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RTR Rituals Now More Than Ever

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
When one thinks of future intervention, they should think that the war is here, is happening, and the enemy has power. A lot of power, unimaginable amounts. Even if not spiritually anymore, this is the case in influence and physically. Our efforts rival and our growth shrinks them, and vice versa.

One has to be a liar and an idiot to say that we have won on this current present. On the future, yes, but the future is coming actively and is not set in stone. The more we do, the more this is more clearly engraved in the stone, and the less that is done, the more stone remains without engraving.

The fact that we will require intervention from the outside is not a good sign, but rather, a sign that we require external help. Our planet is not faring on a positive direction and if it did in it's entirety, there wouldn't be a need for us to be having duties to do and require external help.

It's important to understand the exactitude of the situation. When a military unit fights in the front-line on a region that is getting assaulted heavily [Our world in this case] during a brutal war, and the colonels receive information that we are going to have reinforcements coming in, we do not just drop our weapons, go lazy, and go Kumbaya, as there will be a bloodbath and everyone is going to go down.

Instead, you only get a higher morale and fight harder, and you want to ensure to do the best that you can and even fully sweep your enemy, so that when reinforcements arrive, you can proceed better and advance the war. It changes nothing in the outcome of it. As far as our planet is gone we are sitting in the middle of this despite at the larger scale of things.

All statements about help and the future are to show that we are supported and backed up, not that everything is going to happen by someone else. This if anything means "HOLD YOUR LINE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE RIGHT NOW". We will not get everything served on any platter. Do not expect external saviors or to be saved by coincidences, the "Age of Aquarius" or some fairydust of mercy by the future. This is either we do this thing ourselves or we don't.

The Final RTR has to be done mercilessly and daily, so that we are both at ease ourselves, we advance, and we also suffer less and less casualties as a planet. It takes one to only open the news to understand why. One example here is how China is becoming a dystopian place at rapid pace, tech will accelerate this. The plague of the enemy exists on the face of this world, and with their growth and handling, they are trying to undermine this world and gradually transfer all sorts of moral, mental, spiritual, and civilization based plagues in the midst of everyone on earth.

The enemy fights everyday, and they will do until the end. And they will try to do as much as they can. Plus, when reinforces arrive on one side, they may do also on the other.

Our Gods can see the future with clarity and they know what will come, but these estimates are provided we do our own end. If people drop their spiritual and activism efforts, and go to play video games all day, we are to ensure ourselves the begone of our planet and all our freedoms, without turning back.

There is no planet, no external entity, and nobody which can save or even help if people are just sleeping and pacifists. While the Gods have considerable influence in our history and have helped us, this has happened through great people who decided to do the daily work for these things. As such we live in a better world. And if these people did not exist or just deserted challenges, we would be still in some Middle Age slavery, despite of how many crafts hovered around the desolate cities in where people were locked in cages like animal serfs.

If we desert what we have to do now, when our reinforcements arrive, they will only find a wasteland and this is not intended in anyway. Our freedoms have to be supported on a daily basis, and the enemy undermines them every single day. Freedoms not defended are lost, and the same goes for attainments and every form of development.

As the enemy wakes up every morning and like a robot curses us, and curses the world and our planet, so must we, and with more loyalty, reverse these curses, and advance.

Soros will wake up just another morning in his 90's and pay more ads to fill Western nations with even more illegal people who will be used as slave labor by his tribe. Some Islamist Imam will wake up just another day to preach how the hand of a child has to be severed because they stole an apple, because this is what the "Quran" said. Another jew in Jerusalem will go about his usual day repeating again and again how all of the Gentiles are Goyim and read his amidah. Some fat leftist communist in Europe will go wake up another day to ensure that 3000 more foreigners per day are injected into Europe for the great Kalergi plan. More jew missionaries will go to Africa to preach more damnation to African people, and brainwash them as much as possible at the exchange for a few necessities for life.

And the enemy will do this whether this has an effect or not. Clearly, they have been found out, and their attempts are becoming less and less able, but this means only one thing for us: PUSH STRONGER!

And likewise, we have to do what we have to do everyday, because this is working on the highest level and the RTR puts all of the above for erasure and failure.

As a last note, keeping the problematic case of disappearance of progress aside - just think to yourself, what kind of a world we are going to have when the above is no more, and when humanity can finally advance. Both the above in conjunction are visions to have and that make it quite easy to drop any stupid thoughts aside and do what one has to do.

We have wonderful Gods, we have a wonderful world at the verge growing like a flower on a rock. The rock [enemy] can be removed, and we can plant the tree and watch it evolve in peace.

We must make this happen.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

A POWERFUL speech Commander Cobra! :cool:
Lets Rip the enemy down, and break them down brick by brick, we can do this, WE WERE BORN FOR THIS. HAIL SATAN
A really good morning routine that I usually do, is a few rounds of Sun Salutations to raise my energy, RTR, then my cleaning and AoP. The RTR does a lot of cleaning on it's own, removing curses, bindings, and negative energy, and is therefore great to do before aura/chakra cleaning.

HPS Maxine posted about doing it daily to remove curses:

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
In addition to this RTR destroying the enemy, I highly recommend everyone do this for personal benefits for 9 days straight without missing any days in between.

This removes curses off the soul and more. Jews have been cursing Satanists for centuries.

People who have performed this ritual have reported feelings of intense elation, blocked chakras cleared, a tremendous sense of peace and lasting tranquility, chatter of the mind which hinders meditation goes away, and much more.

9 days is required to make it final in removing curses placed upon us by the enemy. This requires reciting each of the words 9 times.

When you finished with the RTR, sit quietly and visualize brilliant bright light like the sun, beginning at the top of your head, scanning and brightening your entire aura and soul, scanning down to your feet, pushing out all of the dross, and brightening your entire aura and soul. Do this 3 times. Immediately afterwards, affirm 3 times:

My aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, and negative and destructive energy directed at me and is immediately returning it to the senders.

Do this for 9 days straight, the full RTR.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
This would probably also be a great day for black Magick too with the energy in the air right now and the planet positions. Anyways I hope everyone did it more on the eclipse while true not as powerful as a full one I more than feel it.

Hail Satan
slyscorpion said:
This would probably also be a great day for black Magick too with the energy in the air right now and the planet positions. Anyways I hope everyone did it more on the eclipse while true not as powerful as a full one I more than feel it.

Hail Satan

One RTR a day, keeps damnation away, and yes, your assessment about the planets is correct. Even this small eclipse was definitely influential.
Nice sermon.
Wouldn't it be only fair if external force help us with external enemy that is much more advenced then we are(like Reptillians enslaved hundreds of planets before us ,so they proly mastered the ability to enslave other races.)

Also, do our gods send some of their people here on earth from time to time, or maybe, there are already some of them here on earth helping us?
So, we are kicking this war off into 6th gear?

So shall it be!

Onwards, to the victory, and ending this plague that is troubling us for millennia!

Lydia said:
A really good morning routine that I usually do, is a few rounds of Sun Salutations to raise my energy, RTR, then my cleaning and AoP. The RTR does a lot of cleaning on it's own, removing curses, bindings, and negative energy, and is therefore great to do before aura/chakra cleaning.

HPS Maxine posted about doing it daily to remove curses:

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
In addition to this RTR destroying the enemy, I highly recommend everyone do this for personal benefits for 9 days straight without missing any days in between.

This removes curses off the soul and more. Jews have been cursing Satanists for centuries.

People who have performed this ritual have reported feelings of intense elation, blocked chakras cleared, a tremendous sense of peace and lasting tranquility, chatter of the mind which hinders meditation goes away, and much more.

9 days is required to make it final in removing curses placed upon us by the enemy. This requires reciting each of the words 9 times.

When you finished with the RTR, sit quietly and visualize brilliant bright light like the sun, beginning at the top of your head, scanning and brightening your entire aura and soul, scanning down to your feet, pushing out all of the dross, and brightening your entire aura and soul. Do this 3 times. Immediately afterwards, affirm 3 times:

My aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, and negative and destructive energy directed at me and is immediately returning it to the senders.

Do this for 9 days straight, the full RTR.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

That sounds a lot like the returning curses 1 and 2 combined. I personally do returning curses 1 and 2 after the final RTR. Do you think that doing this is more efficient or doing the returning curses 1 and 2 every day after the final RTR is more efficient?
Hmm, guys how can I make the RTS stronger, like I do the raum meditation to raise my energies and 9 vibration and 3-4 rituals a day (for now). I can use SATANAS for power to empower the ritual?
Or to do all my meditation routine before the RTS? Or how?
Excellent points. Aside from those who get complacent or worse, lazy, this post also is directed to people might get demotivated from constantly seeing all the stupid in the world. I have had the thought in the back of my head at times where I see so many people who are without just being stupid. Sounds like I'm being harsh but hoooooly crap some people out there are just..... I don't even know how to describe it. All the devout xians/muslims to the lefties who cling on to socialist/communistic ideals. It just gets to the point the thought that comes to mind is "you know what, fuck it, find then suffer your poor future. I don't want to help you." Fortunately that thought never last more than a few seconds though. What pushes me everyday is knowing that my contribution helps and is helping the innocent who suffer from the hands of the enemy especially the ones currently going thru the most horrific experineces. My motivation has been that the most I do and the more constant I am the faster these innocents will be saved and also stop from others from ever falling into that evil. Those thoughts have always stopped me from giving up my part in this war and will continue to motivate me. And now with your post it has made me realize things I haven't thought of and fueled me EVEN MORE to constantly fight hard.

Thank you.

Hail Satan!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hp I love doing rtrs and feel their cleansing effects but right now I can't do rtrs as I don't have much alone time but if I do I will do the rtr can you advice me on what to do? I am planning on getting my own home using my online business and entrepeneurship but for now I don't have much freedom and I feel bad I don't do the rtrs :cry:
Louis Cyphre said:
Nice sermon.
Wouldn't it be only fair if external force help us with external enemy that is much more advenced then we are(like Reptillians enslaved hundreds of planets before us ,so they proly mastered the ability to enslave other races.)

Also, do our gods send some of their people here on earth from time to time, or maybe, there are already some of them here on earth helping us?

We are helping ourselves. This answers your question I believe.
Weassel said:
Hmm, guys how can I make the RTS stronger, like I do the raum meditation to raise my energies and 9 vibration and 3-4 rituals a day (for now). I can use SATANAS for power to empower the ritual?
Or to do all my meditation routine before the RTS? Or how?

You can do your meditation first and then do the RTRs.

3-4 is fine, and enough. 1 is what we should be doing daily no matter what. 3-4 is sufficient for daily work.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
This would probably also be a great day for black Magick too with the energy in the air right now and the planet positions. Anyways I hope everyone did it more on the eclipse while true not as powerful as a full one I more than feel it.

Hail Satan

One RTR a day, keeps damnation away, and yes, your assessment about the planets is correct. Even this small eclipse was definitely influential.

This Full moon and Eclipse had a very strong influence. The day before the Eclipse, I could feel the Moon. The energies gave me a strong sense of inner strength. And when the Eclipse started the humidity in the air just exuberated in the entire city I was in.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When one thinks of future intervention, they should think that the war is here, is happening, and the enemy has power. A lot of power, unimaginable amounts. Even if not spiritually anymore, this is the case in influence and physically. Our efforts rival and our growth shrinks them, and vice versa.

One has to be a liar and an idiot to say that we have won on this current present. On the future, yes, but the future is coming actively and is not set in stone. The more we do, the more this is more clearly engraved in the stone, and the less that is done, the more stone remains without engraving.

The fact that we will require intervention from the outside is not a good sign, but rather, a sign that we require external help. Our planet is not faring on a positive direction and if it did in it's entirety, there wouldn't be a need for us to be having duties to do and require external help.

It's important to understand the exactitude of the situation. When a military unit fights in the front-line on a region that is getting assaulted heavily [Our world in this case] during a brutal war, and the colonels receive information that we are going to have reinforcements coming in, we do not just drop our weapons, go lazy, and go Kumbaya, as there will be a bloodbath and everyone is going to go down.

Instead, you only get a higher morale and fight harder, and you want to ensure to do the best that you can and even fully sweep your enemy, so that when reinforcements arrive, you can proceed better and advance the war. It changes nothing in the outcome of it. As far as our planet is gone we are sitting in the middle of this despite at the larger scale of things.

All statements about help and the future are to show that we are supported and backed up, not that everything is going to happen by someone else. This if anything means "HOLD YOUR LINE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE RIGHT NOW". We will not get everything served on any platter. Do not expect external saviors or to be saved by coincidences, the "Age of Aquarius" or some fairydust of mercy by the future. This is either we do this thing ourselves or we don't.

The Final RTR has to be done mercilessly and daily, so that we are both at ease ourselves, we advance, and we also suffer less and less casualties as a planet. It takes one to only open the news to understand why. One example here is how China is becoming a dystopian place at rapid pace, tech will accelerate this. The plague of the enemy exists on the face of this world, and with their growth and handling, they are trying to undermine this world and gradually transfer all sorts of moral, mental, spiritual, and civilization based plagues in the midst of everyone on earth.

The enemy fights everyday, and they will do until the end. And they will try to do as much as they can. Plus, when reinforces arrive on one side, they may do also on the other.

Our Gods can see the future with clarity and they know what will come, but these estimates are provided we do our own end. If people drop their spiritual and activism efforts, and go to play video games all day, we are to ensure ourselves the begone of our planet and all our freedoms, without turning back.

There is no planet, no external entity, and nobody which can save or even help if people are just sleeping and pacifists. While the Gods have considerable influence in our history and have helped us, this has happened through great people who decided to do the daily work for these things. As such we live in a better world. And if these people did not exist or just deserted challenges, we would be still in some Middle Age slavery, despite of how many crafts hovered around the desolate cities in where people were locked in cages like animal serfs.

If we desert what we have to do now, when our reinforcements arrive, they will only find a wasteland and this is not intended in anyway. Our freedoms have to be supported on a daily basis, and the enemy undermines them every single day. Freedoms not defended are lost, and the same goes for attainments and every form of development.

As the enemy wakes up every morning and like a robot curses us, and curses the world and our planet, so must we, and with more loyalty, reverse these curses, and advance.

Soros will wake up just another morning in his 90's and pay more ads to fill Western nations with even more illegal people who will be used as slave labor by his tribe. Some Islamist Imam will wake up just another day to preach how the hand of a child has to be severed because they stole an apple, because this is what the "Quran" said. Another jew in Jerusalem will go about his usual day repeating again and again how all of the Gentiles are Goyim and read his amidah. Some fat leftist communist in Europe will go wake up another day to ensure that 3000 more foreigners per day are injected into Europe for the great Kalergi plan. More jew missionaries will go to Africa to preach more damnation to African people, and brainwash them as much as possible at the exchange for a few necessities for life.

And the enemy will do this whether this has an effect or not. Clearly, they have been found out, and their attempts are becoming less and less able, but this means only one thing for us: PUSH STRONGER!

And likewise, we have to do what we have to do everyday, because this is working on the highest level and the RTR puts all of the above for erasure and failure.

As a last note, keeping the problematic case of disappearance of progress aside - just think to yourself, what kind of a world we are going to have when the above is no more, and when humanity can finally advance. Both the above in conjunction are visions to have and that make it quite easy to drop any stupid thoughts aside and do what one has to do.

We have wonderful Gods, we have a wonderful world at the verge growing like a flower on a rock. The rock [enemy] can be removed, and we can plant the tree and watch it evolve in peace.

We must make this happen.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Excellent sermon. So be it.
Thank you HP, I didn't look at it from this perspective.

Regarding my second question, I just heard that there is Nordic race having bases under the Antarctic.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Weassel said:
Hmm, guys how can I make the RTS stronger, like I do the raum meditation to raise my energies and 9 vibration and 3-4 rituals a day (for now). I can use SATANAS for power to empower the ritual?
Or to do all my meditation routine before the RTS? Or how?

You can do your meditation first and then do the RTRs.

3-4 is fine, and enough. 1 is what we should be doing daily no matter what. 3-4 is sufficient for daily work.
Well i do my best but the thing is that i cant do the RTRs in weekend because low intimacy, yeah there are some things, but since it will not be too much until i will move move to another house i will be able to do in weekend too
LightAlgur said:
I do one final a day.

But I make sure it’s very loud.

I like it spicy,

Carolina reaper style.

Doing it very loud doesn't give it more power. I've heard this a lot over the years. Idk where people get this idea tbh. As with meditations you have to feel the vibrations and get the right tune. This can be done at normal volume and even quietly. When you play an instrument you don't go for how loud you can do it to make it sound good but just try to get the right tune. Even if you whisper the RTR it'll be the same power as if you yell while doing it.

Lastly make sure not to draw unwanted attention to yourself from your neighbors or whoever is around you when you do the RTR.
Weassel said:
Hmm, guys how can I make the RTS stronger, like I do the raum meditation to raise my energies and 9 vibration and 3-4 rituals a day (for now). I can use SATANAS for power to empower the ritual?
Or to do all my meditation routine before the RTS? Or how?
In addition to what the HP said, you can also do Hatha and Kundalini yoga and various breathing exercises like you would for any other ritual. One thing I do personally is 18 breaths of foundation meditation visualizing Demonic blue energy entering my soul. Raum meditation is also very good and you can increase the amount of reps you do the vibrations gradually. SATANAS to raise your energies can also be done in a way similar to Raum meditation where you vibrate each letter into one of your chakras.

If you really want to feel the energy strongly, try doing up to 6-8 RTRs a day whenever you have enough time. The energy of the RTRs build on top of each other like a pyramid each day in my experience, so if you did 3 in the morning, 5 in the evening, the 5 you do in the evening would feel very powerful and be strengthened by the RTRs done earlier.
Louis Cyphre said:
Nice sermon.
Wouldn't it be only fair if external force help us with external enemy that is much more advenced then we are(like Reptillians enslaved hundreds of planets before us ,so they proly mastered the ability to enslave other races.)

Also, do our gods send some of their people here on earth from time to time, or maybe, there are already some of them here on earth helping us?

I think this is how the Gods will help us, by preventing the greys and reptilians to destroy us. We have to deal with the jews and do basically what we have done until now, but in higher amounts, more RTRs and preferable more activism for who has enough time.

As for the "people of the Gods", they are already here. I'm quite sure that many of us have been with Satan in our previous lives.
I worry.. I can still do more of the Final RvR during Mercury Retrograde ? Can it still work during a Retrogrades ?
I worry because I’m still learning about them anyway.
So now I’ll stick to doing more than I do each day as I can.
for those of us who have extra free time, and are able, would 7 to 10 rtrs be a good thing to aim for? depending on the day? i do 3 to 4 rtrs everyday no matter what. was just curious.
And because of this reason too! :lol: :lol:

Amping up the Rtrs. No point in enjoying lots of free time if its done knowing that the world is going even more jewier than it already is.

Hail Satan
The more we do now, the faster this will manifest. If I'm not mistaken? It's analogues to teamwork on a project with to little resources and manpower, it will be done, but it will take a lot of time to reach it, be tiresome and de-moralizing for some, but it will be done. With a twist of events, motivation and energies will be high, and the project will be finished faster than expected, as soon as more resources and manpower is prioritized to the project.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We must make this happen.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Great Sermon.

Here is a youtube channel, lots of videos exposing Xians fooling the poor and gullible in India. https://www.youtube.com/user/noconversion
this is what the Xian missionaries are doing in India and almost every 3rd world nation.
One just has to watch one of these videos to end Xian influence on oneself :lol:

Hail Satan!!!
hailourtruegod said:
LightAlgur said:
I do one final a day.

But I make sure it’s very loud.

I like it spicy,

Carolina reaper style.

Doing it very loud doesn't give it more power. I've heard this a lot over the years. Idk where people get this idea tbh. As with meditations you have to feel the vibrations and get the right tune. This can be done at normal volume and even quietly. When you play an instrument you don't go for how loud you can do it to make it sound good but just try to get the right tune. Even if you whisper the RTR it'll be the same power as if you yell while doing it.

Lastly make sure not to draw unwanted attention to yourself from your neighbors or whoever is around you when you do the RTR.

Normal vibration voice + big intention + focus + raised energies = Great RTR.

It can also be done for those who lack space in whispers or mentally. But if you have space go for the normal voice. No strains needed.

It doesn't have to be perfect but the above would be ideal. Also, thanks everyone for your comments.
serpentwalker666 said:
for those of us who have extra free time, and are able, would 7 to 10 rtrs be a good thing to aim for? depending on the day? i do 3 to 4 rtrs everyday no matter what. was just curious.

I recommend 3-4 a day as a top goal unless we are to go on a rampage such as on specific dates. This is because to not tire your throat or put too much stress on anything.

One should gradually build from 1.

1 is what everyone should be doing. Whispering, low voice, even mentally, does definitely work. Under any form 1 is what we should be doing as a given, 3 or 4 the ideal.

Doing it daily is important. Doing like 10 once every 25 days does less compared to 1 every single day.
RoseWolf said:
I worry.. I can still do more of the Final RvR during Mercury Retrograde ? Can it still work during a Retrogrades ?
I worry because I’m still learning about them anyway.
So now I’ll stick to doing more than I do each day as I can.

Just read all the material about the RTRs posted on the boards.

The RTR works under any planetary condition, and can be done with full success anytime.
mercury_wisdom said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hp I love doing rtrs and feel their cleansing effects but right now I can't do rtrs as I don't have much alone time but if I do I will do the rtr can you advice me on what to do? I am planning on getting my own home using my online business and entrepeneurship but for now I don't have much freedom and I feel bad I don't do the rtrs :cry:

I removed something you shouldn't share online from this.

Whisper it or do it mentally, it works the same.

Make sure you also meditate daily. You do not need to make any sound to meditate. You can meditate when you appear to be asleep.
Artanis said:
And because of this reason too! :lol: :lol:

Those bastards are so insane and full of hate that even an entire political group was not enough to satisfy their need for soylent dominance so they turned on each other, LEL.
serpentwalker666 said:
for those of us who have extra free time, and are able, would 7 to 10 rtrs be a good thing to aim for? depending on the day? i do 3 to 4 rtrs everyday no matter what. was just curious.

Is possible to do more RTRs and do it 8, 9 or 10 times, you just have to be careful to not exceed your capacity and not burn yourself.
That’s not what I meant.

hailourtruegod said:
Doing it very loud doesn't give it more power. I've heard this a lot over the years. Idk where people get this idea tbh. As with meditations you have to feel the vibrations and get the right tune. This can be done at normal volume and even quietly. When you play an instrument you don't go for how loud you can do it to make it sound good but just try to get the right tune. Even if you whisper the RTR it'll be the same power as if you yell while doing it.

Lastly make sure not to draw unwanted attention to yourself from your neighbors or whoever is around you when you do the RTR.
Wotanwarrior said:
serpentwalker666 said:
for those of us who have extra free time, and are able, would 7 to 10 rtrs be a good thing to aim for? depending on the day? i do 3 to 4 rtrs everyday no matter what. was just curious.

Is possible to do more RTRs and do it 8, 9 or 10 times, you just have to be careful to not exceed your capacity and not burn yourself.

Yeah it's great to do this sometimes but you probably won't do it every day nor should you push yourself to cause you might end up hating the rtr if you do that. Then doing nothing for a bit. Great if you have more motivation on someday or if you see something that is a point of power in Astrology. 1-2 is minimum and doing something 3-4 is great. Remember this do more when you can and have more motivation less when you have less motivation but always do something is the point.
hailourtruegod said:
Excellent points. Aside from those who get complacent or worse, lazy, this post also is directed to people might get demotivated from constantly seeing all the stupid in the world. I have had the thought in the back of my head at times where I see so many people who are without just being stupid. Sounds like I'm being harsh but hoooooly crap some people out there are just..... I don't even know how to describe it. All the devout xians/muslims to the lefties who cling on to socialist/communistic ideals. It just gets to the point the thought that comes to mind is "you know what, fuck it, find then suffer your poor future. I don't want to help you." Fortunately that thought never last more than a few seconds though. What pushes me everyday is knowing that my contribution helps and is helping the innocent who suffer from the hands of the enemy especially the ones currently going thru the most horrific experineces. My motivation has been that the most I do and the more constant I am the faster these innocents will be saved and also stop from others from ever falling into that evil. Those thoughts have always stopped me from giving up my part in this war and will continue to motivate me. And now with your post it has made me realize things I haven't thought of and fueled me EVEN MORE to constantly fight hard.

Thank you.

Hail Satan!!

I would agree with you and as much as I would love to see some of those people suffer on their own from their stupidity remember this. We too are part of this planet if it all goes down as far as I know we die with it and go down or become slaves as well. I don't think any of us want that fate. Since none of us are likely at a level we can incarnate somewhere else (even any of the other Earth like human like civilizations ) we are stuck here. So yes we have to keep doing this and trying no matter how dumb some people are. We can't give up.

Also wouldn't it be great to watch those idiots fail at the new world that we create and laugh about it too. While they are all freaked out cause they miss their master the Jews. Think like this it will cheer you up. We have to fight keep up the good work.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
