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Rudolf Hess


Jun 23, 2023
In memory of Rudolf Hess

Author's note
Rudolf Hess fought for peace. He flew a flight for it, but he was sentenced to life imprisonment just because he wanted peace to come.
Each of us carries his memory in our tired hearts, we know what a hero he was.

Rudolf Hess, commander, leader, so much more and above all a father.

- My honor is worth more than my freedom!
(Nuremberg Trials.)

After hearing Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party, speak for the first time at a rally in Munich in 1920, Rudolf Hess devoted himself to him. They shared a common belief in the backstabbing myth, the idea that Germany's defeat in World War I was due to a conspiracy of Jews and Bolsheviks rather than a military defeat. Hess joined the Nazi Party on July 1 as its 16th member. As the party continued to grow, holding rallies and meetings in larger breweries in Munich, he focused his attention on fundraising and organizational activities. On November 4, 1921, he was injured protecting Hitler when a bomb planted by a Marxist group exploded in the Hofbräuhaus during a party event. Hess joined the Sturmabteilung (SA) in 1922 and helped organize it and recruit young people.


Meanwhile, problems with the economy continued; hyperinflation caused many personal fortunes to become worthless. When the German government was unable to meet reparations payments and French troops advanced in January 1923 to occupy industrial areas along the Ruhr area, the result was widespread civil unrest. Hitler decided it was time to attempt to seize control of the government in a coup d'état modeled on Benito Mussolini's March on Rome in 1922.

(He may have used such terms to make this statement more convincing. After all, Eva Braun never died.)
-I think of the dead, the millions of dead that our people had to sacrifice in their desperate struggle for freedom and bread. And above all, I think of one person among the dead: Adolf Hitler, the founder of the National Socialist Reich. (Here Hess may have thought that Hitler was dead, I am not sure why he made such a statement) I feel at this moment at one with millions of people whose loyalty has never wavered. I think of the people who died because they deserved to live humanely but were condemned to death, and of Field Marshal Göring and the other victims of Nuremberg foremost among them. There are many gaps in the ranks of you, the leaders of the Movement, who are gathered here. Some of those who are not here died heroically defending a territory which they were given to defend, others were killed by their own hands, and still others were killed under the guise of justice. Among them are people who were well known to all our people and who worked faithfully for the nation in peace and war. I am thinking of those who took their own lives in the last days of the war and immediately after its end. As a representative of the women who, together with their husbands, could not be prevented from killing themselves, I would like to mention here the name of the Führer's wife. I think of Mrs. Goebbels, who shared her husband's fate with her five children. When mothers killed themselves, they also took their children, whom they could not bear to see starve to death...

On the night of November 8, 1923, he and the SA stormed with Hitler a public meeting in the Bürgerbräukeller, a large beer hall in Munich, organized by the de facto ruler of Bavaria, Staatskommissar (state commissioner) Gustav von Kahr. Brandishing a pistol, Hitler interrupted Kahr's speech and proclaimed the beginning of the national revolution and the formation of a new government with World War I General Erich Ludendorff. The next day, in the so-called Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler and several thousand supporters tried to march on the War Ministry in the city center. A gunfight broke out between Nazis and police; sixteen marchers and four police officers were killed. Hitler was arrested on November 11.


Rudolf Hess (front row, second from left) at the Nuremberg trial

- The Party is Hitler! Hitler is Germany! Germany is Hitler!

(What the NSDAP said at its congress in 1934).


- You [Hitler] are Germany. When you act, the people act. When you judge, the people judge. Our gratitude is an oath that we stand with you!
(What the NSDAP said at its congress in 1934).

- You gave us the good news of victory. Now you bring us the good news of peace.

(Speech at the sixth party congress of the NSDAP, referring to Adolf Hitler, 1934.)

- The day after tomorrow you must come with me to a meeting of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. An unknown man will speak, I don't remember his name. That man will bring us back victory.

(What he said in May 1920 when he invited his wife Ilse Hess to a meeting of the NSDAP. By "unknown man" he means Adolf Hitler).

- "It has been a great privilege to serve in the service of the greatest son my nation has ever produced in its thousand-year history [Hitler]. If I had the power to erase this part of my life, I would not do it. I am happy that I have fulfilled all my duties to my nation as a loyal follower of the Führer, as a German and as a National Socialist. I regret nothing. If I had the chance to start all over again, I would do what I did, even if I knew that I would die a horrible death. I don't care what people think. On Judgment Day I will answer to God, whose will is infinite. I will answer only to 'Him' and I know that 'He' will forgive me."

(Most of the quotes are from translations of his speeches at the congresses of the NSDAP and at the Nuremberg Trial).

From Buchanan Castle, Hess was transferred briefly to the Tower of London and then to Mytchett Place, a fortified mansion in Surrey called "Camp Z", where he stayed for the next 13 months. Churchill ordered that Hess be treated well, but he was not allowed to read newspapers or listen to the radio. Three intelligence officers were stationed on site and 150 soldiers stood guard. In early June, Hess was allowed to write letters to his family. He also drafted a letter to the Duke of Hamilton, but it was never delivered and requests to meet him again were turned down. According to Foreign Office files published in the National Archives, Major Frank Foley, MI6's leading German expert and former British Passport Control Officer in Berlin, took responsibility for the year-long failed interrogation of Hess.


On April 21, Hess was elected Deputy Führer (Stellvertreter des Führers) of the Nazi Party. On June 2, 1933, he became one of the 16 Reichsleiter in the Party hierarchy. On July 1, he was promoted to the honorary rank of SS-Obergruppenführer in the Schutzstaffel (SS). It was not until September 20, however, that Hitler decided that he would stop using the titles of Reichsleiter and Obergruppenführer and use only the title "Deputy Führer". This was an acknowledgment of his primus inter pares status within the Party. On December 1, Hess was appointed to the cabinet as Reich Minister without Portfolio. Based in the Brown House in Munich and with an office in Berlin, Hess was responsible for various departments, including foreign affairs, finance, health, education and law.


Hess, Heinrich Himmler, Philipp Bouhler, Fritz Todt and Reinhard Heydrich listening to Konrad Meyer at the Generalplan Ost exhibition, March 20, 1941

Hess did not build a power base or develop a coterie of followers. He was motivated by his loyalty to Hitler and his desire to be useful to him; he did not seek power or prestige or take advantage of his position to accumulate personal wealth. He lived in a modest house in Munich. Hess was committed to völkisch ideology and saw many issues in terms of an alleged Jewish conspiracy against Germany. For example, in one of his speeches he said, "The present League of Nations is nothing but a farce which serves mainly as a basis for the Jews to achieve their own ends. You need only note how many Jews sit in the League of Nations." In a 1937 speech, Hess blamed "international Jewry" for the Spanish Civil War, called Soviet Foreign Commissar Maksim Litvinov a "dirty Jew," and claimed that without Hitler or Mussolini, "Asiatic Jewish Bolshevism would dominate European culture."

On August 30, 1939, just before the outbreak of the Second World War, Hess was appointed to the six-man Council of Reich Defense Ministers established by Hitler. After the Invasion of Poland and the outbreak of war on September 1, 1939, Hitler placed Hess second in command after Hermann Göring. Around the same time, Hitler appointed Martin Bormann as Hess's personal secretary, a post previously held by Hess. On October 8, 1939, Hess signed the law annexing the Free City of Danzig, the Danzig Corridor and the part of Upper Silesia lost to Germany in 1921.

"Reichsleiter Martin Bormann succeeded Rudolf Hess as Hitler's deputy in party affairs after Hess's sensational flight to England in 1941. He proved to be one of the most radical and uncompromising Nazis, full of hatred for the Church." Page 99[1]






https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Goebbels.html [1]


I really sorry my bad English.
There are things I want to say.


Himmler made the ultimate sacrifice for humanity. He sacrificed himself for what he believed in.
His actions saved an entire nation, perhaps the world.


Şerife, a Turkish heroine, froze to death with her baby while carrying bullets to the front in the First World War.
Without these heroes. My country would have fallen for the lie of Islam and would have been forced into slavery.

Sometimes I think; what would we do without these people?

We are still standing because of the great sacrifices made by those who came before us. That's why I wanted to keep Sir Hess' memory alive here.

It bothers me a lot that people who died because they were condemned to death even though they deserved to live humanely are forgotten in history and not recognized as HEROES in textbooks.

Hermann Göring, Heinrich Himmler, who was captured and sacrificed himself by drinking cyanide;
Mrs. Goebbels and her family, who had to die with their 5 children so that they would not be captured;
Rudolf Hess who fought for peace;
And many more heroes whose names have been forgotten...
Each deserves a diamond throne studded with diamonds.

I am proud and happy to be fighting side by side with each and every one of you.

If we can breathe today, it is thanks to those who died before us; the air we breathe is their last breath.
This is especially touching as a Greek, knowing that Hess' mother was of Greek descent.

The story of Rudolf Hess is a blatant example of Allied hypocrisy. A hero who wanted to negotiate peace in civilised terms, was put to jail and killed after decades of rotting. As everyone here knows, the kikes like to accuse their enemies of things they themselves do.

I'm glad I did the "Reversing the Curse Upon the Goat" RTR earlier today.
Link: https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/reversing-the-curse-upon-the-goat-leviticus-1622
They knew that light would one day be overcome by darkness; that this world would regain its former brightness.

How much light their presence shed on this world.

April 26th, is Rudolf Hess's birthday. That's why I wanted to write in this thread.

We must remember the disciples of Satan.
Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, Rudolf Hess, Adolf Hitler and many others.

Happy birthday, Rudolf Hess!

In memory of Rudolf Hess

Author's note
Rudolf Hess fought for peace. He flew a flight for it, but he was sentenced to life imprisonment just because he wanted peace to come.
Each of us carries his memory in our tired hearts, we know what a hero he was.

Rudolf Hess, commander, leader, so much more and above all a father.

- My honor is worth more than my freedom!
(Nuremberg Trials.)

After hearing Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party, speak for the first time at a rally in Munich in 1920, Rudolf Hess devoted himself to him. They shared a common belief in the backstabbing myth, the idea that Germany's defeat in World War I was due to a conspiracy of Jews and Bolsheviks rather than a military defeat. Hess joined the Nazi Party on July 1 as its 16th member. As the party continued to grow, holding rallies and meetings in larger breweries in Munich, he focused his attention on fundraising and organizational activities. On November 4, 1921, he was injured protecting Hitler when a bomb planted by a Marxist group exploded in the Hofbräuhaus during a party event. Hess joined the Sturmabteilung (SA) in 1922 and helped organize it and recruit young people.


Meanwhile, problems with the economy continued; hyperinflation caused many personal fortunes to become worthless. When the German government was unable to meet reparations payments and French troops advanced in January 1923 to occupy industrial areas along the Ruhr area, the result was widespread civil unrest. Hitler decided it was time to attempt to seize control of the government in a coup d'état modeled on Benito Mussolini's March on Rome in 1922.

(He may have used such terms to make this statement more convincing. After all, Eva Braun never died.)
-I think of the dead, the millions of dead that our people had to sacrifice in their desperate struggle for freedom and bread. And above all, I think of one person among the dead: Adolf Hitler, the founder of the National Socialist Reich. (Here Hess may have thought that Hitler was dead, I am not sure why he made such a statement) I feel at this moment at one with millions of people whose loyalty has never wavered. I think of the people who died because they deserved to live humanely but were condemned to death, and of Field Marshal Göring and the other victims of Nuremberg foremost among them. There are many gaps in the ranks of you, the leaders of the Movement, who are gathered here. Some of those who are not here died heroically defending a territory which they were given to defend, others were killed by their own hands, and still others were killed under the guise of justice. Among them are people who were well known to all our people and who worked faithfully for the nation in peace and war. I am thinking of those who took their own lives in the last days of the war and immediately after its end. As a representative of the women who, together with their husbands, could not be prevented from killing themselves, I would like to mention here the name of the Führer's wife. I think of Mrs. Goebbels, who shared her husband's fate with her five children. When mothers killed themselves, they also took their children, whom they could not bear to see starve to death...

On the night of November 8, 1923, he and the SA stormed with Hitler a public meeting in the Bürgerbräukeller, a large beer hall in Munich, organized by the de facto ruler of Bavaria, Staatskommissar (state commissioner) Gustav von Kahr. Brandishing a pistol, Hitler interrupted Kahr's speech and proclaimed the beginning of the national revolution and the formation of a new government with World War I General Erich Ludendorff. The next day, in the so-called Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler and several thousand supporters tried to march on the War Ministry in the city center. A gunfight broke out between Nazis and police; sixteen marchers and four police officers were killed. Hitler was arrested on November 11.


Rudolf Hess (front row, second from left) at the Nuremberg trial

- The Party is Hitler! Hitler is Germany! Germany is Hitler!

(What the NSDAP said at its congress in 1934).


- You [Hitler] are Germany. When you act, the people act. When you judge, the people judge. Our gratitude is an oath that we stand with you!
(What the NSDAP said at its congress in 1934).

- You gave us the good news of victory. Now you bring us the good news of peace.

(Speech at the sixth party congress of the NSDAP, referring to Adolf Hitler, 1934.)

- The day after tomorrow you must come with me to a meeting of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. An unknown man will speak, I don't remember his name. That man will bring us back victory.

(What he said in May 1920 when he invited his wife Ilse Hess to a meeting of the NSDAP. By "unknown man" he means Adolf Hitler).

- "It has been a great privilege to serve in the service of the greatest son my nation has ever produced in its thousand-year history [Hitler]. If I had the power to erase this part of my life, I would not do it. I am happy that I have fulfilled all my duties to my nation as a loyal follower of the Führer, as a German and as a National Socialist. I regret nothing. If I had the chance to start all over again, I would do what I did, even if I knew that I would die a horrible death. I don't care what people think. On Judgment Day I will answer to God, whose will is infinite. I will answer only to 'Him' and I know that 'He' will forgive me."

(Most of the quotes are from translations of his speeches at the congresses of the NSDAP and at the Nuremberg Trial).

From Buchanan Castle, Hess was transferred briefly to the Tower of London and then to Mytchett Place, a fortified mansion in Surrey called "Camp Z", where he stayed for the next 13 months. Churchill ordered that Hess be treated well, but he was not allowed to read newspapers or listen to the radio. Three intelligence officers were stationed on site and 150 soldiers stood guard. In early June, Hess was allowed to write letters to his family. He also drafted a letter to the Duke of Hamilton, but it was never delivered and requests to meet him again were turned down. According to Foreign Office files published in the National Archives, Major Frank Foley, MI6's leading German expert and former British Passport Control Officer in Berlin, took responsibility for the year-long failed interrogation of Hess.


On April 21, Hess was elected Deputy Führer (Stellvertreter des Führers) of the Nazi Party. On June 2, 1933, he became one of the 16 Reichsleiter in the Party hierarchy. On July 1, he was promoted to the honorary rank of SS-Obergruppenführer in the Schutzstaffel (SS). It was not until September 20, however, that Hitler decided that he would stop using the titles of Reichsleiter and Obergruppenführer and use only the title "Deputy Führer". This was an acknowledgment of his primus inter pares status within the Party. On December 1, Hess was appointed to the cabinet as Reich Minister without Portfolio. Based in the Brown House in Munich and with an office in Berlin, Hess was responsible for various departments, including foreign affairs, finance, health, education and law.


Hess, Heinrich Himmler, Philipp Bouhler, Fritz Todt and Reinhard Heydrich listening to Konrad Meyer at the Generalplan Ost exhibition, March 20, 1941

Hess did not build a power base or develop a coterie of followers. He was motivated by his loyalty to Hitler and his desire to be useful to him; he did not seek power or prestige or take advantage of his position to accumulate personal wealth. He lived in a modest house in Munich. Hess was committed to völkisch ideology and saw many issues in terms of an alleged Jewish conspiracy against Germany. For example, in one of his speeches he said, "The present League of Nations is nothing but a farce which serves mainly as a basis for the Jews to achieve their own ends. You need only note how many Jews sit in the League of Nations." In a 1937 speech, Hess blamed "international Jewry" for the Spanish Civil War, called Soviet Foreign Commissar Maksim Litvinov a "dirty Jew," and claimed that without Hitler or Mussolini, "Asiatic Jewish Bolshevism would dominate European culture."

On August 30, 1939, just before the outbreak of the Second World War, Hess was appointed to the six-man Council of Reich Defense Ministers established by Hitler. After the Invasion of Poland and the outbreak of war on September 1, 1939, Hitler placed Hess second in command after Hermann Göring. Around the same time, Hitler appointed Martin Bormann as Hess's personal secretary, a post previously held by Hess. On October 8, 1939, Hess signed the law annexing the Free City of Danzig, the Danzig Corridor and the part of Upper Silesia lost to Germany in 1921.

"Reichsleiter Martin Bormann succeeded Rudolf Hess as Hitler's deputy in party affairs after Hess's sensational flight to England in 1941. He proved to be one of the most radical and uncompromising Nazis, full of hatred for the Church." Page 99[1]






https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Goebbels.html [1]


I really sorry my bad English.
🌼🪷🌹💐Hail Rudolph Hess!!!!🌻🪻🌹🌿

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
