army of the gods

Wish you the best of luck, but be careful, and go in accordance with people's boundaries. For many, what we know would be too much of a black pill to swallow.

Yeah I know I'll keep the part about them actually being aliens and we are in a spiritual version of the matrix to a minimum I have just said to them it comes from ancient Hellenic gods and listed like the Greek and Egyptian gods as I know Hellenic culture was accepted in Egypt as well as Egyptian gods for a time there so people will look them up and see benevolent beings so you know I'm not lieing I'm just withholding parts of the truth I've started with the small local group of mine every Monday (Satan's day) of the week I'm teaching them stuff but we do have large get together also

I'm surprised they didn't know to rotate the chakras they know of them but don't use them properly I'm like wow seriously but anyway.

Any advice if I find myself in a leadership position getting the sense I probably will
serpentwalker666 said:
This is a very important topic. One thing I have a hard time understanding sometimes personally is when it comes to the serpent healing the individual, which you mention in this topic.

I deal with chronic heart issues, the serpent as it's circulated through the nadis, rose to the crown, and related experiences has helped the condition and issues improve, but I'm still not truly free from this level of rather frustrating, physical suffering, yet, even though I have no chakra blockages and the serpent energy moves freely.

The way Andras explained it to me though is that it's not about when I want to be healed. But when the Kundalini Serpent basically does this on its own time, when one is ready.

I'll work with and circulate the energy, then some days, feel like I'm completely free of pain, and feel extremely amazing, then the cycle will kind of perpetuate, then I'm in pain, suffering for some days like a cycle.

This has went on for the past two and a half years, and I've fought tooth and nail to get to where I am despite days I felt literal exhaustion, pain to extreme levels in every nerve, muscle, and my chest, with doctors and hospitals offering me no feasible solutions or explanations when im hooked up to medical devices or have tests done.

Regardless of this rather frustrating personal situation, I want to say this is an amazing sermon High Priest Hooded Cobra, and like always, these writings speak for themselves.

We Spiritual Satanists have an amazing opportunity for growth as human beings.

I want to also write this to show other SS that despite how hard things are at times, one day we reach the goals we work towards with our practices.

Despite any personal circumstances or suffering, giving up is never the option. Ever.

It is very important to do things in a realistic and steady fashion, it can be quite scary to confront moving too fast, I believe even moving too fast comes from blockages. It can temporarily set somebody back due to the fear. If a person moves fast they should remain fearless, ask the gods for assistance, and get grounded and be okay with remaining in a semi-permanent state of suffering. Until they are grounded and ready again. I have personally fallen victim to this many times and because I could not bear suffering or be patient with myself and others. I’ve made a mistakes in life due to this, and have let myself be too vulnerable.

People with a background of heavy abuse generally fall off but they DON’T have to. It’s very important they make rapid changes at first though because going too fast is better than suicide. Unfortunately people who’ve been through the most abuse suffer the most in saving their souls as well but it is a choice. It’s all about consistency striving to not become what hurt you and to not be open to hurt at the same time. It’s a tough balance, a fine line between love and hate. People who’ve been abused feel awful for hating and have to learn to hate and not be hypersensitive at the same time. It’s tough. They should not be hard on themselves ever and they should be very slow and forgiving in their path. And really heavily learn the power of detachment.

There’s something very powerful about obsidian and gold. Obsidian over the heart and gold everywhere else. Once a person who’s struggling finds a truly comfortable balance this is a good thing to imagine.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TerKorian666 said:
Hi HoodedCobra666, in your books of sermons and writings you sometimes said about blue satanic fire, that we should use it as a weapon and protection against enemy. So question is, is that blue fire become satanic when we put some kind of intentions to it and program it? Or is just blue fire is satanic by itself?

It can be programmed but the energy also has a tendency to act on its own. It can be imagined as being an extension of Satan's Will.

What about the purple fire energy? Can it be used without programming
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Then, after we grow in wisdom, we look back and understand we have done a big mistake, and cost ourselves a lot of wasted time - all due to our own fault.

In fact, this is just waiting for you to return and to heal yourself. If you don't do this now [which you have this great, once in many lifetimes opportunity in JoS] then these problems will haunt you in the next life, and in the next of the next. Do not allow this to happen, take this matter seriously.
1st I wanted to say how are you doing Hoodedcobra666? It's been forever since ancient-forums had a new sermon. Is everything OK. Do you need a safe house or anything that I can provide?

My questions are
After re-reading and re-reading this sermon. I've got to wonder is the healing the soul meditation freeing the soul? cause I can't find healing the soul on joy of satan meditations. Or do we just empower our chakras is that healing the soul as it reforms?? So that the serpent will rise and the soul to be unlocked to be worked on?

And the Gods that heal the soul is the normal Demon summoning enough to talk to them, do you talk to them with your mind or verbally?, even if you can't hear them or see them. Do they always come to check on you after 1st contact

Or should you contact the current Demon of the week as per the joyofsatan calendar because it's their time insteadof the healing Gods??

And most importantly when one has chosen a God to work with how often should I contact them after summoning or do I have to wait for them to come back to me? Is contacting them everydaya bad idea?
(Noting it's extremely hard for me to feel them?). Hope I haven't asked too much :shock:

Lots of Love you Hoodedcobra666 and mad respect for the work you do. + Congratulations for what you've already done.
TopoftheAbyss said:
For almost a year I have been under constant attacks and I did all sorts of workings to heal. Nothing worked. I also prayed a lot and still got no help.

Welcome back. I was thinking about you, I wanted to make a topic and ask the other SS if they knew if you were back or not.

What should work? You didn't advance. Are you still lazy to meditate?
TopoftheAbyss said:
For almost a year I have been under constant attacks and I did all sorts of workings to heal. Nothing worked. I also prayed a lot and still got no help.
Have you been following a steady routine daily, if so, what kind of?
Edward Lonsa said:
I would recommend also the book by Giovanni Maciocia, The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, in 3 volumes In second volume there there is a lot about disease of the specific organs, for example, a part dedicated to the heart.

Hi Edward, I can see that you have recommended some TCM books earlier. I am wanting to start studying TCM, and I wondered if you have a suggestions for an introductory text? Thanks for your help
Solar Legion said:
Edward Lonsa said:
I would recommend also the book by Giovanni Maciocia, The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, in 3 volumes In second volume there there is a lot about disease of the specific organs, for example, a part dedicated to the heart.

Hi Edward, I can see that you have recommended some TCM books earlier. I am wanting to start studying TCM, and I wondered if you have a suggestions for an introductory text? Thanks for your help

I think all 3 volumes by Giovanni Maciocia, The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, are very good for a first book. He has a specific book for psychological aspect too - The Psyche in Chinese Medicine. I read these two, but he has many books https://giovanni-maciocia.com/ You can find some of them free here:


I also liked those 5 volumes of which are recommended here:

My own introductory text was Russian author Ovechkin A. M. The basics of Zhen-Ju therapy https://vk.com/wall-63038783_67141?lang=en
Unfortunately, I can't find it in English.
I think all 3 volumes by Giovanni Maciocia, The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, are very good for a first book. He has a specific book for psychological aspect too - The Psyche in Chinese Medicine. I read these two, but he has many books https://giovanni-maciocia.com/ You can find some of them free here:

I also liked those 5 volumes of which are recommended here:

My own introductory text was Russian author Ovechkin A. M. The basics of Zhen-Ju therapy https://vk.com/wall-63038783_67141?lang=en
Unfortunately, I can't find it in English.
Hi Edward, i've been reading the 1st book of the
5 volumes
i'm ony one page 270, so havent got to the practice yet. Have you tried any go the chi gong exercises?

Over the years, I have been standing alongside many of our own who had experienced severe damage, trauma, attacks, the list goes. This is never a pleasant thing to encounter.

Father Satan and the Gods can heal you. They are the source of healing. All the meditations, the structuring of the mind, the cleaning, the freeing the soul - all of this is meant to heal you. It was given with this goal in mind.

It is even sadder that some people, sometimes do run away from this. You will not heal this way. We are delaying the inevitable, because we are foolish and oftentimes as human beings, don't understand what is in our own interest.

Then, after we grow in wisdom, we look back and understand we have done a big mistake, and cost ourselves a lot of wasted time - all due to our own fault.

In fact, this is just waiting for you to return and to heal yourself. If you don't do this now [which you have this great, once in many lifetimes opportunity in JoS] then these problems will haunt you in the next life, and in the next of the next. Do not allow this to happen, take this matter seriously.

When we are wounded, we don't understand the primary reason for healing. Moments of weakness, fear, doubt or insecurity, can bring these up for us to address. Most people simply run away from this, adding to their problems, but Spiritual Satanists must turn and face all of this, because you truly CAN do this.

This situation of falsehood might also reach a point where our wounds are not even understood at all, such as when we have ignored them for too long. As one can see, many of the Gods specialize in healing. This has to do with the spiritual healing of the soul. Any internal, emotional and psychological damage, can indeed be healed.

In regards to the material, science and other practices can help you. No matter what this world throws at you, however, you can have a perfectly sane and healthy soul. This takes time and effort, but it is worth it.

The Serpent, will rise for those who have fully healed themselves.

A secret code in regards to "Healing the Soul" is also the creation of the Temple of the Soul, ie, to develop the Soul. Progressively, peace, serenity, and inner health will be yours. And these cannot be taken away from you ever again.

When your dues have been paid, then this will be your reward, and your exit from this hospital that we call "life", you will move onward into true and real life. The "second coming" and the "rebirth" is actually describing this very procedure. What is needed here, is to work on one's self, to become new, to be born again.

If anyone has meditated here and experienced a moment of bliss or inner healing, then you will understand what this message here means. This relief when a blockage is removed, or this relief when you have finally vented and successfully moved out all this boggling down sludge from your soul. If you haven't felt this, yes, it totally exists, and is possible. Do not give up.

Many of you also have been facing stupid doubts and all sorts of other things that occur from internal psychological damage. The Gods and anyone that is of the Gods is going to understand this to the necessary extent.

Yes, we live in a world where carnage and distrust is basically the norm. We must protect from this, but one must not forget their real origins. The Gods don't behave as many of the people one has in mind do. If one joined the Gods, one must accept this new standard.

For those who have had a positive experience with them, you must nourish this and allow yourself to take a breather, knowing that not everything in this universe is based on psychotic corruption.

Yes, the Gods can be trusted, and they are beyond the need to do any evil to human beings whatsoever. The Ancient Philosophers kept repeating that the Gods/Demons are "Agathoi" or "Noble", for lack of a better translation, and they are also "Therapontes" or "Healers". The Gods have everything and they only want others to grow into a state of self healing too.

To understand this fully however, one must cleave closer and closer to them, and allow themselves to rise to a level where they can see past the giant mountain of fear, doubt, uncertainty, and inner disease. This takes time, but it is attainable.

The Gods understand all of this and the Guardian Demon ascribed on you, will help you. Patiently, they will work with you. The sooner you start listening and start applying meditation, the better for you. The more one flees from this procedure, the worse it is.

Lastly, HPS Maxine has mentioned before about the soul and how the soul carries "Engravings" into it.

The mantras, meditations, memories, everything you do, is inscribed into the soul. You take this with you into this and the previous lifetime. After the soul is unlocked, it can be worked on, and after it's worked on, it can be healed. Things that constitute pains, can be removed, and things that constitute blessings, are with you still to increase.

In the same way one carries wounds and other problematic things, one can heal them, and one later one can keep carrying positivity, light and vibrancy, but also inner health, wealth and wisdom.

We are sitting between two sides, and one must pick the good side, and side of healing. Let the Gods heal you, and let them help you, as their son and daughter, because the Gods are kind and they will help their children.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a very important post for me.

When you challenge yourself in what you are running away from, injuries and pain that you forgot about are revealed, these may be unpleasant situations from childhood and so that they do not interfere in the present and in the future (in future lives), all this must be healed.

As problems are discovered, I fix them.
Over the years, I have been standing alongside many of our own who had experienced severe damage, trauma, attacks, the list goes. This is never a pleasant thing to encounter.

Father Satan and the Gods can heal you. They are the source of healing. All the meditations, the structuring of the mind, the cleaning, the freeing the soul - all of this is meant to heal you. It was given with this goal in mind.

It is even sadder that some people, sometimes do run away from this. You will not heal this way. We are delaying the inevitable, because we are foolish and oftentimes as human beings, don't understand what is in our own interest.

Then, after we grow in wisdom, we look back and understand we have done a big mistake, and cost ourselves a lot of wasted time - all due to our own fault.

In fact, this is just waiting for you to return and to heal yourself. If you don't do this now [which you have this great, once in many lifetimes opportunity in JoS] then these problems will haunt you in the next life, and in the next of the next. Do not allow this to happen, take this matter seriously.

When we are wounded, we don't understand the primary reason for healing. Moments of weakness, fear, doubt or insecurity, can bring these up for us to address. Most people simply run away from this, adding to their problems, but Spiritual Satanists must turn and face all of this, because you truly CAN do this.

This situation of falsehood might also reach a point where our wounds are not even understood at all, such as when we have ignored them for too long. As one can see, many of the Gods specialize in healing. This has to do with the spiritual healing of the soul. Any internal, emotional and psychological damage, can indeed be healed.

In regards to the material, science and other practices can help you. No matter what this world throws at you, however, you can have a perfectly sane and healthy soul. This takes time and effort, but it is worth it.

The Serpent, will rise for those who have fully healed themselves.

A secret code in regards to "Healing the Soul" is also the creation of the Temple of the Soul, ie, to develop the Soul. Progressively, peace, serenity, and inner health will be yours. And these cannot be taken away from you ever again.

When your dues have been paid, then this will be your reward, and your exit from this hospital that we call "life", you will move onward into true and real life. The "second coming" and the "rebirth" is actually describing this very procedure. What is needed here, is to work on one's self, to become new, to be born again.

If anyone has meditated here and experienced a moment of bliss or inner healing, then you will understand what this message here means. This relief when a blockage is removed, or this relief when you have finally vented and successfully moved out all this boggling down sludge from your soul. If you haven't felt this, yes, it totally exists, and is possible. Do not give up.

Many of you also have been facing stupid doubts and all sorts of other things that occur from internal psychological damage. The Gods and anyone that is of the Gods is going to understand this to the necessary extent.

Yes, we live in a world where carnage and distrust is basically the norm. We must protect from this, but one must not forget their real origins. The Gods don't behave as many of the people one has in mind do. If one joined the Gods, one must accept this new standard.

For those who have had a positive experience with them, you must nourish this and allow yourself to take a breather, knowing that not everything in this universe is based on psychotic corruption.

Yes, the Gods can be trusted, and they are beyond the need to do any evil to human beings whatsoever. The Ancient Philosophers kept repeating that the Gods/Demons are "Agathoi" or "Noble", for lack of a better translation, and they are also "Therapontes" or "Healers". The Gods have everything and they only want others to grow into a state of self healing too.

To understand this fully however, one must cleave closer and closer to them, and allow themselves to rise to a level where they can see past the giant mountain of fear, doubt, uncertainty, and inner disease. This takes time, but it is attainable.

The Gods understand all of this and the Guardian Demon ascribed on you, will help you. Patiently, they will work with you. The sooner you start listening and start applying meditation, the better for you. The more one flees from this procedure, the worse it is.

Lastly, HPS Maxine has mentioned before about the soul and how the soul carries "Engravings" into it.

The mantras, meditations, memories, everything you do, is inscribed into the soul. You take this with you into this and the previous lifetime. After the soul is unlocked, it can be worked on, and after it's worked on, it can be healed. Things that constitute pains, can be removed, and things that constitute blessings, are with you still to increase.

In the same way one carries wounds and other problematic things, one can heal them, and one later one can keep carrying positivity, light and vibrancy, but also inner health, wealth and wisdom.

We are sitting between two sides, and one must pick the good side, and side of healing. Let the Gods heal you, and let them help you, as their son and daughter, because the Gods are kind and they will help their children.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
High Priest Hooded Cobra

I would like to know which meditations, mantra’s I need to do for my healings and trauma’s that I have had, I still have difficulty forgetting the injustice that has happened to me, the hurt and pain that was inflicted upon me, I want to get over it and forget it so I can fully focus on my Spiritual path!
Thank you ❤️

Hail Father Satan❤️
Hail to the Gods and Goddesses ❤️
Over the years, I have been standing alongside many of our own who had experienced severe damage, trauma, attacks, the list goes. This is never a pleasant thing to encounter.

Father Satan and the Gods can heal you. They are the source of healing. All the meditations, the structuring of the mind, the cleaning, the freeing the soul - all of this is meant to heal you. It was given with this goal in mind.

It is even sadder that some people, sometimes do run away from this. You will not heal this way. We are delaying the inevitable, because we are foolish and oftentimes as human beings, don't understand what is in our own interest.

Then, after we grow in wisdom, we look back and understand we have done a big mistake, and cost ourselves a lot of wasted time - all due to our own fault.

In fact, this is just waiting for you to return and to heal yourself. If you don't do this now [which you have this great, once in many lifetimes opportunity in JoS] then these problems will haunt you in the next life, and in the next of the next. Do not allow this to happen, take this matter seriously.

When we are wounded, we don't understand the primary reason for healing. Moments of weakness, fear, doubt or insecurity, can bring these up for us to address. Most people simply run away from this, adding to their problems, but Spiritual Satanists must turn and face all of this, because you truly CAN do this.

This situation of falsehood might also reach a point where our wounds are not even understood at all, such as when we have ignored them for too long. As one can see, many of the Gods specialize in healing. This has to do with the spiritual healing of the soul. Any internal, emotional and psychological damage, can indeed be healed.

In regards to the material, science and other practices can help you. No matter what this world throws at you, however, you can have a perfectly sane and healthy soul. This takes time and effort, but it is worth it.

The Serpent, will rise for those who have fully healed themselves.

A secret code in regards to "Healing the Soul" is also the creation of the Temple of the Soul, ie, to develop the Soul. Progressively, peace, serenity, and inner health will be yours. And these cannot be taken away from you ever again.

When your dues have been paid, then this will be your reward, and your exit from this hospital that we call "life", you will move onward into true and real life. The "second coming" and the "rebirth" is actually describing this very procedure. What is needed here, is to work on one's self, to become new, to be born again.

If anyone has meditated here and experienced a moment of bliss or inner healing, then you will understand what this message here means. This relief when a blockage is removed, or this relief when you have finally vented and successfully moved out all this boggling down sludge from your soul. If you haven't felt this, yes, it totally exists, and is possible. Do not give up.

Many of you also have been facing stupid doubts and all sorts of other things that occur from internal psychological damage. The Gods and anyone that is of the Gods is going to understand this to the necessary extent.

Yes, we live in a world where carnage and distrust is basically the norm. We must protect from this, but one must not forget their real origins. The Gods don't behave as many of the people one has in mind do. If one joined the Gods, one must accept this new standard.

For those who have had a positive experience with them, you must nourish this and allow yourself to take a breather, knowing that not everything in this universe is based on psychotic corruption.

Yes, the Gods can be trusted, and they are beyond the need to do any evil to human beings whatsoever. The Ancient Philosophers kept repeating that the Gods/Demons are "Agathoi" or "Noble", for lack of a better translation, and they are also "Therapontes" or "Healers". The Gods have everything and they only want others to grow into a state of self healing too.

To understand this fully however, one must cleave closer and closer to them, and allow themselves to rise to a level where they can see past the giant mountain of fear, doubt, uncertainty, and inner disease. This takes time, but it is attainable.

The Gods understand all of this and the Guardian Demon ascribed on you, will help you. Patiently, they will work with you. The sooner you start listening and start applying meditation, the better for you. The more one flees from this procedure, the worse it is.

Lastly, HPS Maxine has mentioned before about the soul and how the soul carries "Engravings" into it.

The mantras, meditations, memories, everything you do, is inscribed into the soul. You take this with you into this and the previous lifetime. After the soul is unlocked, it can be worked on, and after it's worked on, it can be healed. Things that constitute pains, can be removed, and things that constitute blessings, are with you still to increase.

In the same way one carries wounds and other problematic things, one can heal them, and one later one can keep carrying positivity, light and vibrancy, but also inner health, wealth and wisdom.

We are sitting between two sides, and one must pick the good side, and side of healing. Let the Gods heal you, and let them help you, as their son and daughter, because the Gods are kind and they will help their children.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A heartfelt "thank you" for this sermon. I feel it strongly speaks to me. Thank you for all you do High Priest Hooded Cobra. Your work is most appreciated.
Over the years, I have been standing alongside many of our own who had experienced severe damage, trauma, attacks, the list goes. This is never a pleasant thing to encounter.

Father Satan and the Gods can heal you. They are the source of healing. All the meditations, the structuring of the mind, the cleaning, the freeing the soul - all of this is meant to heal you. It was given with this goal in mind.

It is even sadder that some people, sometimes do run away from this. You will not heal this way. We are delaying the inevitable, because we are foolish and oftentimes as human beings, don't understand what is in our own interest.

Then, after we grow in wisdom, we look back and understand we have done a big mistake, and cost ourselves a lot of wasted time - all due to our own fault.

In fact, this is just waiting for you to return and to heal yourself. If you don't do this now [which you have this great, once in many lifetimes opportunity in JoS] then these problems will haunt you in the next life, and in the next of the next. Do not allow this to happen, take this matter seriously.

When we are wounded, we don't understand the primary reason for healing. Moments of weakness, fear, doubt or insecurity, can bring these up for us to address. Most people simply run away from this, adding to their problems, but Spiritual Satanists must turn and face all of this, because you truly CAN do this.

This situation of falsehood might also reach a point where our wounds are not even understood at all, such as when we have ignored them for too long. As one can see, many of the Gods specialize in healing. This has to do with the spiritual healing of the soul. Any internal, emotional and psychological damage, can indeed be healed.

In regards to the material, science and other practices can help you. No matter what this world throws at you, however, you can have a perfectly sane and healthy soul. This takes time and effort, but it is worth it.

The Serpent, will rise for those who have fully healed themselves.

A secret code in regards to "Healing the Soul" is also the creation of the Temple of the Soul, ie, to develop the Soul. Progressively, peace, serenity, and inner health will be yours. And these cannot be taken away from you ever again.

When your dues have been paid, then this will be your reward, and your exit from this hospital that we call "life", you will move onward into true and real life. The "second coming" and the "rebirth" is actually describing this very procedure. What is needed here, is to work on one's self, to become new, to be born again.

If anyone has meditated here and experienced a moment of bliss or inner healing, then you will understand what this message here means. This relief when a blockage is removed, or this relief when you have finally vented and successfully moved out all this boggling down sludge from your soul. If you haven't felt this, yes, it totally exists, and is possible. Do not give up.

Many of you also have been facing stupid doubts and all sorts of other things that occur from internal psychological damage. The Gods and anyone that is of the Gods is going to understand this to the necessary extent.

Yes, we live in a world where carnage and distrust is basically the norm. We must protect from this, but one must not forget their real origins. The Gods don't behave as many of the people one has in mind do. If one joined the Gods, one must accept this new standard.

For those who have had a positive experience with them, you must nourish this and allow yourself to take a breather, knowing that not everything in this universe is based on psychotic corruption.

Yes, the Gods can be trusted, and they are beyond the need to do any evil to human beings whatsoever. The Ancient Philosophers kept repeating that the Gods/Demons are "Agathoi" or "Noble", for lack of a better translation, and they are also "Therapontes" or "Healers". The Gods have everything and they only want others to grow into a state of self healing too.

To understand this fully however, one must cleave closer and closer to them, and allow themselves to rise to a level where they can see past the giant mountain of fear, doubt, uncertainty, and inner disease. This takes time, but it is attainable.

The Gods understand all of this and the Guardian Demon ascribed on you, will help you. Patiently, they will work with you. The sooner you start listening and start applying meditation, the better for you. The more one flees from this procedure, the worse it is.

Lastly, HPS Maxine has mentioned before about the soul and how the soul carries "Engravings" into it.

The mantras, meditations, memories, everything you do, is inscribed into the soul. You take this with you into this and the previous lifetime. After the soul is unlocked, it can be worked on, and after it's worked on, it can be healed. Things that constitute pains, can be removed, and things that constitute blessings, are with you still to increase.

In the same way one carries wounds and other problematic things, one can heal them, and one later one can keep carrying positivity, light and vibrancy, but also inner health, wealth and wisdom.

We are sitting between two sides, and one must pick the good side, and side of healing. Let the Gods heal you, and let them help you, as their son and daughter, because the Gods are kind and they will help their children.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for your wisdom. HP HOODED COBRA WILL THERE ANY MORE DOCUMENTARIES BE COMING OUT AND also you maybe have the link to 5 Tibetan pdf please
High Priest Hooded Cobra

I would like to know which meditations, mantra’s I need to do for my healings and trauma’s that I have had, I still have difficulty forgetting the injustice that has happened to me, the hurt and pain that was inflicted upon me, I want to get over it and forget it so I can fully focus on my Spiritual path!
Thank you

Hail Father Satan
Hail to the Gods and Goddesses
Ask this on a different topic so others can answer you too.
And if your mistakes beside SATAN make you stagnate and stop you from any evolution? If you can't access the powers because you know that you don't deserve to do it and you know that you don't have a chance to meaning something in their eyes? I know, the answer would be ,,give up, anyway you're useless, You're just messing things up" but you can't do that. Because your beliefs are very strong and you care about HE even after all you have done. Although you're unable to show HE that? All you can do is say it. .you still have the courage to say that you care, even though you never showed that you care, it was just empty words because that's all you could do ... What should I do? Should I give up or continue? But is it useless to continue like this? .Besides, I don't even have the courage anymore and will I never have the courage to see HIM? What should I do? I can't, I really can't access this healing because I know I was wrong and I won't mean anything to HE in the end. I have no way out .... If for SATAN and GODS I will never mean anything, I don't need this healing. And it's just my fault. I'm sorry, but it's too late to be sorry. .
Never give up on spirituality, you have to not think that you will never mean anything to Father Satan and the Gods, we have all made terrible mistakes because we have come from a corrupt world where the Jews have taken over and these Abrahamic religions has ruined the human race! So no one here is going to come with no problems, no big mistakes, we all have done them but coming to Father Satan and SS and our slates get cleaned and we start new again, we clean ourselves from the dirt of this world we can do this we have all the tools to better ourselves to become as the Gods as we originally should have until the Reptilian race and their created Jews came and took over, but we still have had this opportunity that most people don’t and you should be rejoicing because we are with our Creator God Satan, unfortunately the ones without are worshipping a fake non existent god that the Jewish revolting crap created from their thought forms has no physical body has no power to do anything, their fake religion their stupid worshippers they are nothing but a bunch of losers who will soon meet their doom, so please appreciate you have a golden opportunity so make the most of it, it doesn’t matter how long it will take I believe you are young you have many years to get to perfection, take it slow but consistently, take breaks if needed, but never say the Gods don’t like me or things like this, they love us we are their children, who wouldn’t love their child? So my friend continue on this wonderful life saving for eternity path! 🤗
Hail Father Satan ❤️
Hail to the Gods and Goddesses ❤️
Over the years, I have been standing alongside many of our own who had experienced severe damage, trauma, attacks, the list goes. This is never a pleasant thing to encounter.

Father Satan and the Gods can heal you. They are the source of healing. All the meditations, the structuring of the mind, the cleaning, the freeing the soul - all of this is meant to heal you. It was given with this goal in mind.

It is even sadder that some people, sometimes do run away from this. You will not heal this way. We are delaying the inevitable, because we are foolish and oftentimes as human beings, don't understand what is in our own interest.

Then, after we grow in wisdom, we look back and understand we have done a big mistake, and cost ourselves a lot of wasted time - all due to our own fault.

In fact, this is just waiting for you to return and to heal yourself. If you don't do this now [which you have this great, once in many lifetimes opportunity in JoS] then these problems will haunt you in the next life, and in the next of the next. Do not allow this to happen, take this matter seriously.

When we are wounded, we don't understand the primary reason for healing. Moments of weakness, fear, doubt or insecurity, can bring these up for us to address. Most people simply run away from this, adding to their problems, but Spiritual Satanists must turn and face all of this, because you truly CAN do this.

This situation of falsehood might also reach a point where our wounds are not even understood at all, such as when we have ignored them for too long. As one can see, many of the Gods specialize in healing. This has to do with the spiritual healing of the soul. Any internal, emotional and psychological damage, can indeed be healed.

In regards to the material, science and other practices can help you. No matter what this world throws at you, however, you can have a perfectly sane and healthy soul. This takes time and effort, but it is worth it.

The Serpent, will rise for those who have fully healed themselves.

A secret code in regards to "Healing the Soul" is also the creation of the Temple of the Soul, ie, to develop the Soul. Progressively, peace, serenity, and inner health will be yours. And these cannot be taken away from you ever again.

When your dues have been paid, then this will be your reward, and your exit from this hospital that we call "life", you will move onward into true and real life. The "second coming" and the "rebirth" is actually describing this very procedure. What is needed here, is to work on one's self, to become new, to be born again.

If anyone has meditated here and experienced a moment of bliss or inner healing, then you will understand what this message here means. This relief when a blockage is removed, or this relief when you have finally vented and successfully moved out all this boggling down sludge from your soul. If you haven't felt this, yes, it totally exists, and is possible. Do not give up.

Many of you also have been facing stupid doubts and all sorts of other things that occur from internal psychological damage. The Gods and anyone that is of the Gods is going to understand this to the necessary extent.

Yes, we live in a world where carnage and distrust is basically the norm. We must protect from this, but one must not forget their real origins. The Gods don't behave as many of the people one has in mind do. If one joined the Gods, one must accept this new standard.

For those who have had a positive experience with them, you must nourish this and allow yourself to take a breather, knowing that not everything in this universe is based on psychotic corruption.

Yes, the Gods can be trusted, and they are beyond the need to do any evil to human beings whatsoever. The Ancient Philosophers kept repeating that the Gods/Demons are "Agathoi" or "Noble", for lack of a better translation, and they are also "Therapontes" or "Healers". The Gods have everything and they only want others to grow into a state of self healing too.

To understand this fully however, one must cleave closer and closer to them, and allow themselves to rise to a level where they can see past the giant mountain of fear, doubt, uncertainty, and inner disease. This takes time, but it is attainable.

The Gods understand all of this and the Guardian Demon ascribed on you, will help you. Patiently, they will work with you. The sooner you start listening and start applying meditation, the better for you. The more one flees from this procedure, the worse it is.

Lastly, HPS Maxine has mentioned before about the soul and how the soul carries "Engravings" into it.

The mantras, meditations, memories, everything you do, is inscribed into the soul. You take this with you into this and the previous lifetime. After the soul is unlocked, it can be worked on, and after it's worked on, it can be healed. Things that constitute pains, can be removed, and things that constitute blessings, are with you still to increase.

In the same way one carries wounds and other problematic things, one can heal them, and one later one can keep carrying positivity, light and vibrancy, but also inner health, wealth and wisdom.

We are sitting between two sides, and one must pick the good side, and side of healing. Let the Gods heal you, and let them help you, as their son and daughter, because the Gods are kind and they will help their children.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you HP, this is encouraging and I learn allot from what you post. I realized that the solutions lie in being your own solution. Often we talk the talk but don't walk the walk. A good introspective look at one's self and coming to the realization that it is indeed possible to achieve what you want is what initiates change and growth. I have had positive changes happen in the past few days due taking stock and starting to make the necessary changes to deal with some challenges I am facing. A positive and action orientated mindset is what makes the world of difference.
Tweet 1: "Experiencing bliss or inner healing through meditation is a life-changing experience. Don't give up if you haven't felt it yet - it's possible! #meditation #innerhealing #bliss"

Tweet 2: "Many people face stupid doubts and other issues caused by internal psychological damage. Trustworthy allies who understand this are valuable in a world full of carnage. #psychologicaldamage #stupiddoubts #trustworthyallies"

Tweet 3: "If you've had positive experiences with the Gods, nourish and protect them as they will help you rise above the negativity. They don't behave like many others around us do. #positiveexperiences #nourishment #protection"

Tweet 4: "The Guardian Demon assigned to you will work with patience, helping you heal internally and see past the mountain of fear, doubt, and uncertainty. #guardiandemon #patience #internalhealing"

Tweet 5: "To fully understand the Gods' perspective, one must come closer and allow themselves to rise above inner disease and fears. It takes time but is attainable! #understandingtheGods #closertoGods #attainableselfhealing"

Tweet 6: "The soul carries engravings from lifetime to lifetime, including mantras, meditations, memories, and experiences. Keep your soul healthy by working on it and increasing its blessings! #soulengravings #lifetimeafterlifetime #positivesoul"

Hashtags: #meditation #innerhealing #bliss #psychologicaldamage #stupiddoubts #trustworthyallies #positiveexperiences #nourishment #protection #guardiandemon #patience #understandingtheGods #closertoGods #attainableselfhealing #soulengravings #lifetimeafterlifetime #positivesoul

Tweet 7: "Elevate your consciousness to a higher level by embracing meditation and inner healing. This will help you see the world in a different light! #elevatedconsciousness #meditation #innerhealing"

Tweet 8: "Being selective about who we interact with can lead to better mental health, especially when surrounding yourself with those who promote positivity. #positivity #selectiveness #bettermentalhealth"

Tweet 9: "The Guardian Demon's help is invaluable for overcoming fears and doubts that prevent us from seeing the truth about ourselves. #guardiandemon #fearsanddoubts #truthaboutourselves"

Tweet 10: "Unlock your true potential by embracing self-healing through meditation, mantras, and positive experiences. Choose hash tags to highlight your journey! #selfhealing #meditation #positiveexperiences #hashTagsForJourney"

Tweet 11: "Cleansing negative energy from our lives can lead to better relationships with both ourselves and others. Embrace positivity and let go of the negativity! #positivity #negativity #innercleansing"

Tweet 12: "Acknowledge your worthiness and value, even if it means removing toxic influences from your life. Protect yourself by valuing your own energy and embracing a more positive outlook! #acknowledgetheworthiness #toxicinfluences #positivity"

Tweet 13: "Finding inner peace is essential for overall mental health, so make it a priority to work on. Meditation and mindfulness can help you find the path to balance in life! #innerpeace #mentalhealth #meditation"

Tweet 14: "The Gods have everything we need for happiness, including compassion, understanding, and love. Listen when they speak to us through our intuition or gut feelings! #gods #compassion #listeningtoinnervoice"

Hash tags: #positivity #mentalhealth #meditation #positivity #negativity #trustworthyallies #positiveexperiences #selectiveness #bettermentalhealth #acknowledgetheworthiness #innerpeace #selfhealing

Choose where to link for each of the tweets, either to this article, or too Joy of Satan page.

Here is story I wove using A.I based on a Hero Arthur, in the format to be made into a TikTok video and to be narrated with A.I voice Eleven Labs or Tortoise TTS(open source offline)

video segment 1: [Once upon a time, in a world filled with chaos and suffering, there lived a brave and wise hero named Arthur. Arthur had faced many challenges in his lifetime, but none had ever broken him. He had always been able to find the strength within himself to overcome any obstacle that came his way.]* Art/Animation: A dark, gritty world with Arthur standing tall in the center, surrounded by his enemies and obstacles.*

video segment 2: [He had been wounded, and he did not understand the primary reason for this. Moments of weakness, fear, doubt, or insecurity brought these wounds up for him to address. Most people simply run away from this, but Arthur knew that he needed to face these problems head-on.]* Art/Animation: Arthur with a wounded expression on his face, looking down at his feet.*

video segment 3: [He turned to the Gods for help, and they guided him on his journey towards healing. They showed him that he could heal himself, that he had the power within him to cleanse his soul and free himself from the damage that he had suffered.]* Art/Animation: Arthur with a determined expression on his face, looking up at the Gods.* Caption: "Arthur seeks guidance from the Gods and learns the power of self-healing."

video segment 4: [And in the end, Arthur was able to rise above all of his struggles, and he emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before. He knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but he also knew that he was not alone, and that the Gods were always with him, guiding him every step of the way.]* Art/Animation: Arthur standing tall with a victorious expression on his face, surrounded by the Gods or by Light (A.I might have difficulties doing a good enough job]*

"video segment 5: [And so, he walked forward with confidence and determination, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that he was a true hero, and that he would always have the strength and courage to overcome any obstacle.]* Art/Animation: Arthur walking confidently into the unknown, surrounded by the Gods or by Light.*

"video segment 6: [The end]* Art/Animation: A fade-to-black ending.*

TikTok video make to link to something relevant to spiritual healing if not to here.

here is a video I made out of a song I generated

Healing Within

Here is is the lyrics
[Verse]Inhale, let the positive energy flow
Exhale, release all the stress and woe (ooh-yeah)
Let the Gods within heal your soul
Through meditation, you'll find peace untold
[Chorus]The art of consciousness, it's time to master
Let the light and positivity flow faster
With the Gods as your guide, enlightenment is near
Open your heart, let go of fear
[Verse 2]The secret code of healing lies in serenity and peace
A soul filled with light is a true masterpiece (ooh-yeah)
Let the Guardian Demons heal your soul without regret
Embrace their power, don't you ever forget

I made a few other Songs I didn't turn into videos, you can feel free to use this as you wish for our cause.
all the files can be found here.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
