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RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule 19th Feb to 1st of March - And An Address

Lenore said:
Guys, do we do each one only once on written days, or do you increase the number?
As many times as you can. Once is just the minimum. Maybe try to do 5 times.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
In case anyone misses the bold and underlined letters on the 72 Names RTR, here is the archived page:


Somehow text formatting got removed when it was uploaded to satanslibrary.org, but I still find those pronunciation hints to be very helpful.

Brother do let me know in case I need to replace anything.
You don't need to, but if you have time it might be nice to restore the original formatting of the text. Just paste the HTML code from that archived link (only of the vibrations from Line 1 through Line 4) into this file on satanslibrary.org
Thanks. Henu. The entire frtr plus tetra takes me an hour or even more vibrating it. Saying it will be simpler and faster for more. Question. Should I focus on additional tetras even without doing the final RTR. So lets say i did the final RTR 2 times but did the tetra like 4 or 5 times.
Dark Mr Black said:
Thanks. Henu. The entire frtr plus tetra takes me an hour or even more vibrating it. Saying it will be simpler and faster for more. Question. Should I focus on additional tetras even without doing the final RTR. So lets say i did the final RTR 2 times but did the tetra like 4 or 5 times.

You don't need to vibrate the full thing in one single breath. Vibrations can be really short, even "uttered".
Dark Mr Black said:
Thanks. Henu. The entire frtr plus tetra takes me an hour or even more vibrating it. Saying it will be simpler and faster for more. Question. Should I focus on additional tetras even without doing the final RTR. So lets say i did the final RTR 2 times but did the tetra like 4 or 5 times.

I think you can do that with the Tetra I did that a few times usually I use 2 or 3 times. Or if I happen to mess up on the tetra (which happens sometimes with me so far as numbers on a letter) I just finish out with the affirmations after finishing it and do the tetra again. I can't do four or five times though to be honest I do 3 sometimes and I feel like I am totally drained and a little achy even. Most the time I do max 2.
This seems like a silly question but I was wondering do we need to do another Aura cleansing immediately after the rituals like the F-RTR/Tetra? Or can it wait till my bedtime cleansing/protection?
Taurus said:
?only 3,000 views? where are all the Satanist? there was like 150,000 accounts right? im sure a lot are bots and jews and whatnot but man, everything is on the line. i hope they all come through now.

There are other websites in other languages, I speak Turkish and we have a website which translated JoS announcements, so I visit there to do it. I am sure there are a lot of people like that.
For the people asking about the timer!
When the timer shows 01:00:00 we do the Final RTR and Tetra.
When the timer shows 00:00:00 we do the other rituals (one each time).

Don't forget that we shouldn't do one ritual and then IMMEDIATELY do the next one. We need to let some time in-between for the energies to settle.

What I personally do is start raising my energies when the timer shows 00:50:00 or 01:50:00 (in other words, 10 minutes before the timer hits the start mark) and when the timer hits the number, I say the invocation and do the ritual.
It's okay if you raise your energies when the timer hits the start mark.

By the way!!! TODAY IS SUNDAY! For those of us who work, most of us have our day off today. Others who are in quarantined, can have any day to do plenty of things.

So, let's take advantage of our time as much as we can!!

I personally also visualize (while doing the rituals) that I am doing them along with my Brothers and Sisters, and each word is like a bomb into the enemy's rotten soul. I imagine them being exposed to the world, riots against them (against THEM and not against "the government" or against "the system".... I visualize whatever riots being CLEARLY DIRECTED AGAINST *THEM*! Of course THEY control the governments and THEY have created this "system" (the world we live in).. But I visualize people being FULLY AWARE OF *THEM*!!!!!).

I have tried many times to visualize the way they have hurt Gentiles, animals, children etc, but I end up crying and not being able to properly direct my anger. We all have our own way of "working", we all function in a different way. Some may have more difficulty expressing their anger, while others may find it very natural for them to express their anger.

I have been doing Lydia's yoga for the Base chakra, that has actually helped me A LOT: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=47239

Regardless of that though, I still have some difficulty in certain aspects of this.
However, I realized that I function much better when I think of our united efforts in this.

I am not alone, you are not alone in this fight. We have each other. Our Gods also watch our every step - they guide us towards a certain victory - AND IT WILL BE A VICTORY AS LONG AS WE KEEP FIGHTING!!!

Never let your shield and sword fall to the ground, until our Gods arrive - until the enemy has been completely overthrown.

Of course, that doesn't mean that we will always be fighting the way we are now - sometimes we also need to be creative and flourish our world, and bless our SS Brothers and Sisters. This war is NOT just about hatred and rage against the enemy. It is also about love and unity among one another, among Satan's Children. We are all His Children. Let's not forget that.
And if some of you have trouble with feeling love towards other people (even people who share the same beliefs as you, and fight the same war as you) then meditation and yoga will eventually heal your inner wounds and let you be free.

I am not trying to preach the xtianity bullshit of "love everyone" and all that crap. I can understand that even among us here, not everyone is compatible with the others. You DON'T need to find a specific SS in here, point at them, and think of how much you love them lol. Just feel that in your heart. Not about one person in specific, but about each one of us. Each one of us who are fighting for Satan and our Gods. Each one of us who are fighting to bring peace to this ugly jewed world. The trash will be taken out of the way (I am not talking JUST about the enemy here - but also about Gentiles who have been jewed so much, they are fighting side-by-side with the enemy and don't want to open their eyes - and won't).

There are all kinds of people out there - and I am not fighting for ALL of them.
I am fighting for you people. I am fighting for the Gods. I want to give Satan's Kingdom back to Him. I want to make this Earth the great place it used to be. I want to see our Gods return. And I want all of you to be safe, and to fight alongside with me in this war.
We don't need to know each other. We don't even need to have spoken to one another. We can understand this unity exists on a spiritual level. The moment we do the dedication to Satan, all of us become connected, and under Satan's protection.

Let's understand that, and let's continue in this war. Let's keep on fighting and win.

I will do my utmost best for this Sunday, as I have so much free time. I hope everyone can also do the same. I will visualize your energies aligning with mine, our efforts combined together - and we can destroy the enemy's filth and their parasitical "kingdom" of misery, despair and destruction.

Let's fucking destroy them and let them choke in their own crimes.

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does this work for everything. Cos I do the same when im aura cleaning. Takes around 30 40 minutes.
I am not screaming the vibrations as I used to in the first time, but my throat still produces a nice vibration.
Now I have to be quieter, as I live with people who like to curse The Entire Kingdom.
Stormblood said:
Fuchs said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

If I remember right it was ok to double or tripple ... etc the reps for the hebrew as long the affirmation amount stays the same. Right? (except Tetra RTR) Wanted to reinsure/ask so people can do more damage.

like 42 RTR instead of 6 times the hebrew







It is correct. However, it has been stated the focus should be on the tetra. So, if you want to blast real hard, do more rounds of the tetra during the day. It will only amplify the effects of ALL the other rituals.

You mean FINAL + TETRA (I wanted to avoid missunderstandings). It was stated that we should always combine these. The multiplying of reps for the hebrew, I thought would be usefull for the timed attacks. Through this I was able to end near the 1 hour mark to start the Final + Tetra in time (same can be applied here).

If I remember right also one long sitting should be more effective then equaly long spaced out in time RTRs.

For example 1h is better then two seperate 30 min. (Everybody do as it fits you best)

"The Final RTR is always to be combined with the destruction of the Tetragrammaton. Since they will be focusing on these, and they are already focusing on the 42/72, we will focus primarily on these." HP. Hoodedcobra666
Dark Mr Black said:
Thanks. Henu. The entire frtr plus tetra takes me an hour or even more vibrating it. Saying it will be simpler and faster for more. Question. Should I focus on additional tetras even without doing the final RTR. So lets say i did the final RTR 2 times but did the tetra like 4 or 5 times.
You can do it like that, but it's more potent when chained together with final rtr.

Like this: final rtr + tetra*3 < (final rtr + tetra)*3

Don't forget to clean your aura after rituals.
I recall the first times during the 72 reversal. There was always some kind of resistance to me doing it before and during. Now, it's so easy to start and finish, and it does not feel as long and annoying as it used to feel. Those energies that were causing those feelings have been dissolved thanks to the Tetragrammaton reversal.
Stormblood said:
I recall the first times during the 72 reversal. There was always some kind of resistance to me doing it before and during. Now, it's so easy to start and finish, and it does not feel as long and annoying as it used to feel. Those energies that were causing those feelings have been dissolved thanks to the Tetragrammaton reversal.
It must have been real burden back in the day when those rtrs were published...

I did it first time last year, and it was pretty easy. It's easy to get to the flow of 3-3-3-3-3-3-3... It's smooth, and feels very effective. Just roll through three times all the names, affirmation and bam, done. :) I bet the juden are hysterical about this.
Due to my lack of experience with memes, I made two comments that were not very detailed and unclear in this topic. I would like them removed. Thank you.
Satanic_truth88 said:
can I vibrate AUM instead of SATANAZ?

And no, you cant. SATANAS and AUM both do different things

Reminder to clean well and do protection well, do not neglect that. Other than that, we hit hard.
hailourtruegod said:
Really interesting how stronger and more, so to say, efficient the reverse blood sacrifice ritual and especially the 42 RTR feels now.

The Rtrs feel easier to do for me and take up less time. I noticed that as well.
Taurus said:
?only 3,000 views? where are all the Satanist? there was like 150,000 accounts right? im sure a lot are bots and jews and whatnot but man, everything is on the line. i hope they all come through now.

There are people that don’t log in but still visit the forums and do warfare. I see more people on here at any given time now more than ever.
These rituals feel so much easier. I used to feel extreme, all-of-a-sudden, laziness a year ago that would make me not want to do the rituals. Now, I do extra with ease.

Meanwhile, rabbis and their fellow wall headbangers are scared shitless. :lol:
Are we only doing the tetragrammaton in this schedule or should we doing the tetragrammaton now consistently after every Final RTR for the next years?
6Catawampusly6Satanic6 said:
This seems like a silly question but I was wondering do we need to do another Aura cleansing immediately after the rituals like the F-RTR/Tetra? Or can it wait till my bedtime cleansing/protection?
You’d better do cleaning immediately after finishing your warfare. It is stated in the FRTR that ‘ It is strongly recommended that you clean your aura afterward.‘
Invictus said:
These rituals feel so much easier. I used to feel extreme, all-of-a-sudden, laziness a year ago that would make me not want to do the rituals. Now, I do extra with ease.

Meanwhile, rabbis and their fellow wall headbangers are scared shitless. :lol:

They are definitely attacking us. The server also went down due to some still undefined direct attack. It seems to be OK now.
I feel like this has been covered already but my memory fails me.

In the Blood RTR in the first affirmation where it reads
"...has become toxic to enemy..." the correct affirmation is in fact "...have become toxic to the enemy..."

Since in the second paragraph it is worded that way.
Right? :?:
NewEra said:
Are we only doing the tetragrammaton in this schedule or should we doing the tetragrammaton now consistently after every Final RTR for the next years?

I think everyone should do the Tetragrammaton after each rtr it's not hard and it adds a lot of power to it. Along with doing some sort of visualization of the letters being destroyed (in whatever way you like best) as well with the final rtr part at least for a short bit while vibrating the words (I have found this increases the power of the rtr 3 or 4 times as much at least) I have started doing this each rtr now.

The exception on the Tetragrammaton part is if your constrained for time and just doing a quick rtr or find you need to end the final rtr as quick as possible due to an interruption in that case you don't need too.

This is just my take.
Stormblood said:
I recall the first times during the 72 reversal. There was always some kind of resistance to me doing it before and during. Now, it's so easy to start and finish, and it does not feel as long and annoying as it used to feel. Those energies that were causing those feelings have been dissolved thanks to the Tetragrammaton reversal.

I still get some resistance on the 42 letters.
NewEra said:
Are we only doing the tetragrammaton in this schedule or should we doing the tetragrammaton now consistently after every Final RTR for the next years?

If one has time then yes, F-RTR + dead tetra is highly recommended
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They are definitely attacking us. The server also went down due to some still undefined direct attack. It seems to be OK now.

Figures the filthy bastards would try something, it was a bold day too. But hey, haha, more motivation to punch them harder.

Get hit? - Get up and hit back twice as hard.
Held off the rtrs for about 2 months. Feels nice coming back and participating, my protection is stronger now. I usually have dreams about my energy taking down the enemy. It's more of a feeling than a visual thing. Like I wake up at night sometimes feeling charged up and remembering in my dreams that I was kinda just directing energy against the enemy. I don't find it negative, it's hard to explain. Does this happen to anyone else?
Probably time to make sure we have emails for everyone so we can still coordinate RTR schedules.
StraitShot47 said:
Probably time to make sure we have emails for everyone so we can still coordinate RTR schedules.

Backup plans incoming soon. Do not worry as they cannot take it down permaently or anything.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
StraitShot47 said:
Probably time to make sure we have emails for everyone so we can still coordinate RTR schedules.

Backup plans incoming soon. Do not worry as they cannot take it down permaently or anything.

Just take a screenshot of the rtr schedule as soon as you see it. I did that so I have back up to refer back to if I can't access this one what we are doing on what days. Easy to find the rtrs on the page or back up those too just in case.
tabby said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They are definitely attacking us. The server also went down due to some still undefined direct attack. It seems to be OK now.

Figures the filthy bastards would try something, it was a bold day too. But hey, haha, more motivation to punch them harder.

Get hit? - Get up and hit back twice as hard.
One of us shared a Mega link earlier in this thread with the schedule and rituals. I immediately downloaded it when I seen it because I felt that they would attack us especially on the bold days.
I'm glad I downloaded them because otherwise I would've have missed a day and I can no longer except that from myself since I've been a wee bit of a slacker in the past. I can feel the power this schedule is having. I had a very interesting experience on the astral after falling asleep on the second night of rituals.
Upon falling asleep I was all of a sudden standing over a man on his knees with a black hood over his head in my living room. I was in the middle of telling him that we should be stomping their heads in in the streets but we don't have to do that this time around. Then I bent over and told him that when Satan does return they're really gonna pay and that's when a voice that wasn't human at all and gave me the chills said "we won't be here when he does return" then I immediately woke up with those same chills. I make a lot of comments I shouldn't on Facebook where my real name and image is readily available even though I'm not advanced at all. So I'm thinking this was a kike that has been fucking with me directly up until the second day of rituals and now his ass has been handled :twisted:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
